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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1922, p. 1

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~1~ Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARJO, JUNE 29, 1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. SUMMER'FROCKS Are Refreshingly Dainty Their airy loveliness is as refreshing to the eyes as their ý97ýezy coolness is comfortable to the wearers. Though the lines of these Frocks are simple, they are often attractively garnished with delicate bits of handwork, lace or ribbon. "Exquisite" you'1l say when you see them. No Wardrobe is Complete wmithout a selection of dainty summner blouses. There are times when nothing will take their place. And you'll welcome such times when you see the multitude of beauties we have here, Crepe de .Chenes ,Georgettes and Voiles vie in their ch arm, developed in dainty colors attractively embroidered and beaded. . ~ .......... Bowman ville Chautauqua JULY 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, il Six Joyous Days Filled with Splen-did Music, Clean 'and Humorous Entertainment, Inspiring anid Instructive Lectures. A Comrinunity Event for Ail. SOME 0F THE PROGRAM FEATURES: Hon. Philip Whitwell Wilson Former Member British Parlia Ferguson Operatie Quintette Mr. John Duxbury, England's Reader Herbert Macfarren Instrumental( Perci Val Vivi The Em-rbers Maie Quartette of Los Angeles-Mr. Gabriel Hines, Composer-Pianist ýment Miss Hazel. Huntington ilrnsPgatTeC qut oPac Noted New York Opera and Concert CilrnsPgatTeCnusso ec Greatest Prima Donna Soprano Tom Skeyhill, Noted Australian Orator Dr. George W. Kerby of Calgary Chester Foster Rand ýuartette Lieurance's Cremona Orchestra an -Broadway Players in the Great Comedy, "Her Own Money" Season Tickets NOW on Sale None Sold After Chautauqua Opens Aduits, $2.75 Children, $1.35 Including War Tax IT SVESMONEY TO BUY ITSEASON TICKETS J GET YOURS NOWI Our Slogan: "We Will Fi the Tent With 1 Season Ticket Holders ! " Iý THRIFTY PEOPLE ALWAYS. BUY SEASON TICKETS GET YOURS TO-DAY! BAY 0F' QUINTE CONFRENCEj GREAT EVENT NEXT WEEK Final Draft el Stations IAil is in readiness for the big week of Chautauqua starting next Wed- Changes for the final draft of the nesday atfernoon at Public Sehool Bay of Quinte Conf erene: Grounds. Very glowing reports are 11ev, G. R. Clare, President of Con- coming in from Renfrew, Niagara ference, Little Britain; 11ev. A. H. Falls, and other places where Chau- Foster, Seretary of conference , Nap- tauqua has already started stating anee; 11ev. J. S. 1. Wilson, Secretary that without a doubt is the best of stationing Committee, Cobou.rg. programn ever presented. Bowman Belleville District---Belleville, Dr. E.j ville patrons may therefore plan for N. Baker, Albert College, Belleville, another big feast of literary andt (Holloway Street); Alfred Brown, musical talent each day from July 44 Hilîside street; Sidney, Wm.. E. 5 to 11, inclusive. Honey (R. F. D. No. 5, Belleville), G. N. Thurston and bis publicity Chairman; W. Elliott, Financial Sec- committee have scattered advertising retary; E. F. Farnsworth, Secretary folders, cards and streamers near and E. and S. S.; F. E. Mallott. far which tell ail about the artists and Napanee Distrct-Napanee (Tria- their- accomplishments. J. A. Me- ity), A. H. Foster; Morven, W. R. Clellan and his force of ticket sellersj Merrick (Napanee R. R. No. 1); New- are also busily engaged each day seIl-i buh.g, George Nickle; Odessa and ing season tickets to eager purchasers Wilton, S F. Dîxon; Bath, A. C. Hoff- at $2.75 aduits and $1.35 childrens. manl; Roblin, C. J. Wilson; 'Plevna, Buy a season ticket-it pays. A. A. Doxee; Chairman, A. J. Terrill; It is a distinct privilege to have1 Secretary E. and S. S.. W P Woodger; Chautauqua corne to your town-1 Secretary R. E. , W. H. Clarke; Sec-. take advantage of it and eajoy every retary E. D., G. Nickle. entertalament to fullest extent. Picton District-Bloomfield, G. R. MacQuade; Consecepfl, Il C. Wol- RGÂ AN OCR fraim; Chairman, J. U. Robins; Fin -______BNDONER ancial Secretary, J. D. B. Knox; Sec- Citizens turned out in large num- retré .adS . .Syor Sec- bers 'and thoroughly enjoyed the1 etary R. E., J. J. Mellor; Secretarylseni E. D., W. Dafoe ofeni concert given by Chamber Commerce Band last Frîday even-1 Brighton District-Chairman, W. ing at the Town Park. Followiag isj G. Clarke; Financial Secretary, R. program for Friday, June Sth: A. Delve; Secretary E. and S. S., R. T. ~ God Save The King. Richards; 'Secretary R. F., J. Beck; i--March --On Duty. Secretary E. D., H. W. Foley. 2-Serenade-Evening Shadows. Cobourg District-Port Hope, J3Waltz-Mello Cello. W. Baird; Rosenenth, A. R. Walsh; 1 4 Selection-Tannhauser, Charman, J. S. I. Wilson; Financial 5-Comîng Through the Rye. Secre ary, F. W. White; Secretary E. Intermission and S. S, C. C. Washington; Secretajry1 1-March State Militia. R E., H. A. Buat; Secretary, E. D., 2-.-Serenade-One Thought, of Thee. J. W. Baird. 3-Waltz-Love's Devotion. Bowmanvîlle District-Newcastle, 4-Spring Song-ýMendelssohn. E. B. Cooke, (H. S. Spence super-1 5-Robin Adaîr. aanuated one year;) Newtonvîlle, E.1 The Maple Leaf FPorever. W. Tink, left without station at hisi Mr. H. C. Durgin, own request. Chairman, S. C.1 Musical Director. iMoore; Financial Seretary, A. M. i__________________ IIrwin; Secretary, E. and S. S., R.j G. Carruthers; Secretary, R. E., W, 1Secretary R. E., R. C. Hie; Secretary W. Jones; Secretary E. D., J. H. Me-, E. D., M. E. Wilson. Bain, - Peterb oro District-Peterboro Whitby- Dstrict-Whitby, C. Ad-! (Mark Street.), George E. Ross, 3781 ams, superannuated one year at own Mark Street; Lakefield, C. S. Red-j request; Myrtle and Columbus, H-. J.1 dick; Pontypool, H. Wilson; Chair-, Latimer. Chairman, F. H. Howard;' man, S. T. Tucker. Secretary E. and S.- S., E. W.- Ronr-. Campbellf ord - District-.-Stirling,4 land; Secretary, R E., T. A. Carmich- James lloskin, superannuated; Keene, ael; Secretary, E. D., J. F. Everson. 'A. McLaughlin; Chairman, H. B. Cannington District-Little Brit- Keny; Finiancial Secretary, J. Bat- ain, E. McCutcheon; Victoria Road, 1stoile; Secretnry E. and S. S., S. A. J. H. Beck. Chairmar, G. R. !Kemp, Secretary R. E., A. McLaugh- Clare; Financial Sècretiiry, A, San-!i lin; Secretaiy E. D., M. L. Hinton. derson; Secretary, R. E., J. J. Mc-; Madoc District-Thomasburg, G. Kee; Secretary E. D., E. Harston. C. Grant; Eldorado, J. M. White; Lindsay District-Janetville, W. 1 Queensboro, E. D. B. Sexsmith; Mont- IR Tanton; Dunsford, J. R. Trumpour;! eagle, W. Honre; Hybla, (R. R. No. Bobcaygeon, A. C. Hie; Gooderham, 11, Box 32) ; Chairman, W. Higgs; J. W. Ogden, without station at own' Financial Secretary, L S. Wight; request. Chairman, C. W. Barrett; Secretary E. and S. S., D .'1 Clare; Finaneial Secretary, R. F. Stilîmnan; Secretary R. E., C. D. Daniels; Sec- Secretary E., and S. S., A. Brown; retary E. D., R. G., Thompson. No. 26 BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE 11ev. Chas. Adams was granted superannation for oae year. As usual the stationing committee was confronted with perplexing prob- lems for which the invitation systemE was partly responsible. An appeal f or the raising of the raising of the minimum salary from $i1,500 to 4$1,650 will be forwarded to the general conference. Principal E. N. Baker of Albert College uttered this truth: We waat more democracy, but if it is not edu- cated it is the worst system on earth. Dr. Baker reported splendid pro- gress for Albert Collegeý at Belevil1e The board is asking for $250,00 more. to complete erection of build- ings. To investigate and report on the record of isoldier probationers this committee was named: Revs. S. C.j Moore, A. M. Irwin, Geo. C. R. Mc-1 Quade. ' 11ev. Dr. C. T. Scott, B. A., D. D., delivered four -sermons during devo-1 tional hours at Conference and mem- bers.unanimously requested thah they be publîshed. 11ev. W. H. Barraclough, B. A., of Lindsay and 11ev. J. H. McBain, B.* A., Oshawa, were introduced to Con- ference and received a very cordial reception. They were new-comers Iast year. These men who have completed 50 years la the ministry were heard in jubilee addresses: Revs. E. N. Baker, Francis Johaston, Samuel Fer- guson, E. R. Howard, Roger Ah and Simon~ Cruickshanks. mn Amusement was created when mn isters asked that $800 per annum bef allowed for horse or motor where transportation is necessary la the cir- cuit. The recommendation was pass- ed on to General Coaference. Mr. J. M. Greene of Peterboro, the retiring president of the Laymen'si Association, gave a very excellent and impressive address on family prayer that gripped the members in a way that they will long remember. With the desire to get more pub- licity for church news la the news- papers 11ev. H. W. Foley, W. Higgs, R. G. Carruthers, J. U. Robins, R. A. Delve, and Messrs. M . A. James, Geo. A. Kingston, 0O. M. Alger, H. W. Ireland were chosen a Publicity Committee. 11ev. John Cobura, Field Secretary Department of Evangelism and Social Service, snid "The manhood of the country is waiting for the church to challenge it to a big job". Christian people shouldstand lîke the rock of Gibraltar for the public-men of our country who are tryiag to do what is right for the good of the Province and the Dominion. Thursday afternoon memorial ser- vices were held for 11ev. Gilbert Hor- ton of Belleville, 11ev. E. E. Howard of Brighton, and Rev. Dr. J. J. Rare ,formerly Principal of Ontario Ladies' College at Whitby. Repre- sentatives of DeDartmental offices ad- dressed conference Thursday' after- noon. Dr. F. W. Fallis, Manager of Methodist Book Room, Dr. C. B. Manning of the Methodist Missionary Society, and 11ev. F. W. Dean of the Finance departmnent of the Meth- odist Church. Wednesday C onference got into full swing, commencîng wîth a prayer meeting led by 11ev. A. H. Foster of Belleville. Routine business matters occupied the day. The evening meeting was the anniversary of the Education Society, and of the, Depart- ment of Religlous Education. Mr. F. S. Deacon of Belleville, was the chairman. Addresses were delivered by 11ev. Dr. E. N. Baker, Principal1 of Albert College, and 1ev. Archer Wallace, assistant editor of the Sun- day School publications. The first public meeting was on Tuesday evening when the subject was Evangelism and Social Service. Mr. F.- S. Sutcliffe, well-known busi- ness man of Lindsay, occupied the chair, and gave a brief address stat- iag that the keynote of activities of cli organizations, fraternal, commer- cial and otherwise. is service, help- fulness to the other fellow, and that it is imperative that the Christian Church of today shahl catch the gleam, and follow the same vision, 'eaisting mea to support its work along this, line. Probationers for the mînistry to re- main on trial are: A. G. Gay, J. H. Beck, H. A. Mellow, D. G. Mount-1 eer, S . H. Theed, L. W. W. Scott, R. B. Neal, A. W. V. Hardy, S.S Miller, F. G. McTavîsh, J. W. Wil- kinson, A. G. Finnie, R. J. Bell, J. M. Deck, C. A. R. Armstrong, G. Corucli, Johnston & Cryderman, BowmanvIlle Phoneo 14 Limiteci A CR0 WDED CHAUTAUQUA TENT SIGNIFIES A WIDE-AWAKE TOWN PEOPLE ARE KNOWN AND JUDGED BY THE ENTERTAINMENT THEY CHOOSE WE HAý-VE CHOSEN THE BEST MM UNVEILING 0F BRONZE TABLET Impressive Ceremony Held in St.- John's Church. Very simple, yet strikingly impres- sive, befitted thé wonderful war re~- cord of the congregation, was the ser- vice which accompanied the unveil- ing of the beautiful memorial tablet at St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday morning when the church was filled to its capacîty. After the regular wreligious exer- cises had been conducted by Rev. C. P. Muirhead,' Rector, he rend the 142 names inscribed on the tablet of whom 24, had paid the supreme sacrifice. General James McBrien, C. M. G., Chief of Staff, Ottawa, in his prelim- inary remarks to unveiling the tablet said he felt unworthy of the task which he had been called upon to per- f orm yet he considered it a privilege to be present and take part and pay his tribute to those who served in the great war. Considering the size of the congregation the General snid he considered the large number enlîst- ing from this congregation constitut- ed a record, and was an evidence of the patriotism which burns so strong- ly la the hearts of the citizens of Bowmanville. He emplored ail citi- zens to dedicate' themselves to the task of completing the work for which these mea served and gave their lives by serving our country and Empire, for, by so doing, we would keep faith with those who have flot corne back. A guard of honor under the com- mand of Major G. C. Bonnycastie gave a distinctly military tinge to the ceremony and added greatly to the impressiveness of the service. Im- mediately f ollowing the unveiling the thrilling notes of the U1Last Post', were sounded by Bugler Henry El- legett. The Rector ofi'ered a brief prayer, and the congregation joiaed la the National Anthem. It was particularly appropriate that 11ev. T. A. Nind of Markham, a former highly esteemed and beloved rector of St. John's, should be pre- sent on this memorable occasion, for it was during his ministry in this parish that most of the men enlist- ed. He based his sermon on l2th chapter Hebrews, 'Wherefore seeing we' also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses...let us rua with patience the' race that is set before us'. The greatest wealth, he said, was not found in material things but in traditional thiags. and we should endeavor to give the same traditions to our chîldren which in- spired these mea whom we are hon- oring to-day to enlist. Mr. Nind re- viewed la a reminisceat manner the early dnys'of the war as it affected this congregation and its members as they enlisted and lef t one by one to serve their King and Country. In his closing remarks he emplored ail to rua with patience the race set be- fore us and look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of 'our faith and carry into our every day lif e a life of unselfishness and righteousness. Members of the G. W. V. A. were largely represeated at the service be- iag under the ceommnnd of Dr. V. H. Storey and Major W. J. Hoar who were escorted to and from the chureh by the Bowmnnville Chamber of Commerce Band. Mayor H. L. Quinn and members of the Town Council attended the ser- vice in a body. General John Hughes and Col. L. T. McLaughlin, C.- M. G., D. S. O., also occupied seats of honor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE ROLL 0F HONOUR Etarr Il Fell In- Action Bee Carinpiing R Cochrane T Cousins E 'Curran T Edgerton EH H-ughes W Ireland D Ireland H Jackson W Jones RY Kershaw 1K ingF Living A H- Luxton'O Martin K C Moses H Oxley A palmer X Smith J Tait R, W Wilson R A Wrenn A -DE These Served AlvinDE Annison T Bailey R S Batning R Bartlett H Beith G A Bell J E, Best R lionnycastie G C Bowers W iirookliam A E Brummei J E Biurns J Carey D Carey H Carter G Carruthers T Carruthers W Cartwright T Chiids J ChurchililIP Cooper A Cooper W Hl Cose A Coulter Florence Cousina IR Crossman A Cryderia.n 1Y lDarch E Dath J Davis R Davis J Davies J Dew R Dustan T Edgerton J Edgerton H Ellegett c P sr Eliegett C P jr1 Ellegett H- Flaxman G E Pewster A C Fowier H French J B Fry H Gearing J Gibson G Goodaîl J Goodwin C H-all C Hlatley J H-eywood C Haimes T flumpage G ail lit

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