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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1922, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29th., 1922 LEGAL 'M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to lan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. fIARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYJ -Money te boan. Bo6nds for sale. VOffices: Bleakley Block, King Street. Bowmanville Ontario. P'hones: Office 102, House ý343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- -ville Methodist Church, is prepared tc take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult. lare. For terms phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Oold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel EZospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and ~Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- uianville, Phone 108. 1C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medîcal Colege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's lorxner residence on Church-st., ,Bow- inanvilIe. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J». C. DEVITT 'Utaduate of Royal Dental. College, Toronto. Office; King-st. East, Bow- ,manvillle. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone,90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ifonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- 'Versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to Practice in Ontario and the Domin- Ion. Dentistry in ah bits branches. Office-King-st., Bowmanville Opposîte Bank of Montreal Phone 301 ýOPTOMETRY RM-.MITCHELL Op)tometrist 1?egisteredSRy Examination Specializ- ing in errors of'Refraction and Mus- cular'Imbalances., Latest Methods, Modern Equipment. Office-R. M., Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store Bowmanville Ont.1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. 'Most complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended te. Bowmanv11e phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono.- THEO, M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Speclaity. 'Terme moderate. 1-tf EnnisklIen P. O. Phone 197-rg. VETERINARY DR. F. T. -TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or N.fl..jJulls -. elivlv tvt. J. TJ Office, King-st., W., Statesmoan Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Contracter i cement work, bouse foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 1- SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any tîme. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawak and Toronto, AUCTIONEER WILL.ý T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Spiecialty. Live Stock and farms for sale. Phono 167-14, 3-t M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO LUROPE-Canadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- -ican. Ask for information, Phone 53, Bowmanville. Agen*%Jcy. All lines of PIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door West of the «"Big ÈO" 1Uowmanville Ontar'io. THE FARMER'S WIFE BWAVLECATUU By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL . B., 1 JULY 5th TO JHUY lIth Denver, Colorado. A poiated and succinct question, based on the psychology of Mother, Love, was ecently addressed te the roaders of a magazine of wide cir- culation called "The Farmor's Wife". The question and answers are of wide interest te both -the Canadian and American public. The question propouilded was: "If you had a daugliter of marriagable age, would you, in'the ligbt of your own experience, want bier te marry a fariner?" It seems there were some seven thousand answers eturned by farm- ers' wives from all sections of tbis country and Canada. It is good te ho able te state that ninety-four per cent of the aaswers were in the aaffirmative. This should put a duietus on the pessimist, who is over railing against farm if e.' It is te be hoped that tbe result of tbis ; friendly cotest will give courage te' tbose se 'much in need of it at this time. Hardly any one wouid have Mr. Herbert Macfarren imagiaed or believed that the per- ycentage of the answers would have Brilliant young pianist, graduate of -been se overwhelmingly onc-sided as the Royal Conservatory, London, EnS.. îthe expeiment proved, especially at land, s scheduhed for two -appeai% ftbis time wben the lot of tbe farmer aces at Chautauqua this summer, is 50 bard and persistingly adverse as it is, and bas been, sinco the close of the great war. The heur f or 1CHAUTAUQUA PRAISED BY this experiment was ene, wbea the AGNES LAUT farmer is more "under tbe harrow", than lho bas been in all bis life. Noted Author Publishes Excellent Surely the agricultural outlook was Article in MacLean's Magazine net very roseate. The farmer has tbenefitted hess from the çconomic me- "The Chau'auqua is an absolutely volution wrought by the war, than open forum", declares Miss Agnes C. the industrialist in any other calling, Laut in June issue of "MacLean'a for hoe was first te sufer from the Magazine" in wbicb sbe tells many deflation following~ peace. One amusing experiences while lecturing c-ouid well believe that the f ammem's on one of the western circuits of tbe helpmate in the Spring of this year Dominion Chautauquas hast summer. Miight have a well defined grievance "Chautauqua stands for ne chais, of lier owa against government and creed, race", continues Miss Laut. society; but it seems she is buiht of a "It is open te ahI chasses, al creeds, difl'oront fibre and takes the bad with ail races, if they have a message in the good. Farm if e helps te make Iveice, story, lecture, play, music hiem self-reliant and buoyat; if it which will help, inform, instruct, on- don't, heaven holp the city dweller. lighton ,entertain the hearers. It The answems returned were fromn stands for ne special propaganda, the heart and hogical te a degree. and yet for ail propoganida that will The writers wrete from their own help the race, Its key-note is joy experience and observation on the and its motive is inspiration, whether farm. For examiple. from the first- through a wholesome laugb, aew prize winner, a Connecticut farmer's facts, new liglit on facts, or pure on- wif e, we quote:*, tertainment; but entertaining the in- "Our government is awakiag te spiration must lio, and inspirational «the fact that the fammer is te be the entertainiag must ho, reckoned witb in our national poli- "Ia the Chautauqua money is net cies. Our home demonstration the motive. Chautauqua lias neyer agents are showing' us farm womea been a money maker"l. how te make beceming and inexpen- It is reported from authoitrative sive ciothing; the automobile is mak- sources that mouîe Chautauquas will ing tpossible te do and see many in- ho held in Canada this summer than teresting things-aad get home for ee eoe n l niain r "chores". On- many a lonely- farm, that a larger number of people will our club workers are teuchiag the attend, se popuhar has become this lives of boys and girls, iaspiring them f orm of summer entertaiamient, wbich with keen interest ia their work and 1 sjs i oeta oeetr surroundings. Last, but net east, tainment. the farmer is arousod as hoe nover has been and is speaking for himself. When hoe shail have spoken- wisely, enougli, I hope the great lack in the1 LAW ENFORCEMENT DECALO- life of our f arm woen to-day- GUE ready monoy---wilh ho filled, and she I will have machinery te relieve the l 1. Thou shaît not neglect te givo drudgery of bier work, and eppor- foremost place te thiiie obligations tunity te enjoy some of the niceties' as a citizen of Canada. of hif e. It is their due. To sucli 2, Thou shaît not fail te famil- a life I would gladly give mny daught- iarize thysoîf witli'the laws of thine or"ý. ewn country. "I love the country; take a keen 3. Thou shai. net treat ligbtly or intemest in fammer folk; admire their facetieusly the violation of one jet sincority, quick sympathies, and sane or.titie of the haw. and dean thinking. I find true on- 4. Thou shaît mako a vow unto jeyment in the changing soasens; the thysoîf te obey the spirit as xvell as spot wbere hblîdren find the first the letter of the law. hepatica; the bird songs; the beauti-J 5. Thou shaît definitely aim te ful colorings of the skies, the refrosb-, croate in thy community a sentiment ing sping water; the feeling of near- favorable te law enforcement. ness te the Creator of all things good 6. Thou shaht upbold the hands of and beautiful. "Because of this' thy law enforcement officiais. and because I am an America.n Pst- neot, I should like te pass this legacyý 7. Thou shaît persuade the editors on te my daughter's chîdren" of tby local papers that it is their duty te publisb those facts and tmutbs that Now, from the consensus of the make for the observance of tbe law. answers ia the affirmative, can be 8. Thou shaît prevail upon. tby gathered arguments, seldom adduced preachers, thy public school and Sun- ha favor of country life; and it. '5 day Sehool teachers and nîl thy noticeable that the women answoring friends and fehhow townsmea te talk, have denît largely on the advantages think, sing and work for law ouferce- te cbihdmen of being bornanad roamed ment. ou the farm. Cildreu grow up with 9. Thou shaît seek te wia the en- their hf e werk sud lean early the thusiastic co-opemation in the law-en- value of honest labor. Kindness forcement campaiga alh tby fellow cit-' and geathoness are developed, wo are izens, and ospocially the newly en- told, by came of depeadeat young life, franchised women cf thine acquain- and chihdrea leara te assume respen- tance. sibility as earhy as they leara te play. 10. Thou shaît keep diligently all And theme is a - tremendous joy of working with naturo's creative these commandiments that thy nation forces. may continuno te fiourish and ho s great liglithouse that sbeddeth rad- The negativo answers dwell heavily iance upon ail the world. on the uncertainities ot f arm if e, the ineoualities of the law, foreio'rn lanloris-ndgred f"1andÎords RICE LAKE CAMP PROGRAM ia taking the last dollar frem the ten- ant. The program for the Rice Lake ScienceLeadership Training Camp is being, bcec as doue a groat deal for circulated, and the cemimittee is re- the farmer's wif o, undeuhtedly, and ceiving cengratulatiens on wliat is it is net througli witb its deings. The probabhy as streng an assembhage of farmer lias loarned the lesson of late beys' leaders evor- -preseuted for a that lu unity thoreis streugth, econ- similar camp. emic Istrengtb, political strengtb. Ho Jack Miner of bird fame beads the' is having bis inniugs at Washington list, and lis name will stir a desire in and at Ottawa these days. IT WAS a geed many beys and mon te ho TIME. there, tee. Walter Knox, the ceachi true pospeoiy i he Canadian Olympie toam is an- these agrieultural counres without cided amtavtosn. In ne ~list ho ado a prosperous agraruanpouain appears aise the names cf sucb wehh-' known leaders as R. B. Ferris, Walter A BUNDLE OF MAXIMS Smaill cf Peterbemo, L. E, Zavitz, O. ________ IH. McDonald sud Canon Sawers of Euglisli sdliol-boy bas assembled Cobourg; while C. F. Plewman a camp, a lot of our best-knowu proverbs: director is a very welcome announce- "Pets can't caîl a kettle black. mont te nîll wbo knQw the genial sud "Find the needie in the stack. capable Seretary for Boys' Work for, "A stitch in time a ninth wiîî save, Ontario.1 "The fair go only te the bravo. The Cobourg Rotary Club is busihy' "Take a book before you leap. egge ntasern aual "Still are waters that rua deep. beautiful site into a splendidly pro- ":Broth is spoilt by many ceoks. pared sud equipped camping place. " Greet a gift-horse not with hooks. The Promotion Committee report a "Lanes without a tumu are long. decided interoat being takea in the "Thingns uuited the~n are stong. project ail througb the country. "Wait for ne man time and tide. Everything peints te the camp beiug "Falls come oftea after pride. an assured success from the first. "Blind tbe bliud dan nover lead I "Hasten more sud make hess speed. If you sufer fmem biliousuess, con- :Dgse e eetdbus stipation, headache, aervousness, sal- "Ghassbouse-dwellems, tbrow net how complexion, boss of appetite, bad stones! taste in mouth, Tanlac sud TanIse "I muist cease-for I arn teld Vegetable Pilîs wibl certainly straight- "Speech is sihveui, silence gold !" eut. Jury & Lovell. Il 'j (I *RÊM Âif "FOR YOUR SCALP" A saf e preparation, entirely free from oil, grease, colorîng matter or alcohol, that quickiy and thoroughly relieves dandruif and prevents the hair from falling.' Ask your druggist or write direct Good ].Judgment The wise business man doesn't tempt fate. H1e takes no chances with circumstances over which he has no control. INSURANCE is lis bulwark aainst disaster. Disaster is always threatening you, whether it be in the forrn of accident, fire, death, theft, busi- ness losses, etc. . -~-; Let insurance protect you £rorn these un- avoidable occurrences. It will relieve you of much care and worry. J. J. MASODN &SOýe0N Real Estate and Jnsurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville Are You Too Busy? To Icorne to rny store and select your meat per- sonally? Then use the phone-225--and your orders wili be attended to just the same as if -you stood in front of >our -counter. It dosen't rnake any diff erence whether you lv-e in the country or town. the meat-pronîptly. We see that you get Why Net Try The Dudley Meat Shop?> Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, bouse 272 Bowmanville r Now and Then T HERE wiil be an added zest to your enjoyment .to-day i at the sanie time you are establishing financial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what old age wiII need, Open a savings account with this Bank now. THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, . . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock, ,. .. E. A. Preston, Manager New'castle and Newtonville Branches -1J Scott Montiromery, Manager Do Y ou Want tIo Cut Y our Chore Time in Haif?7 In the ordinary work of the farm you must pump more than a ton of water a day. Why take the timne and trouble te do this work wben the wind will do it for you free. A Toronto Windmil will cut your çhore timein haif. Makermoney for you. And 1 can recommend it as an efficient worker. It needs little attention outsi4e çm occasional oilng. Andi t cests noth- igte sun. And If you want a real water service, with rinnng water under pressure evemy- ehere you'il b e interested la Toronto Pumnps and Toronto Water Systems. Lot me tell you about them. CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker, Phone 350-rl3 Hampton POULTRY NEW Without a dLoubt we have.,the best and larges variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodh ouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and Hen Charcoal Qyster Sheil, Grit, Baby Chick Grit Lowest prices at ahl times and special prices for large quantities. PHIONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE The National Food- ICE C'REAM Statisties show that there is more ice cream con- sumed in Caniada than in any other country. Probably that's one of several reasons why this country is the healthiest in the world. And Ice Cream is the national food because it is ,the food of ail classes, You find it eaten by poor and ricli alike, because it cornes within the means of everybody. It graces the banquet table and it is the nourish- ing dish for the orphan child. And you'l like ours because it has al the wholesome and palat- able quialities demanded of good Ice Cream. CHITI1%BKR The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowrnanville We Are Specialists This is an agye specialists in of, specialists and we are PLUMBING TINSMITHING STEAM FITTING You receive unexcelled service when you leave your o'rder with us. We have the largest staff of plumbers in town who are able to do efficient work prornptly and satisfactory. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville EXTRA GOOD SEED CORN Direct from t he growers at Essex, free from disease and of good germinating quiality. the leading varieties. Al Order now. WE ARE NOW SELLING Best Manitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc, Always best quality and right price. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do all kinds of -chopping and crushing on short notice. Prompt motor delivery to Bowmanville and Oshawa. CHAS. HORN Phone 129r6 Hamnpton 1' f I ,~ r J J 4 ) J

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