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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1922, p. 3

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LAMidsumm#pr Night's Dance Will be a Dream provided you have the Right Man and the Right Shoes. You can flnd these Shoes -at The Copeland Shoe Store. Have you put a spare pair of Outing Shoes in your Kit Bag for your Holi- day Trip? The Copeland .Shýloe Sor BOWMÀNVLLE. ONTARIO TEACHER 0F 43 YEARS RETIRING John Elliott, B. A., to Take WelI- Earned Rest, The London Free Press has the fol- lowing to say about a former highly iespected princ1a and teacher of Bowmnnvllle MiX hSchool, and a man who made himself useful as a citizen and bigbly esteemed by pupils and friends alike and who join witb his numerous other friends in wishing him a pleasant eventîde of rest. "The end of the teaching year at the London Technical Sehool marks the retirement of one of the older mem- bers of the staff in the person of John Elliott, B. A., wbo for the past year bas been connecte.d wîtb the commer- cial department Mr. Elliott is stepping out of active educational work after 43 years of service, five and a haif years in public schools and 371/2 years in higb schools and col- legiates. H1e rightly feels that he is 110W entîtled to a rest. Few teachers in Ontario have so many friends among the profession. 11e is a pnst president of the mathem- atical section of the Ontario Edyuca- tional Association and an ex-presi- dent of the High School Principals' Association. H1e takes with hlm pleasant recollections of many old students, of wbom he is now justly proud. A native of Goiborne Township, in Huron County, Mr. Elliott began bis teaching career in Kinloss Township, in Bruce County. On the first day be1 taught, he bad 57 pupils, and the number later increased to 80. Tbe attendance in the same scbool now is about 20. Returning to bis old bigb scbool att Godericb for a year, Mr. Elliott quai- ified as a, higb scbool assistant, be- ing the first to obtain a first-classf certificate from Goderich 111gh SchoolC After that he taugbt in Caledoniaî Higb School for two an>d7 a balf years. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29th., 1922. Dear Katie: Having learned that you are about to lenve our community we bave taken the liberty to come to your home in this informai wny to give you a jolly good hnnd-sbnke and t:o extend to you our very best wishes' for your future happiness, and we desire at the same time to express to, you in some small mensure our appre- cintion of your mnny good qualities wbich have won for you a bost of friends. We rejoice with you upon this bappy occasion ,but, we also re- gret that it means your removal from our mîdst. We shall miss you great- ly, Katie, because of the willing man- ner in whicb you have always taken hold, and put our shoulder to the wbeel in every good cause. You have alwnys shown grent courage and tact in every line of work, bowever great or difficuit, and neyer felt that the small tnsks were too humble for you to do. The cheerful and faithful per- f ormance of your part wbetber in connection witb Choir, Lengue or Sunday Schoolhnas been n noble ex- ample to us, wbÎich be assured we will TT has been. one of the privileges of this institution to, Jbecome intimately acquainted with the business, prob.. lems and banking needs of those who grow and move the greatr crops of this country. There is a Branch of the Bank of Montreal in your vicin- ity. If you are in need of banking or business advice or desire to open a checking or savings account, our manager will be pleased ta have you corne in and consuit with him personally. aimPRESENTATION SlmGirl 'Kinclly Remembered On the evenint of June 8, about seventy Salem friends of Miss Katie Stephens gatbered at ber home to say farewell before ber departure' from their midst. Uer pastor, 11ev. W. T. Wickett, acted as chairman, and called upon Miss Effie Rutledge wbo rend an address, during wbicb' MTessrs.,Leslie Collacott and Wesley: Werry made tbe presentation of a' handsome eut glass water set on a' silvertray and a pretty silver cream ladle. Tbe bride-to-be, althougb taken by surprise very cnpably replied express- ing her sincere appreciation. Speeches and singing followed, after which an excellent luncheon was sertved by the ladies in their usual very efficient: manner. The remninder of the' evening was very pleasantly spent in social chat and music. Following is the address:- Miss Katie Stephens

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