1 CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM BOW MANVILLE, JULY 5 TO 11 PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS Afteraoon Programs at 3 o'clo ck,, Eveingz at 8 o'clock FIRST DAY Afternoon Opening Preliminaries in charge Superintendent. N High..Class and Popular Musical Program,..The Ferguson Operatic Quintette Evenlng-Prelude Concert featuring opera scenes The Ferguson Operatlc Quintette Lecture -Entertainment (program te be announced) ........ Mr John tDuxbury of London, England;, said to be England's Greatest Recîter. SECOND DAY-MUSIC DAY feno-.High-Class Instrumental Program. .Mr. Herbert Macfarren and, hîs AftenoonInstrumental Quartette Evening-The Delight of Music-Lov er-Con cert.« ........ Miss Hazel Huntingt&fl New York Prima Donna Soprano, supported by Mr. Herbert Macfarren and his Instrumental Quartette THIRD DAY Afternoon-Unueual Lecture-Recital, "Music; the Democratic Art" Mr. Gabriel Hines, Noted Composer, Pianist and Lecturer. Evening-Piano Hecital...................... «...... ............ Mr. Gabriel Hines Lecture-"'Some Probler-s of ths Empire ...Hon. Phillp Whitwell Wilson NotedeAuthor, New York Correspondent to the London Daly News, Former Member British Parliament. He'll ýanswer your questions. FOURTH DAY Afternoon-Grand Orchestral Concert........... Lieurance's remona Orchestra An Organization sponsored by Thurlow Lieurance, Noted Composer. Evening-Musicai Prelude featuring enter aining numbers Lieuranceals Cremona Orchestra Lecture-"The Babylonian Finger Writes Again. ...... ..... Mr.. Tom Skeyhili Noted Australian Orator, Soldier-Poet, World Traveller, FIFTH DAY Afternoon-Tbis is Rest Afternoon. No Program Given. Get ready for the best Play that has thus far been presented at Chautauqua. Excellent Mirth-Pro- voking Comedy. Evening-Mark Swan's Great Laugh-Makng Play, "lHer Own Money"l, presented by The Perclval Vivien Players, of New York City. Personal direction Mr. Vivian. SIXTH DAY Afternoon-Junior Chautauqua Pageant, "Conquests of Peace" By Vour Own Boys and Girls, under the'direction of the Junior Leader. Popular Prongram of Song and Story....... ....... The Embers Maie- Quartette California's e ing SInglng Male Quartette. Evenng-Prelude. Concrt ........ ....... ............ The Embers Maie Quartette Strring Leture-I'Tbe Task of a Nation"............ Dr. George W. Kerby President Mount Royal College, Calgary. GENERAL INFORMATION Single Admifflion: Aternoons, 35c; Evenings 50c; Children, 25c. Second and ffth nights. Adulte, 75c; blîdren, 50c. (War Tax Extra). SeasnTces Adt, $2.75; children (from 6 to 14 years of age), $135, includ- ing War 'rax. Single admissions to the above programa aggregate $5.25 'for adults and, $3.25 for, chi1drffl. Tou cannot afford to miss a Single program. "lT SAVES TO BUY A SEASON TICKET" This Space Donated by G. N. Thurston-"The Shop That Leada" Largest Stock o Cooked Meats In Town. Somethingto.please every taste and pocket book. G. A. Edmondstonie One -door east of f. F. Mords Go. Phono 21 Bowmanville GET'THE HABIT LOTS 0F FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BUY YOUR GROCERIES AND MEATS AT CAWKER'S Are you ready for the preserving season? Ask about Certo which ctits cost of preserving in half-40c bottle. Natural Figs, per. lb ................................10c Mîxed Cakes, per lb .................................17e Corn Fiakes, package ................................vo Blado Cremefried Cakes, dozen ...............30c Toilet Paper, large rolîs,............. ....5 for 25c C. M CAWER & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE BOW.MANVILLE, JUNE 29th., 1922ý TRULL FAMILY PICNIC HAYDO The Truil Family Picnic wi11 be HAYDONheld at Oshawa on the Lake, Friday, June 3th. Family are ail request- S .Anniversary will be continued'on Saturday, July I, Dominion Day, when a grand supper will be served ER FAIYPC C from 4 p. m. An interesting game of WER FAIYPN[ baseball will be played at 4 o'clock The Werry Philp relatives are al by young ladies of Tyrone and Ennis eeyivtdt tedteAna kilen. At p.m. n ecitng aie Re-Union of the clans at the Philp of football will be played Enniskillen homestead, "The Willows," near Cad- vs. Zion. At 8 p. m. a high class enter-muon ensdyJy5,frnn tainment will be given by the Kenny- au nd afenon, Jl 5 orno Wilson Co. of Toronto, consisting of Miss Jean Alexander, Scottish So- Dinner at 12 o'clock, sharp. Tea prano; Miss Grace Bonnnick, pianist at 5 o'clock-both in picnic style. Be- and entertainer; Mr. Bob Wilson, sides the eats, take necessary table Character Comedian; Mr. C. LeRoy ware and accessories. Kenny, Entertainer. These four Boys take base-ball and foot-bal jolly folks will present a costume pro- out-fits for the field games. g mranofcomesonjgs, duets, trios,, The Werry Picnic was held here 37 humrusseches, Soprano and la- years ago. This is the only an- strumental solos, pianologues and nouncement for this re-union. Telli dramatic recitations. Admission:1 any of the members of other f amiFST Adults, tea and concert 60c; tea or'who may not see this notice-and in- concert 40c; children, ten and con- vite them. Help to make this a re- ,cert 40c; tea or concert 25c. cord attendance year. 25-2 _________ dheme and i s geining -strength nice-I ly ... . The community are pleased. te HAMPTON know that Mrs. Frank Worden is un- proving splondidly sînce hier recent Visitera: Mr. anS Mrs, Arthur Step- illnes.... Several of our progressive hans, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. anS fariners are hervesting splendid cropB Mrs. E. Stevens;, Mr. anS Mrs Ch as. Woods anS eilidren, Newcastle, Mi1ss An- of sweet clover. Other bey crops will nie Johns anS miss Alma Pollard, Bow be a little bolow the average although manville, ai Mr. L. Johns'; Mr. anS Mrs.rentaishv ddmtralyn Reese Johns, Bowmcanville, wth bisreeteishvaddmtralyn mether, Mrs. C. Johns; Mr. anS Mrs. advencîng the cr...... .Mr. Arthur Lamne Eobins, Leakard, ai Mrs. J. W. Pascee is able te drive eut again after Virtne's; Mr. anS Mrs. C. Collacut Salem, Mr. John Challis anS Mahel, Bow: hîs recent severe illness.. The neigh- manville, MÏ). anS Mrs. John Yellewîees bers did the kîn.dly thing by turning anS fumily, Solina, Mr. anS Mms. Edger ia with their bees and looking after anS daugbter, Oshawa, at H. Wilcox's, jr; Mrs. Winters who bas beau visiting ber his cern and roots. Good beys! Mes- niece, Mrs. J. W. Ranton, returned te srS. Sîd Nicholîs and Chas. Osborne Toronto on Sunday accompaniad by Mms. experts, with the hoe, are helping Virtue anS ehuîdren; Bey. J. S. I. Wil- son, Cobourg, anS tather, Rev. J. C. several of their neigbbors catch up Wilson, Toronto, guests et Mr. anS Mrs. witb th'eir hoeing in cern and man-1 E. L. Williamson; Mr. anS Mrs. ROY geld . ... Mr. and Mrs. -M. P. Van-I Metenît Base Lina, ai Mr. A.' Trenonth's~ Mr. anâl Mrs. Frank Johns, Bewmanville; dervoort of Bond Lake, Mr. and Mrs. ai L. Johns'; Mrs. Kari Wilbnm and son, Wmn. Sleith, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E1,nr Wilbum anS son, Solina, Mr. Mrs. A. E. Runde... .Mr. Leonard anS Mrs. W. Glaspel. Zion, ai A. E. Jeu- ning'; Miss Sadie Virlua and Miss Mar- Eerle is now sporting a new car.... garaI Pope, Toronto, at J. J. Vitne's; The live stock shipper fer the, Farin- Mr. anS Mrs. Clifford Paters. Mm. anSd r'CuM.R .Obre a Mrs. Percy Paters, Toronto, at A. Paters'; r'CuM.R.E sonbs Mr. anS Mrs. F. R. Kerslake, Mm. anS sbîpped eut several carload of stock Mrs. Wm. Short, Miss G1reta Wickatt. Mm. lately, realizing good prices .... Con- R. CoDelcud, Bowmanville, ai M. Rob- ratulations t atrByeo i bin': Mr. E. Karalake anS friand, Pickem- gt etrByeo i ing, ai F. G. Kerlak's; Mr. anS Mrs. election te General Conferenee. Hie Newton Edgar, Oshawa, ai W. W. Horn's; will ho a wortby representative frein Mr'. anS Mrs Milieu Avery, BowmanvilIe,thscrutad itit.,r.Crc Mr. anS Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniakillan, ti ici-addsrc.M.Cdi et R. Avrys: Dr. anS Mrs. Gordon Parsons and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Soncb anS childran, Mm. anS Mrs. J. E. Henry Balson attended the Sabbath U. Cola anS family, Mayor Quinn and wlfe, BowmanvIllla, Mm. anS Mrs. Gao. F. services at Conference at Witby.. Annis, Ebenezar, the Misses Stevens, ! Several frein here attended flamp-1 Bowmanville, et Mm. C. W. Seuc's; Mrts. ton S .S. Anniversary on Sunday and Joy. Toronto, wlf b ber Saughtar, Mrs. TC I~ Geo.' Barmen; Mr. anS Mrs Donald Yel- heard Rev. J... Wil ,îson, a mune lowleem anS Jean, Sollua, ai C. Colwil's; beloved former pester... A good Mr. John Willla, Tomonto, ai J. Ceiwll'es, congregation was present te hear Mr. sr;.... .Anniversary services on Sunday AR asrEqo oot;o were largely attendeS. Bey. J. S. . R asr, s* fTooto Wilson, Cobourg, gave two splendid aS- Sunday merning discuss the temper- dresses. The sirîgiug hy the scbool was auce work la the interest of the Do- excellant. Collections large .... We a ca . your attention te a continnance et the minion Alliance. About $50.00 was services on July lai. If yen want le subsçribed ..Go-to-Sunday-School sPend yeur holiday pieasantlv-coma te Day is being ebserved la this commun- Hampton. "Sea bills.,,..The man friands et J. S. I. Wilson aud bismaagad ty next Sunday, July 2ud. Every father weme delighied te bava ibema with man, women and chiîd are reqnested us on Sunday. Rey. Mr. Wilson, s., as- t ee h eso t23 .i.t sisied lu the service Sunday evenng.... listente ssinMr23 p .t Regular meeting efthie Weman's ï M is M. O. M. Alger of Oshawa, sienary Society was bolS at the home of speak on the subject of Religions Edu- Mrs. J. R. Knox on Tuesday, June 2th. ainadCtznhp.. aisA Afier the business. 'a solo was weîî ren- ainedCtznsi...aisA SeraS by Mrs. Barron; a splendid report B. C. meet on Thursdey for thoir et the raceni W. M. S. Convention held monthly gnthering te talk on hymns ai Beleville was given by Mrs. James Curtis anS Mrs. (Bey.) W. W. Jones. AIl and hymu writers, under the leader- ladies appraiaied very mucb the report ship of Mrs. Courtîce. . .. Several new' whlcb the Selegaies brought. A social cement bridges 'are being built ila heur wns speni during wiceh Mrs. Knox t.bi serveS sirawherles anS craam lu abunS- tisvîcinity. Workiiig for the King huce. A subacrîption was taken for the seema te ha a steady job .... Our girls Fresh Air FunS ai Whithy anS about $20 basebaîl team are leoking pretty neat On Sturdy, JIy aefter- and nîfty in theîr new unîforma and On Sturdy, uly stcaps and are looking for new fieldsi noon of sports. Longue gaine of te conquer. The merried ladies are football Ebenezer vs. Hamnpton son- preparing te give thein a tussle. It iors aIse a gaine by the juniors of wiîl be a race for tbe ice creain.. saine places. Grand supper et 4.00 Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Peerce celebrated p. mn., and concert et 8 p. mn. by Miss their wedding anniversary by a niotor Jasai0 Tuite, Teehro Expression, trpt aer'nriwthM.ad Albert Colloge, Belleville, M r, Fred- 1 rp te.Estern nteie wZith.Mra erick Manning, baritone soloist, Cen- Ms .G eged in tenniel Methodist Church, Toronto, Cox's OrchestreaOshawa. Admis- sion-Adults, tee and -concert 60c;1 CARDS 0F THANKS tee or concert 35c; chldren, tea and Tbe relatives of the lato Mrs. Luke concrt 5e; ea 5e;concrt 0e. Potter, Enniskillen, desire te thenk their friands and neigbbors for thoir NOTICE 0F BOYNE meny acta of kindnoss and for floral WATER MILLS offoringa during the illness and at the funoral of. the d eceasod.' Mr. Jas. Moorey wishes te inforin Mrs. William Jaekiman,- Bowmian-. the public that hoe will close hi. nilîl ville, desires te tbank ail hier friends Wednesday and Satnrday afternoons and neighbors for their kinduasa and during the sumnier xnonths. 1 symrpathy during lier recent bereave- Ho will also bave plenty of Oats ment by the death of hier husband and and cern on hand. 24-3*k for the heautiful floral efferings. article you purelnase at o-w price -will be refunded. Yoi store in Which to deal. BARGAINM BÙRKETON GOLDEN WEDDINGS WORDS 0F APPRECIATION june is the month of roses and Bur- ite Sano ketori bas its share .... Mr. -Milton Sander-Vrt-Satn son r~ahedforBey G.r. cKezie Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John who was at Conference .undaY Sebol JW. Virtue of Enniskillen, was celebrated at 10,15 and cburch at Il a. m. C. G. at the home of their daughter, Mrs, J. 1T.Class ai 7.10 p. m. M. Trimmer. 106 Fulton Avenue, Toron- I. T.te, on Monday, June 26tb, Fft uests,I ______________ail members of the Virtue-Stain .o'i tam-: ilies-were present. Mrs, Vrtue was, ENNISKILLEN ý formeriy Ellen Stainton who as wçell as' bher husband was born and raiseil and Rev.andMrs D.W. est MisesIdalived nearly ail their lives in the com-' and Carnie Stephens, Bowmanville, Mr. munity of which they are valued and re-' and Mrs. J. Russell Ormiston, Enfield, Mr. sliected citizens, .C UGNBNM SE F. W. O. Werry, B. A., Ottawa, Miss E., Supper was served ia the basement H .DRIBN MSE M. Werry, Tyron.e, Mrs. Geo. Simpson, wl'ich was beautifully decorated with Alberta, at Mrs. H-. J. Werry's; Mrs. fiags and bunting, aisoel'aims, fer-s ed This is just to state publicly how H-. J. Werry at hier miothers, Mrs. A. quantities of ox-eye daisies and roses. much I appreciate the reception the 'yamblyn, Orono. The tavors were yellow daisies specially good people of Bowmanville and designed for the occasion. League on Wednesday evening was la Mr. John E. 'Virtue was Master .of vicinity have given me since coming charge of our Social Vice President,' Mr. Ceremonies and he was ably supported to this beautiful town a few weeks Lloyd Ashton. After prayar Bible Les- by Rev. H . A . Bý,rlis. Speeches were ao h ecm a envr son was read by Miss Reva McGll; topie made by cousins Ed. Fiody, Thos. 51cmn- ao h ecm a env was taken by Mr. A. Werry which was ton, Jas. Hall, Levi Annis, Robt. Cowan, cordial and I assure you I will en- very interestîng; a solo I Have a Friend" Chas. Osborne, Robt. Scott, Wmn. Stain- deavor to warrant the confidence you was sweetly sung by Mrs. Ru ssell Or-;ton, Elias Ashton and several other nep- have bestowed inipe by putting forth miston; readings by Miss Lavarne'hewis anS cousins. Griffin and Miss Giadys Stainton. Meet- A nephew, Mr. Ernest Virtue and wif e my best efforts t~o please and give ing.closeS with League Benediction. jalso niece, Miss Jessie Vîrtue were pro- satisfaction. sent fromn Guys Mille, Pa., U. S. A. Peole have been very liberal in _______________One Saughter, Mrs. M. S. Aunger of .ep Rimbey, Alta., wae unable to be present. giving me a -share of their patronage Very toucbing. reterence was made te and to those who require boots or SOLINA the death of their son Webster, which it shoes repaired I would be pleased of iwill be remembared occurred exactly one Mr. rnttha prcasd 0 crset! years ago. ;an opportunity te be of service to Mrs Arotthaspuchaed 60 cre ýPiano and violin seections were rend- you. My shop is very centrally le- lanS near Moorcys Mill from Messrs W'ý ered by Miss Mabe1 Virtue and Mr. Wal- T. and John Baker. .. .Mr. Harry Grooms, l ace Stainton anS the whole comupany catd-4 doors south of Post Office Toronto, bas been at Mr. S. E. Werry's sang songs and cnjsyed v,,ry heartily Corner on Division-st,, noxtAnglican wbere bis infant son bas had a very the evening's program. Cuc savere attack of pnulmonig..,r. oy, . itu aste eipet fa od .chDRGN Langmaid and bis «bride have returned' Mrutdc n r. Virtue wsth sipetoid gold froa tlir oneiandOOn. e axtend n- brooch from the ggrandchildren, aise Your Shoe Repairer gratulations and wecome Mrs. Langmaidhandsomne puvse of Iôdrmthfaiy_________ to our commuinity. . ...About forty of- a lanS relatives.ly delegation aseembledl at Solina, Station, n eltvs Monclay and bad an interview with Supt. I Kelly of the C. N. R.-re-elosingt of Se- Messrs. Claude and Fred Tucker, lina Station.... .Mr. Myron Robbins bas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, Bowman- Maple Grove, attended the funeral of bcd bis bouse ra-modelleS and treated te a coat of paint .... Mrs. Sulas Williams ville, Celebrate Fifty Years of the late Mrs. Roy Mitchell at Belle- and Miss Annie bav e gene to Winnipegl Married Lif e. vle for a couple of months te visit ber daster _____ Hall le ursd.Ay meig balcoS in ter ons' - "Sunny Side" home, Bowmanville, was HallaTnursdayonight e blc sonsieregag the scene of a very happy event Monday, GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH. L., Ig was e nure fr tapublic.sDr. lbere.,,June 26, when about sixty-five friends Its wCshonetoentertaind.. D,MAllan as and relatives gathered as a surprise at 3 year Graduate of -the Palmer Sehool ited lier sunt, Mies Mary Hograrth nd the home ef Mr. anS Mrs. Mark Munday,1 of Chiropractie othler relatives, They bave beau dele- to clbrate tbnir Golde.n Wedding. The gTront.,h football am nenthereinonly guest et fifty years ago was the Ofieo(The Fountaîn Head) gats t th bi 1(wans Cnvetio brother, Mr, Win. Moore, WaubunoOfieo Church-st. opposite thê Pes urday night was a good clean ga at b- The hblîdren were ail present except oe bytorian Churcb. Office Heurs: 3- tween General Motors anS Solina teaims.i eon-in-law, Mr. Frank Hanford, Bloom- 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointinent. Resut 10 i faor f Solng.,.Mr.andfielS, N. J.. who sent heartiest ccongratu- ResuhJack1o aoret oala.. Mr and lations. There were aise present twenty Office Phone 41J; flouse Phone 140- atMr. JkHBroks, orwmaf..vissitedtree grandcblidren anS two great-grand- r2 (Lakoview Farin). 26-tf atow Mr.J. H. Nayinor nto ..issLucy 1 eblidren. Brow lavistin in Tornto...Mrs. Mr. GaorgeE. Maynard, Toronto, called Heddon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walters, Tor onte, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wbite and chl-i he gueste together and read an address ren, Oshawa, visited at Mr. J1aco' and the bride anS groom were presented BUILDERS' ATTENTION!1 ...D. an Mrs.J. S Soma scd er- wtb a Gold Modal Phonegrapb. The ..tbyDrMasters J.kSandomrond Tort igroom replieS on behaîf of himself andl ohMisstseragaEdmGro oonton,, 'wite anS expresseS is appreciation et We are prepared te do ail kinds of Mr. John Bakers. . .. About atetyo th h love which prompted the presentcore youn peole rom e eenty pet te gathering and gave ail a hearty invitation coce, p lastering and brick work. ytOnawpeonetrhe k r njdaienle lu attend their Diamond Wedding. Ha Specialists in cernent finishng ia al ai sbaa o th Lae Fida aternonaise reminded tbem ef the changes et, its branches. Estimates furnished and anS had a Slightfui time. The boys fitty years. Among oe was the change stsato urned baSl a fast game et basebal and 'the girls et vahtiefahetheonok hie wuld ha bam asnteran e Atuget waroher n'bride Sriving in a two theeied gig as 1Peter Martin & Sons, amuemetsandgaes er inulad n.buggies were then vary scarce. 1 24-t Elgin-st. N., Bowmanville How the boys did pull lu that tug et wnr! Congratulations were received from Ail baS a jolly good time.... .Mr. R.-'j Toronto, Port Hope, Detroit, Brigdenan cd McKessock is ai Blackstock superintend- to h egbrode ai rv ing the Entrance Exama. there anS Mr. lufom te e a Poat Cad owape r P. J. Greai, Hampton, la here ...The iThomguests r tedS ata aeret home et Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Lang- liyhecortswesated ih btacnabgeS. In maid was invaded hy about a bundred thl e cnratedws awteanstory wddIng et teirnaibbor onTuedaynigbt lasi cake decerated witb odfgrshte on the ave of their departure te H-amp- , eenngwa sen i fbilgames. andE n ton wbere they intend te reside' Mr' a11 had partaken ot a splendid teas-the Slas Williams calleS the company te or-emusig. Thentinpy aoccasineswascn- dor and Mr. R. J. McKessock read a clude ic. anhehay heucbysingingoS- nicely worded address te Mr. anS Mrs. huda t you til we meet Aigin" o Langmaid and Miss LySa Taylor read b ihyutl eme gi" an address te Miss Elsie Langmnaîd who was presented witb a French ivory dlock and Mr. and Mrs. Langmaid witb a cliver EBENEZER tea service. Tbey suitably replieS thank-____ ing their 'many friands fer the beautiful presens anS invitaS tem ail te comas Mr. Chas. Welch hs been inprov- E 'e and sec them wben they moved te Hamp- ing his elready tidy farmi by new - and lunch was served by tbe ladies. Mr. ne n a new e ntbsm t and Mrs. Langmnaid leave Ibis naighbor.. for stebling under bis -barn.... Gled L bood witb the kindliesi feeling tovard te be able te say that Mrs. John j 1w prices do not mean tbemn. Tbey have beau trne anS tried B kewhe bas been eiVn treat- I frienda and good neigbbors an d wlll aBiee Mrecovtanariofqg misseS rnuch. ment at Osbewva Hospital hes return-I c 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, St. Lawrence, 80C /Laundry & Toilet Soap, 5 bars for 25c Toili5t Paper, large rolls, 6 for 25e Lipton's Instant Cocoa, 10c per pkg X-Ray Stove Polish 5c per in "Queen" Olives Quart Geins, 60c ea "Tip Top" ,Salmon, large tin, 2 for 35c Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 69c per garment Men's Cotton Socks, in black, broWn, and grey 25c per pair Men's Cotton Bathing Suits, in navy and red only, $1.00 eavh Men's Fine Balbriggan Combinations, $1.45 per suit Men's, Pyjamas in summer weight, large range of patterns, $2.75 per suit Balance of our Men's StraW Hats to elear at $1.50 and $1.95 Sardines for lunch, 13 for 23e Pork &Beans for camiping, 2 for 25c Creamery Butter 39c per lb. Large Botties Jam 23c eavh We are stili selling our Einest Black Cey]on Tea in bulk at 40c per lb Orangeade, Lemonade and Raspberry Vinegar at 25e per bottie Be sure and see our large range of, Men's Fine Shirts before purchasing prices, ranging from $1.50 to $4.50 Boys' Long Khaki Pants, just the thing for the holidays, sizes 25 to 32 at $1.95 per pair Boys',Bathing Suits, navy and red only 75c per suit Boys' Cotton Jerseys, sizes from 2 to 12 years, 48c eavh We have just received youths sizes in the new Hatchway No Button Athletic UnderWear at $1.15 per suit Something New Every Week Ladies' Pink Muli Bloomers, very spe- cial at 59c eavh Lad-les' Pink Step in Drawers with em- broidery and ribbon trimmings, Sale Prive 49v 58 inch Bleached Table'Darnask, very sperial at 98v per yard 60 inch Unbleached Table Damask, Reguhlar $1.95 at . $1.29 per yd Children's White Washed Skirts, froin 2 to 14 years, Sale Prive 98v Children's Gingham, and Chambray Dresses, with assorted trimmings, from 2 to 10 years, Sale Prive 75v 36 inch Ratine in all the leading shades, Regular $1.25, Sale Pr 'ive $1.15 per yd 36 inch Bleached- Cotton, Regular 29e for 23c per yd 36 inch Unbleached Cotton, Regular 25e for 19evper yd Children's Parasols in ahl shades, very special at 59c eavh 27,in.-h Gingham in aIl shades, while it lasts at 23v a ýyard IMcMurtry & Co., Ltd. PHONE e3 BOWMANVILLE j c. Moffatt Garage Service There's a -big difference between merely get- ting sornething done and getting Service. Service flot only sees that you get what you want, but that you get it as you want it-when you want it-at a fair price. We carry -this theory into practice on every repair job entrusted tô our care. Our custom of doing a littie more than is necessary rather than a a lttie ess has lengthened the if e of many a car in this territory. It will lengthen the life of yours. Run it in and let us look it over, WHO IS MALCOLM MORRISON ? We have been very fortunate in securing the services of Malcolm Morrison, head repair man from our Osfiawa Garage, who is no green horn on the job, having had- 15 years' practical experience, You take no chance in having Mr. Morrison rep .air your car'. WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT j NEXT WEEK Moftt Moto nSaes COMPANY B owmanvîlle Phone 248 sive conomy atrueeconomy if the auality, too, is, lowered. The iality is neyer sacrificed to'meet eompetîtion. -Every ur store must give absolute- satisfaction or the. purchase- u will always find the West End buse a 'dependable' S FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY r Special Values In Groceries Dr ess Upf~or The Holiday i III Il Doinion Day il