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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1922, p. 5

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A CHERRIES ARE READY . Yeou cani now obtain good supplies ~¶of red rcherries and the black and ,~white axets. It is none too early to start preserving. The Niagara Peninsula Growers' Limited mark on the containers stands for carefully packed and evenly graded fruit. ATIRACTIVE PROGRAM AT PORT HOPE 5Sturday, July lst-$2,700 Expen- diture In- Attractions Port Hope's program for the cele-j bration on Saturday, July lst, is very attractive. Hlorse races, 2.15, 2.20 and 2.30 classes with a large number of entries for each class. Big vau- deville entertainment, tumbllng bar, and trapeze work. League basebal match Oshawa vs Port Hope, a real hot one; special musical numbers by the Imperial Concert Band of Toron- to, concluding with a grand display f fireworks in theevening. Every- body and their friends will be at the big show. What about you? jTbis space donated by F. R. erslake, Druggist. TE GREAT COMEDY SUCCESS "11ROWN- IS COM ING TO "l Biowmanvill As One of Twelve Great Attrac-. tions to Appeat, at Chautauqua July .5 to il Presenteçl by PERCI VAL VIVIAN Broadway Players Get Yowr Season Tickets Now Adulta, $2.50; Children $1.25 (War Tax Extra)' J Season Tickets For Sale at Keralake's Drug Store, This pace Donated By F.,R. Kersiake Druggalet W eek End'. Papers Owing to Saturday, July lst, beinga holiday ~' the week-end papers will be published on Friday, June 3th. "Sunday World" Buffalo "Express", "Courier and Times" "Montreal Standard" "Chicago B. & L" "New York Times" Secure a copy at the "'Big 20" Bookstore1 W. T. Allen Bowmanville Tomato AND Cabbage Plants John Baer, Bonny Best, Earbanna and Ponderosa Tomato Plants 15c doz'or 50c per 100 Cabbage Plants at 10c doz Ça'uliflower Plants 15c doz S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville Wasbington of Bownianville appear- ed in the conference report in the Mail and Empire on Monday: "One of the most notable addresses yet de- livered bef oie the Methodist Bay of Quinte Conference,' now in session in Wbitby, was that given on Saturday evening by Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Baltimore, before the Theolog- ical Union, who spoke on "The Liber- al Churchman'", or "ýChrist and the Creed". il BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29th., 1922 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Esther Hunt, St. Catherines, le visiting Mrs. Scobeil, sr. Mrs. lleyes, Toronto, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. John McClellan. Miss Isabel'Renwick, Regina, Sask., is visiting Miss M. M. Girven. Rev. A. L. Brown, Lindsay, was, guest of Mr. J. A. Holgate while in town. Mrs. W. J. Culley and daughter Elsie, spent Saturday witb friends in Oshawa. Rev. Hl. W. Foley, Uptergrove, spent Sunday witb bis father, Mr. Wm. Foleyý Mrs. C. D. Clarke, Toronto, is vis-1 iting ber uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrrp. W. .Washington, Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Snell of Frank- f ord,' were guests of M. and Mrs. Manson J. Comstock over Sunday. General James McBrien, C. M. G., Ottawa, was guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. N. MeMillan over the week-end. Mrs. Gilbert Parent, Walkerville, bas been visiting old friends~ here, guest of Mr. John and Miss Eva Hell- yar. Mrs. Mary McDonald, Weston, is visiting ber mother, Mis. R. Young and other relatives and friends in town. Miss Mamie Gilbert, Lumsden, Sask., is visiting ber cousins, Misses Lola and Enid Soucb and other rela- tives bere. Mayor H. L. Quinn attended Methodist Conference at Whitby on Thursday and addressed the Laymen's Association. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trick, Win- nipeg, Man., are visiting Mr. and Mis. John Grigg and other old friends bere after an absence of thirty years Mr. Cyril Souch of Portsmouth who bas been spending a week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Souch, bas gone to Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. Mr. Alex Eliiot and sons Douglas and Ted and Miss M. M. Girven visit- ed relatives in Peterboro over the week-end and attended Decoration Day eeremonies. Mr. J. E. Elliott was in Quebec last week representing Bowmanville Court of Canadian Order of Foresters at the High Court meeting. Major R. J. Gili attencYed the wed- ding of Mr. John Dibblee and and Miss Irma Shaw at St. Paul's Church, Bloor-st. East, Toronto, on Wednes- day. Mr. El! Jamieson, Tyrone, and Dr. David Jamieson of Michigan have re- turned from Verdun, Que., wbere tbey attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. C. W. Kelly. Rev. E. A. Tonkin conducted the' Conference Love Feast on Sunday in Whitby Tabernacleand Rev. W. H. Barraclough, B. A., Lindsay, preach- ed at the evening service. We inadvertently oamitted the; names of Miss Gwendolyn Williams' and Mr. Leon St. Clair as among those £romn Bowinanville whio attend- ed the' losîng exercises at Ontario Ladies College, Whîtby, lest week. Mr. F. H. Bounsaîl attended the funeral of Mi. C. W. Wardell, Sec- retary of the Memorial Craftsmen As- sociation of Ontario at Oakville on Monday last. Mr. Wardell was kill- ed in an auto accident on Friday last on the Toronto-Hamilton Higbway. Mr. and lVrs. J. Westaway an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mari orie, to Mr. Elwood R. W. Thurston, eldest son of Mr. and Mr. and 'Mrs. G. N. Thurston, both of Bowmanville. The marriage to take place very quietly in July. Miss Mildred Souch, Hampton, is receiving the congratulationspof beri 1many friends on passing ber Primary Vocal Exams, withfirst elass oos taking 85 %, the highest mark atti1n- ed at Bîshop Bethune College. Miss Souch is a pupil of Mis. E. J. Bale,, Oshawa. Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, was home over the week-end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Westaway,l prior to leaving on the Sunday World European Tour. She wishes to thank ber many local friends f or their liberal support during the "ecent campaign. Mi. and Mrs. J. J. Croskem, 12 Rusholme Park Crescenil, Toronto,' announce tbe engagement of their ,eldest daughter, Pearl, to Mr. Clark A. Valentine, son of Mis. Silian Val- entine and the late Ralpb Valentine, Niagara Falls, N. Y., the marriage to .take place on Julyi 18th. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK WHY REPRESENTATIVE MEN 0F THIS COM- MUNITY ARE BACKING BOWMANVILL cHA UT'AUQuA JULY 5 to il THÇRE'S A REASON IT'S PATRIOTIC IT'S WORTI,î WHILE IT'S ENTERTAINING IT'S EDUCATIONAL IT'S PURJPOSEFUL IT'S FULL 0F FUN BE A BOOSTER! GET SEASON TICKETS! Aduits $2.75; Chîldren $1.35 including war tax "'IT PAYS TO, BUY A SEASON TICKET"ý This Space Donated by W. Olaude lYsa--Cash ShoesStore agentr Ticet 1 BIRTHS FIVE LUCKY BOYS! V R M June 22, teMr. andlfrs. DHe shlm, J.- M. Hershey, advance a daughter. Chautauqua, is putting on a rtelegram was received- Hunt on Tuesday, July 4, start from Niagara Falls 10.00 a. m. from Public Scbool Committee which will MARRIAGES season tickets for the. Chaut Ly of oui local readers NEW-CORNER-At the Methodist performances will be hidden ii nplate enjoying Chau- Parsonage, Myrtie, June 7, by Rev. Char- erent parts of the town and boy aJuly 5-11. les Adams, Mabel Georgina Corner, Reach ing tbem will be admitted il weelt of Cbautauqua and Edmond Wm. New, Oshawa. throughout the series. Be o to-nigbt. Program job early,1 boys, next Tuesday Spasses aIl others. Dux- pDAH n. _______ Wilson gave great ad- i WI LLIAMS-At Racine, Wisconsin, PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTI< Skeyhill splendid. June1 27, Marcus D. Williams, aged 75 1 Music better than yearS. During the summer months Crmn r Funeral from the residence cf his son, Public Librr ilb pnfo ears. CeoaO- Mr. Alan M. Williams, Queen-st., Bow-brywîleopnfo ad of Little Symphony. manville, to-day (Thursday) at 2.30 p. m. to 6.00 and fîem 8.00 to 9.00 tracted for next year.1 BAGNELL-in Ecwmanville, June 22, Satuîday freom 2 30, to 6.00 an" William Bagnel, aged 77 yearsý to 9.30 P. M. Wednesday, dol iTOMS-lu Cartwright, June 12, Russell day. Beginning July 3îd, 19! ~.NDOTHEWISE Roy, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, AN1DOHR IE aged 3 years. ______ WATT-At Port Hope, June 24, Arthur FSydney Township, was Watt, beloved husband of Margaret Har- BRICKLAYERS WANTED of Mr. John A. Holgate. court, agod 64 years. 4rctyr atd frao ud Otton was a guest at mYADOnJn 5,a imrsdn e nthe, work at Page & Company, Mossom Ucad, Toronto, George Hylanid, munity'Hall, Newcastle, ont. W wsome wedding Oshawa. in his 9Oth year, late of Oshawa, Ontario. appîy to Mr. J. Caiow, Post Office, yCann bas gone to Van- POTTER-At Enniskillen, June 22, Ma- castie, on or after Monday, July 3r Lida Gray, widow of the late Luke Potter, wbere she will reside in in her 76th year. Interred at Hampton Oemetery ARTICL~ES FRSALE KELLY-At Verdun, Que., June 15, El-FO ',s. Thos. Norton, Broug- len Jamieson, beloved wife of C. W. yvisited their numerous Kelly, and daughter of the late James FOR SALE-10 acres goed cIový Jamieson, Tyrone. timothy,- Appîr R. Anderson, Mc FAREnWELL-In Whitby, June 26, Wil- Far-, Newcastle. Wight is enjoying a liam Wallace Farewell, aged 78 years, TEAM 0F-HEAVY DRAFT MA bolidays witb bier bro- Father of Rev. P. L. Farewell, Principal 4 and 5 years old, from 3150 te 14 of Ontario Ladies' Coliege. Interred at iiowmanville, phono 203-3. ito. Drayton. ELECTRIC STOVE FOR S,4 J. Brown, Kincardine, is MAYBEE-At Oshawa Hospital, 'June burners and oven., A bargain. biother, Mi. Thos. 10, Edith May, dearly belcved wife of to W. W. Dickinson, Concession-st., e-st. Harold C. Maybee, and youngest daughter mnanville. ofe Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MePhail of FOR SALE-Cance and complete Mtrs. Cordon Mitchell, Trenton. No reasonable off er refused. Ap holidaying witb Mi. and IVES-At the residence cf ber daught- Wreford Souch, Phone 315. b±ell. or, Mrs. J. P. Scott, 368 Sumach Street, CAR FOR SALE-Ford Car. 4 Toronto, on Monday, Jue 26, A. M. Ives, new tires, mechanical condition ir nilton Bateman was cali- widow of the lato Ira Ives cf Coiborne, shape Big bargain for quick sal jSatuîday on account of in her 78th year. ply te A. W. Pickard, Bowmanviile. eatb cf lber father, FOR SALE-A quantlty of 5-foot posts; aise a number of 2-foot post rs, Clark Taylor, ,Toron- IN MEMORIAM able for anchor posts. Apply toe week-end with bis par- MELRnlvn . Moufltjoy, Burketon Jet., R. Mis Alx aylr. dnrling Madetyn. who went te be witb BARGAIN FOR QUICK SAL ,aret Mitchell, Toronto, Jesus June 25, 1920, aged il years. Lavai Silo, 12 x 30 with top, $250; r ing bier brother, Mr. J. " take these littie lambs", said He seen on Jennings' Farm, lot 17,e Protection tbey shall fiud in Me' Darlington. J. L. Metcalf, 44 Ci nd otheî relatives here, Aud lay tbemn in My breast St., Oshawa. tions to Miss Helen Moi- Ini Me hoe ever blest, -1 HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-s Scemplete with reserveir and ae g li Tornto onsevat-only used one winter, replaced with tPipe organ and obtain-, LOST noc stovo. Inspection may ho m; C. M. ESTRAY-Came on lot 20 ,con. 7, Dar- F .C. Pethick's Barber Shop. Mrs.C. C Wasitnlington, June 15, a sorrel aged horse. SUPREME KITCHEN RANGE, 0w ner may have samne by proving pro water back; one 3-burner Clarke nd Mis. C. O. Jolinston, perty and paying oxpenses. Herb. Staln- Ceai Ou1 Stove, in good conditio re guests at Rev. W. C. ton, Enniskillen. 2-3w* mission extension table and oak over the week-end. CAMERA LOST--On the C. P. R. track robe.',Apply to Mr.C.BKe, onear Gibson's fruit bouse, ou Sunday, rs, Ed. L. Pequenat, Toi June 11. One picture taken on subway_______________ 'se. F. J. Ellie, Iroquois bridge. Reward for return te Mis. Mat- ýsts of Mi. and Mis. N . hew Brown, Walton Cottage, Newcastle. 25-tf the Cottage, Port Bow- LADIES COLORED HANDBAG-O-n PROPERTY FOR SALE Saturday afterneon between Newcastle FOR SALE-Brick restçlence, 7 Tilley, K. C., Toronto, and Bowmauville via Kingsten Road, cen- and one acre cf land, iWith fruit taining a smail purse, a sum cf money )r A S Tilley, Bowman- and a G. T. Railway ticket, Newcastie te qt Nursery Corner. Apply to of Canada's representat- Belleville with the owner's namne there- Pinch, Division-st., Bowmanvilie. Il ak, heappeal for n,,,Finder kiudly return te owuer pr FARM FOR SALE-50 acres of i mke he nof Postmaster at Newcastle and re- lot 13, lth concession, Daîlington, mnk sbareholders against, ceivo a reward. 26-1 north cf the town of Bowmanvîile. EArbitration bef oie the I______________ on promises, E. Barrett, Bowmanv il atLd EnlandR. 6. ,i tLnon o n ln FOR SALE-Brick cottage contai 10 TO LET rooms, furnace and electrie iights. Cairutheis is home from - and soft water ilihuse, good gard, ere hoe attended Gener- FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good futtes pi oJ etwy land and baiidings, immediate possession. Street, Bowmanville. of Presbyteîian Church. l . C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf FOR SALE-Lot about'flfty feet West hopeful, and pres- i HOUSE TO RENT-Nine-romed bouse age at. corner of Centre and Con( )ndidions fair to goodý on corner cf Concession and Eigin-sts., ail Streets, containing good bain, easii iways look on the bright meden conveniences, po$session July 1" Iveile nt0 buese ,ApprotoBrc pply to Miss Eva Burk, Elgin-st., Bow-' yel 0Dk-s. ooto and are always jolly and manville, phone 42. 25-tf phone 194-2. id hospitality unbound- FARM TO RENT-Between Oshawa GOOD FRAME HOUSE-On Du and the lake. About 125 acres in excel- consisting of five mrnem and aboi - ilent state of cultivation. AmplebuId- acre cf land, good bain and buildIi ns were greatly shocked. ings.- Plowing after presentr crop. Feul able fop garage, near Public Sohot Tuesday of the sudden 'possession Oct. lst or April lst. Appiy to bargain $1400. A. N., MeMIliané mie, Wisconsin, of one G. D. Conan t, Owner, Oshawa, Ont. 20-tf Bowmanville. FOR SALE-The W. R. CiemenE ile's best known former - - ocated at Tyrone, Ont., containixi Mi. " .D. Williams. undred and fifty-four acres, abi 1takes place t-a WANTED acres orchard, nine beaîing. Pîci 1 possession this Fail. Apply Bruce F- rom the f amily residence WANTED-Wanting to buy a emaîl welI, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, oz appear in oui next is- t frame building that wili be suitable for a phone 194-2, Bowmanviile. sommer resort. Apply Walton Cottage, FARM TO RENT-SoutYI baivei Newcastle., 24-tf Thirty-oue and Thiîty-two, Fouitlh Riggs, a prominient sur- WANTED-A good lîve salesman and cession, Daîlington, 200 acres, lm] cuver, B. C., was a rec- collecter for Bowmauville territory te faim land. Plowing after present seli well-kuown article. Man with car full possession Oct. ist., 1922. AU bfýis Sister Mrs. W. H. preferred. -Apply Box -,504, Oehawa. 26-2 G. D. Canant, Baîrister, Etc., O' He attended the Kiwan- FURNISHED COTTAGE WANTED- Solicitor for the owners. in Toronto, and was ap- Polir four ladies, at Bowmianvîile Beach, FOR SALE-Good dairy fruit and [ic-Prsient Whlefer two weeks.-starting August l2tb. Ap- faim, 83 acres, 1 mile fîom Hlgb an( Vice-resient. hileply te Thos. Ted, Bowmanville, Phone 3. lic Scbools, station, cieamery, c ;d -Bowmanville Hospit- 26-2w' * ct=y Clay lo;am, 4 acres of or coments on it and its i WANTED-1 wisb te procure a bosh asore, well watered; bain 36 x 70, 7ere very favorable,. buggy and harness for ligbt travelling stables, drive shed 30 x 30, larg, use during July and August. Best cf fences and large bouse ahi n gcod L~adies' Aid Strawberry references. State terms to R. C. Veaies, tien; stock and implements if d y eenng ashel l i ieMr. W. M. Ives, Box 197, Bowmanville. Possession this Fali. Robeit F ay eenig wa hed in'1025-2* Orono. om owing to the ramn. IH ELP WANTED-Wanted at once, at- ber enjoyed the luscious the lake, woman to make good home cook- -ream and other good ing aise 2 girls t owait table and do gener- CONSULTING ENGINEEI wa frise b is-ai bouse work. Good wages. Aply JAMES PROCTOR & REDFERN t wa funised y Mss-Mrs. W. J. Berry, Box 336, Bewmianvilie, 36 Torento St., Toronto, Can. ckard, Miidred Colo,1 phone 28-r6. 25-tf. Bridges, Pavements, Watirw< i,Jennie Merchant and, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Power Plants. Incineratois, Facto ol Orchestra under dir- -To seli for "The Old Reliable Fonthili Sowerage Systems, Hydre, Ele Nurseries". Largest list of fruits and Arbitrations, Litigation. Phone J T. W. Stanley. ornamentals te off er, exclusive terrltoryl 1044 Cable * JPRCO" Toronto. 9 ________ igbest- commissions, bandsome free1 FEES-Usualy paid eut of the m equipment. Write for full particulars,I we save oui cliente. RTING NOTES Stetqe & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. 25-4 WATCHMAKER ' JEWELER ENGRAVER NeedSewer Pipe? We have ail sizes of. sewer pipe for sewer connections,' Give your local dealers a caîl when wanting pipe-not necesary to buy out of town.. BEST ROOFING ON MARKET We have best roofing manufactured in Can- ada, Glad to show you quality and give estimate of cost. J. A. H ý UOGATïE 5&>SON Builders' Su4pplies Bowmanville IS IT HERE? SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR SUMMER Lawn Swings ... ................................ $12.00 Veranda Chairs ........................... 28 Camp Mattresses ..................................$1.90 Cam p Pillows...................................... $1.50 Business- going on as usual during alterationsi WILLIAMS & CANN .Undertalcer & Embalmer Bowmanville Furniture Dealer 11Ontarie L awn Mowers Screen Doors Window Screens also Hammocks Mason & DaIe's llardware -Phone 145 Bowmanville TK EN S -tokens of love -tokens of friendship -tokens of appreciation -tokens of g-ood-fellowship Make them worthy of their mes- sage-a credit to the giver-a joy to the recei Ver, BuY Gifts That Last Ou r stock in appropriate gift pieces. We wîll be glad to serve you-whether you wish to spend one dollar or a thousand, you're sure of satisfaction here. ALE X. EL LIOÙ-T ection of Mr. SPOR' Saturday football results: WhitbyI 3, Ennîskillen 10; Solina 1, General Motoîs 0. Bowmanville football team now leads eastern division of Oshawa and District Football League with On- tario Regiment a close second, only one point behind. Bowmanville basebail team ieceiv- e.d its first real trimming cf the seas- on on Wednesday wben Cobourg, league leaders, made Otur bome-brews lock worse than a bunch 'of rookies. The score cf 19-2 pretty weIl des- cribes the playing cf the two teams on tbis occasion without fuither com- ment. Let us hope the poor playing cf the locale was al crowded into this one game and future fixtuies"willbe uçl to the usual brand of ball. Bowmanville football team had so many casualties lu its gamê witb En- niskillen that the match scheduled here for Saturday, June 24tb, witb Ontario Regiment had to be post- poned. We were under the impres- sion that the old style game of 'brute force' had given way to dlean com- bînation and scientific soccer, but evi- dentîy there are still a f ew players, very f ew we are glad to say, who are doing their bet to give the game a black eye by induîging in 'get the man' game which was practîced lu' the daîk ages. Enniskillen bas some of the best players lu the beague on its liue-up and it ebould not be neces- sary to îesort to such questionable tactics as is used by some players to win games. L O. L CHURCH PARADE Bowmanville Puiple Guards LI. O. L. 2384 are requested' to attend the annual church parade 'o n Sunday, July 2 at 7 p. m. Io the Church o Christ, when Rev. L. E. Zavltz wmil give an address.j W. Bowere, W. Johustosi, W. M. Seeretary.

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