Did You Ever Try fi natura.l leaf Green Tea? Ithhan proven a. p1easant revelation to thousands of those hîtherto used to Japan and China Greens. 97 SAVED HER FR0nl, AN -OPERATION So Thinks Mrs. Tracey of Ontario, Regarding Lydlia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compouind Knlghtington, Ontaro.-"! took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cern- pound at the change of lfe for troublesv MIthat womea often have at that tirne., I bad not been weii for a year an.d was not really abletý o doMy wc>r-k. A friend who had taken the Vegetable Comipound herseif recoauniended it to meane 1J tNnk its use saved me frorn an operation. I highly recommend It to ail women Who have troubles like mine, and am wiling for you tg use .my testimonaaL"-Mas. DANiEL J. TRAcEY, Knightington, Ontario. Some femnale troubles may throngh neglect reacli a stage when an opera tion is necessary. But the more com- mon allmeats are not the surgical ones; they are net eaused by serions displacements, tumors or growths, ai- though the symptoms may appear the same. When distumbng syniptoms first appear take LydIa ID. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te relleve the present distrees andG Prevent more serious troubles. STARI BUSINESS SOHOOL THIS SUMMER The Shaw Schoolâ in Toronto neyer close in Summer. Theyaore opn al July adAuualt .Don t waste the hliday season strt oto.lsr. gte- wrting. shortband and bookkeeping. Individual instruction in every course. P. Malntoah. Cbief Principal TFORONTO IA be-Icene of early chldI hood may ho prevented by the* faithful use of cod-li've o. 1Sco' s Emru-lsiorn gcontai»~ the wonderful anti-I rachitie vitamaine in Iabundance. It is the Iideal way te give cad- live 01 techildren. I ct& Bwe ~rnc n. 2- BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29th., 1922 NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY 1 Master of Man ...Hall Caine 2 The Willing Horse ...Ian Gray 3 Adventures of the Night G. A. Birmingham 4 The Mayflower. . Blasco V. Ibanez 5 The Crystal Heart -Phyllis Bottome 6 The House With The Golden Windows....... J. E. Buckrose 7 The Romance of His Lif e Mary Cholmondeley 8 Far to Seek. ....... Maud Diver 9 Ptomaine Stireet... Carolyn Wells 10 John Burroughs, Boy and Man Clara Borrus Il An Ocean Tramp. William McFee 12 Kick Formation. .,Henry Barbour 13 The Princess of the School Angela Brazil 14 A Popular Sehool Girl Angela Brazil 15 The Thankful Spicers Agnes Brownell 16 The Bryne Girls.. Mary K. Maule 17 Dr. Tam O'Shanter Mabel L. Robinson MAPLE GROVE (Crowded out last week.) Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knapp, Oshawa, at Mr. Fred Lane's; Miss Marion Pickard, town, with Miss ilda Foley; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Solina, Mrs. Norman Willson, Edmonton, Aberta, Misses Vera Baker, Solina, Miss Olive Beatty, Pet- erboro, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Solina, recently visited the formers' sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden; Miss Alma Werry, Enniskillen, at Mr.' Truman Power's; Rev, Archer Wal- lace, Toronto, guest at Mr. F. Swal- low's;, Miss Emma Thompson, Tor- onto, Miss Merle Power, Orono, at J. D. Stevens'; Mrs. Edward Power, IOrono, visted Mm. Chester Powers on Monday. Praises this Asthma Remedy.-A grateful user of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy finds it the only rem- edy that will give relief, though for thirteen years he had sought other help. Years of needless suffering may be prevented by using this won- derful remedy at the first warning of trouble. Its use is simple, its cost is slight and it can be purchased al- most anywhere. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 5th TO JULY Ilth Miss Hazel Huntington Prima donna soprano of Hinshaw's Production of Mozart's Opera Com- ique, "The Impresario," wlll slng at Chautauqua this summer. JASPER PARK LODGE An Ideal Stop-ff Point Wîth the advent of reduced fares to Alberta and British Columbia points, many who have long anticipated see- ing. the Canadian Rockies and Pacifie Coast will make the journey this yeam. To them, and to the indivîdual travel- ling "Across Canada" for pumely business reasons, the "National Way"l and the Canadian National Railways premier trains, the "Continental Lim- ited" and the "National" appeal most stmnngly, the -route connecting as it does the great urban centres of Can- ada, *and traversing regions of out- standing interest. The various Can- adian-National hostelries en route suggest excellent stop-off points and are noted for the excellence of their service. To their number is added this year Jasper Park Lodge on Lac Beauvert. Jasper Park, Alberta, in the Can- adian Rockies is the largest of Can- ada's National Parks, its area of 4.400 square miles offering unlimited holi- day possibîlities in the Tourist and the Sportsman. Dolly Varden trout lurk in the clear- pure mountain streams. Beautiful transparent lakes mirrorg the encircling mountains, and a new unspoiled Alpine wondeland of snow-crowned peaks and verdant valleys gladdens the eye. In this de- lightful setting on Lac Beauvert, three miles from Jasper Station (wîth which it is connected by motor car service), is Jasper Park Lodge, oper- ated by the Canadian National Rail- ways' Hotels Department, and fiow open for the reception of guests. 0f artistic log construction, the Lodge comprises a large, comfortable lounge building, surrounded by Dmn- ing Hall and separate Sleeping build- ings, each containing sitting-room and four bed-rooms, electric lighted, with ail modern conveniences, running water in each room, baths, etc. In conjunction with the Lodge is a Dancing Pavillon. where good music Tire Repairing by Modern Methods Your worn or injured tire will receive skilled attention in our Vulcanizing Shop and ts lie will be lengthened., We will repair it according to modern methods-the beet methods known to the tire in- dustry. Ail material that we put into your'tires will be the best mater- ils procumable. Bring in your worn casings- there may be mileage in them. If there is, we will see that you get it. If your tires are flot worth repairing, well tell yon. WE SELL TIRES Janii'eson Bros. EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa Q PREST-O&PLATES Mean Plenty of "Pep" rTEY are the backbone of Prest-O-Lite Batteries. Bet- ter than ordinary plates, they make Prest-O-Lite Bat- teries better than ordinary batteries. Prest-O-Plates combine a pecu.liar porosity with an un- usual hardness, which explains their quiek delivery of power in cold weather, and great heat-resisting, non- buckling strength in summer. Prest-O-Lite Batteries are specified by the majority of leading Canadian manufacturers, and this list is growing. How is your battery workîng? Is its pulse low? Corne around and consuit our specialists. We prolong the life of ail batteries, and we neyer tell you that you need a new battery until you do. Drive around-and get our friendly expert advice. F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance-st. Bowmanville P.11 P111 -1 - --- -------