Nervous Breakdown The extreme depreson and discouragement which cornes over one at times is the most alarming symptom of nervous exhaustion. Thisletter is a message of hope to ail who find themselves in this unfortunate condition. Mrs. Geo. T. Tingley, Albert, N.B., writes:- "For years I was in a very nervous, run-down condition, was nsucb depress- cd in spirits and suflered a great deal t Stimes. The least noise would irri- talte me and at imes 1 feit as though 1 certainly would go rra7y. I con- sulted different doctors te no effect. "Ahfiend advîsed the use of Dr. Cases erve Food and 1 can truly testify today te the great benef ils re- ceived. There was a marked change before I had finished the second box and when 1 had used a dozen boxes my nerves were thoroughly restored and I was eairely relieved of those terrible Ifeelings 1 used te have. 1 shallee be ready te tcstify te the henefits of ibis wonderful medicine, feeling sure t hat it il give to others the quick and jpermanent relief il has given nme" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50e Ia box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltc,Toronto. EATABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of k SCOTCH AND SWEDE I ad GRANITES an non tâc best grades of IVERMONT BLUE MARBLE ]ý eplo no emeerycaretakere as agents preferring toesali my own goods thus' saving the purchaser the~ agent's commission. A oel soicited, S%ýtandard Sejcrvice With our experience and 'equipment we have a no- tion that we could work out a pretty fair sort of battery service without. intûch help. But we also have an idea that it wouldn't measure up to the bran-d of service developed f: use by the Willai _- eBat- tery Cor- Ci Canada, 1otiuarters we b- heir years of e the definite na- --r;l sandards of service they have been able to develop as a resait. Corne int No matter what maake of battery you happen to have it necds the sort of atten- tion provided by the Willard Standard of Service. Ontario Battery Service Moffat Motor Sales Building Representing Willard Storage Batteries The Nýewc< NEWCASTLE Miss Rena Thomas visited friends in Cobourg. Mr. John Allin had business in Osh- awa this week. Mr. Erie Toms, Belleville, was up over the week-end. Miss Gladys Bradley is visitingý friends in- Toronto. Miss Muriel Lake is visiting with friends in Toronto.1 Mr. R . Gibson came down from' Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. Allan Howard, Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mr. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, spent the week-end at Mrs. W. Lake's. Mr. Bradley is in charge of the Entrance Examination lass at Orono Mrs. W. Moore has returned home after a pleasant trip to Rochester, N, Y. Mr. Bert Papineau, Toronto, visit- ed hbis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Papin- eau. Mr. Clifl'ord Carr, Cavan, visited at Mrs. Louis Parnall's over the week- end.1 Mrs. R. IL .James, Oshawa, was guest of Miss Emma White over the week-end. Mr. Harry Tucker, Toronto, visit- ed at Mr,. W. F. Thomas' over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms, Tor- onto, visited with his mother, Mrs. M. E. Toms. .Miss Sadie Bennett visîted her sis- ter, Mrs. F. L. Culley, Toronto, for the week-end. Nurse Rowland was called to New- tonville in the disçharge of her pro-1 fessional duties. Miss Betty McKenzie who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. 1-1. Britton has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew.Moffatt and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Toms. Entrance exais started here yes- terday with a big class of "Tryers". Principal Might'is in charge. Volney Moore is relieving at the Standard Bank, Newtonville, during, the absence of Mr. L. K. Lapp. Our old friend Wes Ough, Toronto Police Force, and Mrs. Ough and f am- ily are visititng at Mr. B. Moise's Mrs. J. Scott Montgomery and daughter Betty, have returned home after'a very pleasant visit with her parents in Cannington. Mrs. Mitchell and Misses Mary and Nellie Mitchell, Toronto, visited their cousin, Mrs. W. N. Buckley recent- ly. Congratulations are in order with Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Gibson by the ar- rival of a baby girl to hrighten their home. Mr. and Mrs, W. Adams, Trenton, and Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve, Smithfield, visited at Mr. W. N. Buckley's on Tuesday. Mr. Hlarold Cann and Miss Bertha Cann have gone to Bayonne, N. J., where the former is one of the chief participants in a very happy event to-day. Mr. Wm. J amies on has vac ated the city of bouses ho was forced to store bis farnitare and take rooms witb Mrs. Veste Gibson. Our fiag polo is now la good shape for July lst. Don Gibson gave it two good coats of paint and put in a new rope. Don appearod qaitoe t homoe 75 foot up in the'air. A distressing accident happened to Miss Winnie Gibson et the home of bier brother, T. M. Gibson, during the oxcitement causod by e small fire. She had the misf ortuno to fail and fracture bier hip. 11ev. W. A. Banner, Pickering, was the preachor for anîivorsary ser- vices et Wesleyville on Sundey wben very largo audiences were present to boar their former pastor. New- tonville Preshyterian choir furnisbed the music. J.- H. Gibson bas secured a big painting contracj from the C. P. R. to paint al buildings belonging to the Co., from Glon Tay to Toronto. This is e pretty big job but John is the boy who cen bandle it and is being essisted by bis two sonsý Aldin and Jim. -Dr. Stanley J. Uglow, Chicago, Ill., bas leasedl Dr. Carvetb's fine new cot- tage et Newcastle-on-the-Leke and Mrs. Uglow accompanied by bier mother and Master George and Miss Jane Uglow arrived on Mondey lest and are now comfortably settled in their new querters. Dr. Uglow ex- pects t oarrive latter part of July. Mr. Jos. Tebblo, formerly of North Clar-ke,' and now residing in Michigan motored over to pay bis respects to bis friends bore. Joe reports ex- cellent prospects for abumper crop in bis home country and informs us thet there are greet prospects to be seen al elong the route, but no place beter than in the neighborhood of Newcastle. While in town Mr. Teb- ble wes guest of bis sister, Mrs. Ar- thur Niqeols. Board of Education bas again fill- ed tbe Teacbing Staff of both Highi and Public Sebools and are to be complimented on this display of "pep" the resaIt of wbîch is thet tbey bad a large number of applicants to select from. and bei-e is hnping that tbe new teachers will ho as successful end popular as the ones we bave lost. Mr. F. Cannon of Portland, Ont., la the new principal of the Public School et a selery of $1800 per annum with rMiss Leta Stutt, Orono, as junior, in the Public Scbool et a selary of $950. Miss M. E. Sanderson, Wroxeter, is the assistant High Sebool teacher et a salary of $1700. Notice is herehy given that the first îhr sitting ofs the Court of Revision for the Make sure of your next hihr Town of Bowmanville Will ho held at the ~ ~ ~ ~ s, Couneil Room in sald Town of Bowman- WInte's oal y boking vil o hrsaJun.e 29, 1922 et 7 30 0-0 P. M. to hear and determine the several yu order early. compiaints of errors or omissions in the X Assessment Roll for the said Municipallty fo te er 92. JOHN LYLE, Geo.- Jamiesonl Gro>cer Cierk of the Town of Bowmanville. O Dated at Bowmanville thîs 20th day. of Jane 1922. 25-2W Newcastle i BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE St le Ii I de p4e rncide n t (Continaed from first page.) Several yoanger preachers greatly enjoyed the noon hours la a game of D w el lingl THUR DAYJUN 29 922basebali and some of them were bet- THURSDA , JUNE 9 1922ter batters than base-takers. They Fn pt- _____________________________________________________should practise sprinting more. Fn pt- NEWCSTLEConference was unanimoas that the South, one hloc] NEWASLEMINISTERS AND CHURCHES necessity of frequent dlaims inter- s Th Cier Kng s no sprtin aifered with the tîme for ,inspirational rooms, heside bat Th Cde Kngi nw potig . Church of Christ, Sanday School and evangelîcal services and that theie$750 Grey Dort. wIl meet for the next two months frequency of financial appeals was re-Prc $750 Mrs. J. M. Cobbledîck spent Sanday ý immediaely at the close of the mnorn-_ acting on the general liberality. T. H. McMURTFR with friends in Oshawa. ing service. -Rev. S. J. Shorey, D. D., la his fare-' Miss C. Platt, Toronto, is visitiag St. Paal's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, well address brought moisture to with the Misses Drummonds. minister. il a. m.-Patriotism. 7~ many eyes other than those of his, y- Mr. S. Bonathan is making exten- p. m. -"Walking la the1 midst of. the ministerial hrethren. He has been- ,sive repairs to his shop entrance. Fire". 12-1-Sunday School. a very mach beloved man with min- 1 Mrs. A. Laird "'Ainsley Hall", Tor- I Methodist Church, Rev. S. C. isters, laity and people generally. onto, is visîting the Misses Drammond Moore, Pastor, will preach at both Young men received into full con-, 1 Mrs. McLaughlin is brightening ap services next Sunday. 10.30 a. m. nection were: J. Fred Lane, Il. C. hier premises with a fresh coat of . elowship Service. 11-Com- Wolfrain, D. M. Stinson, R. McDon- manion Service. 2.30 p. m.-San«. ald and H. B. Herrington, on motion 3paint. day School 7.00 p. m.-Subject of Rev. Alfred Brown, and Rev. J. ~~ Mrs. Macklem and little daughter, "Look to Thyself", Miss Dorothy S. I. Wilson who delivered capital,,II . Michigan, are visiting at Mr. Arthur Stanley, will sing at the morning ser- addresses, iIe*UIIR Nichols'. vice and Miss Reta Cole at the even- Warmn debate ensued on the recoin- Mrs. J. Walker and son David, ing service. mendation to reduce the namber of Rossmore, are visiting hier mother, ýSt. John's Church, Rector-Rev. C. departments by amalgamations to re- Mrs. J. Wade. P. Muirhead; Organist-Mrs. John A. duce overhead expenses. Memorial. Does good h( Mrs. M. V. Mason has returned Gunn. 3rd Sanday after Trinity, will go to Cen. Conference without 1 home from a pleasant visit with Jaly 2nd. il a. m.-lloly Commun- approval of this annual conference on 100 %, perfectly 1, friends in Orillia. ion; 12,30-Sundae School. 7.00 a vote of 58 to 56. 1, If yo are sick-i Misses Hanley have takea up their p. m.-Evenrng Song. Preacher, The three members of conference sammer quarters la the old home at The Rector. Confirmation by The always known for their mach speak- regain health in NewcastleontheLake. Right Rev. Bîshop Reeve on Thursday hng were ap to their record agaîn thîs tgw ho l Mr~. and Mrs. Jim Gibson, Preston, at 8 P. M. year, f ew, sabjects being considered dugwto ] are visiting his father, John Gibson, Bowmanville Methodists were pleas- that were not illuminated by their, Millions of others Newcastle-on-the-Lake. ed to greet their former pastor, Rev. eradition and Jadgment. Two of the Mr.Frd Gbsn nd amlyNi ~Sellery, Toronto, who was here yoanger members are not many laps possible by Chirc agara Falls, are now in full charge of Sanda y in the interest of the Lord's behind them. alian operations at Willow 11i11 Farm. Day Alliance. 11e preached in the Ministers elected to attend Gener-' you. aii n Gla toreprt ha "UcleFre" ethdss Chrchinthemorînga, al Conference at Toronto are, G. Chiropractie and >Elw treorth is akm teady proress St. Paal's Preshyterian la the evening R. Clare, Wesley Elliott, S. C. Elswrth s mkingsteay pogres'ýgiving two very suitable and, inter- Moore, W. G. Clarke, A. M Irwin, F.E to recovery and expects to be home' esting addresses. He stated at the Mallott, F. H. Howard, C. W. Bar G rdo"P week 1 ornng srvie tat $5,00 ws ,tt, E. B. Cook, J. U. Robins, W. S Mr. Perey O'Neil, bis mother and needed to carry on the work Of P. Boyce, L. S. Wight, H. B. Kenny, Misses Marjorie and Gladys Jones properly preserving the Sabhath. Hie R. A. Whattam, H. Higgs; Alternaté motored to Wellington and spent the quoted briefly what a Rest Day is 1j. S. 1. Wilson, W. P. Rogers. e Church Street- weekend with Mrs. Ray Keech. for showing that the Sabbatb bas to ueantdmisercoiud Miss Laura Walton went to Tor- do with the liberty and dignity of man in that relation are: Revs. W. D. Ofc or onto on Wednesday to consaît Dr. and spoke of it as a physical, mental, P isn .Pmot e.Bon F. W. Marlow regarding hier bealth domesie, moral and spiritual nec- PDWisPh.ones--(Go.Brwn which has not been very sati sfactory essity and warned ail of the dire conj D Williams, Jas. H. Chant, B. Fer-Phns- on- u W. H.J . oad, TkerHJ. l, iof late. sequencestothose who negîect J~gsoH . Hwad, nthony 111, Mr. Soldon and Mr., Vincent M as- observance. Mrs. H. M. Foster sangI Wil son, J. W. Totten, J. F. Mears, . ~- sey, Toronto, were in town Friday ricely"' hen 1 Survey the Wondrous W. C, Washington, E. A. Tonkin, W. 1 making final arrangements for the Cross." . H Spargo, G. C. Workmani, Roger - 1laying of the Corner Stone of the Rev. Mr. Sell-y gave an interest- Allin, J. C. Bell, Thos. Brown, D. Community Hall, ling address to the Sunday School on Balfour, F. Johnston, John BedfordT pf Reports say the ladies of the town "Flowers."The School also appreciat- H. M. 'Manning, J. A. Jewell, B. are about to organize a Lawn Bowln e having again Miss Reta Cole, with Greatrix, J. Hoskin, H. C. Garbutt,u 1 Club. Get basy ladies for when or1tem, again and she sang feelingly W. johnston. Additions to the list ComniyGre i eaywe.wil1fTeRe otessoa.b S.Qi nnthday of Buck-. le r ler D, S have a Bowling Lawn second to none. inion d oe biphatrof this Dom- J. Shorey, D. D., W. H. BcleA. Com nity san oeparoi hymns were H. Hoare, Dr. G. W., Marvin, F. W. The first bricks for the omnt1sug Ogden. Hall were laid on Monday in prep- 1Rv .L rwLnsy rah e.MnA lresp aration for the Big Show on Jaly 1 st. Rv .L rwn idapeah 1v ason Doyle gave a very and the contractors expect to have a ed to a good congregation at night interesting, instructive and informa- full force of bricklayers on the job from the words "Ye shaîl receive tive address on "Week-day Religlous ishes to shine up f nex Modaywhe th wok wlî ePower, etc.," giving a very practical Instruction" or "Relugioas teaching pae daidly thopetwr ion. ediscourse. Assisting in the, service la the Public Sehools". 11e pointed Contedraciyto coChen a sit were Rev. S. C. Moore, H. B. Kenny out that la cities in Ontario fally 50 Eev-l-gt , Cntactr eo Chney as hit-and Wm Higgs. Revs. A. R. Walsh per cent of the children neyer go to-Eeyhn ed the scene of bis Highwayopera- and H. W Foley were also present. Suntday School, and that two-thirds of tions, from Fligg's 11i11 on the east to Mrs. F. H Joness sang a solo "Jast for the parents neyer go to church. This Mclntosh Hill on the west. There To-Day" and Mr R. M. Mitchell "Hold shows the striking need of religious is a large gang employed lowering Thou My Hand" la addition to the teaching in the sehools. He emphasiz- the hiil about eight feet and moving anthenis by the choir ander the dir- ed the possibiiity of deveioping the W M . the earth to the calvert at the bottom oction 'of Mr T. W. Stanley.metlp er an ngecigte H dw eSoe of h bi raiingandwideingthemoral and spiritual protestant child- r eteme fied . . das NFIELD ren get 24 hoars teaching la year On Our steeed rien H.A. Aamsan average of religions instruction, is pretty well under the weather these Mr. F. W. 0. Werry, B. A., Ottawa, and Jews 246 and Catholica 330 bours. days. No, lho basntt just landed iss E.lm. Werry, Tyrone, withi their 11ev H. B, Kenny's»report from the from Jreland but had a decidedly in-j niece , Mrls. J. R. Ormiston. Ecamenical Conference in London, interesting time with a fractioas cow____- - (To be continued next week) 1 PAINT UP AND which for some unaccoantable reason jYRýN became anruly wbile Mr. Adams wasTY NE-"---'---- -- - mîlingber knckig hm dwn nd Vsitors: Mrs. T. R. Hoar lias return I badly braising bis shoalder and head, ed from a pleasant visit with hier daught- tb Î,- resultîng in Mr. Ad-anis being confine ers, Mrs. v. A. Anderson, Toronto, and to hebosefora ee, ut e s owMrs L. Grosskurth, Laurel; Miss Eveiyni to he ous fo a eek bu li isnowLick, Oshiaw a, gueat Of Miss Evelyn !C10u, M-iss -Flocne'.vtre -I hs.. flooper, Mrs. T. Findlay, Mrs. R. Rather- iey, Mrs. A. E. Wight attended the Dis- trict meeting of the Women's Institute et flNestieton on Wedesday.....r and Mrs. IAU TILloyd, Francis and Virginia bf Aiaaa PROCLAMATION! . S. A., Mr. and Mrs. C. Dawson, Campbelford,-,ver guest at Mr Afor Know ye al good citigens of New- Rni raean et oMAnvW - castie that on July lst the Corner Rund, rce and ..Jean, BwanvMse r stone of the Commanity Hall will be Watson, irene and Lou, Cosarea, vis ted Fl upyo laid. and'Miss Alma Werry at Mr. Peter Wer-~T R H j Fi upyo Therefore, ye are ordered to bave rys. . ..Mrs. Gilbert Parent, Walkervillie and flags of al! kii est f ler ousnstMises Cole 3 'i in all readiness flags and bantings 9' 1C osn, h issCl 50 that ye and your bouses may be ens Institute were royaily entertained fittingly decorated for ye gladsome and a sumptuons lnnch served at Mrs. ALSAMEA,long kacswn to the med-il C .J occason. . Miliers on Thursday last. Mrs. R,. ical profeaion, bas recently beenH C I occasion. ~~~~~Hatherley gave a spendid report of the nrde ntCada By Order District Convention at Nestieton. Munsic ardce noCaaa nd <lis won- _____________________________ t Vietrois and an interesting reading by derfut- remey is aow avaîl able for every- Mi\rs. B. Farrel.. .. Raydon and Hlampton body. Alre&dy it bas won phenonienal Anniversaries were weil patronized hi' ccss and is effectiag remnarkable ou. citizenis on Sunday .... Orangemen of STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM Tyrone and vicinity wiil attend service recoveries in the treatmnent of Astîmna, Sundai' at 7 P. m, when Rey. W. T. Catarrh, Weak Lungs and other respir. Every visitor to Newcastle on July ikt wili preacli. atory troubles. gu lst, when the corner stone of thoîr u aboteody fine new commanity hall is to bo laid, MAPLE GROVE Byabuet-a is cordially invited to attend the Lad- ____ JURY,& LOVELL uigt les' Aid Strawberry Festival on the Mr. and Mrs. Steve Munnday.'and family, Druggists Bowmanville drn Methodist Churrcb Lawn, when an Mr. and Mrs. Wili Munday and deughter, Conrtwright, Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Moore, abundanco of real cream and bernies Waubuno, attended the golden wedding MEDICAL will be served to be followed by a of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M Mun- ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. L splendid musical program assisted b day, sr.. .. .Mrs. Frank Ranford, Boom- Terrtt ros, MssesDeyan nfield, New Jersey, is visiting lier parents, Graduate of Trinity University, alo Terrtt Bos.,Mises Dyman andMr.' and Mrs. M. Munday, sr.... .Mrs.-. DECORATE FOR~ JULY 1SI paints, varnisâhes, oils, brushe inds. ["ONATHAN )J'UuT BAKING the summer months and BRITTON'S (ERY FEED E FAMILY IBRITTON Newcastle ïS H STOCK trenys Jelly Powders 10e package RICES ADVANCING ck of tea now befûre_ WALT%'ON r s.. j ~fr I pliees go Newcastle 'I For Sale In Osha?ýva late brick dwelling on Ritson Rd. ,k from King-st., containing A ýh, seperate toilet and kitchenette .Apply on, the premises to RY, 50, Ritson Rd. South Oshawa. 26-2w OPremRACTICl iealth interest you? Do you feel heaIthy or oniy 33 'and a third % ? _why are you sick? If you could a perfecdly natural way -without cerations, would it interest you? are to-day enjoying health, made )practic-there may be hope for d let me explain thé* philosophy of 1why it gets you well. Souch, D. C., Ph. C. -Opposite Presbyterîan Church -111-12 a. m. 3-5 -and 7-~8 p. m. Office 41J House 140-r2 )ply of Paints, Stains and Varn- for the big day-July lst. Lo decorate with- at J AMI' EON Newcastle