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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1922, p. 10

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14EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL (Continu ed from lst page)t add to their efficiency, and prove a blessing to the entire community. The Building Committee is cOm- posed of-George P. Rickard, Reeve, -A. A. Colwill, Thomas Montague. The architects of the,building are Messrs. Sproatt & RZolph, Toronto. 'The contractors are as f ollows, ail of Toronto. Masonry, including excavating and concrete-Messrs. Page & Company. Woodwork-The J. C. Scott Co. Steel Constructior1-McGregor & Mellntyre. Painting and glaziig-Faircloth & ~Winfield. Heating, electric wiring and plumb- Ïng-Bennett & Wright. 1Plastering and lathing-Hoidge & Son. The councillors of the Village of Newcastle at the present time are- George P. Riekard, Reeve, J. A. But- ler, M. D., H. S. Britton, William Buckley, Henry Jose. The Lieutenant-Governor of the Province is Hon. Henry Cockshutt. The Prime Minister of Ontario is the lon. E. C. Drury. The pre sent ýGovernor General of Canada is His Excellency General The Right Hon- iurable Lord Byng of Vimy, G. C. B., G. C. M . G., M. V. O. The Ilon. W. L. Mackenzie King is the TheNec Local Clergy Speak Rev.I J. E. Fenning, Rector of St. George's Church, Newcastle, referred to the benediction of such a building in a commulnnity which the people will not f ully realize until they have the pleasure of ultilizing its varlous de- partments.1 Rev. S. G. McCormack, B. A., Minister of the Preshyterian Church, Newcastlé, feit that the hall was not s0 much a donation as an example of true unselfish patriotism . This higher spirit of patriotism is taking hold of big men who are sharing their good things with others. Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D., Oshawa, who was the Methodist Past- or at Newcastle when Mrs. Treble- Mnssey comnpletely renovated and buili for its ministers a handsome par- soiiage, spoke of the value of man in relationship to his fellowmen and added that men are beginning to un- derstand the responsibility of their stewardship, and like Mr. Massey are spending their wealth that othiers may be better and happier. NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL 'caea were muchi, n eviolence on I .4 ___ ~4- Send this paper to an absent friend. Midsummer Promotions Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Toronto, lias been ~;=i A Ii-i ~ Miss Charlotte Rose is visiting with _____spending the past twýo weeks vritli her e i lfriends in townSno omsnCale Miss Miller, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. I order of merit: Jr. I oS v An urchin remarked that the speeý _____________________H.R. Iercs.Clrnce Gaines, Basil WilsoSronaldon Saturday were enough tr Up"1 Mr C. V. Wilson lis home fromn Oshawa Wright, Lida Lake, Rae Deline, Ainley ehowe. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1922 I on a' short holiday. haBenviiig]utler, Gordon Ketchum, Tom Brown, Ir- Miss Kathleen Wilson and friend, Misa vin Colwill, Fred Fenning, Winnie Lake, E Wilson, Toronto, spent thie week-end Miss Hilda Bowen la envstn Ernest Pearce, Howard Pearce Nr tCas lsns _________________________ it hr ant Ms.Chis Lw. Cowan. No, the picture you see in this page la sey, whose nobility of mind and kind- mena thought and work and the de- Mr'. George Bonathan, Standard Bank, Sr. III to Jr. IV-Archie Britton, Ruth not Mutt and Jeif. It is ReeveRicard nesof heart conceived and- carried velopment of the real community Brantford, is home for is holidays. Hancock, Doris Spencer, Dick Cowan, and Ex-Reeve Colwill. 1otteetrrs hc eclbaesiiofmta epuness adsc Mrs. W. Chapman and Miss Ruhy, Rae Clark, Willie Hennings. Why not have another célébration in outtheentrprse hic wecelbrae siri ofmutal elpulnss nd ac-Rochester, are visiting at W. J. Moore's. J. W. Bradley, teacher. order to-give the 1'left overs" a lac to-ay I rturin or rattue ifcebu Ifel sretht ouWill Miss Gladys Jaimson visited at Ponty-, to display their oratorical powers. ta him, we should specially rejoice in rise to the occasion, and will find it pool on July lst, at their annual clebrat- Itreit i so Lh atta ehv ihut-awl ot hl.ion. cul Jr. III to Sr. III-Honors---Wilbur Gra- te fat tha we ave wth u, to-ay, wll wrth wile.Copper Beech is again ocuid by a hiami. P.s.lhaHnig ~ni EI his son, Mr.Vincent Masey, who hasscore of more pretty maldens fromn Tor-. Gibean, eclnal, Ross Jones, Frank Gray,ALRDFR OM, .DC.. shown himself to be equipped with The National Side noReiad obsn.AFE FRNO BM.DClt talents of leadership iJn commerce, Over -al, there is, ever and aîways, Miss Ruth Morrissey, Pickering le Sr. IIto Jr. IJI-Honors-Eleanor Ander- Graduate of Trinity University, aise spending a f ew days with Miss Mabel son, Roy Jones. Pass-Garland Ilpat- and gifts of public spirit which enable the National sîde. Somne of the Lakte.' rick, George Gaines, Kenneth Wilson, of Royal College Physîcians, Edin- 4 hm t upol th alos woldwdeMr. and Mrs. George Lumsden are uop .r. 1l. tri Sr. II-Honors-Audrriy mc- burg., Specialty-Diseases of wom- spaeshaeimnedu htthsfo retnvtoigwt r.adMs Guire, Ruby Nicholas (promoted on1 en and children. Office-Parker's i tradition of business and philanthropy je Dominion Day. Fifty-flve years' J. Parker. term's work), Fred Thomas, Alber eassociated with the honored name hie ago, another corner-stone was laid- Mrs. E. W..W. Rnndle and danghters, Pearce, Marlon Rinch, Rosa Cowan, Eert Biock, Newcastle. ber. o aetob cnrauatdth conr-tneo ti yug aio.Doris~ and Wilma, Oshawa, are visiting yn Rickard (special exam thrn illness). 'JA.BTEMDC.. ber. Yu r ab cnrtlte tecrersoeo ti on nto..Mrs. H. S. Britton. Pass-Victor Lockwood, Charlie Parnell, J .BTEM . .M upon the fact that hie has announced, Time will not permit to cite figures Nwal rushshe oîddw lrdGro eulDulsWiît Honor graduate of Trinity University, ro-day, his intention of maintaining or illustrations of the progress which thie week te miake room for report of Betty Garrod, Mary Adair. aniteet nthsenepis ndi la be md inethttie bt1Corner Stone Ceremony. H. A. Mason, teacher. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, an nteestin hisentrprse nd n hs ben adesine tat ime bu I Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay and family, this community, which his father bas need only say that it has fully justi- also, Mrs. F. L. Culley and danghter Primary Room Licentiate of the State University of so long, and so splendidly shown. Thisfedtevso ofhettsmnwo Betty of Toronto are visiting at Mrs., Entrance to Scn el inNew York, Matriculate of the Post- to e s te ersna sie f tisso el an tuiylad te ornr-Frank 'ennett's. ltuhy Cowan, Olga Paskaryk, Willie Mc- Graduate Meial Scooi and Hos- to m isthe ersnalsideOf hiSsa wll nd tulylai thecorer- Miss Lanra Walton u nderwent a criti- Facherri, Violet Henning, Jamie Wright, pitai of New 'York and Fellow of the occasion. Stone on the first Dominion Day. cal opertition in Toronto General Hospit- Tom Spencer, Sylvia Kîlpatrick, Velma Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office aon Tuesday last and latest reports Brown, David Gray, Harold Conch. The Community SidePerhaps one of the evils of this day give hier condition as very satisfactory. ?assed on year's work-Bessie Lake Ms cagtns Rsdn ThnThee is uit Sethe . ur ofaiece ad nidrArhoeeoldeffctelastoveG ibson rCoan eul ajreMriMl o3~ . n steei fiptecad i- M.Atn iptikhsmvdbs Etace to First-John Rickard and Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. rd Te hr steCommunity side. patience is a near neighbourof -i famîly andhueoI fecstGion, ton Brown, John Fenning, Louis Clrte, . i, n y appointment. Upnthis corner-stone, there wili trust and discouragemfent. It is well, veSiin la isorder tht h Myb oron- Frances Breat, (o~n yrar's wurk), Fred rUpoe na e otsa building of therefore, once in a while to pause Rela ohewrkwt r isn Adair, Charié Robinson. arie in ewmonhs a Rports say that we are about to lose Sr. Primier-Marlon Aldread, IreneÇ esplendid proportions for community and get a long view, so that we may ËcBe. S. G. and Mrs. MoCormack, hee bav- Brereton, Adair Baacock, Harold Brown, Y purposes. As to the architecture of be encouraged by the progress which ing accepted an invitation to Madoc. Alecia Williams, Marie Henning, George UA th uldnI a nl oein pass- bas been made, progress-substan- While we all rejoice to leara of Mr. Me- Buekley, George Graham, Florence Spen--____ thebuidin, Icanonl noe iCormack's advancement we regret tocr, Hubert Anderson, Hîlliard Brown. ing, that it is in the hands of Mr. tial, enduring and continuous,- lose hlm and his estimable wife, as they Intermediate Primer-Douglas Carr, O igto tesrk ti Rolphto whom w r indebted in rather than discouraged, by 'the see- have fiîîed a large place in the hearte of Gordon Garrod, Gwen Williams, Harry O ig tesrk ti thsPovic, owsie o h ietigpolm h are vrwtus the people and the social hf e of the village Concb. Edwin Hlancock. ths roinefo om o te instig roles hih r eerwih s, to the heary rain Saturday a. m . aonecerimosil t e ir ate illustrations of artistie and enduring but are ever transient. the Ladies' Aid strawberry festival bih -___________ architecture. We should not, eren- For the future of ibis nation, I te take place on the church lawn in delivery, . but 1 have a suffi- Iteeaing was held in the S. S. Hall -Duriag ilie closiag exercises of the pnb- in a young country, overlook the in- feel a greater confidence when I view, and was largely patronized hy the rieit- lic scbool the pupils preeented Mr. W. J. Cient quantity on order to fluene of rchitcturein moding he suh scees asthat eforeme todayirs wh caying. ofneBradeieyr.gtheBrreey.rhe ngei Principalalwith !ivesane ofarctetre in mhoding he uhsee a htbfrem odythe corersone ofOur new hall. During beautiful reading lamp. In dlscnssingtkecr lie ad chrcer f hsewoand remember that thiis country hias, the tea lîonr Miss Jennie Merchant, A. the matter later Mr. Bradley admitted aecr of ail my customi-, coma under this influence,,as bias been produced the men who make these T-. C. M., Bowmanville, dellghted ber that it woas one occasion when hie had rvery often shown in the old world. thingà possible. -Yonder ie fthc found- bcarers \ith sereral piano solos. Later difficulty la making a reply. Needlese e i-s. tie hall -vase clecîcîl foi the, piusîam cona- te eay that this act of kiadness on the But it ia flot so much the material a'ion on îxhich will be raised this itn of instrumental music and solos part of tbe pupile le much aPpreciated by side, I desire te emphasiZe to-day. It splendid building of sa many possibil- by Mrs. F. Franton n lier usual capable Mr. Bradley wbo will alwaye remember MaKe sure of your next -is only as we try to translate this ities. Yonder, also, stands the gift1 way. Addressee by Bers. H-1 S. Spence 'lie bappy hours speat with pupils of 5 oa buildng ofbrickand sone ito it 1 an S. G MeComack erebeartily en- Newcastle Public Sohool. We are pleaeed winter s olb bokn buidin ofbrck nd toe ito t5of another of your distinguished Sons, joyed. Miss Jennie Merchant caplrated te annolînce that it les Mr. Bradiey's in- human values that we can visualise Mr. J. E. Atkinson, that splendid flag-1 the audience in bier rendering of "If tention te stili remain a citizen of New- your order earlv. i sran siniicace. Her, illbe ela ad fom ts ea waes he ia Mother hadn't marrled Daddy'. This castle of which hie bas always heen an Ps rsalsigifiance Hee, illbe oleandfro it pea waes he lagwas Miss Merchants firet appearance lionored and loyal supporter. the very centre of the hif e of. the coin- wbich bas guided us through ahl these here and irve assure bier ef a rery hearty Mrs. A. Devis and Mise Bevis we munity. ilere, yen reverentiy pre- yaars, and will continue to ha the em- Meco,..nve eeeeers before a down from Toronto te inspect the handi! G eo. Jiam iesoie" serre the mamories of :the honored bîem of env lova and loyalty. To- nt wsacopnstfrMisSadecan- . e oea ei. Me asi dpad who went forth from this place o.a-her, may they stand throughout Pniceeds $200. Orono Brase Band rend- usofMCulean Misses LaIte.N wcatl te protect our libartias. Here, civic the long, long years, ýeacb in its place eý>red excelÉfft music wbich was mucli en- Mse ae gouretr will bec crried on, and serrîng as an incentive te better local oe.__________ shold a god oren-cLizenship, and a challenge to higher HOLIDAY VISITORS _______________________________ tment in such surroundings. Here, and truer national patriotism. Mre. Stinson and daugbter Frances, tmenanam women will meat for the Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. George Eil- beck's; Miss Amy Hunter, Standard W social hour, and aoid and young eny Loves His Native Village Bak Trnt, bihler mother, Mrs.T H JKu . S O N the rcetosadpsie utbeH e;Ms Olive Thorne, Toronto, T L J»"ON n S mastrs f msieandmasersof ra-President of Star Printing & Publisb- le spending a montli at Dr. A. Farn- mateslfl uscand leaders of igCeoiit.,enafNecslesIcombes; Mr. and Mrs. Georg'e Farncomb, plat____ ory wllcame, an edr fsag igC. Itd oeo ecsl' Oshawa, at Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb's; Mr. rand statesmanship wihl show that mess briiiiant and favorite sons and t cd Mis. Xhý_laa Loctibari, Toronto, witb music stili bas charme and eratory a loyal henefactor te bis native vil- friende; Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and lage, was the hast speaker of the af- twO onsi Toronto, witiîlbis brotheme; Miss bter usn swslad ogao S silllia poers Intheenjymet ernon. Wit thse f u lie M.'Mary Neal, Toronto, leis isiting -witb Mrs. For etrbsn swa lid ogao stil baspewes. l th enjyman tereon. Wit thoe ofus lke Dr.r) Anderson; Miss Helen Tufi also of ail these priviieges, it will be a Massey who hava mored away, Mr. 'Miss Mary Tuff, Toron o at Mme. Pa.ti soe Commnit Hal, et fr NwcatleAtkinson said, we find that the roots Bmanton s; Mr. and Mme. Charles Toms, alona, but for the cantira district. ef our lires stili byve in Newcastle no Torot, Osawra, a. Mr M BTams; Town and country, farmar and busi- matter how f ar away we are. We:Miss Claudie Papineau, Toronto, and Mr. 1 ies man, will meet on a hasis of can ne more change the sentiment'rPed Papineau, Oshawa, at home; Mr. W ohls fyudl' u ee eultand differences of creed and wihbneu eti ilg hnFrancise Liddle, Sudbury, at Mrs. T. M. aqnality, -,tatisvilgethnGibsons;Mr. Allan IHoward, Toronto, E eyhn hrwr tlW s rcs clase will ha forgotten, as assurcdiy chane1 u nms. Newcastle is withi hîs parents; Mm. fri ee el-.ieyhn hrw r tlw s rcs 1they should ha. Ahi thaýse thinge, it father and mether te us. None have ville. wltb bis sister,,Mrs. M. Allia; Miss- ssceme te me, cannot help but make broughtsncbh onor ta this -place as 'es Kathleen and Margaret Lakte accomp- -for happier lires and hetter, citizen- te1 gt nied bS, Miss Muriel Andrus at heme; me~brs fteMasyfm qyM Grace Culley, Tomento, at Mme. Frank shi; ad 5 I ay-uck Necasleand 4they have ahways givan friand- Bennettes; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wynn,w and lucky Newcastle community! ,vpan i o-hs eaigi. r 3gara Faitswitb bier mother, Mrs. ad arTtre.wcsl Th PovncalSieMaesey le bimsehf a grant man, mod-' Dey- un. Bowrnanville, at Mrs. J. E The rovicialSideest, with a etacere haart and of bigh- Matchette;ý Mr. Jack Smith, Toronto, at Mme. Frank Gibsens; Mr. AIf. Bennett, _______________________________________ ýFurthcr, Iý wonld pont eout, that est character . Ha e greatar than1 Teronto,, at Mrs. G. Gra's; Mr. and Mrs. ___________________________________ >this occasion bas its Provincial sida , et thîng he bason a manW e- aned. Achsen1W ade;Tor.ntd rit s.! __________________________________ as well. While the pecuiar posses- -adoghnrteamne Jim Parson. Osbawa, with lier sister, Mrs. sien of Newcastle and community, jsarvuag, of our honor and Who has N. MoBachera; Miss May. McEachern, this hulidiag will ha an asseattoe the stsato of knowing the com- Terento, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Sherri- PAINT UP A.ND DECORATE mth s itinbe dvlpepo dan, Toronto, with lber father, Mr. Wm. Province of Ontanio. It is. in lina uiysiiea endvipd r. White; Mr. and tirs. Neil Renwick, To- wit a entmen wbeb ec evee dnite d and preeerved. Mr. Atkin- rente, gueste et Mmc. Leckhart; Miss wthasnietwihasdvlped kinso n îhanked the committee f or Jesic MeNaugliton, Toron'o, gucst of the ~..,,.. duringth past f ew years. As many Meda u a nitto n de isses Drummond; M\îsý, Pommer, Toren-1 ce '-S-~ a.nd p sdaf ew years age, providing for that hdi enriigct n osE. Rinch and F. W. Fligg, BrocItrilIa, at the aymnt f moeraa gantste ne hav ket hm frin a- omre; Mm. and Mme. E. T. Britton. Tor-' i th payentOf mderte gant it oul nothav kep hi frcm: e nte, gu este et Mm. and, mrs.John Deug- encourage local districts in the arect- igpasa.las, Mm. an(-]Mme. Henry Ragen and two Ëion of Community Halls. I arn glad Rer. Wmn. Limbert pronounced the clîildmen witb bier father, Mm. John Doug-, las; ,Mm. IHeward Tome, Port Perry, at te say this encouragement bas heen banediction after which the procead- home; Miss Lou Benathýan, BowmanviIle. taken adrantage of, and taere arc, te- iags wara hrougbt toa aclose hy Or- -ith lier brother, S. Bona'han; Mr. and SMms LIeyîI Beet, West Torento, with Mr. day, hctwcen tbirty and forty halls one Band plnying the National Au-an-cl Mms. B. Moise;Mm. and Mmr Hemman whîch have heen ither complated or tham. Andersen and son Pick, wîtb bier mother, ara under way la pursuance of this _________Mrs. R.P. -Butler; Mme. S. J. Harris, Mme. Eý J. Bale. Mies Elliett, Oshaiwa, Mis legislation. But ne hall in ail the -ia EBrmon, Toronto, Mme. James Court- Fl upyo ans anseý,ol, rse Province wilaqual Newcastle Hall. Old residents of Newcastle wilha ice et Mm. W. H. Jackeons; Mm. W. H.FiIuplLfp!t, anseojs rse Ia your Hall wilI ha found the hast intcrested la a daspatch which appear- 1Ja ckson ,Terento, at home; Mm. and Mme. Cudy and family, Toon'e at Mr. John a.nd flags of al! kinds. featuras of ail Halls, and 1 do netcdla a Western papar Tran former'-e--- ; r nd Mre. George Pamnal thiak that any wharc on thîs continent rasidant of this village. "After farm-i snd son, Toronto, witbhfies brother, Wm.1 will thara ha found a finar Cômmun- ing la Pense, Sask., for 33 yaars, and1 Parnall Mm-r'Wm. ThackrayFICCoboNurgIi.~ ity Hall than that will ha rearad spending maay more years in tetoddard.Toronte.gueste etMm. aC . from the corner-etone laid to-day. weet, William Cator diad Snturday, Mmx. J. Scott Montgoery; Mm. and Mme. This confars upon Newcastle a posi- laRaglnan at the age of 58 years. The E. R. Butler, Teronto, witb is mother, Mme.. R. P.. Bntier; Mm. and Mme. Naylom ___________________________________ tien of eminanca and leadership which funeral will ha hald Tuesday frein and family and Mr. and Mme. Phillipesud - carnies with it responsihilities ns walI Speers' undartaking roomis t Raglnan family. Bowmanville, at Geerge Gains'; ____________________________________ as nivlags. ea e i tat hos re Ceetay. A number of friands Mrs. Curtis and Misses 1Ennny and Greta as pivilges Seeta t tht tose e- emetry.Curtis and Miss Crocker, Lindsay, at Mr., eponsihilities ara fully dischnrged, from Pensa are axpectad te attend.! andVmrs. W. J_ Mooes; Mm. and Mme. excuin f dno. Itma uneof Pans aee, or d a sno MC.J Arnder nMîh.Js.S i and that the future conduct of the -Mn.r trws ahlradhs ndCbaoSit, Mm Rsand m. asSmitb ad 1 Hall is worthy of the conception and chose relatives hare& except Sauladfmiy r.Rs adfmlan I A K N Mmee rr. Bishop, Toronto, guets ef M . andi il during the summer monthis and LET BRITTON'S BAKERY FEED THE FAMILY H. S. BR1-'--i'TO N Baker & Grocer - Newcastle r ESH STOCK McClaren's Jelly Powders l oc package TEA PRICES ADVANCING Buy your stock of tea now before prices go higher. T~ N iPrime lYinister et Canad.a. Ex-Reeve -J oseph Coulson, New- Jars Deposited in Stone casth's silver tongued oraton, fairly Mr. .. A Colilla former toek hie audience by stonin with bis Iteeve of the village and an ax-Ward- of tha g ft thisicmuity ecit an en, n member of the local Building1 joye fo anygenrtommne. i n Committea, lied the honor of placing ofrmaygnatns la the corner stone the jar contain-f Members of Paliamnent Present ing the ahova historical sketch aad an- other jar in wbieh was deposited ai Mr. F .W. Bowan, M. P., foi Canadien 1922 fiva cent place, copy1 Durham County, rejoiced with othars inviatie te he lyingof j this district that Mr. Massay hnd ofiniaint the aigoth.j not fercoe tn the place of bis boy- corner stona, large bill poster, and.hod 'ewspasdthaaat tha aftarnooîV's program; ahso copyilleoc He stietse o apronetio ancbof oreto lob, Mil Em-With the compietion of the hall he pire, Dnily Star, Talagrarn, O rono loeked f onward te Newcastle becom- News, Bowmanville Canaduan States- igteceteo agetan rw man with wbicb le incorporatad The -7 g the centafon r, ade nd ge Newcastle Indapendent, Christian Irgc' uiy osi hwt h Guariian Prshytnia Witessadvent of the auto we do -net speali Candiana Chrchmtean nnd Fnmars in miles any more hut how long wilh Sun. lit take? Lettr Frm Mr C. . Masey Mn, W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., for Lettr Frm Mr C. . Masey West Durham, la bis remarke fait thai The C hairman axprassed the regret the large crowd nsscmbled had not of averyone present that Mr Chester gathered ont of curiosity but from a D. Massey was unahie te ha present, iice,, desire te express their appre- on this anspîcieus occasion and called ciatien te the donor of this muni- on Mr. Massey's private- sertary, ficent gift. Mr. R. S. Burns, te rend this ltter: To George P. Rjcknrd, Esq., Reeve, Splendid Address by Deputy Minister end the people assembhed at New- of Agriculture. ,castie, Juiy lst. Oaa of the outstnnding nddresses My Dear Friends: of the nftcrnoon wne that given by I cannot tehi you what a disappoint- W. B. Roadhouse, Daputy Minister of ment it is nt tO ha able te ha prasent Agriculture, who said nftar istaning at the aaremeniess te-day. te the six or sevan speakers who have b een beard, oeawdndars why an in- I hâd, a gimmrîng hope that If vitation should ha cxtended to an night heipriv:ilegad to attend, but as~ outsider whan thara are se many vary the time apnaches 1 find that I can- ex celent speakers at home. More- noet go., -It is net n question of ha.- ever, fter listaning to six or sevea ing very 11, but oe of heing rery speeches on the camae text, oaa wond- ,wenk. I bave neyer fulhy recoered are what thene le left te ha snid. It iny strength- since my ýoperation hast ceims te me, therefore, thàit parbape wiaten. I have an able suhtitute as an outsider, I mny ha permittad te in my son Vincent, wao wui reprasent snm up- aIl the sentiments whîch are me la the presentation of the trewel. j involvcd in this -happy and historic 1 send yen ahi my cordial greetingsi occasion in onder that we mny the 3May the day prove oaa of inspiration ha tan sense the ignificanca of the and happy memories. many sidcd avant in which we ara With the kindliest wisb for the patîcipting to-day. ;prosperity of the village of my youth, The Personaâl Side J remain,issIhv Yours sincereiy, It i sIhv said, a many sidi-d Chester D. Massey.î occasion, but firet I would like to Juiy first, 1922. rafer ýte the personal sida. The icarcmony, whicb we hava juet wit- Vincent Massey Presents Trowel ncseed, bas been made possible hy an Mr. Vincent Mnssey whe ncted nsI outstanding personality whe spant the hie fatha's nepresentative at the cere firet twenty-one yaars of bus liiie in înony, expressed ie delight on hnaving, this community, and desires te grate- a smalh part te play on this occasion fulhy perpetunte the memory of those and in'imated is intentiens of shar- years. ing bis fntber's intereet la this plan. We hean n grant denh, sometine., lie fait that bis part in this function in regard to rural depopulation. My was te do something nathen than sny enly comment, to-day, is, tbnt the something and on bhaaf of bis fathen cities and centres of population wouhd' lia preseated te Mn. Thomas Ment- ha poor indeed, if tbey were not an- ague, n echeol-time friend of Mn. xicbed frein time te tiime, hy the ad- Mnssey, sr., wban attending New- Arition of the men of stundy 'build castle Gramman Scbool, an angrnved and strong intellect who ara develop- silven trowel. cd la the quiet of the country-side. Thomas Montague Lays Corner Stone Thene is ne grenter romance in the building up of n young country, than Ia laying the corner stone Mr. the romance of the liras of the men Montagua wbo is a man ef retining who have gene forth frein humble disposition, exprassad in bis modest suroundings, and step by step thru way the honon it gava bim to par- the pasing yeans, ttained to bigh ticîpate in thîs ceremony. Ha knew positions of succese and usefuinese. the people wena proud te h be noned Among sucb men, ne naine stands bysuch a gift and ha fait sure that bigher than that of Chester D. Mas- it wouil d e waîî iooke ater in years I te coma. With these few appro- printa wonds Mn. Montagne declared the stone wahi and eanutifully laid. This part- of the ceremony closed with prayar hy Rev. H. S. Spence, B. A. B. D., Pastor of Newcnstiç,Mtb- odiet Churcb, -who entrented the less- ing of the Almigbty on the nct wbich had juet bean performed. Enjoyed Formidable Program Moving fnom the scena of lnying the corner stone te a phtform near- by a formidable prograin of speech- -mnking folhowed. Ench speaker an- deavered te express the grtitude evanyona la the cemmunity f cît for the munificent gift wbicb wouid seon ha thain pnjvihege te use and enjoy. They also cemmanded Mr. Massay for bis genaresity, bis patniotisin and bis ioynity te bis native village. Mn, A. A. Colwill expressed his -parsonai appreciation for the mag- nificant git whicb citizans of New- enstia were te enjey thnough the gan- erosity of Mr. Mnssey whe ha regret- ted was unabla te hae present on this occasion but would look forward te ,seeiù'g hlm at the epening caremonias. SoieAncient History W Rev. J. W. Rae, Orono, formenly aà Presbytenian ministar of Newcastle, in an address spankling with humer 01-n raviawed the istory of Newcastle froin the tima Columbus discovared lt ia 1492, and Cartier landed at Bond Hiead up te the presant when, ha said, A future Orone citizans must bow diminisbed heads wban they ceaie te _________________________________ this 'burg'. In a more serions vain of thought Left te right-Thomas Montagne who on Saturday laid the corner stona of the new Geinmunity Hall at Newcastle, which is te cost $l50,000, lie spoka of the wonderful manifesta- and le the gift of Mr. Chester D. Massey, Toronto, a native of the Village. Centra coupha-Reeve Geo. P. Ri ckard and Ex-Reeve A. A. Cohwill, tion of love for their native commun- who with Mn. Montagne .formad the lonil Building Committea. In othar gnouP, left te ight-R. S. Burns, Private Secratary te Mr. Massey; E. ity hic ha bee an isbeig R.Roih nd Hery prottarchitects of Newcastle Commuaity Hall, aise Hart flouse, Toronto; Walter -Seldon, confidantial friand of Mn. st hn y aia of bnanvigebteigR.Masey, ho asbenyssocated with the Massey faaiuly la many of their philanthropie projeets; Bert Page of Page & Co., contractons; Vincent generous gifts. Massey, President of Massey-Harris Co., Limited. Grocer Neocost1e PARTICIPANTS IN LAYING 0F CORNER STONE AT NEWCASTLE

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