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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1922, p. 1

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Vo1 XVI.M.A AES&SNS ulihr.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JULY 61922 $2.00 a Year In AdVance 5c a COPY. N.2 TE EDITOR TALKS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES JUNE WEDDING Bowmanville Public Schools shouldl Methodist and Presbyterian Church- Cann-Knight make a better showing than has been es, union services on Sunday next._____ made of late in the Penny Bank de- Rev. S. C. Moore ini charge. 10.30 Miss Jennie Davidson Knight, theç posits. The last monthly report to a. m.-Classes for'Christian Fellow- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James reach us shows an average of only ship, Methodist Church. 11.00 a. Inl. Knight, Bayonne, New Jersey, U. S. 27 cents. per pupil, and a decrease of -Public Worship in Methodist 1 A., was marrîed to Mr. John Harold $11.67 frm the corresponding month Cburch, subject-"ýThe Religion of Cann,-son of Mr. and Mrs. William in 1921. We hope that ail parents the River". 12.00 a. m.-Sunday Cann, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, will encourage their chldren to build School in both churches. 7.00 P- M- Tbursday,-June 29, at 4 o'clock, at1 up a bank account, be the amounti-Public Worship in Presbyterian hier home, 674 Avenue C. The single they can deposit weekly or montbly Church, subject-"The true measure ring service was used by the officiat-1 ever so smail. Candies are harmn- of Greatness". Excellent music. ing clergyman, Rev. Dr. Charles ,ful for children as every dentist and Everybody welcome. 1 Waldron, pastor of the First Method- doctor knows. It is also true that St. John's Church, Rector, Rev. C. 1i st Episcopal Church. thrift needs to be enc-ouraged as P. Muirhead; Organist-Mrs. John A. As the Lohengrin Wedding Mardi steadily and persistently as good man- Gunn. 4th Sunday after Trinity, was played by Miss Lisk the bridal ýners or as any other desirable habit, July 9th. 11 a. m.-Morning Pray-i party entered the living room,, the and goodness knows that good man- er. 12.30 a. m.-Sunday School.' bride with ber father by whom she ners are not being over-taugt tO 7 p. m . -Evening. Song. Preacher was given in marriage. children in their homes or in -their morning and evening Rev. S. O. The house was beautifully decora- schoo1s. lOrmsby, rector St. Michaels, King- ted with palms and roses. Miss ston, Jamaica. Frances Mason, cousin of the bride, WeP always find a very special!1 Sunday was a glad day in Bow- sang "O Promise Me"~ very cbarmaing- pleýure in publishiûig the lists of1 manville Methodist Church. Rev. ly preceding the ceremony. "tetrigbt pupils who move up'"-the S.C. Moore, B. A., B. D., the past-~ The bride's gown was of white Pubilic School promotions. Not onlyl or, wlo has been returned to this Canton Crepe, lier tulle veil was ar- are the individuals 'scholars interest- pastorate for another year and was ranged in cap effect and festooned ed in the reports, 'but their parents,j again elected Chaîrman of the Dis- witb orange blossoms, sent fromn Cal- teachers, relatives and acquaintances. trict, spoke briefly in a preparatory if ornia by a former classmate, and No girl or boy is so poor or insignîfi- discourse to the Sacrament wbicb. was pearîs. She carried a shower bou- cant but somebody is interested in dispensed, Revs. E. A. Tonkin and quet of roses and lillies of the valley. his~~~~~ orhrreod eHnerad. I Spargo assisting, to e a very Rer only attendant was hier sister, story in whicb a girl born of ery large i-umber of communicants. The Miss Helen Knight, who wore a gown poor parents and living in unwhole- congregation was delighted to hear of shell pink Canton Crepe and car- some surroundings took inspiration Mis, Dorothy Stanley sing "Like as a ried pink roses. fromn seeing, other persons igher 11P' Hart Desireth". In the evening the DaiWaacwsbetmn in the social'scale making good inj pastor preached an excellent sermon DaiWlac sbetmn their splieres and formed a resolution on Personal Responsîbility. Miss Supper was served by Fowler of to wvork her way up ln the world and Reta R. Cole after a year's absence New York City, after which Mr. and so set to work witb a will and an was again heard witb great pleasure; Mrs. Canu left for their home at earniestness that carried lier over one in the solo "Babylon". Union ser- Bowmanville, the bride wearing a object and another till she won the'-vices begin next Sunday for Juiy and dress of dark blue wîtb panels faced obj ect for which she had striven and, August. with benna color, grey swede gloves soon b'ecame famous in ber chosen' _____________ and sboes and hat to match. profssio. Wrk wll in eeryThe young couple were the recip- time. The rows were as straight as an ar- ients of a great many beautiful gifts row and a shot froTh a gun wouldincluding several cbecks. have nipped every plant in the row.i Among the guests were the Rev. Aitho it is 55 years ago that we left' The mangels were put in just as ac-' Dr. and Mrs. Charles Waldron, Miss the farm we have neyer lost enthus- curately and, even the garden at the Bertba Cann, sister of the bri de iasm for the farm and its varions as- bouse bore the stamp of practièally groom, Bowmanville, Ont., Mr. and sociations and interests, To Our perf ect workmanship.' Mr. Christian! Mrs. Arthur Mason, their daughters that ofthe oungmfrer and fe hins h so able to display a silver tro- LKîtty and Frances and son Thomas; thatof te yung arme an hisphycup tbat lie had won in a plowing Mrs.- Arthur Brooks, lier daughter young w f e ar*î, m _pen life toget- match conducted by the Junior F'armn- Margaret and son Donald; Mr. and hier on their own farm and from the ers Improvement Association in bis Mrs. H1. O. WentwortbRoselle start joining hands and energies to home district. Hie is the type of Park; Mr. and Mrs. William Warne, make a success'of farmîng and of youiîg fariner wbo takes a great pride, Mr. and Mrs. William Warne, jr., and farmn life. They plan together to ln bis work and bis young wife is no Fred Warne, llackensack; Mrs. Rob- niake their home attractive and a îess enthusiastic than lie. They can- ert Wallace, H1untington, W. Va, Mr. happy one. We have been led to not help'but make a success of their and Mrs. John Knîght, Mr. and Mrs. niake this comment from readingin f arm. The enthusiasm and energy Emil Boîl, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Foxm' and Dairy this paragraph whîch thnt they are bringing to bear on O'Brien, East Orange; Mr. and Mrs. is worth several readings: "Inci- their business would guarantee suc- F. B. Eddy, Mrs. J. L. Thomas and dentally, while visiting with Mr. cess anywhere." Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Vreeland, Bay- Christian, who is a young fellow in i______ onne,-Times. bis early twenties, and farming for himself for the first tîme tbis year, I This paper will be sent to any ad-I We add our hearty congratulations noticed the finest job in drilliug in'dress in Canada to January 1, 1923, and welcome the bride to our _ good corn that I have seen this season. for $1.00. old town.-Ed. C o pfreshn For the Holidayl's and ail Summer Wear Vacationing, traVellîng, or just staying-at-home, calis for a plentiful supply of dainty warm weather attire, if one would pre- sent that comfortable and fresh appearance so desirable even on the warmest days. You Will find this store well prepared to meet your every need for Summer Frocks, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Hosiery, etc. Choose your summer apparel without delay-prices are consis- tently moderate. MEN'S, CLOTHING AND FURNISHINC3S L et us outfit you for your vacation trip. EVerything from straw hats to socks for mon and boys. EVerything that is newest and m'ost sought after. And everything is so reasonably priced. Rev. and Mrs. R.- McCullough, Toronto. Rev. Robert and Mrs. McCullough recently celebrated tbeir golden wed- ding at their home, 96 Walmsley place, surrounded by their relatives and many friends by a reception. They received in the flo4fer decked drawing room and were assisted by their two daughters, Mrs. G. E. Der- odhe, Belleville, and Miss Bila Mc- Cullough, and their two daugîters-in- law, Mrs. E. A. McCullough sud lMrs. R .J. T. McCullough. The tea table looked lovely centred witb a wedding cake, illuminated with candles, surrounded with golden flow- ers. Mrs. W. C. Hawkins, sister of the bride, poured tea aud the four nieces assisted, Miss Mabel Peran, Miss Maud Hawkins, Miss Edith Mc- Cullougli and Miss Mildred McCul- lough. Rev. and Mrs. McCuliough were married in Chatham, fifty years ago sud have resi ded in Toronto for the lsst ten years, after seeing service in mauy circuits of the Metbodist Churcb in Ontario. There are five chldren,, two dsughters and three sons, all doctors in Toronto, and six grandchildren, four boys and two girls. Rev. Robert McCullough is an ex-President of Bay of Quinte Conference and was boin and educat- ed at.Enfield iu Durhamn County. ARCHITECT'S DRAWING 0F NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Ceremony of Laying Corner Stone ITic Commuuity Hall, lu addition At tic ceremïony of laying tic to the Memonial Library, w111 bouse corner stone whi took place Satur- tic Post Office, the Council Clamber day afteruoon-Domiuion Day-lanid tic Lodge of Free Masons. Reeve George P. Rickard, clairmanl Mention sbonld be madc that the of local Building Committee, presid- bronze tablet lu tIe Memonial Library cd. After welcomiug the large is thc gift of Thomas Montagne, Esqi., gathering preseut sud boostiug New- sud thec dock to be placed lu the castle's lake front, Bond Read, as, towcr was -pnovided througi the kiud- one of the best summen resonts aloug ness of Wellington Poster, Esq. Lake Ontario, le conveyed to tiel Tbe hall proper will seat comfort- Massey f amîly, on ýbehaîf of tic ably six huudred ludîviduals wthout council, citizens of the village sud teueo h ltomo iis u omt the eu ifu igt hetcapreciato size was cousidened requisite by the of ie eauifu git tc crne stne itizens of Newcastle to provide f or of which was being laid to-day. teued ctciomnty hr Historical Sketch and Objecta of the wiil also be a large rooni below -the Community Hall, hall, whidh eau be uscd for games and Harvey C. Bonathan, clerk of vil varions stbletic activities. lage 'council sud secnetary of local It is to be hoped that tic Commun- Building Committee, read tic follow- ity Hall sîsîr be used iu a way tint; ing historîesi sketch which. was8 pre- mýay prove beneficial not only to the psred by Mn. C. D. Massey:-ý village but fan bcyoud its bounds, Tic Community Rall, New castle, is tint it may promote human uplift, the pnoduct of mauy year-s of thougit brnug the churches dloser togethen, anddeelonint, Itwasinth (Contiaued on last page) cated at Foley Corners, about five miles norti east of Oshawa. Hie ne- celitly purchased this property fnom Mr. Wm. Batty wlose fatier, tic lste Chistopher Batty, settlcd' on tuis fsrm s little more tian 65 years ago, sud it's a natter of some inter- est tint bis great-graudson, Mn. Clarence F. Werry, will now be lu charge of tbis splendid oid homestead. About 200 workers sud on-lookers -men, womcn sud childrn-were present at this barn-naising on Tues- day, June 27th. The rainy wcathen wns unfavonable, ho*ever welcome to otiers were the showcns, but they netsnded the work sud added te the danger but the men stood bravely by the wonk sud fortuuately it was brougît te asusccessful conclusion withont iujury te 1f e or 11mb. Ample provision had been made in the natter of edibles for the large gatleicng of workers sud fniends fnom widely distant points eujoyed the social side of the occasion over "thc cups that cheen but not lu. ebriste". Contractons in charge of the con- struction work are: Cnrpeutry, Mn. L. M.~ Woods, Sunderland; Masonny, Mn. J. G. Waddell, Port Penny; Silo, Mi. Thos. Shontridge, Columbus, Ont. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Limniteai I l ýl FORMER BUSINESS MAN DIES SERIOU S MOTOR ACCIDENT M.M. D. Williams Died at a Friend'si New'castle Community, Hall Wietchoda Home in Racine, 'Wsconsin, U. S. ________ tisliltaogtePoica Highway on Sunday afternoon a Forty-four years ago wlien the Large Crowd Witness Interesting ________________ thrilling accident happened about tw@ writer came to Bowmanville Mr. Mark Ceremony of Laying Corner Stone mlses fBwavlena h Wilasa i a hncle y of New Community Hall, Given by: home of Mrs. Chas. Penfound. J. everybody was one of the best knowu 'Mr. Chester D. Massey to hie A. Sheldon Who was driviug a big business mdniï of the town, and few Native Village. new 6-cylinder Studebaker lu passing men were better known tîroughout a Ford whidh was going in the op- the lengtb and breadtl of West Dur- Dominion Day, 1922, was a proudpoiedrconsdddnttedth Ha. 1e was also one oftbe active and jubilant day for the citizens of turning the car completely over and citizens lu msny ways-a supporter Newcastle aud vicinity. The oc- pinning some of the occupants be- ofbnvln n te nepiecson was the laying of the cre neath it. Mrs. Sheldon was removed member of the town council for a stone of what will be a maguificent to Bowmanvîlle Hospital with a fract- time, an active member of the Disciple Community Hall which will stand fori ured nb sund badly bruised while lier ChurcI, au entbusiastic temperance generations as a testimony to the brother Lewis J. Squair, Peterboro, worker and a Liberal to the core. generosity of its donor. Mr. Chester was also taken lu the ambulance to Forseerl eas le arie o aD. Massey of Toronto, sud as a token the samne institution with internaI in- retail butcher slop and Inter when of his affection sud regard for the juries. Mr. Sheldon aud bis two iu partnership with Mr. Samuel J. littie bamiet in which le was boru sons were badly bruised but not ser- sulte i alretae nepr-ad wlere lie spenit the first twenty- iousiy enougb to require lospital Hall tliy didlsearge traefin exprt- onetreatment. ing cattie to Great Britain. Some yaso i îe years iter the lure of the West The village was ail agog with ex- Tbe car cauglit fire supposedly cauglit them sud disposiug-of their citement for days previous lu antici- from the brakes becomîug overheated business hene in partnership witb Mn. pation of this epoch-making event. sud was soon a mass of fimes sud W. J. Joues, a long-time Manager of Its buildings were gaily decorsted became a total wreck. the Standard Bank heretley weut ex- with flags, pennauts, banners sud tensively into the ranchiug business streamers in honor of the memorable The party was returning 'to Tor- on"oeal ac" iteuLkoccasion snd to wcicome tbe hom-outo after spending the holiday lu Northeru Alberta, whîch they inater coming of many of its oid boys and _________________ Peterboro. Latest reports fnom the ffold to a large Englisi syndicate. girls, as weli as tlrougs of interest- hospital are that the patients are mak- ed spectutors wbo came in ail direct- MR. CHESTER D. MASSEY irig satisfactony progress sud hope After retiriug from active business ions to witness the interestiug sud Dnro h e omut alto neturu to tbeir homes lu a few Mr. Williams lîved for a time at Ed- pleasiing ceremony. at ewcastoe the wcormner toneoH ays mnouton, Aita., iu wbîch province lie LucyNwate uttth t -slte conrtn fdy. has extensive real estate initerestst k ecate us otinkiwhich was laid ou Saturday, July L. Forsevenal years with Mrs. Williams its citîzens are to bave rigît lu their TRULL FAMILY PICNIC ho has been speudingwinters witî iidst a beautiful building whicb suy ils daugiter, Mrs. (1ev.) John E. city would be proud to possess known mind of Mr. Massey, the donor, for a Miles, Waverley, sud Syracuse, N. as,.a Community Hall costing lu the, considenabie- period that le would Descendants of John Truli Hold Re- Y.,su ti smme a hoe f i eghborhood of $150,00 wbicl for like to do sometliing for the village Union at Os hawa-on-Lake son, Mr. Alan M. Williams of this architectural beauty sud grandeur w'ofews rultup ebvu townsud from a utility staudpoint will sur- lived tbere lfrom tic time bie was a Four generu:tions ofthe Truli fam- twpass anything of its kind yet attempt-i year old, until le was twenty-one. ily, descendants of the la te John The passing- of Mr. Williams' re- cd in Canada or even in America. Mr. Chester D. Massey was tic sec- aTduioncr. eUtedEmpiureamLoalis moves one of the last of oid U . E. Thc appointments lu tîls magni- oud son of tic late Hart A. Massey, ty, hcld their f amily reunion Friday Loyalist stoc k of Dunbam Williams ficent structure will be very comn- sud grandson of Daniel Massey, who afternoon at Oslawa-on-the-Lake. who camne to Canada from' Vermout plete sud will include a Memoriai founded lu Newcastle lu 1847, th' They came principally from around and settled in Napane sud later Librsry sud Reading Room lu whidch a business of msking agricuitural îm- Durham County and a f ew were from movcd to Bowmauville where lie start- haudsome bronze tablet will be erect- plements, wbidb grew into the great Toronto, sud numbcred about one ed first woolen milîs lu this part of cd by Mr. Thomas Montague to tic corporation knowu as Massey-Harrîs hundred persons, the oldest represent- province. memory of the boys fromi Newcastle, o t. ihismi atr u ative present being Casey Truli, aged Having been a charter memben of wio paîd the supreme sacrifice lu the head offices in Toronto. 76, grandson of the original John Florence Nightingale Lodige of the great war. 1Aftcr cousiderable correspondence Truli, sud tic youngest memben was idepeudent Order of Oddfellows No. Tiere will also bo quarters for the suad varions interviews, the question Gladys Louise Truil, age seventeen 66, mfembers of tbis lodge turned out Council Chamber, Municipal Offices seiously taken up by Mr. Massey, months, daugîten of Mn. sud Mns. iu rega-lia at the funeral on Thursday sud thc Masonic Lodge. of doing somctbing for Newcastle Lorenz o Triill, of Hampton. John af.ernoon which took place from the Tic village Post Office wili fiud a, was finally brougit. to a icsd Truil, Sr., ýtic ancestor of these pres- f ormer family nesideuce on Qucen new home witbin this building sud lu wbeu a committee of thc citizens of eut neideuts of Durham County, was Street, sud was conducted by Rcv. its tower a splendid dlock will be plsc- Newcastle cxpressed a desire to do boru on thc Isle of Wight, lu 1746, L. E. Zavitz, B. A., pastor of Dis- c d, thc gift of Mn. Wellington Poster, sometbing lu mcmrory of the youug sud served ou a man-of-war at thc cipie Churci, assisitcd by Rcv. D. ,W. for many years tic village Postmast' o l ottci i utc grea ge of 13. Later in life lhe settlect-., Best, B. A., minister of St. Paul'st er. War, who weut fnom Newcastle sud in New York State sud imarnîed Miss-ý Preshytenian ChurcI sud Rcv. C. P. A strng feature of the building ,,,iiny. Mn. Masscy suggested that Lydia Casey, daugîter of a Dr. Casey, Muiriead, Rector of St. John's Au- wilil e s large Assembly Hall witli a the memorial be in thc f onm of a. whose descendants are uow living glcan Church. Tic paîl-bearers werc: seating capacity of oven 600. Tc Library or Reading Room, coutaiug near Napance. Iu 1782 tîrce cbild- Messrs. C. M . Cawker W IH. Dus- -stage or platf orm lu this hall wili be tabiets, piotograpîs, etc., lu bonor of rnwr ouf in utcUie au, Johu Percy asudDc an Beitb.'lho largest to be f ouud lu auy public the departed heroes. Mn. Massey States, sud six wene bora after tiey luterment was lu tic family plot in building between Toronto sud King- off ercd to ereet a bail for thc village landed lu Canada. Tic first child i3owmailville cemctery. A iargel ston. This is considered an import- sud set spart anoom to be kuowu asbrul wou aaiaw as Joh195 nd Casy number of business men sud otier sut aquisition to thc community as it tic Memorial Lîbnary._ This was teruwotewas bor in 95Dudram citizens attended to psy their respect is expected tint higi cîass pîsys, agrced to. Thc erection of the build- tcfrtwiecidbr uDra Lo one who lad for many years been opera companies sud otier musical ing lias been long delayed owing touny associated witb tbe business intcrests and iiterary talent that are only heard conditions counected with tic war or Thc f amily landed near Port Dar- of this town, lu tic large cities wili in future lu- growing out of it. lington, October 1794, wliere tbey Mr. Williams was boru lu Bowmau- clude Newcastle in ticir itluenany. The corporation of tic village of settled sud took, up farmiug. Hie ville 75 years ago sud at thc time of The basement is being outfittcd for Newcastle lave co-operated with served lu tic war of 1812. Owniug ils desth was visiting at thc home of nagymnasium wlth possibiy s swim- commendable efficiency in providlug a large boat at that time, thc goveru- Mr. Lewis T., Vance, fonmerly Super- mîing pool sud siowcrs, bowling aiîey suitable land sud on tic twenty- ment commandered it to carry pris- intendent of Durham Rubber Com- sud provision for other fonms of ne- fourth of September, 1921, thc first onens from Toronto to Kingston. 11e pany in this town, sud with Mns. Wil- creation. sod was (turned f or tic new build- died at tic age of 82 yeans, sud was lias ws o tI wa toBowanvlic The gronds suronning tieing, ithis set being performed by buried lu tic Truil buryiug ground to spend thc summer. Hie was ill building wîll be levelled sud couvert- MsesLoe n at Msei i onlî fDnigo. l from bladder trouble for a few weeks ed luto tennis courts sud bowling sons of Mn. sud Mrs. Vincent Massey, 1894 tic descendants celebrated the befoe tc cli ame grcus.A cmmuity comons ansd granddhiîdren of the donor. ceutennial of tic iaudiug of these shoeth al ae rtisAncefom nti cohall s big I s ataofgaiiato oalpioneers, and to-day's reunion was tie Deesdi uvvdby hsdvtdsotdsac rmtehl sbig I samte fgaiiaint l tweuty-first they lave beld at Osb- Decasd s srvve li dvoedput lu shape for basebalsud other concerned ithat wc bave now reacled awa-on-tbe-lake. wife, one son Alan M. of this towu, cutd oor athiletie sports. ',le time for the laying of the corner- sud one daugi:ten Neilie, Mrs. Jobhn The infinenie, of sudh a building, stone of thc structure, to be perform-' E. Miles, Syracuse, N. Y., sud five whicî is, really an institution lu it- cd by Thomas Moutague, Esq., ou SLJCCESSFUL BARN-RAISING grandchildren. self, lu the midst of a commuuity Sitnurday, Dominion Day, July lst., Mn. L. T. Vance accompanied .Mrs., is of inestimable value to cvcry citi- 1922, thc building to be known as Mr. H. Fletcher Werry, Kedron, Williams sud the remains hene aud zen. We congratulate Newcastle Community Hall, Mn. Massey notes Builds Another Modern Barn. remained for the funcral. Otbers upon having sudh a philanthropic son with interest tînt Mn. Montagne is a from out-of-towu present were: 11ev. Who bas been so thougbtful sud gen- sclooi-boy friend, they-laving at- J Prom thc days of, thc earliest set- and Mrs. J. E. Miles, SyracuseN. erous to his native village as Mr. tended thc grammar sdhool at Ncw- tiers to tlie present time few events Y., Miss Copeland of Ontanio Ladies' Chester D. Massey has been. ýastle. have maîntained intenest equal to tiat Coliege, Mrs. Kate Richardson, SIen- of a barn-raisiug. Several changes iff J. F. Paxton sud sou, lu mcthods sud models of barns sud Mrs. T. E. Hardy, Mr. Thos. G. other farm buildings lave taken place Colwili, Whitby; Mr. Norman Colwiil, CPf III1 - hýLt L froin the littie log buildings of tld Toronto; Mayor Fred Curtis, Mn. A. j, LI i1. T_1 y, firet settlers to the more preteutions Cioste, Mr. J. M. Rosevear, Mn. ; barn wbici in Inter days just could S cpben Taylor, Mrs. Hl. M. Mitcelli, j -Inot be naised witliout a plentiful su:p Port Hope; Mn. S. J. Hall, Hamilton; ply of intoxicants. Thon stili inter Messrs. E. Henry, Cbas. Thomas sud caie the large, well-iinued sud well- L G.Drew, Oshawa;, Mn. sud Mrs,, ~.equipped barns now found duùmany W.KetPeeror. 1rstad wthstnestbls te I ~Sud sa barn 108 x 50 witb silo 35 GOLDEN WEDDING I~~ 7- x 14 is being built by Mn. H. Flet- ctor IAV(/ 3u nn fip hICnt.t.3 .1 ahln- 1 m

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