bý Iý M t~~te~11îR Vol, LXVIII. M. A. JAMERS & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JULY 13,1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.2 Cool Refreshing Apparel for the Holidays and ail Summer Wear Vacationing, travelling, or just staying-at-home, cails for a plentiful supply of dainty xvarm Weather attire, if one would pre- sent that comfortable and fresh appearance so desirable even on the warmest days. You Wili find this store well prepared to meet your every need for Summer Frocks, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Hosiery, etc. ý-'Choose your sumnmer- apparel without'delay-prices are consis- tently moderate. MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS Let, us outfit you for your vacation tnîp. Everything from straW hats to socks for men and boys. Everything that is newest zi4not sought after. RoyalTheatre MONDAY Wanda Hawley in "The Outside Womnan" adapted from the play "Ai Night Long" WEDNESDAY Mý'arie Prevost Suported by Harry Myers In the sparkling comedy- drama of a beautiful gi Who knew ail about men- until she met the man who knew ail about women. "Nobody's Fool FRIDAY & SATURDAY "The Witching Hour"' With Elliott Dexter1 and a ëtrong supporting cast. And everything is 50 reasonably priced. Apple BaIrre1s BSushel Baskets Por delivery until Auguet let 70c each for standard apple barrels in lots of 60 or over delivered within 7 miles of Bowmanville. $ 3.00 per doz for baskets and covers. Fruit will sell for ý25c per basket, more sbipped in than in hampere. these baskets1 Quick & lolgate Phone 19 or 153 Bowmanville1 Chiropractic Health Is Llfe's Greatest Treasure. Why net try Chiropractie te regain lt? Chiropractie removes the cause of disease. 95% of ail diseases yleld te Chiro. practie. Nature lealal powerful and after rlght. Acfjustment restores heaith. Consultation coste nothIng. Gordon P. Souch Chiropractor Church-st. opp. Presbyterlan Church Phone-Office 41J House 140-r2 Office hours 3-5 and 7-8 p. in. Vi8tin Hampton, Enniakillen Bk.t - Monday Wednesday and j 5iday morninga, <iaii up for appoint-I ment. The Athens Reporter owned by Mr. W. H. Morris, a former member of The Statesman staff, has been pur- chased by Mr. 0. E.- Bywater, Pal- fferston. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Charles Hooper and family ex- tend their thanks to the many friends and acquaintances who were so very kind to thcm at their time of bereave- ment. The black and white and Early Rich- mod varieties are over. The Mont- morency, the finest and last of the sour preser VE CHERRds iE o tiS bNOW Treserigkinfthe Nawaat eis best Thoers ma fteGiagaraPeninsla ow tercontainerte, Grsy parco- ed and graded fruit. SALESMEN'S OPPORTUNITYj We are looking for capable >men in ýthis district to repre- sent us as salesmen.I We trade in Government,! Municipal and Corporation~ Bonds, and ail Canadian. Se- curities. The -right m~an can secure a permanent and profitable connection where evcry assistance will be given! by this ýoffice. Unlisted Securiies Corporation, Ltd. Canadian Pacific BIdg., Torontoî LET R EPAIR YOUR BOOTS & SHOES Three doors south of King Street on Temperançe Street. THE EDITOR TALKS j hear, Dr. G*. Krbyof Calgay T e h uau u W e Chautauqua will agree with a recent ________ statement of Dr. John Noble of Tor-. onto before the Trustee AssociationE that what ýthis country requires at Every Day's Program of Real Merit. household management. The play- present is a generation of native born ehs h aebc rvlgdt rs did their parts well and many Canadians trained in manual arts aths ohaebnprvlgdt were the discussions at the close as from- infancy up, a generation who Cttend the programe presented at to who was right "hier or him"? What will, not be afraid to roll up 'their Chautauqua this year have been was every woman's opinion of Ald- mleeves and go to it, who will work greatly delighted. - The music, lect-'en's conducet on discovering that bis and sing and be healthy and happy uires, etc., are the fineet that -haveiwif e had saved, $2000 out of bis because they are working-tbey been given here on any former oc- stingy allowance?1 should possess the working habit. casion and this is the fourth season 1Monday afternoon the Juniors wbo Every child before entering school for this splendid course in Bowman-1 had been enjoying theniselves during has the working babit-you can't vie. te week under direction of Miss Wal- keep it stîll, it will dotbings. It bas The prograni Wednesday after-Ilace, was assisted by Misses Helen G. up to the time of entering scbool re- noon was given -by the Perguson OP-j Morris and Beatrice Devitt in the ceived a splendid education according eratic Quintette. The singers werej presentation of the, pageant "The to its mental and physical abîlity. unusualiy good and the wbole ýpro- Conqucst of Peace". The charact- Buton entering the regular classes gram pleasing and varied. The crs were represented as f ollows: Miss its firet lesson is enforced idleness-.- negro spirituelles, Harry Lauder's Gertrude Allin and Gould Tburston- it mus, sit stîli, keep quiet and pay songe, and a number of light opera Hleralde; Isobel McMurtry-Canada; attentin to some abstract tbings be- selections were all greatly cnjoyed. Doro-hy Blake-Brotberhood; Mar- yond its ken. The child's education The "Te Deum" by Dudley Buck, the jonce Moore-Peace; HejIen Darch- ceases and it star~s in to lcarn thinge. sexette from Floradora and Sir John Macdonald; Berniece Bag- Cramming begins-it le crushed o hers combined to make a most e adILady, Macdonald; Eric ýCol1will rather than developed. Education lightful program. In the evening -Williaým Penn; Kenneth' Morris-j through academics and education this Quintette presented scenes from John Bull; Stanton *Càverly-Uncle through manual arts should not be "Martha" including the spinning Sam; Lucy MhbMu-try-Preedom, the[ divorced. They sbould be as one. wheel quarte. The quaint costumes, Provinces-an Indian trible and oth-. Add-to these two play and we have of the players and the winsome and ers. the real trinity of truc education- clever acting of the Misses Burgess The Embers Male Quartet with manual arts, academics, and play. wcrc highly appreciated. "The Last Miss Alice Spencer at the piano fur- ____________Rose of Summer" sung by Miss Pran- nished a varied prograni that kept ces Burgess, Contralto, was heartily the audience in good humor. OUR FIRST DOMINION DAY applauded. The evening prograni by this quar- The'speaker of the evening Mr. tet in, solo, quartet and character How OId Bowmanville Celebrated John Duxbury, one of England's songs lef t the audience in good humor lanuguration of Confederation, greateet reciters, was introduced ýby for the grand oratorical treat by Rev. S. C. Moore. The story of "Jean Dr. G. W. Kcrby, President of Mount Orono55ewscrepnettlsu Val Jean" from Victor Hugo's "Les 1Royal Ladies' College, Calgary, Alta. ta55yars ago the firet Dominion Miserables" was very real and' told as Mayor Quinn made a brief address Day was observed in Bowmanville nyM.Dxuycntl t e re the finances of the local Chautau- wit on ofthebîgestday initSShîades' Banquet on the Styx" was qua guarantors after which Bev. S. history. The morniag was devoted clcvcrly done aiid produced much C.- Moore introduced Dr. Kcrby in a to a review of the volunteers on lhe mirth, especially the version of Little f ew culogistic remarks. market square and discbarge of blank Jack Horner as might bc given by Before beginaing hie address on cartridges in honor of the occasion, Shae aeCallBcn od-"hTskfteNti",hepa- w ith Capt. W . Scott in com m and. The 0a sP ca e al l , B c n o d - " h a k o h ai n , t e s e k wrth, Tennyson, Burns, Dickens and er told of the pleasure hie enjoyed by wasthelae Cl. . ubit. Bow- their Pictures" was very pathetically Manager of Bank of Montreal, and manville band furnisbed the music ie and truc to 11f e. Mr. R. P. Atchison, Manager Royal andi of the members on that occasionvn Bank, wbo had motored bum to sec oaly7 fw-o are on thie side of the Great Thursday was a real musical day the fine fruit orchards of Mr. W. H.S Divide. In the afternoon a great and the program was continucd by Gib son 'and others similar in char- variety of sports was carried out on Herbert McFarren'e quartet-piano,ace ntionofheiesocad the vacant grounds north of the Up- cello and two violine. For an hour sections la Ontario.'d per Canada Purniture Co's. plant aad and a haîf in the afternoon these The tasks of a nation are'mirroreda one who many oid citizerns wiîî re- musicians entertained in a hihl in the comuoinîty. "You can talk your t member carried off a large number of pleasing manner and were splcnid-lyryuca ak ti the prizes in the compctition, r.receivcd in solo, quartet and duetj community up o o a aki ntier Mtt Wllam down. 1 would not let anyone talkv Morimr Mot)Wilimsof The. work. my community down if I lived here", v Statesman Office, who later wcnt to' . The evening program was another said Dr. Kerby. Al cities have Borne d the county towa la the saime ine of rich treat-, the quartet and Miss Hazel people wh o have little or no public busine ss on the Coboui'-ý, World. A Hunitington, a charming soloiet, whose spirit. They neyer belp. I would e promînent citizen on thîs occasion,- well traincd voice was heard in many say to such, "Why don't you seli out ti was Col. John Smart in the full uni-, of the simple songe as well as in many and let some îon'e come ln and take form of the old mîhtary echool.: of the more difficult ones. She was yu place, n osritigfrtei Seatcd on bis charger hie was a noted rccallcd again and again and the aud- bysu and domthlgsor"heil figure. The day's doinge ended Up ience was boath to give up, sô enrapt- , It is an age in wbich those who are ý) with a huge bonfire on 'the market urcd were they with hier singing. The bearing responeibility should b e en- p square and with the racket of fire- day's, program was certainly one of couraged. S crackers, and that produccd with the great pleasure to al, "We are the sons of the dawn", hie o consuming of considerable fire watcr Puiday Mr. Gabriel uines, noted declared. History is only in its be- t] duringF-the day and cvening by many composer, pianiet and lecturer, gave ginning. The time is ripe for a of those incliaed that way, the result a fine piano lecture recital. He div-, acar vision of God and man, a new ti was that the day was obscrvcd pret- ided music-lovcrs into four classes, inerprctation of citizenship and of ja ty well on almost to the evening of and proceeded to illustrate on thée patriotism.jt 7July 2nd bef ore the town got down to piano with selections that were very' There is a crisis in' Canada. We M rits normal condition. Just thé samne convincing. He conducted a round baye to get together to win peace, as a it was a great event and this town table conference at the close whichiwe did to win -the war. Canada is 1 *did its share in the great firet cele- brought forth many interesting Bug- on the eve of the greateet industrialF bration of Confederation.sin. expansion that the world bas known. gasteens tesper o. The resources of the country, and its TOW PULICSCHOLS Phiip hiwel Wison wa inrodc-manhood and womanhood, were given h TO N _ULI________i Witel iso, a ito Ie as the greateet assets of the country. cd by Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., and He favored a national prograin of s] *Omitted Prom Report of Last Week. gave a most intercstîng address on dctowhtetuinrladt ] 3 "Some Probleme of the Empire" te, a îeuctowiba the bition eaeot Promotions la the South Ward, very attentive audience. Wc 'hope te ihie facts ofThenatnd thesoltieorofe School omitted la the first report: 'reproduce most of hie address in solme iltrc. Tento wstefr To S. IHonrs-ila Bron ftur isue.eigner anid bis children a square deal. P To r.I-Hnos-Lla Bronfutreisse.A full-blooded citizen hie pleaded for, s May Burge, Maud Wyatt, Gertrude Saturday afternoon' Licurance's with intereet ln things Canadian, the fi Wyatt. Cremona Orchestra of seven players study of local art and literature, la- Pý Pass-Fred Mutton, Grace Reader, were heard in a great variety of or- stead of going to Pîccadilly or New h Kate Kilgannon, Raymond Connors. chestral numbers, and in the evening York for themes. The rigbt to ti -thîs saýme organization gave another childhood to be well-born, good tl music EXAMSprogram of high menit. The playing teachers, better trustees, were cm-N MUSC EAMSorchestra and individually was ex- phasized of some of the needs to ne- ceptionally good. "The Country complisb, the task of the nation. Pupils of Mý r. T. W. Stanley. Dance" created mucb merriment and Last night the tent was taken downW Intermediate Piano was loudly applaurled as were the and the crcw moved on to Walkerton. Miss Viola Brown, honore. other aumbers by wcll-known coni- Junior Singing posers. A BUSY FIRMy Miss Leone Quinn, honors. The lecturer for the evening was _____ PuplsofMis Vlm E.StplsMr. Tom Skeyhill, noted Australian It is just a little over thr.ee years h( Pupis ofÙÎssVela E.Stapesorator, soldier-poet and world travel- since Greenaway & Elliott, Consult- Tyrone, teacher of Piano and Tbeory: 1er, and bis subject was "The Baby- ing Engineers, Bowmanville, went in- Junior Piano-Mae Brent, honore, lonian Pinger Writes Again". Mr. to busines s 'on their own book', and W Elementary-Bernice Bagnell, pass. Skeyhill has had an extraordinary1to-day thcy are doing the ' largeet Oi Elementary-Eldon DeBow, pass. experience, hie bas travellcd la almost plumbing, tinsmitbing and steamfit- M every country in the world, fougbt lainaig business la this district. Each, H Pupils ofMisAm M. Courtice, th abc oaendatrb- 1ycar bas shown a steady increase ian teacer o piao: -ing blind for three years, had hie volume of turnover and this year tbey A. T. C. M. Grade sîght restored. He bas a wonderful1 will break aIl records. Ith Margaret Aberaethy, honore; Mae memory, and can in words paint a, This firm bas veccntly been.award- W Gardiner. picture whether it be of people, coun-: cd the contract for installing a Dun- h( Iterimediate Grade try or battle that ýequals the fineet',ham Vapor Heai-ing Slystem in Bow- dl Helen Johns, Eleanor Boyce, author, paînter or orator. Hie re- manville High-Scbool. This beating b( (school grade.) view of the troubles in Russia were a'and ventilating system le considered Junior revelation to the large audience wboJ the best of its kind known and is used Lore Jckmn, onoe; re.T.listened attentively for an hour or, in many of the largeet ekyscrapere lnaga W.rn C awker , honors; oeneMrsT more. This address too we expeet! the cities. At least tbree car loade oi 'akhonor ry Frohtence Dorvise to give in another issue,. of material will be required to com- ti Tbickson, Gladys Bateman (%eclI- Suaday evening the managyement'1 plete this contract wbicb will, cost -Se Couch, Johnston & Cryrdeérman. Bowmanville Phone 104 Lïmîteci lA. MUR= M INISTERS AND CHURCHES St. John's Church, 5th Sunday after Trinity, July 1 6th. 11. 00 a. M.- Holy Communion. 12.30 a. nm.- Sunday School. '7.00 p. m.- Evcning Song. Preacher morning and evening, Rey. C. O. Pherill, Rector of Kirkton, Ont. Only one Mcthodist Conference shows as good record as the Bay of Quinte in paying up subscriptions in National Campaign. The Bay of Quinte has paid 91 % per cent -and New Brunswick and Prince Etlward Islaind has paid 93.6 per cent. Union services next Sunday, Bev. S. C. Moore in charge. Methodist Church il a. m.-Subject-Awake, Awake, O Zion. 12-1 p. m.-Sun- day School in both churches. 7.00 p. m.-Presbyterian Church-Sub- ject-Christianîty that counts. Methodist Sunday School picaic at Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Wednesday afternoon, JuIy 19th. Sunday was the first of the union services in Methodist and Presbyter- ian Churches. Bey. S. C. Moore preached helpful sermons and tht anthem by the choir and a duet b3 Mrs. H1. M. Poster and Mr. W. B. Tapson at the mornîng service, and a duet by Mrs. C. A. Cawker and Mr. H. J. Knight, a solo by Mrs. Alex Colville at the evening service were greatly enjoycd by the congregation. Miss Helen G. Morris, A. T. C. M., officiated as organist in the Methodist Church Sunday morning FOSTER FAMILY PICNIC Enjoyable Reunion at "Norwood Place", Bowmanville, on JuIy 4th. Truc hospitality and beautiful sur- roundings, combincd with ideal weather, made the second annual gathering of the Foster family, held at Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster's home, "Norwoodý Place", Bowman- v'ille, Juiy 4, 1922, one long to be re- membered by the happy members pre- sent. Greetings and reminiscences werc exchanged until the caîl to dinner drew the company to whcre the tables arranged under the grand old shade-,:' trees, presented a most attractiv 'e and nviting appearance. Pull justice vas donc to the bountiful meal pro- vided and at its completion ahl with- lrew to the veranda where -events of last ycar's gathcrings were--recall- ed by thc rcading of the minutes and the historian's report. The Prcsidcnt's address, contain- ing many items -of interest concera- ng the pioncer history of the famuly vas listened to with deep interest, )articularly by the young people, and stirred the senior members with mem- ories of the tales told to theni by *hose who have "passed on", Mr. Geo. C. Poster, Sonya, was re- turned to the office of President un- animously; also the Secretary-Treas- urer, Mrs. F. A. Foster, Bowmanville, vith Miss Vivian Foster of Sonyn, as assistant; likewise, the historian, Miss M. F. Newman, Lindsay, with Miss -lelen Poster, Sonya, as assistant. After the christening of Baby Clement Alfred Nelson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Foster, Oak- wood, the autographic space was duiy signed, and a number of pîctures of the happy group taken. A- motor trip to the lake shore was enjoyed by a number of the comn- pany and on their return a bounteous supper was served. Before saying farewells, hearty thanks for the hos- itality offered were extended to the host and hostess, and plans made for the gathering in 1923, to be hcld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Newman, "Sunnyside", Lindsay. Colbornc's new high echool that mas cxpected to cost around $30,000 'ili likely cost $4 0,000. .,Mrs. F. B. Hanford who bas been visiting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Iunday, sr., has rcturned to hier ome in Bloomfield, N. J. Miss Evva Scripture, Coîborne, le with Dr. James L. Hughes party )f teachers en route for England. [iss Scripture will join Miss O'Hara .Paris and will travel on the con- inent for the next four monthe. Did' you ever stop to think that ;hcre is but one town in the world in vhich to live, and that is your own iome town. So why not make every t'ort to make it a higge-, brighter, )etter and busier town in whicb to ive and make a living. Lady Hughes prescnted the Or- iemen of Lindsay with a handeomne )il painting of hier beloved and illus- 'lioue husband, the late General Sir ýa Hughes. The painting was con- ained in a frame of exqiuisite desiga