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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1922, p. 3

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Crops in these ridland counties look very promising.1 Tanlac is tbe resuit of years of study, experimentation and research by some' of tUe world's greatest chern- ists. Hence its mneril. Jury & Loy- ell.1 DÂILY DELIVERY 8.30 a. m. For the convenience of our customers we will deliver ail orders 8 a. m. for meats by 8.30 each morning. Better stili, leave or phone your order before 6.30 p. m. night before and it will receive prompt attention.j LARGEST -ASSORTMENT 0F COOKED MEATS IN TOWN G.A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phono 21 Bowmanville Copneland Shoe 4Store ANNUAL SALE 0F. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES STARTS ON TUESDAY, JULY 4TH $5,95 Oxfords, Straps, Sandals, Sport Shoes 1 LEATHER SHOES -1 ITan and Brown Caîf Black Kid and Caîf, IPatent and Suede-Leathers, high and low jheels. Ahl high grade Canadian made shoes smart in style, correct -in every detail, of excellent material and expert workmanship. Ahl styles and sizes in the lot, but flot in each kind. SPECIAL FOR MEN Black and Tan Oxfords "Slater" 30pairs going at .............$5.95 4,1 Refund on Sale Shoes Store Opens at 8 a. m. 1Closes 6.301 p. M. K-OREENJ The Scientifie Hair and Scalp Treatmentj Koreen permanently eradicates dandruif, stops falling hair and -scalp irritation, completely re- stores the life, vigor and natural color of the hair and scalp, and stimulates the growth of. the new hair. Koreen is not an experiment, but a proven, ac- cepted remedy. Thousands owe a hair health undreamed of to Koreen treatments. Procurable At Ail Good Druggists Girowing Days When von are growing as hard as ever you can every minute it s sometimes just additional hard work to feed the kitten or jump once over a skip- ping rope. Then it isà little bod ies must not lackA nourish- ment, yet digestion be carried on with the least possible effort. CHRSTI'S OODWHITE EB-REA- "Tanlac did wbat everything else failed to do."' Thousands bave said1 it, 5o wiil you. Jury & Lovel. ,'Haying is weli advanced and a lots of good bay is being saved.t Sunday was a very fine day and i maniy people enjoyed t.E ýPOWMANVILLE, JULY 13th., 1922. THE WERRY-PHILP PICNIC Happy Family Reunion JuIy 5, 1922. "One of the hest ever'" was the consensus of opinion regarding the family picnic beld last Wednesday at "The Willows", the old Philp Home- stead, near Cadmus, Cartwright. Mr. Win. Philp, with his wife wbo was a daughter of John Werry, settled on this famm neariy 70 years ago. His son, Mr. Richard Philp and his wif e, who took the farm in-their turn, and gandson, Mr. Harry Philp an.d his wif e, who now occupy this comfort- able homestend are to be congratu- lated on the splendid upkeep of the property and the prosperity that is everywhere apparent. The long row of willows with shady grass plot for parking cars, fine field for sports, and last, but no-t least, the spacious lawns where tables, laden with l kinds of good things from chicken pies to aunt Maria Elford's own cook- ies, were arranged, pmovi.ded 'the best of accommodation for the large coin- pany. The tables were decomated with beautiful, and rare, "Lady's Slip-1 pers" the original plants having heen set ou-t in the swamp many years ago by Rev. Jos. Philp. Mm. PUilp me- gretted very much bis inability to be presenit, but ministerial duties pre- vented bis doing so. Rev. Win. Philp was also unable to be present but was epresented by bis daughter, Miss Nellie Philp. Others who sent regrets were Mrs. J. W.- PUilp, Ar- thur, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Washing- ton, Bowmanville, Mm. Lewis Werry, Grand Rapids, MicU., and Miss Lîzzie PUilp, Toronto. The latter is the only surviving member of Uier gener- ation in the Philp family. Mrs. T. A. Wright, Biackstock, and Mrs. Geo. Vice, Oshawa, were tUe only epre- sentatives of the original first cous- ins who were present. Many, how- ever, remembered attending the pic- nic held at "the willowsl', June 24, thirty-seven years ago when tbey played hall in the saine spot wbere tUe three exciting gamfes w2re run off this yeam, the scores were Dam- lington single men vs. Cartwright singles-5-4 in favor of Cartwright; Damlington married men vs. Cart- wright married men-10-4 in favor of teh formner; Darlington aIl stars vs. Cartwrght all stas-.9-3 won by tUe latter. The games by tUe ladies were equally interesting. The closing in of the evening shades was tUe signal for the break- ing up of tbe gatheming. Mr. T. F.- Wright, St. Catharines,' moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mm. and Mms. H.* Philp, who proved themselves to be a model Uost an.d hostess, 'for their kind hospitality, this was seconded ýby Mm. J. A . Wermy, Enniskillen, and heartily subscribed to by spontaneous clapping of Uands and singing of "For they are jolly good Fellows". Mr. H. PUilp responded in a fewý womds assuring the friends of tUe sincerityi of their weicome. His remamks sup-1 poted by a short speech by his fath- er, Mm. Richard Philp who<'wîth Mrs.9 Pbîlp shared in the Uonorn and toils of the day. Thus was brought to a close tUe reunion of tUe Werry con- nection for 1922. But tUe social spirit s0 Uappily participa-ted in for that one long, beautiful day, contin- ues, and will continue through the years to corne, A full list is nof _available but among those present nurnbering about 325 weme: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Philp, Burketon; Mr. sud Mrs. W. G. Philp, R, Nor- man, Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Han-1 ders, Miss Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Philp, Howard, Percy, Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Porteous, Clara, Dorothy and Norah, Mr. and Mrs. W. Malcolm, Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fhilp snd Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Phiip, Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dustan and chidren, Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Bow=,auville; Miss Edith Peardon, Oshawa; Miss Nellie Philp, Lindsay; Mr. aud Mrs. Jim Philp, Mr, and* Mrs. Wm. J. H. Philp, Mrs. Jos. Pearn, Sunderland; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. MeFarlane, Miss E. Pearu, Fenelon Faits; Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Werry sud Mont-* rose, Woodstock; Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Werry, Floreuce and Alice, Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Werry sud family, Mr. sud Mrs. A. B. Werry. Elton and Vers, Mr. sud Mrs. Russell Bragg, Mr. sud Mrs. 'Wes. G. Werry sud family, Bowmauvilie; Mrs. H. J. Werry and Alma, Mr. sud Mrs. R. Ormiston, Euuiskillen, Mr. M. J. Werry sud Hazel, Miss E. M. Werry, Tyroue;_ Mrs. T. A. Wright, Jahez, Aunie sud Effa, Mr. sud Mrs. P. Wright, Mr. sud Mrs. R. Malcolm, Victor sud Harvey, Mr. sud Mrs. J. Wright sud Elva, Mr. sud Mrs. Albert Wright sud Jean, Mr' sud Mrs, Carl Wright, Blackstock; Mr. suid Mrs. N. Holmes sud famnily, Oshawa ; Mr. sud Mrs. J. Larmer aud-Austin, Mr, sud Mrs. E. Larm,,r, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Russell sud May, Tyrone; Mr. sud Mrs. T. F. Wright, Thirza, Elon and Annta St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wright, Oshawa; Mr. aud Mrs. N. E. Wright sud famuily, Solins; Messrs. Amn- brose sud Charlie sud Lizzje, Mary sud Matie Elford, Woodville; Mr. sud Mrs. J. Vice, Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Vice, Mrs. Geo. If It's Sweltering, You Won't Mindit if eating Roman Meal be- cause eating a properly bal- anced food is Nature's way of counteracting the heat of summer. Eat and enj oy delicious, non-acid Roman Meal as thousands are now doing. "It cools the biood, clears the skin, because it is non-acid. Aids digestion, positively re- lieves constipation, keeps yeu fit. LIÉ 8 up. W. T. Allen "'Big 20" Bookstore Bowinanville Office Removed N. E. NEADS' Insurance Office has been removed to room 3 (upstairs~ -iii Businesi,. going on as usual during alterations. W1IVILLJAMS &CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanvilte Furniture Dealer Ontario You pump over a ton of water every day. Your wife carrnes over two thousand heavy pails of water every year.& My Toron-to Windmiil will do away with alf that drudgery. AIt provides a supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- room, or garden. It gives you water for your stock without time bast or effort ex ended. Toron-to Windmill initial cost is low. uts u.pkeep-onîy an occasiosal oiling. Qti~ cep~p§eru-4e ~ne and abr evdwi iyfor i±sef ia~gi~seson<-.~ith innl ~onifri Ibr nm RUSE-CRYDERMAN PICNIC Towns along the Uine -where -the Wne colwllaanb edat Pr oePehtra and Meth.- hikcrs xwere fed at public expense Cobourg from January 7 te 15. jodist churches are holding union ser- Elliott Memorial Park,_ Hampton, have'decided flot to extend aid if Ril- vices during July and August. one of the beauty spots of Darlington, ey's Army corne this way again. Bow- Unless worms be expelled from the Two teaspoonsful of Tanlne in a xvhich is so well adapted for piduies manville's hospitality cost the town system, no chlld can be healthy. littie water taken three times a day was the meeti ng place of this great nearly $50. Y other Graves' Worm Exterminator just before meals will make you eat famlyon ul St. eaterconi- Mr. Geo. W. MeLaughlin bas given is an excellent medicine to destroy better, feel better, sleep better and tiens were i deal and the company of the town of Oshawa another gener-l worms. work better. Jury & Lovell. over 100 was a jolly lot. Three ous donation, when last week he stat- 1 _____________________________________ games of basebaîl were played, one ed to the council that on July lst, the! with the girls, one with men and boys, deeds for Union Cemetery between and one with girls versus men, when Whitby and Oshawa would be handed somie star playing was made' over to the town, and in addition John and Phillipa Ruse with six $500 to be used as a nucleus to admin- chidre ladedat ortBowanvlleister the property. Oshawa is cer- in May 1850, after five weeks on the tainly lucky to have such a generous B u sm e s sro d Ocean and one week coming up the benefactor. i St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario. W.________________ They were met at the wharf by Johne were neyer busier than we are ih now. Hocken, now of Port Perry, then liv-, Hear the U. . and Canadian Pu bn n isntigwr ih ing n th fam no ocupie byMr. Rado Cncers Prf etly on Pumbng ad tismihijustr literallyall Charles CarrutherosiiHe da oei u odlC Rgnraiepouring in from unsolicited customers. We have of oxen and wagon and after ail their: CONCERT, încreased our staff of expert engineers and require belongings were loaded, the six child-1b ren were put on top. After gettingBBmoet epu wthhe*s. out of town the oxen ràn away and R D Om r oke pwt h uh one of the children fell off the wagon, RECEiVING SETS WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN'? When the oxen got winded one was Satisfaction guaranteed or oe1 sent back to find Joe who was soon We take it to mean that ths nreeene found coming on the trail. uilunrc ene After two years in Bowmanville Live Agent in Bowmanville wanted rush of business cornes to us as the resuit of satis- they moved te Solina, Mr. Ruse going Automatic Telephones and Time faction we have been giving in the 'past. Our back on Monday morning by walking' Recorders Ltd., te Courtice then north through the- 140ictoria St. Toronto, Ont. prices may not always be the lowest, but you are woods. The family followed on Sat- 27-2w workrnanship at ail times when your plumbing and urday and the liouse was far: enough -epr built to live in. assured of the best materials used and epr Ithe years after Mr. Ruse buili. neariy ail the houses that Solina and tinsmithing is done by the surrounding countryT had, Daniel and Wmn. White doing the masonry.i While in Solina there arose a con- «Jr e a ay 110À test in raising a pig. Every family G r e ay & El ot had a pig and Mr. Ruse bested -the Cnutn nier whoie village; his at 18 months old ~ after beingkilled and dressed weigh- 'Jt 1Phone 18 day or nigbt B3owmanville, ed 755 pounds. After some years lie went farming __________________________________L___ for 18 yéars then retired te Hampton. BotU died at a good old age, the mother at 78, the father at 90 years. Among those attending the picnieW I'rL this year were: Messrs. C'harles and Lewis E. Ruse and Mr. Theo. Salter, Mrs. Nonie Ward, sonm and daughter, Mr. Foster Hoidge, Mr. FLO ER ' Ne dS wefP pe IaeCrkTrnoMranMrHeron Hudson and wif e, Miss Swif , r I 1s W. Ruse and Mrs. Mary Mason, Oshawa; Mrs. H-. J. Hoidge, Lindsay; Mrs. Switz- er, Napanee; Mrs. W. P. Burnett and son, Markham; Mrs. H. Jose, Newcastle; Mrs. Fred Tamblyn -and family, Orono; We have fiowers anu Mr. C. N. Ruse, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. New- hv house and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. alszso ee ee Cryderman and family. Messrs. J.H.W3hplants - I f swerpipe for e r Cryderman, Lawry and Fred Cryderman lat for all occasions.loa ,n, .h yj and familles, Miss H. Brimacombe, -Mr.- connections. .nve your lcl elesa YYIZw.1I and Mrs. F. R. Kersiake, Bowmanville; Mr. A. B. Cryderman and family, Mr.watn pp-otnc artoby utfton and Mrs. Walter J. Cryderman and fam- f atn ie ntncsryt u u ftw. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kersiake and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kerslake and S.J ackman &Sons B S O FN NM R E daughter Rets, Mr. and Mrs. John Cowl- ing and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fer- guson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur, Mr. Chas. Smith, Rev. W. W. Jones aud fam- Florists andu UrowCri We ï1radotesfro apo n ii- have best roofing manufaetured in Can- ft ro m. regrets were recei ved Poe8 o m nil ada, -Glad to show you quality and give estimate Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. T. J,î of cost. Clarke, Wa½ ous, Sask; Rev. Mr. Ben- son, Mich., U.' 5., Mr. Robt. J. John- ston, Toronto; Mms. John Bellamy, Moosejaw, Sask., Mr. Clark Cryder- man, The Customs, Niagara Fls J. A. HOLGAT l rE & SON Ont., and others. After a very tenmpting dispYay of eats ail returned home much better, Builders' Supplies Bowmanville f oi' the reunion. WEDDING I~ I V LI On Saturday, July 1, by Rev. J. a d HI. McBain in the Simcoe St. Method- F RE E YO C SO ist Chumch, Oshawa, a pretty wedding F RE E YO C SO daughter of the late John Whitfield ____ S TEE and- Mrs. Whitfield of Albert St., be- came the bride of Gien E. Piper son of the late W. H. Piper an.d Mrs. Birthdays Piper, Westmount. The'bride who edns SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR SUMMER was given away by bier brother, Mr. W dig Erie Whitfield, looked very becomîng Congratulations 'anS ig .........................$20 in a navy blue tricotine suit with grey Lw wns...........1 0 hat and corsage bouquet of roses, ai- Showers se wore the groom's gift a string of ead aîs....;1....................$28 Latusca pearîs. She entered the Sympa.thy VrnaCar...........28 church to the wedding march played Acknowledgments Camp Cots..............*........................... $3-50 by Mr. George Henley. Immediate- ly after the ceremony the young Birth Announcements Camp Mattresses ..................................$1.90 couple left by motor for a trip to Go-I bourg, going by boat to Rochester and 1 Place Carda Camp Pillows..................................... $1.50, Syracuse, on their return Mr. and1 Mrs. Piper will eside on Albert-st. Large selection from 10e Hammocks ...... ..............35 tý-Ys7-1-fi

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