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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1922, p. 4

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Parck Up Your Troubles and Le.ave. Cares Behind Hoiidays are on enjoy themi. You wiii enjoy them better if you have the right kind of baggage and the right kind of footwear. I have a complete stock of both and invite your inspection. Shoes for everyone for summer wear from kiddies at $1,15 per pair to grown ups at $2,00 to 9.00 pair Bathing Shoes for the beaches at $,0per pair, in black and white combination. Take a pair with you on that holiday or camping--tnp. Suitcases and Clug Bags from $1,75 to $15.00 each. Trunks for the tourists at $7.00' to $12,00 each. Special values on bargain table in white goods. W. CLAUDE IVES PHONE 241 CASH SHOE STORE -,:M.offatt Garage j Service There's a big difference between merely et- ting somethipg done and. getting Service, Service nou olyv sees that you get-what you want, but that yuget it as you want it.-when you want it-ata farprice. Ve carry this theory into practice on every repair job entrusted to our care.- Our custom of doig aliittle'more than is necessary rather than a a ittie ess has lengthened the 111e of many a car Sin this territory.. It will lengthen the if e, of yours. Run itrin and let us look it over. WHO IS MALCOLM MORRISON ? We have been very fortunate in securing the services of Malcolm Morrison, head repair man from our Osh.awa Garage, who is no green horn on the job, having had 15 years' practical exp erience. You take no chance in having Mr. Morrison repair your car. WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK Moffa-tt Motor Sales COMPANY Bowmanville Phone, 248 BOWMANVILLE, JULY l3tb., 1922.1 brîniging ten good tents and aboi forty boys of thein tôwn, ages fro: 12 to 18 wi h tliieir cook and chapei EBENEZER one to. Pollyanna Park at tbe lai shore for two weeks outing. Ahs Visitons: Mrs. Powers, Onono, providing for games, volley bail, basf with lier niece, Mrs. A. Allin, at Mr- bail, football and entertainrnent b G. F. Annis'; Mn. Edgerton Boyce, plionograpli and a Sabbatb servie Port Penny, at the Parsanage; Mn. Y. M. C. A. wonkens fnom Osbawi Boyce lias recently accepted-the posi-. conducted by 1ev. Mr, Young an~ tion of organist of tlie Preshytenian This company will bie followed b Churcli, Port Hope, at a good saiary. another sirilar one for the succeei Congratulations!..Mrs. A. E. ing two weeks, and those by th Rundle enjoyed tlie week-end and cadets a Iiitle iter. . .. Mid-surm Sunday witli friends in town ... . MissI eaxrns have again revealed the thoi Louise Osborne spent the Cliautau- ougliness and efficiency of our mue qua week-end with Mrs. T. G. Mas- respected music teacher, Miss Am on, Bawmanville ...Miss Muriel Courtice, slieliaving Sent up a cla; Penfound officiated at the ongan and of eigbteeii ah of whoni passed, an piano for tlie Sunday services whicli the majonity witli lonors. Congrai were largely attended. . .. Rev. Boyceulations to teaclier and pupils. spent a f ew days witli bis brother at ________ tlie oid borne at Warkworth and liad orne big fishing.- Fish stories are in ..... .... The Misses Boyce are, ENFIELD enjoying camp 1f e and hlildays inI the saine section... .Unden the care-1 Vîsitors: Mn. arnd Mrs. John Gra3 ful supervision of Mnr.Harry Wilcox'Toronto, guests at Mn. Arthur Ormi and bis efficient staff the concrete toan's; Mn. and Mrs. Falconen, Toi work on several bridges in this vicia- onta, at Messrs. Geo. Ormiston's ar ity lias been completed. After Fred T. Ashton's; Mns. J. A. McFaé about ten days during whicli the cern- den, Fiesherton, is visiting friend ent work will be ailowed ta ipen here; Mn. Fred -Smith necently visil these bridges willilbe apened for'ed in Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Portei traffic, makîng a great improvement'Pontypool, at Mn. J. Stinson's; Mni ta the public roads lieeabouts. .. . Frank Gilbert bas the sympathyo The Rotary Club of Oshiawa have the community in the death of li found an excellent and wortby plan Xfatlier, Mn, Edwin Annis .... Miss 1 of exercising sorne of their surplus en- Sargent, Peterboro, lias been engage ergies and abundant finances in as teacher for aur scëhool. ISynipatliy is also expressed ta, Miss jVelma Staples in ber lass sustainied in the death of lier grandrnotber, Mrs, Elizabeth Laura Staples, widaw of the late John Staples. The funenal on Tuesday at the chunch wàs largely1 attendeci and conducted by 1ev. W.1 T. Wcket whapaýid -high tributsa ut HAMPTON In r- Epworth Lengue meeting opene< ke Fniday evening witli Mi ss Norah sa Horn in the chair. Lesson was read e- responsively led by Miss Ruth Johns. cy The topic "Friendship" was splendid- e ly given 'by Rev. W. W. Jones, B. a. D., taking as the basis of bis talk the id woadenful chanacters in the Book o: )Y Ruthi. Miss Marion Stevens gavea d- rendîag, the Rail was called and the~ e meeting closed with prayer by the er Pnesident, Hilton Peters, League r- meeting this week is ia change of the chi Missionary department on Tliureday la evening.' M Raspbenny social at Mrs. H. J. id Werny's,' Enaiskiilen, Wednesday, *Visitons: Mrs. B. R. Taylor and son Raîpli, London, visiting ber pan- ents, Mnr.and Mrs. A. C. Truli; Mn. T. tA. Brown, Ottawa, with bis sis- ter, Mrs, E. Stevens; Mn. and Mns. y, W. Pet ens, Oshiawa, visited at Mn. A. [S Peters'; Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Baird r-and chiîdren, Oshawa, at T. Salter's; id Mns .Wilbur Burnett, Mankham, witl d- lier sister, Mrs. W. Wilbur; Mrs. I. ds Clarke, Toronto, who lias been visiting t- lier daugliten, Mrs. L. Cryderman r, the past weelr returned home on Sun- -S' day; Mn. and Mrs. Norman Fauikea- àf er, Toronto, bave been hloidaying at or Mrs. L. Niddeny's; Mrs. A. E. Bill B. ett and daugliten, Reta, have takena d trip ta the West; Mrs. Will Ranton and Margaret, Trenton, with lier sis- ter. Mrs. W. J. Vitue; Misses Frankie and Hazel Woods, Newcast- 1le, are visiting their gnandparents, Mn. aadMrs. L. Johins; Miss Frances Clatworthy is tnkîng an Agricuitunal Course at Whitby College; Miss Aud- rey Clarke, Toronto, and Miss Evelyr Clarke, Trenton, are holidaying at L. Cryderman's; Mrs. Sellers and. child- ren, Bowmanville, with lien mother, Mns. Weeks; Mrs. J. J. Virtue, Sadie and bauna at Mn. R; S. Vin- tue's, Oshawa ..,..Mr. T. Brown, Ot- tawa, assisted in the service on Sun- day evening, delivering a splendidad dress on "Wliatsoever ye saw that shaîl ye also neap". Mn. Baird af Oshanwa, nendened a solo acceptably. . - Miss Helen Vintue lias netunned frorn a visit witli relatives in, Toron- ta ... . A number from hene have been attending the Chaitauqua concerts ini !Bowrnanville. TYRONE 1 isitors:. and Mrs. Thas. Tod, Mrs. . G.Byam, Mrs. A. E. Clern- ens, -Mrs b. Annis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy, Mns. L A. Taie, Bowrnan- ville, Mrs. Thos Creeper, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Hampton, Mn. Bruce Hoaeyweli, Toronto, at Mns. W. R. Clemens'; Misses Dorothy and Kathleen Mcbaughlin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn and fnmily and Mns. W. Comam, Orono, 1ev. Andrew Mcbaughlin, Ponty- pool, at Mr. B. F. Gardîner's; Mn, and Mrs. T. Frank Wright, Thirza and Anelte, St. Catharines, at Mn. W. A. Wright's and witli other- relatives; Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto, holiday- ing at MWr. Levi Skinner's; Mn. and Mns. Frank Haacack and Miss Olive, Saskatchewan, cnlled on a large num- ber of aid friends last week; Mn. and Mrs. Keelen and family, Toronto, at Mn!' Sheckleton's; Miss May Gandin- en is bolidaying at Ebenezer, guest of Miss Alma Cauntice and, laten at Mils- koka at Mn, Gea. McLaugblin's surn- mer home; Mns. W. A. Wilson, Miss Eleanor and Master Brent, Hall- eybury, guests at Mn. Wrn. Brent's; Miss Helen White, Elizabetbville, at Miss Evelyn Breat's; Mn. Gardon and Miss Alma Werry, Enniskillen, Miss Ineneé Werry, Oshiawa, at thein graadfatber's, Mn. Peter Wer- ry. A goodly numben attended the Werry picnic at Mn. Hnrry Philp's, Cadmus, on Wednesday... . The de- gree of A.- T. C. M. in piano is a stiff proposition and requîmes cour- age, persevenance, concentration and aimble fingers ta neacli the goal. It is said that only one ia ten obtain this distinction on thein finst atternpt. This honor cornes at, the recent exam ta, Miss May Gardiner, pupil of Miss Al- ma, Countice, Ebenezen, and is also the first of aur young ladies ta ob- tain it. Our heantiest congratula- tions go ta lier also ta Miss Mary Brightwell la (Junior), also a pupil of Miss Courtice, ta Miss May Brent in (Junior) a pupil of Miss Velma Staples, and ta, Misses Eleanon Tliorpson, Anale Gardiner in (elem.. entary), Kathleen McCullough (pnirn- ary) nuDils of Miss May Gardiner. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Hudson and babe, Petenhono, visited bis father, Mn. Nelson Hudson. Sadness neigned il arny hearts wben it becarne known ta our corn- munity that Mn. Chas. Hooper, Ton- for rThe Shop That Leads~ SOLINA MAPLE GROVEf Mr. R. J. McKessock was home Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bollons, son Ray- frorn Toronto over the week-end.... mond and daughters Jean and Grae *Congratulations to Mr. and' Mrs. rnotored-from Toronto and visited atl Sam Brooks on their marriage on Mr. C. H-. Snowden's. Saturday. They will reside at Osh-________ awa .... After an lllness of some months deatb corne on Sunday to Mr. ZO Edwin Annis. He bas been a great ZO 1 sufferer but bore it very patiently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kersiake He has been a familiar figure on~ the and Nora, Hampton, visited at Mr. S. Seventh Line having been a resîdent A. Northcott's... .Mr. and Mrs. Jos, there al bis lif e. He was a good Awde and family, Toronto, visited at neighbor and- a kind father and mucli H. G. Pascoe's... .Friends of Mrs. *respected by ail. He had reached W. J. Langmaid, Osliawa, are pfleas- 70 years. 'He leaves a widow and. ed to hear that zhe lias gone on a trip three sons and three daughters to ýto Saskatchewan. She is accompan- mourn bis decease. The commui4ity ied by Miss Vida. . Our former schooli extends sincere sympathy in their teaclier, Miss Cora Cruse, lias been bereavement ... . Miss Vera Baker is naetoechiCburshol at Peterboro nursing apain in the ergt to bear this as she was a hospital ...Mrs. Thos. Pascoe and rnost capable teacber. She will bel Miss Margaret have been recuperat- missed in the churcli and Sunday irig at Mrs. H. E. Tink's and Mrs. S chool also..lHaying is in full swing, R. J. McKessocks.... The Regiment sm ivn iilid infobl of shaa paye ou fotbal tam1 team play Ebenezer team at Hampton, Saturday evening and Were out-class-1 Park on Friday nîgbt. It being the, e. Score 2-1 in favor of home îast of the season, it will be a lively *team. Tbey are poor losers, too. lone ... Messrs. Fred and Wes. Cam- * Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs.i Herbert Hancock and Maijory and ',Trn. MsSudev8- Dorothy, Oshawa, at Mr. N . E. rnSnayda r HretC ited Mrs. A. D. Langmaid,. . . About~ Wright's; Mrs. D. Wotten and sons, 25 members of Kedron Ladies' Aid anid Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glenny, Tor- visi.ted Zion Tliursday afternoon. onto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilders, Bow-; They gave a very interesting program manville, at Mr. J. J. Brown's; Mr. Zion ladies served lunch. Ail enjoy- and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Miss ed themeelves. Audrey and Mrs. Hoag and Miss 01- ive, Mrs, Henry McLean, Miss Ve1ma and Masters Mervin and Ross, Osh-, awa, and Miss Laura M. Wicketty Tor- NEW GARAGE onto, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. J. G.ý Sully, Bowmanville, Mr. Frank Rogers, wishes to in- Mr. and Mrs. D. Hackney, Ste. St. f orm the people of Darlington thatj Marie, Mich., Mrs, N. C. Willson, lielias opened a garage on Main Edmonton, Alta,, at Mr. John Baker's; Street, Hampton, south of Post Office, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams in cot- where he is prepared to do repairs on tage at Cosarea at Mr. Wrn. Van- ail makes of cars. 27-4w* Nes's; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden;. ----, and family, Maple Grove, at Reeve T. Baker's; Mrs. Caroline Montgom- ery, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. VanNest's; PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTICE Mrs. J. Penfound, Osliawa, at Mr. W. T. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. J, Af: During the summer months, the holder and Miss Bessie Reynolds, Mr.i Public Library will be open frorn 2.30 and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds and son to 6.00 and fnom 8.00 te 9.00 p. m. Howard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R.j Saturday from P- 30 to 6.00 and 7.00 Sommenville and Joe Reynolds, to 9.30 P. m. Wednesday, closed all Cherrywood, at Mr. Jolin Reynolds'; day. Beginning July 3rd, 1922. Eldad Y. L. B. C. will meet at Mr.! ____26-.3w A. L. Pascoe's on Tliursday, to-day, 'at 6 o'ciock to go to the school BUILDERS' ATTENTION 1 grounds for a game of basebal .Raspberry social at Mrs. H. J. We are prepared to do ail kinds of Werry's, Enniskillen, Wednesday, concrete, plastering and brick 'work. July l9th. ~~Specialists in cernentfningnal its branches. Estirnates furnisbed and satisfaction guaranteed. î Peter Martin -& Sons, ENNISKILLEN ý24-t Elgin-st. N., Bowrnanville Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Will Preston, Mrs. Jolinson and Mr. Gorm don Preston, Port Huron, and Mr.; and Mrs, Warren Preston and child- nen, Oshawa, at Mr. G. Preston's-M Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston: M o Violet and David and Mr. and Mrs. DUN W. Gilders,'Onillia, at Mns. T. Gild- er's, Masteic David and Miss Violet rernaining for tlieliolidays gt theiri grandparents,' Mr. G. Preston and Mns. T. Gilders; Miss Minnie Web-i ber, Bowrnanville, and Miss Phoebe Lake, Newcastle, at Mr, W.- Her- at Lindsay; Rev. and Mrs. H. Staîn-; ton, Scugog Island, at bis sister's, Mrs. E. C. Ashton; Mr. J. A. Mc- Our July Sale has starteî Clellan at Mn. Tlieo. Slernop-'s; Mas- we -have ever giVen., You ter James Spry witli relativeas in Tor- onto; Miss Majorie Moore at lier make out a list of the article uncle's, Mn. Vanetto; Miss Madelîne shop early for sorne of the grandiather's, Mr. J W Virtue! be duplicated at these priees Mn. and Mrs. W. Scott, Moorefieldi Mrs. S. Penfound, Courtice, Mr. and' Mns.- J. L. Metcalf and Mrs. J.j Abernethy, Bowmanville, Miss'Mar-1 jorie 'Campbiell, Oshawa, Mrs. EttaqjW Hal, oronto, at Mn. C. SeatsD liver Dr. Fallis, Shelburne, and bis mother' Mrs. Fallis, Toronto, at Mr. N. Byer's i and Mn. T. McGillys. Mrs9Mc.llbs. Granulated Sugar ,St. accornpanied thern home and is visit-' for ing at Slielburne and Toronto; Miss i Fresh Peanut Butter in bullk Reva McGill witb Miss Jone Quinn,1 Bowmanville, and took in the Chau- Klem Milk Powder large-tin tauqua; Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgrnaster and Mr. F. Griffa bhave returned frorn a pleasant motor trip to Buffalo Ail kinds of Laundry Soap, and Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. W. 7 b Smithi and Mr. and Mns. Silas Tre- Pr elnTai uka win, Haydon, enjoyed a môtor trip tea ueCyo Tai uka Niagara Falls reicently...Miss Large Botti e Jam, while they Phernie Hall had lier tonsils operated on Tuesday by Drs. Slernon and Fer -__________________ guson. . .. A goodly number were out ta bear Mr. Milton Sanderson Sun- day evening wlien be delivered al J splendid sermon on "Samnson".' Tbei If Y çou e duet sweetly sung hy Mrs, E_. C. Ashton and'Miss Winnie was mucli enjoyed... -Monday evening the C. 60 inch Unbleached Table G. I. T. Girls of Burketon witb their Regular $1.95 for leader, Mrs. F. Waterhouse, carne La T down te. visit the C. G. 1. T.- girls of Ldies' nose, Black, White a t e Prices Reduced on Seasonable Lines Men's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 46 at 58e per gar- ment or $1.15 per suit Men's Heavy Cotton Work Socks, in naturai color, 3 pair for $1.00 Men's Khaki Pants, sizes 34 to 40 at $1.95 per pr Men's Outing Shirts with cohhars attach- ed, in white or cream at $1.95 and $2.50 Boys' long Kahki pants, sizes 24 to 32 at $1.79 per pair [PHONE S3 Men's Athletic Combinations, highest quaiity in W. G. & R., Arrow or Hatch- way make, at $1.39 per suit Men's Pyjamas, summer weight, ahi new patterns, at $2.75 pýer suit Boys,' White Sport Shirts at' $1.15 Boys' Hatchway No Button- Athhetic Underwear, sizes 26-32 $1,15 per suit Boys' cotton jerseys, al shades, long or short sheeves, sizes 22 to 30 at 48c each McMurtry.& Co., Ltd. BOWMANVU LLR IThe Very Newest Ideas and summer underwear we offer. Corne in and see the stock we esp.ecial- ly soiected to fill your warm weather needs Ilh- Men's Furnishings You wiil find here everything that's up-to-date in style and up-to-the-mark in quality. . eN.eTHrSTO Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdasliery I and Fur Shop. Ur Shoppingi, )0lest Store In1,Town ýd off with a bang due to, the best v alues and service Lwili find it a pleasure to shop in our peool store, so, es you require 1 from the following- special values-and goods listed are oniy in limited quantities and cannot Gàroceries at -These'Price bLawrence 75c kat 25c lb n 45c small. tin 25c bars for 49c 40c per lb last 23c ea English LaVender and Jvry Tie Soap, Sc a cake X-Ray Stove. Polish 5c per tin Tolt Paper, large rohîs 6fo25 Large tin Pork & Beans, 2 for 25c Pink Salmon, ½/ tins - 2 for 25c New sQtock of ail makes of Gem Jars at very Special Prices. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables of ail kinds Wednesday, July i9, the Enniskil-1 len League will hold their annualý Raspberny Social at the home of Mrs. H.- J. Werny.- Lunch served at 5 p. rn. Girls' basebaîl garne at 6. At S p. mn. Orono Band,, witb piano duets and readîngs will provide a neal enjayable evening Admission: Aduits 35c; childrený 20c. Mr. W. W. Montgomrey, and son, Bentnam, attended Manvens Old Boys Reunion at Janetville ... . Misses Ol- ive Luke and Ethel VanNest, Toron- ta, and Mn. and Mns. >T. Frank Wrighit, Misses Thirza and Annetta Wright, St. Catharines, visited at Mn, J. A. Wenry's. the departed and loviig sympatby ta the beneaved. Arnong thpse attend- ing were: Mn. and Mrs. Win. Staples and Mn. and Mrs. Albient Staples, Orono. Raspberry social at Mms. H. J. Weiry's, Enniskillen, Wednesday, July l9th. Cobourg Horse Show bas engaged the 48th Highlanders Band of Toron.. ta ta play at the five days' show, Aug- ust 15, 16, 17, 18_gnd_1._11-1 .1 Keen to Save Read This aDamask, 58 inch Bieached Table Damask, $139 Regular $175 for $125 yd and Brown, Ladies' Collars and Collar and Cuif 19c per pair Sets in Georgette, Net, Organdie and 98cns e-~ Pique, While they last 49e 98c ac 5and 6 inch Ribbon in ail shades, Reg. 19c per yd 85c for 59c per yd Zegular 29c 5 inch Ribbon in ahl shades, Special 29e 19c per yd Children's Parasols, Special at 59c each

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