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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1922, p. 7

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Bowmanville IlA NADAS FUTURE~ Depends on Training Given Boys and Girls Today Albert College, Belleville, Ont., a residential School for young men and women, maintains a high standard of ideals and education. Founded BEUE V"ILE. ONT 64 years ago, it is "Aima Mater" to many of Canada's most distinguished sons and daughters. Preparation fer University, Ministry, Teaching or business career. Courses in lssusic, expres sion. physical culture and art. Athletie field sports esicouraged. Tennis courts, skating rink, etc. SCHOOL RE-OPENS SEPT. l2th For calendar and other particulars, write to Rey. E. N. Baker, M.A., D.D., Principal, Belleville, Ontario. BETTER THAN MOTHER MADE MOTHERS'S bread was good-there's no doubt about it. You enjoyed eating the bread she pro- duced., It was the best you could get then. Iis diff e rent to-day. The bakers who make o-ur bread are experts, carefully, trained in that art. Our modern, santary shop contains equip- ment which has made baking a science. With such a combination our bread is par excellence, and we believe, even better than mother used to make. Try a loaf to-day., THOù'MAS TOD" Cream Wanted! Prices of Creamuare high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we f ail to cali on you we would appreciate a phone cali or write us, Orono Creaniery Co., ORONO A Wîs,%e Bui*lder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing maké the best covering. Beaver Brand llardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is <the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or- Beaver Board Grained make handsorne walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot. is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Caîl and sec us. MeClellan & Co., Limited Kciug tst. East Bowmanvillo Office Phono 145 Hou». Phone& 228, 274, 318 ,«a& t1 habitoew Lo %Z*L Shoe Polishes- BOWMANVILLE, JULY 13th., 1922. FAREWELL PRESENTATION Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Tink Receive a Kindly Remembrance From Shiloli Methodists A social and iiterary meeting was held at Shiloh on Friday evening when Rev. E. W. Tink, B. A.,, B. D., pastor, was presented-with a gentle- man's real leather club bag and Mrs. Tink with a brass jardinere accem- panied by this address:,1 Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Tink and family -It is with regret we learu of year intention of leaving us. We were in hopes you woal.d remain witfr us another year. We have found you te be a true, sincere and prayerful pastor. You have had the'spiritual interest of our soul's welfare at heart; the value of spiritual interest cannot be estimated, we can look around us and see individaals, communities and even nations, where the spiritual in- terest bas been neglected, and- we can see the state and condition they are in. By listening te your sermons we know yoa have put a great deal of prayer in the preparation of each sermon. By your caref ai and earnest teach- îng and explaining of the Gospel of God, you have peinted eut te us more clearly the true and riglit way te the Cross, the Cross where our Savieur died, died that we might live. We, tee often ferget the past is gene, gone forever and the present is fast slipping away and what of the future?' The future is what we have tà leok forward te and what wiil the harvest be? By your teaching and your ex- ample, yeu have lifted as as a com- munity up te higher, nobler and bet- ter Christian standing. You have been instrumental in building Shilel up, in each and every department of the Christian work. We feel, tee, that it mwas threugh your earnest and centinued prayer, that our recent revival meetings were breught about, ini which the Whele circuit f elt the power of God and a great wave of salvation was poured down apon us. We may, in part, realize the vicissitudes of- a Method- ist minister's if e, and feel assured, that at times they must feel dis- couraged and lonely. In one of your recent sermons we noticed a strain of discouragement, as though yeu f elt your preaching has been ia vain, but we can assure yeu that such is net the case and we feel thatthere is a special crown awaiting you. You have been wîth us in eur merry mak- ing, and in oar times of trouble. You have always been ready te cheer the sick and speak comforting words te' the sorrewing and peint them te the Great Divine, whe alene can heai the sick and comfert the broken hearted. We have enjoyed the, cheerfal company and the service ef seng that Mrs. Tink and family have given us on different occasions, although we did net have them with us as much as we would iiked, but we understand the ties and responsibilities of a home We felt we ceuid net let yeu leave us witheut t-rying in some way te show our appreciatien ef yeur ser- vices and we ask you te accept these gifts, net for their money value bat for the friendship and token ef es-~ teem and good wishes they cenvey. We trust that yeu wiil often re- member as, as a church and as- in- dividuals, in your prayers and that your prayerful influence wili help te keep us inthe Golden Pathway, that leads te Heaven abeve. If we neyer meet on earth again may we meet in Heaven where parting wil hone more. Wberever the place is your calied te, Wbatever your task or yeur quest, You shall come at the last with re- jeicing- Te the beautiful City of Rest. Signed on behaif ef Shiloh con- gregation-Mr. andi Mrs. Erwin Far- row, Mr. and Mrs. Richard HalIowell. Rev. Mr. Tînk made a verysaitable and feeling reply on behaif of hlm- self and wif e. Mr. and Mrs. Smarback of Kendal, added te the evening's entertainment by selections of music, eue very ap- propriate number being entîtled "Absent". Lunch was served after which a verse ef "God be with you tili we meet Again" was sung and Rev. Mr. Tink proneunced the benediction. Mr. Tink lias accepted a' positien on the teaching staff of the Evan- Remnedy forW ASTHMA, CATARRH and WEAK LONGS B ALAMEAIongknown te the med. introdaced into Canada, and this won- derful reey snow available for every. body. U=rad it ha. won phenomenal success, and is effecting remnarknble recoveries in the treatmnent of Asthma, Catarrh, Weak Luags and other respir. atory troubles. Buy a boule today .JURY & LOVELL Druggiots omaiI Apples are flot showing very mach evîdence of a big crep. An American gentleman who has vîsîted Bowmanviile occasionally for several years tells us he notices great improvement the last five years. Miller's Worm Powders net mildly and without injury to the child, and there can be no doubt of their deadiy effect upon worms. They have been in saccessful use for a long time and are recognized as a leading preparat- ion for the purpose. They have proved their power in numberless cases and have given relief to many ebjîdren, who, but for the good offi- ces of this cempeund, would have continued weak and enfeebled. Even the best col you can buy wears out in time and loSes mnuch of its lubricating effici- ency. It then f ails to main- tain the proper piston seal. Power goes to waste. Wearing sus-faces no longer receive proper protection. it is of the utmnost importance that yeu have the old oul drained eut of your crank case frequently. START BUSINESS S0001 THIS SUMME The Shasw Selsools in Toronto nevet ai muyad August. Donýtwae a hol1a eao sart flOW 10 learn type- -'.tin .sotadand bookkeepins. Inclvda isrc n in every course. P. Molutooh. Chiai Prîimale TORONTO You probably realizethe importance of having your crank case cleaned every 750 to 1000 miles. But it is dirty work. You dislike to do, it yourself. Why not have it done for you ? There is an Imperial Crank Case Service dealer near you who maintains a modern craânk -case cleaning department and he will gladly have an expert do the job properly. And what is most important- -he will use Imperial Flushing Oul for cleaning your crank case. No danger f then of diluting the fresh oul which is add ed later as -might be the case if coal oul (kerosene) were used for flushing purposes. -Make it a special point to drive 'round to the Im- perial Crank Case dealer's sometime during the next week. Let him tell you more about this service that saves your car and, saves you money. I~Canadian Wor&meil Cawsda. Ckx £î Ail Paris TLi CYeîz« Merely draining the crank case is not sufficient. Metal particles, road dust, drt, grit and carbon have a tendency te adhere te the metal parts of your engin-e when the oul is drawrs off. Imperial Crank Case Service dealers use Imperial Flushing Oil, a scientific cleansîng agent, wh'ch rexscsves alP f oreign matter and thoroughly flushes out your engine and crank case. No one grade of oul could properly lubrio- cate aIl different mnakes and mnodels of automnobiles and trucks. Different types require n special grade of oul, suuted to their construction and operating con- ditions. the Imperial Crnnk Case Ser- vice denier who refils your crank case, will use the grade of Imperial Polarine recommended for your car on the Imnperial Chart-an infallible guide to proper lubrication, Stop! Look! Listen! Stop and think whether you have been coming in to Battery Headquarters reÉularly every two weeks to have your bat- tery teste d If flot- Look at the level of the solution in the battery to make sure that it entirely covers the plates. Lis ten carefully to the man who tells you that battery care is an- abso- lute necessity if you want to get uninterrupted service from your bat- tery at lowest cost meas- ured in either months or' miles. Ontario Battery Service Moffat Motor Sales Building Representing Willard Storage Batteries Baker and Confectioner Use mother nature's jelly makeir -for perfect jams and jellies froxrn any fruit you want or care to use. -Certo-pectin, the naturai element in fruits which makes jelly "ýjell". Without pectin you cannot make good jelly or jam. With it youx control the jellying point of any fruit. Make your jams and jellies the Certo way. and boil one minute instead of 20 or 30 minutes; thus saving the delicate fruit flavor and color. With ail that extra fiavor in-not boiled out-you will enjoy jams and jellies you neyer thought it possible to make-the full natural flavor of the fruit and al the color. Perfect jams and jellies without fail. Certo is a pure fruit product- e- contains 1no gelatine. Free Recipe Book with every bot- tie. No skill required. You succeed J the first and every time. Certo neyer fails. How to mrake delicious Currant Jelly 4 cups (2 lbs) Juice from Cooked Fruit. 7% leveled caps (314 lbs.) Sugar. 1 bottie (scant Cap> Certo. Crush thoroughly about 2Y2 quarts, or 3Y2 lbs. ripe fruit, Add 'h cap water, stir until boiling, cover pan, and sinimer 10 minutes. Place in jelly bag and squeeze out jaice. Measare juice into large saucepan. Mensure sugar into separate pan. Bring juice just to houl and begin to add sugar slowly, witli constant stirring, taking about 5 minutes to add. ail the sagar, and keeping juice nearly at the houl. Then bring to the hoil and at once add Certo, stirring constantly. Continue to stir and bring again te a hard boil for %~ minute, stirring continuaily. Take from fire, let stand 1 minute, skim, and pour qaickly. Douglas Packing Company, Limited, Cobourg Seiling Aýgents: W. G. Patrick & Company, Limite&, Toronto and Montreal Bo E __________________________________________ i SUMMER COLOS1 usually leave a trail of weaknes. Build up en It promptly, pleasantly and effectually adds stregth o e ýýI ~It builda Up resstance! actt& Tow e. =oto . ont.( U 4 The Standard Remedy for HÀY-FEVER andAsthma. Sold byali goed Druggists. For Free Trial write Templetons, Toronto Sold by Jury & Loveli c

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