Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1922, p. 1

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Wr Ani. -t Sa le Greater Values than Ever Distant fields may look great but before you buy out of town it xiii be weIl worth your while to visit our store and see the real bargains being offered this month. LADIES' SUITS &'only, nav y, black-and sand, originally priced at $25 to $30 while they last your choice for only LADIES' SPRING COATS Only a f ew left, but they must gotoo, were $16 to $35, your choice at exactly HALF PRICE CHILDREN'S DRESSES Voiles and Ginghams, nicely made, sizes 4 to 14, regularly HOUSE DRESSES Nice assortment, favorite col- ors, odd sizes, clearing- at only $ 1.00 COLORED VOILES Splendid variety and ail the popular shades, regular 75e to $1.50 yd, sale pricç 49c VOILE AND GINGHAM DRESSES During this sale we have in- clude&our beautiftil st-ock--efý R £DUGEDZ-fR-ICE-SZ- IL ~ï e5 P 1 kk ni ~vd- iMh-si- e ied $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a Copy. ,,TlIT~.. ..... No. 29 Vol. LXVIII. M. A.JAMES & SONS, Publishers. -I H fi ernoon, .1 __________ .. ~ .. - - ____-____ - jt~___ r _______ zifla..îIîLALl~ f [- 1 e-,- tv, tý ï u - -~T-v we&a x b. _ wîow Osreund .. -. .,. riLd ompson rn~,~~te fl eicr.s.-T-Z0FOdlln~~4fn,, -'~rtj- -7 1, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ýJPi îsî -- --------.----1,'~1 - te AveryZ?2rZRILjif _ __ fl-v e-xa r-xncnte=nate-- Jn~en1-ti.ez-~a=~iî veePf iMie t- lIa- r- Z~,1d 'f l~5 T 14 IVfTJ 4~ itI~WKril~t~ e~rTcT. ViIXZ5r.. 4i.- 4 ~ '~ L~-~ii'Y~ . .. ' f~ __ __ __________ anu-wu~s. la. -jremey înOtorloo te- P-etopbor-o ~yy§:w~~r'-~j IVIUSICAL EXAMINATION-S iîj~±an ~Lr~11 i~.i-.LZI tJxnti~a~ni~54 --.-- -~ _______ - .-T.~- rTtIlU . T1 Vu-Z C' - --Z %Ll'~ '1 Z' -LTV-W'4~ dî~:~ ~ n-v ' .~..'- .FNce-rltri.. îri-.. ~ . -7u rz _______________________________________________ -~____ . -~ ~ -~ _______________ ______________ ______ ________. ~-2hi~4tŽe- SY4-NAL~AFLPJ~U r-i~- -' ____ -T -~e.r~Z~~t -4~-.4 ~l~? ~I --- _ - i ~ i ____ W ~EE~i~l~' -~ a "" il-elaitivll.s f TuB {erbnro t-o id-hi-mit' ~vttes.Je5in#±#JO ~aZv~-pi±-i5tztszl~ '- ~'-' '~- r'vi.~oc~ott. niai ciass i1-On-o~ 4-e-an Kam-4-Mfr5 ~ avIlit- nd- ha-lie. reionfi~ 4oYBavoMt'aei-oide-evtnlIîeAe- auntffi~~ -5ii~LY Mxui~1Pea-d ~ a ~ ~ ~ Vt~-l 'i-Va - ~ ~ OZrZWrr ~'ZY ~Vj Z22t~53CQfl ~~JT r - -- ~ i=na' ~f. ra- 5 i Ih -a ~iTt ty~3. 3 ft tiij 4Cmn~tiUkv atI unir ~ihr "-'-'mi i-"-" cuiO jyvjifr7~anw Tir.-wn7Y-iniamY-.o asi..J i~I Tl-,io .±-t-h --Uf~~~.u j~~,tîi yr'urde rMr. ~ i-r. ~ _______ 'un. ?W CIab~ie I as ±l b ~ ,~.0:. '~ or. L ~ ~ ~ ~~77~?~rs ~ ~ -~p ~ ~ zT-~e~f-T~~ 1 ,.. XzZ~A.4~ 4~zzznrsyj~-,. Tue L4 nînVaM~-inh4s -of 211 ihai'n~~lcbn ica-j~- heniante~4 -~ s~zîi-niliaBtv -4i~it. -aterve a -____ Lrrnn ii~Lxvneîî vtire 3juîîii~Yi -T=fl -nu-Tu. ' une, 4li7JTiti~,ti ZUiiiii5j et wîes, -ii-.--.N-. u~svoe,l~oeiie~a-.- -i ~ i4-~1F-5ER. 4ir~1TniOB ~iiitfaiii- i ' ra r "lH LaYM 15. JE'nRh s u îZ- t- J R-.,,i--L------l 4vrý -RSP ERI Y lr l. . ivnc Vhs W N ro n'~ ~ '-¾ i __Atg O~~.-Tc ~ TT - TT lT T .T~ T ,~iiiTd T-TTTT~T"7mi--uîuy1- e-bt -it ~'-hy Te.,i-Prn-'a-i 1]tigKiyPua Irn?.J3oV Ni--o]i~lu Fl-t s- ros-tii - ~4,, ~ j, J~t~i,,4~i.,4.~fjlr - ~ - -4~1 -~ ~ - . ., p-..,-~fl-,,.- ~ TT~',, ~r ~- Z -,-,-nnt- t~ ,~ ,,',- - -- -.-- -anv ii-nezoe 4nor~ê iÏ~tntaniJ 4TT -TT~fT ŽTt~T nenves ati-Iheir nt>int of i-i n~s-k-w~ne4 Adaiuted frorn- -thie ~tor~ ci- i~ -~ i~I5It~~ uni for n uiav nu- tOi t 4 - ,~e .~u-, ni nîuîuzaoiiuitir ~ 1t jEOr-ifisIT sxsid -taka't ltis-a~ -~tiy- i. 711nî.2jt. '- ~ - A -cord 'zta~ a -lIasse-osa -ta reporrcu ton' ~TZ-T - - I cvrcgainti-f. Park Bi-i-ia-tt ut Il) - - -- W. .3. Bragg~4. ~ acf SLi-uv-OZV ht vi, 'r n uIT'IZTITt i lii T ICtM -~dTTT T eRit1¶'555 EbtW0fltTa--W.--i t~ VL-si1~À4 OI~i4~M~~- 'i4i-~+'~1-I-I ~ uT- l~ OZSTH.eiir±tj-Z4T A O-Affi--Ž -- -laOC~yxJ&j. 4. mnai~rrr.eent-Etnlct -Ztvoe. PFO~fi1T, -o r - ----- ___ M-r rlxf ntaa BxCI ~~~iIi~~trzne-dFz±to~ra'~4seea-a-uEs--~E~lEar--.i.-lî- -1J.-r dom or ~ies z~~ Bn ,r ut Caa.dîn, - T,-à ___________ t a mi s -ul- ' n f '7-j- ~-a~- ff-c hse DTavna4 TTTTTZT~TT...TT.TZTTTTTTTT.TTTTTiT~-TTTTT.A~?i -a'srv'~rtiari5gj'~i----~-s'a--trs-ra... lin Y - .1 nL'3z5tiZ.esdIi'iilnZl4~Tvi- - - . 'xv 'îi iii ~ l Y~# ii~ZZ.~ - ~ j- . ~5jL. î ~ j l2~eeiZi-~t ~zuui r0, l~ 15 vn -ai --1 ----.îî.i. e -eý--'-raw, ,c ,,,, ,,.s t. hsmilo a lm~ ~X il ." rr r2n'~rz aL tst;~ ~ an adins±ment. marie hv I -~ -+4Jt LiiW L~-~ii~ -t- iaiv iuxv~ie4 I -~ - -Milr-xr lti.aaý e.! à-=- n-s i: ~r~ti oindcaivlc"~t.. .anetax' -~ -~ ~ la~Pî t.C. î'"ônnw. :rr'~~- - ~- ,u. ~ '-'v.î t1t~'- iii r,î~ant. ni; .î,nn . . . u-T.a-iî, ili zoi a wosîîan w~uun Il WSltYer hes be-en ruu~ej t~flTfl-,zc a' tiOffi îiÂlreuîw & -Piîuin te-p -~1i1iii~~ e~def~t-heeutu~~nîqgk _____________ _______________________ JJ-IL ~~ na-st ~tv55iRr a~d-i~tte1{~r~z ~ -~p~V---,a vs~1--t.iois~g-s-rss--n ~ ~reîî-rlix- -4F7TtI-~ic'iL L~~~7~rg -T - ~ ~ - - ,.. tol-14-'ar-r.e-x- at~._-ntt.--n-dad ~hc--fune~a1 -ef 0.110 iJa~v~ry jn'a.r. .a nC3~uvuv .cr - - un iX .,ng- ~ ~~s-i3~ Natura i}'ensirniaFI±i~,-q>~&y -& SATURD~Y il Neeunctnio t'n.~ ,snvî~uîI cnn= i tailla p pdueaC. 4j I ' \.'i.)~iidiiLj,~iJiIl~aii ~iiV UII iW~L- I -15~J-TO1~EzLw1=d1 Z~imyyK-eeft,- ~dt IEEE EVJ~J~j~ j aowe~~c~BYi I=.- 11-E 0 ,-- 1 W-.E.Li,-er.- 2RR~ffiuiIl ;71 -ie'tii'P, il0 ______________ -TTTTT~--TTTTT T-T ~jTT~' fiT AIl ZZZiiI4~~il$tU iJJ j wa -me-av 5-re~1"'-sa<viW~a- REe~'E1~s. ~Ii4ua~u ~aenthtn~ f Il vi Z"- A Ami'j £ý ~uîz R wep~r- T~ 6V4s-~l6-f4-ll'-- Z!TT.T C~, -T-f. =ifT.1 O-ii,- rviaiTd ititincît inrxt'-e~v IR t" irtriTta- tiP~1îouî -rie-n 1' r tj~eu~i_4or4 -i -Fi-utc eiitii +iiiir r-i»r;-- p..r -oz~ -q,- i~~-r. n'îs~-srp ~-~nt- -1-Tunrentt-v'The Cui-d~ s~vs: ~ r-its--mvn hes -eaoerviMg zfr~~xz cTiszIeuCrT ~ ~ iii te- n ~,L71fixlcLi,.îz,,iui,.-t,,, r i-5 O-1)etiieS--eirva-wîn-e, ttn4 thexi jjulacamptr.g exne,1,ilç,n ruuîii'g t'ie lin1' ~ uii'e-nuwe ut min me aticu at weiconxe ~ - -~j~ ~a i~sstar -'Btîaetc -,-hu-,s L'tTVOV14. nit0u lai Ci ZluI ii.u ITWf itws4eet. tititi hriu -ft'i-i- Ti-cAs -i v... lî-o"1c4.~±e'- til-iî i i-Ai-T.-TiZT, -A ~ -4-.51VTT-TTT~t TA .- -. ~a-~.~,~.TTiiTAisl iz~,itTVrp-~ ~ '-'-irftbSFiii ~e-i5Ti- - ~~5L~In?14IIX . i -~ .- -~a~ c -~' o- -111 -5-5a and v m7td1 tp ttF j- c-T -ý Il. huuV Ms.nta. e icl-crint~iv hîn- zua atiIiit eiand-a nin~ -A__ _ __ _ ____ TICB.J H a~-~ l j_~jjY~h~~~4j~55'L~~-u i_ - -I i ~i. 't~î~ -uatere~tin program, irhît Molidy fo4:rn iieDOY1 e D Ofd UNION INDUSTRIAL PICNlC GLORIQUS I2TH'AT LINDSAY En (rance Examinations1 MINISTERS AND CHUR CHES Saturday, JuIy 22nd will be Industriali Orangemen of West Durham were Bey. S. C Moore's subjects next Sun- Day at Elli tt Memorial Park, Hampton. The Industrians of Bowrîîanville, witli well represented at the celebration in BOWMANVILLE CENTRE day: Mornin'g subject-"The Ministry of their- wives and familles, are planning Lindsay on July l2th when a record 59 Candidates--46 Passed Re; venn E. W. Tin B, A., .D, to test the capacity of the park with the attendance was present and a most Rv .W ik .AB . first Union Industrial Picaîc. Commit-v tees from the local factories are rounding successful "walk" was held. It is H Stands For Honors Newtonvllle, occupied the pulpit o' out the necessary preparations for the siaeth wl over6,0 were i Leland Berry, h. Donald Brown King St. Methodist Church, Oshawa, day. Unless the weatherman isa na tekig1 4m t ps os iglwAlx amrnunday. most unfavorable mood, all indicationsth parade-takigl 5 ops osI ieo lx aeo point to a rousing trne, a given point. John Callagban F'aye Campbell Rev. Andrew McLauchlin, B. A., Gladys Cana Cliaton CaverlyB D Bowmanville Citizens' Band bas been Bowmanville L. O. L. 2384 and Harold Caverly Jack Cole B. ., was presented with an ad- engaged for the day to enliven the pro- Bowmanville Ladies' Lodge 358.macleVeaClolardDnio dress and a purse of money by Ponty- ceediags, if aniy enlivening be necessary. a4odso1'"aogwt Fred Ellegett Harold Poster pool Methodists before Ieaving for With races, football, softbaîl, ice cream ago hwnalgwt-their Fife Berniece Gilbank Norville Gîveshsne stio aten. cones and pop, the day aad the crowd and Drum Band under leadership of Lawrence Goddard Ruby Halîman ine stioa K n. should be well filed. The races have Milton Jamieson. Robt. Lavery on Ronald Hotberington Alice Highfield Annual sermon to Orange Order waý been arraîîgcd tu give everyoîe on1te the Turu a he l ooigCai IudrahJohn Hckley preached bv 11ev. . .Dlei grounds an opportunîty te compote for ath basdmha thmalooigCaenramAaJcma ., . .A. eveu prize.ý For those whose talent does not his-wny with his drum stick antics. Dorothy James Mary Jebson Wooler Methodist Church Sunday af- layinthi drecio, fotallan sftbll Thejugesf r te ereGe..Fred Jennings, hon. John Kent ternoon, July 8th.- The processio- will give them an opportunity to work daooifamfamMn0i their surplus eaergy, eral John Hughes and Major F. H. Bernard Mitchell, h. Mary Muirheadb a eddb olrBn n a The Directors' Luncheon, wil be heîd Bounsall of Bowmianville and Capt. Eleanor Murdock Marioa McDougall one of the largest ever held there. as sua twce-ad bes luchenswiî H.Dods o Peerbro. AwadsLucy McMurtry Frank Newhouse, h Nwug e asusaltwc-ad hee uchon wllH Ddd o Ptrbro AarsMary Niddery Walter Oke Nwug ehodîsts gave a kind- be different from most directors' lunch- were made as follows: Best Dressed Lucy Oliver Irene Petley ly farewell to their pastor, 11ev. E. B. attnd es. B riyor baonth ellgroud ogoPeterboro No. 457; Best Dorothy Plummer Boy Rundie Cooke, before leaving for his nevi atens. becse veyo ae n t egrud odGertrude Smith Upton Stevn and hot water will ho provided free on Marching Lodge-Port Hope No. 309; Audrey Trimble Orville Wjiam pastorate ini Newcastle. A purse' the grounds. Who are the Directors? Largest Lodge-Bethany No. 10 ; of money was quietly handed to Mr Why everybody ebo is fortunate enough Best BasBn-oor ite;SLN ETECoeadfmlsoigtehg oe be able to attend the piluic. Trans- BasBn-oor ite;SLN ETECoeadfmlsoigtehg portation is scheduled to begin at .00 Best Fife and Drum Band-Oshawa 19 Candlidates-17 Passed esteem and affection of their man-, a. m. witli beadquarters at the Market No. 686; Best Ladies' Lodge-Orillia friends. Square. Cars will leave eve'ry haif heur. Fred Ashton Arthur Blanchard Tt is hoped the en'ire crowvd wlll be in NO. 19; Second Best-Oshawa. Cordon 81eech 11ev. Capt. E. Harston preached hi_ Hamnpton by il a. nm. Doa't miss the Two special prizes were donnted, fIarold Brunt Mabel Carr farewell sermon Sunday evening. The bigpaAd i te nonin a 9. . 'ErestHokaay h RthMcKessock, h church wspce oisums a bi ard l hemrna a a.m Major-General John Huge n Winnifred Oke IeePso Miss Aileen Hughes, one to Orillia Marjorie Smith Luella Stephens Pacîty, Chairs had to be placed in HÂYDON Lady True Blues and one to Queen Kenneth Switzer, h. Arthur Toole the aisles in order to accommodate _______ f shaa.Garland Truli Charlotte Varnum the large crowd eager to hear the _________ Mary Lodge o saa Martin Varnum, h. Helen Worden, h.pouaprchr Itasa eo- Sunday School picnic will be held Wed- In reporting the celebration Lind- ouaprch. Itwsam o- nesday afternoon, July 26th, in Mr. Rd. say Wardar has this interesting para- Ail Certificates for Bowmanville Public able service. He goes to Woodviile. Ashton's cedar- grovo. AIl corne with Scbool will be given ont at openiag of StonsCh barapers. .... Several young people attend- graph: "Major F. H. Bounsail, Bow- High Sehool la September. AIl other S.Jh' urch, Rector C. P. ed tbe Chautauqua concert at Bowman- manville, who has many Orange certidcates and the marks of those who Muirhead; Organist, Mrs. J. A. ville.... .Church service is held bore Sun- friends in the town and county, act- failed wil hosont by mail. Gunn. 6th Sunday after Trinity, day at 2.00 p. m. Evorybody welcome. ed as one of the judges,1 and proved NEWCASTLE CENT RE July 23rd. il a. m.-Morning to bo the right man in the right place. Marion Baskerville Clara Caswell, h School. 7.00 p. m.-Evening Song, The Major who was a personal friend- Tucker Couch Geo. Crowther Prayer. 12.30 a. m.-Sunda-. MAPLE GROVE of the late General Sir Sam HgePhyllis Dawa Ethel Gibson Preachermren Hughes,_ Wm. Larnq Catherine MeEachern riong and evening, 11ev. Viaitrs: M. andMrs.erumanGagePherili, B.A., D. D., Rector Vstr:M.adMsTrmnPower Dr. J. W. Wood and Thos. Gg has min*iePech Frank PiprhC.O and family Sundayed at Ciesarea; Misses made arrangements to present the- Walter 'liak Freda Wilson of Kirkton, Ontario. Irma and Vera Power visi'ed friends in new Orange Hall in Lindsay with four ORONO CENTRE Just before 11ev. and Mrs. S. J. Peterboro ; Mr. aad Mrs. Rupert Mason.' Witchita, Kansas, Miss Violet, Master magnîficant ped eitals, to perpetuate Jack Bostock David Bell' Shorey ieft Napanee for Picton tG M-arley are visiting relatives; Mr. and the memlory of three departed friendas Doris Bruton Stanley Bruton make their home On rctiring fromth, Mes, H1oward W-ood, 7 iae etlHl- is-n a mrenot bsthe Hnad -Carnp'b 11 M,,ry Boo,ý IsD- t nxisst- , the congoega-hi§ -ofrTr -i0' en ot. Wlieit's D Le-,. -,aaCoras ri i rýýren!ig Surday takin. ith0efi, when a speuiai îsîeetîîîg 6f al~a.Gca a Gr-er--Eat--Wh4t~yt--wit tio xnges r ow îl e alez Mnieialol)-Syy;a-oeljmmbrd ythe Laies' Aid of thi r~TB~s3acwdn-on ~eade-~Bh~~ -fi~i ~ ~Voanl Fsyiocoyi,,! U~hrhat ie -us f01 u EI~i ~ ________________-i n n"!t , -&I sD"-"p--rvAiex-H-v- Annual July BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JULY 201922 vwO-tL. .6ize'nuuxîa. htavi-~ni rau -atte4îAl.ia2ia -- 1 -1,~~ - -~-~-- -T- -- - - . - - -T.- - 7ýý U= H -k 7ýý rIÉ-11 EEZ i 4- Me= r- .1ver- , IS: -9::m -.0--WM -«ý -. %/cýQFF-- 4 4 mlýý ïb ne n -, t Mir l7ý-Jýý

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