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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1922, p. 2

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TOKENS -tokens of love -tokens of friendship -tokens of appreciation -tokens of good-fellowship Make them worthy of their mes- sage-a credit to the giver-a joy to the receiver. Buy Gifts That Last Our stock is ridli in appropriate gift pieces. We will be glad to serve you-whether you wish to spend one dollar or a thousand. You're sure of satisfaction here, ALE x. ELLIOTeri JEWELER ENGRAVER Good Judgment The wise business man doesn't tempt fate, He takes no chances with circumstances over which he bas no control. INSURANCE is his bul1wark agyainst disaster. Disaster is aiways threateing you, whether it be in the form of accident, fire, death, theft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let insurance protect you from these un- avoidable occurrences. It will relieve you of much care and worry. Je - JMSON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville AIDS IN PRESERVING USE CERTO AND CUT TASK IN TWO Give certo a trial. Many have given it a trial and have corne back for more. Certo cuts your preserving bill in haif, Fresh fruits always in season, GEMS You find here gems of ail kinds and sizes at right prices. GEM HOLDERS This is something new for women who pre- serve fruit in boilers-great convenience and lab- or saver. It's worth whîle examining them, C.M. CAWKER & SN LUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Runs 'Easier SkmDClse pays for ltgelf în extra cream deliver- ed, ini time saved, in more dependable, lopger Ilfe. You don't waste a drop of cream wltl an Empire-Toronto. Ane you don't have to fuss and fume andî are for It as if it were a deli- ,catel compllcated machine. It's "I y'(80 Tiçnt and stays on te job. I>e0 eature Is the Empire ~b1o I~U e ow-hlghly perfect- self-balancig - self-centering. A aises Interchangeable. TIh,-, mplîre-Toronto is 'the greg-t- est artorbwesmen onthe A~t uJcW -getthe mone y eeing me n0w. CHAS. HASTINGS, Hampton, Pump Maker Phone 350-13. Our aunt says theme is more power and influence over others by our thoughts than wo imagine. Have you ever stopped to study this mat- te? Without delving into the rany, sciences upon this subject we can take it on the surface only and dis- cover . rany strange truthe. Thînk continually well of those in ioron home, eitber man, woman, or chil,> who seern to ho nothing but a failure. Boe v e in Lhein;ý excuse tneîr Inuits; ! encourage them; hope for tbem; eym- pathize with them; ail thie more in your own mind than openly. At the s arne tirne aiiow your actions and words to agree with these inner ex- pressions- when it is neceeeary to speak or act. Aimost aiways a grad- uai change for the btter will take place. Reverse thîs; inwardly dis- likethe person; tbink evil of them; ho jealous of them; condemn thern; abuse tbern; in nine cases out of ton they will lose heart, falter and f ail. People xith stmong minds and wills have a great esponsibility when in contant contact with weaker ones. Ho who bateth bis brother le a mur- derer. A bard saying. Yet many a smiling face bides cruel tboughts and lit le these thoughts that may be doing unredeernabie wmong. So, if we cul- tîvate pure, good, happy, hopeful thoughts we are unknowingly heip- ing others to live. We ail know the comfort and restful feeling when in the association of the pure-minded and noble; or the irritating unreet after being in the company of thoco 'whom wo know to ho levil-rninded, un- charitable, groes and jealous. There- f ore continuai influence of either one or the other wears into even tbe strongeet mmnd. KEEP UP WITH YOUR WORK Try alwaye to do disagreeable tasks firet; they seem for more irk- orne if left until mest; also it le in this way that such tasks get put off and perbape forgotten. What can be more annoying than to find-that these bIorrid jobs are gradually accumulat- î ng, awaiting a suitable season and inclination? If thev are attacked fret of ail the et ofthe womk le un- dertaken with much more pleacure. 1 once knew a wornan who aiways cleaned bier saucepans and greaey pane flmst before washing bier dishes. 'There le nothing like order and sys- tom. It cannot ho gainsaid but that the systematic and methodical people get the beet of it in the long mun. Do not sit down and fret that the work le getting the botter of you. Resoive to ho master of it. Evemy day get a hoid of these jobs that seem to jeer at you from behind doors; behind' the wood box; in the corners of the store- room; the flour bage to shako; the ash pans; and the balf-empty jars and cane. Keep the disagreeahie tasks down, and the other kind will tako came of themeelves. We in the country often lack the many eseont- ils for easy housekeeping, sucb as watem tape, electric ligbt, or drainage; thinge that our town friende take as a mat+er of course. ýSo it le up to us to lighten our labors by careful plan- ning and cystem. Keep agoing, nover lot the work get the upper hand. Nover get alack, for that lu à fatal. ., ,B OWMANvILLE, JULY 2Oth, 19M2 Manvers Old Boys and Girls Re- I *.~______________________union will ho held at Pontypool next HOW MANY FIRES START. Man people think the cause o Mnost forest fires is ascribed to light- ning, action of the sun on quartz,l broken botties, etc., and to "spon- taneous combustion". If lightning fires and fires set by broken botties, etc., were the only menace of the f orest, nine-tenths of the fire rangers would lose their jobs. Unfortunate- ly, whiie lîghtning sometîmes is a minor factor in certain districts, and now and then it is juet possible that broken glass May concentrate the sun's rays and start a blaze, the sor- ious fact we have to bear in mind is that four fires in every five are start- ed by a careiess hurnan being-the campfiro, the lighted cigarette, land- clearing fires ernployed by settiers to hurn up debris, are unquestionably responsible for the main losses. YOUNG FOLKS' GOOD CHANCE This year's examinations are now over and numbors of young peoplel have graduated.They will now if flot already settled be obliged to ýdecide fupon the future of lif e's activities. ,iyoung people deserve to he given a chance to make good. "Alil I want ie to be given a chance," said a col- lege gaduate, and the sentiment did him credit. The right sort of young folks do not demand special favors or priviieges. They do not ask to be given an advantage over corne one else. But they do ask and have a right to expect that they shahl be giv- en a chance. TIhis is a big country and is full of opportunities for the young man or wornan who possesses push, persevemance and a fair amount of common sense. THE BEST KIND 0F MUSIC "0 father, I wish 1 could. sing", said Gertrude one evoning. "Flor- ence sang at the club to-day and we ail enjoyed it so much. She singe. every nght to hem father, too. I'd isn't any music in me" "Is that so?" asked her fathor, talt- ing her wistful face between his hands. "Weil, perhaps you can't sing, but don't tell me youm voice has no musie'in it". "Why father, how can you say so?" "Alrnost every evoning," answered father, "when I corne home, the fist thing I hear is a mermy laugh, and it rests me, no matter how tired I amn. Yesterdgy I heard that voice saying, 'Don't cry, buddie; sister'll rnend it for you'. Sometimes I hear it read- ing to grandmother. Last week I heard it telling Mary, 'I'm-sorry your head aches. l'Il do the dishes to- night'. That is the kind of music I like best. Don't telme my littie daughtem hasn't a swee voîce, OUR PERSONAL POWER WHY SHOULD THE TOWN GUARANTEE CHAUTAUQUA? In order that the town rnay hoý as- sured of quality progrmus! Without the g2jarantee, Chautau- qua might have to take "the easiest way" fom support. ) Camnival companies are'not guar- inteed. And they usually succeed-' financially. How do'they -do it? Would you came to encourage Chautauqua if it reetored to the usuai devices and allurements of the carnival? The movies are not guaranteed, and they rnake big money.. But why the well-nigh univereal potest againet the kind of pictures provided? Why the clamer from clubs -and echool and chumch for better pictures? Why have the movie magnates juet em- ployed a distinguished gentleman- at a salary.of $150,000 per year to cave their business frorn self -destruction? A newspaper editomial says that Mr. Hay'e task ie to clean the modemn "Augean stables". The theatre is not guaranteed. What is the characçter of thie theat- rical production usually bought to y'our town, or of the metropolitan production about which you read? How often do they represent a wom- thy production? How often may one attend a theatrical- production with- out a feeling of shame. Yet theatri- cal managers insiet they muet pro- sent pinys, of the kind they do in or- der to succeed financially. The circus is not guaranteed. Per-' haps this is one of the cleaneet forme of modern cornrercialized amuse- ment. But do you want Chautaunua to be like the circus? What stim- ulus doee it giye to the moral or -in- tellectual or amtistic life of the com- munity? Chautauqua is guaranteed because it cao ho depended upon to maintain standards -which are appmoved by the law-ahiding, nrality-loving people of the town. The guarante elieves Chautauqua from any nocossity of truckling to the alleged popular demand for un- dlean amusements, which a certain too-numerous type o fcamnival, movie, theatre, and circus mannger pleads. as their excuse. They dlaim "to give the people what they want" . The illicit booze-joint doos that, too. And without a guarantee. And makes rnoney! The institutions which give the people what they need-what will help athemr than dograde--are al guaranteed. Grand Opera and the big cymphony orchestras whîch maintain musical standards are guaranteed. The church, le guamanteed, by the annual church subecription. The schoonisl guamanteed, by the puolic taxes. The college is guamanteod, by its endowrnent, the gift of the people. None of thece institutions could nmaintain and improve their standards and their service without being guar- anteed against financial disagter. Chautauqua belonge in this latter iet. Towns guarantoe the Chau- tauqua managem's business for the came reason that thoy guarantee the preacher's business in the chumch, the teacher's business in the echool, the! profossor's business in the college; for the came eason that the city guamantees the impresario's business in the opera and the eonductorla business in the orchestra, CHIROPRACTOR GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH. C. 3 yeam Graduate of the Palmer School (The Fountain Head of Chiropractie) Office on Church-et. opposite the Pres- bytenian Church. Office fours: 3- 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. Office Phono 41J; Houee Phone 140- r2 (Lakeview Farm). 26-tf OPTOMETRY R. M .MITCHELL Optometrist Registered By Examination Specializ- ing in ormors of Refraction and Mua-ý cular Imbalances. Lateet Methods, Modemn Equipment. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co s. Druîg Bowmanville SoeOlt. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. lIost complete, equipment. Sunday .uld night cails promptiy attended to. 3owmanv1e phones 10 and 34. %ranch at Orono. THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER trarm and House Sales a apeclalty. erms moderate. -tf Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197-râ. 'VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE ,ETERINARY SURGEON. Day or 4Zight Cails Promptly Attended To. .)frice, King-st., W., Statesman Block, -îowmanvil1e. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cernent work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B OOKK <E EPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted .t .n^ t1me. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS -COL- LEGE, OshawR anld Toronto, M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS fro EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, W hite Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- can. Ask for information. Phone 33, Bowmanville. Ageency. All limes of-PIRE,LIE X CCIDENT, SICKNESS, A~UTOMOBILE, GUARAN-1 TEER Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door we.t of the "Bit 20" Bowmanville Ontario. k l Mason & Dale's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville '4 SPECIALS JELLIED VEAL Home-made, very choice and tasty and only 20e LB HOME RENDERED LARD We make it ourselves, pure leaf, kettled rendered 5 LB. PAIL $1.00 We Deliver the Goods Wilbert J. Dudley Hlorsey Block Phone 225,'House 272 Bowmanville POULTlRwY NW Without a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and H-en Charcoal Oyster Sheli, Grit, Baby Chick Grit Lowest prices at ail times and special prices for large quantities. HARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE I. GOOD NATIONAL SERVICE Y""r The General Assembly of the- Pres- LEGAL bytemian Church of Canada, recentlyi held in Winnipeg, expressed apprecia- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D... tion of the service rendered by the JARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Canadian National Railways, in the noney to loan on Farmn and Town operation of a specini train for the roperty. Royal Bank, Building, conveffience of delegA'tEis ;be«t4een ~iowmanville. Phone 351. Toronto and Winnipeg in these ____ "Tat w the Commissioners W. F. WARD, B. A. aboard the special Canadian National 3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYj train, enroute to Winnipeg General .ioney to boan. Bonds for sale. Assembly of the Preshyterian Church )ffices: Bieakley Block, King do hemeby express our unanirnous a- treet, Bowrnanville Ontario. preciation of the thoughtful ocd Phones: Office 102, House 343. eation of the Managoement of the _________________ Canadian National Railways, in pro-, vicing euch a train for our conven- music ience. We desire to make special mention of the commodious equip-1 T. W. STANLEY ment, the coutesy of its officiais, os-i (London College of Music) a- pecially of Mm. R. A. McVean, i rganiet and Choir Leader, Bown- Travelling Passenger Agent, who ac- tu1e Methodiet Church, le prepared to, companied us". -ake pupile for Piano and voice Cuit- "The-route chosen for us is one of .'o.t,Forgyte reehon 49,-Gre f ascinating intereet, and gives a ev-Agye tre. 9-m elation of the future possibilities of a: large section"of our country hitherto MEDICAL unimagined by us. We recommend thîs trip to those who are pessimistie B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. concorning this country's future, and, old Medaliet of Trinity, University to those who are seeking a trip that -oronto. Four yeare Attei1ding Phy- knows no monotony". ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel, fospital, Pittsburg, Ke. Office and THE FARMER AND HIS FARM _esidence, Wellington Street, Bow nanville. Phqne 108. The fai-rner bas the most sane and C. W. SLEMON, M. 0., C. M ataloccupation, and ought to flnd mraduate of Tinity Medical Coliee if e sweeter, if lese highly seasoned,, aronto, forrnerly of Enniekillen.! than any other. Ho alone, strictly ,,tEce and residence, Dr. Boith's, speaking, has a home. How can a irmer residence on Church-st., ,Bow- man take root and thrive without -anville. Phono 259. 44-t land?_________________ He writes hie history upon hie field. How many ties, how many re- ~ DENTAL sources, ho bas-hie friendship withi his cattie, hie tearn, his doge, hie trees, DR. J. C. DEVITT the satisfaction in hie growing crop, "raduate of Royal Dental College, in his improved fields, hie intimacy e>ronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- with nature, with ýbird and beast, an d anvîlle. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 with the quickening elernental forces;- m. daily except Sunday. Phono bis co-operation with the cioud, the iia House phono 90b. sun, the seasons, heat, wind, ramn DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE and fmost. 1oo rdaej etsr oot Nothing will ak the vyaars is- nivemeîty. Graduate of the Royal templie rs, whichtheocityand e arifi. ollege of Dental Surgeons of On- ,ol ifebred, ui f ran ikefar- 'rio. Office King-st., Bowmanville. ing-like direct and loving contact ifice phone 40. House phono 22. with the soul. It draws out the poison, It humbles him, teaches him DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Pa' 'ence and reverence, and restores Honor Gradunte of Toronto Uni- the proper tone to hie eystern. ersity and member of Royal C ollege Blessed bo he whose youth wfl5 f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to passed upon a farrn. ractice in Ontario and the Domin- Cling to the farm, make much of on Dentistry in ail its branches. it, put yourself into it, beetow your Office-King-st.,. Bowmanville heart and your brain upon it, so that Opposite Bank of Montreal it shall savor of you-radiate yourPhn30 virtues after your day's work lePon 0 done.-John Burroughs. b J WATCHMAKER 14TH ANNUAL Cobourg Horse Show AUG. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1922 $10,00O.0O in Prizes For Agricultural, Standard Bred, Hackneys, Road- sters, Saddle Horses, Hunters and Jumpers, Four-in-Hand, Tandems, Ponies and Cobs -ONE HUNDRED CLASSES- Fiat Race & Steeplechase Daily--Purse Value $200 THE ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS In New Thrîlling Military Manoeuvres and -their Famous Musical Ride -BETTER THAN EVER- THE 48TH HIGHLANDERS' BAND 0F TORONTO Will furnish the Musical Programme at Each Performance Splendid Grand Stand Accommodation-AmpIQ Parking Space for Autos SHOW STARTS DAILY AT 1.30 P. M. HORSE SHOW PARK 'BY-THE-LAKE' Admission 59c; Grand Stand 50c; Autos 25c Children Under 12, Haîf Price J. D. HAYDEN, President J. H. DAVIDSON, Secretary 29-4 nJ Famers'Cac To Save Money We have decided to clear out the following Binder and Mower parts:- BINDER SECTIONS 5c GUARDS 30c GUARD PLATES '5c KNIFE HEADS -40c These prices are only good while present stock lasts. I I '1 J I eli M-

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