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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1922, p. 4

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D U-MA URIER BEAUÜTY PREPARA TIONS Face Powder Hair Tonic Massage Cream 5kin Food Face Astringent Vanishing Cream CoId Cream Tooth Paste During week of July l7th to 22nd, Jury& Lovell's Drug Store in Bowmanville, distributors of Du-Maurier Beauty Preparations is specially auth- orized to present free of charge, a full sized pack- age of Du-Maurier Tooth Paste, with pepsin, to every purcliaser of any other of the eight aids to beauty and rejuvenation. (To the trade this concession on the part of Du-Maurier Beauty Prep)arations, Lirited is flot to be construed as urecedent, -ýThese artidles are of too high a class to l3ermit of their sale as features) Jury & Lovel's Dru-- Store, on presentation of this coupon, and purchase of any one or more of Dlu-Maurier Beautv Preparations (other than Du-- Maurier Tooth Paste,) is auth- orized'to deliver one package of' Du-Maurier Tooth Paste free,ý Name...... Address.... .... Du-Maurier Beauty Preparations, Limited. Suggmestions fôr Hot Weather Footwear Canvàs,ýSlîoes are without a doubt the coolest type; 'My stock is getting low on some lines but have ail sizes in the lot. Black and W-hite, 1 strap low heel at White 1 strap buckle, low heel at Black and White Oxfords, low heels at $3. 50 $3.00 White Strap in one or two strap effect at $3.00 White with 3 straps ,medium heel at Oxfords witli rubber heels at $4,00 $3.00 and $3.25 Ilubber Soles and Heels in Oxfords and Pumps $2 Rubber sole and heel, 1 buckle strap and 2 strap at 1 $2.25 A number of specials on the bargaif table at $1 .90 per pair W. CL UDEI VES CASH SHOE STORE KEEP YOUR YOUTH As long as you have a good head of hair you will look young and feel young, The only way to keep your hair niee is to tàke proper care of it. The wondrefutl Hair Rernedy, will arrest falling hair, rernove the dandruif and make your hair thick and glossy. Don't put off getting it. The conparatively young men you see in the bald-headed row waited too long. Their hair kept falling out but they paid no attention to it.. Our friends with the thick, vigorous-looking hair w'ere wiser, They took precautions. Practically ail druggists stock KOREEN, but if by any chance, you can't get it in Bowrnanville wrte us diret Chrit ie- imer Sales Co. Lt. 8% 2Lombard Street Toronto -- - Ontario UINS. b. 17, DARLINGTON Midsummer Promotions. To Sr. IV-Rowena Avery, hon. To Jr. IV -Irene Ferguson, hon. To Jr. III- Mildred Avery, hon, Myrtie Webber. To Sm. II-Mary Coulter, hon, Bar- bara Wotten, hon, Verna Griffun, Roy Avery, equal hon. To Jr. II-Mabel Webber, hon, Clarence Avery, hon. To Sr. Pr.-Gladys Wotten, hon, 'Vera Griffin, hon. Douglas D. Barton, Teacher. PROVIDENCE Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, promotion examinations. Jr. IV to Sr IV-Eva Darch 71. Sr. III to Jr. 1V-Alaný Osborne 63, Alvin Dow- son 63. Sr. II to Jr. I1I-Rose Kemp 65, Ferne Crago 62. Jr, II to Sr. II-Harry Farrow 82, Ruth Luxton 81. Sr. 1 to to Jr. Il-Lel- and Crago. Sr. Pr to Jr. I-Stuart Crago, hon., Maud Ruiter. Jr. Pr (a) -Helen Smale hon., Hloward Wight hon., Gerald Osborne. Jr. Pr (b) - Jack Crago hon., Myrtie Ruiter, Wes- ley Luxton. Figures denote %. Mileta Hoar, teacher. SALEM Resuits of June promotion exani- mnations of S. S. No. 9, Darlington: Jr. IV to Sr. IV-*James Hunter, Edith Cator, Pearl Davis, Elvira Davis. -5'r. III to Jr. IV-~*Josie Mclndoo, Lola Welsh, John Cator, Robert Collacott, Nelson Wilkins. Sr. II to Jr. 11-Margaret Hunter, Elma Davis, Earl Fowler, Sidney El- combe (rec.) Sr. I to Jr. II-*Les- lie- Welsh, *Stanley Cowling, *Wil.. liam Cowling, *Nelson Davis, Helen McDonald, Edgar Cator, Ruth Hunt- er, Meredith Little. Jr. I to Sr. I- *Hubert Foster. Sr. Pr to Jr. I- *Doris Collacott, *Olive Morden, Ross Richards and Gordon Davis (equal. Jr. Pr to Sr. Pr-*Lorne Foster. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. SOLINA Promotion Examinations for Solina School. Jr. IV to Sr. 1V-Mar-, guerite Wright, Nora Kerslake, Sr. III to Jr. IV-Allan Balson, Audreyý Shortridge. Sr. Il to Jr. III-Ar- nott VanNest, Muriel Baker, Tom Westlake, Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink,' Norma Wright, George Kerslake, Ed- gar Wright, Madeline Truil. Jr. II te Sr. II-Ileen Balson, Margaret Scott, Malcolmi Law, Frank Westlake. Sr, I to Jr. II-Maurice Baker, Bruce Tink. Jr. I to Sr. I-George Werry, May Westlake, Fred Wright, Ralph Wilbur, Gordon Law. Sr. Primer- Vera Kersiake, Jean Hogarth. Jr, Primer-Stuart Hogarth, Ruby Park- er. R. J. McKessock, teacher. EBENEZER Resuits of Midsummer examina- tions and Promotions of S. S. No. 4, Darlington, names in order of menit: Jr. Pr.-A-da Annis, Jean Vinson. Sr. Pr.-Evelyn Wade, Harold Osborne. Jr I-Kathleen Dudley, Annie Sab- uliak, Selia Sabuliak, Haxian Colt and Kenueth Flint. Promotions Sr. I to Jr. IT-Louise Courtice, hon.; Gordon Vinson, hon., Norma Wade. Jr. II to Sr. Il-Byron Worden (promoted on year's work), John Sabuliak. Sr. II to Jr. III- Kenneth Osborne, hon., Nelson Os- borne, Myrtle Montgomery, Tec., Charles Wade (promoted on year's work. Sr. III to Jr. IV-Gordon Osborne, hon., Willie Wade, hon.,j May Wade, Paula Colt, Feru Oke, Orval Grills, Cecil Welsh, rec. Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Charles Colt, hon., Keith Worden, hou. Lmmlan A. Hillier, teacher. MAPLE GROVE Promotion Examination S. S. 6, Darlington: Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Jack Brown, hon., Nellie Snowden, hou., Fred Samis, hon., Clarence Hockin, hon., Mary Seward. 5Sr. III to Jr. IV-James Armstrong, hon., Eileen Hockin, hon., Russell Gimblett. Jr. II Ito Sr. III-Rose Somerscales, hon., iVera* Trimble, hon., Corsina Samis, Ernest Brock, William Laird. Sr. Il to Jr. III-Muriel Henderson, Bes.. sie Tucker, Marion Snowden Mildred Brock, Gladys Brock, Eteika Trimble. Recommended: Vernon Trimble, Carl Gimblett. Jr. II to Sr. II-Ellen SGimblett, hon., Dorothy Stevens, hon., John Henderson, hou., May Freeman, Elsie Samis, Dorothy Somerscales. Sr. I to Jr. I-Lavone Trimble, WiI- fred Aldworth. Jr. I to Sr. I- Elizabeth Henderson. Pr to Jr. 1- Helen Tucker, hon., Ethel Henderson, Jr. 1-Nora Adams, Helen *Wilkins, Guelda Trimble, Elsie Courtice, Mary Konopachi, Curtis Gearing, (rec), Ross Oke, (ec.) Jr. Pr te Sm. Pr- Elva Kinsman, Marion Travail, Doris Riznek, Willie Nichôls, Edith Allun, Max Nichols. Clara E. Williamson, Marjorie A. Cole, teachers. BETHESDA ENFIELD Promotion Examinations in S. S. No. 10. Darlington. Honores75%; Pass 60% Vl5itprs: Miss B. Page, Boston. at Mr. Sr. III te Jr. IV-Elizabeth Bizelow 80. S. Page's, wn ois cquite iii; Miss Irene Jr. 111 to Sr.,III-Dorothy Hoar 83, Mar Ashton, Toronto, at home; Mrs. N. Smith,. Rundie 76, Gerald Bradd 75, George Lock Enniskilea Mr Edwin Ormlston'a; 67. Jr. II to Sr. Il Albert ROndie 73 Miss iIlda Mackey Brooklin, at Mr. L. Sr. I to Jr. IH-Gordyn Brenit 78. Roy C. Paseoe's; Master T. Scott, Tyrone, at Lock 74, John Itundle 62, Harold Tabb 61. Mr. W. Smith's; Miss Bessie Pascoe at Tena M. Ferciuson, teacher. Brooklin; Annual Trewin family pienie ,was held at Mr. W. Smith's on Julv 12 and to celobrate the 93rd birthdav of SHAWS Mr, Wmn. Trewin. A very enjoyable af- ________ ternoon was spent. Promotion report of S. S. No. 1, Dar- Besuits of June Promotions at Enfield. lington, namoes in order of mernt: Jr. IV S- S. 15. -Numbers indicate nercentage. te Sr. IV-Dorothy Allia. Harry Cryder- Pass 60; honore 75. To Sr. IV-Marlon man. Sr. III te Jr. IV-Mary Ashton. ree, Simpson 85, Helen Pascoe 78, Lloyd Fer- Jr. III te Sr. 111-Marlon Rickard. Phyllis guson 65, Merle Ashton 62. To Jr. IV- Clemence, Stanley Rickard., Jack Park- Hlerb. Ashton 61. To Sr. III Horald er, Donald Shotter. Keir Lamb. Sr. II Cochrane 64. To Jr. III-Norman Stin- to Jr. 1II Wjnnifred Stiekard. Claro AI son 71, Elva Ferguson 67, reeommended- lin. Ada Allia, Lawrence Ashton. Beatric-e Amy Ashton 59, Verna Ormiston 51. To Cryderman, John Ashton, and Allani Sr. JI-Bessie Pascoe 80, Evelyn Stinson Clemence, roc, Jr. II te Sr. I-Sadie 88 rc Ndey6. oJ.I-Car1 Allin, Charlie Clemence, Vivian Butler. Bradley 80, Leslie Cochrane 65.. T r. .Kennetb Parker, Newton Ashton, rec. Jr. 1 I-Jobnnie Ashton 82, Ivan Cochrane 19 I te Sr. I-Stanley Allia, Garnet Riekard 'Norman Niddery 65. Sr. Pr.-Carence Gordon Butler, rec. i Bradley. Jr. Pr. (a)-Henry Adams, Frances E. Pavnie, teacher.! VerS Stinson. (b)-Donald Simpson, iHelen Stark. Lyda 1. Taylor, teacher, ZMON Visitors: Mrs. Jos, Chant, sr., North ENNISKILLEN Bay, visiting his son, Mr. S. G. Chant: Miss Doris Stainton with Toronto friends: Several from bore eelehratod the 12th Mns. Iarry Grooms and bildren at Mrs: at Lindsay.... Dr. andi Mrs. H.. Fergus- John Bialson's; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet on are on vacation. Dr. Slemon is look- Beekel at Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ing after his patients,... .Rev. E. A. Toi Frank Allia, Bowmanville, at Mr. Rtusse, kmn, 1owmanville, preachefi a fine sermon Robins'; Misses Flore~nce and Sybil abe rSndCoevins. A dmuenihvedMn Langmaid, Oshawa. at Mr. A. 'D. Lang- adMs osn a aheivd miaid's; Misses Frances and Beatrice Miss McKenzie is with hier brother, Rev. Jones, Hampton, and Miss Margaret G. T. MeKenzie, enjoylng vacation at Stainton, Toronto, at Mr. A. T. Staint- Geneva Park.... .Miss Lillie Gilhert. Tor- on's; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ayre andente, k, at hier hrotber's, Mr. Ruseil Gil- Audrey visited at Peterboro; Mr. and bort .. Mr. Levi Brunt and Mr. Frank Mrs. Camplin, Toronto, at Mr. Alf.Itehbins visited ia Rochester' N. -..y Ayre's; Miss May Cameron. Tyrene, Mrs. G. Simpson will return thîs ;week calling on bier sebool chnms; Mr. and te bier home in Claresbolm, .Alberta .. Mrs. Chas, Johns and oildren. Mr. and Miss Laverne Grifria visitefi Mr. Lorneî Mrs. L Trulli'and Gladys, Hampton, at Griffan, Cartwright. .....Mr. and Mrs. WIS-1 Mr. Geo. Anmour's; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. bur Moore, Jean and Jaek , Toronto, holi-1 Stainton, motored te Orillia . ... A great dayed at bis father'ýs, Mr. Jabez Moore.. numer ttededthebai gao o Frday. .Mrs. Artbur Moore visited bier narents. aight at Hampton .. . .Mr. Jes. Cbant wilnl ndMs on rIBwmnil. occuy th pupit ext undy ... M . ,Mrs. S. Shortrldge, Solina, vislted at Walter Edgars spont Sunday at bis homo. r i.Oes.. r.Gulv o n Resuts f Pomoton xam. hed a S.gnandson, Toronto, a then slster's, Mme. Iteulî ofProotin Eams hod a S Wesley Oke .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Johin San- S. No. 12, Darlingten: Jr. IV te Sr. IV deo, Bowmanville. Sundaved wif h their -Staniley Chant, Doris Stainton. Norma daughter, Mrs. Tbeo Siemon .... .Mr. and Glaspeil, Eff a Balson. Sr. II te Jr. IV Mn . Malloy and family, Toronto, boll- -Christepher Chant. Rocommended-Lii- dayed a t Mr. Wm. H. Moone's and Mr. HI. lian Vivian, Rtay Cameron. Sr. SI te Jr. Stevens'. ... Mr. John Bahcock and sonj III-George Chant, Rtuth Fie. Mabel Fln- Herbert, Miss Wehher, Bewmanvlle. toif . Recommended-Myrtle Pionce, suent Snnday at Mns. Wmn. Herring's. Claire Flintoif. Jr. II te Sr. II-Mary Leagne on Wednesday evening was la' Cameron, hion., Pearl Flintoif, Helenchreo MisnayDatm twa Scott, Ralph Glaspoîl. Recommendei- whiatenofed. iss ynîerunt rea Luther Pascoe. Sr. S te Jr.I- Berniece Bibl eed. MTseBible Bsut dy ao Stainton, lbon. Jr. I te Sr. 1-Nelson Bbl fraiompaioThibleas atuy takn Fice, Victor Bewins, Gerny Glaspoîl. Iltful CStea Sinon nto. Maby akn FrMisanklaSlSohiornt.l.s Frank ohil. Cors M. Crusie. teacher. Theren Mountjey, Haydon, gave an inter- estiag topic on work of Young Peopie's Forward Moyement. Miss Aima Wenry sang a solo in ber usual good voico. SOLINA Rteading was given hy Ernest Werry. Messrs. Ia M. 1,ýaw and A. Ayre were at Cobourg and purchased Herefordi cat- tde and sbeep .. . .Mr. H-. A. Switzer who ba eenagn at the C. N. R. at Solin for eve yeas, aves for his home near Ottawa this week. Ho bas heen a vorv obligiag, courteous ýtnd painstaking offi- ciali.. . .Friday when the pipes and cbim- ney caugbt fire the homoe of Mr. J. W. Yellowlees had a narrow escape. About 100 mon n lauatos were soon on the spot ...Moaday lightaing struck the barn of Mirs. Lev lArnot in the village andi it was burned with about 30 cords of wood. There was a smsll insurance. ... Congrat- ulations t oMise Margaret McKessock on ber musical exams. with bonors... ýThe young mon turned eut and thinned eut the turnipa for Mr. Hugh Annis and Mr. Sam Dewell a gond set for their near aeighhons. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer, Eurketon. s.t Mr. S. Edgar Wom- ry's; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Diackstock, atMr. W. T. Taylo's; Miss Marlon M. VanNest, Toronto, at Mr. N. E. Wrigbt's; Miss roue Argue bas ne- tunned te Torôdnto; Misses Florence and Augusta Luke anid Miss Wllma Werry., Kedron, at Mr. A .L. Paseoe's; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wih and famlly motored 1o Toronto and spent Sunday at Mrs. J. VanNest's, Langlgy Ave; Mr. H. Tor- gis and Miss Annie, Tononto, Mme. L. I{ands and Laura, Mre, Bent and Master Victor, Scarboro Jet., Mrs. Jebson and Miss L. Reynolds, Hlampton, at Mr. A. J. Reynolds'. TYRONE NEW GARAGE Mm. Frank Rogers, wishes to lu- f orm the people, of Darlington that he has epened a garage on Maini Street, Hampton, south of Post Office, wheme he is prepared to do repairs on ahl makes of cars. . 27-4w* IThe Shop That LeaàdslJ The Very Newest Ideas in cornfortable shirts collars, wash ties and summer underwear we offer. Corne in and see the stock we especial- ly solected to fil your warrn weather needs in Men's Furnishings You will flnd here everything that's up-to-date in style and'up-to-the-mark in quality. Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur Shop. We Believe in Fair Play-,, McMURTRY & CO. LIMITED An Appeal to the Buying -Public., The lob. chant is or in any cor to serve fi Mn. and Mrs. Hugbson, Miss Gîven the commi Hugbson and Mr. Arnold, Toronto, at Mr. R. McCulloughs; Miss F. J. Vîrtue St Bn. C. W. Siemens, Bowmanv%?ille; Dr. We are Lapp. Toronto, at Mr. Sbockieten's; Har- ry Hatheniy bolidaying at Mn. Harry neigLIvorb Hooey'e, Bowmanville; Miss Kathleen yloa McCullommgb bolidaying witb fiends lu pay oa Pontypool and Tononto Mn. and Mm. co mui Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Smitb, Black- om un. stock, Mme. Gardiner, Omemee, witb their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Gardiner; Mn. sud Mms. sehling goc Crown, Mne. J. Virtue, Toronto, at Mn.hrte Ed. Vitues; Mn.* sud Mrs. Harper, Mr: wTth t and Mns. MeMullen at Mn. T. Findisys; ity. Our Willie Littie s belidaying St Mrs. Wm. y Littie's; Miss Phena Westiugton, Plain. ville, guest of hon sister, Mme. S. V. Hear; Mn. and Mrs. Jahez Moore aidJack, En- niekillen, Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa, at Mr. W. H. Moone'se; Misses Evelyn and .Majorie Cuily, Toronto, sud Lillie La w- son, Cartwright, at Mn. H. MeRoberte'; C fde' Master Lawson Richards, Osbawa, witb Master Arthur Richards; Mn. sud Mns. tri'mîng, James Souch, Bowmanviie, at Mr. Thos. Richards'; Mme. W. J. S. Ruadie, Jean sud Grace, Bowmanville, at Mme. A. E. C Wight's; Mr. sud Mme. Geo. Burnhsm Chlîdren's andi Miss Blanche Burnham. sud Miss Hattie Hawkey guests at Mn. and Mme. J. and blue ai Muttons; Mn. and Mne. Miles Hutchin- son,' daughtem Viola and Mn. Sidney Todd mîng, reg. were nocent guests St the Parsonage. 6 Miss Alice G. Wenmy le takimsg hem sec- 36fl. Cii ond Year Agrieulturai Course at Wbitby. *~1 ... .Rev. sud Mme. J. E. Beekel, ethany, ten and calieri te eee Mr. Peter Worrm. wo bas C boon quite indisposed for Some time. CildIrfls Tbey are ou thein heiidays sud are e- nr .a maining a fourtb yean at Betbany wboe e gngamt tbey are veny -happy in their wemk.. Mns. M. MeCullough, -Misses Marion sud Adelaide McCuilough, Toronto, at Mn. M. J. Wermy's; Mme. Werry sud Mise Marie eturned with them, the latter unden- going au openatien with Dn. Frank Treh- iicock, specialist ia eye and nese, lu at- tendance... Mr. Beau Hodgson under- ýwet an oponation on Satunday n Bow- Me' Fil mavleHospital and la doing uicely.a er. The beautmfui prise Bannen won hy àTy- Dra-es ono Epwonth League for efficiency lui en League wonk isst year now bauge upon m ntor our Suaday Sebool waiis. Il was donated M te the District hy Mr. M. A. James, Bow- f 5 .LJ.ea manville. sud le much appmeeiatod. Ail womo sorrv that Mr. James eouid net be au lco prosc .ff to donate it with hie message of Me T1 inspiration aud cheer.... Mr. S. V. Hoan " 'sKhc fell from the cherry troo iast week sud le quite 111 fnom the effocte. Hie many fiende wish for bim a speody neeovemy. O t Congratulations te Miss Elma Gardinern e'sO t on oh ainiag ber second cases Nommai Cen- ed, in whit, Promotions Examinations lu S. s. Boys' long No. 18, Darlington: Jr. IV te Sr. at 1V-Fred Goodman*, Richard Gibbs*, -Kathleen Gibbs*, May Camern*, Harry H-atherly. Sr. III te Jr. IV- Fiera McRoberts*, Leon Moone*, Kathleen McCullough*, VernusMc- Coy, Arthur Richards, Laverne Bur- 10 lbs. Gr. gess, Frank Hatherly. Sm. II te Jr. Polo Was} III-Ivýan Smith*, Annie Gardiner, Pre" Clarence Goodman, promoted, Elean- Pue G ap on Thonipson promoted, absent ou se- Peanut Bu- ceunt of siekuess. Jr. Il t oSr. II Ri-ean EarI Goodman, Irene Cameron. Sr. Rc n I te Jr. II-Manjorie Akister, Ted Pan Yan ýç Woodyard, Bruce McRoberts. Jr. I te Sr. II-Alice Thonipson,. Clarence Hatherly. Jr. Pr te Sr. Pr-Francis Golci Dust Thompson, Myrtle Brooks, Edua Cameron., Pr (a) te Jr 1Pr-Lorne Annis. Pn-Chestem Prescptt, Ber-' niece Sheckieton. * honors. Mabel L. Wight, teacher. Balance of our Ladies' Spring1 Coats at ha]f pnîce. Couch, John-1 HO E 8 ston & Crydenman. P O E 8 ýa grocer, and dry goods mer- ýe of the most useful citizens nmunity. Our one object is .ithfully the householders of inity. Ail we ask is Fair Play. Svitally interested in the ood and ail its citizens. We taxes and help maintain the by. The money we get frorn ods to you, we spend in turn ýmerchants, of the commun- rsavings are invest-ed,-in the busîiness we conduet. We help to keep up the schools where your children are being educated. But, unfortunately, ail these things are forgotten when some househoiders buy goods out of town or through mail order houses. .,We are in business to serve You. To seil you goods at a fair reasonable price. Loyalty to those who serve you î-, as fine a thifg as loyalty to those whorn you serve. BE LOYAL TO YOUR OWN COMMUNITY sprint dresses with Chambray from 2 to 4 years, Very Special at 59c sOveralis in black and white ind white stripe with red trim- ý75e for 59c intz in a large range of pat- colors, very special at 35c yd 3Chambray Dresses with triming, ail shades, Sale Price at $1.49 39 in Apron Gingham in blue and white check, very special at . .35e Baronett Satin in ail shades, -plain and brocade at $2.50 per yd 40 ineh Pilbow Cotton, a snap at 45e yd 28 inch Seer Sueker, variety of shades ati 29c per yd Ail the new leading shades insilk hose, Clox,' Drop Stitch and Plain 28 inch Japanese Silk, a large variety of shades, fiee quality at 69c BE LOYAL TO YOUR OWN COMMUNITY [ne Balbriggan Shirts and Sizes 34 to 46 at 58e per gar- $1.15 per suit avy Cotton Work Socks, in Ioi', 3 pair for $1.00 iaki Pants, sizes 34 to 40 at $1.95 per pr. bing Shirts with coliars attach- te or cream at $1.95 and $2.50 Khaki Pants, sizes 2 4to 32 $1.79 per pair MNen's Athietie Combinations, highest quality in W. G. & R., Arrow or Hatch- way make, ~ at $1.39 per suit Men's Pyjamas, summer weight, -al riew patterns, at $2.75 per suit Boys' White Sport Shirts, at $1.15 Boys' Hatchway No Button Athietie Underwear, sizes 26-32 $1.15 per suit Boys' cotton jerseys, ail shades long or short sleeves, sizes 22 to 30 at 48c each BE LOYAL TO YOUR OWN COMMUNITY . Sugar, St. Lawrence 83C hing Soap 6 bars for 29e ?e Jelly, try one 18c a jar itt-er in buik 25e per lb. T apioca 3 lb for 25c Steak Sauce, large bottie, ASCnap aM 'Oc and Eze Washing Powder 3- pkg for 22c Black Ceylon Tea 40e per lb. British Columbia Salmon, 1/2 tins » 2 for 25e Ne-w Brunswick Sardines 3 for 25c Large tin Pork & Beans 2 for 25c Broorns, special 4 string at 45c each Jeily Powders in glass moulds, al flavors 2 for 25c vlcd-,Murtry &z Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLR PHONE 241

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