Mr. Victo6r R., Greenfield, Stratford, le Prof. and Mrs. John Squair and Miss Mr. Elgin Varcoe is holidaying at ,holidaying at home. Marion Squair, Toronto, visited Mr. F. oit SLorne W. Sanders and children L. Squair, Salem,. trenPit are~1stig baw fiens.Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Sterhens, Misses Mrs. J. T. Trewin, Toronto, is arc isitng shaw frinds Carrne and Ida Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. guest 0f Mrs. J. W. Knight. Mrs. L. J .Brooks bas been visitîng bier F. L. Squair and son Lawrence attended parents and other friends at Ebenezer. the funeral of Mrs. Ephriam Hawkins.! Mr. P. Riley, Toronto, was Sun- We understand Mr. Fred W. Coucli Port Hope. day guest of Dr. C. W. Lyons., bas broken ail records for catcbing fish Miss Edith Beacock is vîstinz Tor- Mr. Robt. Fielding is visiting rela- at Port Bowmanviile. onto friends. tives in Toronto and Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Ford and two sons. Toronto. are Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Strike, Ot- Miss Aileen Millisap, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Chis Robinson, Prospect-st I and other friends in town. tawa, are holidaying with ber mother, visiting Miss Gwendolyn Wiliiams. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark and son Mrs. Anna Elford, Elgin-st. Miss Winnie Varcoe recently visit- Ralpb, Pontypool, cailed on friends bere Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod spent the ed with Miss Hilda Bottreli, Toronto. enroute to Muskoka Tuesday for ten days. week-end witb their daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Densem are Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle will be absent G. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. holidaying with friends at Franklin. from bis office from July 24th until Aug- ust th.- The office will bc open dur- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. MeFarg'uhari Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Oshawa, ing this time for making appointments, and for any necessary repair work. 29-2 and dauzhter Doiis, Toronto, are vis-~ were recent guests of Mr,. Alex. El- -B" Company, Durbam Rcgt. wiîî com- iting Mr . and Mrs. J. G. Sully, Lib- , liot. mence its annuai local drill starting about erty-st. Miss Jennie Merchant is attending July 24. Company rooms located over Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Osborne the uskoka Assembly on Lake Ros- CoJobnston & Crydermans Store. will bc open evenings for recruiting. By Toronto, are holidaying with bis par' seau. Order Major W. J. Hoar., ents, Mr,. and Mrs. W. H. Osborne, Mrs. Berry, Bowmanville, visited Mr: and Mrs. John McKav. Starkville. East King-st. her brother, Mr. Robt, Thompson, Or- Ont., announce the eýngagement of thir1 daughter, Lucie Miidred. to Mr. Alan A.1 Misses Edna H., May and Mr. 0110. Martin, eldest son of Mr. and the late l'Norman Bottreil, Toronto, spent Sun- Gînghams in yard width just re- Mrs. Robert Martin, Newcastle. Ont. Theldywt hi aetM.adMs evda ocJhso rdr marriage to take place the latter part ofildywTh Bthiaet seMrland mrs evan' s. ohson&Crdr July. To.Btrl.mns IMr. Norman llamley, Peterboro, _______________________________________________ Ispent Sunday at Mr. P. C. Trebil- cock's. 13a 11 A UMrs. R. Cherry and Miss Cherry * Y motored to Toronto and spent the *week-end. B T g dai ns n Aua Miss. Doris Kelly and friend, Tor- onto, are holidayîng at Mrs. Jobns', Queen St. Master Jim Devitt is spending the sunimer at Camp Minniewawa, Algon- iupp iequin Park. _____Toronto,_are guests at Mr. W. B. MissEthel and Helen Morris and Mrs. G. W. Carner are holi.daying Saturday, July 22 on:eug:g Island. Trno r 7-Miss Vera Beacock. Creeniore, and home for holidays. ONE DAY ONLY Mr. and Mrs. T. L. H., MeGuire, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, These exceptional values are only good for the 'E . H. Brown over Sunday. Miss E. E. Haycraft of this office one day, July 22nd, at attended the 'Valentine-Croskem wed- MOFFTT OTORSALS GAAGEding in Toronto on Tuesday. MOFFTT OTORSALS GAAGEMisses Kathleen Walters and Mar- jorie Jones, Toronto, were week-end ]BOWMANVILLE guests of Miss Beatrice Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Melrose and This list will give you a slight idea of real gen- fanîily, Listowel, are visiting ber sis- uine bargains being off ered. 'ter, Mrs. J. J. Lord, Wellington-st. Colored Voiles, regular 75e to $10.00 BUMPERS FOR $6.00 $1,50 yd., Sale price 49e yd at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's. Just a limited number, so step lively, for Over- Miss Nellie L. Pattinson, Toronto, land and Chevrolets cars only, you save $4.00 on spent the week-end with ber parents, Saturday, Mr~. and Mrs. Joseph Pattinson, Lowe- $5.00 STOP LIGHTS FOR $3.00 Save many a rear end collision, don't be with- out one at this price. $1.40 BEST OIL FOR $1.25 There is only one gallon to a customer at this Very low price. 50c PACKAGE "SEE-EZY" FREE Every custorner purchasing 5 gallons of gasoline Saturday we give them free a package of "See- Ezy", keeps wvind shield clear in rain or fog-one to a customer. 50c AUTO BODY POLISH FOR 15c First corne first served, only 3 cases of this Per- f ect Auto Body Polish at the price. $2.25 CARBON REMO VER FOR $1,25 This is the farnous " D & D" Carbon Remover, so be sure to get a tin before it all goes. 50c BOTTLE NEVER SQUEAK OIL FOR 35c Squeaks in springs are very annoying, stop 'em with a bottie of "Wonder Worker neyer scueak spring Oil", 50c bottle for 35e Saturday. 35e TIN "PARKO" DIRT REMOVER 20c This is the lazy man's way to remove grease and dirt from hands, don't even need water. Try a tin for 20c. IF YOU CAN'T COME SATURDAY PHONE YOUR ORDER When we put on a sale we Imake your-while to take advantage of it, urday and see for yourself. it well worth Step in Sat,- Moffatt Motor Sales COMPANY Bowmanville Phone 248 Mm. and1 Mrs. C. H.' Papineau and children, Oshawa, spent the week-end at her father's, Mr. H. Lathrope, Lib- ehty-st. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sulli,, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. recently visited his par- ents here and left for a motor tnpl to Montreal. Miss Mildred' Souch, Hampton, who bas been visiting Dr. G. P. Souch at the Lake, has returned to her home. Misses Eva Tonilinson, Hilda Bot- treli, Toronto, Miss Elmo Mayer, Hamilton, are visiting at Mr. W. May- nard's, Scugog-st. Ladies' Suits, 8 only, black and sand, were $25 to $35, your cboice now for $10.00 at Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman's. Olga, the 8 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Evely, Col- borne, had one of ber feet eut off Mondvy by a mower. Annis Family Pienie will be beld at Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Tuesday, August lst. Go early ln afternoon and take your basket. 29-2w Mr. and Mrs. Herchel Darch and two sons, New York City, have been visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Darcb, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W.ý C. Allin spent Sunday last at Mr. Frank Rickard's, Newcastle, and attended the Metbod- ist Sunday School Anniversary. Messrs. E. R. Cherry and R. T. Roadhouse, Misses Ccelia A. Lynch and Velma Driscoîl, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. Russel Cope- land. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Varce and ebjîdren, Pawtucket, R. I., and Mn. and Mrs. Morley Varcoe, Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mns. George Varcoe, Odell-st. Mrs. R. Benson and Miss Maud Benson, Peterboro, Mr. A. R. Benson, Regina, Sask., and Mrs. Jas. Powles, are visiting the former's daugbter, Mrs. W. H. Argue. Mrs. Chas. Tamblvn, Woodbridze, Mrs. Thonipson, Kendal, Miss Myrtle Dawson, Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingles, Warkwortb, recently visited Mrs. W. J. Williams. You may think it's a mistake but ît isn't. -House Dresses clearing at $1.00 eacb. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Hiow to Make the Most Delicious RaspberryJam You Ever Tasted New Certo process astonishes housewives Neyer fails-only one minute's boiing-retains the delightful, natural flavor of the raspberries-so easy to make-and your jam costs less-keeping quality excellent Raspberries are now plent-iful at -very rioderate prices. Sugar is cheap and housewives are puttj'ng down.,Žýnîore raspberry jaïn than ever because they have dîscovered that' by the use of Certo they can make the most delicious jani with so littIe womk and at less cost than the old way. Just take 4 level cupa or 2 lbs. crushed raspbermies, add 7Y2 cups or 314 lbs. of sugar, Stir and bring to a vîgorous boil over a bot fire. Boil liard one full minute, continuafly stirring. Take from i lie and add w-hile stîrning, one-baîf bottle (scant half clip), of Certo. AIlow jam to stand a few minutes to cool andthen stir again and pour in- to glasses. This ecipe will make, froni two lbs. of rasp- bernies, about fourteen 6-ounce glasses of delicious raspberry jani for iess than six cents a glass. Certo is JUSt concentrated fruit pectin. ContaIns no0 gela- fine or preservatives. it is Mother Nature's "jell-maker." Tny it rigbt away witji fresb fruit like cherries, curnnts or raspberries, tben you wiîl do al your presemving the new and modemn wny-the easy, econo- mical and better Certo way. If your grocer does not have Certo we will mail you a bot tle, to save delay, postage paid, for' 40e in stanips. Send us bis naine and we will send you a recipe book of fifty-three recipes for making janis and j allies. Douglas Packing Compç ny, Lîmited, Cobourg, Ontario, or W. G. Patnick Go., Toronto or Montreal. 29 * I Mr. James Gale of the Methodisi Publishing House, Toronto, visited Mrs. S. F. Hill1 and other relatives here over the week-end. Miss Gertrude C. Hamley who is attending Toronto University Sum- mer Course in Kindergarten-Prim. ary instruction was home over Sun- day. Mr,. Norman S. B. James and fam- ily spent Saturday at Lake Scugog, ail enjoying a very jolly day's outing wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and family at their summer home "Williams' Point." BIRTHS SCOTT-To Mr. and Mrs. E. oT. Scott, at Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, Ont., July 10, a daughter, (Olive Jessie). MARRIÂGES LANDER-LYONS-At the Methodisi Parsonage, Whitby, June 11, by Rev, F. H. Howard, Howard Douglas Lander and Annie Lyons, both of Oshawa MAGILL-MAGILL-On Friday, June 23, at Blackstock Rectory, by 1ev. Mr. Scott, Stanley Clayton Magfili and Sarah Gwendolyn Maglil of Janetville. MORPHY-NIOHOLSON-At Wbitby July 14, by Rev. F. Hf. Howard, Mr. J. A. Morphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Morphy, Oshawa, to Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jamces.H. Nicholson, Whit- by. DEATHS KNIGHT-In Newcastle, July 16, Angel- ina Trimm, beloved wife of Williamr lCnight, aged 64 years. LICK-At Oshawa, July 18, Emma Colt- on. widow of .losiah S. Lick. formerly of 7th concession of Darlington, aged 90 years. PAINTING Have your house painted now, send post' card to J. Brennan, painter, paper hanger and grainer. Kalsomining and tinting. Terme 'reasoniable. Address J. Brennian, Elgin St., Bowman villd LOST BLACK CLUB BAG-Containîng base. hall uniform and coat sweater, lost on July 12 between Bowmanvilie and New- tonvîlle. Reward on returning to Thom- son Knitting Co., Bowmanville, Phone 16. 29-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY'S COT-In good condition, nearly new for sale $2. Apply te Arthur Sim- nick, Nelson-st. 28-2w* PIGS FOR SALE-18 young Yorkshire pige. Apply to A. H. Clemnens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237-r3 29-tf. ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE-3 burners and oven. A bargain. Apply to W:-W. Dickinson, Concession-st., Bow- manville. 26-tf F0OR SA LE-Supreme 'Kitchen Range wltb water back and one Oak Wardrobe. Aplly to Mrs. C. B. Kent, Beech Ave. Bowmanville. -2-f CAR FOR SALE-Pod Car. 4 nearly new tires, -mechanical condition in good shape -Big bargain for quick sale. Ap- ply to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 13-t .HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-6 holes, complete with reservoir and water front, only used one winter, replaced with elect- ric stove. Inspection mey be made at F .C.. Pethick's Barber S'iop. 25-t FOR, SALE-Set of dre iron;s. garden utensils, bedroom suite, pair pillows, port- iers, two Wilton runners and other car- petst, copper wash bolier and window sereen. Apply Miss Burk at Miss Trim- hies on Scugog-st., Bowmanville. phone 361-w. 29-t PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-A seven roomed frame house in good repair, well located in the village of Newcastle. Ap- ply George Jamieson. - 28-2 FARM FOR SALE-50 acres of west lot 13, 5th concession, Darlington, 5 miles north of the town of Bowmanvllle., Apply on premises, E. Barrett, Bowmanville, R. R. 6. 24-t FOR SALE-m-Brick cottage containing 6 rooms, furnace and electric lights. Hard and sof t water in bouse, good garden and fruit trees. Âpply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lot about fty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets, containing good barn, easily con- vertible Into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- Phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farm located at Tyron e, Ont., containing one hundred and fifty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearing. Ploughing possession this Faîl. Apply Bruce Honey- weII, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tels- phone 194-2, Bowmanvllle. 52-tf TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE- Medium sized brick residence, bot air beating, bath and electrîclty, small gar- den, garage and poultry bouse, most de- sirably located, witbin tbree minutes walk of Post Office. Also, a beautlfully locat- ed building lot. These properties are the most reasonably priced of any on the market. Apply Box 519, BowmanviIle. 29-tf FOR SALE-Good dairy fruit and grain farm. 83 acres. 1 mile from H-igh and Pub- lic Sýchools, station,' creamery, canning factory. Clay loam, 4 acres of orchard, pasture, well watered; barn 36 x 70, stone stables,, drive shed 30 x 30, large 1of t, fences and large bouse all In gond condi- tion; stock and implements if deslred. Possession this Faîl. Robert RaIney, Orono. 26-4* TG LEI FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good !and and baildings, Immediate possession. A.pply J. C. Montgomnery, Oshawa. 15-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Nine-romed bouse on corner of Concession and Elgin-sts., alI modern conveniences, possession July 1. Apply te Miss Eva Burk, Elgin-st,, Boiw- manville, phone 42. 25-tf WANTED RADIATORS REPAIRED-On shortesti notice. AIL work guaranteed. South1 End Garage, 650 Simcoe-st. S., Oshawa, SEMI-ANNUAL EIAN L SALE JO0H'NST ON'S SIAAL eFor the Clôsing,;à Days of Our BigSemi-A&nnual Sale,ý-1 Broken LinesMust be Cleared Bargains in Every Depariment For Men, ]Boys' and Kiddies, ýf Our Sale has been a tremendous success, and, as the closing days draw near, we fici many broken lines in choice merchandise that must be cleared out by Saturday, July 22, 1922. This is your opportunity-Read our list of bargains. Count the Days from now tilfi Saturday. Make Each Day Connt. MEN'S -SUITS MEN'S SUITS Special Lot No. 1 Special Lot No. 3 Ail hand' tailored, very best of -work- A beautiful range of patterns and ma- manship'and materials. Worsteds in teriais and strictly hand tailored. Val- Fancy Checks Stripes; also Tweeds ues to $40.00. and Homespuns. Big range of colors. OUT THEY GO $24.75 Ail sizes. Values to $25.00.___________________ OUT THEY GO $15.75 MEN'S SUITS Special Lot No. 4 MEN'S SUITS Blue and Grey Serges. Our very be-ýst Special Lot No. 2 materîals, guaranteed, and. strict]y St.rictly hand taiiored. A fine range of hand tailored. These suits are advan- patterns and colora. Best grade of cing in price to-day at the f actory as Tweeds, Homespuns and Faiy- Wor- high as $5.00 per suit. Values to $42.50 steds..Values to $30.00. BUY NOW AT $35.0 OUT THEY GO $18.75 YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT BOYS' SUITS Our very bestin Serges, Tweeds, Fancy 75c Worsteds and Homespuns. Guaran- ( MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR teed workmanship. A big range of Ail Sizes. Per garment 59c patterns. Ail sizes. Values--up to $20 Mven's rure Wooil ashmere Hose $1 .25 Jaegers, in black only 85c Penman's Pure Cashmere ýHose, ail col. ors and sizes at 45c or 3 for $1.25 Men's Balbriggan Combinations oilaRg.$2.tache $1 .45 $1.25 MEN'S WORK ýSHIRTS Black and white, khaki, chambray and Black Drill 98c MENS- WORK SHIRTS $1.50 Black Sateen, Black Drill, Blue Chambray and Khaki $1.15 BOYS 'SUITS Boys' Bloomer Suits in Fancy Wor- steds, Serges, Tweeds and Homespuns. Ail sizes. A big range of patterns and colors. Values to $Ê2.00. OUT THEY GO $6.95 BOYS' COTTON JERSEYS Zimmernit Brand, ail colors & sizes 39c Boys, Blouses, ail sizes up to $1.25 for 98C BOYS' SUITS Foxes All-Wool Irish Serge in navy. A real bargain and a real suit. Ail sizes $10.95 DRESS SHIRTS $2.0 une with soft attached cuif. 'A nice range of patterns. Ail sizes at $1.19 each or 2 for $2.25 Ô 'I BOYS' SUITS Fancy Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds and Homespuns, somne 2 Bloomer Home- spuns. Veny best of wonkmanship. A big run of colons, Values to $15.00. OUT THEY GO $9.95 MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR Regular $1,50, Sale Price $1.15 DRESS SHIRTS $3.00 to $4.00 values..Excellent ma- teriais and a big range of patterna to select from..Ail to gzo at $2.69 or 2 for $5.0 Children's Sox, any color, up to size 7 39c, larger sizes 50c WANTED-Loopers on Infants Haîf *~~~ T'e""~~z Hose, bighest pices paid on Piece work, colons 79cign newa, l ie new steady dial loopers. Board five and Me'FetHsaszsan six dollars per week. Apply The Paris MesFl aaiszsancor,79 Knitting Co.,,Burford, Ont. 27-3w vaus$.0 oJ27 HELP WANTED-Wanted at once, at fo1___________________ the lake, womnan to, make gond home cook- ing also 2 girls t owait table and do gener- CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS al bouse work. Gond wages. Apply MEN'S- WORK. SHIRTS $2.50 vle at ......................... 1.95 Mrs. W. J. Berry, Box 336, Bowmanvillevle phone 28-r6. 26-tf. $1.50'Black Sateen, Black Drill. Blue $3.50 values at... ......... $2.45 WANTED-For the-sale of our hardy $,5$.ovle 29 an Guarapteed to Grow" Ornamental Chambray and Khaki $.5$.0vle t................ 29 Trees, Sbrubs and Roses, a good repres- entati've in the town of Bowmanvîlle. _______________________________ Outfit free. Liberal commission. BrowU Brothe1rs Co., Nurserymnen, Ltd., Brown's Nurseries, Welland Co., ont. 2- BUILDERS' ATTENTION!1 concrete, plastering and brick work. T Specialiets in cernent finîsbng i l] 3J .JLOJ ES S O E isbare.EtmtsfUrnished and - lix7 - Wf1V 'satisfaction guaranteed. JLV 4 3om nil sà a hty ST RE 24-t Elgin-st. N., BowmanvillePerMatn&Ss, I- .. - - ýý4i ý i