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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1922, p. 7

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x~C04 Give Your Sons and Daughters the advantages of an education, ait a school of high ideals Albert College, Belleville Ont. Founded 64 years ago; is a residential school for BELLEVILLE. ONT young men and women. Preparation for Univer- sity, Ministry, Teaching or business career. Spe- cial courses in Music, Expression, Physical Culture, etc. Athletic sports encouraged. Splendid accommodation-beautiful grounds. SCHOOL RE-OPENS SEPT. 12tIý, For calendar and other partîculars, write to Rev. E. N. Baker, M.A., D.D., Principal, Belleville, Ontario. BET T ER T'HwAN MOTHER MADE MOTHERS'S bread was good-there's no doubt about it. You enjoyed eating the bread she pro- duced. It was the best you could get then, SIt is diff erent to-day. The bakers who make Our bread *are experts, carefully trained in that art. Our modern, sanitary shop contains equip- ment which has made baking a science. With such a combination our bread is par excellence, and we believe, even better than mother used to make, Try a loaf to-day. THOMAS TODL.q Baker andi Confectioner l3owmanville "I t' bc of ad ag so Prices of Creammare higli. ar We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. s ar We Want Yours Dn m If we fail to caîl on you we woid of appreciate a phone cail or write US. te bc of Orono CreanrieP.ry Co. as nc f. -~Ith A VWisecuji11de r USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine- B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best ccvering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best fiooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside.trim make the best I finish. The> People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasoýnable and a square dealfor every- body, Caîl and.see us. MeCl ;ellaîl & Co., Limited King St. East Bowmanville Office Phono 15 Houe* Phones 228, 274,,218 Double action -Goes farther-Try it and you'lI be delighted with the resuits, EGGO BÊla gPowder~ ORDE F'ROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER\e O0WMANVILLE, JULY 2Oth, 1922. ASSASSINATION By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Denver, Colorado. Why do some men succeed where Aftur seeds sown in war time corne ;hers faîl? Why does one retailer to flowering long after the strif e has na town report business fair and ended by officiai decree. *Man by the te man down the street declare it millions, cannot go on kilin-g his kind s"rotten"? You will seldom find in anger for miany months, and when ie reason in the ýdifference of locat- hie is tired of hisorgies and bloodshed o, and luss seldom is it a matter of birnself, expect that the thunder hie opital or the proprietor's industry, loosed cao be restrained by a turo of )ut usually it lies in management. -the wheel or wave of the-hand. III fuel twenty years youoger", is The world war was ushered in by vhat thousands have said after Tan- Sarajevo assassination, which is oow ac restored them to health. Try it. well known to have been caused' by ury & Lovell.1 the excessive greed of a certain May 24 and ,lune 3 corne too close church in forcing its religion on a !r two holidays. King George bas, people who were four fifths adherents 'e believe, expressed the wish that of an opposing churcb. is bîrthday should be remembered in War was hastened by the double ,onnection witb the day of remem- tragedy affecting the thronu of Aus-, )rance for bis grandmnother-the 24th tria-Hungary. It probably wouldj )f May, thus showing coosideration have come loter, unless some inter- For hais subjeets. Banks might well vening catastrophe would have hap- ffow the samne consideration for their puned to prevent. But wor was s0 -ustomers. ordered at the tirne it came, and the Many mothers have reason to bless governmeots of Europe knew it, ooly Uother Graves' Worm Exterminator, they were afraid to take their peoples ecause it bas relieve-d the little ones in their confidence for feor of losing Df suiffering and made them bealthy. their places, or îndurring distrust. For Rheumatîc Pains.-The pains Sinceth te war closed the 'assassin and aches of Sciatica and Rheuma- bas been unusually active, believing srn sbould bu treated with Dr. in bais egotisrn, that in this manner hie 'bornas' Eclectrîc 011. The soothing can overturn government and remake and healing properties of this famous bistory. The London killing of re- remedy have been demonstrated for, cent date, was unfortunate for the f ty yuars. Use it also for infiom- cause of Irish unity and peace, though îatry ain, ctsscrtchs, ruises perpetrated to secure these blussings. and sprains, uitber in hurnan beiogs Field Marsbol Wilson, wbo was kîlled, rS the îower animals. had done great service for the allies, and bue was acconnted by Marshal Reader, wbat of your if e? You Foch as the best soldier Britain bad now that a useful if e is a gruat re- produced in many years. Ris prin- ýervoir, into which the waters of ex- cipal work was bebind hlm, gunerous- eriencu are constantly pouring, and ly and admirably accomplished. from whicb the waters of aecomplish- Alive, he could not influence bis gov- ment and service are as constantly is ernment on Irish affnirs. Dead, hie 3uing. Every man is the controllur may be the meons of breaking up a f bis own gateways in this respect good deal of what bas been gained in nd it is bis problum to keep a nice the lost six montbs, but bis ernpty- alance between the two streams, that headed assassins did not tbink of Le reservoir may not, on the one these things. Tbey, are suldom npen and, go dry, nor, on the other, over- of much f orethought, but, urged by a low and waste its store in rnisdirect- blind passion, they strîku rigbt and d effort.- left witbout regard the consequences, IIWbere there is smoke, theru is al- as did the assassin of Abe Lincoin by ways fire", so wben twenty million a Soutbmon, wben hie struck a blow well-known men and women in ah against the greatest friend of the walks of if e say Tanloc is a good South tbe country bas- produced. medicine, theru must be something Very likely the Wilson aisassins were bo it. Jury & Loveil. j thinking of the glory that would ýbe Rev, John Carroll Wilson, Toron-i theirs wben they struck down 50 con- o, preacbed in Cobourg Methodist isPicuous mark. The Ego is anat bhurcb on Sunday, July 2, it being thing out of control. is diomond jubilee anniversary in The taking off of Dr. Walter Rathe- the Metbodist ýministry. H1e was nau in Berlin is indeed a severe trag- orn in 1839 near Port Hope, a son edy for Germany. H1e was one of :f Sheppard Wilson wbo came to Can- the very few big men connected witb da fromn England about ninety years the present Gurman ýgovernment. go. His son, Ruv. J. S. I.- Wil- Wben bie was f ore ign minister hie hod son, is the pastor of Cobourg Church the respect of bis f ormer enemies in nd is a worthy successor to bis the war. He was preuminently a other. Rev. J. C. Wilson was successful. business mon, one of tbe se-rrl years ag,3 etationed at biggest, some dlaim a rival of the Hampton. j g reat wizzard Stinnes in the indust- Marmladein ckeshelp to lovr'ral vo-cr~d Soo mn es Germiariy was Mamaldein aks hlpstoflaorback on its feet. If bu could have and is cheaper than candied peul. b ad bis way, Germany would be very Lemons are the chief ingredient to mucb nearer recovery thon it is now. many different fiavored marmalades. During the war, Dr. Rathenau was Slice very thin and remove sueds. TOI a "die-hard", and just before tbe col- ach pound of fruit add threplots lapse, he was urging a national levy f cold water. Let stand twenty-four of men and property as the last hope hours. Then boil until the chips are for Germany to secure a compromise, tender. Let it stand in a bowl until but bu failed in bis efforts. H1e be- next day. Then toevery pound Of longed to whot is called the Junker boued pulp add one and a boif pounds class. f sugar. Boil together until syrup SnctbwacosdD.ateu ellies. as been violently attacked by the Use Miller's Worm Powders and party and claes tiiot formerly dlaim- Lie battie against worms is won. ed hlm and was proud of bim. Hu Tbese powders correct the morbid joined the Wirtb Cabinet to help bis onditions of the stomacb wbicb four- country and savu sometbing from the sh worms, and these destructive par- general wreck. Hils loyalty to the sites cannot exist after tbey corne in republic was neyer questioned. But ontact xi-th the medic1r" "'The in bis view there was only one woy zormis are speediiy evacuated with to retrieve Germany's fortunes- ther refuse fromn the bowels. Sound- through compromise, a willingnuss to ness is inîparted to the organs and carry out the reparaýtions treaty in Lie' bealtb of tbe cbild steadily im- spirit, and secure aid from the form- roves. er enemies of Germany. That bue TheGrahiesoy: "huworst was a statesman of a higb order, is TÉe raphe sys. Theproved by bis negotiations with storm in the bistory of Portage La French goveumental officers for pay- Prairie, one that assumed cyclonic ent to France from Gerrnany i1: roportions, struck the city Friday at kme fpliiin nditiur .30 a. m., causing darnage estimated bad kept their bonds off, the French t $750,000 to $1,000,000 by wind cities demolisbed in the war would nd fire. Many buildings were un- have been restored by the bonds that roofed, including Metbodist and destroyed. Germany had the labor, 'reshyterian Churches, Merchants uepoe tewie u h e Hotel, Non Word Sebool, Home for mand was for the lutter of the Ver- lurables, mony rusidenes and num- sailles Treaty-in gold, not in kind. erous business places. Mr. and Mrs. TeGra-usa rayta W. Spencer's infant wos crushed to Th1 emnRsia roy ta eatb~~~~~~~ snisco. Peie ri Ml irigbtuned the Genoa conference, tît in00 ush.emifrGin Msdes-was mainly the work of Dr. Rathenau, wit 30000busel ofgran ws ds-tbe former Junker. Necessity seems Lroyed. Hyr oe lnt, was to know little of consistuncy. Sucb put out of commission". a treaty was absolut<ly ruquired if Drives Astbma Like Magie. The Germany weré~to keep its bead above nmediate belp fromDr. J. D. Kel- 1 water. ogg' s Asthma Remedy seemns like1 A return to Robenzollerism by nagic. Nevertbuless it is only al Cermany at this time, could not bu latural rumedy usedin a natural way. countenanced by Rathenau, and so bue rysmoku, or vapor, reaching the wyas accused of being a turneont and minion Day. Sunday morning Rev. 'v -y ulii t alluVlJD. . McCamus of London, a Mon- vers old boy, deliverud an inspiring address and ini the evening Rev. Geo. E. Ross of Peterboro, onother Mon- vers boy, delîvered an eloquent dis- course. Millbrook quartut led the singing. Monday's program was a gruat success. Ruv. F. E. Mallott, B. A., B. D., four years pastor of Trînity Chureh, Peterboro, now go- ing to Bridge Street Cburch, Belle-1 ville, was tendered a complimuntary luncheon at the Empress Rotul by the Chamber of Cornmerceu. Ruv. Mr. Mallott's work, flot only in bis minis- try, but in publie octivities, and the Childrun's Aid Society, of whieb bu has beun Prusident, was bighly eulogi- zud- by Judgu E. C. Ruycku, Mayor W. R. Taylor and G. N. Gordon, M. P., K. C. For BothHouse and Stable-There is a good deal of simiiarity physically speaking, butwuen buman buings and the iower animais. Botb are subjeet ,to many aliments arising from in- flammation and to ail manner of cuts and bruisus. Dr.. Thomas' Ecluctnie Oul is an untirely reliable rumudy for such ailments and mishaps ia both human beings and the lower orders of animalff. 111 Geo. Johaston paid $200 and costs l for operating a "stili" in Haliburton.' Whether the corn be of old or new growtb, it must yield to Holloway 'î Cor0 Remover. Lindsay people who visited Bow- manville on Monday to see the Lind- say-Bowrnanville game were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Carew, Mr. and Mrs. Dedman, Mr. James Boxaîl, Mr. T. H. Stînson, Mr., C. E. Weeks, Mr. A.E. Taylor and others.-Daily Post. START BUSINESS SCIIOD IS15SUMMER The-Shaw Schoole in Toronto neyer close'in Summer. They are open ail Juiy and August. Don't waete the holiday season-start now ta learn type. wriing. shorthaneI and bookkeeping. Iniiulinstruction in every course. P. Molntoth, Chief Principal Traffic Inspector Halick is making it lively down Port Hope way for motorists who exceed the speed lim-. its. On the country highway 251 miles an hour is the limit. DeIioious New Reoipo!1 Serve Icy-CoId for Hot Day Breakfasts T o make ROMAN MEAL BROSE-O stir one rounded cup Roman Meal înto four cups boiling sait- ed water. Boil ten minutes in a single boiler. Stir wel and set in a cool place over night. Serve cold with milk or cream and sugar, honey, preserved or fresh fruits. "Cools the blood," clears the skin, relieves constipation. Air ~ RO Et Open all year Enter now. Fail Term Opens August 28th. Y(onge & Charles Streets, Toronto I. Strictly First-Class. Our graduates readily obtain employ- ment owing to their superior training and our assistance ini placing them. It Undoubtedly pays to attend the best. Write to-day for our catalogue and ar- range to enter at our Faîl Open- ing. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Battery Touring Foresight The best xï e can give you for having your bat- tery looked 1to before you start to tour isthat it's just -plain common sense. A good deal the saine as tak- ing along a spore tire, or an e xtra set of spork plugs, or a couple of headlight bulbs. If it's right we'l 03V 50. If it isn't we'll do what's necessary to bring it up to the mark. Whether it's -a Willard or flot it wili be given the benefit of Wilard Stand- ards of Battery Service. Ontario Battery Service Moffat Motor Sales Building Authorized Service Station of ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only tile best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ nocemetery caretakers as agents preferring to seh ry own goods thus saving the purchasur the agunt'e commission. A Ca811 solIcited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor. BowmanvIlle. Phone 326W Box 94 R eady Money 'el-va' iCike 1VI 4 r ail your surplus funds are invested, you may .be embax-rassed for ready money in an ism. mediate emergency. Money in a Savings Account in this Bank, le always available to meet the unexpected needl. STÀjýN TH E STADARD BANK, 0F CANADA., TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, . . . H. W. Lapp, Manager Biackstock Branch, . .. E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Q H, il you only didn't have to hoil, boil, boil that fruit to make jams and jellie. You don't- -just boil the fruit and sugar one minute, flot haîf an hour or more-and add Certo. With Certo you reach the jellying point at_ once.i You save time, fuel, hard work, worry-and most important of all-you retain the flavor and color that you used to boil away. 'Thus you get jelly or jam of a full flavor and color neyer attained the old way. Try Certo for your next batch of jam or jelly-any fruit. Your grocer bas lt-a complete booklet of recipes with every bottîs. How to mnake delious Cherry Jam 4 level cups (2 lbs.) Pitted and Crushed *Cherries. 4 cup Water. 8 Ieveled cups (3% I bs.) Sugar. 1 bottie (scant cup) Certo. Sour cherries give finest flavor. Stem, 0 pit and thoroughly crush about 21/2 lbs. fruit. Measure crushed cherries into * large kettie and add water. Tie 2 table- spoonfuls pîts in cotton cloth and crush with hammer. Place in kettle with cher- ries, stir till boiling, cover kettle, simmer 15 minutes, then remove pits. Add sugar and mix well. Stir mixture hard and constantly. Bring to vigorous boil over ýe hottest fire. Boil hard 1 f ull minute, continually srîrring. Take fromn fire and add Certo, stirring It in well. From time jam is taken off fre let stand 5 minutes only, by the dlock, before pouring n meantime skim, stir a little to cool sight- iy, then Ijor qa;ckly., Douglas Packiag Co., Limited, Cobourg Selling Agents: W. G. Patrick &--Co., Llmited, Toronto and Montreai 21 TLe Great Shb.p "EA " Cl FERi'f JT l BUFFALO - Dac yoMny it oNov. 1.~ LVLND ldonnetion8 atCleveland for tZdar0oOt, Fut-in-BaY Tldorot,.tcr>ie.Raflerid tickets reading between Bu?'elo and Clevelard are goodfe fr trarnuortat 01, <Ou Our et amer.. Aek î,0cr tickset agent or touriet ,cgency for tickets via C & 3i Lino. N w urîst ,o.bL Raza-. 100 Round Trip, wîtb i da, Ir hn, o ascceced'g1IL ~ heclb-e. Beautifully eolored eetiecl pzucar'. 01<fThs Orne.. SL p "SEER ';kDBE'E"eat on .czipt ci Eiee eets. AIS. e' k fo, uer Uý. ggspieteejetanfides o 1 tv

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