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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1922, p. 8

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SPORTING NEWS Solina football teamn ived up to its re- putation of having a goofi team when it gave Bovt manville a batle royal at Agri- .1ltural Park here Eýaturday evening. Vis- !tors scored shortly after play started but before the periofi ended 'Doug' Mvoore evened the score on a neat vasa from Avery. fI was seasaw gaine in the final stanza in which Bowmanville got the oxlr goal on a penalty kick when Harding scored. This victory maakes iBowmianville winners in the eastern dIv- ision of the Oshawa andi District League. Tl'ey, however, have one more gaine to play witb General Motors. Hats off to Bowmanvllle for the gameness with which they have play- ed in the first haif. They have won but one game, but they have thrown a scare into every team in the league. The fact that they have been crippled in the last two or three games la also discouraging, but fans hope that they will round into shape for the second haif and nose out dloser to the top -of the ladder.-Lin-dsay Post. HAMPTON Epworth League meeting last week was in charge of Missionary Vice- President, Miss Marion Stevens. Af-ý ter singing and prayer by Mrs. W. W. Jones, the lesson was read by Miss Ruby Clatworthy. The topie "Review of Young People's Forward Movement" was ably taken by Mrs. John Colwill. Miss Ruth Johns gave a short reading and piano solos were rendered by Misses Norah Horn and Helen Johns after which the meeting closed with League Benediction. Meeting this week will be in charge of 3rd Vice-President. Everybody welcome. Soti by Jury & Lovel HAMPTON S. S. ANNIVERSARY Attendance Large and Program Rkchly A f tle Iiic e Enjoyed. T e~ The great mîd-summer Sunday Sebool Th Aniversary of Hampton, for 1922, la now a matter of history, and wben the grave uncertainties of clîmatie and atmnospberic conditions and the very large contribut- T U S A ,J L 0 12 ion they make either for the succesa orT UR D Y J LY 2,1 2 failure cf the event, we do say, and that gratefully, that this year this aniversary was a splendid success in ail respects. SOLDIERS' MEMORIALNE CSL tSunday services were held in the shedNE CSL tprovide for the large -congregations1 that gathered at botb services, there At the Iast meeting of the Directora of heing about a thousand people at the the Ilorticultural Society the subject of Copper Beech Camp gave its first evaning service. Music for the day was a Soldiers' Memorial was discussed at stunt party and verandnh entertain- provided by the Sunday School choir of somne langth.- The general opinion fav- 125 voices, under the capable leadership orati an entrance to Communlty Green ment on Friday night. The pro- of Mr. Thao. Saltar, choir-leader and witb a bronze tabiet. This wouid be la Supreintendent of the Scbool. Miss harmony with the Park idea and would gram consisted of vocal numbers, re- Norah Horn, the efficient organist, was go a long way towards beantifying the citations, music by the Kazoo Or- at bier best at the piano ail day. The park. The commtte that bas the work selections included:. "A Cheery Heart", cf fixing up the park la band, bas ex- chestra and other original stunts. by the junior girls; "Blossom Bells", by perianced somas trouble in saduring labor the school, and the patriotic song "The bu twe understanid that puerations wiîî Miss Daisy Dufretus proved herself Land We Love", by some twenty maie comimence at once, s otha tthe grounds extremely -versatile, reciting, singing, voicas. will ha la sucb shape tbat Newcastle wil Supt. Salter must bave no smali satis- qualify for the Govrnment Grant of $2.- telling jokes and plnying the mouth faction in baving so many compimentary 000 for the erection and maintnacoù tings saiti to him regarding tbe chorus a Community Hall and atbletic grounda. organ. Miss Howard sang ia spien- singing, by those who were competent No wis the time for ail good local citi- did voice "The End of a Perfect judges as well as by mnany othars. zens to pull togethar and get things la Day" also acted the -principal part 1ev. J. S. L. Wilson, B. A., B. D, of shape as a matter of $2000 is not serured Cohourg daigbted bis congragations at every day. Now lat's all boost. in a musical sketch "Along Came An- botb services. In the morning service hie other Little Girl". Little Una Cros- seemed particuiarly happy with the chiid- _________ ygv w ueltl eiain rau, who answered coma of bis many b and eis May oidge altterctd mach questions in a really mirth-provoking In isMayHig ttatdmc manner. A ~a tention in bier fancV steppDing la Mr. Wilson was accompanied bybhis 1S.A.SUDA SHOL ICNIC aboriginai attire, A verv laughable venerable father, 11ev. J. C. Wilsor4,of and original teature was the plaving- Toronto, wbo was celebrating the M0hi The Salvation ArySna chOof houmnppeogn1y Ms anniversary of bis entering into thea ethAm-SnayS ioftehmn o rg ' odist ministry, anti spoke a f ew words of this town held its annual pie n ogin comayn*asdl e-1« from bis long ministerial career et the July 12tb, at Courtice by the kind -in-~ttetîsn y aohro h evening service. Viai oMrA.-ugn. Te ietlsn Y ath f te Ail were pleased to have at homevtto o rM. ugn . aTdeYyoung ladies. tbrougout the day, Pestor W. W. Jones, i eft the S. A, Hall about 10 a.mna B. D., who also assisted at both services. had a rea good day down on the Newcastle Methodist Sundav Saturday, July lst,-Dominion Day-a farm. Afternooa was speat in games School aniversary drew large audi- full program of sports, a a.nvuaeul providad in the Elliott- Memorial Park and races for both old and Young ence at both services. Rev. E. B. which lse ocf INatur-es beeuty spots. and quite a nicelot of prizes were Cooke preached bis first sermon from The Football -match betwaan the juniors gvn loiecemadeny ecsl uptt h hlrno of Ehenezer andi tampton resuitet in aan gv ioieceman ad.ANwatepuptt h hlrno easy win for Hampton-score 3-0. Th, specîally interesting game of base 'railher «gave tbem a bright address Basebali conteet hatween the young ladiesf bal a lydwt isE obl rmtemdl fa mgnr e of Solina andi Hampton-one by the way C wpas nyoe dewatbMss E. Gorald fromdthermidl of apop n dimn iaye whicb provideti meny tbrilling moments-CptlaoonaieadM.THaefldweralyunpependm y rasuitati in a win for the Hiampton stal- on the other. Mr. G. Raby was umi- older find mach delight at this time warts.1 pire for the gama. Great credit is cf year. hlrn wee otl S"utb Darlington Sunday Schcol League defo liCnyh ixdlagr ub r hn at anyopreinu Football match betwaen Ebenezer anddu Mr. Hugginsfoth alefi dlrg nm rshna nypvou Hampton was a tic-score 1-1. bis barn up with sevea sets of swings anniversary and sang the vocal se- The concert in the avaning was coie of and tbey were on the go ail day long lections splendîdiy. At the eveaiag the hast ever presentedti 10a IHampton -_ tb hlrnol. Oao h srieRv r ok rnbdt audience The people filleti the lre ntb hlrnol. Oeo h eVCRV r ok rahdt shedi and the artiste acquitteti themselves bigge St problams wns to fiad out how a full churcb from the text 44 1 am right eplantiitly. Mise Jassia Tuita of Ai- Sp many big folk came back to child- among you as one that serveth". The hart Calege le certainiy in the front rankbodsdyaailas shr tmecoreceed tefwthtee ei cf Ontario'e most gifted public readars ho' asaani osottmcore'eldisl ihtrewlj Mr. Manning, the Toronto soîciet, waÏ About 82 set dowa to partake Of the rendarad anthema. solo p)arts baînz forcati to returu time anti again, bacause'good entsa nd drinks provided, to taken by Miss Edria Rickard. Miss cf is efficient randering of bis many Wbich fl utc [choice saiections. Anti the Cox Orchestra fl utc was donc. Ail Beatrice Bragg, Mrs. Geo. Honey and from Oshawa was exceadingly generous; prescrit enjoyad thamselves and came Mr. Frank Rickard. Rey. H. S. anti oae bundred par cent proficient.1 home happy. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins Spance, the retiring pastor, intro- The Tea-walI it would ha like trving to ýwere gvngetcei o h a ue e rCo gilit goîtt were one to atizempt to praîsa ie rntcei or wydcedBy MCoe la very coin- it. Hlowever, it ail goes to demoastrate they entertained so large a family. plimantnry, earnest and henrtfelt ou a largar scale, what a loyal, happy and Ail would gladly go back agnîn soon. termis, whicb Mr. Cookc la turn fullv 1 nitd people "an do la carrylng forward the work of a comrnunity. church. -Comn. and sincereiy racip)rocated, -.-~, I An Entire Traila of' Studeý...baker Cars Shipped F rom Canada to Great Britain On June 27, one entire trainload- many parts of the wox-IcL Cana- of Studebaker automnobiles was dian workmen are h lping to> shipped from the Studebaker make this a "Studebaker Year" factories at Walkerville, Ontario, around the worlcl, just as Cana- to the port of Montreal, where dian appreciation is making it a it was trans-shippeci to Great "Studebaker Year" ini Canada. Britain. Ail over the world Studebaker popularity is mafiifest. From the Studebaker factories at Walker- Yille, cars are daily shipped to Wiclespreacl recognition of the superior value and quality of Studebaker cars has cleveloped an unusual popularity for Stude- baker produets. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION 0F CANADA, LIMITED Walkerville, Ontario A. W. PICKARD Bowrnanville Ontarîo THI1S 1IS A STUD EB A KER Y EA R 'pndci n t NEW GARAGE Two picnics ware at Newcaatie-on-the- Lake on Wadnasday last. This Dooular S. L. Harris wishes to announce! reoort le being well patrenizeci this SrnM- that he bas atarted a garage in New- harsh in exprrssing their opinion iceggrd- tonvlle hichwil be penMondying the lack of means 10 reach the Da.e'k tonvllewhih wli e oenMonaywest cf the harbor. village Counil Tuasday, Thuraday and Friday; and 1pleasa taka notice. at the oid stand corner of King and'__________________ Liberty, Bowmanville, Wednesday and Sntrdle na ickars of a engies Mr.W.NEWCASTLE guaranteed. 292w Ms W.Mclntosb is indisposeti, MsE.Rowland bas returneti home,,ME CA Mrs. W. G. Jones is visitinz friands ianAFREDFAR CM ,MA DL Torontc.ALRDFRCMMD.C., Miss Winnie Lake is visiting friands la Graduate of Trinity University, aise Bowmenville. of Royal Coliege Physicians, Edin- Mce. George Gray was in Toronto on burg. Speciaty-Diseases of wom- Wednesday lest. e n hlrn fie Pre' Mise Harriett A. Mason is visiting with a n hira fiePre' friands in Orillia. Block, Newcastle. Mr. Artiab, Toron! o, is visiting at Mrs. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. W. T. Lockhrts. Mr. Robt.' Waiton motoreti to Toronto Honor gradunte of Trinity Univeraity, on Wedneetiay lest. Feliow of Trinity Medicai Goliege. Mies Rant Thomas visite dwith friends Licentînta of the State University o1 in Oshawa lest week. MrIs. Giandenning visited relatives la New York, Matriculate of the Post- Toronto on Saturday., Graduate Medicai Schooi and Hos- Mce. Frank Bennett, Bowmaville. la pitai of New York and Feliow of the guet cf Mcc. Buroughs.i Toronto Academny of Medicine. Office 1 Mr. Hermean Penin, Bowmanvîlle, was -Mrs. McNaughton's Reidence,i borna for'tbe week-end. Newcastle.- Hours 8- to 10 a. mu., 1 Mrs. Loveday is spending a faw deys t .s. n yapitet with friands in Toronto. 3Dm.anbypoite. Allen MeLean Howard wae home front the vity ovar the week-end. M. L; McLaugblin, Oshawa, visiteti at F W.Rickards on Sunday. Miss Downing, Toronto, is visiting with l Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Bowen. Mies Fassie Gibson bas gone to Niagara'_____ Falle for a vieil with relativeî.i nMro.R.W Gbooi visitine friands' Owing to the strike it is Ms To.Nelson, Cobourg, le lain mposbet e m e t town rane-wlng otti acqiqaintences. 1 posbet tim dae at th e ke d nay aSpcrnoPinckeddelivery, but I have a suffi- Miss Doris Willows, Montreat, is vis- cient quantity on order to iting witb Mns. J. Cunningham.0 Mc. P. L. Culiay, Toronto, spent the take care of ail my custom- weeki-end witl' Mrs. Frank Bennett. Principal Might cf or High Scbool is ers. holidlaying among the Northarn Lakas. Mr. Ted Papine;au, Oshawa, visited with hie parants, Mr. anti Mrs. E. Papineau . Make sure of your next Rev. Mr. Bathune anti Mies Bethne Trntar uetso teMisses Drm-wriers coal by booking monud.1 your order early. Mr. anti Itrs. G. C. Wrighît entertain- ed a numbar cf thaîr friands on Tuesdav evaning. 1GI Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Brazg,Dowman- e . Jam ies, n villa, spant Sunday witb Mr. anti Mtrs. Bd. H-oar. Mies Kathleen Wilson. Toronito. le holi- Newcastle~ dayinig with bier parents, Mc. anti Mrs. __________________ C. Wilson. Mr. anti Mrs. Allen Lockhart, Toron-- to, are guests of lîls mother. Mrs. W. T. Lockbart. Mr. anti Mrs. Ric4ard Finiey, Toronto. 1 Thos. Finiey. 1 - Mesrs. F. W. Fiigg, J. E. Rincb anti D. O. Morris sent Sunday et home with thair familles. Mcs. Stanley anti two tinugbtars, Helen anti Dorotby, Toronto, ara visiting wîth Mca . M. McGuire. Mc. George Bonathan bas returnedti 1 For better businei Brantford aflar a pleasaru t-wo weeks' vacation at home. a hssoe Mr. anti Mrs. George Lumstien antia ti soe two chilticen, Trenton, ara visiting ber Parants, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Parker. Mies Mahal Brown, Torpnto, accoupiian. ebt oeî jed hy a lady fr1, iiu epent the week.iend ,bt oei with ý r parents eat Bentley ('otage. 1Mr. ad Mcs. Wheeler anti dauzbter Everythingî nhardwaîi Diana, Toronto, ara visitia-g witb baer par-' ents, Mr. anti Mca. D. J. Galbraith. Mc. Thos. Ferguson, Paterboco, a former business macf Newcastle, wes in te wn last waak cailing on olti friands. W M 0 ï JA Ib t ndce' Fcnd Bleu or b arcivati home fcom the bospitai tact waak. We are ýHardware Store picase t b 5C3lha is mucb improvet inl Reports from Toronto bt he affect that Miss Lance Walton -%-bfo is undargoing treatiment in the bospital there is makingr capiti anti steaty progrees. Mrcs. Donald Mationalti. Mise Primrose U Horx ey anti Master Jack Itearvie. Toronto, PAINT UPAND ara spantiing a few days et Hoffmaa Vila, ruae c f Mise Francis Dicksoa. i Dr. Stanley 3. Uglow,ý, Chicago, is here . on bis annuel pilgrimaga 10 the olti home -SV eSraean town anti is sending bis holidary with ee à Mcs. Lglow et Newcstle-on-the--Lake. j save a The sati news reporting the death of the oîîly son cf Dr. nati Mcs. Hunter. Toronto, was recaiveti bare on Tueedav lest.- Mc. HunIer was a nephew of Mrs. Lockbart. Mr- anti Mrs. J. E. W, Philo) left on Saturtiay for a Iwo week trio tbru West- éra Ontario raturning via Chicago. Dur- ing Mr, Philpe absence the tallway bus- iness will ha looketi efler ha Mr. L. C. Doiron of Montreal. The Diractoîs cf the Newcastle for- ticultural Society mat et the home of Mrs. Full supply of paînts, J. A. Smîith on Mondex evening to mnake arrangements for the comiag exhibition, and flagsofa! îns it wes tiacitiet to change the date of theofalk ds show 111h 10 August 251h. An olti anti respectati citizen in the pac-341 son of Mrs, Angellina Trimm, (Mrs. Wil- C yonti on Sontiay lest Aflar a lingening iii- nase of caverai years. Itlrmant 100k place in St. Georges Cemetery on Tuas- _____________________ day lest. A number of car kindly 'i8 '8ed ldes have open ed their homes to theltiect girls and boys. A number of them are thus enabied to enjoy the 'pleasure of life in the country, This surely is an act of mercy and those interested will sureliv meet their reward. Miss Muriel Bradley is again in charge of Mr. W. I. Gibson's "ýwavside" mar- ket Kingston Road west. Mr. Gibson started the market as an expieriment ]ast s~ummer and under efficient management of Miss Bradley it proved to be a big suc- cess so Mr. Gibson has decided to con- tinue it again this summer. Mr> A. V. Rowland, Toronto. was a week-end guest of bis mother, Mrs. Jas, Rowland. Arthur bas iust returned from a trip to Ireland and reports that be is mucb taken wi h the liand of bis fore- fathers. His bealtb appears to be mucb beneflttefi, and h4- now reports a corpora- tion sufficient to qualify for a City Alder- man. Several girls of COpper Beech Camp are making daily trips to Or- ono via two horse draV to assist at the raspberry picking. FOR BEAUTY It is not generally known, that ladies who are unable to visit Beauty Spe- cialists, can obtain treatment in their own homes for positively no expense. Dr. Northey Du Maurier D. D., M. E., H. A., the eminent French Skia and Beauty Specialist and founder of theý famous Beauty Clinics throughout the world, has been persuaded to meet the demands of the general pub- lic by putting on sale at al drug and departmental stores, the prepara- tiens prepared from bis Freach formuine that have been closely guarded and made bis name famous for 20 years. The preparations ia question con- sist: unir Tonic, Face Astringent, Face Powvder, Skin Food, Vanishing Cream, Cold Cream, Massage Cream, Tooth Paste., One of the only simple effective and rapid removal of pimples, liver spots and freckies is Dr. Du Maur-1 ier's Astringent Lotion, 2944~ ~ HelpsJ Talcum Powders, from 25c to $1.25. Vanishing Creams, 35c to 75c. Toilet Waters in great variety. Nyal's Eas'em for hot tired feet. Sodium Phosphate effer- vescing at 50c a bottle. Wampole's Grape Salta for the stomach "not just right" 50C. English Health SaIts, 2 for 25c. Rose's Lime Juice, 50C and 75c. No one need suifer from the heat when these helps are obtairiable. aThey are ail "At Home" SKerslake's Drug Store Use your telephone, we deliver. ESTONE ess was laid long ago you don't buy here.- re at lowestpric-es. ~4IESNe. D DECORATE varnishes, oils, brushes CUT OUT BAKING during the summer months and LET BRITTON'S BAKERY FEED THE FAMILY H. S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle FRESH STOCK McClaren'a JeIIy Powders 1Oc package TEA PRICES ADVANCING Buy your stock of tea now before prices go higher. R. WALTON Grocer Newcastle eeast<- ýATH-AN, 1 Phone 49 Bowmanville

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