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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 3

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DAILY DELIVERY 8,30 a. m. For the convenience of our customers we wil deliver ail orders received by 8 a. m. for meats by 8.30 each morning. Bett er still, leave or phone your'order before 6.30 p. m. night before and it will receive prompt attention.-f LARGEST ASSORTMENT 0F COOKED MEATS IN TOWN G. A. Edmondstone, One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville Ccpve-elaind Shoe Store ANNUAL SALE 0F WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES STARTS ON TUESDAY, JULY 4TH $5,95 Oxfords, Straps, Sandals, Sport Shoes LEATHER SHOES Tan and Brown Caif Black Kid and Caif, IPatent and Suede Leathers, high and low heels. Ail high grade Canadian made shoes smart in style, correct in every detail, of excellent material and expert workmanship. Ail styles and sizes in the lot, but flot in each kind. SPECIAL FOR MEN Black -and Tan Oxfords "Siater" 30 pairs going at .............$5.95 No Refund on Sale Shoes 1Store Opens at 8 a. m. Closes 6.30 p. m. IS IT HERE? SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR SUMMER Lawn Swings .................................... $12.W0 Veranda Chairs.................................... $2.80 Camp Cots ......................................... $350 Camp Mattresses ..................................$1.90 Camp Pillows...................................... $1.50 Hammocks ........................................ $3.50 Businesq going on as usual during alterations. WILLIAMS & -CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanville Furniture Dealer Ontario flI [OWMAý ANVILLE, JULY 2-7th., 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE A Coiborne man was fined two hundred dollars and costs for hav- ing liquor ini a place other than in his own residence. Rev. W. E. Selby,B . A., of the Methodist Mission, Junghsien, West China, recently visited Rev. and Mrs. W, C. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Sargeant and babe, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Batten, and son iReg., Toronto, Mrs. T. S. Brant, IWhitby, were recent guests of Mrs. Rd. Bailey. Youmay think it's a mistake but it isn't. House Dresses clearing at $1.00 each. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Friends from ail over these United Counties will learn with deep regret of the death of ex-warden (1910) Albert L. Boyce which took place at Dartford, on July l7th, after a long illness, Niames of Messrs. L. S. Caverly, C. A. Cawker and W. Blake McMurtry were inadvertently omitted from list of Chautauqua guarantors in our lasti issue. Each contributed $7.50 to make up the deficit. It was seventy years on July l2th, since Mr. Robert Knox, landed in Or- ono. Coming with him were his par- ents and other memnbers of the fam- ily, direct from Scotland. H1e has had an active and honorable business career. Miss Laura L. Jones, B. A., for a number of years specialist in English and Modemns, on the Staff of the Co- bourg (3ollegiate Institute, has ac- cepted a similar position on the staff of the Sarnia Collegiate Institute at an initial salary of $2800.. Miss Velma E. Staples, Tyrone, who has been conducting a very suc- cessful clnss in theorY and piano dur- ing the past year in Bowmanville, is spending a f ew weeks with friends in Oshawa. Miss Staples having taken a special course with Prof. C. C. Laugher in accomfpanmments and con- cert plnyîng obtained her A. T. C. M., in February last. Her pupîls and many friends in Bowmanville and vicinity extend to her their sincere sympathy in the removal by death of lier aged grandmother. HAMPTON Women's Institue will meet in Bungalow on Thursday, August 3 for a Children's Picnic. Parents and children cordiallyinvited to corne and bring their baskets. BAKER'S SCHOOL June Promotion report of S. S. No. 19, Darlington-Names in order- of menit: Entrance--Martin Varnum*, Mabel Carr, Charlotte Varnum. Sr. III to Jr. IV-Eda Carr*,--Gordon Varnum, rec. Sr. II to Jr. III- George Millson*, Reta Carr, Ina Carr. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Leona Bradley. I to Jr. Il-Doris Millson*, Wesley Yel- lowlees*, Myrtie Bradley. Jr. Pr.- Martha -Varnum.. . *-Honors. Alice G. Werry, teacher. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS Port Hope had 89 candidates-75 passed, 35 taking honors. Bethany had 21 candidates-16 passed, 2 with honors. Names are: Annie Atkiason, Laura Argue, Rex. Dawe, Leonard Gilbank, Allan Gra- ham, Henrietta Jones, Edison Mitchell hon., Fern McGaheY, Harold Monk, Marlon McKernon, Ira Peters, Elsie Pollard, hon., Joseph Switzer, Mel- ville Staples, Hazel Swanson, Ormie Wright. It would be a very proper plan of reporting resuits of the En- trance Examinations if there were stated the school and teacher, name and age of the successfu1 candidate and number of marks obtaiaed as was the custom some years ago. Why should not teachers and scholars re- ceive credit for their work? MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. John's Church, Rector, 11ev. C. P. Muirhead; Organist, Mrs. Jno. A. Gunn. 7th Sunday after Trinity. 11 a .M.-Holy Communion. 12.80 -Sunday School; '7 p. m.-Evening Song. Preacher,- the Rector. July meeting of the Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. F. R. Foley, on Tuesday, July 18. Tea was served at 6.30 p., m. An interesting common impresion that religion means a long face and sanctimonious manner, and instead have given them1 to understand that religion mreansi principle, a love for the true andj good, playing the gaine four-square, acting the man. ABANK FOR THEFAMR 0Fo" CANADA iBOWMANVILLE BOYS AGAIN Glancing through recent issues of the "Druggists' Weekly" published by The Maclean Pulilishing Co. of,1 Toronto, we came acmoss these items referring to Bowm-ranville boys:- Mr. Bray is in charge of- a new "Moore Store" opened at 423 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto. "McCreadys Limited" is now the name which lias been known as "The Red Cross Dmug and Book Co. Ltd", Lethbridge, Alta. Mr. T. H. Me- Cready is son of Mrs. McCready, Sil-1 ver-st:*,Bowmanville. In its issue of June 2Sth "Drug- gists' Weekly" contained a splendid! pic ture of the interior of R'. M. Mit- chell & Co's Drug Store, Bowman- ville. _______ The following iteih under the head-, ig "Big Business' Deal", is also ofî local interest, Mm, Allia being the eld-' er son of Mrs. W. C. Allun, Kings- ton Road East: A deal was complet-! ed in Red Deer, Alta., whereby Allia & Stephen Ltd., are now in possession 1 of the business that lias been con-! ducted in recent years by the Stand- 'ard Drug Co.1 The principals in the new firm are N. W. Allin, president and manager, Iwho will lie in person'al charge of 1 the business, and H. D. Stephen, As-; sinilia, Sask., vice-president. i Mr. Allun was maised in Bowman- ville, Ont., and gaduated from the Ontario College of Phammacy, Tor- onto. H1elias had -seventeen years' continnous expeience la the drug business, starting as an apprentice li 1905. 11e was connected with the business of Kenny & Allia Co., dmug- gists, Lethbidge, and since then he was ini charge of McKinnon's Dmug Store, Weyburn, Sask., for two years. For the past four years he lias been employed with H. D, Steplicas, As- sinilia, Sask., his partnem in the new firm. The new fimm is capitalized at $25,- 000, and it is their intention to re- arrange the store and make a number of alterations with a view to im- proving the attmactiveness and generai appeamance of the premises. Balance of our Ladies' Sping Coats at haif price. Couch, John- ston & Cryderman. F ARMERS can consuit with this Bank with the knowledge that their probleins will be understood and their banking require- ments efflciently handled. We have made a special study of the financial needs of farmners, the difficulties they encounter, and their ways of doing business. [ANKOF cMONTREAL Established over 100 years z3 The owner of a Model 81 Overland (name on request) tells us he recently made a 900 mile trip using only 2 quarts of Imfperial Polarine Oil Heavy (as recoin- mènded on the Imperial Chart). Big oîl and gasoline mileage is just one of the man y advantages of using the proper grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oiîs in any car or truck. Consuit the Chant. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufact'urera and Marketera of Imnperiad Polartne Motor OUas and Mark.ters in Canada of Gargoyle Mobioil, I t Made Lu five gradp for -the prorr ôgaut omo LTTZ trcsand *tracte". I l 'vidrola - $6250 No* 50 J ust the thing to take along with you on your summner trips. As easy to carry as ,a travelling -bag. AUl Victrola8 now reduced in price Sée and hear this new model at any HiMafter's Voice"> dea1m borl1aair Gaam-o-phone Company-, Llmited Montreal APorta ble, Growing Diays- When you are growing as bard as ever you can every minute it's sometimes just-additional bard work to feed the kitten or jump once over a skip- ping rope. Then it is littie bodies must not lack nourish- ment, yet digestion be carried on with the least possibL2 effort. CHRISTIE'S GOOD WHITE BREAD SATISFIES sustains and builds for among its splendid ahl-pure ingredients it contains Vitamines to aid in nutri- tion which governs growth. CHRîISTJ.IE'Sb AKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowmanville Phone 97 v -*:4----~.-E-7

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