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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 8

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A GIRL'S FATHER'S ADVICE Applied the Intelligence Test onhei Beau andi the Resuit. Were every marriageable young wornan in Canada to adopt the advic( this girl's father gave her they woulb cause a revolution among the young Men of to-day sueli as has never-be- fore been witnessed. Girls, try thfi intelligence test on your young mai next time he cails to spend an even- ing in place of the usual "srnall taik' -and see how it operateýs. Read thE etory that follows: lier friends are ail wondertng whý she did it. A widow v#ith plenty of nioney and charm, she- might seem- ingiy have married anyone. Instead she has we d a youth tweive years liez junior, good-looking, yes, but seem- îngly not an idea in bis head. AI] he does te to look extremeiy wise- ýor adoring-while she taiks. "I've corne across men who marry to have an audience, but it seem, queer, for a woman to have to d( it!" was one of her fond friends' What a pity the bride did not have such a father as. a certain infatuated girl hnd recently. The girl' was ex- ceptionaIiy clever, the kînd of girl who you suspect is destined to mature into a vivid woman, one of ideas and varied resource. The youth was the 'lhandsome man" of his circle. He danced well, had exqutsite manners, an abundant flow of srnaii talk and a certain specious wtt that easiiy passed for cleverneýss. One day the girle who was a thor- ough pal of her father's told him frankiy that she and the youth were in love, and that they wanted to mar- ryat once. "I shall be quite wiling for you to marry", replied the father, "afler you -wl1 have put yourseif to a cer- tain test". As the girl was a ýduttfu1 daughter and doted on her father, she read- ily gave her consent. "Wýhen John cornes to-night", said the father, "do not let hlm sit beside you holding your hand and making love te you. Ind uce him to taik to you about the things ta which he is most deepiy tnterested. Keep Up thnt programi every niglit for one week. If, by. that time, you stili want to marry htm, 1 shall not ob- jeet". After the f ourth ntght the daugh- ter confessed to her father that she was not nearly so enthusiastie about marrytng as she had been before. The distance she lad contrived toý keep- between herseif and her lover, despite his frequent protests, had not1 been a distance to lend,-enchantment. On the contrziry, it had been a means of astoni&iing- revelatton to her. 'She hýad disco-vyered that her young Adonis 5bacdmno ideas, no am- bitions, no real -coniversation. They seemed to have'nothing la common except their romantic love. Then she began to wender how it would be if sIc xvere to face him across the table 365 days in the year, or how they would pass their even- ings when they would be remnaining quietly at home, The prospect was .appalling to her. For a while she had found liai ývery charming as a lover; she fouad hiai wanttng as a frtend. Ia fact, hpr disiltustoament had tts beginning the very ftrýst nigit when le sat on one side of the room and she on the other. Ticy coutd find nothtng sat- isfactory to taik about. The test is to le recommended. HALLIDAY'S "C'.ap, Sheaf Sale-" RARE BARGAIN IN MINERAL SURFACE ROOFING A whoie train-ioad ýe of the thickest, the. hea:viest, the mnost endurine. the fin- est colored roofing made. The 1owest, price ever placed on this ,-oofing. Every roil firstquality. No mfiU-ends. No seconds. Value backed by the wo,-ids largest roofing orsanization. You can't go wrong on this buy. RED or GREEN Every roil a fuil 108 sq. feeti1~ Larg* head nails. cernent a.0 f.11! directions in every roll. 295 While ht lasts .....«.... rl Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT 'BICYCLES FOR SALE SCALING MOUNT EVEREST Ir By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colorado. Mount Everest, the highest peak in 9the Himalayan Mountains, and con- dceded to be the higlest in the world, projects an excrescent from thc "Ja'v - of the world", nearly 30,000 ft above ssea levet. n Dispatches inform us' that the LBruce expedition from Great Britain, Iwhich lins been endeavoring to mnke e the pinnacie, has bad to give Up nfte: attempting the highest point éver yreached by man on soiid ground. SHigher altitudes have been reached in airpianes wiere oit driven machin- d cry could be made effective, but man r by his own exertion neyer attained -the height gained by Messrs. Maliory, Somerveli and Norton ta enrly last -June, wiven their instruments record- ed 27,200 feet. The peak is conced- ed to be about 29,000 feet hig,--: Y Pike's peak-piled upon Ptke's peak, t ike Ossa on top of Pelion of Greel 0Mythology. L was a "glortous fatture", if true, Éhnt the expeditton bas been given Up, t but now cornes a report, that it was d not abandoned, but continued. 1- :- secais that the two Bruces made a 1 zecond start for the peak with thelr eoxygen ou~fit, which bas given tIem 1 sorne trouble, by fýaiting to w-ork pro- eperly. It is quite certain that even ethe two nigîts spent at sudh a tre- ;mendous heigît la light freezing at- amosphere, must reduce vttality and 1the power to rcsist-fntigue, especially in view of their devitniizing experien- ces in reaching the 26,000 feet. But rough wenther on Everest is tIc mie., yet the mca have thrown themselves heart and sout tnto the work; and there is great rivalry amoag' them, whetber the Sherpas froin the south- m 2n face of the range, or the true rTibetans frorn the north face can geti the highest point. At the bighest point a"tained, water bouls at sud a temperature that one can easiiy ji- merse- the hand without being scalded. Thc prévious expedition of 1921,1 spent ail thc spring and summer 1 narking out patbways thnt wouid 1lead te the chef spur of the mount- an. This was n grent help to the present expedition. An immense ter- ritory, neyer explored by wiites, had to be gone over scientificatty as part of the work of the expedition. Much that is valuable to science bas been bius gained. Studies wcre made of he natives living at' these grent heigîts, and a number of Indian mytîs were explored. In thc present expedition seven mcn were chosen because of their superior plysical conditieùi for the principal climnb. At 26,000 feet thc number of climbers bad been reduccd to five, tien to three. Progress was being made at this altitude by taches only. It became an issue of ustng oxygen-the weight of the carrier was an important item, 50 the attempt to reaci the peak was made with and xithout oxygen, With the Britishi expedition, as wî h tic one headed by the Italian poet-the Duke of Abruzzi, some ycars ago, that attnined to thc record Iheight of .24,000 feet, it soon resolved itself mbt a question of weather con- ditions. The Abruzzi advance was halted and ended by a blizzard. An exceptionaliy fine day, and the great quest may be attaiaed, if the workers are not too m-uel cxlausted -but n tua lan the ataiespheme, and hope for a season is dasled. No matter wbat occurs now, thege miea have accomplished an achieve- ment tînt wiii challenge tic admira- tion of the world. They have made it ensier for tiose wlo wiil foltow theai in the great quest. The pessimist las been preaching bhat the World War took £roai thej Britisl nation its stamina and its lesti blood, and tint it wili take centuries te mnake up the losses. The Mount Everest expeditio.a of 1921-22 does net corroborate their predictions. Nature las n way of repleaishing losses in energy that the pessimist knowus net of. Like tic quest for thc Potes, higb mountain climbing i*n pastirne, but fuît of iardships requir- ing tic grentest luman endurance. WHAT AUNT THINKS At the risk of -bcing dubbed eld- fashioned, I must tell you I do nt positions tint women are hotding ita thc worid nowndays. It may le very modern and up-to-date tô put on mas- culine attire, smoke, taugl at ob- were stoies, and talk slangagnd use Unprintnbie words, but tlougltfut and sane people cannot 1sut own thnt it le very lowering) te womannood: Thc and ndviscs, but docs net insst you foliow lis ideas, Do tie same with hiai. Let hiai sel is stock, plew lis tand, or seli bis team for 'a tract- er without yeur interference. Neyer let it le said lie is henpecked; nothing ceuld be more humtliating either te yen or hiai, -The Nt ç-e a èt1e Irdcfepter'ite rit THIRSDAY, JULY 271'1922 NEWCASTLE 1, Mr. Lovcdny weat te Toronto fer .e tlie week-end. ýr Miss Muriel Bradley is under the rdoctem's care. Mrs. Gtcndeaaing is visiting rein- dtives in Renfrew. n Tom Brown is speading n f ew days dwith Toronto frieads. r, Mrs. Long has returaed totie lake ;t after visiting in Toronto. 1- W. H. Jackson wvas home frein [- Toronto over thc week-end. a Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Chicago, are visitiag at Mr. John Douglas'. kTic souad of the thrcsliermens whistle is again heard la the land. Miss Winnifred Riekard, Shaws, >visitcd hiem aunties la town this wcek. t Miss Olive Tlhomne, _Toronto, visit- c d friends.ta towa over thc week-end r Mm. and Mrs. Hioward W . Cook a rnoîored te Omeaice for n short visit. Miss Noma Coleman, B. E., Toron- to, is spcnding a few dnys in towa. Miss Marjorie McKenzie, Toronto, -is visitiag witi hem sister, Mrs. Brit. ton. Mm. D. O. Morris of Provincial tHighwny, was home for thc week- end. To tend wisely yen rmust sec clear- t y'yoursetf with ticeiaip of know- icdge. Mr. F. L. Cullcy is spending a > wcek's vacation at Mrs. Fmanki Ben- Lnett's. t Mrs. Neale and daugîter Mary are 1visiting hem motler, Mms. (.Dr.) An-ý derson. .,Gerge Entier las etumned home Ifmom a pleasant camping trip at Porti Brita n. Mrs. Ted Southey, Bowmnnville, > was in tevcn on Mondny cnlling on friends. Misses Margaret Lake and Hilda Gibson, Toronto, were home for tic week-end. 1 Mm. Chantie Cowan bas disposed of lis Ford Touring and now spomts a fine Coupe, Miss Elizabeth liancock hlas been spendinga nf ew days wttb frteads ta, Newtoaviltc. Miss Kathleen Wilson has mturncd te Toronto after a pleasant vaca- tion at home. Mms. Vesta Cibson las rcturned home frema month's visit at Ka- watba Lake. Mm. and Mms. lioncyset and tîre chiidmea, Toronto, are gucsts of Mms. Howamd Bowea. Miss Hoar, Providence, is spending a f ew days la tewa with ier brother, Mr. Ed. C. Hoar. Miss Lauma Watton bas se far re- covemcd in bealti as te le able to mc- tura borne. tuisweek. Miss Emily Dawson, Teérontoý, spent thc week-end with hem friead, Miss Kathleen Wilson. Misses Clama Ashlcy, Bowrnanviiie, and Hlanna Altua, Oshawa, arc visit- îng at Mrs. Crowtler's. Mr. and Mms. Preston, Toroato, visited Mrs. M. Brown, "Walton Cottage", iast xveek. Mm. and Ms. Curtis HlTer- ente, were guests at J. A.deso Smitl's over tic week-end. Master liamry Wyna left tuis weck for New York te consuit an eye spe- cialîst rcgarding bis eyesight. Mr. and Mrs., Harvey ad Mv. Phiip, -Brighton0, potored up and spent Sunday at Mr. Moome's. Mr. ahd Mrs. T. Cultey and Mm. and Mrs. Haslarn, Toronto, spenit Sunday at Mrs. Frank Benaett's. Mr. and Mrs. Alian Leekiart lave returacd te Toronto after a pleas- ant visit with lis mother, Mrs. Lock- hart. Mr. Charles Downing and Miss Marlon Downing, Toronto, are gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowea. Mr. and Mrs. . S. Britton mot- ered te Tomonto and speat tic week-1 end wlth ber parents, Dr. and Mrs-. Mceczie. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barfett and Miss Lou Bnrfett, Nex& York, were in to-wa Saturjday renewing otd mci,- quaintances. Mr. C. V. Wilson and sster Fmeeda and Mr,. Ray Cobbliedicli, sh- awspeat Sunday with MVr. and Mrs. Chas . Wilson. Messrs. Bert Papineau, Toronto, and Ted Papineau, Oshawa, speat thc week-end witi their parents, Mm.j and Mrs. E. Papineau. Miss Sainsbumy left for lhem home in Buffalo on Moaday after spend- ing a pteasant holiday witi Mm. aadi NEWCASTLE LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS Principal L. Miglit annouaces tint the resutts. of thc Lewer Sehool Ex- amination are very gratifying. Those wio rccetvcd first clnss honor credits ta subI ects arc: Warren Davidson, Gcorge Fcaaing and Kencth Pearce. Candidates may receive their certi- fiente fromi tIc Secretary, J. Scott Montgo'mery. STARKVILLE Miss Edna Rutivea is recoveing freai 1er recênt illness, A mucl necded-rata las gladdenedIheeatofhear rs Miss Allie Stark cf B. C., is visitiag her sister, Mrs. Jo-hn McKay. Mrs. Geo. Davidson cf Weybura, Sask., is visitiag friend.s and relatives la thissection, Canning fruit aad hletg arc the order of tic day, whule a f ew have started iarvest. Mrs. Ruthven bas returned home aftcr visiing hem daugiter and other1 fricnds in thc North West. Mr. A. Souci and'C. Reid have installerd aiilkiag machines and ethers are thinkiag ef doing tic same. Wedding behls are ringing very SPORTING NEWS Ia tic first series of games la Cen- tral Ontario Baseball League which was completed last week Bowman- ville Club put up a vcry credttable showing for anaew team. Attl their victortes wcre net quite equal te lest garnes they were far freai le- ing outclassed and with one or two exceptions put up a good brnnd of bail. Early ta the senson maay doubted the wtsdoai of eatering a ea in tic 'big league' but thc local sporting fraternity are new ail of one mid-it was the rigit -move wlen ttscy joined the C. O. B. L. "It is net often a' losiag teai bas been givea thc support Bowmnnviile bas received. Thc loyal patronage tic cîtizens have given thc boys shows tint they arc wiliag te lack thea,1 win or lose, as long as the players continue te put forth their lest eff- orts aad'retain thc reputation Bow- manvilleteais have atways had for betag gcod dlean sports. The ex- penses of equipping a lasebail tcaai is very hcavy but thc local teai las pid its way right freai tic start. We are iaforaied tîcy finished tic first sertes wttln balance of ever $500 in tic baak. Now for the second sertes, boys! Fimst home1 game is Saturdny, July 29, wicn Port Hope ptays icre. . NEW GARAGE S.- L. Harris wishes to announce that he has started a garage in New- tonville which wili be open, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and at the old stand corner of King and Liberty, Bowmanville, Wednesday and Saturdays. Ail kinds of gag engines,I batteries and cars repaiued. Work guaranteed. 29-4w, MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. m Graduate of Trintty University, aise of Royal Coilege Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Rlonor graduate of Trinity University, Feilow of Trinity Medical Coliege, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matricuiate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hoes- pital of New York and Feiiow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. MeNaughton'Ë Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 te 10 a. m., 1 o3 m. m., and by appointaient. _COAL ,i Owing to the strike it is impossible to get immediate] delive'ry, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on orert jîuuu ad thue weuuiug iaurch wiii CENTRAL ONTARIO LEAGUE take-<'re-- f 11 mv l likeiy le ptayed before tuis week is ARNGSNW CEU e. rs. A very large crowd of people gatl- Thc sehedule of thc second seriesi Make sure of your next ered at Starkville station last Tlurs- intic Central Ontario Basebaîl wÎnter's coal by bookîng dayte idfarwcl t Mm ad Ms.League mas been amanged as fol-yor rdrer. Hall. lows:- orodrery Miss Minnie Hllowell bas returaed Jnly 26-Petemboro' at Cobourg; 7 home after a short visit witl hem sis- Port Hope at Lindsay; Bowmanvtlle eo Ja x e n ter, Ms, Jarnieson. at Lenside; Oshawa at Bellevile l o Tic geniai station agent and fam- July 29-Lindsny at Oshawa; Port Newcastle iiy, Mm. and Mrs. Frank Hlt, have Hope at Bowrnvîlte; Belleville at gene te Janetviltc and a nother agent Pc erboro; Leaside at Cobourg. fuls lis place, Aug. 2-flohnurg at Bowmanvtlle; Sevemai changes arc taking place Peterbore at Port Hope; elevile at, o areund bere. Mm. Kaufmai, mer- Lindsay; Oshawa at Leaside.i -y chant, has sotd eut and lcft us and 'Ag IFavlea etr TL another ama fuls us pince.bAugLinsa5 B oowm rgvi elletile-! Our'estecmed minister Rev. E.btOea; Lsaya Cbur;Belvi0 W. Tink, B. A.-, B.- D., was the a Osiaw; Leasie at Port leuH next te leave us, is place lciag fi I Aug. 9-ebourg at. Port Hopc;, bd by Rev, Thomas Wallace. Per__ a Lindsay; Lenside at H V Entrance candidaies freai our scboo Belleville; Oshawa at Bowmanviiie. wear smlsta o' ol f.Suc-1, ug. 12 -Cobourg ni Oshawn; cessful ta their examinations which Lindsay at Bowmaavitie; Belleville nat More thanl that-we speaks excellent for our teacier, Mss Porý,,Hope; Leaside at Peterbome. i Siewnrt.j Au-,. 16 Cobourg at Bellevitté; fresh, and at the riglit pi Sbiiob §.S. 5 will bold Tank-Offcm- Port Hope at Leaiiide; Peterioro at ing services next Sundny, Juiy 30t1. Bowmanville; Oshawa at Lindsay. W r Rev. Thes - Wallace wiit le the min-' Aug. 19-Cobourg at Peterloro; Wer usy, but can ister and lie bas alremdy provena ttLindsay at Belleville; Lenside at Bow- le is witl wortb hearng.j manvilie; Oshawa atPort Hope. Teaci youm chiid a trade or fit Aug. 23-Cohourg at Leaside; Port I T hlm for soinc mcml occupation. lHope at Oshawa; Bowmanviiic nt1 R ,.Àha Mm. Frank Eail our station agent Lindsay; Petemboro at Beilevile. here bas bougit a dry ý-ods store and Aug. 26-Lindsny at P etemboro; t Grocer is remoigte Jaaetvilie ta a short Belleville at Cobourg; Leaside eat time. lits fricnds here ccrtaialy Oshawa; Bownnvitle at Port Hope. __________ bave a igh opinion of hima nd bis Ang. 30-Por't Hope at 'Cobourg; estimable wtf e and f amily, ns was Lindsay at Leaside; Belleville'at Bow -_________________ evident by tiecrcowd which gatiered manvitie. at their home on Tlumsday aigît. Sept. 2-Port Hope 'at Belleville- Tley were caci presented with a Peterboro at Oshawa; Leaside at beautiful chair and Mrs. Hall with. a Lindsay; Bowmanvilie at Cobourg. xas redl isKteSeat ilITp tPtree elvlea c r tto'r-, hbdom ouquet. Tic addrcss Sept. 6-Cobourg at Lindsay; Port presentation leing made by Misses side; Bewmianvilte at Oshawa. Lillie Ruthven, Norma Hllowel anad 'Sept. 9-Peterboro at Lenside; Hazel Reid. An excellent speech la Lindsay at Port Hope; B'owmlanvtllc Quality Supreme, Service reply was made by Mm. Hall and mus- at Belleville; Oshawa at Cobourg. îc by tic peemtess Cmmpbell violin Sept. 13-Osiawa at Petembomo. ',-zt an piaiuno uet. Sorit auuresses were mmdc by Rev. Thos. Wnlidce, IMessrs. John White, J. Ardeai, Coun- ciller McKny, Cee. Campbellanad Mes-i darnes Hamris and Ford; ecitations byj Miss Mary Reid; singing *"TIcy'rec1j Jeliy Goed Feltows" and National 'Antheai with lunch providcd by tic ladies brought a piensant time te n close. Tic committtee arc te be con-j gratulatcd upon tic success of tic affair. Mr. John Stewart acted as ciaimman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HaI,-Dear Frends-One of tic duties we often fait te perforai, at lemet in a litera] manner, is te inforai our lest fmtends as te what we tbink of ticai. This Is espccially truc if our opinien of them iei a favoralleone. Now, we wisb to state to you tiat we are bere as frieads and netgibgms te-aigit, (te use tbc familiar terni) "te give yen a piece of our mind", KS_ S': NO. 9, CAK Names in order of menit: Entmance -Nora Gilson, Charlie Gieaney, Mahpl Glanyite, Marjorie Neni, Ednn, Dean, Hnberb Osborne. Sm. III te Jr. IV-Wallace Gibson, George Laing, Teddy Piaci, liarold Dean, Charlie Davidson, mec. Jr, III te mec. Sm. Il te Jr. III-Glenn Pol- lard, mcc., Sidney Pollard, mec. Jr. Il te Sm. Il-Mary Glanvihle, Hlorrel Pinci equni. Sm. I te Jr. I-Kea- acti Neal, Mary Bowen, Kenti Dean. Sm. Pr. te J Hmroid Eddy. Jr. Pr. te Sm. P.-GeraId Piacli Biliy Eddy. Jr. Pr .-Chartie' Ganavilie, lierlie Gibson, Jessie Gedes,.Lyness Glass Mrs. Marjory G. Powell, tendher. andu to join i wî you in a social nour POTHP upon this tic eve of youm departure POTiP te yonr ncw home. Mrs. J . L. Westaway and M We'can assure you, Mm. Hait, thnti Gladys Wcstaway, A. T. C. M., a w e bave futiy apprccinted yeum scr- visitiag in Toronto. vices, net cnly ta yeur cpacity as mn Mrs. Walter J. lielai and Mr. ai efficient agent of tie C. N. R. Ceai- Mms. Meersbadt bave eturned fri pany, a courteens and olliglng pub- n deiigbtful holiday trip te Eagtnî tic servant, but aise as a vaiued France, Belgium, liolad and GE friead and aeighbor wbo did net me- maay. gard aicre firinaclal gala tic highest Deatl occurred vemy suddenty. or oniy reward for services rendemed. Toronto on Sturday of a former mi For almcst ticexviole peiod tint tice dent of Port Hope ,Mrs. George Gla C. N. R. las Iean in eperation here 1 i was about mil foreneen ta h yeu lave been the agent. Yen, Mns. sua cti u ati fe Hai, hve iseicn or god cîg tsnffered fremamn attnck of meutei ber during most of that time, ceaiiag digestion and pnssed mway short as a bride to prove a worthy belp-atrad.M. ls odce aicet ta that iaberestiag creation-n mfteramsoreMm.Glscedtd d euedarghcomstreh.e To yu an you dea chidren we Mm. James Caldwell paid n visitt you ciidre, Wdthc lomestemd at Perrytewn onF cxtend our vemy lest wishes for tic day and watchcd witl interest t. future and prmy that a kind Provid- men' gatîcriag la tic îountiful ht ence amy guard yen and guide yen ta vest. The large bama on this fai youm career and tînt we may oeýten was luiit the ycnm thnt Mm. Cnidxv have thceaintual piensure of meeting was bora, 78 yeams mgo, and Mm. Cal agia as yen stillinitead te reside ta welî is an annual visiter when t our beloved Couaty of Durhm. 1gani en osd r a We nsk yen te accept these chairsngvrain is enssed. mm. Caldti as a siight tokea ef cun estecai. neyerwtnesea re eni Sigacd on behaif cf coamittee: bArvstthan tus Mrs. Chas. Reid, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. W. Aohrlvlcosn tlt J. HaIIowelI.namrrowiy averted lere Suaday. D _____________E.ý M. Crawford and wife weme ai oiag te their hoainaBramptonî BUILDERS' ATTENTION I1 ter n visit witl friends intahticc ýwhea their motor wns stmuck by We are prepamcd te do att kinds oft beavy fmeigbt train at tic cressi coacrete, plnsteiag and brick~ work.t on the Main Street, wlich 15 uapi Spectalists ta cernent fiaishng tnalal tected on Sunays. It was or its branches, Estimates fumntshed and thmough tic signalling for danger sattsfaction guaraateed. Mm. W.-N. Moore -ef tic Sanita Peter Martin & Sons, Work, that Dr. aad Mrs. Crawfo 24-t Elgin-et. N., Bowmanvilie were net kled.-ýPor Hope Gxqide, Tire R epairing' by Modern Methods Your wern or injured tire wiii receive skilIed attention in our Vulcanaziag Sliop and tts tife wtll le lengtbened. We wili repair it accerding te modern aiethods-tle best metlo'ds known te the tire in- dustry. Ail materiai tint we put into yeur tires wil l e thc lest mater-Y is procumabie. Bing ta your worn casings- tieremay le, mleage ta them. If there is, we wili sec tint yen get it. If your tires are net werth repaiming, we'li tell yen. WE SELL TIRES Jamiesoii Bros. EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville Oshawa 'CERIES WE 'EIT. ehave the best q'uality,' )rice. do more. LTON Newcastle ~ Bread Unsurpassed, Delivered - iresci uy BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H. S. BR0TTN Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electrie Toaster Stove Just the thing for light cooking or heating purposes. Will toast and bake at, the same time. Element is macle of very best resistance wire ob- tainable and is guaranteed for one ya.Not, expensive either: Blue Steel Finish Aluminum Finish Alurninum Finish with Toaster .Aluminum Oven $2.00 $2.50 $4.50 H. C. BONATHAN aiI You Need A Camp Chair A Lawn Seat An Electrie Fan An Electric Iron An Electrie Toaster An Oil Stove' or anything in the Paint, Varnish and Wall Pap- er lîne, also anything in -'the Hardware line Try WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle~ I I When I -i

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