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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1922, p. 2

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THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 0F SUCCGESS By Charles M. Schwab 1. Work hard. Hard work is the best investment a man can make. 2. Study hard. Knowledge en- ables a -man to workmrentl- gently and effectively. 3. Have initiative. Ruts often deepen into graves. 4. Love your work. Then you will find pleasure in mastering it. 5. Be exact. Slipshod- methods brifï6- only slipshod resuits. 6. Have the spirit of conquest. Thus you can successfully.battie and overcome difficulties. 7. Cultivate personality. Person- ality is to a manl what perfume is tO a fiower. 8. Help and share with others. 'The real test of business greatnessi lies in giving opportunity to others. 9. Be democratie. Unless you feel right towards your fellow-men you can neyer be a successful lead- er of men. 10. In ail things do your best. The inan who has done his best bas done everything. The man who-has done less than his best has doue nothing. One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking; One word won't tell f olks who you are, You've got to keep on talking; One inch won't make you very taîl, You've got to keep on growing; One littie ad, won't do it ail, You've got to keep them going. Than gain a lot by crookedness And live in guiity fear. Btter have a little less And eamn an houest 'wsge, Than by a wsuton course consume The toiler's heritage. Btter have a little less And est a frugal meal, Than hobnob with a set that will Not stand for s square deal. GodJudgment 1 The wise businessman-doesn't tempt fate. He akes no chances with circumstances over which I he has no. control. INSURANCE is his bulWark against disaster, . Disaster is alwavs threatenine vvu. whhr it. I - - .-- - -J-- .- be in the f orm of accident, -fire, death, theft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let insurani-ce protect you from these un- avoidable, occurrences. It wîll relieve you of much careý and worry. J. J. MASON&So R eal Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville AIDS IN- PRESERVING-1 USE CERTO AND CUT TASK IN TWO Give certo a trial. Many have given it a trial and have corne back for more. Certo cuts your preserving bill in haif. Fresh fruits aiways in season. GEMS You flnd here gems of ail kinds and sizes at right prices. GEM HOLDERS, This is something new for women who pre- serve fruit in bolers-great convenience and lab- or saver. It's worth while examining them. C.M. CA WKE*â.wR & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE Do 'You Want to Cut Your Chore Time in Haif?7 In the ordinary work of the farm you must pump more than a ton of water a. day. Why take the time and trouble to do ,~bswork when the wind wilh do it for y-ou A Toronto Windmill wiUl eut your o4rtimein half. Makemoney for you. I can reconîmeud ft as an efficient worker. It needs littie attention outsi4e Soccasional oflang. And It costa noth- Stoa u. And if y-ou want a real water service, wltb. ruuniug water under presure every- Where, you'hl be interested in Toronto Puxupesud Toronto Water Systema. Let me tell you about themm. CHAS.rHASTING Pump Maker,' Phone 350-rl3 Hampton - un the same -uewspaper we read another boy story tbat greatly inter-1 ested us, so we are passing it on to our boy readers, too, to give them something about which to talk sud tbiug bosides basebalsud swim- Ming. Here is the story which shows another way that a boy made good: A man f ound a potato in one of bis pockets when he came in from work. "Here", he said laughing- ly, to a boy twelve years old who lived with him, "Plant that, sud you shall have ail you can raise. from it tili you are of age". The bright boy eut the potato into as many1 pieces as there were "eyes" lu it, sud planted it. In the autumu he dug' sud laid hy the increase of it, aud; plauted that the f oilowing spring. I The next year he planted the largori crop gathered the previous autumn. The potatoos did well, and bis fourth year's barvost amounted to more than a bundrcd bushels. The farmer aske.d to be released from bis bargain. f or he saw that the hoy's plauting would cover al his land. And yet kt is quite coramon to des- pise "the day of small thiugs!" Parents sud older f olk in" the- homes sbould wsrn the children about crossing the streets when automobiles are passing. That more tragedies do not occur is not be- cause of thp care exercised by some youngsters but ýbecauso of the watchful lookout of those driving mo' ors. Ouly a f ew days ago Wei saw s 10 to 12 ypar oid girl rush across King Street heedlessiy fromý the post office. A car was.standing by the curb directly in front of the building. This girl rau psst tihatl, car sud escaped by au ace beîug struck by another car passing West- ward. Had she been a fraction of a second Iter we believe she would have been rua over sud the driver of the car in no seuse could be beld, respousiblo for he was not going fast 1 l It is placing great',responsibility on careless lu crossiug streets. We are weli aware, at the same time, that too mauy runng cars sud motor- cycles go too f ast wbeu psssiug in-1 tersections of streets sud eveu aloug1 streets in this towu. Tbey are not ail young- motorists, either, for some of the older chaps are just as groat- sinuers. One eveuiug receutly we w'ere lu thue compauy of two city ladies vis- iting lu to-wn at the home of a rela- tive sud our conversation tumued on persoual appearsuces. Two per- sous in the compauy wore plump sud deplored it asking how tbey might reduce their fatter parts. We know of no botter method than pieu- ty of exercise sud regular dietiug. Athieties adopt these metbods to re- duce their averdupois.- Is't it a singular fact that womeu are very rarely satisfied with their size? They are too tail or too short, too fat or too thin. One canuot help the former state, but the latter can be sltered, sud if you are too thin it is merely a matter of. diot to alter the condition. Here is a splendid prescription for increasing one 's weigbt: Fresb air is s great asset, s0 speud as mucb time as possiblei ,out of doors, and sleep with your i Windows open. After fresh air cornes diet, sud this is a simple mat- ter drikr starchy foods, pienty to drn etweeu and witb the meals, will prove conducive to plumpness. It is much more agreeshie to get fat than thin, the latter mesniug steru seif-denial, whiie the former shlows indulgence lu sîl sweet sud starcby f oods. Milk is a most ima- portant factor towards puttîng ou flesh, sud at least a quart a day should ho taken, sipped slowly bè- tween meals sud ou going to bed. 13rown bread, witb plenty of butter, nuts, cereals, and bacon sbould be included in the breakfast menu, not l forgetting cream if one eau aford the luxury. Salads witb plenty of oul, cheeso. sud milk puddings sbould ho îndulged in ut luncheon tinie, while dinner may include tbick soup, potatoos roasted in dripping sud fisb served witb cresm sauce, if you are a woman of leisure it is Wise to indulge in an afteruoon uap sud to go to hed early, the extra rest beiug of great assistance in build- ing up fatty tissues, Womeu who worry nover get plump, sa thaÈ is s fact well Worth remnembering if you are in the habit of making Mountains out of molebilîs". Build as tbou wilt sud as ty hight is Igiven; Build as tbou wilt, unSpoiled by praise or blamo; publishod at 120 Fifth Avenue, New York City, sud it contains so many bright thoughts sud epigrams ou if e and business that we waut to give our readers the benefit of our moud- ing. ThEý thought cornes to us borel that thousauds of books of fiction are being read weekiy by people of al ages and how seldom are they auy wiser for readiug the stories that are writton to tiekle the faucy or to idle away the time. But when it cornes to tabulating the rosi benefits, they are mostly nil.llow very seldom does ose fiud any profitable inspiration, up- lifting or helpfub thought lu a nove1 but in evemy copy of Forbes Magazine there are hundreds of inspirational items sud articles and the price is only 20c a tenth of the cost of the best novols. Forbes is pubbisbed every two weeks ut 20 cents a copy or $4.50 a year in Canada--a ittle more than the price of two books of fiction. lu order that our rendors, male sud female, young and oid, may have some appreciation of the value of Forbes we are quoting some para- graphs. This is not au advertise- ment but we give these excerpts for the henefit of young folk to show them the character of inspirational reading that we think wili ho hebpful sud heneficiai to them. Thousands of readers of the daily reports of poceedings of the Ontario Legisiature were more than disgust- cci with the harangues that charact- orized the sessions-absoluteiy use- boess talk for effeet onby.. The anti-i prohibition members were the worst sinners but not the only oses. Thon after prolonging the session fori weeks uunecessàrily tho members joined in voting themselves extra iu- donity for the idie discussions car- ried on. nu these respeéts the last session of the tYntario Legisiature was a positive disg'raco to this Pro- vince. Perhaps. it - was this condi- tion of afb'airs that inspired in part this declaration in The Port Arthur News-Chronicie: Verbosity las the hune of most meetings lu Canada, even the halls of Parliament do not escape the reproach. So interminahly long-xinded are msuy of the ors- tions îuflicted on long suffering logis- lators and the public genersbiy that any method to compel condensation sud clarity sbould ho webcomed with an even greater sccluim than the close of à tedious harangue. The hest sud most powerfub coutributors to a debate are those who kuow what they iuteud to say, sud ssy it as cou- cisely as the English anguage will permit. But the most formidable difficulty in the way is that of en- forcemout. Those who caunot be o'hierwise than tedious gladby sufer it lu another in order to piýeserve their owu right to bore their audi- tors. FORBES' COMMON SENSE ITEMS 'Tis patient toil assures succoss. Loafing is stealiug every empioyee should remember.. The hurdest problem is not to get a situation but to hold it sud stay there. Start s heaven of your own right in your owu heurt sud in your own homo. Isn't it botter to ouru more than you get thun to manoeuvre to get more than you ours? A man may ho self-made sud not ho self-ruling-may be able to comn- mand others sud not know how to conmmand himself, To breatho is not to live. To live is to thiuk, to plan, to dure, to do, to achieve sud to do it aîl witb charity lu your heurt. 1 have kuowu fellows who cou- trived to get into s position wbere they didn't heloug, Some mon pull Iwires to have tbemselvos pitchforked into jobs far too big for them. Iu time they find tboy are trying to f11l shoos mauy sizes too large. There is no royal road to educa- tion, nlo narrow path which eau ho marked "This way to bearning". True education eau ha acquired in mauy ways sud the choice of the best of thoso wuys lies with the individual and shoul.d ho made to fit the' lu- dîvidual. Editor Forbes says: I bave earued money shiniug shoos, deliveriug uewspspers, workiug in a country store, toiliug on a farm, herding sud driviug cattie, settiug type, clerking, doiug stenograpby sud typewritiug, reporting and doing other tfigs- a aIl are ehilId'q plv ay ounArqid tfh launching and runuing s magazine. Doing more than y-ou are paid for may, nover bring increased puy or promfotion or add titie to your lnmebuit the caceqre aiwaysT manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D.,C.M Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskilleu. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonel 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ilonor graduate lu Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario an.d the Dominion.. Dentistry in ail its'branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanviile. -.Opposite Bank of Montreal, Phone 301. CHIROPRACTOR GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH. C. 3 year Crs duate of the Palmer Sehool (The Fountain Head of Chiropractie) Office on Church-st, opposite the Pres- byterian Church. Office Hours: 3- 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. Office Phone 41J; House Phone 140- r2 (Lakeview Farm). 26-tf OPTOMETRY R. M .MITCHELL Optometriat Registered By Examination Specializ- ing in errors of Refraction and Mus- cular Imbalances. Latest Methods, Modemn Equipment. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store Bowmanville Ont. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complete equipment. Sunday and night cails promptly attended to. Bowmanviile phones 10 snd 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCT1,IONEER Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. I'hone 197-r3-. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Cails Promptly Atteuded to. Office Kiug-st. W., Statesman- Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cement work, bouse foundation, etc. Estimates furnîshed. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Compiete Commercial and Generai Im- provemnent Courses. Students accepted at any time. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshaw.% and Toronto. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanvilie. fiasUran%c Ag"encey. Ail lines of HIRE, LIFE, -CCIDENT, SICKNESS, i AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN-, TEE. Edith V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door we.t of the "Bis 20" Bowmaanvil. Otaiio. HORSESHOES OR HAIRSPRINGS? BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 3rd., 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS ' LEGAL Fivedollrs orthof ron adeM. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Fie olarwrh f ro mde1 THE EDITOR TALK Hon. R. H. Grant, Minîster of int hrss______aaretvaue Education for Ontario, is authority BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY of tes dollars. Converted into We have read somewhere of the Ifor the statemeut that the Ontario money to boan on Farm and Town needies that five dollars worth of sin of being a young man. We do Department of Education is at its Property Royal Bank Building, iron becomes wortb six thousand not remember the expianation. But wits' ends to know how to meet the Bowmanviiie. Phone 351. eight bundred dollars, but wheu as we look back over almost three- demiands beiug made for payaient of ____---____ made into hair spriugs for watcbes quarters of a century aud think of Goverument grants to sehools, so' it is worth two million dollars. ithe boys who lived in the communi- great is the groxvth in public, high W. F. WARD, B. A. We may ail be compared with, ties where we lived we think of sud normal schools. This growth, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY that original five dollars worth of their varied careers. The other too, is uncontroliabla. The supply IMoney to boan. Bonds fo r sale. iron-what we make of ourselves- day comiug aiong the street we met of Public school teachers s aimost Offices: Bleakley Block, King how valuable we become-depeuds'two boys of about 12 years of age. sufficient to meet the demand. Thé 'Street, Bowmanviile Ontario. upon oursoives. W ýe said, "Boys, if someone were to chief demand now is for assistants Phones: Office 102, House 348. Most of us are content to be in give you ton dollars to-day what in high sud continuation schools. _________________ the borseshoe class. A few reach the1 would you do witb the mouey?" One Owiug to unempioymeut since the rank of needles, but bow rare is the said quickly "I'd buy a bicycle". The war many former teachers are seek- music man who can be ciassed as a hair iother remarked "I'.d put it in the îng to reenter the profession. if T. W. STANLEY sprig-the man who makes the bank". Without commenting on the One may infer from the number of (London College of Music) most of every talent ha was boru two ausrwers we came to our office advertisemeuts for teachers lu the with-who not morely takes advau I dosk sud takiug up a paper we read: daily papers, the public seholos are Organist sud Choir Leader, Bowman- tage of every opportunity, but, Na- "In a smail town were two boys, finding it difficult to hold teachers ville Methodist Church,-is prepared to poloon like, creates opportunities. playma'es, whiie they grew up. One f or more than a year or two. Salar- take pupils for Piano and Voîce Cult-' ___________bocame a peddler sud the other a ies are stili soaring in all classes of ure. F or- terms phone 12, "Green- blacksmith. The peddler neyer be- schoois, more particularly in sec- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m-. A LITTLE LESS lieved he could accompiish much in oudary schools where they bave lu- Betterhave alittleles% the world, sud he is stili a peddler creased beyond ail precedent. Pub- EIA Bettr hve litie esswithout a home. The blacksmith lic Sehool Boards are freely offeringMEIA And wear au houest face, consideréd bis life impoÉtant, put $1000 uow sud a f ew are paying up B.* J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Than seek ill-gotteu gains that would his- soul into bis work, sund made to $1100 sud $1200. Gold Medaiist of Triuity University Involve you lu disgrace. good. Now he is a chief draugbts- ______ Toronto. Four years atteuding Pby- Better have a ittle less man at a big, salary, sud bas a loved Wiaejscfuse edigteHsial a itSurgonKs. Officeln And keep vour conscience clear, family udhavcomortablehome." ed . ,dn g the famil and comortabe hom.' Hspuial, vv tsibuu , . e and .11 lL I99 of Pnt p. JCD J.,Ja5aaALI. Try a pornd to-day. You wii Mk e it 50 well HARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE IT'S GOOD-WE MAKE IT CORKN BEEF Boned. and Rolled 15c lb Na t I c you'i1 be back for more, We Deliver the Goods Promptiy. Wilbert J. Djudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmrnanville Business Is Good We were neyer busier than we are right now. Plumbing and'tinsmithing work is just literally pouring in from unsolicited customers. We have increased our staff of expert engineers and require more to keep up with the rush, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? We take it to mean that this unprecedented rush of business cornes to us as the resuit of satis- faction we have been giving in the past. -Our prices may flot always be the lowest, but you are assured of the best materials used and expert workmanship at ail times when your plumbing and tinsmithing is done by Greenawaly & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville 14TH ANNUAL Cobourg Horse S'how AUG. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1922 $1OOO.OOin iPrizes For Agricultural, Standard Bred, Hackneys, Road- sters, Saddle Horses, Hunters and Jumpers, Four-in-Hand, Tandems, Ponies and Cobs -ONE HUNDRED CLASSES- Fiat Race & Steeplechase Daily--Purse Value $200 THE ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS In New Thrilling Military Manoeuvres and their Famous Musical Ride -BETTER THAN EVER- THîE 1$TÏ'H HIGHLANDERS' BAND' 0F TORONTO WiIl furnish the Musical Programme at Each Perfor~mance' Splendid Grand Stand Accommodation-Ample Parking Space for Autos SHOW STARTS DAILY AT 1.30 P. M. HORSE SHOW PARK 'BY-THE-LAKE' Admission 50c; Grand Stand 50c; Autos 25c Children Under 12, Haîf Price J. D. HAYDEN, President J. H. DAVIDSON, Secretary 29-4 PO0UL T1R Y NE'jWS Without a étoubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash FuI-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed. H-O Steam, Cooked Chick Feed i t 'i

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