IMeasures Y£ini Tea Quality 100% of its SellingCost "4STANDARD" THE WQRLD QIVER The Farmer's Partner A Bank, lîke an individual, is knewn by the cornpany il kaeps-la other words, every bank bas a distinct charecter, This Blank bas been se closelvy issociated witb rural develop. ment in the past bail century tînt il i now characterszed as the Farmor's Pantner Il you are lookirsg for practlicai banking co-eperation, Iioui local Manager demonstrate "Standard" service. ST THE STANDARJD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, - -- H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - - - - E. A. Preston, Manager NewcaitIe and Newtonvîlle Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager EAST AND WESTARE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound is Helping Sick Women to Health The two letters whlcb, follow ciearly show the broad field covered by this weli-known medicine. Women frtra every section-you know some lu your own neighborhood-praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Com- pound as a wonderful medicine for troubles womea often have.. From, Prince Edward'sIs land-East lsboGuohe, P. Er. I-"--I had female troubles for two years. I always had a headache5 and a 'pain ln my side p.nd sometins es L fet se weak that 1 could net 'do M'y work. A friesid adyised me- to0 take LydIa E. Pink- ham's Vegtable.Compouad and I have takensix bottles of It.LtMlias dene me a lot of geed aRd 1 amn stiln taking it. I will tel My frlends of your medicine and hope they wil tryit-Ms CAmiLLm DEs ROcHEr, Miscouche, P. E. I. From Saskatchewan-West Wadena, Sackathewa.-"Â' friend in Rose Valley reeommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegqetable Compound te me and it lbas beu a great heip to me. I recommend It and you can use this lette as a testimonial If you wIeh."-Mu. Puim. NoanrN, RHEUMÂTISM? 10 you are a Sufferer, Heed This Adylce Collinwood, Ont.-' 't is with pleas- ii'e that I write this note of com-i mendation. I suf-' 3,7 feýed with mu.scu- lar rheumatism for three years S and have been ing a f ew packc- ages of D r. Pierce's 4 uiç Tabletà and Dr. îl Pierce's Golden éry after cpLcQIr' medicines faiied ta do any good. T amrn6nw free from ail signs of rheumnatism for Plerce and his wonderful mediclines, Mrs. Kerwood Cook, Box 464. Send 1%c to DJr. Pierce's Labora- tory in Bridgebuirg, Ont., for trial pkg. of any of Dr. Pierce's remedies and write for f ree confidential med- Ieai advice. HAVE YOU A COUGH? This ia of Vital Intereat to You Woodstock, Ont.,,"My husband always speaks - good word for Dr. Plerce's Golden Ïiedcal Discovery and we both feel that he owes bis present good health to this splendid medicine. Broncl:îal pneumonia, as a chiid, left hlm -with chronic brou- chiai trouble and it just kept getting worse every year esven thougli le doctored and tried every remedy recomrnended to hlm. Some niglits he wouid cough so liard 1 used te be afraid lie miglit die betore morning. Last fal l is mother advised him to try the 'Golden Medîcal Discovery' and from the first few doses lie im- proved. It la just a year now and lie seems te be entfreiy cured of al bronchai 4,,ImpDts." Mrs. S. M. Greer, 27 Sydeni-iarq St. Get the Discovcnry to-day at any mnedicîne dea lers, tabiets or liquid. rCe,,HILDRENi g.gain ahà ete gtC. lcoltt'Sinulsinu I Itheu te hets-.a~ me aerkh in Leat-LeM- ins Y-damine. 1I Beau± & lowne. TWO61 aat. . 25 August Rod and Gun in Canada, which is now on sale, contains a wealth of worth-while reading, and it abounds in bright and interesting features. The camper or vacation-1 ist will find the big article: "Some Suggestions Regarding Outfit", worth a great deai, for it is written by an outdoors man, specially for the aid of holiday pleasure seekers whose trails lead through the wilds or the open spaces. The various depart-1, ments are filled to the brim with ma- terial which the sportsman will flot want to miss. Trap department is an unusually gener-ous one, contain- ing a long breezy account of the Eastern Canada Championships at Hamilton, whicb is replete with pict-. ures of many of the "big guns". Rod and Gun in Canada is published mon- thly at Woodstock, Ontario, haé6omtIlle &tgndprd sOMMY Î d L nba o. Tbousaas ý VOl ,11>i ,sutodte ealIthth roit YQUsuifer, #et 4 b (lA Mr Dr n' sto-day, Don'$ let spoaithe best years et yeur Il, Sooî by Jury & LovcUi JHORSE AILMENTS of inany kinds I quick-y remedied with DOUGLAS' - EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURES THRUSE., FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The best ail aroursd Liniment for the stable as weii as for househoid use. KEES' IT HANDY. At all Deaers sudi Druggists. Manufactured onlY by DOUGLAS & Ce., NÂPÂNEE, Ont.e -Ntght sMd ornlng.' Have Clean'Hoalthy jJWj*~~Ey.ea. edf &ÇiY Tire4 FOR u, Itch, Smart or Burn, N/if Sore, Irritated, Ia- i OhR EYES lamed orGranulated, useMurineoften. Sothes,Refm'sha.afefor Infant or AduteAt aIl Druggists. Write forFreeEyeBook. Mblc RemediCe..Chicago Are used by thousands of good Caadians and relieve thousands of bad headaches. Z5UTOO stops any Headache in 20 minutes. 25e a box, at dealers - ( The G,eat Engish Prepara tin 'Tonies and iriîvigorates the whoe ..Iervous systenrnnakes new Bood in old Veins. Used for leivous Dlebihity, Mental arnd frain Wrry, DespondJency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, FailingAlemory. Price$2pe.-box.3 s. for $5.*, Sold by ail druggisis, or mailedl in plin1 ?>g. on receipt of priçe. New pamphlet mailed r.THlE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TloRoNTO,oNT, As r ", reliaôle rtgu lating i ned' --ni. Soid la three de- * grecs* of trength-ô.,o. 1. $ - No ie.2, S$3; lNo. 3, $Se or box. ' Soid hy alj druggi.,ts, or sent v-aipn rs 'mt f r. ~ ree arnphIet. ddes THE COOK MEDICINE CO,. ORONOI Ixt r~ i,-.5 easiag iaflammatory pains and eal- ng cuts, scratches, .bruises and spmains. The preseace efthis rem- edy in the tamiiy medicine chest saves many a tee. (From The News) Mm. Percy Ross is guest at Mr. F. W. Williamsen's. Mrs. Hattie Doncaster, Toronto, vîsited triends here. Mr. Le n. Doncaster motered down from Toronto fer a short visît. Miss Eva Mitchell left on hem busi- ness trip before going te Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hall, Toronto, are holidaying witb relatives here. Mr.-.aad Mrs, Rebt. Stewart, My- vale, Man., are visiting Misses Col- ville. Master Earl Fowlem is holidaying !at bis grandfatber's, Mr. Robert Fowler. Mrs. M. Vogt and daugbter, Miss ýJute, Rochester, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. O. W. Rolph. Mr. and Mrs. Frec Hoskin, Win- nipeg, Man., are visiting ber father, Mr. Thos. Doncaster. Corns cannot exist when Holla- way's Cern Remover is nppiied te them, because it gees te the root and kilîs the growth. The -Presbyterian church Sunday School picnicked at the lake, enjey- ing a pleasant outfag. Mrs. Robt. Meen and sister, Mrs. Robt. Sherwin, Harweod, are visit- ing relatives at Kingston. Mrs, Gordon Holden and Miss Ruth Hathway, Toronto, vîsited at lber tather's, Mr. Wm. Allia, Misses Lenoma and Kate William- son are home from a pleasant outiag at Gien Island, Bay et Quinte. Out et fitty candidates wbo wrote on the High Scbool Entrance at Or- eau centre thîrty six were successful. No cbild sbeuld be allowed te sut- fer an heur trom worins when prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy-Mother Graves' Worm Exterminater. Mr. and Mrs, MeDonagî and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Larman, Toronto, calied on triends bore enreute te Glen Island. Mrs. (Rov.) C. Adams, Havelock, and daugîters, Hazel and Florence, are visiting at ber tather's, Mm. Ed. Cobbledick. Miss Eunice L. Hooper ansd cousin, Miss Evelyn Sainsbury, Port Hope, are visiting the formem's sister, Mrs. B.- Barstcad, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Preston, Toronto, and Miss Florence Cbapman, Bow- manville, are home alter spendiag vacation in Perth and Smit's Falls. Miller's Worm Pewdcrs scldom tail. Tbcy immediately attack the wormis aad expel them frem the sys- tem. They are complete in them- selves, net oaly as a worm. destroyer, but ns a bighly boneficial medicine for chiidren, corrccting weak digest- ion and mestoring the debilitated sys- tcm to bcaltbfulness, without which the growtb efthe cbild will be ro- tarded and its constitution weakea- ed. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Smith (nee Vîlda Henry) and Mm. Percy Vent, Oshawa, wero visiters at Mm. Robt. Cooper's., Mm. A. Townley, Fenelon Falls, motored eut Sunday for the day at 'Mr. A. A. Rolpbs, Mrs. Towrnley and ýdaugbtem Catharine returning witb him. Canning factory was obliged te rua tbe greater part et Suaday with a full terce in order te keep up witb the rush et peas whicb are a phenom- ea crop. Relieves Astbma at Once. If yoiu could rend the thousands et unsolîc- ited letters received by the' makers from gmateful users yen, tee, would realize tbe remarkable pewems et Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rcmedy. Ahl cases, incipient and chronic, are ben- efitted bY this great tamily memedy. Wby suifer or experiment witb a'ortbless prepamatiens wbcn the genuine Keliogg's can be -purchascd tverywhere. Mr. Rebt. Rainey soid bis fine farm et 80 acres, situnted aortb east sdc et this town, fer $9000.00, Mm. R. J. McRoberts, Manvers Station, cîing the purchaser. Mm. and Mrs. A. Henry spent a few day,5 witb ber brother, Mr. Sid Hughes, Manager et the Royal Bank, Dundas. Master'Jack Hughes ac- compaaied tbem and memains for a visit. Mr. andciMms. Neil MacKenzie, To- ronto, visited ber tather, Mr. T. Smith, Miss Mildmed Smith accom- panying bim back te the city, leav- .ng Mms. MacKenizie te enjoy a more extended vîsît. Your Home Medicine Chest.- Among the standard household meme- lies that sbould always be on hand an yeum home medicine cbest, none is MUSIC IN THE HOME If You shouid ask the average mother of a family te- play for you even a simple folk song or a waltz, what would bier answer be? This is a conundrum which should interest aIl parents and why? Because se much musical education is impract-. ical. 1 once.beard a father complain that hie had spent a thousand dollars in order to have Anita learn "Pussy's Waltz" and that she soon forgot it! Josef Hoffman says that music is a spiritual influence, and we aIl ad- mit that it is a social asset as well. Imagine a party witbout music! Could we dance te a soundless acqons. paniment? Why have young girls "taken" se many lessons, if they do net make use et thens when a need arises?. Music -is a language of sound. Every home.. needs- music. Oidren are happier and healtheir when they go te sleep or wake up singing. The ancient Greeks gave music the first piace in the education of littie ebild- ren and modern educators are begin- ning to dothe samne. Musical games, folk dancing, and good songs add te, the happiness of little chidrea, and every mother should bie able te play simple songs. The reason who se much money has been spent wîtbout results is because many musicians teach children neisy rapid "pieces" witb wbicb te impresa the listener. Parents have wanted te "show off" their childeen, and teachers have catered te parents. The childrea were bored-and stop- ped thie artificial process as soon as tbey eould. A young girl, if she is net forced te "pertorm" can leara te apply the prînciples of melody, rhythm and har- mony in a tew years. The weman who can sing, play, and harmonize simpfle music bas a menas et expres- sion wbich soothes the irritants ef lite, botb for berseif and others. Who cames wbetber shie ever pîsys diffi- cult music, if she can play seme beautiful ballads and tolk songs and perhaps some ef the simpler classies? Rer father, hier husband and bier children will feel the spiritualizing iný fluence ef music evemy day. The music that filis the miads et child- rea in a more or lesa unconscieus way makes fer continuai joy' aad bar- meny. I know a tamily etfifve children-who were brougbt'up witb mnusic as a naturai envireameant. There was no talk et special perforai- ances, but music was substituted for the smail discussions and irritating nousehoid arguments ,cemmen ia most homes: "Let's sing" was the nat-. ural exclamation when -they weme gather-ed tegether, or "Mother is go- ing te play for us". HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN A doctor wbo wns supeintendent et the Sundny Sebool in a small vil- lage asked one of the boys this ques- tion: "Wiliie, will yen tell me what we must do in order te get te heaven'?" Said Willie, "We must die". "Very true", repiied the doctor, "b ut tell me wbat we must do be- fore we die". "We must get sick", saîd Wiliie, "and send for you". ASTHMA, -SUMMER COLDS. Yeu don't need a snonth's treat- ment te prove the worth of RAZ-MAH! ]RELIEF 15 IMMEDIATE. 1* restores normal« breathing,- stops mucus gatheriags in nasal and bronchial passages, assure* long nights of quiet aleep. $1.00 2t y ou,' druggist's, or write for free triai te Templetens, Toronto. Sold By Jury & Lovel TWELVE THOUSAND MILES Durham County farm lands are selling well. The old Geo. Camp. Twelve thousand miles fo, least bell farm just south of Millbrook, lat- must be travelled to bring "SAL- er owned by his sons, Thomas of ADA" to your table. Yet s0 ski- Vancouver,.B. C., later by Mr. H. fully is it prepared, so, carefully is L. Carson, now of Millbrook, and it protected that the delicante leaves Mr. Seabrook, has been sold by him reach you (but a -few weekçs la4er) to a Mr. Miller of Peýterboro Coun- in ail their tender freshness. Toe ty, for $23,000 including grain, really enjoy tea at its best, insist up- stock and implements but no house- on "SALADA. Your grocer bas hold goods. this deliclous tea. Ask for it to-day, C. B. KENT, TOWN AGENT, POST OFFICE The steadily increasing percentage of sat- isfied Imperial Polarine users is convinc- ing proof that the right grade of Imperial Polarine is giving the greatest degree ' of Iubricating service and satisfaction te Canadian automobile and truck owners. Check up your car on the Imnperial Chart of Recommendations. Use the grade of Imnperial Polarine Motor Oils recommen- ded exclusively. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine Metor Oils and Marke fers 12 in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 3rd., 1929.1THINGS WORTH REMEMB ERING ORONO HIGH SCHOOL, Marsball Field once said there are ________ ine things worth rmiembering. That'Oreno is truly agreat cdu- Tey are tabulated below, and are catienal centre bas been again dem- just as important to-day-probably onstrated by the Departmental re- m'ore se. - Iere are the thougbts: ports of the Lower Scbool Examina- successueft persvrne tien which censists et English Th f cs f esvrne Grammar, Canadian Histomy, Geog- The pleasure et working. raphy, Pbysiegrapby, Arithmetic, The dignity et simplicity. Art, Botaay, Zoology. Part et the Te wortb et character. examination is taken in First Form The influence et example. and completed in Second. The wisdom et eceaemy. The imprevement et time. This is the report et ahl the can- Th oofrinang didates whe wrote this examination Tcjeetoiiang at Orone, 29 et whom were prepar- ed at Orone. kathleen Allen (H Bot) Edward J. Archer (H Geog)- Lewis Bellamy Dora Bowea Marion E. Brown Roy Cornish (H Gram., H Physiog; H AnitI, H B ot.) Ailison Cowan Audrey Cowan (*Geeg, *0 Hist, *Bot) Greta Davey M. Leone Davey MainDicksen (H Gram, H Pbysiog H rith. H Bot) Margaret Eber Stanley J. Falls (H B ot) Charles R Knox (H Geog) Frederick E. Lycett * (Art) Stella I. Lycett (H Arith, H Bot) William L. Lycett (Hl Arith, H Bot) Alex K. McNeil (H Art) Theressa McNeil JohnIMlae (*Gam, *Physieg, B c a h Giadys Robbins B c a h Elsie L. Rowe Laurence Savery (H Bot) Backache is the outstanding Beatrice Souch symptom of kidney disease. Jean 1. Stewart (*Arith'lWmnotnmketemsaeo Neil Stewart oe fe aetemsk f Edna M. Stutt attributing other causes and over- Geergina VanDusea look the derangement of the kid- Lorne Wannan (H Physieg, Hl Zool) neys until serious developments Thelma Martyn ad""ti- hv aei ifci eoti "H" signifies honors, ad*"ai haemd tifcu:toban ure in tînt subject.1 permanent relief. This letter points to a treatment which has been so thoroughly tried and proven so effective ia the great majority of cases that you cannot afford to, overlook it when cause arises for its use. Mrs. Alberti Brunet, R.R. No. 1, Ottawa, Ont., writes: ihave used Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver PUis for the past two montbs, hav- ing been afflicted wsth kidney trouble. I used two doctors' medicine previous to tbis. without any good 'results. A f riend told me ta use Dr. Chase's Kiclney-Liver PUis, and the second box made me f eei a good deal better. I have now- used about six or eight boxes, and arn com- pletely relieved," Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis, one puTl a dose, 25c a box, Ai dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. I j CNDA PFICt FARM LABORERS ',WANTED "oFais Coing "-$15 t. WINNIPEG. "Fare Rturintn"-$20 trou WINKIPER. j4 smn Rpt gWk unip e iuti.iua. 3.1 cent pui mli, startlag oint te WIuulp.g MUW DATES TERRITORY inOtaiSrath'm, Fails te ansd iacludiaz Toronto en Lake Oatari. Shore Lia, AUQUIST il P rom5aeock-eta brLino. and f~Prom Staitngston to Renfrew Junetion, incluisive. AUGUT ,~PromStationso enteo-Sudbury dirct lino. 7rQm ~Q *!î» _ý4RÉ~tg lFort Mei'ikql enudBurke, t @e obçgyieon, iasiev. AUGU8 S rsnlt14os otbIl Ws q arnoad lactuding Hamilton and Windsor dU1- and 1 ]C*. nsvioTowas.lora, Llstowai. Godoeieh, Be.ary'g4 AUQUST 2 roela arne Dd'othtÀB4osinalesive. SPUOIAL TRAINS&PROM TORONTO spuit pastieulares fron Camadima paoiSt Ticket Agent*. W. a. HOWARD, DistritPasseager Ageam to, "There Goes the Last Trai*n!" Long Distance to the Rescue 4What shall we do, George? There goes the last train, and the children will be alone ail night. We simply- ican't have that; Betty is such a nervous child, and Bobby's always hunting for matches to make Indian- bonfires with. It's dreadful.".. "WVel,Mary, you can't get home to-night That's allJ there is to it." "But we must do something. They may set the house on fire."I "Listen! llere's the drug-store. We'11 cathl up Annie by Long Distance and ask her to go over and stay with the children." "Oh, what a relief 111 Simple isn't it? Long Distance is the friend in need, 4lasat hande always ready to put you in touch with faulfriends and business. EvexY Bell Telephone i. a Long Distance Station