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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1922, p. 8

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R~oyalIbIeatre BOWMANVILLE WEEK AUGUST 7-12 MONDAY Constance Binney in "THE SLEEP WALKER" By Aubrey Stauffer WEDNESDAY Hoot Gibson In a stirring pîcturiza- tion of Eugene Manlove IRhodes' famous Western Mnovel ýýBransford of Rain- bow Ridge". "6SURE FIRE" FRIDAY-SATURDAY "TWO WISE WIVES", A Paramount Picture SEPTEMBER 4-5-6-7-8-9 Paramount Week Fifth Annual An International' Event A number of young people enjoy- ed a "corn roast" at the Lake on Tuesday evening. jChiropractie The Science makes. people and happy. that well You Need Not Be Sick Chiropractic ad- usts the, cause of dis- ease. AdI ustmnents Restore Health Quickly and Permamently Ninety-five per cent of diseases are due to pressure upon nerves along the sides of the Vertebral column. This pressure interferés with their functions; hence pain, distress, unnatural -action. It is the business of the Chiropractor to re- lease this pressure, permitting Nature, to remove the Cause of disease and correct abnormalities with- out the use of drugs. Hlealth is Your Right and Your Responsi- bilîty. Consultation Costs Nothing-Why Delay? Goirdon P. Souch Chiropractor Church-st. opp. Presbyterlan Church Phone-Office 41J House 140-r2 Office hours 3-5 and 7-8 p. m. Vsiting Hampton, . Ennlakllen, Burketon, Monday, Wednesday and Fiday mornings. Cail up for appont- ment. The Secret of Good Hiealth -When Nature requi'res assistance, she ASSI St will flot be slow in conveying to you Nature an intimation of the fact. Decline of ,back energy, inability to sleep well, head- to ache, biliousness, constipation, a gen- normal eral sluggishness 'of mind and body and any sign of digestive "unrest" should action impel you to seek the aid of a reliable medicine without delay. There s no Take better-no surer-no safer-than this proven remedy. Sold everywhere in boxes Puis jOtNil,:Rà Plus haîf a cent a mile beyoad to ail points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary, MeLreod and east. 25c-40 pilla 50C-9O pilla The 1NewvcaEàt1q&Indfecpehdceýnt TIURSDAY, AUGUST 3 , 1922 NEWCASTLE Mr. J. Morris was home for week-end., Mr. Arthur Toms was home the weekend. The Misses Hedges are visii friends in Toronto. Miss May McEachern has returr home from Toronto. Miss Mabel Lake is visiting w friends in Pickering. Mrs. Mitchell, Newtonville, is guest of Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Howard Bowen visited frier in Toronto last week. Mr. Allan Howard, Toronto, spE jthe week-end at home. M i~r. Arthur Collins, Toronto, viiigMr. Robert Brown. Mr. Gordon Ryan, Toronto, isv Iiting at Mrs. W. F. Thomas'. Miss May Bonneil, Toronto, home for two weeks' vacation. Mr. Robert Gibson was hor from Toronto for 'a f ew days la week. Mr. Bert Papineau, Toronto,h heen spending the past few days home. Mr. Thorne and Miss Gibson, Mi' brook, were Sunday vsitors of Mi Sarah Moise. Mr. F. L. Culley who has be( visiting at Mrs.,Frank Bennett's iý returned to Toronto. Messrs. Honeyset and Reid, To onto, spent Sunday-with Mr. ar Mrs. Howard Bowen. Mrs. Frank Bennett, Bowmanvili has returned home after a -pleasai visit with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Wynn, Niaý arar Falls, are visiting with her pai ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray accon panied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bra ton motored to Toronto on Sunda) Mr. and Mrs. Ragen and tw children. Tbonto, are visiting wit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Doug las. Eoth G. T. R. and C.' P. R. kwv large extra gangs of men making ex tensive repairs to their respectiv railways. A number of young, people held weiner roast at the'lake on Thursdaý evening. Ail spent a most enjo; Mrs. Norma Jackson accompani( by Bill and Jack, Port Hope, are hol idaying at Mr. T. W. Jackson', Beaver-st. Miss Claüdie Papineau and frier( Miss Sleep, Toronto, spent Sunda: with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E Papineau. Messrs, Volney Moore and Floy( Cuttell, Orono, were in Oshawa Tues day attending a tennis party at th( home of Miss Myers. A number of hasehaîl fans went t( Bowmanville on Saturday to see th( homesters trim Port Hope 9 to7 Bowmanville is playing good basebal but apparently have beea in bac luck. Here's hoping they havN chased the jinks. Mr. Isaac Selhy has just finishec cutting one of, the finest fields cl harley that has been our privilege tc inspect. It is exceptionally heavý and of a wonderful quality. Mr Selhy is one of the farmners thai sticks to the old idea of farming righ and his crops this year is surely evi dence of his wisdom and judgmeni as a grain grower, By the way, hE also has some fine specimens of Clyde horses, -and Shorthora cattie. plus hait a qent a mile from starting point to Winnipeg August llth and 2lst-Torcnto, Caledon Fast, Beeton, Meaford, G K G -uN=f!inood, Pene angMidland, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontario. D A TES Augustli4th and 23rd-Toron to, Inglewood and ail stations south and west theeof in Ontarb-o- Speclal Trains Leave-(standard Tinie) TrORONTO-(Unlon Station) AUGUST 11-9.00 a. m., 12.30 noon, 6.00 p. m. 10.30 p. m. AUGUST 2lst-2.3O noon, 6.00 p. m., 10.30 p. in. For 'rimes from Other Stations See Special Train Service Poster Through SoIId rans to Wnnipeg Wthout Change Restaurant Cars on SpeclaI Trains-Meals and Lunches Served at Reasonable Prices. Special Cars for Women. Convertible (berth) Colon ist Cars of Lates-t Design For further particulars apply to nearest agent Canadian National1-Grand Trunk Railways. THE CANADIAN NATIOMAL REACHES DIRECT AIL IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTING CENTRES IN WESTERN CANADA Trravel the "National Way" to Winnipeg when destined to any point beyond. NEWCASTLE J the Mr. John Bonathan, Oshawa, is spending a, few days with friendsin for town.- Gard'en Prarty Mr. W. J. Perrin has gone to Rice ting Lake on a two weeks' holiday and and fishirPg trip. -ned Miss Cook, Pittsburg. is holidaying Sutmmer [estival witbh ler brother, Howard W. -Cook ith of the C. P. R. ilbheda Miss Veeda Nelles of Grimsby lawI e eda a visiting Miss Hilda Gibson, "Hazel- CA PC PE B A H 'nds Miss Lillie Chapple has etumned home after a pheasant visit with Newcastle-on-the-Lake )ent friends in Muskoka. o d Mm. Geo. Kimber, Tomonto, is spending a few days in town a guest M n a ,A g iof Rev. J. Scott lloward.M-yu. ýMrs. Herman Anderson and son Plan to spend a delightful even- vi-Diék, Toronto, are visiting hiem ntecapgons mother. Mrs. R . P. Butier. jîgo h apgons is Rev. J. E. Fenning, Rector of St.~ Gay Decomations George's Chumch, heid divine service -Bright Illuminations me at the Beach Sunday eveflifg.MiwyPromne at Miss Madeline Baker, Toronto, has! Ice raCnyNois been enjoying a vacation with hiemrraCny oin bas aunt, Mrs. Walton Bail at Hlarris Knicknacks, Fancy Work at Lodge. Arbor of Mystery [l Newcastle is getting more like a Temple of Fame. sq1 city every day. We now have a is: traffic cop at the King and Mill St. corner. Tea Served f rom 4 to 8 P. M. en Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Bentley, Mms. has O'Brien and Mr. and Mms. George Admission to Grounds and Pro- OV'rien, Niagara Falls, Ont., are gram-25c; Ticket for tea-25c, o-guests of Mm. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Lnd Mr. and Ms. Allan Martin have Dancing After Program returned home aftem a vemy pleasant' le, honcymoon spent at Toronto, Niag- nt ara Falls and other western points. Mm. and Ms. Harvey, Mm. and ig- IMrs. B. Philip, Brighton, and Mms. LAWN SOCIAL NEWCASTLE jr- Launt, Toronto, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.I ansca nrteasie ~ Moore.if St. John's R. C. Church wiil be Ln- Mr. Cordon D. Conant, bamister held on Satumday, August 12 at 4 y. of Oshawa, with Mms. Conant and o'clock. Admission 10e. 31-2w Fo two children, weme guests of his ss-______ th ter, Mms. Walton Bal at Hamris [g- Lodge onFiday night. OBITUARY The sympathy of the entime com- ve îliunity is extended to Mr. and fMrs. James McCullough, Clarke, ýx Ganet Ryan in their sad bereave- ve ment by the death of their little son! Theme passed to his rest, July 2Oth, ,who passed away on Tuesday momn- 192-2, at Merlin Hill, one of the oîd- a ing after a hingeiag îllness. est and most highiy respected resï- C. The congregation of -St. John's R. dents of Clarke in the person of Mr. ,y-C. hurh prpoe hldig a-soia James McCuliough at the ripe ag'e of on August l2th. The location has li nrt eghyadt ednot been decided on yet so watcb The ing îlness borne with Christian pa- )1 Iindependent page next week for full tience and resignation. Ypar iculars. ?e admission fee will Deceased, who was of Scottishi ~be lOc. T paentage, was bomn in Donegal,- Ire- id Fishing bas- been exceptionaîiy, land, in 1832, and camne t0 Canada, aygood along the ceek and barbor this- with bis parents when five years old, year. Many fine large catches of bis fat hem heing one of the eamhy pi- catfish, bass, pemch and eel have been oneers of Clarke. ln eamly if e takný ot seesandal ags ar -James McCullough was a teaceher in ýtiaen tbhe s an alrge.prthe Public Sehool. In 1872 lhe mar- ý 'd tiiaei tesotied Lorînda V. >Samis, daughiter-of7 41 Mr ad Mr Geo. Brownblll, Mm. William and Isabeila Samis of New- ;o Green, Jr., andi baby, Mr. Geo. He took up fammig on the home- îeBroughton and Ml' iss May Broughton sed hc i ahrsthdo n hae7t.ndt oonoatr ceared and made bis home when but il pleasant f onight's stay at Aiadne. an unbroken forest, and where hie id The girls of Camp Copper Beach lived for fifty yeams. He was a man 'e have been giving a senies of Fiday of sterling integmity, a devoted lus- night entertalaments to the keen en- band and faCber, espected and es- djoymneit of ahi the permane nt and teemed hy al who knew hlm. In me- ýtansient dwellers round and about ligion hie was a hife long Methodist, o)fur lake front wbo have been pleas- lin poiitics a Liheral. eo d fo attend. He leaves to mourn bis loss bis r. Dr. Wahton Bail bas genemoushy widow and two sons, Wilbemt of Port t granted the use of bis conveliient Hope and Leslie on the ohd home- .Land spaclous play ground to the Cop- stead; also one daughtem, Mrs. Bert ~, per Beach campers f om the summer Samis' of Clarke. It and the girls bave pamticipated in Fiends from Port Hope, Lindsay, le many a game of hawn tennis, hase- Newcastle and Peterborough follow- te bail and croquet, themeon. ed the remains to their hast resting Messrs. Charles and Himam Mona- place at Newtonville Cemetemy. The gan, two of Newcasthe's old boys, Rev.,F. W. Wbite, B. A., of Weh- Idropped quiethy into town this week comfe, conducted the obsequies. - o evîsit the scenes of their boy-L hood and enew old acquaintances. j ife's long day now is ended tis2yem sicteyhfNe- And the laborer's toil is done, castle and needhess to say tbey see And now the way-worn pilgnim a great many. changes, and very few Etemrnal rest bas won. of the old familiir faces, but they enjoyed a chat with Jim Parker In those bight celestial mansions "Dad" Eilbeck, Jack Douglas, Uiiclel Where joy and bliss abide, Fred Ehrwonth, "Geniemal" Bill Jack- And full and free unceasingiy son, Pat Kenefick and a few others 1Fhows on life's tranquil tide. that were the boys of Newcastle in the yeams gone by. Mr. J. Scott Montgomery the Sec.- NEWTONVILLE Treas. of the Board of Education bas f or the pst number of yeas do- Miss Annie Nesbitt, Benhei-, is nated tbee cash prizes-$5,$3,$2 spending hiem holidays with bier par- to the tbree high scbcol students oh- ents, Mr. and Vrs. James Neshitt. taining the highest marks in history .-Mss Sadie Robinson, Newcastle, The winnems this yeam weme Geo. spent the week-end with Mm. and Cowther with 75 marks, Minnie Mrs. C. J. Mitchell.. . - Mr, W/m. Pearce 70, and Catherine McEach- Tbompson, Chicago, is visting bis çmn witb 66, Mm. Montgomery is gandmnothem, Mms. James Thompson severing his connection with the _.. M and Ms: Tom MeMullen Board and as a resuit these gener- and son Cliff ord,- Mms. D. F. Camer- ous pnizes wilha withdrawn unless on and Mm. Robt. Kennedy, Bowmnan- some other public spirited citizen ville, visited friends here Su,îday.. steps in where Mn. Montgomery -. . Mr. Lapp of Port Penny, spent the heaves off, week-end with friends. ... Mm. Ar- W/bat might have been a seious thun Rednap, Toronto, spent the NEW GARAGE S. L. Harris wishes to announce that he has started a garage in New- tonville which will be open, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and at the old stand corner of King and Liberty, Bowmanville, Wednesday and Saturdays. Ail kinds of gas engins batteries and cars repaired. Work MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M, Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's 1 Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univer.sity, Fellow of Triaity Medical College, Licentiate Of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Gra'duate Medical Sehool and Hos- pital of-New York and Fellow of the! Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office j -Mrs. IlfcNaughton's Residence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., to 3 D. m,, and by appointimnt. Owing to the strike it is impossible to get immediate delivery, but I have a suffi- dent qua4jty on order to take care of almy custom- ers.,1 Make sure of your next, winter's coal -by -booking' your order'early..9 Gjeb.,Jamiesoni Tire Repairing by Modern ,Mietliods Your womn or injured tirs will neceive skilled attention in our Vulcanizing Shop and its life will be lengthened. We wiil repair it according to modernm metlods-the best methods known to the tire in-. AIl material that we put intr, your tires wil be. the beat matei../ ils procurable. Bring in your worn casing- thene May bie miheage in them. If there la, we wiIi see that you get it. If Your tires are not worth repairng, ve'll tel! yen. WE SELL TIRES Janiiesoii Bros-, EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS Bowmanville. Oshawa IF ITTSGROCRIES WE *HAVE IT, More than1 that-we have the best quality, ,fresh, and at the right price. We're busy, but can do more., R.WA'mLT\ON' Grocer Newcastle. .Br.i*tton 's 1Bread Quality Supreme, Service'Uiîsurpassed, Deliv-ered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN, LOAVESý Choice Groceries, Confectionery an& Fresh Fruits He S.eBIxi-TON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electrie Toaster Stove Just the thing for light -cooking or heating purposes. Will toast and bake at the same time. Element is made of very best resistance wire ob- tainabl'e and is guaranteed for one year, Not expensive either: Blue Steel Finish $2.00 Alumninurn Finish $2.50 Alurnnnum Finish with Toaster $4.50 Aluminumn Oven $5.50 H. C. BNTA When You Need A Camp Chair A Lawn Seat An Electrie Fan An Electric Iron An Electric Tfoaster An Oil Stove or anything in the Paint, Varnish anid Wall- Pap- er line, also anything in the Hardware lune Try WM, JAMIEwSO"N Hardware Store Newcastle - Lý-

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