i MOTHERS WHO ARE CHEERFUL' Her Smile Indica.tes Sunshîny Weather. 99The cheerful mother-God bless ber!" exclaimed a white-haired min- ister one day. "lShe is a jewel among women-a blessing and an in- spiration, to ber husband, to ber 4children and to aIl who corne within -the circle of ber sunshiny presence"l. Hie was a bright littie f ellow who exclaimed: "My mother is a baro- iMeter. Wben she smiles it-means ,we are going to have sunshiny weath- ler. When ohe frowns it rneans we are going to have cloudy weather. The fatber's business may go wrong, the cook may leave, the washer-woman may fail to appear, but these things are as nothing to Jack and Mary ýcompared with the dreadful thing that mother does not smile and speak cheerily. The writer remembers visiting in a home where there was a littie daughter, Bessie. One afternoon Bessie set off for school at the usual bour, and the mother, being upset with an untoward happening, said goodbye to ber daughter in ruther a preoccupied fashion. A f ew min- utes later, the child came running back. "Mamma", she said, wist- fully, "cyou aren't cross with me, are you?" The mother answered laughingly: "0f course not, dear. 1 arn afraid I was thinking about something else. I arn glad you re- turned to give me a chance to say goodbye to you more pleasantly. Bes- sie's face was like a sunbeam as she I6 The wise business man doesn't tempt fate, 11e takes no chances with circumstances over which he has no control. INSURANCE is his bulwark against disaster, Disaster is always-threatening you, xvhether it be in the form of accident, fire, death, theft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let insurance' protect you from these un- avoidable occurrences. -It will relieve you of much care -and *orry. J. J. MAON, SO Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanvlle AIDS IN PRESERVING USE CERTO AND CUT TASK IN TWO Give certo a triai. Many have given it a trial and have corne back for more. Certo cuts your preserving bihl in haîf. Fresh fruits always in season. GEMS You find heregems of ail kinds and sizes at right prices. GEM HOLDERS This is something new for women who pre- serve fruit in boilers-great convenience and lab-. or saver. Jt's Worth while examining them. C. M. CAKr.&SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE A Say girls sud boys, do't. you kuow from a tbousand experiences lu your owu lives that oue of the sincoreat joys lu the world is the-joy of accomplisbment? Thon why should auy ordiuary youug person allow tbemselves to ho classed amoug dullards sud those wbo feul for lack of pusb, euorgy, work? We are tlîîukiug juat uow of those who fail te achieve succesa in music. Why do se mauy fail to attain musical suc- ceas? Simply for lack of ambition,' pusb sud efficieucy. Hundreda ho- glu the study of music witb carneat intentions of becoming eminent musiciens, but because they encount- or a f ew obstacles they become dis- couraged sud lose iutereït in their work. Sorhie becomo incompetent musiciens, wbile others give up the work lu utter diaguat. Auy girl or boy -itb common sense wbo lack on- tbusiasm sud energy to perservore should ho truly ashamed of them- selves. The information on whicb the ar- ticle "The Business Outlook" is bas- cd was coilected by the Canadian Pacifie Raiiway aud furuishod to us f or publication. Bowm-auville la this season baviug the greateat build- ing boom sinco the orection of the Goodyer4)ý resideuces on, Carlisle Avenue sud Liberty-st. South, sud from the C. P. R. reports it would seem that Canada bas experieuced a distinct revival lu the building lu- dustry after a virtual stagnation. Prices of building materials as well as the bigh- coat of labor seriously curtailed construction of ail kinds, sund confiued it to sncb as -was abso- lutely uecoasary. With the estab- lishment of a uow level in the price of material sud the readjustmeut of the coat of labor a decided impetus was giveu to the building iudustry. Prom the opeuing of the building soason, there bas been unsurpaas- ed activi' y, sud the figures for the firat six months indicate the accom- plisbrnent of a volume of construct- ion uuequalled lu auy year since the war began lu 1914. The resump- tion of building lu Canada on a substantial scalo, more so than per- haps auy other factor, may ho takon as an indication of' the returu of brigbntor sud more sottled times sud a further omorgiug frorn post-war depression, for building lu thýe Do- minion is so indicative of progres sud expansion that it bas como to ho s gauge wbicb marks, in a fairly accurate masser, the trend of econ- omnie affaira; it estimates the status of business and refiecta the prosper- ity of other industries. Mucb bas been said and writteu about the duty of a man to bis wif e aird the -duty-of- parents to their ol-- or cbildren lu the matter of aliowing tbem to bave mouoy lu their owu right to use as tbey ploase and whon tboy pîeaso. -No bard sud fat rmb can be sot in either case. Admitting the principle to ho ndvisable condi- tions do not always justify its un- qualified adoption. If a wife or cblidren use good judgrnent in use of money the principle âhould be adopted in the home, but our obser- vation, chiefiy lu town, la tbat in this age with ail sorts of temptations set to draw the dimes from their pockots cbildreu cannot ho trusted witb mucb money sud may we mildly in- timate that not a few mothers are lacking in sufficient wil power to resiat the aîlurements of the shop windows. 0f course, education sud wise counsel cen accomplisb mucb in oucouragiug a discreet sud wise ex- penditure of money. We believe, bowever, lu a regular allowauce of money to ail membors -of a family by the husband sud father.. A story is told of a very parsimonlous ma whoso wife bad always experienced groat difficulty lu inducing him to part with any change. One day she followed bîm to the door sud 'quietly asked: "Hounry, ca't you lot me have $10? 1 uant to", ' "There you go again", oxcla imed Hlenry. "It's always money, money, money! Whon I arn dead you wili probably have to beg it"., "'Well", said.the wife, 4q shall bo a wbole lot btter off than some poor women wbo h4YQ nQVer bad any praectjce". ,bLD FRIEND'S BOYS, PUSH BOWMANvILLE, AUG. l7tb, 1922.1 John paused et the door to the great ýbanking institution, and THE EDITOR TALKS' trembied. Hie was about to enter, asking for bis first job. But hie was As we have ofteu remarked if the afraid;,be knew his shortcomnings, at editor or the preacher ever told the least:a great mauy of thiem; lie dar- public many of the actions of men ed not trust bis own voice. fie bad and women known to tbern they half-decided to wait until lie f elt migbt as well retire frorn their pro- more self-confident and was turuing fession to save their lives.1 A witty away, wben bis eye fell upon a card Frencbman bas given bis opinion on banging against tbe glass of tbe door, an editor's duty to bis readers, but on the inside of the room. It was even inl the matter of opinions it may "Push"., not be the part of of wisdom for an Turning back John pushed and editor to express bis views at ail went in; growing bolder at every times, discretion being the better step hc kept right on pusbing until part of valor. This is that French- lie reached the door of the muner man's declaration, however: "Mr. sanctum, made, and won bis plea. Editor, sufer yourself to be blamed, Prom that bour lie adopted pusb as împrisoued, condernned; sufer your- bis watchword. Did the way seem self even to be banged; but publisb bard and doubtful?. John pushed your opinions. It is flot a rigbt Did some one seek bis aid lu worthy simply but it is a duty". Pity the enterprises? John pusbed. Was audaclous editor. hie timid, afraid to undertake the ______ next tbing? The barder the road, the harder be pse.O courseble, We are sure our readers will be began to succeed; anyone following glad to be told so plainly as the Tor- bis plan, will do so. Get the task onto Telegram does it the particular well in baud; decide; go forward, no difference between the two political matter wba.&t tbreatens to side-track parties wbicb are most prominently you, pusb! lin the spot light just now. ilere is ___________________________the interesting explanation given and the attacbed paragrapb: Ail dance to departed the second time.1 the samne music for the two wings It doos pay a mother to be as of the Grit party, the alleged Liber- cboery as possible iindernil circurn- als and the so-called Progressives, stances. The very effort required are getting dloser together ail the is beneficial. And the reward is time. The principal differeuce be- two-f old. The cildrenanad the tween the two la that some of the wbole housebold are made -happier. 'Progressives are more liberal than Mothers owe it to themselves and to the Liberals, while some of the Liber- their families to keep cheerful. als. are more progressive that the Progressives. Neither of these des- criptions aplies to Sir Lomer Gouin, jwbo bas charge of the dotinies of Sbotb. And to the crack of bis wbip botb branches will dance, no matter wbich name tbey pref or or Awhich i . brand of Grit doctrine is their favor- I ~ jite beverage. PAINTING CONGRATULATION Dear Mr. James:. I must add wiith others of your many readers my congratulations on your enteriug your 45th year as Editor. Iu your younger days you were a little in- clined to be the "Scboolmaster Abroad", aud we did not always se eye to eye, but age is mellowing you and to-day both yourself and Th.e Statesman, are et thoir best, and there are few country newspapers that show a bettor ail round record. It is a pleesure, therefore, for me to send sincere congratulations. Wben in Winnipeg this summer attending the meeting of the General Assembly, it was-my privilege to spen.d an ovening with Dr. James Hutchinson and bis brother Wilbur, and iu talk- ing of the old days and associations, The Statesinan aud yoursolf, natur- aily came under reviow aud our opinion was that it would be a gra- cious tbing for a f ew of your old friends to write sud tell you bow mucb we appreciate your work. So this is my opportunity and my con- gratulations are both hearty and sincere. But the paragraph made me pause and 1 snid, "Wbere are my comirados of those early, happy days, The scbool bouse, aud the village green, on wbich we romped and played; The homes of cheer, the baunts so dear, so well I used to know, But echo only answerd-That was forty years ago. May you long be spared to con- tinue your good work. Thos. Yellowlees. 676 Spadina Avenue. Toronto, August 5, 1922, 44 YEARS AS EDITOR (Fromn Campbellford Horald) We congratulate Mr. M. A. James on having -been 44 years editor of the Bowmauville Statesman. The Statesman bas slways held a place lu the very forefrout of woekly journals in this province, a fact wbicb is due largely to the rosourcefulnoss, energy and ability of its veteran editor. Apart from bis duties Mr. James bas itaken a deep iuterest in the religlous, and educational if e of. the prvnce. We trust that lie may Pfrong be spared to continue to mould public opinion in the constit- uency served by the publications of which bie is the editor-in-chief.- NEVER BETTER THAN NOW (The Pictoni Gazette) The Bowmanville Statesman iSi one of Ontario's. outstanding week- lies and there is a reason. For 44 years it bas been under the management of Editor M. A. James, a man of sterling character sud splendid abîlity. Witb lagt weok's issue Mr. James butered ou bis 45th year as editor and publisher. fie scquired tho paper on August lat, 1878, and since that time The States- man bas absorbed some six or seven other papers iu Bowmanville and aurrounding towns. Iu recout years bis sons, Norman S. B., and Geo. W. James, bave been associated witb 1hoir father in the management and the paper was nover botter than it la to-day. NEARLY: HALF A CENTURY IN EDITOR'S CHAIR. (The Acton Free Press) With hast issue of the Canadian Statesman,. of Bowmanville M. A. James, the venerable oditor, ent-ered upon bis forty-4lfth cousecutive year in that important position. Mr. James became proprietor, publisher and editor on Auguat 1, 1878. To- day, so weli as hoie au rememiber, thr Oiyl oe s business man in town in ny usiesswho was at that time, and every professional man of that timo has passed on to bis reward. During this period, too, The States- man bas absorbed ail the other news- papors but one that bave been pub- lisbed in Bowmanville and Newcastle -some six or seven-aud was nover~ a better nowspaper than it la to-day. Mr. James bas also the great satis- faction now of baving two sons as- sociated with bim lu the business, aud tbey are mon of bigh character, exporience sud ability. The States- man bas a noble past, its future lu brigbt and ful of promise. A VETERAN JOURNALIST (The Toronto Daiiy Globe.) Witb last- week's issue of The Bowmanville Statesman Mr. M. A. James entered on bis f orty-fifth onseutie-yar s- ditr, aviugbo- jCHIROPRACTOR GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH. C. 3 yoar Graduate of the Palmer Scbooh (The Fountein Hlead of Chiropractie). Office on Church-st. opposite the Pres- byterien Cburcb. Office -fours: 3- 5 sud 7-8 p. m., or by appoiutmeut. Office Phono 41J; flouse Phono 140- r2 (Lakoview Farm). 26-tl OPTOMETRYj R. M .MITCHELL OptomnetrÎàt Registered By Examination Speciahiz- ing lu- errors of Refraction aud Mus- cular Imbalances. Latest Methods, Modern Equipment. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drng Store, B owmanvii.le Ont.1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS'CO. Most complete equipmnent. Suuday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and Ilouse Sales a Specia.lty. Terms moderate. Euniskillen P. O. 'Phone 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nigbt Calîs Promptly Attended- to. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmauville. Phone 243. GEORGE CHE NERY General Contractor lu cernent work, bouse f oundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING proveinent Courses. Students accepted at any trne. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Oshawa and Toronto. M.A. JAMES TO STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadiau Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phonel 53, Bowmanville. Agency. Ail lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Fdith V.Snh1 H-ave your house palnted now, sendi .m4wE.KeT.0K47 %WW post card to J. Brenuen, painter, paper hanger and grainer. KaIsomluning and jAgn tînting., Terme roasouablo. Âddreue 2nd door woat of te.1B41 20 J. Brenner, M gln- St., Dew.-ranvlfle.3l - 3-Sm' IBoW-Manville Outarlo.1 We were neyer busier than we are right now. Plumbing and tinsmithing work is just literally pouring in from unsolicited customers. We have increased our staff of expert engineers and require more to keep up with the rush. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? We take it to mean that this unprecedented rush of business cornes to us as the resuit of satis- faction we have been giving in the past. Our prices may not always be the lowest, but you are assured of the best materials used 'and expert workmanship at ail times when your plumbing and, tinsmithing is done by Greenaway & Ëlliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville I' Without a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Fui-o. pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and 1-en Charcoal Qyster Sheil, Grit, Baby Chick Grit Lowest prices at ail times and special priees for large quantities. i I HAif ÀRR Y PRONE 186 ALLIN" BOWMANVILLE IOne This lut-Darken the. room as mach as possible, close the windows, taise one of the blznds where the. sun shines in, about edght inches, place as many Wilson's Fly Pads as possible on plates (properly wetted with water but not flooded) on the. window ledge where the. light is strong, leave the room closed for two or three hours, then sweep up the flies and burn tbem. See illustration below. Put the plates away mothe r ieach of ehidr.n untl n.. qnfrd M maother room. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BAýRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to Joan on Farm aud Town Property Royal Bank Building,i Bowrnanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYj Mouoy to boan. Bonds for sale.1 Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanvill 'e Ontario. Phonos: Office 102, flouse 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman-j ville Methodist Church, is prepared to' take pupils for Piano and voice Cult- ure. For termas phone 12, "ýGreen-, Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medaiist of Triuity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy-1 sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel! Hlospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and' Residence, Wellington Street, Bow-1 manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colloge, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residonce, Dr. Beith's; former residence ou Cburcb-st., Bow-1 manville. Phone 259. 44-t j Do You --Want to -Cait Your Chore Time in Haif ? In the ordînrywork of thefamo must pumip more tbsn a ton of ater day. Wby tae the tirne sud trouble to do this wwen the w1nd will do it for you A Toronto Windmilh will cutyr stîme In haîf. Make money for your en recommend itasn effic~ wScr tneeda ittie attOatto E cait aoiflng. And i cost n And ou wtta real voter service, v~nilg atr u= Lprsue ve' wyo'llbe £ntered umTorn Pumps sd Toronto Water 8ystems Lot me tell you &bout thema. CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker, Phone 350-rI3 Hampton FEED THE HUNGRY' THRESHERS WELL Last year we made a big- hit by mkn specialty of THRESHERS' ROASTS LARGE--TENDER and JUICY-with LOTS 0F NOURISHMENT Our good country friends are already asking us for more Threshers' Roasts like we supplied them a year ago. WTe're doing it, too. Phone 2925 and we will send you one of those choice roasts by mail. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsev Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow-i manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. flouse phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ilonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. flouse phone .22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ilonor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member Qf Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice lu Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanviile. Opposite Bank of Montreal, iPhone 301. ê