A Man With a Perfect Foot You've seen him. You could flot help but notice him. He looks so different from the rest. H-e's the man with the tailored shoes. You neyer imagined shoes could look so "inatty" or -.t so weIl until you saw that man.. Not abulge or a falling away anywhere. Just the n atural shape of the shoe. No wonder you thought he had a perfect foot. l "ASTORIA AND SLATER SHOES" Tailor Made For Particular Trade Yonr feet can look as perfect as any (4et hera into Siater or Astoria Tailored made to ~mecst vouir ffotrtiiirk-meilt-g man' s. Shoes, ar BOWMANVILLE AUG. l7th,, 1922.t BOWMANVILLE BOYS' REUNION.1 NEW TEACHERS ENGAGED Port Hope High School Appoints Principal and Thee New Assistants Port Hope lligh School Board hasl engaged four teachers. to fil vacan-ý cies caused by recent resignations. J. P. Thompson, -M. A., D. Paed, Principal of Dunnville has been ap- pointed Principal to succeed Mr. G. E. Evans at a salary of $2,800. Mr. H. J . Campbell succeeds Mr. J. A. H-ay, as mathematical master and Mr. Wm. Carroll has been appoint- ed science master; Miss Rlobertson will act as general assistant. CLARKE NURSERY FARM Forestry Departmen Will Establish 175 Acre Nursery Near Orono. The Forestry Department of the Ontario Goverament has bought the Ralph Stutt farm now occupied byý his son, Mr. William Stutt, also the late Thos. ilooper farm by Mr. VanDusen. and some I0lacres of the late Wm. Conneli farm from Mr. William Neale, -Mr. G. Meredith Linton, B., Sc. F., son of aur old Five Lockhart Brothers Meet For First Time in 40 Years. Columbus, Ohio Despatch of Aug- ust 3, publishes a 3.column haîf-tone group photograph of The Lockhart Boys over this article. The five Lockhart Brothers are holding a reunion in Columbus this week at the homes of two of them who are Columbus residents. It is the first time in 40 years that ail of them have been together. They are W G. Lockhart, 514 South Champion Avenue; T. H. Lockhart of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada; D. M. Lockhart, 1107 East Main Street; J. J. Lockhart of Marshalltown, la., and Alex, Lockhart of Toronto, Canada. T H1. Lockhart travelled over 2000 miles to attend the reun- ion. The brothers are of English andi Irish descent and spent their ear- ly if e and received their education in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. W . G. Lockhart is with the Standard Oil Co. D. M . Lockhart is head salesman for the Murphy Shoe Co. T. H. Lockhart is a proofreader on the Prince Albert Daily-Herald of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. J. J. is general manager of~ a butcher shop in Marshalltown, -la', and Alex is city traveller and salesman for the HARVESTERS WANTED FOR 1 WESTERN WHEAT FIELDS' Special train service and low fares are off ered by the Canadian National- Grand Trunk Railways to Western Canada. Consuit with your nearest agent -for train service etc. Com- foi-table, roomy, convertible (berth) Colonist Cars of latest design, and lunches will be attached to trains. restaurant cars serving meals and Special cars will also'be provided for women. Travel the "National Way" to Winnipeg when destined to any point beyond. The Canadian Na- tional reaches direct ail important distributing centres in Western Can- ada. 32-2 Gingham Dresses on sale this week at one-third off regular prices. J Couch, Jbhnston & Cryderman. Hogs-CattIe-Sheep T I akispeae to make advances to Sflocks and herds. If yo seek assistance in this direction, the Manager ofornearest branch wiIl be glad to discuss the matter with you. STANDARD SER VICE-Encourages Progress. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowaianville Branch, . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . . E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager 4~4~ i~1a Jui~ziE3oLflr.rInE i ~ ~bi~ IJ~S~'a 14~ W~NtT~ke- My fl~ee~{Wi~ ~nzGt31 ub1~-~1di~ - revue oou. nxr3r2~ 'P'fl~ J.i JL _ E .rn,4nucn01 w'-rncn w ~ -w----edLv i lue -M ---2 - -crawled__ --------- vs-whem -OMPsI-D 77% à ... .. . . . . .. . . . . -. 8 -e-