Chiropractic It is the dluty of the chiropractor to make it possible for naiture to get you weli and happy aoyain. It is within hiis power to -permit life-giving impulses to flovw normally t[o the afflieted or dis- eased orgars of your body. There are millions of people now -permanently restored to health who were chiropra ctieally adjusted WITH THE HANDS ONLY Investigate' chiropractie-do not let prejud- ice stand bctween you and heaith. Chiropractie wiil vwithstand the niost intense search light of honest inves-igation. Some common complaints which yield to ad- BOWMANVILLE AUG. 17th, 1922. justments - APPENDICITIS ASTHMA 13RONCHITIS BEDWETTING FEMALE TROUBLES: PROLAPSUS, INFLAMA- TIONS, FLEXIONS, ILUM- BAR, SACRAL PAINS, ETC ECZEMA AND ALL SKIN TROUBLES INFLUENZA GOITRE FAULTY NUTRITION DIABETES INFANTILE PARALYSIS TYPHOID OR ANY FEVER CONSTIPATION HEADACHES HEART TROUBLES INDIGESTION KIDNEY DISORDERS DIARRHOEA RHEUMATISM SPINAL CURVATURES PARALYSIS RUPTURES, ETC. Consultation Costs Nothing Corne first-not last Giordon P. Souch CHIROPRACTOR Office hours 3-5 and 7-8 p. m. Visiting Hampton, Enniskilien, Burketon, Mon- day, Wed-nesday and Friday mornings.. CalUp for appointment. Churcb--st. opp Preshyterian Church Phone-Office 41J House 140-r2 Enjoy Advatntages 0F ELECTRICAL APP'MANCES Econory-Comfort-Convenience are a few of the advantages of having electrical appliances in your home. WE HAVE EVERYTHING ELECTRIC STOVE, ELECTRIC WASHERS ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC IRONS you have inspected our large stock. Mvason & DaIe's H"ardware Phone 145 Bowmanville 'les, the the Ciil Osb Mrs Mr. verî deai Once It's Goneiy your hair cannot be restored to its natural growth. Keep of1 and cultivate your present hair health by proper and regular1 treatment of the scalp. S K RE EN 9 Col "Nature's Own Remedy"l for Scalp Ilroubles,-eradicatesv Dandruif, stops the hair from falling and promotes ts o natural health and beauty. ne ni At Your Druggist'a mTo a -~J.1 and bon and and Por Pr Ce;ANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 26-TORONTO-Sept. 9 PRINCE 0F WALES DURBAR Gorgeous productIon wlth ail the. mystery, romance and splendour of the Far East. $1,500OOini new buildings and scores of other new features and attractions. NEVER ON A BICCER SCALE Reduced rat«s on aU Unes o!f rayai JOHN G. KENT, Ma.agng DIr ROBT. FLEMING, H-arvest1 Salem on the date. SALEM Borne services and supper at August 27 and 28. Reserve SOLINA Mr. Ivan M. Lawv has 'taken 28 Aber- deen Angus and Hereford cattie to a circuit of Faîl fairs in the Eastern pro- vinces iasting for seven weeks. Mr. AI- fred A. Ayre has gene, too, with a car-i load of sheep. We wisn themn the best of succes... .Prof. J. B. Reynolds, 13. A., President of Ontario Agricultural Coi- lege, Guelph, Mrs. Rleynolds and sens James and Edgar are- at Mr. John Rey- nolds' on holidays.... .Mrs. Arthur Mill- son recently entertained the young people of the community .... Congratu- la ions te _Mr. Wilfrid Dewell and hride n ho have gene on a trip te Manitoba.. .Mn. and Mrs. John Reynolds and Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds visited at Mr. T. C. Osborne's, Pickering. Recent visitors:Mr. and Mrs. Mceoan, Toronto, at Mr. E. J. BlacRes; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. lackstock, Mrs. S. Bray, Bndield, Miss Irene Hl. Bray, Miss Ethel L. VanNest, Mrs. Julia VanNest and MIr. Werthington, Toronto, at Mr. Norman E. Wrights; Mr. E. F. Wil- loughby, B. A., and wif e, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mns. R. J. Luke, Redron, and Mas., Ceciu Jeffery, Maple Grove, at Mr. A. L.i Pascee's; Mr. Everett Cryderman, the Misses Crydermani, Miss Lyda Taylor and Mn. Harold Pascee visited at Tor- ente; Mn. and Mrs. Arthur M . Hardy, Bewmranviile, at Mr. Isaac Hardys; Miss Vilet Bîliings, Hamilton, at- Mrs. S. Shertridges; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baison and family at Mr. N. Leach's, Taunton; Mr. T. Baker and Miss Vera atteîîding the Herse Show at Cebourg. ENNISKIL LEN Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snewden, Miss Mae M. Currie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Truol, Toronte, Miss Rester Brima- combe, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Hoar and bahy Charles, and Mr. Harold [bar, Bethesda, were recent guests et Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith... .We regret te record the sudden death of Masten Ra~y Ashon, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Bilas Ashton, on Monday, Aug. 14. Ray was eleven years old, a bright cheery lad weli liked hy everyone. Hie was 9trieken witb diphtberia a tew days ago and al that medicai ekili and human aid could do were unavaiiing. It was net thouglit by the famiiy that bis condition was 50 ôiticai and bepes were being betd et is recevery. On Monday about tbree o'clock without any apparent warning ho siipped cquiety away. Ris mother was oe ecorne with grief. The yeunger childl- non and mother were in quarantine la the bouse. Mr. Ashton, Orvilie, Reta and Winnie being away. The funeral was heid the same evening. interment taking plac in ethsda Cenetery. The sym- patby of the whoie village anfi surround- ing country gees eut to the tamiiy in their sad bercavement. His smiiing-face te us se dear, His gentie tootsteps ne more we bear, Ris wiiling hands and face se sweet ln heaven sorne day we hope te meet. Mr. and Mrs. John Siernon. Mr, Rich- ard Siemon and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Sie- men attended the silver 'wedding of Dr. B. T. SIernen and wif e of Ottawa at ber tathers borne, Mr, Wmn, Hear et Myrtie on Satunday.. .Misses Phemia Rail, Elva Grifin ad Mna Preston are visîting in Oshawa... .Mrs. George Preston is visit-. ing relatives in Lindsay.... .Dr. and Mrs., H. Ferguson attended the Brent Picnic4 in Scugog Island on Saturday.... .Mrs. H. Rogers is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Smith, at Brighton.... .Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slem- on and Master John Sundayefi at Mr. W. H. Angue's, Bowmanviile. EBENEZER Vith the splendid conditions turnished colored. No good reason, appar- 7the vveatber man harvest eperations .geing aiong fine, rnest of-t[ho grain ently, why this fruit cannot bc grown ng cut and a lot of tbreshing done. .-,. on as a large a scale as cherries and r-W. H. Nichels is the tlrst te, report plums, Peaches can be gro.wn here, ivost fiaished and tbreshing ail done m tbe steok lant eal western style , and too, but for some reason no person )w hoe is off te take a hand at the bar- does much la that line. st laý Manitoba..Mr. Walter Rundie ft on Monday te assist wjth [he barvest Eventualîy yoU will take Chiro- Saskatchewan and Messrs. Chas. and practie Spinal Adjustments. ,rdon Nichois bit the [rail for ftie sua- iWest iast woek .... .A large and at-: ntive audience was eut on Sunday teý ,r a splendid discussion on [ho subject iMAL GRV Waste, based on the txt, "Why tbis:M PE RV ste et ointrnent?" by Pastor Boyce.. A. veny pleasant feature et a receîît' Visiters: Mrs. R. Finaiay and famiiy, orning service was tbe reception loto Mn. Whitehead, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. i1 membersbi witb ho etchurcli of l5 Artbur Andrus, Oshawa, at Mn. Fred lividuais, 7 ei ng by leter and the, Lane's; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snewden andi hers by profession of faitb, several family, Mr. and Mrs. H-.' G. Freemian and ning tbrough the' influences et the Mrs. Fred Lee, Kedron, on Sunday.... inday School . .. .Many ia this commun- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McCall, Mr. Moi- ytbink it is now quite time for the ville, Miss Greta McCali, Peterborough, erseer ýor commissiener et the centre miss Gladys Green, Mackiin, Sask.,~ vis- vision te wake up betore aniother ramn- ited their cousin Mrs. H. G. Freenian on ürn aud get tbe ceaient bridges [bat MondaX ... Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Foley ere built mat spring covered, r nd soie andi famiiy, Coiherne, visi[ed bis sister. avel drawn on the dlay. Wbat do yen SIrs. J. D,' Stevens on Sa[urday.... .Mr. ,y Wes? Is white clay sticky when its and Mrs. R. F. Trawin, Edmonton, Aita., t?..Mn. Wrn. Gibois bas returned visited bier parents, Mn. andi Mrs., D. E. m Englanfi witb bis bride. (ongrat-, Rutley.... .Mr. ivison Munday, Mn. Char- [bioa! They are mnaking thein home1 lie Rundie left Saturday meraing on the present witb Mr. and Mrs. R. C.: harvester's excursion te [ho West.... are. The many friends of Ml-s. Levi Mapie Grove Methedist Church wll cele- nis are giad te see bier cheerful face brate lis golden Jubiiee on Octeber 15 iAn ia our midst aftr lber sympathetic: and 16. Watch for further particulars. oura with bier sister, Mrs. Tole. ...... Threshing is the order eft[ho day ev. W. A. Bunner, Pickering, was thoheneabouts ..Miss Elsie Laird is at ,ent guest et bis sister Mrs. Hy IBal - berne. n. Mr. C. Balson, Toronto, aise paid, s birother a friendiy visit,.. .Mr. Stap-ý sToronto, Secre[ary et Educatien with;IO LeI. F. O., spent [ho week-end witb:ZO IPresident eft[ho South Daniingtoni Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Rîch- îhb, Mr. C. M. Penfound..Mrs. Jane ards, Mr. andi Mrs. New[on 'Edgar and sborne, Toronto, bas be'en visiting witb Joyce, Oshawa, visited Mrs. A. T. Stain- s. Jno. Werden . ... The close friends et: ton and Mrs. Ait. Ayres; Mrs. Snider, rA. H. Christian et B3earnsviiie regret: Chicago, visited ber aunt, Mrs. Wes. -y mucb te learn et bis ra'ther sudden: Glaspeil; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson and tth iast week. Hearttelt sympatby is: famiiy, Solina, at bis brother's, Mr. John -endefi [o the serrowlng wite and tam. R aison's; Mr. and Mrs. G. H.. Armour ..Mr. Clarence Rundle (fariner) wite and Nellie at, Orene; Miss Doris and ifamly spent a tow ilays at tho home: John Stainten beiidayîng at Mr. John Messrs. W. E. and Kenneth Ceur[ice. t Truli's, Bewrnanvilie; Mrs. H. G. Puscoe Balnceof ur ugut Cearnc lett Friday te visit ber son at. Wolseley, Balace o ourAugst CearaceSask., and- ether western frlends; Mn. le offers better values than ever. and Mrs. Charles Stainton and Giadys, ouch, Jehnston & Cryderman. Manitoba, at Mn. A. T. Stainton's; Miss Ruth Nerthcett, Toronte, visitef iber cousins, Misses Bertha andi Lucy Nerth- cott; Mn. Alfred Ayre ieft Fniday [o take HAMPTON Ilan the fairs la Quohec .. .. Sunday morn- _________1 ing service was weii attendei, Rev. W. ,risiters: Miss Marguerite Wriliiamsen, W. Jones- preacblng a very excellent ser- )nya, Mr. and Mrs. McArthy Hlerkimor,,mn oas ef atsa cyc ew York, at E. L. Wiiliarnsen's, Miss wben Bornice Grace Langmaid xvas bap- ie Rewe, Toronto, at Mn. T. Rýowes; tisefi. iss Louise Goodman visiting frienfis in rente; Mn. and Mrs. Allan Parker att H. Bunrows'; Mn. anfi Mrs. J. B. Rorn 1 music fi famiiy, Miss Helen Middleton, Peter--______ ro, at Chas. Horn's; Miss Muriel Trou, Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone le pre- wranviile, at home oven Sunday; Mn. panefi te take pupils la piano. For termis fid Mns. T. Salter. Miss Erma Salter. write Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone. 22-tf fid Mn. Hilton Petons visitedfi tiends la nrt Penny on Suaday; Mn. Howardfi rice, Toronto, at Mn. F. G. Kenslake's; I xs Chas. Hern andi Miss Nonab Horn BUILDERS' ATTENTION!1 .evisiting frienfsisnl Petenhore; Mn. ______ fid Mrs. Aadnew Ponningten, Bowman-, el r le at Thos. Elliitt's; Mn. andi Mns. M. lW r prepared to do ail kinds of :Cleiian and famiiy, Toronto. at Mn. W. concrete, plastering and brick work. 7 HomnWs; Dr. J. W. Bnirnacombe, Man-, Specialists in cernent finishng in ail n, lad., Dr. W. T. Bnimacombe, Sap- aP Okia., Mrs. B. Bnimacembe andi its branches. Estimates furnished and xs. H. A. Bird andi Ruth metorofi down, satisfaction guaranteed. nui Hamilton and are visiting Mn. and, Peter Martin & Sons, rs. S. T. Mountjoy .. .. Sympathy is ex-, îded te Mrs. Arthur Clarke la the Iîs 24-t Elgin-4t. N., Bowmanville honr bro[hen, Mn. Grant. ____________________ Mothers, do your boys need new 1oo1 suits? If they do you'Il be terested in reading, Couch. John- ,o & Cryderman's advt.C Q A Epworth League meeting Friday CA& ienîng was in charge of Miss Ruth! )hns in absence of 2nd Vice Presi-! at Miss Marion Stephens. After îgîng and prayer by Mrs. W. W.1 Parties ordering now wl1 mes the lesson was read y M'b ns ieytog'teal mma iddey. Asplendid reportý rthe Summer School at Muskoka shiprnents. as given by Miss Nancy Johns,, iowing niost clearly our duty as' Inquiries invited from pworth Leaguers in making each ýar better than the last. Misses Corporations and Dealers. ances and Beatrice Johns sang a et an.d Louise Johns gave a read-' W. D. MIDMER Lg after which the meeting closed i th the League Benediction. NAPANEE, ONT. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs D. Ineson, Toronto, is visiting Mrs.";T.Basinger. idone itnitting needie found. Enquire at Stetesman Office. Misses Laura and Mary Brimacombe are enjoying a few days in Toronto. Mrs. W. E. Booth, Toronto, is visiting Beowmanville friends for a few -\-el s. Mr. and, Mrs. John Plunkett, Peter- bore, have been visiting rois îv. îi- re. Mrs. Jas. Gale, Toronto, spn- Wed- nesday with her mother. NIrs. SF. lli. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tru. IT ernto, re-ý cently visited ber sister, Miss Emilino; Wiliiams. Mrs. (iRev.) S. C. Mloore, Marjory and John are visiting lier mother, Mrs. Gay-1 ley, Belleville. Messrs. Len and Ernest Fenwick, Mon- treai, i isited former sohoolm-ates here over the week-end.. Miss Margaret Showler, Toronto, isl visiting Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Zavitz. iting Bey. and Mrs. L. E. Zavitz. i MI\rs. Frank Demorest, Mrs. Gowsell and Miss Ethel Gowsell, Foxhoro, were rocont guests of Mr. John A. Hoigate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brimacombe, Ro- chester, N Y., are visiting bier -sister, Mrs. R. H-. Hamley and other relatives horo. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Rice, son Gilbert and d'aughîer Mary, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Dustan on Sunday. Miss Vesta Spargo recently visited hier sister, Miss Bila Spargo, Toronto, whol left yesterday with a patient for Van- couver, B, BC. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. H-ardy, and Miss Razel and Master. Eenneth, Toronto, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. Bowmanville Womon's Institute will meo' on Friday, Augtîst 25, undor the Commuaity Tree at Mesdames Richards and Jollo-w. Ail members ho ready for j the Roll caîl.1 Mrs. R. Crage, Toronto, who has heen i enjeying a very pleasant i isit -with ber many oid friends here, bas gone to Whit- by to visit Mrs. W. Oke. M 1rs. J. C: Vanstone, Miss May and Mr. B3. S. Vanstone, Toronto, are spend- ing a week at Port Bowmanville, with Mr and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Haýrdy and Mr. and Mrs. J. E Elliott motored to Wellington and spent Sunday and Civic Holiday with the former's cousins, Rev. and Mrs. J. [J. Robins. Dr. Elizabeth Bullis, and Mr. James Stencer, Ottawa, in company witb Dr. John Spencer attendefi the funeral of their oncle, the late David Graham Buras of Brooklin on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Char-les E. Stewart, En- niskillen, announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Margaret J., and Mr. Neil A. Campbell, hy Bev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D., on WV7ednesday, Angust 16, at the King-st, Parsonage, Oshawa. Miss Catherine Burgar, Brantford, has been guest of Miss Leone Wal-' lace. Miss C. E. Warnica and her friend Miss Brodie are visiting friends. in Smithfield. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner, Pickering, calledon old' friends here on Thursday. Mr. Yeonie McLean of Toronto, was a visitor here on Thursday with .Mr. T. H. Lockhart. Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Foley and family, Coîborne, are holidaying with his father, Mr. Wm. Foley. Mrs. George Varcoe of this town. has an apricot tree bearîng this year grown from a stone she planted hier-) self some years ago. The fruit is perfect and a dozen presented to the' editor are Well matured~ and- nirely Phone 49 Bowmanville *Use your telephone, we deliver. P. S. Now is "Diii Pickle Time",. We can supply the necessary. Lower Prices -And Greater Sav ings ON ALL LINES'0F SUMMER MERCHANDISE Tesudden hot speli this week reminds us that we are likelyto have a lot more slimmer weather before the leaves f ail. The special values we offer this week iake it partieularly advantageous buying at the West End House. Friday and Saturday Auguat 18 and* 19 Days of Real* Economny 12 lb. granulated Sugar, St. Lawrence for $1.0 Laundry Soap, Surprise, Gold and Comfort 7 bars for 49c Toilet Soaps, Liiae, -Rose, Infants' De- light, Fairy and Goblin 3 cakes for 23e Gold Medai Tea with eup and saucer While they last .11 65e per lb. X Ray Stove Polish 5 r tin Peanut Butter and Maple Butter in jars at 23e each Pork, and Beans, large tins 2 for 25c Tip Top Salmon, taîl tins 2 for, 35c Duchess Cooking Apples 25c a basket Potatoes. fine cookers 30c a peck We also have a good supply of fresh vegetables, fruits of ail kinds and aill the var- ieties for the Pickling Season at special priees. Clearance of Men's Furnishings We are putting forth a special effort to ci car our summer, weight underwear at prices that are a real saving. Don't overlook this clearance. Mc-n's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Regular 75e value, To Clear at 53e or 2 for $1 .00 Men's High Grade Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.00, Clear 69c Men's Balbriggan Combinations, ankie Iength and short sleeves, Regular $ 1.50 To Clear at 98c Men's High Grade Balbriggan Com- binations, short sleeves and ankie length, Regular $1,65, To Clear1 $1.39 Men's Fine White LisIe Combinations, Regular $2.25, To Clear at $1.48 Men's Athietie Combin ations in Fine Nainsook Check , in leading makes such'as W. G. & R., Arrow and the new No-Button Hatchway, don't miss -this, To Clear $1.18 Men's Pyjaiîas in suinmer weight, a nice range of patterns, sizes 36-42, al W. G. & R. make, Regular $3.00 value, To' Clear at $2.19 Men's White Sport Shirts, also,.a f ew creams', Tc Clear at $1.23 Men's Fine Cashmere Rose, Brownm and Green Heathers, also Black,, To Clear at 48t' Boys' Cotton,4 ' in Navy and Red, White and Sky, and Khaki, To Clear at 39c or 2 for 70c Special Values Mean Special Savings Ladies' White Underskirts, with lace trimmed frili, Reg. $1.35 for 75c 70 inch Bleached Sheeting, Reg. 75e for 59c 40 inch Circular Pillow Cotton, Reg. 50e for 45c 42 andm 44 inch Circular Pillow Cotton, Reg. 65e for 59c, 5 inc~h Taffetta Ribbon in ail shades Very Special at 29c a yd. Ladies' White Cotton Rose, Reg. 35e, for 25c 58 inch Bleached Table Damask, Reg. $1.751 Sale. Price $1.59 37 inch Chintz in ail shades and pat- terns Very Special at 35c Ladies' faney. hemstitched Handker- ehiefs, Reg. 25e Sale Price 15e 36 inch Factory Cotton, Reg. 25c' SaIe Price 19e See our window display of Georgette, and Crepe de Chine and Silk Blouses at very special prices. McMurtry & Co., Ltd. We ind A goodly number of people are well aware of the economy effect- ed by buying spices and flavoring extracts at our store. The edu- cation required to become a Druggist, compels us to know spices and extracts "from the Ground up". We know their source of pro- duction and time of collection, and proper care., Then we are aware of different substances be- ing, used to adulterate. Ail this knowledge puts us in a position to supply you with the purest and b est. Then our prices are no higher than are asked for much inferjor goods. Try.ours when next you require spices or extracts. Kerslake's Drug â I j The Shop That LeadsI that the value of Fur does not depend, entirely upor the peit, but upon the taxidermists skillinh dres-4ng and rnanufacturing it. WE UNDERSTAND FURS and you can rely on any work we do for you as_ Furriers. Fur sets, serafs. muifs nnd coats kiven careful -attention. JLet us know your needs. G.e N. T H URSTN Bowrnanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery I I and Fur Shop.I BOWM-ANVILLE PHONE83