ANNUAL MEETING '1iAnnuel meeting of Bowmen Limîted will be held in the Council Chamber, Bowmanville, Wednesday, August 23, et 3 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose ci rece i2ving- reports, the eýection of Officers and the transact- ionm of general business. Jna. McMurtry, President. H. R. JaIlow Secretemy. 32-2 School1 Supplies Be prepared for Sehool opening by buying your Suppliîes early. We have afuli uine of T.ext books, Exercise Scribblers., and1 BUY NOW W. T. Allen lBig 20" Bookstore Bowmanville Guarding The Eyesight 0f This Community Poor eyesight destroys p'esure, causes misun- derstandings, retards learning rples- effici- pcy,%handicapps your bus- iness and is often respon- sible for tragie accidents. llundreds have g9ained grater poise, comfort, h ealth and new self con- fidence -b y letting us in- crease their seeing power. By s0 doing we become the Guardians of Sight for you, for. your f amily and your friends. DRUG DEPARTMENT Absolutely pure drugs and medicines always at the lowest prices. COURTESY, SERVICE and CARE is our motto. See, this week, our win- dow display of Mitchell's Witch Hazel Cream, the old reliable lotion the people are talking about. Two sizes, 25c and 50c per bottie. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggisýts Optoetrists Phone,92 BowmanvilleI BOWMANVILLE AUG. l7th, 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Cobourg is going to have a Com- munity nurse. Miss M. Connor, Oshawa, recently visited friends here. Miss Medora Nookes, Toronto, is holidaying with relatives here. Miss Pansy Allia, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. S. Davey. Miss Adali Wright, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. J. Mason. Miss Annetta Coles is visiting relatives at Uno Park, New Ontario. Miss Aleta Brodie, Newmarket, is visitng Miss Catherine E. Warnica. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg spent the week-end )ïith relatives at Stouf- ville. Miss Nora Johns, Thorahuli, is holidaying at Mr. J. R. Cole's, Beth- esda. Miss Mabel Wells, ýGaît, is visiting hem aunt, Mrs. L. Caverly, Welling- ton-st. Miss Miaule Mitchell, Boston, Mass., has been- visiting old friends in town. Mrs. S. J. Henry is visiting hem daughter, Mms. Stanley Elliott, St-. Catheines. Mms. B. M. Warnica speat the week-end with- Mrs: Blackwell at Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cherry, Schen- ectady, N. Y., are visiting his mother, Mrs. S. Cherry. Mrs. Margaret Fuller, Toronto, has been holidaying with relatives and friends here. Miss Mary McDougal. Oshawa, was recent-guest of hem sister-in-law, Mrs. J. N. MeDougail. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, Brandon, Man., is visiting her cousins, the Misses Cole, Bethesda. Mrs. F. H. Bounsali and Misses Evelyn and Mari orie Bounsaîl are holidaying in Muskoka. 11 Mm. Ives has the right idea-no old'style shoes in his store-out they go at $1.00 a pair. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Martyn, Strat- f ord, have been visiting hem parents, Mr. and Mms. Jas. G. Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Piach, Misses Mildred and Catherine and Mrs. E. Cole recently visited friends in Lind- say. Mrs. E. M. Carter and little daughter Grace, Toronto, are vîsit- ing her sister, Mrs. C. Wesley Mat- thews. Mms. W. S. Bragg and Miss Lete L. Bragg are holidayîng with rela- tives and friends in Port Perry and Lndsay. .Mrs. Chas. H. Mason, dauglter Helen and son Donald have returned £rom two months' visit with relatives near Winnipeg. Messrs. L. S. Caverly, C. H. Cav- erly, W. C. Caverly and son Rex left on Friday for a visit to their eld home at Bowsman, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall MecDonald and their four daughters, Detroit, who were visiting at Dr. Souch's, left Friday morning for home. Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Gibson of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davey, Toronto, recently visited at Mrs. K. Penfound's, Kingston Road, East. Farmers, if you want a good laugh this hot weather read Sam Brown's article in this issue on Busi- ness Men going to the farm for holi- days. Mms. (Dr.) E. S. Sarvis (nee Miss Dorothy. Souch) and daughter Jean, Toronto, arrived Saturday evening, and are visiting hem brother, Dr. Gordon P. Souch. Mr. Geo. Bletter, Mr. and Mrs., Emnest Blatter, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blatter, Montreal, were re- cent vsîtors of Mrs. Katharine Pen-1 found, Kingston Road, Eastî Mm. and Mrs. Wm. McReynolds, Miss A'Edra McReynolds and Miss- es Nelde and Myrtle Lyle and Mrs. John Bennett motored to Toronto Sunday and spent- the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis. Miss Elsie M. Bragg and nephew, Master Jack Willson who have been enjoying a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, left Set- urday for their home in Edmonton, Alte. Her many friends in -Darlington will be interested in learning that Mrs. J. W. Proctor of Roland, Man., who has been ili for some time with blood poisoning in hem hand, had her arm amputated below the shoulder on August 5th and is now doing nice- ly and showing signs of recovery. Re- v Ths.-MReynols,1 miiste started on their return trip home--on Sunday. They were two deys on the road between Detroit and Tom- onto and have enjoyed their visit to Canadien relatives very much. 350 pairs of boots and shoes for women, misses, girls and boys, clear- ing et $1.00 pair et Ives' Shoe Store -Aug. 24 to 26. k h "i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The $1 shoe is heme, but not for long. Read Ives' Shoe Store advt. 1Mr. and Mrs. Fred Short, Toronto, ecently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Short. Mrs. Ray Ives, Toronto, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Miss Mary Windatt, Gamebridge, is holidaying with hier uncle and aunt, Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Tod. 1Mrs. C. M. Mundy and family are at Gull Lake where they, will spend three weeks' vacation.-Oshawa Re- former. Dr. J. C. Devitt's Dental Parlors will be open during the month of August. Dr. C . W. Lyons will be in charge of the office. 31-4 Jas. S. Currie, D. C., Ph. C., New Westminister, who has been visiting Dr. Souch, left Suaday moraîng for Toronto and the West. Rev, Coleman Bristol and deught- er Ruth, Detroit, Mich., Misses Cath- erine and Julia Bristol, Lake Bluffsa, Ili., recently visited the former's old classmate of Victoria College, Rev. W. C. Washiagtoil. M. A. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Baird, Portj Hope, ennounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Eloise Victoria, to Mr. J. Murray Luck, B. A., son of Mr. H. W. Luck, Brantford, the marriage to teke place early ini September. Bowling report error discovered too late for correction in last issue: In the fimst round in Consolation games lest week H. A. Porter's Rink from Oshawa should have been re- ported 24 points up, but by some in- advertance, Mr, Milmine's rink was credited with this score. It is estimated that the apple crop in Ontario this year will amount to 1,150,850 barmels, whichi is an in- ceasq of 30 per cent over last year' Faîl apples and Ben Davis will be a heavy crop, while Spy, Greening and Baldwins are light. In unsprayed orchards the scab hes struck bard.' MOVED TO KING STREET ý Citizens will plealse note thet I have removed my boot and shoe re- pair business to King St. West, 2i doors east of The Statesman Office. Bring your boots or shoes to, my shop and have them repaired prompt- ly and satisfectomîly. H. C. Dirgin. BIRTHS AGN EW-In Orono, August 4th, to Mr. ýand Mrs. Leonard Agnew, a son. F SDAVI ES-In Bowmanville, August 10, Sto Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davies, a son. GLANFIELD-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Glanfi,,ld, 4 St. Annes Road,' Toronto, ýAugust 5th, a daughter (Margaret Doro- Sthy). Both doing well. ELLIOTT-At the General and Marine Hospital, St. Catherines, Ang. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Elliott, 119 Lowell Ave, a daughter, (Ferol Elaine). MARRIAGES MOORE-TEBBLE-At the Parsonage, Oakwood, August 2nd, by Rev. J, A. Conneil, Miss Lillian P. Tebble, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tebble, Orono, and Mr. John Moore, of Udrey. DOWNING-BENNETT-,On Wednes- day, August 9th, by Rev. Henry Wads- worth Gair, pastor of Central Church of Christ, (Disciples), Ruth Jean Benniett of Port Credit to William Albert, Downing of Toronto. GOLVI LLE-COLVI LLE-Mary Smith Colville, Bowmanville, to Dr. Rtobert Al- fred Sydney Colville, of the Indian Medi- cal Service, British East India, of Tor- onto, on Saturday, August 5th, at St. PaulsChurch, by Rev. G. S.,Despard. McMILLAN-EMMERSON-On Wed- nesday, August 9th, at the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, EJmma Idella, daughter of' Mr. and the late Mrs. Matthew Emmerson, Port Per- ry, and David McMillan, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John W. McMillan, Port Perry. DEATHS BALFOUR-At Lindsay, August 9, Rev. David Balfour, aged 67 years. WERRY-At Tyrone on Monday, Aug-1 nst l4th, Peter Werry, aged 84 years. CHALK-At Port Hope, August 12th, Florence Louise Rosevear, wif e of Mr. Thomas 13. Chalk. RYA N-mn Newcastle, August 7th, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan (nee Elda Thomas) of Toronto. ROSS-At Myrtie, August 14, Chris- tina, widow of the late George Ross, In her 83rd year. Interred at Ashhurn. B RAN CH-mn Bowmanville on Sunday, August 13th, Gilhert Branch, Son of the late Robert and Mrs. Blranch, aged 20 y'ears. ASHTON-In Enniskillen, Aug. 14, Rae Thomas Ashton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias C. Ashton, aged il years and il months. BU RNS-At Brooklin, Ang. 12, David Graham Burns, heloved hushand of Hel- en Miller, aged 72 years. UJncle of Dr. John Spencer, Bowmanville. AUCTION SALE YOUNG BOWLERS READ Saturday, August 26-J. M. McFar- Scotch Doubles... Toumnament will lane, Elgin-st., Bowmenville, will be plnyed Tuesday evening, August sel e quantity of household fur- 15th. Four prizes. No entry fee niture, etc., consisting of parlorj for this first night. New members suite, dining room chairs, stoves, wiil have equel chance to win. Bel bedsteads, tables, iawn mower, et Bowling Green et 7.15 for draw. I etc. Sale et 2 p. m. Termis cash. Don't be late. Jos. Coulson, Auctioneer., Cames will be played for prizes evemy Tuesday and Thursday even- FURNITURE SALE ing for balance of season. Be on hand. to enjoy the fun. Private Sale of household furni- Green is in prime condition. ture, inc luding bedroom- suites, By Order of Match Committee.1 three 6-octave organs -in &ood J. J. Mason, Serretamy,j condition, chamber sets,' car- pets, linoleum, gardèn tools, hose, mswer, veranda chairs, kitchea range and heaters. Apply after- PROPERTY FOR SALE noons and evenings before Septem- FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalning6 ber st. Appy Mr. Js. eyman, roims, furnace and electrie liglits. Hard Queen-st., Bowmanville, phone 54. rand oft water In house, good garden and, 33-2w ifrit ree. Appiy to J . Westaway, Queen j __________________________ Sreet, Bowmanvilie. 12-tf 1 F SALE OR RENT-Seven-roomed; b;ouse on Ontario-st., electric liglit, sum-1 LOST mer kitchen, bard aud sof t water, near' South Ward Sebool. Apply to T. A. LOST-Crank off car between Odeil-st Dustaii, Bowmanville. 32-tf~ andi Ontario-si, Bowmianville. Finder FOR SALE-Lot about flÀ#y feet front- please return to Statesman Office. 33-1w age at corner of Centre and Concessioni LOST-Glasses in case, colored cloth Streets. containing good barn, easily con- cleaner in case, lost on Centre-st, or vertible into house. Apply Bruce Hon- wcst of Ebenezer Cburch. Finder kind- eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- ly leave at J. J. Mason and Son Offices, phone 194-2. 22-tf Rowmanville 33-t FOR SALE OR RENT-900 acres in Fast Wbitby township; 25 acres fine mnaple aud beech bush; fair buildings; TO LET Plowr possession at once; fu possession Mar"b 1, 1923. Fred Mountjoy, Ennis- FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good klFnOntaLE-heo . R Cmes frm land and baildings, immediate possession. O AETeW .Ceesfr Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 1m-tf located at Tyrone, Ont., containing onet hundred and fifty-four acres, about 20 FOR RENT-102 acres two miles from acres orchard, nine bearîng. Plougbing 1 Bowmanville, ten acres orchard, fair possession this Feul. Apply Bruce Honey. buildings. Plow possession this fali, ful WelI, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tle-: possession April 1, 1921. Apply to Mrs. phone 194-2, Bowmanviile. 52-t f Edith V. Scobeil, mnsurauce andi Real Es-1 tate agent, Bowmanville. 311-3w FOR SALE-Pair brick boeuses, on e storey, 6 roomseaecli, town water, elect- -ric iigbts, good cellar, garden, goofi locat- t on, easy termis of payment. Both reut-, ed at,$15 montbly, but possession of one ARTICLES FOR SALE can be ýýiven October 1, 1922. Appiyo t. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Insurauce a.ndl FOR SALE-Square Piano, Dominion. Real Estate agent, l3owmanville. 83-31 Apply to Box 351, Bowmanville. 12-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three FOR SALE-Grade H-oîstein, Cow, just o f the flnest building lots la Bowmanvlhie, fresbcncd. W. J. Young, opposite Jack- are being offered for sale at real bar- man Fionists, Bowmanville. 33-1w* gains, situated at the cast end of Loyers FOR ALEWhie BsontteInfant' s Lane on Liberty-st., 40 ft. front by 125 FOdRSAer-rdWhc B anttesec feet deep, handy connection to town sewer Bcdyt rubr-tirand wellas, Sattreset. and water. Apply to Norman* S. B. Appiy to Mr. FakWIIasSie-t. James at Statesman Office, Bowmanville. CARFORSAE-FrdCar 4nealy TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE- CA tresFOR SniAL-FodiCaionniy o Medium sized brick residlence, bhot air nae tires, mecan cfondqitionaln.good heating bath and eiectricity, small gar-, spe Bo A g bearaîn or iicm ae.A-den, garage and poultry lbouse, most de- j piy o A W.Pîckrd.BowanvIlle. 13-t slra'hly iocated, witbin three minutes walk FOR SALE-A second-hand Creamn of Post Office, Also, a beautifuliy-locat- Seperator, first-class running order, large ed building lot. These properties are capacity. Apply Theron S. Mourtjoy, the most reasonably priced of any on the 'R. R. 6, Bowmanviiie, phone 320-r23. mnarket. Apply Box 519, Bowmanvîîîe. 32-tf 29-tf FOR SALE-Thresbing outfit for sale FARMS FOR SALE-% 'mile fromn in excellent running order. Case, rear Taunton Store, blacksmitb andi wagon mount engine, tank and Peerlese Separ- repair shops, 4 miles from Oshawa. 122 ator. For particulars apply, S. A. North- acres dlay loam s'iail tiled cxcept 10 cott, Taunton. acres hardwood, wei fencefi, large metal HON EV FOR SALE-Good quality roofed barn, stone fondoation, cernent clover extra boney, can ho secured at floors, steel stalîs, DeLaval mnilker, watcr 1on tap andi bowis, 2 cernent silos, 2 village stores in Darlington or at Apairy. large drive bouses, miik and !ce bouse, R. J. Smith, Enniskillen, phone 21r24. 1 large bouse witb furnace, 3 piece bath, 32twater on tap, tenant bouse nearly new, 32telectrie iighted throughout, smnail or- HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-O hales, chard and other fruits. This farso was ýcomplete wlth reservoîr and water front, neyer rented, been well stocked andi is oniy ,.sed one winter, repiaced witb eiect- in excellent condition. Furtber partie- rie stove. Inspection may be made ati ulars frQm owner,S. A. Northcott, Taun- F .C0. Pethîck's Barber Sliap. 25-t, ton, Ont, 33 tf.i Bowmanville the service facilities of these new dealers. Prospect- ive owners can see the new 1923 models on display.- McLaughlnotor Car CMoo Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada Limited i "SA Y IT WI TH FLO WERS" We have flowers and plants for ail occasions. S. J. Jackmian & Sonls Florists ani 6rowérs Phono 80 Bowmanville ANUNCEMET The franchise for the sale and service.of McLanghlin- Buick motor cars for this territory lias been granted. to Moffatt Motor SÀales Limited Bowmanvilfle and Oshawa McLaughlin owners are invited to avait themselves of PRESERVING PLUMS READY Good varieties of preserving plums, Bradshaws and Gages, are now on the market at reasonable prices. Th? mr fthe Niagara Pensua row- ers Limited, Grimsby, Ontario, on thse containers stands for carefuily pack- ed, evenly graded fruýt. MOTHERS, WIVES, HUSBANDS LISTEN TO THIS 350 Pairs of Boots and Shoes, OFFERED AT $1,00a P a ir FOR THREE DAYS QUICK SELLING THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY None of the shoes included in this sale will'be sold for a $1.00 pair before above dates. THE LOT INCLUDES: 200 Pairs Women's button and lace boots, and oxfo rds, kid, patent'and caîf, small sizes, nothing over size 4. 20 Pairs Misses' Shoes. 30,Pairs Girls' Shoes. 50 Pairs Children's Shoes. 20 Pairsý Boys' and Youths' Boots. 30 Pairs Women's Canvas White Shoes. No Exchange or Refunds-Strictly Cash Sale W,,tch for more particulars next week W. Cd",L A UDE I VES Cash Shoe Store