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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1922, p. 7

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MOTHER MADE MOTHERS'S bread was good-there's no doubt about it. You enjoyed eating the breadshe pro- duced, It was the best you could get then, It is diff erent to-day. The bakers who make our breaci are experts, carefully trained in that art. Our modern, sanitary shop contains equip- ment which has made baking a science, With such a combination our bread is par excellence, and we believe, even better than mother used to make. Try a loaf to-day. THlOMAS-TO Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we f ail to call on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Orono Creamery«, Co., ORONO A Wise Bu*lder USES'THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the, best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best ecvering. Beaver Blrand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The Peopl's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- Ilbody. Caîl and see us. McCleIIan & Co., Limited King St. Eat Office Phone 16 Houa. Phono. 228, 274, 218 1 Co« CANADAPS FUTURE er Depends on Training Given Boys and Girls Today Abert College, Belleville, ont., a residential School for young men and women, maintains a high standard of ideals and education. Feunded cm 64 years ago, it is "Aima Mater" to many of Canada's most distinguished sons and daughters. Prejaration for 'University. Ministry, Teaehing or business career. Courses in mmsie, expression. physical culture and art Athletie ifield sports encouraged. Tennis courts, skating rink, etc. SCHOOL RE-OPENS SEPT. l2th For caendar and other particulars, write to Rev. Z. N, Baker, M.A., D.D., Principal, Belleville, Ontarlo. you didn't even sweat-tbe perspira- tion would dry as soon as 'it came to the surface of your skia. The air was not, still eitbeî there being a constant breeze-but worse than al it was a bot wind and we sometimes got a blast of it that would nearly kaock us over. In Bakersfield we had tire trouble -the tube just meled ln the tire. It wasn't punctured but it just melted. Mai mm"Mâl 1 BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 24th, 1922 TRIP THRU CALIFORNIA Mr. Lamne Creeper Writes Interest- ingly of His Vacation Outing by Motor. Mr. Lorne Creeper, son of Mr. and Mis. Herbert Creeper of this town wiites a very informative let,- ter to bis parents fromn whieh we make these excerpts: We surely saw Southern Calif or- ia proper and 1 rather f eh in love with, orange-groves--anyone would. We drove to the bottom of the State and only camped in two diff- erent cities on our way down. We gave the whole country a hurried "once-O>ver" and then picked out the places we thought most interesting and put oui time in with them on our way homeward. Wve spenit pîactically three days in San Diego and vicinity. We were over to North Island where the Pac- ifie Areoplane base is established. It covers immense grounds with train- ing schools, areoplane hangars and dirigible hangars. Big battie cruis- ers were docked ail around the is- land. Officers took my camera from -me whea we arrived so 1 could not get any pictures of the boats, etc. They do this and then give it back whea you leave the island again. We were to Coronada Island which is a popular resoit. They have tent cities and there campers live aIl the yenr around. The tents are made of canvas sides and palm leaf roofs, aIl layed out la streets just as if they were bouses. Ia San Diego Bay the U. S. Pacifie Destroyer base is stationed and I got pictures of themn on oui way ont to Coronada Island. They group these war-ships ia sevens. We spent one afteraoon la Mex- ico wbich is a rougb spot ail right. The city we were in from where I sent you the post-cards are gambi- ing and saloons and practically noth- ing else. We got some good pictur-1 es at the border also la SanDiego i n the parks. We next drove north to a city eall- ed Santa Anna about 16,000 peoplei just a little south of Los tnge1es. This is in Orange couaty an it well deserves its nane. This city is la the centre of the orange belt and it sure is pretty. Orange groves were to be seen îight la the heart of the to-çn' and in the suburbs you could drive for miles and see notbing but orange groves loaded with ripe fruit and outsîde 'the feace bang huge palm trees aIl along the paved high- way. We bought a patent pail of, the very best oranges for 30 cents. Our next rua was to Los Angel- es where we spent four days doing the city and surrounding cities. We speat one day down town la Los Angeles la the big stores, parks, etc.' Then a haîf day in the famous Hol- lywood which we found was not suf- ficient s0 we speat another day- (practically). The first day we look ed the towa over geaeîally regardlessI of "movie stars", until we drove out to "Mary Pickford and Doug ' Fair- banks home aad Norman and 1 bad oui pictures taken la their driveway -separately. Incidentally, the one of me shows some washing la the back yard la the distance. We get quite a joke out of this whea we say "Mary, Pickford's wasbiag". On. our way ont of Hollywood that eveaing we stumbled across Chale Chaplin just comning homne la bis car with bis "Royal garb" on just returaing from takiag a picture which I will tell you more about later. We followed him to bis studio and waîted for hlm to come out. It wns daîk when hie ar- rived but he had chaaged bis suit and looked quite like aay other gentle- man. H1e waved to us ail. ,lHe bas a Çadillac Sedan and a Japanese chauff eur. The aext day we went over and visited other studios--Fox's, Para- amount, etc., It's a crime whea you see the interior of some of the movie studios with false houses-just a wall witb doors and no sides, We saw them taking a comnedy, it was lots of fun. We got three pictures of them at different parts. We took lunch lanlHollywood and ate it with "awe" wbea we thought of where we were. We spent the 4th of July on the coast in three of Los Angeles sub- urbs-Long Beach, Ocean Beach aand Venice. They have amusements and bathing beaches here miles long. You cannot realize that there could be anytbing so wonderful. This is no exaggeration. The great masses of cars was beyoad human concept- ion. At night we stayed la Venice and saw the flue works wh'icb were directed out over the water. Venice is plaaaed after the style FIELD CROP COMPETITION Winaers in West Durham field crop competition are aaaouaced as ýfollows, the maximum points being 100 aad the variety judg-ed, Banner oats: 1, James Leask & Son, Taunt- on, 99 points; 2, R. E. Osborne, Bow- manville, 98; Robert J. Gll, Bow- manvilie, 97; 4, Arthur W. Annis, Tyrone, 96; 5, H. S. Barrie, Bow- manville, 95; 6, J. Baker, Hampton, 94; 7, Isaae M. Hardy, Hampton, 93i. The f ollowiag scored 85 points and over: S. Edgar Werry, Hampton, 92; A. L. Pascoe & Son, Hampton, 91; J. F. Osborne, Newcastle, 90; T. Baker, Hampton, 88; A. Ayre, Hampton, 87, Balance of oui August Clearance Sale offers better values than ever. Couch, Jobaston & Cryderman. Ch iropracti*c (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Kaife. Clir- opractors bave remarkable suc. ceou îà removing the cause of Appeadicitis, Deaf ness, Atra Rheumattsm, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipâtio 'n, Piles, Female Diseanes, Stomach anid Kldney Troubles. Nervousnesa la many forams respoad readily to Chuo-. practic. Examination Fiee at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simco. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. We oaly stayed here long eaough to when it got on towards supper time. I get something to eat and then got We arrived la San Jose that night ont. It is a eity of about 20,000 (Fridny) and drove to Sant a Cruz people, and produces one quarter of and spent the week-end there to rest the oil output of the world, tbeyiup b efore returning to work again.1 dlaim. Oul wells are as thick ast trees la a forest almost. We saw one on flue and I got a picture of it. Mothers, doyour boys need new 1 omitted to say that just above Los sehool suits? If tbey do you'll be Angeles before we got up on the interested ln reading Coucb, John- Ridge Route we saw Charle Chapina ston& Cryde1-maa's advt. and bis buncbont taking pictures on a bridge on the international bound- ary, for on one side of it is suppos- ed to be Mexico and on the other the U. S. A. Hie bad bis boots, trousers, etc,, on and Norman and 1 had oui pictures taken beside hlm, standing close np, too, and tbey are good ones. 1 tried one fiîst and Charlie's belper snw what I was doag anad stood la front of Charlie to try to spoil it. t Charlljiý-promptly told hlm that that was mena of hlm. lie got away and Mae 0~% More I got a good one. Then Beth took one of ame beside Charle. Wasn't jam or jelly fromn that good of hlm? We ieft Bakersfield agaia sbortly sanie fruit after dianer and but thiu the 20 > 1HE old wny you boiied miles of 'desert and on into Fresno,T the fruit for at least 20 tbru the Raisin Country where pract- or 30 minutes. icaliy all the raisins we cnt are The Certo wny requires grown. We camped la Fresno that * boiliag for one minute. nigbt and after speadiag the fore- Resilt-50% more jam or noon sigbt seeing la city and viciaity jelly, we went on to Merced and looked --coior retained, over Fig ranches. A man kindly -flnvor saved. drove us ail thin them la bis car and Adyuejyjm n we ate ripe figs off the trees before And you eh njoy jam and r From adbeenweucae".neveu attainable the aid Fro hee e cmeup tbru to wastefuî wny. Medesto and Turioek wbere the mel- Certo is peetin, aad pectin on section is with water-melons and is the natural elemeat in musk melons acre afteî acre. Just fruits whicb makes the jelly before we came to these places wc "jell." Certo is absoluteiy snw wbat wns advertised as beiag free from. preserva- the largést peach orchard in the tive ou gelatine. world, I took n pieture of the siga o acedwt board and fruit trees-it is a Del Yuscedwt Monte grove. You see this braad on it the first and every îlots of cans up in Canada on ail time. Certo neyer kinds of fruits and vegetabies. fails. Fiee Recipe As soon as we crossed the mount- Book witb every ans again and ieft this vaîîey we bottie.. found ourselves into exceptionaaly Perfect jams and cool weather. Ia fact, wî h ' 1 jeliies from ail fruits put oui overcoats on whiio drivisg k wortb wbile try- _____________________groceu's. How to make delicious Peach Jam' 4 level caps (2 lbs.) Crushed or Cboppcd Fruit. 8 leveled caps (3% Ibs.) Sugar. 1 bottie (scant cap) Certo. Use fuily ripened fruit for finest finvor. Peel, remove pits and thoroughly crush about 21À quarts, or 3 lbs. Mensure crushed fruit into o large kettle. Add sagar, mix - wcll, stir bard and constant- iy, aad'bring to a vigoroas .A .naemia houl over bottest fic. Boil Thin, wat ybk><d -bard 1 minute with continuai noinisiin thn t ia, noa oryemlk stirring. Take fromfire, add nûrsý ta hn aeyml Certo, nnd stir it la well. But you can soon enrich thkm a ou uiky D)ouglasg Pae-kng Co., Ltd., Cobourg hlood, overcome the anaemic con- Seiting Agents: W. G. Patrick & Co., cition and bnld up the whoe sys- Lîmited, Toronto and Montrent 25 O0SPI'OSýHOhDLtN£' TeGreat £ngtish Peparation. .~Tones and invigorates the whole nerv s ystem. makes ne-w Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Dbit.Mental and Brain Worry, DespondenV, Loss of En7 , Palpitation of teH art wing Memtor>t. rice 52 per box. 3O for .8 Soldbyal drugg sts, or maiienl pain plcg on .eeiptaf pricec.Ne pamphwt maid fr'.U~WOP ~E8iNCm M'OTOONT. !Halma, 6 year old 'Clydesdale , mare, owned by T. Stephens, Rich- mond I-1i11, died at Cbooarg following an.attack of acute indigestion. The mare was vaiued at $3,000 and was eatered at the Cobourg show. Any Ileadadie Rellvedby Zutoo ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only Lie best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLF 1 employ no cemetery caretaker n as agents preferring to seil my 0w- goods thus saving thse purchas( thse agents c ommission. AÂMI: sollelted. F. Hî. BOUNSALL Proprietor. Bowmanvili, Phone 329W Box THE WORKMANSHIP is what couats as well as the quai- ity and ateriais used and you get the very best of both when you send your old shoes te ns for Oui sntisfactory work in SHOE REPAIRING We make a particular point of getting- ail oui work, ont promptly, jso there are no nanecessaiy delays when yen entrnst your work te us. 6.W. ilumpage The Repair Man King-st. E. Éowmanville The Double Track R:ou-ct between Toronto Detroit Chicao lJnexcelled dinlng car service. Sleeping cars on night trains &r. Parler Cars on the pri.ncipal day tra i ri Full information froni any Greîli t'runk Ticket Agent or C. _11gn 1lstrict Passenger Agent, Torontc, J. 'IL H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bwa~~l Kili thein ail, and the germs too. 10e a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. FIVE LOýCKHÂRT 13ROTHERS From the left they are: William, Thomas, David, John and Alex. See article on inner page last issue. teai by usiag Dr. Chase's N euve Food, Mms F. G. Sfanons, 42 Cur- tis St., Brantford, Ont., writes: "For abosut eight years 1 augered from aaaemia. My circulation was poor. my guses and lips were pale, and my hands and feet were always cold. 1 was nervous and unable to ae-tp well. 1 had f requent }iedaches, seemed restless and easly worried or irritated. There was a lsrzzing soumd in tny cars. Indigestion was aho one of my complaints, and I often was aîîtacked by weak spells. 1 went ta a doctor, who told me I was asemie, but as 1 did net get aay be-t- ter 1 deckled ta iry Dr. Chase's Nerve Foodi, and af ter the fsxst box 1 feit brighier and my headaches completely disappeared. 1 continued usmng the Nerve Food for quite a while. I amn quite weIl now, and cheerfully and gratefullY rcommead Dr. Chase's Neuve Food ta people suffering as 1 did before 1 used " 4 sledid .e&in..- ,Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers or Ednïanson, Bates & Co., Lkmited, Toroto, Here's One Good Low - Priced Battery Built just as tough, substantial and long- lasting as it is possible to mak&e a wood sep- arator battery. Made with qua 'lity plates, se- lected cedar wood sep- arators - substantial acid-proofed'case. Ask for the CW Battery (Wood Separat.or). Sizes to fit ail cars. Price: for 6-volt, 11l-plate, $2 Ontario Battery Service Moffat Motor Sales Building Representing WillSrd Batteriýes (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) CWOOD SEPIIAATORs i Iook'sCoftonRuot Compoun& A4 aafé, reZiable regulating Medicine. Sold ia three de- îF ; grees of strength-No. 1, 31; b7 , No. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. , ~Soid by aIl druzpists. or sent '~ pepai onreccipt of price. ~ ree pampht. Addres,: MEOX 5DCNE Co., 7 ~ ~ 720U.ONT .~l F~trsW.-

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