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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1922, p. 11

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Cream Wanted!1 Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want You rs If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Orono Creameryf Co., ORONO AWise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring i more dur- able and ,sanitarv than any other, thesrefore it is the best fiooring.1 Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cali and see us. McCleI1elaii & Co., Liniited King St. East Bowmaaville Office Phone 16 House Phonos 228, 274, 218 INDEPENDENCE THE DOMINION COVERNMENT ANNurIEs sysTEm affords an unequalled opportunity for the investment of amali Sor large amounts for the purchase of an annuity of froin $50 tO $5,00 a year for life, to begin immediately or at any future age desireci, and ta ha paid in manthly ar quarterly mastai- fimonts. M Annuities mny ho purchasedi on a single life, or om the cIvs ftwo persons jontly. N Af ter contract issues, no restriction as to, residonco, Il Eployers may purchase for thoir employes-School Bourds for thoir toachrs-Congregations for their Ministors. Cannot ha seized or levlod upon. fSE No medical examinatioft requirod. Free from Dominion Incoino Tax. SEURlrY-lHE DOMINION 0F CANADA S Descriptive bookiet may ha obtalnod hy applylgth the Postmnaster orbhy writlng, postage free, te S. T. Bastedo, SuprinendntDominion Government Annulties, Ottawa. SWhn rÎting, kindlyr state se, and age or âges last hrthday. VISCOUNT NORTHCLIFFE' By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL B., Denver, Colorado. We recaîl the famous world tour, sa shortly preceding his death, which this famous Briton, Viscount North- ouif e, indulged, and which was plan- aed and projected for the solving irof the great world problems which the war lad thrust upon an unwilling world. It was but a f ew months preceding the caavening of the Washington Coaference to consider the policy of reducing armaments of war and naval expeaditures. It will be remembered that North- cliff e came to the United States ini the flrst leg of his long jauraey, and without doubt his visit here and in Canada had a powerful influence up- on what took place at the confer- ence a few months later. It was witli singular reluctance that he has been givea proper com- mendation for'the success at Washi- ington, but heie j entitled really ta the lion's share of the praise, for his policy at the very outset lad been ta have the British delegates work in harmony with the American dele- gatian. Ris supporters dlaim to this day that lie forced the hand of Lloyd George through his influence upon the British commonwealth delegates. If Downing street would nat listen ta Northcliffe, it wou]d listen to men from Canada and Australia. Northcliff e was the flrst publicist la Brîtain ta iasist upon the abroga- tion of the Anglo-Japanese treaty out of deference ta the American people. Sa long as that treaty re- mained ln farce there was little hope of harmony between the English speakîsîg nations. There could nat be as long as that treaty existed, complete liarmany betweea Washinýr- ton and London; and of course, with- out titis there could be little hope of permament pence and the restoratian af Europe. It was imperative thati naval competitian between the twa most powerful nations~ should end, chiefly it is true la thi-British inter-' est, and Northcliffe was frank en- ough ta avaw this. During his voyaging tliraughout his entire tour Narthcliffe preached the doctrine of American under- standing. Even la Japan lie was as outspoken as lie was la countrie:s where the British flag waved. And be it said ta the cre dit of the Jap- ansee goverament and people, he was received with enthusiasmn and granted higli hanors by those la authorîty. The French Empire-and as lie told the French representatives and people, France lias little conception of the strength of her far-aif pos- sessions which Nortlicliffe included la his memorable tour ta bring France and England inta dloser ac- cord. France's colonial possessions were praised as the equal, and in some cases, the superior of the Brit- ish Administrations. Northcliff e saw much of Asia and of Europe la the period lie was gone, which gave hlm great strengtli and advantage la the evaluation of world conditons. Tliree continents _-are hanging la the balance, waiting for a leadership. The war opened the door and the evil genli escaped from the box. India is la unrest, Egypt tlireatens rebellion; Palestine is la ferment; the whole near East is la a precarlous state. The nations that were alied seem ta lie drifting away. Germany is living an artificial life. Russia le starving. Even Great Britain lias an army of unemployed on its liands at home ta add ta its foreigan dang- ers. 'Tt is only by traveling that one can see the repercussion la the far corners of the globe of tlie effects of the great war, which France and lier allies endured for nearly five years", Northcliffe and at Marseilles. This repercussiox has upset the relative forces of peop- les, of values of trade and of ideas, and can only be saved by a Europe grouped around the western powers. Northcliffe challeaged the Lloyd George policies of ýdealiag witl France, but it was fortunate that these two outstanding figures agreedr perfectly on ail questions concern- ing the conduct of the war, and unit- ed la a combined effort ta win. But as sooa as the crisis passed tliey went their respective ways, taking oppos- ite sides on the greater issues. Lloyd George lives and le carrying tlie burden of an Atlas. Viscount NorLhcliffc, Alfied Harmsworth. is dead. As ages goas la England, lie died young, under sixty; but wbat isi age but merely an abacus ta comi- pute achievements! Northclilffe ac- complished a great deal ia tne brie£ years of lis life, and lie could not~ expect the human engine ta last pressur .1-i oponets srt( ion, an avid student, a tireless worker whose experience ran as a river througli the birtli and growtli of a new civilization. "Death takes us by surprise, And stays aur hurrying feet; The geat àesign unflnished lies, Our lives are incomplete. pared, and copies thereof may be had* in my office, and that the list is be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Nintli, Sixteentli and Twenty-third days of September, 1922, and that in -default of payment of the taxes and costs, the lands will be soli for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. THE LIFTUP"D The 'LiftuPv'à, Pat~n ted ln- vention with non-slip elastid Insid e beit, gently SUpports the abdomen and is very benieficial for use after an operation involving an ab-, dominal Incision. Most ef- fective ia relieving those phlysical aliments ftroam Which many womnen suifer. 'Write for the narne of ae Rias Uorsetiere near you. BIAS CORSETS. LIMlTED 41 Britain Streety TorontQ FILLED CO0R S ET S ,BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 1922. DIGNITY IN OPTOMETRY A recent issue of--"The Optomet- YOU CAN FIND HAPPINESS IN ric News" lias the following item which is of coneiderable local inter- A liarmiess hobby, est: Noble friendships. Mental development. We are glad ta note that la the re- Duty cheerfully performed. port of the Luacheongiven ta Dr. Reguar haltîul rcreaion Todd, President of the A. 0. A., dur- Tlioughtful attention ta thte aged. iflg bis recent visit ta Toronto, thase The companiioaship of the world's present were given their rightful best books. titie of Doctor. Little unobstrusive acts of kiad- The time las passed wliea preju- ness. dice against justly earned titles was The Society of mea and women of la vogue. A medical man wlo lias higli ideals. on]y earned the title M. B. (Badlielor Writing encouraking, clieery let- of Medicine) calîs himself Doctor, ters. and there are those who claimed Helping others ta find tliemselves. that medical men are the only ones Scattering genial emiles and pleas- who have the right ta thc title. Four ant words. colleges la the United States and oae Working for a great cause with- in Canada have the riglit ta grant out expectation of reward. the titie of Opt. D., and at last those Bringing suashine ta chut-as--to who have studied liard and passed the sick and afiicted. rigid examinations, tlereby proving Keeping an open mind, hospitable their ability and worthiness of the ta aIl new progressive ideas and title, are comiag into their owa. movements.r Among the prominent members of A cdean conscience and worthy 'the profession who have receatly ýob- abteprcceoteregions.floe1 tained the degree of Opt. D. may be Thec icveryofta rltenotale mentioaed Dr. J. H. H. Jury, Bow- The iscveryof laent;talnt. manville, past president of the Phar- Noble thougîts and honorable pur- nlacy Cauncil of Ontario, the Cana- suits. dian, Plarmaceutical Association and Unselfisli service and the relief ofafteirtCnda OpcaAso distress. cain Outdoor life and intimate comn-.cain munian witl nature. Returning good for evil and liv- ing la the finer senses. 1. Good music. good pînys, works of art-fine pictures, beautiful statues, getarchitecture. e The daily work and the simple Il__ pleasure of the homie'circle.r Cheerful conversation, rollicking, fun 'and eanrty lauglitar. Seekiag the sunay side of lîfe an.d making failures stepping stanes. Holding steadfastly ta a higl ideal )r nca mattar wliat the consequenceS VERY CURIOUS ACROSTIC. This clever alliterative alphabeticý acrostic is well worth a place ia your scrap book- o A s s eAn Austrian army awfully array- No -Lppetite Boldly by hattery besieged Bel- l r~u xasio ed ade grade;' taste for fSoc. The nerves of the Cossack commanders cannonading stornach are weak, digestion failis came, ,i and you becomêé generaiiy upset Dealing destructian's devastating and out of sorte. doom; Every endeavor engineers essay The secret of compiete restora- For famne, for f ortune, fomn ini ngtigtenro ytn furiaus fray.forng onsinetngtenvu sem Gaunt gunners grapple, giving fully buit Up. gashes good; Hea-ves higli bis liead -herole hardi- Mrs. R. Cheney, 208 Richi- hood; mond, St., Chatham. Ont,, writes. Ibraham, Islam, Ismael, imps la 11, 1 was troubled with indigestion, Jostie John Jarovlitz, Jem, Joe, which caused me many sleepless nights. Jack and Jill; lol ai erbedsrs ilms Kick kindling Kiutusofî, kin's kins- a1 would elnoterbeie o lworthrnee mnca kgeioleieiorto rthc Labor lw leas fetlong heurs. For sixteen months 1 ate noth- Lng bot Shredded heat biscuitsng lines; dare nt cal anythigeltscuI i, ast Mein mardi 'mid moles, 'mnid aente nyhgel.1dino mounds, 'mid murd'rous mines, Il know what to do, as I lad tried so maisy Now nigbtfall's near,:now needful' different remnedies, as well as doctors' nature mode, medicines, without gaining permanent Oppoâed, opposing, overcamiag relief. Finally 1 got somne of Dr. odds. Chnse's Nerve Food, and while on theI Poor pensante, partly purchased, second box noticed that 1 was improving, partly pressed, 1lcontnued the b'eatment uftil 1amn Quite quaking, "Quarter!"' quart- now fully resîored, amd have returned to er!" quick quest, mny regular iet., My husband has also Reason returas, recail refundant r taken Dr. Cbas's Nerve Food with rage, splendid resuits, Po we are gladt. Save- sînking soldiers, softens recommend il ta aIliers" seigniors sage. Truce,_ Turkey, truce; truce, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c treach'rous Tartar train! a box, A deniers, or Edmansonf, Unwise, uajust, unmercifui Bates & Ca., iieTrno Ukraine. L_ iieTrno Vanish, vile vengeance! vanisl vic- tory vain!. Wisdom wails war-walls warring v words. NOTICEr Xarxes, Xantippe, Ximenes, Xav- ier? Yet Yassy's youth, ye yieil Ym ZZ'._r1ATlON OF B Y LAW youtliful yest. Zealously, zaines, zealously, zeal't NOtet c13i h traby given that a By Law zest. was passed by the Municipal Cauncil af the Corporation of the Town af Bow- manville on the lSth day of Juna, 1922, providing for the issue af Dabentures ta the amount of $650000 for the purpase, tamake certain alterations ta the ia- te'rior accomodation ai the Hligh Scooal TR A U E ' TAX land ta instal a low pressura steam heat- 1 ing system as weit as a system aof van- SALE 0F LANDS'tilation, and that such By Law was reg- West Riding aifDurham on tha third day A Sale of Lands for Arrears of, ai JuIy, 1922. Taxes will lie hld ln The Counties' Any motion ta quash or set aside the samne or any part thereof must ha made Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on within thrae months after the first pub- Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the. lcation of this notirce ,and cannat ha hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore-'made thareafter. hoan. A list of the lands for sale ,Dated the lSth day of lugust 1922. fo aar f .93p.q1n 35p nr- -3 - 1John Lyle, Clark. Office Phone 41J I. Chi ropractîc (Spinal Adjustmonts) Remove the Cause of Diseane ,without Medicine or Knife. Chir- opractors have remarkable sue- ce*àt In removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deaf ness, Anthrna, Rheumatisni, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Pilet, Female Diseases,ý Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M.'JONES. 86 Simca. St. N. Oshawa Phono 224. The Great Engtish Preparatin. » T.ones and învigorates the whole ner'zous system. makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debidity, Mental and Brain Worry, NspndecyLos of Enerry, Palpitation of the Heart, atlUnge mor3i. rice $2 per'box, 3> for $5.1 Sold by ait druggists, or ,nailed ini pain pkg. on receipt of pricc. New pamphlit maeted 'Me- THE WOOD MEDICINE COJTORONTO.ONT. çook's Quooiî RootCompound. .A safé, .eiat'le -egulatiisg saedwinie. Sold ia three de-. - grees of strength-No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. 'ZSold b y a1l druggists, or Bn wepi on receipt of onice. Fe ampblet. Address: THE COOK< MEDICINE CO.. loBOiT 6Ou i. «mrilt Wlada.) Houie Phono l40r2 HORSE AILMIENTS of many kinds quickly remedied wîth DOUGLAS' ]EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLT. PREVENTS BLOOD PoISONING. CURES TURUSH , FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The best'al nround Liniment for the stable as well as for household use. KEEP IT HANDY. At ai! Deaiers and Druggists. Manufactured only by SDOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, Ont.c The Double Track Route between Mentreai Toronto Detroit Uiiexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cmr on night trains antd ?arlor cars on the principal day trai nz Full information from any Grand fnk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hoin I)trict Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. IL H. JURY, Agent phono 78 flbwaavIU Kili thein ail, and the germs too. 10e a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. BrLonchial Asthma (Health Talk by Gordon P. Souch D. C., Ph. C.) Bronchial Asthma only difl'ers fromi other forms in the fact that it appears Iocalized in the chest rather than higher up. There is a spasmodic struggle for breath that often amounts to real agony. The breath is short and painful. The cause is pressure upon spinal nerves In the dorsal or upper back, between the shoulders, and adjusti ng at this point is the only mea-ir of getting at and removing the pressure on the nerve, which is the cause of this disease. Those suffering frgm this ailment frequently have a humped curve in the back- bone in the neck and upper shoulder region. Adjustments have been respouisible for the restoration of thousands who thought themselves -doomed >to a life-time of suffering from this disease. SOUCH-Your Chiropmractor HEÂLTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS - - -- --m-_

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