A1ways Del A1waysRel Sold in sealed alumi Neyer in B LAC K-GRE] If yaur aven is slow ta I j ust as slow ta act'- il Ieavening with a slow ORDER FRQM YOUR N WUMAN COULO, NOT VWORK made StiýOng rad Weil by Lyda . Iinkham's Veg- etablie-Coimpound St. Paul,,Minn- 'I toek Lydia E, Pinkba eeale Compound for a tired, worn-out feel- ing and painful peri- od0. I used to getu with a pain i n y head and pains in My lowerparts andback. Often 1 was not able to do my work. read in your 1li t t1, book aboutL diaE. table Copun and . ... ... ... .........I have ta e It. I ) els well and etrong and can do every bit of my work and flot a pain in my back now. I rec- ommend your medicine and yeu can use this letter as a testimonial." - Mrs. PHIL. MÂER, 801 Winalow St., St. Paul, Minn. Just another case where a womnan found relief b y taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. M an y times these tired, worn-out feelings and pains about the body are from troubles only wornen have, Te Vegetable Ceom- pound is es ecially adapted for just this condition. ý7he good resulta are noted by the disagreeable symptoms passing away-one after another. Lydia S Pinkham'a Vegetable Cer pound la a Woman'a Medicine for Wo- FIFTV VIEARXS AGO À young man who practiced medicine In Peansylvania becamtc famous and vas cnld in consultation in many towns and cities hecause of his suc- oees la the treatment of disease. This vue Dr. Pierce, who flnally made u bismmdte lace terne of bis medi- ~es before t e public, and moving te uffalo, N. Y put up what ho called bis "Favorite trescription," and plnced It with the druggists everywhere. Dr.Pierce's Favorite Prescription bas long been rocognized as a tonic for diseases peculiar te womankind. After suf ngain, feeling n'ervons, dizzy waka drngged -down Iby woak- nosses of lier sex-a womann l quickly restored te health h y its use. Thou- sonde of women testify that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Perscription bas entirely eradicnted their distressing alients. More recently that wonderful dis- oovery of Dr. Pierce's, called An-urie (for kidneys and backache), has been seecesefulhy nsed by many thousands vwho write Dr. Pierce of thc benefits reeeived - that lheir backache, rheu- mnatism, and othuLr symptems cf urie seid deposits in joints or muscles have been cernpietely conqneredby its use. Sendl0M te Dr. Pxercea oLaboratory ln Bridgeburg, Ont., -for trial package o! eny o! hie remedies. * BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 1922, MARKET FOR CATTLE A TRIBUTE TO MU'I -'clous Representing the Dominion De- Musical develepment is a great aid 0THE SABBATH DAY partment of Agriculture, W. A. Dry- to development along other lines the den of Brooklin, Ontario, has gene te educators ever the country are at last 7reshri Ê Rev. D. Rogers, St. Thomas-A South America, his services having finding eut. Let us quote a con- Duram Id oy.been secured by the Hon., W. R. vincing excerpt from a letter writtea Thepreeratin f te abbthMotherwell, Dominion Minister of by the head1 of Magdalen Cellege, > Th pr'seratio, of th SabathAgriculture, to investigate the OP that teaches a 1 the music at Oxford, U5from the inroads of pleasure, busi- portunities fer establishing a market confers prizes, scholarships, and de- ness and labor ls the chief purpose for purebred Canadian cattle in the grees, a f ew being in music, but the mUof the Lord's Day Act. It is not Argentine Republie, Brazil and Uru- greater mai ority being in other bran- te force anyone to be religios- guay. As thEr latter twe countries chs "Tnpretefhetuns even if such a thing were possible; are recognized by live stock authori- of Magdalen Coereetak te susie, 1 nor is it te advise people te go to tics as likcly te be among the im- the dleer ruas, ninetymper c ,d L u fnclgg.. ur men suplie, aspecal tdY ter 5 s 1ncen t y ail nd church-as is often affirnied by those portant sources of the werld's fut- net. The ten per cent taking music made of the methoda emphoy- shlisiý htl nýl e inm pacofketso s an o oo itz1s s nbreeding, fceding and register- i'shipgt. That sinet ailer c - o Bupssbeladlthsacull an-.g uebred cattle. Aise an effortpartngmsic The cnnt, por et et L Bulh.ed a weckly rest day for about 150,- will be put forward te interest 'im- have mopu i r cotet remalnat ýIEN-MIXF-11) IM 000 toilera in Canada. Net only porters ef Canadian pure bred 15 per cent Upof h the r e aîn nga shul llCritanpope-uda oudtinstock. ships, This amazing record has'been -labor for its preservation, but al teaeaefr h attit bea yo wll in Eg ptits as welh, for patriotism, as HOW THE WORLD SLEEPS years." doule11l as picty, ought te make us ean- Who says that music study makes isdu l acinisr est therein. Most people on their aides with "sisies" of young men and women? or hot aven. Lnflo says "The Sabbath ia the knces drawn and hese her the whohe volume of the week" commonly, sleep standing up. i -the link which binds alI the comn- Birds, with the excepton of owla A Superior School I qý ~~munities together, and with it theYI and the hanging parrets of India, LIT stand or fall. Tee many in our sleep with their heads turned tail- time seem te have forgottenthtt ward over the back and 'the beak. is God's day and has been sanctified thrust among the feathers between 1b P by Him, and His command is: "Re- the wing and body. mnember te keep it hely". Storks, gulîs and other long-leg- Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. Whcn God wrote: "Thon shaît netgdbrd tanig nonaeg swzll known throughout Canada steal," in haîf a line, and gave the Ducks sleep on open water. To law of the Sabbath 28 times as much vi rtigsoead hyke frhg rdewk.I cue, EIGHBORHOO1D GROCFR space, 1He manifcstly did net thinkpavod d ifingw h oewardt, theymkeep oforahighngre uworIs cuses n 49 a thief worsc than a Sabbath break- tpadd ein a ith on e o raingarae tuns rpas a ~~ ~er. H1e wouhd have us rise above atemmvinacre.Ivrygdaeths ea hs selfish worldhy opinion into the Di- Shoths slcep hanging by their fouri promptly secured cmploymcnt. vine opinion that te steal a dollar is feet, the hcad tucked in between Write for our catalogue. Stnd- a less off ence than te steal a day their fore legs.i enta admitted at any time. which enwraps both the rights of Foxes and wolves slecp curled Up, anclstgehradbaktdythiGod and the most sacred rights of their noses and the soles of their feet W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ~~YP..ONTO cd ~~Our Canadian Sabbath is imperili- bushy tala.________________ edby modemn forma of desecration, Hares, anakes and fish slecp with ýy Hotel of its Kind in Canadla which have been pointcd eut as fol- their cyca wîde open. I %w is the ideal Mltd , lsetshp nduse. ows: (1) Unneccssary h'abor; (2) Owls, in addition te eyelids, have - Hoe coseforto and ht . inordinate love of pleasure; (3) in- a acreen they draw sideways acreas time to sacrt Inest cuisine. Cosy tesa roomopen satiable grccd of gain. This ast- their cyca te shut eut the ight, for SCH 0L ght. Single room, wlth bath,$2» named l one of the mightiest f orces thcy slcep in the day turne. BUSINESS SCj% oom, wth bath, $4.00. Breakfast, I operative upon seciety at the begin- Every Young man and woman Se. Luncheon, 6U. Dinner, $1-o0. ning of this century and which would should equip themselves with a mxi sevie.tram bm"w Et hold nothîng sacrcd-neither the law knowledge of tyvewriting, short- an ite 1,d. laOis . wAt. frtoer of God, the intereats of Hia King- ] ELEVEN Shaw Schools i TO- ris rraar TOwRO, 0"r. dem, the f ellowshîp of the family p RONTO have trained over 25,000 circle, nor the industrial liberty of students f roin ai over the Pro- the toilera. vince. Individual instruction- Mm. Shearer says: "There is juat Lbak slowi m. Sn o IN THE MASTER'S GARDEN one objeet it seeka-mdre igold- Have youn Rbeumatlsm or Nqeuritîs, P. Me hu(ig Principal and it carea net theugh every holy Sciatica, Lumbago? Now Io the*UA MBS$SC OI The Master walked in Hia garden, and worthy thing be tramplcd into time te get rld of IL Nature ls Amon thegroing liowrs, the duat under the profane feet in delng ail she cau for yea. Juat*g TtR N j And the drooping ones and fýth hrsty1 the unrelenting puranit of this ob- help thing alaoug. Get a box ef He checred with cooling showers! jeet". Templeton's Rheumatlc Capsules-. It is said of the American that hie from beur Druggist and I'on'wili And here and there H1e checked a wdrahips the almighty dcffilar, and s005 a fit and weiî aga a. growth pcrflaps it ena be said of seme in With His hoving pruning-knife, our bloved Canada that theme is That the plant more grnciouahy might aothing they iko se much as the dol:' grew, lar unles it bo two dollars. On And have a richor life, this plea, though perhaps net oxpres- sed much Sabbath visiting la donc. And as 11e slewhy passed aîong, They cannet afford te spare the time The beauty growtha 1He acanned, fmom the six days. And bent and pluckcd one, here and Wîith these conditions and othersi thore, unnamed, what would seem to e h And carricd it in Ris haad. the duty of ail loyal citizeas? First,f te assist ail who arc striving te pre- And some, with wondmour. tendemnesa, serve for us and Our pestemity the Te Ris lips Ho gently pressed, Sabbath as it has been handod dowa And fervent blessinga bronthcd o! o s; and secondly by example and them,, pecept scck te influence ah wc can And laid them ia Ris breast. in the better observance of the day, h est we lose what we have, and then Net a flower that the Master gathers hopolessly meuma for a good that is Ever closes or withoms away, f orever gene. Eternah vigilance is But sweotem stihl and fairer grows the price of ether things beside 1ih- In the light of His full day. erty, and if the blessiaga of a quiet, -John Oxenham. orderly, wcll-kcpt Sahbatli are te be preservcd la this country, we must he ____________________This la the day the Lord hath made: let us meoi ece and he glad in à it. Swcct is the day 11e has set ameng the days that arc commen. t has a light of its owa; it daWns upen the wcary worhd ike ne oether day.- We are glad of its peaceful- neas; wc are thaakful for its reat, and may wc always enter inte it as rgtDivine and enjoy the calm and The Standard Remedy for HAYï-FEVER audÂsthm&. Soid byalgood Drugglsts. OUR AUNT'S WISE ADVICE Fer F!oTrIAIiuwltotempletons,Torouto Sohd by ury & Lovel] A litthe wholcsome advicc wcll ____________________________taken often proves ef great value and lasting benefit. Our dear old c'Pd ,ru Mgbe Mdi Morulng'- Auntie gives this sensible advicc te ~,Jf~II!~Have Ieo,, H.ath; hem aicces this week: II ~ Eyes. -If they Tire, It doca seem mrather strange that Smat o Brn psemnny of us cannot judge of what FORifchSormIritated, In, îIScominonhy known as the "happy YOIJR ÊÉ flamed emGranulated, medium". We usually ovordo or useMurineoften. Soothesefmuhçs. Safefor underdo thinga. Nuw you have been Infantor Adult.ý'At ail Druggists. Write greatly ovomding it, and such almoat gbrFreeEeBook, lMud.oyeReme4d7Ccea8 always leaves an expeience of a bit- ter taste and a atrong decision nover Ste he kind or generous again. That Z M aYou are n~iio s a pity, f or te thjnk ike that wil fi experbe going te the other extremo. There M ~ 'b.sheuld certainhy be a limit te doing ÏM Es nt thinga for peopl, waitiag upea thcm m e n t fo r E c z e m a a n d S k i i I ri t - a nd i i g n t o h e , s p c a l tiens. It relleves at once and gradn. gvn n e'hm1epcal aly heals the skia. Sampie Dox Dr. wh[en thcy are strangers and merely phaperas ltefr ree Ifnsountsi o.,h>sjunr n orhm. T vr pae n end 2c. stamp for postage. 60e. a do it with littIe thought for yoursclf boL lealesor ediasn ae orhneveîne t a as Umited. youoitout tcnenep a sose ofcagrin and disu apantrn se fcIngrid ha the gmownth of lflsngratitSe maap teol o felhatyo e for Ri~..iI...ETS morye oplexpoten ht odo. Amngr RICKIETS gantcd, and the more yen do the A bonedlsea.eof serly 6114- yeur ewa people this may ho ahi ight, hood may b. prevetd by the for love and duty being the sources fathülun o d-lifr. 0& frmrnwhich yonr womk apringa ne me- paymont la expected. But for tran- luient guesta it was indeed foolish of ScRtts Emnulsi"on yen tewash and mond and wait up- 11 on them centiaually, and te shlow racitic vitamine in Then whea yen tmied to dmaw eff a abuadanc«. It la the litthe they took offense. It la quito, Icon ahm he w ndeW ani. am o m moc a se ihoro utho me .ye idea vayto gve Cd- fAit do for some people the less thcy ap- liver oil t. childrez. prociate or oven respect yen. Nover accu Bwe,10om ot. f be too effusive with gonerosity at firat; it ia btter te give more lon- ieacy tewards the end of a visit, sucli will thon ho accopted with gratitude. But nover make yourself a humble slave teanayone. It is nover nec- Âm-& essamy. Even yenm own people Zutoogrow tee accustemed te it and la- Screase their demanda on youm time, on your onergies, or on your purse. Port Hope police have recovered 180 stolea chickens and kaew of the wherenbouts of abolit 100 more. o .4% z i. The Ex'change of Victory Bonds Those desirous of takling advantage of the privilege of exchanging their maturing Victory Bonds for the new issue are invited to hand them in at any one of our branches. We wiII gladly sec to ail necessary details, 8 STANARDBAN K or CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmaanville Branch, - - H. W. Lapp, Managi Blackstock Branch, . -- E. A. Preston, Managi Newcastle and Newtonville Branches . J. Scott Montgomery, ManagE Prcteocmd El, ým9nt. ordinary Exposed .e ej Br er r When . Youi See a Leader Ahead of a Crowd you usually assume that he possesses qualÎties and- merit above others. You are generally riglit. McClary's Electric Range embodi es two fea tures, of such unusual merit as ta set it ahead of' ail others. 1. The Protected Elemen t-a smoath disk of tough porcelain that nathing can injure-no dirt can get Into it ta damage the coils. 2., The Seamless.Oven-round-cornered-welded -porcelain enameled--easily kept clean and s tiary and most econonilcaL 1 Maker-s of £1 tric Rang London, Toronto, Moatreal, Winipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Ed)motoni To Holders ofut Five xYear 5v per cent Canada' V ictor y Bonds Xssued în 1917 and Maturing let December, 19221 CONVERSION PROPOSALS T EMINISI'ER OF FINANCE offers ta holders Hoideru of the maturing bonds who wish to avail T Of these bonds who deaire to continue tii.ir, themeles of this conversion privihege shouhd take Invu at i Dominion ,of Cmada seu tis h their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT l *ptMegeof xehagla th matrlu bod fLATER IMAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of pdv&e o excal he mturng bndsfor ew sny Chartered Bank i Canada and receive i cchanze b=&dsbw*ng Si per cent Intrt payablehW e y, an officia receiptfor the bonda surrendered, containing of ewthr of the. followins classes:-au undertaklng to déliver tii. crresponding bonda of (a) îve earbond datd 1t 1 ovemer, the new issue. 11 (a) ive~ar ond, deod ot Nvomer, Holders of maturlng fui, registered bonds, interet4 1922, to mature lot November, 191 nayable by choque frorn Ottawa, wili recelve their * * (b) Ten year bonds, dated let November, becembr 1 Interest choque as usuel. Holdera of 1922, ta mature, lst Nove mber, 1932. coupon bonds wilI detach and retain the hast unmatured coupon before surrenderig the bond Itself for conversion * Whihe the maturing bonds wihl carry intereat ta lot purposes. December, 1922, the new bonds will commence ta earm The surrendered bonds wilI be forwarded by banks * interest fram lst Noveniber, 1922, GIVING A BONUS ta the Ministe of Finance at Ottawa, where they wihl 0F A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully Es * AVAILING THEMSELVES 0F THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer forni PRIVILECGE. carrylng interest payable let May and lat November of each year of the duration of the boan, the fimat interest This offer is made ta holders of the maturing bonds payment accruing and payable 1,t May, 1923. Bonds andis ot pentoothr ivesors Te bndsto e f the new issue will be sent to the banks for' I and s nt oen o oter nvetor. Th bods a ~ delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered issued under this proposaI vill be substantially of the bonds. l là samne character as those which are maturing, except 1 The bonds of the maturing issue which are not that the exemption from taxation dose nfot apply to the converted under this proposal will be paid off i cash on * new issue. the let flecemnber, 1922. W. S. FIELDING, Minister of Finanme Dated at Ottawa, 8th Auguot, 1922.