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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1922, p. 4

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Royal Theatre, Bowmanville WEEK 0F SEPTEMBER 25-30 MONDÂY-T-UESDAY ALI CE T RRX4À IN "«TURN TO THE RIGHT" The Great New York Stage Success Round tbree of "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" Admissin-Adults 25c; chiltiren untier 12 years 15c. WEDNESDAY, Herbert Rawlinson - IN "THE SCRAPPER" lst anti 2nd Episotie of the greatest chapter "ROBINSON CRUSOE" play ever matie THURSDAY Conway Tearle IN, "LOVE'S MASQUERADE" Mar.k Se-nnett Comedy "PE REASONABLE" FRIDAY-SATURDAY Elsie Ferguson IN «'FOOTLIGHTS Also Snooky's Fresh Heir The Economical Furnace Properly Installed. Feeding expensive coal into a furnace-never missing a'day fôir from 10 to 15 years--costs a tidy sum of money! That is what you do when you operate your furnace 7 (Ir 8 months a year for the 1f e of the furnace. McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE instalied the coireet MqClary way means to you a, savrng of coal every day for ail those years. In McClary's Sunshine you will be absolutely sure of a furnace that will heat ail rooms-and save coali. McClary's Sunshine Furnace installed only af- ter experts have carefully planned a system that exactly meets your particular requirements. Consuit Us About Your Heating Problem. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bownanville Good Food, rair Prices, Efficient Service--Ou r Aim Fair prîces--honest weights-cheerful and efficient service and quality Groceries is our formula for sllccess. Always a complete stock of fancy and stapile Groceries at the lowest market prices. Corne in and see for yoursef-or 'phone in your order, and we'11 be glad to deliver. HARRi PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE 'I i vy astr wiie wa-iia gave a recita- ist Cnuren were At Eome to the Mugh tion la lis usual gooti manner. The [Sehool students on i ý'.ntay evenînig topic on Japan was taken by Mr. J. wben a very pleasant time was enjoy- A. Werry. The young men sang eti by entertaineti anai entertainers. "The Little Brown Church in the A contest serveti to help everyorn Wiltiwood". A treat of pie was en-I feel at home after which Miss Sparg< joyeti at close. Everyone welcomeI the Presitient, extentiet a cordial at League Tusa evening. weicome. Principal Vi.. J. Morrisoî occupieti the chair anti a progran was given by the stutienth, consist- SOLINA ing of vocal solo by Jane-.- Mason; recitation,, Doris McConneil; vocal Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. N. Leach duet, Marion Pickarti anti Dorothy anti family, Taunton, at Mr. Frank Plummer; humorous adtiress, Law- Hockatiay's; Mrs. R. Somerville, rence Mason; piano solo, Gwentiolyn Cberrywooti, at Mr. John Reynoids'; Williams; anti an atiess by the Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Black- Chairman. Refreshments 1 were stock, at Mr. Albert J. Balson's; serveti anti a social bour pleasantly Miss Joncs, Hampton, anti Miss Bradi- spent. The entertainment ciosed ley, Newcastle, visiteti at Mr. Roy with the National- Anthem anti the Langmait's; Mr. anti Mrs. J. Lent benediction by Mr. Morrison. anti Miss Bouk, Fonthili, at Mr. A.________ J. Reynolds'; Mr. anti Mrs. Ogtien anti son Jack, Oshawa, Mrs. C. Nel- ENFIELD son anti little Miss Muriel,.-Toronto, at Mr. W. T. Tayior's; Miss Idia Mr. anti Mrs, A, Page anti Miss Malcolm who bas been at bier uncies Aima Page, Toronto, Mr. Frank Page during Mrs. Williams absence, spent anti son, Toronto, at Mr. S. Page's. . tbe week-end la Cartwright. Her. . Mr. anti Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brook- nlany frientis are pleaseti to hear lin, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's ...The that Mrs Williams bas gaineti a lit- community anti cburch sustaineti a tie in the West. Trust she will be severe- ioss in the deatb of Mrs. Fred much better wben she returs..., Smith. She basi been ailing for Richard Pascoe is stîli untier pro- some time anti very sudtienly she fessional care .... Mr. R. J, MeKes- hati an attack of Bright's Disease and sock delivereti an address on edu- in spite of the hest medicai aid and catiokiajl maWers at Coe'nwaZ Inlat care that couiti be obtaineti she died Saturtay .... Raliy Day will be ,ob- on Monday morning. Mr. F. Smith~ serveti at Eldati Suntiay Sehool on anti son Frank have the heart-feiiý October lst .... Several from here sympatby of the communinty ai attendeti District meeting at Oshawa large in their sutiden bereavement, ... No school here on Thursday anti Mrs. Smitb's genial disposition won Fritiay on account of Sehool Fair many frients. ...Rally Day wil'i be anti Mr.- R. J. McKessock writing on observçd bere next Suntiay anti the some subjects for a biglier certifi- officiai program carrieti out., Mr. cate ..,.. Misses Marguerite anti Mar- Franklin J. Groat, Hampton, will ion Tbompson gave a Corn Roast to give an address. Ail come. the young folk on Monday nigbt antid______ ail bati-a jolly goo ti tme..,.. Mr. anti Mrs. John Bryant, Bellouis Falls, HAYDON Vermont, have been visiting at Mr. _____ Elmer Wiibur's andi witb other rela - tives .... Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Giover, Vîsitors: Miss Florence Smith, Ketiron, ant i M. anti Mrs. L. T.: Bowmanville, visited at Mr'. L. Gra- Pascoe, Hampton, visiteti at Mr. El- býnm's; Mrs. L. Niddery anti famiiy, mer ilbu's.Toronto, at Mr. H. Asbton's; Miss mer iibu's.Steila Siemon bas- returneti to Tor- onto; Mrs. Johns of Hampton, at MAPLE GROVE Mr. M. Slemon's; Mr. Elmer Siemon anti frienti, Toronto, at Mr. Rd. Mr. Joe Bolions anti family visit- Siemon's. . .. Our sehooil was well re- ed at Mr. C. H. Snowtien's, presenteti at the fair heiti at Ennis- Mrs. (Dr.) C. C. Hartman, Oltis, killen anti was successfui in winning Alberta, anti Mr. Noble Meteaif anti second prize in the sehool parade. famiiy, Oshawa, visiteti at Mr. S. Many other prizes were captureti by Snowtien's.- our boys anti girls . . . . People of ýthis community were mucb sbocked la Rally nigbt at Legenxt Mon- the tieatb of one of our former Hay- day., Mr. W. J. Molrrisoln, B. A., don girls, Mrs. Fred L. Smith (nee Bowmanvilie, wili give, an atitress. Maud Trewin),, anti we sincerely Mrs. Boy Meteaif anti Miss Aber- emahz ihle ubn n nethywillfurnsh msic.son Frank as' weil as the other The Scbool Fair belti on Saturday brothers anti sisters of the tieceaseti was- well attentiet. People were . Epworth League Raily on Sun- present from ail sections wbere the day evening. Everybotiy weicome. chiltiren were representeti. Ia par- .. Our S. S. Raliy will be heiti la adie anti sports t he chiltiren titi their the very near future. prcs exceptionny wei and tne tEýgchéIs deserve great eedit for their training. Mr. Noble Meteaif has purchaseti a team of borses from Mr. Virtue at Tyrone anti intentis starting plow- iag this week on bis olti farm south of Mapie Grove that he. purchasedi back from Tucker Bros. wbo bougbt it two years ago. Al welcome Noble anti Elva back again in our mitist. Mr. S. Snowtien was tiown east judging at Fairs last week anti re- ports stock not so gooti as in Dur- ham County. The crops of corn east of Ottawa are on tbe short sitie. He jutigeti at Alexandra Fair, east of Ottawa, also at, Cobden Fair, 90 miles north west of Ottawa, staying two nigbts at Ottawa, meeting Mr. Chas. P. Blair, formerly of Bowman- ville, looking baie anti hearty. Mr. anti Mrs. Eti. Farrow, Brigbt- on, spent tbe week-end with bis brother, Mr. H. A. Farrow .... Miss Margaret MeGregor, Town, spent Sacurciay wth Miss Mabel Stevens anti attentiet the Sebool Fair. .Miss Bernice Webster, Cambray, is visit- ing ber cousin, Mrs. J., D. Stevens.,. .Mr. Fred Stevens returnedtet work at Newcastle on Monday, beî1gjro- mote te t cashier... SuntayScooi at 1 P. M. znext Suntiay; no preach- ing, it being Raily at Ebenezer.... Miss Jean Ramsay, Town, spent Sat- Purtiay witb Miss Marjory Stevens. i .h Le '0 al al Li vT Hn How Do You'- Spend The Wekly Vagee That is a very personal question, but you miust admit it is an. ail important one to Most men and women these days. Do y7ou spend that hard earned cash which your "good man" has worked so* bard to get to provide the where-with-al with out due consideration where it will buy to advantiage ?- Or are you- one of the many thrifty people who read The West End'House Advts. regularly and buy your requirements here each week thus saving many dollars each month? IT'S A GOOD HABIT Try it this week and share in the bargains being offered. FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMB ER 22-23 ;s ýe a d ir ýe d d d h iti e e à AUCTION SALE Wednesday, September 27-Mis. Velma Staples, Tyrone, will seli' on Mr. Aldred's iawn'the f ollow- ing: Oxford Cook Stove, coal anti wooti heater, coal oil heater, sitie- board, dining-room chairs, tining- room table, parlor coucb, two bedroom suites, parior rocker, bcd- steatis, stands, pictures, curtains, anti other articles. Sale at 1 p. M. Theo. M. Slemon, Auction- eer. Thursday, Septeniber 28-Wm,. Strong & Sons will seli by auction on lot 28, con. 7, Darlingtoa, farmu stock, implements, etc. Sale at~ 1 P. M. Sce buis. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. 38-2 FURNITURE SALE Miss E. M. Werry wîi seil at her resitiencéi Tyrone, on Montiay, Sept. 25th the followîng: Happy, Tbougbt Range, nearly new, Art Souvenir Parlor Cook, Coni Ohl Heater. Wash-1 ing Machine, Sofa, Quantity of Lin- oleum, 3 Carpets, 1 Wooi Rug, Wood Coal, 12 liens, Chamber Sets, Blintis, Lamps, Chairs, Betisteatis, Tables, Cupeoartis, Chieken Coops anti other articles. Sale at 1 o'clock-. Theo. M. Sremon, Auctioneer. Tyrone, September 11, 1922. Mven 's Furnishings Men's Heavy Grey Wool Socks, Han- son Make, new stock 50e pair Men's Ties, al goo d colors and shapesy 50e each Men's Braces, President Style, 75c pr Men's -Flannelette Nightgowns, white or colors $1.69 each.... Men's Natural Wool Underwear Shirts <and drawers $1.59 per garment Men's Laundry Bags, ail pure linen $1.40 each Men's Heavy Black or Brown Work Boots, Special $4.48 pair Men's Work Shirts, gzood full sizes 14- 17 at $1.00 each -J j Groceries 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar St. Lawrence for $1.00 Valea Seedless Raisihs in packages S2 for 45e Meta!. Polish, large package, 2 for 25c VanCamp's,.Pork & Beans, 2 tins,25cýý VanCamp's Assorted Soups, 2 tins 33e Liiac Rose Toilet Soap, 3 for 25c Goid Dust Washing Powder, 3 pkgs 20 Laundry Starch in bulk 3 for-.25c Blacek Ceylon Tea, in bulk, try it 50e per lb. Fresh Dates in bulk 2 Ibs. for 25c Nice Juicy Oranges 35c per dozen Finie Large Bananas- 30c per dozen Be sure and watch our Windows for other displays Dry Goods Children's Middies in navy and copen and white with navyand copen collars, Regular $1,95, Sale Price $1.00 Children's Dresses in Gingham and Chambray, Regular $1,00, Sale Price 2 for $1,00 Iieavy Rîbbed Cotton Hose, Regular 55c, Sale Price 35cpair Chuldren's Gingham and Chambray Dresses, Regular $1,60, Sale Price $1 5 1mcli Taffeta Ribbon, in ail shades, IReguilar 40c,, Sale Price 25c yard Ladies' White Dimity Blouses, with or without colored collars and - cuifs, Regular $1.69 'Sale Price $1.00 Ladies' andChildren's Fiannel Mid-' dies in ail shades at very special prices Children's Heavy Rîbbed Hose, suit- able for school at 25c per, pair Pure Linen Heavy Crashed Towelling,, Very Special 27c per yard Prints in al shades, regular 30c 'yard Sale Price 25c yard McMurtry &Co., Ltd. PHONE 83 BOWMANVILLU 1 BETHESDA, DARLINGTON Proposed Cemetery Endowment Fund and Lecture. A public meeting in the interest of the proposed Endowment Funti of Bethestia Cemetery, will be helti in the church on Sunday,, September 24th at 4 p. m., when atidresses will be ýdelivereti by Dr. J. L. Hughes, Toronto, R. F. Aitchison, Mr. W. -J. Bragg, M. P. P., F. W. Bowen, M. IP., T. Baker, Reeve, anti Councillor A. H. Brent. Monday at 8 p. m., Dr. Hughes will tieliver bis lecture on Robert Burns, the Poet of Re- ligion, Democracy anti Love", illus-j trateti with lantern slides. Solos anti music by Tyrone Orchestra. Ad- mission 25c. Proceetis in aid of Endowment Funti. 38-1w. ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Dr. Fallis, wif e anti sonj Robert at his uncle's, Mr. Nathan Byers; Mr. anti Mrs. John Sl1emon at Mr. Frank Orchart's; Mr.ani rs W. A. Wright, son antitd gltr Tyrone, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mrs.j, P. Hall bas returneti to Toronto j after spendîng a couple of months wth berparents, Mr. anti Mrs,ý C. Stewart; Mr. Hoowarti Pye spent, ail very enjoyable week in Toronto with bis sisters recently; Mr. anti Mrs. Nathan Byers have returneti from a pleasant visit in Toronto with their son, Osbert, anti other relatives; Mr. anti'Mrs. Will Stainiton visiteti in Or-. ono Suntiay; Mr. anti Mrs. Wil f Moore anti family at Whitevale; Mr. anti Mrs. Byron- Nesbitt anti family at Mr. Jas. Parr's; Miss Alma Wer- ry lias been under the Dr's. care but is improving.. Harvest Thanks- giving services will be helti in En- niskilien, Methotiist Church on Sun- day, October lst, at 2.30 anti 7- p. m. Rev. A. K. Etimison, Orono, wili preacb anti Hampton Choir will fur- nisb music at both services. Thank- off ering of $150 is asketi for. Come anti help us make our Harveist ser-I vices a success. League on Wednestiay evernng1. was weil attentiet. Meeting in charge of the Missionaryý Dept. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. il a. m.-Compan- ions of Quiet Hours", 7 p. zn.- "Facing the Facts". 2.830 P. M.- Rally Day Service, Rally Day will be observeti in the Methodist Sunday Sehool. on Suný day. Bey. A. P. Fletcher, the' .Rural Work Secretaryof the Ontario Religions Council, wîll conduet al services. Special music. Church, wiII be packed to bear the sermons. Bey, R. H. Riekard. B. A., B. D., Toronto, assisteti Pastor Moore in the Suntiay evening service in the Methotiist Church anti sang a solo, the choir joining in the chorus. -Mr. W .Evans sang "Does Jesus Care" at morning service. Services thruout the day were helpful. Methotiist Church, Rev, S. C. Moore, pastor, Rally Day services on Sunday conducteti by *Rev. A. P. Fletcher of the Ontario Relig- ious Council. Open session of the Suntiay School at 2.30 p. m. Chilti- ren's choir led by Mr. T. W. Stan- ley in the evenig. Let everyone be in their p.lace. Salvation Army, Sunday, Septem- ber 24. Harvest Thanksgiving services contiucted byj Capt. Mabel Thomas of Toronto. 11 a. m.- Holiness Meeting; 3 p. m.-Praise meeting. 7 p. m.-Salvation meeting. On Monday evening A Harvest Thanksgiving Sale will be held. . Everybody welcome. St. John's Church, Rev. C. P. Muirheati, Rector; Mrs. Jno. A.I Gunn, Organist. lSth Sunday after Trinity. Harvest Festival Services. Rev. T. G. Wright, Rector of Alil Saints, Whitby, preacher, 8 a. m.- Holy Communion. il a. m.-I Morning Prayer, special Psalms anti Hymns. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.-Evening Song, special Psalms anti Hymns. Off er-j ings of grain, fruit anti flowers tbankfully receiveti in the Parish House on Saturday morning. Epworth Leaguers of the Method EBENEZER NEWTONVILLE Men, you are inviteti to inspeet Ebenezer Chicken Pie Supper on Mr Wm. Thomspon, California, lis rnw iplyoff >lsits and Wednesday, September 27. Admis- iiighssseMs lz m- overcoats in newest materials and vîstig issiser MssE sia ho.-latest styles. Couch, Johnstoii, sion Supper and Concert, adults 75e-;'son .... Miss Lizzie Barrie is visitIng Cryderman, chiltiren 50c; concert only 35c; frientig in the -village .... Miss Net- supper served from 4 p. m. Con- tie Caswell is spending a few days cert at 8 p. m. with Miss Beatrice McKay, Stark- ______________ville..... Miss Olive Lane spent the week-end with the Misses Cornish, i 1 rono ... Mr. Harry Lane has re- V O seI W. M. . MEMER HOGRED urned to bis duties after a mueh0 -1 needed holiday....Miss Lulu Mc- A very pleasant event took place Mullen of Oshawa, spent the week- in conneetion with Tyrone Mission- end with Mr. and, Mrs. Sam Smithe l ic ary Auxiliary on Thursday, Septem- -,.-. . Mr. Wm. Newbigging anti lady ber 7, when in connection with the frienti, Toronto,, spent the week-end usual meeting, they had a social half with bis grantimother, Mrs. Wood.*. "Have you ever noticeti", said hour serving refreshments, after Miss Eva Beatty, Elizabethville, is which a presentation was made to visiting Miss Charlotte Ovens...... a store proprietor, "how little Mrs. William Brent, accompanied by Mrs. John Culver, Port Hope, who this question of price really the following atitress: has been visiting ber sister, Mrs. amounts to nmnycss"? Sam Jones, sr., returneti home on i aycs Mrs. William Beent, Tyrone. Thursday. . .Miss Grace McDonalti Dear Mrs. Brent,-The members left Thursday after a week's visit -By that I mean this trying to of our Auxiliary have always atimir- with Miss Charlotte Ovens. seill things by shouting ail over ed your faithfulness, and have often the, lot that everything is spoken of it to one another, anti we COLBORNE FALL FAIR . whie or fietisarehee t enoy Tuestiay anti Wetinestiay, Septem- it. We want to express to you ourbe26at2719,bigrnde- "There are cases where the appreciation ofyu fot nb ter than ever. Big special prize haîf of the Missionary Cause -lst WolrBadnateace. cheapest is beat value, but on the Whie reidntofths . $450 for Speeding Contests. 2.15 whole, an offering based wholly Whil Pr sidet o th s Auili cl ass $200; 2.20 class $150; 2.40 on cheap price, is not good value "~ you filleti that office with efiecy class $100. Canadian Allieti Shows, your loving sympathy with our fail- Merry-go-round,, W1ýip, Dog and ings and your sweet gentie manner pony how ,etc. Wonderful Free This is our confirmed belief. won alI our hearts; then as Treas-1 Act-Down Incline of 70 feet on a Quality and Usefulness are, urer you discharged your duties with bicycle, loop the loop and into a first consitierations in our buying;: credit to yourself and satisfaction to tank of Flaming Fire. Big concert-. us; on our programs your readings at night-20 people-Arlie Marks therefore they are first in our anti prayers were heartily enjoyeti, Co. 7 Plan to attend this. "The selling. and, now as mucli as we apreciate Best Fair". 38-1* wvhat you have tione anti are still do-Teeoewe ercmed ing, we love you more for what yo heATD hn ercomn are, your sweet Christian life and IX P IN Û... v&IIj. an article to you, you are assureti unselfish, devotion to aIl that is good_____ of good service aùid good quality. has been an inspiration to us ail. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEP- Then- the price is matie so as to Now, dear Mrs. Brent we ask you1 TEMBER 28th and 29th give you good value. Try to accept this "Life Membership der-i A GENUINE AGRICULTURAL tificate", with the prayer that youlI FAIR may be long spared to go in and ont' The management believe Live amongst us, anti that God may bldss Stock make the best outside attrac- youin ourhome life anti in your tion and have increased the prermi Kers-lake's actvites orChrist and the Church. iums and atided more classes. Horsej Signed on behaif of Tyrone W. M. S.t Races, Baby Show, Stock 'Parade, D u tr Mrs. Brent. while takenreby sur- vnig ttatin. Geeala prise, matie a very suitable epy, x mission 25c., Send for prize li1st pressing ber pleasure in being ai anti list of attractions. Phone 49 Bowmanvil, member of the Auxiliary and ber ap-; C. A. Chapman, Adolph Henry, preciation of the gift. President. Sec'y.-Treas.

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