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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1922, p. 1

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il i a Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, SEPT. 28, 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy.No3 The v arlous Mode's In it1 did dreç W inter Coats pli ail. pare Many styles were created for smart wear. There a are coats away down to the ankies, others not so tn. long. Some have bel] sleeves, others tight sleeves. nia, Furs are used prof usely on some, while a great Wl number depend upon, their btütton-high collars T and embroidery for individuality. It is impos- ther sihie to describe all-but they are here. Corne Th and soe them. Bell] HelE derr inde irb sidei Rxelia ble Furs on1 S( Gre4 OUR FUR COATS are fashioned of endurable, Mr. perfectly rnatchled pelts in the',prevailing- modes. votil The zarrnents are the products of manufacturers addi whose reputation for quality and excellent work- ee manship is weii knownl and the prices are most at- Illr tractive. Orel nun njw( A J{ANDSOME FUR PIECE is Fashion's fav- and ourite dress accessory. Numerous types of furs, atz designs and colourings including sikybac, r herewith prcsented. The quality is the best tt Il while the workmanship is perfect in every detail. siste serv ion DRESSES 0F THE LATEST VOGUE by1 undý Those who love to wear the newest in dress wear should see Star new additions that have reached us this week. They speak ofR the cleverness of their designers and the reputation of the makers mor who have preserved their charming lines by the use of fine mater- Mhi lals, expert tailoring and attractive points of finish. MS thet We Also Specialize in Men's -Suits and Furnishings yu Ilmad heai who - ~ feel Diurgin' s Shoe Repaîr Shop, King St. W., (two doors east of Statesman Office,) Bowmanville, where yoa can get first class shoe repairing and prompt service. Keep tise soles and heels la gobod xepair and yon protect tise whole sho.. Hl" C. Durgin Bandmaster Chamber Commerce Baud A New Diepartment We are enlarging Our display of Chinaware. A new shipinentihis week and more to corne. You will be pleased if you in speet our stock. W. T.Allen "'Big iOQ" Bookstore Bowmanvllle Bev sail veîý tise bot] Irer wer be& wiE] gri to sery Jno thse cele his tai the thé METHODIST S. S. RALLY B( ~~IEAiR HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Rev. A. Perey Fletcher Gave B W AZL Vg I * E' FA IR * Bowmanville High School was fav- Excellent Addresses.______ ored with fine weather for its Field RlyDay services in the Method- Day of sports on, Friday aftŽrnoon ~allywhich took place at Agricuiltural Church on Sunday were a splen- Officially Opened By His Honor The Lieutenant Park. Keen rivalry was shown in success. Rev. A. P. Fletcher, tevroseet hc eecn ai Secretary of the Ontario Re- Governor. tetedrion aspotsmanie m cnner )U5 ounîlTornto gav ad ________Several school and inter scholastic ses that were very ap- >priate and greatly enjoyed by Advancement is the order of this1 Nor would we have you befleve, records were broken. We wl 1 110W His morning message to the age and hence West Durham Agri- your Honor, that this is a purely Ag- look forward to B. H. S. again giv- -nts and Sunday School workers .rîcultural Fair, for within our main ing a good report of itself at the sa challenge from God's book and cultural Society scored another tri- hall may be found ehibits from the annual athletic meet between Whit- not likely to be soon forgot- umph in its annual exhibition at Bow- different manufacturing firms, ând by, O shawa and Bowmanville Sehools 1. In addiiton to the anthein by manville on Tuesday and Wednesday, merchants of the tono m ntesday, drctobrk,4thawThe eent choir, Mr. H. McAnesbie of Sar- September 19 and 20, for it is con- ville, showing the co-operation we edyOcor4t. Tevns a former member of the choir, ceded by many to be one of the best receive from them as well as the and prize winners on Friday \vere: tg Most acceptably "How Long exhibitions as well as the.Iargest ia high order of the products. Boys' Senior Events. It Thou Forget Me?"- attendance in the history of the so- As another instance of this co-op-' he afternoon service was wholly ciety. eration we are in-debted to an hion- 100-yard Dash-A. Somerville,(11 charge of the Sunday School, Citizens' Night brought forth a ored citizen, Mr. J. W. Alexander, sec.), J. Reynolds, S. Osborne.; 220 re being 508 in attendance, as re- larger crowd than usual when a per- President of- the Dominion Organ & yd. dash-A. Somerville, (25 215 led hy Secretary T. C. JeweIl. formance somewhat ont of the or- Piano Co. Ltd., who on learnîng of sec.), J. Reynolds, C. Needham; 440 estar classes were Miss Marlon dinary was given in front of the Your visit, at once came f orward to yds--G. Claphain, (59 415 sec), J. .man's, Mrs. T. G. Mason's, Miss grand stand, the head liner being the daim the honor of personally enter- Reynolds, E. Goddard; Y/2 mile-G. len Caverly's and Miss Helen Cry- daring f eats of the Cadets froni the taining yo at this time in a manner Cîapman, (2 min. 13 215 sec), J. -an's. Mayor H. L. Quinn, the Royal Military College, Kingston, of which you maybe the best judge. Reynolds, A. Somerville; 1 mile- [fatigable Superintendeat,f pre- who were given well-deserved ap- Most particularly, however, for A. McKessock,e (6 min. 12 115 sec), d and led the exercises as given piueo ahapaac. Eu or aproval we have on parade to- J. Reynolds, E. Oliver; Running the official. program. cational, comîc and comedy motion day school children from West Dur- Hligh Jump-M. Gould, (4 ft 10l in), olo wresug y isesAddie pictures were thrown on the screený ham and Bowmanville Schools in1 R. Carruthers, W. Pointon; Running enfieild ýand Margueriteý Joness- by Wells Amusement Co.ý and the parade competition. They repre- Broad Jump-A. Somerville, (17 ft 1W. J. Morrison, B. A., and Mr. programn was interspersed with coin- sent perhaps to as large degree as 2 in), E. Oliver, M. Gould; Running in A. Holgate took part in the de- munity singing led by Mr. H. J possible the, good old British stock HOP, Step and Jump-A. Somerville, onal exercises, and Rev. A. P. Knight and Mr. T. W. Stanley at that pioneered this country so many 39ft 7 in), R. Carruthers, M. Gould; zcher, B. A., gave a 15-minute the piano. Bowmanville. Chamber years ago, as may be f ound in any Standing Broad,-Jump-R. Carruth- fress to the school on the mean- of Commerce Band also added to the other section of the province of On- ers, (8 ft 71/ in). A. Somerville, A. of Ralýly Day. fie showed that enjoyment of the occasion by giving tario, McKessock; Pole Vault-E. Oliver, ah member was needed at his or several spirited selections. . We must apologize, your Honor, (71/2ft), G. Courtice; Putting 12 lb. .best-with healthiy bodies, fine Ideal weather conditions graced for a lack of formality in this re- Shot-A. Somerville, (29 ft 7/2 in), ds and pure souls. The SI. S. the occasion on Wednesday. On e ception, f or which we trust you wlll J. Reynolds, R. Carruthers. chestra furnished several good of the big features of the exhibition pardon us by accepting the sincerity A. Sonierville lias the honor of mhers. Two members of Dr. Dia- was the parade of the rural and town of our welcome. vell's Class-Messrs. Stuart James eho hlrn bu 00o hn The Lieutenant Governor's reply winning the Senior Medal with 18 1Ernest Goddard upheld the whs asda h eta chool appears on pag0eofthe 2 of this issue. points. By reversion the medal istian fiag while the school stood and with their teachers marched As usual the main building provedgostJ.Ryodwih 2pin. attention and saluted, J oining down Silver Street and along King- to be a great centre of attraction, Boys' Junior' Eventa rtily in singing "There's a Royal Street to the Agricultural Park and the exhibits of merchants, manu- 100 yd dash-A. Caxmee'on, (13 ;ner". A chorus by the Primary were admnitted free to the grounds. f acturers, and others being so great sec), C. Tink, M. Osborne; 220 yd ;s as nicely given. Tt wsa neetn n nprn that a large tent was ulsed as an dash-A Camieron, (31 sec), C. Tink, [n the- evening the Orchestra as- sight to witness this parade. Besides annex to display the fruit. Although M Osborne; 440 yds-M. Osborne, bd- by outside friends opened the the pupils froni the town schools the entries in pouîtry Were îarger (Ï min. 14 115 sec), C. Caverly, C. vices With a very suitable select- these rural schools were represent- than usual tihe display was not up Tink; 1/ mile-M. Osborne, (2 min. avhich was f ollowed by a chorus ed: Orono, Salem, Hampton, Mapie t Othe standard, no doubt due to thse 36 sec), E. Roach, C. Caverly; Run- thse choir of young girls and boys Grove, Port Granby, Tyrone and unfavorable weather of Tuesday ning High Jump-A. Cameron, (4 ft. er direction of Mr. T. W. Courtice., Miss Mildred Cole's Dl- morning. l ia), C. Tink, E. Ronch; Running inley. ;vision from South Ward Scisool was If there i one thing more than Broad Jump-O. Williams. (13 ft l Rev. S. C. Moore, tise Past.or, con- awarded First Prize for Town Clas- antsrl on'nniî arin,HA.,CamerondC. C aver CaiRn- ýted the opening exercîses at ses. and Orono First Prize for tise continues to excel it is its live stock nn lp tpadJm-.Cm ,ning and evenilpg services. The 'rural scisools. Miss Kate Foster, exhibit, and this year Wa5 110 excep- eron,(32 ft 51'/2 la), O. Wllliamns, K. )ruses by tise choir and the solo by; Principal and Misd Eunice Hooper, tiop. A visit to the cattle and Switzer; Standing Broad Jump-A. sa Betty Freeman were spleddy Assistant. Judges were1 General horse stables (?), sheep and hog Cameron, (7 ft 5 in), R. Rundie, O. ig and reflected r"t credit to John Hughes, Col. L. T. McLaugis- pens 'reveaîed one of the choicest ' ilams; Pole Vault-O. Williams, dr -leader Mr. Stanieyý and on the lin and ajor R.J. Gi. Muh ctino rz nml n te'(6 f t 3 in), E oac, A. Camn.ron; ng, f olks who s0 ably supported praise is due Principal J. Hl. John- history of the fair. It is to be re-. Putting 8 lb. Shot-A. Cameron, (33 a. Tise singing by the chîldren ston Who organized and conducted gretted that ýbetter accommodationlf 6 in), F. NeWhouse, C. Caver'y. always a very attractive feature thse school parade. hsntbe rvddfrsaln A Cameron Wifl5 the Junior Medal 1it is doubtful if they Were ever Tise exhibition was officîally open- ca tegandos es.Wite elargîngwits2h ons ird with greater pleasure and ed by fis Honor Lieutenant Gover-o h rud etyaw oe sfatio thn o ths ocason no Hary ockhut wh Wa ~1* thîs addition in buildings Will be in1- Girls' Events ;sheio addres bynev. M. Focaso.e arco by CPresdett Jon ak e n luded among tise improvements. Basket BaH Game, lst and 2nd The ~ ~ ~ ~ hsfolwn address by e.M.Fece oe yPeietJh Barin The grand display of automobiles Forms vs. 3rd and 4th-10 9 in nm the words "What wilI it profit ti ol igadesb the Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd and favor of lst and 2nd fornis; Accur- ma fose is an souh"?was rdisu- Hn ar Cc utLuke, Boys Lîmited w1ilch occu- ate throw, basket ball-M-arion d- lse is on sul", wa dicus-Hon Hary Ccksuttpied two large tents drew large Pickard. Audrey Lamb, Marie Rua- from tise play if e, the education- Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. crowds and the cars Were much ad- dle; Three-legged race-Maron ,and-national sides of life. fie mired. The displays included ah ikr ndMlr* Sui, an levery practical, helpful and May it please youi- Honor: On be- mkso ar auatue aO is- aonand MGrace Caverly, Doty rt-searching appeal to every one haîf of tise West Durham Agricult- awa by General Motors Limited. Beliman and Lucy Oliver; Basebaîl young, middle-aged or old, and ail ural Society it is my honored duty .The Attractions Commîttee is to tlsrow and catch-Grace Caverly and ýheard it left tise auditorium as well as great personal pleasure be commended for its attitude in Dorotisy Bel-man, Marion Pickard ling better for having listened. to to Welcome you here to officiate at cuttiag out the common coarse yan- and flilda Foley, Grace. Bragg and earnest words. the opening of our annual fair. We kee vaudvllle stunts before tise Constance Seward; 220 yd dash (a) esteem your presence a great favor granid stand and submitting some sno-alnPcad 3 l e) inded nd e hve ih apreia-wisolesome dlean "aIl-Canadae"" acts Mildred Souch Annie Laird; (b) jnn- MINISTERS AND CHURCHES tion of the honor thus conferred, wiici met With tise entire approval f ior-HeleIn Worden (33 315 sec), not only because it is but' a modest of tise large crowd. IAnsVntnMblSe~s'Chrh Re.D day fair, and we perhaps could ge VasoMblSt-!3; St. auls Curch Re. D W.not expect to be so, highly favored Tise record success of this year's Blind-fold race-Marion Pickar' and st, mînister. Services in the more than once -in a decade by a fair is due in no0 small measure to Mildred- Soucis, Dorotisy Bel'mnaa eture Room. il a. m--"Pct- Lieutenant Governor, but also be- tise initiative of its yonng officers and Grace. Caverly, 'Constance Sew- Bl. 7 p. m.-"Keepiag th ir ase fires ndffrn wy n teatieadun ,igefforts ard, Susie Laird; Long tirow, ning on tise Altar". 2.30 P. m- has siown a very evideat interest in ssiown by tisem combined wit tise basket ball-(a) senior, M2rron Sunday Scisool and. Bible Classes. agriculture and more directly to, ns co-operation of tise directors. Pîckard, Mildred Soucis, Hîlda F lIey; St. Joisn's Churcis, Rector, Rev. C. by your ready acceptance of our West Durisam Agricultural Society (b) Junior-Agnes Vanstone, Mabel Muirhead, Organist, Mrs. Jno. A, invitation to be witis us on tisis oc- lias a membersisip of 186 and is Stevens, Helen Worden; 100 'îard inn. l6tis Sunday after Trinity casion. officered as f ollows: President- dasis (a) ýSenior-Marlon Piel-ard, ;ober lst. il a. m.-Holy For your information, your Hon- John Baker; lst Vice-do-M. J. El- Katie Pincs, Dorotisy Kirktoa; (b) ummunion. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday or, let me say tisat this Agricultural liott; 2nd Vice do-Alýan Campbsell; Junior-Helen Worden, Agnes Van- hool. 7 p. m.-Evening Song. Soýciety represents an agricultural Se'y.-Treas-R. F. Aitchison; Dirý stone, Mabej Stevens; Basket bail ,acher tise Rector. section, of wiih tisere are few better ectors,-Darlington-Mrs. W. E. relays-3rd 'Forin; Inter Form Rie- Churcis of Christ, Rev. L. E. in tise province of Ontario, wiiciPollard, Messrs. A. H. Allia, Neil lays-lst Form, 2nd Form, 3rd tvitz, pastor. Sunday services- statement I trust. may be verified Mutton, Geo. Annis, L. G. Snowdea, Form; Slow Bicycle Race-Do- ýtisy a. m.-Tse Lord's Supper. Sub- by your inspection of tise varied Il Skinner, H. E. Tink, R. J. GuI, James, Edna Swallow, Agnes Van- t "Tise Fraternity". 2.30 P. nm. products on exhibition isere to-day K . Squair anct Lt .-Col. L. T. Mc- sto ne. -undav Scisool Rally, Parents and 1 might practicaîîy mention the~ Lauglin. Clarke-Mrs. N.« Rick- 1olars specially invited. 4-5 pure bred live stock from wisence is ard, Messrs.' Frank Allia, D. J* Gib- Girls' Championsiip-Mý-rion m.-Men's Bible Class. 7 P. m. drawn annual show and seed stock son, J. F. Osborne, F'. «W . Bowen, Pickard, 20 points, goes by reve-sion rhe fourthinlatise seriesof "Sup- for improvement in different -part s M. P. and Norman Allin. Bowman- to Mildred Soucis, Il points. ýse". ~~~~~of Canada as well as tise United ilMr.LA.WToeMs J .Vethodist Churcis, Rev. S. C. States, also tise fruit dfisplay' for A. McClehlan, James Nokes, E. F. oore, Pastor. Suýnday services. whicis this section, wisere thousands Weatiserilt, G. N.' Thurston, T. Wes- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bates, Lind- 30 a. m.-Classes and Mornîag of barrels of cisoicest 'apples are ley Cawker and F. F. Morris. Hon- say, are visiting friends isere. urs. 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. ni. shipped every year, is so mach noted. orary Directors-D. B. Simipson K ahmywnostiwelfr -Rev. C. W. Follett ,B. A., of Berk- We also feel justlfied as a Society C. ,in. J. A.M P. P., HMa W.* sfi iWatch my Winds tiss ekfo .y Street Cisurcis, Toronto, wihl workiag for tise welfare of agricult- L. QunnJ.F. Morerais. :I peiCsoG . Edmondtone.Sl ýach 2.30 p. m..---Sunday Scisool ure by our Boys' Caîf Club work Lp.F .Mri C.FriueSl id Bible Classes and Men's Brother- Junior Fanmera' Judging Competi- 1Tise officiaI receîpts as given by ends Saturday-buny 1w and save. od. Mr. T. W. Stanley, Organ- tion and Field Crop Competition, in tise Treasurer are: First night, and Choir Leader. Exeln1iii ii ya ehv aear $197.75; second day gate, $12 83.75; Radio lias pnzzled millions. L arn L5ld. A cordial welcome to all. cord witis tise iigisest score in white tgrand stand, $247.45. Total more about it at Royal Tiseatre, St. John's Churcis Harvest Home oats ever made la tise province of:$1728.95. Thursday, October 5tis. rvices were held on Sunday last Ontario.I (Continued on last page) Mr. and Mrs. Tisomas Smits, Or- dore- lar~ge congregatdons. Tise _______________ ono,1 annouace tise engagement of eacher for tise occasion was tise tiseir youagest dýaugister, Mildreil, to av. T. G. Wright, Rector of AlI BOWMANVILLE RADIO CLUB WEDDED IN DAKOTA Dr. John Francis Vickers Chsester, iints, Whitby, wiso preacised two son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. V. Gise ter, 'y inspiring sermons. Music by Bowmanville Radio Club was form- Evans-Bruce Toronto. Tise marriage will take. echoir was excellently readered at ed at a meeting iseld at Reeve C. E.plc eyuitinOobr th services, Soloists were Miss Reisder's residence, on Monday evea- fier mgny friends la Bowmaaville paevr uel nOtbr ne~ ~ Pawsa an"Mr.J. Trrit1whoin- hea -iseM ---w-n -o--c-rsw -re Aad-arwr -is !w11jon2i-Ca-y Ms.ElzaethHacok,174Aol Couch, Johnston & Crydernian, Limiteu PhoneO 14 B owma nvI lie 1IKE R5 FOR BOYSS Double wear with every pair The Shoe with the -Mileage On July 24th ten boy scouts of the city of Tor- onto were fitted out with these Hiker Shoes and were taken on a 400 mile hike finishing on August 23rd. Not a break oc- curred in any of the shoes that were worn. ONE PAIR 0F HIKERS DOES THE WORK 0F TWO PAIR 0F ANY OTHER SHOES Kindly note sizing and prices. Boys' or Youths' 101/2 to 2 at ....$5.50 per pair Boys' 2 to 6 ......................$6.00 per pair Men's 6 to 12 ...........................$8.00 per pair Every Pair Guaranteed For Sale By W.tC.LAUDE IVESm- Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store 'I l

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