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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1922, p. 5

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LOCAL AN» OTHERWISE Bowmanvilq, meî{hants continue toexpress satifaction with- Dol lai fW.a-,oh G. A. Edmnondstone's win- dows , for Friday and $Saturday Specials. Miss Greeta Belîmanbas îeturnedi to Toronto after holidaying withi hie; parents ýat Orchard Manor. Pbey. A. P. Fletcher was guest of Mayor and Mis. b. L. Quinn, Liber- ty Street, wbile in town over Sun- day. A car of Lehigh Valley bard coal reacbed Port Hope Tuesday-32' tons-and was sold in ton lots at Woman's Association of St. Paul's Church will hold their annual bazaar on Friday, November 17th. Par- ticulars later. Dr. B. C. Brimacombe, Marlon, Ind., is visting is mother, Mis. E. Brimacombe. and sister, Mis. H. A. Bird, Mount Hamilton. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. bis bonor Lieutenant Governor SHarry Cockshutt, and Col. Fraser were guests of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Alexander on Fair Day. The many friends of Miss Ethel Morris are pleased to know she is pîogressing -nicely afteî bier serlous, operation for appendicitis. Mi. and Mis, W. Lowe, Miss Cecila an.d Lillian Lowe and Miss bazel Samis visited Mi. and Mis. J. N. Noble, Oshawa, on Sunday. I& ra Anderson. Selby, bas been visiing bis son, Mr. Elmo Ander- son, wbo bad bis toe crushed a few weeks ago at the Goodyear Woîks. Men, you are invited to inspect oui new display of faîl suits and overcoats in newest materials and latest styles. Couch, Jobaston & Cryderman. Mr. and Mis. C. H. G. Fletcher, Mr.,and Mrs. Geo. E. Maynard andi Mr. Andrew Nef, Toronto, weîe guests of Mr. and Mis, H. Al. Flet- cher over 9Sùnday. beai Rev. C. W. Follett, B. A., tf Toronto, in Metbodist Cbuîcb on Sunday. Rev. S. C. Moore wil1l preacb in Berkeley-st. Metbodist Clurc-they excbange pulpits. Mr. and Mis. J. Busbnell and Mr. End Mrs. G, Palmer, Omemee, left on Wednesday mornîng for Bow- manville, where Mr. Bushnell is act- ing ns judge on ligbt borses.-Lind- Bay Wardei. Rey. and Mis. D. W. Best, accom- Sanied their daughteî, Miss Eliza- etb Best to Kingston on Tuesday. Miss Best wiIl register for an Arts Course in Queen'a, University. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE F. F. M orris Co, Furniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. Bananas and Oranges, specially priced this week at McMurtry & Co's Miss Aima Stevens, Toronto, bas been visitiug Miss Marjorie Plum~- mer. South Ontario Teachers' Conven-j tion in Port Ferry on October 12th and 13th. Mi. and Mis. Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, visited relatives here over the week-end. Miss S. W. Reuwick, Rochester,1 N. Y., is visiting the Misses Gal- braith, Queen-st. Miss Neads, Toronto, is visiting Mis. Wilson Neads and ber many other frîends here. Mr. and Mis. R.' G. Dickinson, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr, W. W. Dickinson's. Mrs. Fred R. Heal, Toronto, was recent guest of Mrs. W. W. Alin and took in the fair. Mrs. James Emerson and Mis. A. O. Keeler attended Bowmanvi.lle Fair.-Port Hope G uide.-.. . LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, 'We murst again apologize for non- apearance of several articles for lack "of space. Mis. T. A. Anderson, Toronto, has been visiting bier mother, Mis. Annie boar, Bethesda, and other relatives hereabouts. Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce Band will give its final open air band concert of season on Tues- day evening, October 2nd. Mr. and Mis. Fred W. Osborne, Toronto, and Mr. and Mis. Ren. Os- borne, Winnipeg, Man., were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.- H. Osborne. Men's $35 and $40 Suits for $17.95 tliis week at MeMtrtry & Co's. Miss Gladys Bunner, daughter of Rev. W. A. Bunner, Pickering, lef t Sunday morning to take a special course in Religlous Education at Bos- ton University. Dr. and Mrs. Andrus, London, Ont., returning £rom Saranac Lake, Adirondack Mountains, were in Port Hope guests of bis grandmother, Mis W. Lonsdale.-Guide. Mi. IH. McAnesbie, Sarnia, bas Mr. and Mis. Walter Lott and been holidaying with Mr. F. b. Misses Florence and Bernice and Joness, Carlisle Avenue. Miss Freada Peiry and Miss Viola Dr. Frank Trebileock, Toronto, Anderson were guests at Mr. Wm,. and Mr. Paul Tîebilcock, Peterboro, Found's, on Fair Day. spent the week-end at home. Mis. F. A. Fitchett and son Bille Dri. J. L. Hughes, Toronto, was in wbo have been spending the sum- town for Fair Day, guest of bis mer with lier parents, Mr. and Mis. brother, Major John Hughes. Wmn. Painton. left Saturday for Mrs. Chas. Manning is visiting their home in Montreal. Mis. W. S. Rose, Wallaceburg, and Friends will be sorry to leain of ther friends ln Western Ontario. the ilîness of Mis. J. F. McMillan, Mi. O. S. Pollard of the Post matron at the Counties Home for the Office Staff, Toronto, visited bis Aged. Mis. McMillan is at present brother and sister here last week. la the Port Hope Hospital and bier Mr. Robt. D. Woods, Toronto,' numerous friends hope for ber spent the week-end with bis sister, speedy recovery. Mrs. Geo. W. James, Liberty Place. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Mi. Special assoitment of hand drawn and Mis. R. M. Mitchell and sons voile blouses for suits now on dis- were in Lindsay on Sunday play at Coucb, Johnston & Cryder- visiting Mis. Fred J. Mitchell mnsLtd. of this town wbo was called The Women's Guild of St. John's there a week ago on acount of the Church will hold a boise Shoe baz- death by accidentai drowninýg of ber nar on Friday, December lst.-Par- only brother, Mr. Dan Sinclair. Every ticulars inter. 39-2w day since a diligent search la the Mr. and Mis., W. J. Robson and waters of Lake Scugog had hleen baby Eleanor, Belleville, were guests mnade but a week passed before the ,ofËismoter Mr. W Rbso ovrbody was discovered on Sunday last bmthe rwis.W.Robondve by a search party. The, funeval th weked took place Monday afterno*on under Mis. D. McPherson, Toronto, was auspices of indepeadent Order of guest of Mi. and Mrs. J. N. Law-, Oddfellows of wbicb deceased wasaia rie and Mis, M. Moore for a f ew member. Oui citizens geneîally days last week. will sympathize witb Mis. Mitchell Mis.> W. W. Willis, Mis. Jack in bier sad bereavement. Dale and Masteî Leighton, Toron- Look 'em oviýT, Men-15 Suits, to, attended the Fair and spent a serges, tweeds and worsteds, some f ew days witb Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. 2th Century Make, reg. $35 and Mcbeynolds. Mr. Willis and Mr. $40, this week clearing at $17.95. Dale spent the week-end here. Mcmutiy & Co. Mr. Sam Hoar, Toronto, visited BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28, 1922.1 his sister, Mrs. S. Candier and t tentled the Fair. BIRTHS Ladies', Women's and Girls' new Faîl and winteî coats, embroideîed, stitcbed, fui trimmed, witb or with- out fui collai, also famous Bur- beriy Coats are included in oui beautiful display of coats just re- ceived. An early inspection invit- ed. Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man Ltd. Mis. A. E. Wîenn, King-st., re- cently gave a small reception in hon- or of ber youngest daughteî's mai- niage to Mr. Kenneth Fletcher. About twenty guests spent a veîy pleasant evening previous to the Young people starting for their home ln Oshawa. The gifts weîe many, ail useful and beautiful for which Mis. Wrenn and Queenie return their best thanks to the givers. A f ew days later tbey were again surprised when about 30 Oshawa fîiends called and 'present- ed them witb an address and kitchen showeî. A very happy time was en- joyed in games, etc. F. F. Morris Co. Fuiniture Sale ends Saturday-buy now and save. Two homes have suffered sad ber- eavement in less than a month caus- ed by infan tile paralysis in spite of the best medical attention. On August 24. Wilfred Ford, son of Mr. and Mis. W. W. Marsden, passed away afteî a f ew houis' illness, aged 6 years. Again on September 12, Eldon DeBow, nephew of Mi. and Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Carlisle Ave., suc- combed to the same disease, aged 12 years afteî only a f ew houis' illness. What make the last namedý case par- sad la that the parents of this bright boy, Mi. and Mis. Eveîett DeBow of Toronto. formerly of New Brunswick, were drowned wben the S. S. "Empress of Ireland" went down on May 29, 1914. Eldon was the only chfid and after being ber- eft of bis parents, lived witb bis Fandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Kîm, until bis aunt, Mis. Quinn wns maniied. He came here witb them about two years a go and seeming- ly was always bright and active at home or at scbool. Owing to the contaglous nature of the disease, a stiictly private funer,01 was 'heid early next mornîng conducted by Revs. S. C. Moore and W. H:. Spargo, and bis relnains weîe laid to rest in Bowmaaville Cemetery. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Beaver Lodge, No. 858, L. T. B., will conduct a series of Euchre part- les, starting Fîiday, September 29tb at 8 p. m. to be held la A. 0. F. Hall, over MeMutry's & Co's. Store. Good prizes and îefresbments seîved. Everyody welcome. Admission 25c. 38-2 Great Furnitu're Sale Ends S aturd ay Many Tempting Bargai'ns Await' Late Shoppers As a resuit of our tremendous price reducing sale of furniture many homes througho ut Dur- ham, Count3 will be greatly modernized with up-to-date and comfortable furniture. It has been a wonderful sale in many respects. From our customers' standpolnt it has been a most ha py and enjoyable occasion, every purchase of furniture was a real genuine bargain. This sale as also established a record in the firm's history for volume of business. For the remaining days of this sale the values will particularly appeal to thrifty shoppers who are out to gét- the biggest values in high grade furniture at rock bottom prices. Soid Oak Dinin g Room - Suite d$100.00 3~~'mA special this week just from the factory ______ __a solid oak DINING ROOM SUITE, Louis XVI Design. Regular $150.00 for $100.00 4 Piece Living Room Suite t$75.0O ONE LIVING ROOM SUITE, settee,, rocker and armi chair, fumed oak, uphol-, stered in tapestry, and a 42 inch table, egarprice,, $110.00 for $75.00 DIVANETTE COMPLETE $55.00FETM TRSS$95 Quartered, Oak, in good tapestry, and with W aesl od forseilfl mattress, Sale Price $55.e0ae0odlad fou pcilfi Chair. and Rocker to match $40.00 mattress at $950 ail sizes. Special in Reed Furniture, This wcek we are making extra special reductions on ail REED FURNITURE. THESE ARE .BUSY DAYS AT OUR STORE-SHOP IN MORNING IF POSSIBE-STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE-REMEMBER SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT. BMwa'vll FF. MOR Ris Co., and"rn CONLIN-In Harmony, Sept. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Conlin, a son. FERNELLY-To Mt. and Mrs. John Fernelly off Coesarea, a boy, September 19, 1922. EVERSON-In Oshawa, September 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Everson, a daughter. MARRIAGES PINGLE-PROUSE-In Oshawa, Sept. 9, by, Bey. A. M. Irwin, Baden Powell, son off Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pingle, and Velma, daughter of Mrs. Prouse and the late Joseph Prouse, both of Bowman- ville. EVANS-B RU CE-In Emmanuel Epis- copal Church, Rapid City, South Dakota, on Sunday, Sept. 3. by Rev. Sydney W. Creasy, Mr. E. G. M. Evans, London, England, and Miss Mabel E. Bruce, formerly of Bowmanville. ROWLAND-ANSON-AM' Centennîal Methdoist Church, Toronto, Saturday, Sept. 23rd, by Rev. J. C. Wilson, Sarah (Sadie), daughter off Mrs, and the late Harvey Anson, te Arthur Volney Row- land, son off Mrs, Catherine Rowland, Newcastle, DEATHS WHITEFORD-At Brooklin, Sept. 17, John Whiteford, in hàp 68th year. BRISBIN-On September 17, Thomas Brisbin, con. 9 ,Manvers, aged 69 years. ARMSTRONG-In K"ndal, Septemnberj 16, Susan Hawthorne, reliet off the late James Armstrong. McCAB E-mn Manvers township, Sept.1 25, Alexander McCabe, in bis 66th year. Itterred in Nestieton cemetery. JEFFERY-At Whitby, September 9, J aArthur Jeffery, in lis 45th year, Clohn husband off Adelina Lick, MOON-At Rossmount, September 10, Caroline Huntington, relict off the late George N. Moon, in her Slst year. SKITCH-At Toronto, September 11,1 Thomas Albert Skitch, aged 64 years. Interment at Port Hope Cemetery. SM iTH-At bis late, residence "The Oaks", Port' Hope, September 10th, Robert Charles Smith, aged 75 years.1 GAMSBY-In Lindsay, Sent. 5, Lurinda1 Elvira, beloved wif e off the laIe T. H. Gamsby, aged 93 years and 3 months. KNCÏWLSON-At Sandy Point, Sturg- eon Lake, Sept. 5, Arthur Knowlson,l 1New York City, beloved husband off Daisy Glore, and son off Mr. J. B. Knowl- son, Lindsay. KERR-At St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, September 18, Henry KCerr, in his 6t er Interred at Newcastle. L0ST & FOUND. FUR FOUND ON FAIR DAY-Apply at Statesman Office. SPECTACLES-In brown case, either on High School grounds or on the street on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Naine, on inside off case. Reward ffor return to States- man Office, Bowmanýville. 39-tff WANTEID WANTED-Leghorn hens not over year or pullets. Write R. M. Campbell, Bowmanville. 39-1* WANTED-Sewing by the day by ex- perlenced dress-inaker. Mrs. Isaac Harr, HIotel Bowman, Bowmanville. 39-1w* GOOD GENERAL SERVANT-Good wages. Apply to Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, Welliington-st., Bowmanville. 28-2, ORGANIST WANTED-For Newcastlei Methodist Church. Dutiei t, begin Ot. lst. State salary expected. .Apply to H. R. Pearce, Secretary Trutei ad Newcastle.9-t WANTED-Men to cut and haul cord-j wood and posts. Late this fali. Con- tracts let. For particulars apply to Arthur Beliman, R. R, 4, Bwomanville. Phone 189-12 39-tf WANTED--Girl from country attend- îng High School will be given free board in return for company off woman whose husband ls away during week. Write 'B. W.' care Statesman OffIce, Bowman- ville. 189-11 1ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-A good young Holstein cow. Apply A. Turner, Scugog St, Bow- manville. 37-2w .FOR SALE-Parlor Cook, Crown Treasure, nearly new. Apply 10 Thos. Haynian, King-et. E., Bowmanville. 29-1w5 SQUARE CHICKERING PIANO-In flrst clasa condition. Apply to Ross Stutt, Welllngton-st., Bowmanville. 39-2w* AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply 10 J. Hately, Central Garage, Bowmanville. 37-tf. FOR SALE-Practically New Ford Touring Car, muet be sold thîs week. Apply Gordon PI. Souch, Cburcb-st. Office phone 41J; Reoidencepphone 140r2. CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlln 1917, $300; Chevrolet 1920, $975; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply te A. W. Plekard, Phone 185, Bowmanvllle. HONEY FOR ZALE-Good quaity clover extra boney, can be secured at village stores ln Darlington or at Apairy. R. J .Smith, Enniskillen, phone 211r24. FOR. SALE-A young Yorkshire sow, five months old. Also shortborn cows and beiffers. Alan Campbell, Raby Head, R. R. 2, Bowmanvllle. Phone 183-r6. 39-2w. FURNITURE FOR SALE-ý3ýdroomn Suite, quartered oak, cost $100, will take $50; Sîde Board, 3 quartered cut oak, cost $65, will take $35; 'Parlei Suite, solld walnut, cost $125, wIll take $65, liat rackc, will take $6.00i-,Âpply to Jas. Ryan, Elgin-et., Bowxnvllle. 38-2w* F. F. Morris Co. Furnîture Sale ends Satuday-buy row and giave., PROPERTI FOR'-SALE FOR SALE-New frame cottage, con- talning 6 rooms and batbroom on Churcli St. Âpply to BoX 440, Bowmanville. 87-SwO Two Storey Brick House for sale on Nelson Street, elecîric llghts in bouse, stable, water, quarter acre land. Âpply Wmn. Brock, Bowmanvllle, phone 114. 38-30 FOR SALE-Brick cottage containa x6 rooms, furnace and electrlc llghts. Hard and zoft water In bouse, good garden and fruit trees. Âpply to J, Westaway. Queen Street, flowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lot about ftfty feet front- age at corner off Centre and Conce»Iion Streets, containlng good barn, easily con- vertible Into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eyell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens faim located at Tyrone, Ont..' contalning one bundred and, fifty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, aine beaîing. Ploughing possession tbis Faîl. Apply Bruce Honey. weII, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. Bowinanvlle. 5 2-tf FOR SALE-A six-room, cottage wlth batbroom and storeroom, sltuated at the corner off Duke and Argyle-sts. It bas ahl tbe modern convenieuces as electrîo ligbt, water, baîdwood floors and new furnace; aise a good garden. For In- formation apply to Mrs. E. L. Woodley on the premises or L. R. Wood, Elgin- et., Bowmanville. 88-tf FOR SA LE-Tbe owner off that prop- erty known as the Cam. L. Munson Es- tate. situated on Concession Street in tbe town off Bowmanville, was down from the west, and I arn now permltted 10 sell tbe above In tWo parcels. Viz- Tbe cottage and one baîf off the land ori the west baîf off sald lots., There li 851100 off an acre In botb parcels--andJ wlll be equally divided. The vacant lot lias been terined by rann i_ý the iotI desirable reside-ntial building lot la town close to C. P. R. Station, Public Schooi1 and Churches. For alI particular pl to John Percy, Bowmailhle. 8-f jThe Shop That Leads[ Satisfaction IN BUYING YOUR CLOTHES, YOU MUST HAVE STYLE AND QUALIIY BEFO)RE YOU CAN HAVE PERFECT SA1ISIACTION Stop on the main street of any large cityan watch fitteen men go by in succession, one of them, will look bctter dressed than the other fourteen, his clothes wili have a distinctive look,' they xviii fit him perfectly-can you pick out this man? Sure you can, dead easy. This man 's personal appearance predominates wherever hie goes. Good clothes add not only to a man 's appearance but also to his confidence and bearing. There is a feeling of sati 'sfaetion in knowing that the quality and style of your clothes will stand close inspect- ion. ART CLOTHES are made from the best of materials, Lailored to your measure, by expert woirkmen. Good quality clothes prove more econ- omical by giving longer service and i better appearance. Our guarantee of saýtisf action goes wi'th every suit of ART CLOTH ES. Come in and look Dver the Fali samp- les, you will be agreeably surpris- ed at quality of the materials and large selection of new styles you have to choose from. -We're ready to serve you and show you just how super- ior ART CLOTHES really are. Made tn your Measure Suits from $33.00 to $62.00 G_. N. Tu RSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and, Fur Shop.I Prepare "For Tue Winter Long everings and bad weather will soon be here .and the ideal formn of amusement as well as instruction at this time is Radio! We are han dling the best lines of Radio equip- ment on the market, amongst them the Marconi, Canadilan Jndependent Telephoneý and the North- ern Electric. -The Marconi equipment should need no descrip- tion, as the name guarantees the quality. The Canadfian Independent equipment is our highest pric-ed set at present and requires some skill to operate. 1 The Northern Electricequipment features the new "Peanut" tube which'operates on ordinary dry celîs, requiring no0 storage 'battery. MARCONI MODEL "C" REGENERATIVE RECEl VER We guarantee any of the above makes sold by us and off er Înstruction and, service. SpeciaI-WTe have one amateur constructed set, tuner, audion and detector unit only, absolutely new. on which we can. offer a real bargain.' Ask us about this. L. J. Clayton (The Bungalow) Bowmanville Ontario J. A., Cole, Country Representative Open Monday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Sturday- Evenings.

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