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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1922, p. 6

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M Il HORSE AILMENTS of many kinds quickly rernedied with DOUGLAS, EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONINO.« CURES THRUSH. FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRIJISES. The best ail around Liniment for the stable as well as for household uise. KEEP IT RANDY, At al Deaiers and Druggists. Manufactured only by DOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, Ont. W 'SPMOSPH0DlNE.' ýýThe Great English Preparatian. _3Tones and invigorates the whole e)ervous system. mnakes new Bood - in oid Veins. Used for Nervous 'Debi1ity, Mental and Braie Worry, Despûnden àýý, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of thec Heart, Failing Memiory. Price $2 per box, 3,>~ 'ifor $5. -,Sold by all druggists, or mailed in plein ipkg. on receipt of pricç. New pumphVt maile4 >fwe.TdU WOOD MEDICINE co4.TGRONToNT. .A safe, reliable reguin ting medicz ne. Sold in threo de- goesof tregthNo.1,81I; - ~ ~ S No2,3;~. 3,$5 per box. Sld 2by ail drugelets, or sent prepaid on receipt of prie. Fiee pamphlet Address. THE COOK MEDICINE C0.4 TaONTO. ONT. vnâ %i4. I~NlhtaMdMlornng. 11' Eyaa, e If they Tiret FOR Itch, Smart or Burn,, YoueÊe- if SreIrritated, In- fiamned orGranulated, useMuieotn Soothes,Refresbes Safefor Infantor Adult.*At all Druggista. Write DAUGTERV HEALTH J.6yda . ?inkham',s Vege- tale Comýpouîid Helped Both 'Màth er and Daughter Lu ms de n, Saskatchewan-«My znother had taken Lydia Fl. Pink- hami's Vegetable Compound and when 1 needed somnething for my pertods 1 took It and got good reeuîts. 1 recoin- imend It to womoen with aaiy female troubles and 1 knO'w other woxen' 'who have been helped by it eint do the saane."-M-zs. M.&x ItgrzEz L.unie- den, Saskatchewan. Many cas~es like this coou (» our uotice. Lydia Rl Plnkhames Vega- table Compoundi Is often reommended by the mother a.nd the grandruother too, for bear Ia minci, It he7s been helping womon for nearly fitty years, Women Teil Each Other In your, own neighborhood aqre vomen who know the value of this wonderful medicine andi tbey talle to eue anather about it. Sc- if you are, troubled with palns and Irregulari- Mies, a tired feeling, nervous and gleepless speils, or havw other annoy Ing sYmPtoms causeti by oome ferrie trouble, you have only to ask some 3ieighbo'r what she thinks of your taking Lydia E. ?lnkhanxu Ve4table compound. ARE YOU A MOTHER? IIMatL ia Your Mot Valuable Aseet Hu-* la How to Take Pmp Care of It Hamilton, Ont.-"I was advleed by 4L vractical nurse to take Dr. Pierce'o Favorite Prýecp. tien as a tente dur- Sit kept me In per- jfet heath and I .bad practically no Pieces Favo r- fte Prescription net only benefits the mother but I arn poetive the, t1ke child Is benefited, toc. 1 would Ilot hesitate to recommend Dr. Pieroes Favorite Preecription to dv %r expctnt mothr."Mrs C. NEWCASTLE BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28th, 1922 Henry Kerr, ia bis 66th year, dieti Suuday laztinl St. Michael's Hospital, HAMPTON -SCHOOL FAIR Toronto, where he had been a pat- ient for the past five months, sufer-' The Officiai Prize List. ing £rom internai trouble. Deceaseti was a veteran of the Great War, Wheat, Marquis-Tommy Sykes, huving enlisteti in 1915 in Port Hope, John Rundle, with the 136th Battalicu. He pro- Wheat Marquis, Sheaf-Tommy ceeded overseas, in the came year, Sykes, John Runtile. but was unable to get to France, Onts, O. A. C. 72-Gordon Brout. owing to the age lîmit, Throughout the war he served in Englanti, doing reats, O. A. C. 72, Sheaf-Gordon guard duty. He wus bora lu Orono. utEmrStt. The greater part cf hic life hati been' Barley, O. A. C. 21-]Ralph Wil- spent in Port Hope. Deceased, bur. who was unmunnieti, atteuded the! Barley O. A. C. 21, Sheaf-Ralph Methcdist Church and is surviveti by'Wilbur. one brother, C. Kerr, in California, i«Ensilage Corn, Bailey, Sheaf- and wc istrsMss.E. , Mbe, Earl Fowler, Muriel Baker, Allan cf Toronto, anti Mrs. S. Fallis, in Bulsam, NtIlscn WilkiuaAgb ert Saskatchewan. Interment took Rundle ,Marjorie Niddery. place in Newcastle Cemetery on Sweet 0dmn, Golden Bantam- Wedneduy.Elias Greenaway, Frank Hastings, - - -Edith Pascoe. Elvira Davis, Edgar Wright. TREASURER'S TAX Fieldi Peus, Arthur-Bruce Tiuk, SALE 0F LANDS, Eleanor Sykes. A Saleof Lands for Arrears ofi ITaxes will be held in The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- noon. A lîst of the lands for sale for arrears cf taxes has been pre- pared, and copies thereof may be had la my office, and that the list is be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Sixteenth and Twenty-tbird days of September, 1922, and thatin -default of payment of the taxes and codsts, the lands will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, August 28th, 1922.' 35-13 THIS! ~f Use IT DOES R~iUIEVE DEAFNESS and HEAD MOISES. Simply rsb it in back of the ears andi insert in nostrils. MADE IN CANADA L. H. Bedlington & Co. Sales Agents Toronto For Sale By Ail Good Druggists fo eStcham n s &Y4 ine. Scots Bnuidaiu 18 eurpdslngl helPful to tethin didren. A itdle regularly works wondersl seot & »Mmne. Tos'osto. ont 2-3 After takidng 1000 ZUTOO TABL[Iý1S Says they are Ilarmless ]Kr..(Mr-) Shurtieff, Of Coatlcook, says 8*1 must have taken 1000 zutoo Tablet. After trying every remedy wltha reach, I discarded them aul four, year ego fo, ZtlTOO, whlch 1 have takea ever ai nco. 1 find the tablets a harmiesa nd eSwÀcimt medY for aU. kinda of headacheIo t*5 cente pet box-at ail dealers THE "LIFTUP' (Patented) The "LftuP' a patented In- vention with non-slip eiastlc Insîde belt, gentlY supports the abdomen and is very beneficial for use after an' Operation involviug an ab- dominal Incision, Most ef- fective ln relievIng those Physica ailiments f r oxi which many -women suffer. WVrite for the name cf oa Dias Corsetiere near Vow. DIAS CORSETS. LIMITE[) 41 Britain Street, TorQnte FILLED CORS ETS Garden Peas, Thomas Laxton- Irene Petley, Wilfreti Greenaway, IrIene E. Pascoe. Potatoes, Green Mountain-Stan-1 îey ýCowling, Percy Nesbitt, Edua Cars, Bruce Tinle, Ethel, Wakely,l Kenneth Petley. Potatoes, Irish Ccbbler-Lorenzo Wakely, Leslie Welsh, Ruth White, Doris Stainton, Audirey Shortritige, Frank Westlake. Maugels, Yellow Leviathan-Eru- est Horn, Helen Baker, Gordon Won- uacott, Lila Walsh, Harry Cowliug, Geralti Balsam. Turnips, Purple Top Swede- Beatrice Joues, Jessie Knox, Harold Tabb. Beets, Detroit Dark Reti-Mabel Plintoif, Florence Burns, George H. Kercluke, Nora E. Kerslake, Elma Davis, Eric Joues. Carrots, Chanteuy-Pearl Davis, Winnie Cryderman, Helen Knox, Norma Wright, May Wright, Luther Pascoe. Parsuips, Hoflow Crown-George Werry, Nelson Davis, Lilian Jebson, Maurice Baker, Lauru Wilkins, Lena Gay. Onions, Yellow Globe Dave- Ruth McKessock, Francis Joues, Ar- nott VanNest, Eric Joues, Madeline Trull. Sweet Peas, Spencer jHybrids, Table Bouquet-Viola Lock, Eliza- beth Bigelow. Asters, Giant Comet, Table Bou- quet-Ethel Wakely, Mary Niddery, Laura Wilkins, Dcsothy Heur. Phlox, Drummondi, Table Bouquet -Evelyn Tinle, Venu Shackleton, Wiuuie Cryderman, Mary Rundle. Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock -Eleanor Sykes, Marguerite Wright, Mary Fowlen, Ernest Hockatiy, Venu Shackleton, Tom Hcar, Pullet, Barreti Plymouth Rock- Eleanor Sykes, Frank Hastings, Ruth White, Ernest Hcckaday, Marguerite Wright, .Mary Fowlen. Peu, Barred Plymouth Rock- Effie Balsam, Eleaucr Sykes, Mur.- guertei Wright, Lecuard Martin,I Ruth White, Marjcry Niddery. Colt, Draft-Ralph Wilbur. Caîf, Beef-Gordou Brent, Bruce Tinle. Cuif, Dairy Heifer-Harry Cowl- iug, Tommy Sykes. Market Lamb-Roy Cumeron, Malcolm Law, Gordon Law, Ruth White, Gordon Brent. Pr. Bacon Hogs-Gordon Breut, Gordon Law, Malcolm Law, Elias Greernawuy, Ernect Hr X, eswin Cryderniais. Mcutosh Apples-Helen Baker. Spy Apples-Maurice J. Baker. Tom Hoar, Elwood Shackleton, Lu- ther Pascoe, Dorothy Hoar. Suow Apples-Muriel Baker, Eff a Bulsam, Roy Hockeu, Gordon Hock- eking Apples-Madeline TrulI. Collection Apples-ýRuth White, Morris Baker, Vera Shackleton, Tom Hoar, Elwood Shackletou, Dorothy Hoar. Peu-rs, Dessert-Gordon Brent, Nelson Robbins, MaMeline Mr.ull, Venu Shackleton, Menwiu Cryder- man, Ruby Parker. White Breati-Irene Petley, Mary Rundle. Dozen Tea Biscits-Ruth Mc- Kessock, Eleanor Sykes, Mary Nid- dery, Jessie Kuox, Elizabeth Bige- low. Plain Cookies-Ruth McKecsock, Mary Rundie, Dorothy Hoar, Doris Stuinton ,Vera Shackleton, Marguer- ite Wright. Chocolate Cake-Helen Virtue, Irene Pascoe, Grace Hastings, Win- nie Cryderman, Jessie Knox, Nora Eerslake. Apple Pie-Mary Runtile, Laura Wilkius, Dorothy Hoar, Velma Or- charti, Reta Carr, Pearl Davis. School Lunch-Ruth McKessock,1 Elizabeth Bigelow, Mudeline TruIl, Effu Balsam, Marguerite Wright. Futige, houwe-m0e-Dorothy Hour, Elma Davis, Jessie Knox, El- canon Sykes, Marjory Niddesy, moe Kitchen Apron-Muny Rundle El- eanor Sykes, Jessie Kuox, huth IWhite, Pearl Davis, Elizabeth Bige- low., Guest Towel-Josie Mcludoo, Jes- sic Knox, Mary Rundle. Doyley, Emibroidereti-Elvira Davis. Pi"ce of cloth, chowing patchiug -Inene Petlcy, Josie MclIndoo, Mary Ruudle, Ruth McKessoclc, Elvira' Davis, Elizabeth Bigelow. Darning on Stockig-Ircue Pet- ley, Velmu Orchard, Marguerite Wright, Dorothy Hoar. Feeti Hopper for Chicken-Tom- my Sykes, Wilfned Greeuaway, Ray- moud Burns, George Lock. Wooden Stirriug Spoon-John Runtile, Albert Rundle, Rocss Bîgelow. Woodeu Mallet-Tommy Sykes, Albert Rundle, John Runtile, Mal- colm Law, Tom Hoar, Rocs Bigelow. Collection Fungus Diseuses Plants -Elizabeth Bigelow, Tom Heur. Collecion Noious WcedsQ-Eliza- 1 Thursday evening about f orty of prM py Mrs. F. Wuterhouse's fnientis met ut ýpopl the home of Mn. Jus. Curran to spentie'Write f or a social eveaiug. The Burketon C. ents admit G. 1. T. Cluss presenteti her withaj Bible before leaviug for Egat.W.J Mss. Curran anti Mss. Dean th- serveti a substantial lunch and luter the company guthereti ut C. P. R. Statioi to suy good-bye as she boastiet the il o'clock train fori Nowi Moutreal. Mns. Glover, Mss. Cnaw-, f ord anti baby Crawford truved onI time t, the came bout to Englanti. May they aIl have a safe anti pleasunt BUSL] journey. .. , We are glati to see Mrs.~ Every Fred Hudson home again after f ,hould prolongeti visit among relatives ut1 knowle Ingersoîl, London anti othen West- hand i ]ELEVI eru points. S unday School anti ]ROND Church as usual uext Suuday.. I tudeni C. G.I. T.Classmeetsut th hom C. G.I. T Clas mees a he hme eaa of our President, Miss Curran,, bo Monduy evening ut 'i. ....Ms. Robert Philip's uew houle is muking heudway. ., . Mss. Herbert McLaugh- lin is home after a short visit with, ber parents ln Kingston. ... Master Bert Waterhouse anti Miss Bertha-___ Hooey are uttendiug the Bluckstock Continuation School .... Mr. J os. Avery lest a valuable herse a shortI time ugo. Rocs Bigelow, Jessie Kniox, Dosothyl Heur, Lorenzo Wakely. School Parade-Hampton lst, Bakers 2nd, Salem 3rd. Physicul Culture Exercies- . Hampton lst, Salem 2ud, Solinu 3rd. 1 Public Speaking-Dorothy Heur. (A) Boys' Hitching anti Driving Cotest-Rulph GluspeIl, Roy Cam- eron, Elmer Strutt. (B) Girls' Hitching anti Driving Contest-Emmu Chant, Mary Jebson,1 Effu Balsum,, Lobo Welsh, Lena Gay. School Fuir Efficiency-Silver Cup donuteti to -school wîuning highest Clean to average number cf points pes pupil.D Wou by Bethestia School, S S.10, rugg Miss Tenu Fesgusou,,teacher. - lGt secured employment. rour catalogue. Stud- tted at any time. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. is the ideal to atart NESS SCHOOL ryoung man and woman dequlp themselves with a ldge of tyDewritlng, short- and business methods. The rEN Shaw Sehools in TO- rO have trained over 25,000 nte from mii over the Pro- .Indlvidual instru-tion- at any time Send for haud- 10OW. P.CS. m Chniai' WPrînefpal TORONTO handie. SoId by ail gists, Grocers and xeneral Stores Always Uniform in Quality Delïious 1 THE LATE MRS. A. AVERY Mrs. Arthur Avery who died at her home in Burketon on September lst was boninl Darlington 82 years ago, and was daughter of William Stacey. She is surviveti by three sons and three daughters: William Avery, Raglan, Joseph Avery, Dar- lington. and Henry Avery, Inger- soîl, Mrs. Fred Hudson, Burketon, Mrs. Yellaud, Ingersoll and Mrs. J'as. Shortridge, Burketon. Her husband and three. daughters pre- deceased her. She was a kind friend, a good neighbor and wil be missed in the village as by her fam- 1ily. She was a regular attendant at the Methodist Church and ber -pastor. Rev. G. T. McKenzie, preach-, ed an impressive sermon. A great number of lier relatives, friends and neighbors gathered to eay their last respects. She was uried besde her huýsband in Bethestia Cemetery. CÂRD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Arthur Avery wish to thank the people of Burleeton and' the girls of the C. G. I. T. Class for the beautiful wreaths sent by them to their deceasedý Imother. BURKETON h SCORES il BULLSEYES b Mail and Empire reporting Wel- rlington Rifle Association matches at 3Guelph says: "Many of the best 1shooters in Canada took part in the >various events, among them being 1Sergt. F. H1. Morris of Montréal, who -is one of the best-known marksmen in the British Empire. Sergt. Mor- ris topped the' list in the grand ag- gregate scores with a total of 193, winning the President's Medal, in ad- dition to a cash prize. His excel- lent shooting was one of the feat- >ures of the day, his record including -eleven bullseyes in succession". biFrank is a Bowmanville boy, son of IMr. and Mrs. John H. Morris, Beech Ave. His many friends congratu- lalte him. A Superior School! Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. Is well known throughout Canada for high grade work. Its courses of training are unsurpassed and everr oraduaçte thisear bas Makers of Electric Range London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, NB., Hamilton, Calgaryr, Saskatoïon and Edmonton , ToHolders of Five Year 5,;per cent Canada 's Victory Bonds Issued lI 1917 and Maturing let December, 1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS MfliNiSTEROF FINANC e fora te holder Hokdemsof the maturing bonds who wiah te vi ilin mlatIn Owtfofé a& smr ti &bond&AS As RjLY As POSSIBLE, BUT NOT prîîkq ofexhwâtalth maurîg Sxi 1 orLAtER TXMAN EPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of * p Mhm ef xc.ngng IS mauuig ond fo MW .M y Chmeted vi jn Canada and 0-' in ecag bas b.oetag Si per cou t Wcitpayablehaf Y.lY, enofficiai ncelpt for the bonds surrendered, ont=nn o toffu* tb.«.1 foflo*tng deuoSt- undertaking to ddelierthe correpodixg bonds ef ~) Fve esr ond, doed1Novuubo, Jolder. of maturlng fuit registered bonds. intereet 1922, o fflttRf ut maable by choque fromn Ottawa, wiUi receîve their * b)Ton year bonds, dated lot Novenuber, becmber 1 Interest choque as usual. Holders of 1922, to mature lot November, 1932. coupon bonds wWl detach and retain the lait unmatured coupon before eurrenderhug thSe bond Itself foc converaon Whtile the maturlng bonds will carry interest 10 lot, purposes. Doember, 1922, the new bonds wîlI commence to a The surreiudered bonds wili 6e forwarded by banks * interest from let November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS ta the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they wili 0F A PULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOBE bc exchanged for bonds of thSe new issue, i fully * *AVAILING THEMÀSELVE.S 0F THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form PRIVILEGE. carrylng interest payable lot May and lst November of each year of thSe duration of thSe an, the firet interest This offer is made to holders of thSe maturîng bonds payment accruing and payable lit May, 1923. Bonds andis ot pe toothr nvetor. Te ond tobe of the new issue wil ,ho sent to the batiks for 90 and s nt opn t othr ivesors.TIS bons t 6e delivery îmmediately after the receipt of the surrendered issued under this proposai will bo substantially of the bonds. S anme character as those which are matuning, except h od ftS auigisewihaefo that the exemption from taxation do.. flot apply <o the converted under this proposai wili be paid off i cash on * new issue. thSe lit December, 1922. W. S. FIELDING, Minîster of Finance. Dated aI Ottawa, Sth August, 1922. HAS THE LARGEST SALE 0F ANT PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. When You Fuy M McClIary's ordmnry An Iâectric RaiweIe t lme TT ISN'T a littie article thr.t will last only a f e* Sdays or weeks or months. It is a machine that you v.ill use probably three Urnes every' day and that you will keep on.using year in and year out. It must work properly always. It is an important purchase. If you buy a McClary's Electric Range with Protected Elements, you buy lifelong satisfaction- you buy a range which cooks-boils, broils, fries, bakes, roasts - every kind of food better than 4any other method of cooking yet invented. The seamless, round cornered porcelaÎn enameled washable oven is a operation. Nl

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