ç NEWCCASTLE TO LET The N e w c a~t e I n d~ p e11t N r. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson, lAnd ndFORidiNgs miTe p2oees oo. The N ievvochester, visited friendîgin Port Hep nd FaR FOR RimeNT-iae goffson Newcastle, and Mrs. P. Brown, RO- Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshlawa.. 15-tn on Sunday. I TIJURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922. W. D. FAIR PRIZE LIST 'do. Cokerel-de. Pullet-do. ________ IBlack Leghorn-Cock-M. Nokes 1 and 2. He- M. Nokes. Pulet-M. Nokes. (Continued from first page) Adlusan2 ckA Dilling. Hen- Horses M inorca-Cock--C. A. Chapman. Hen - do. Cokerel-do. Pullet-do. Heavy Draught-Broodmare-C. Wil- Black Spanish-Cock--C. Rice 1 and 2. bur, S. H. Wood. 2-yr. old FiUly or Geld- Henl-do. Cockerel-do 1 and 2. Pui- ing-T. Taylor, A. Welah, H. S. Barrie. let--do 1 and 2. Suckling Foal-C. Wilbur, S. H. Wood. Poland-Hen-M. Nokes. Span ln Harness-Ray MeLaughlin. DraY A. 0, V. -Cock-A. Dilling. Hen-do. Morses-MoClelian & Co., R. McLaugh- Cokerel-do, C. A. Chapman. Pullet- lin. 3-yr. old Filly or Gelding-C. L. do, do. Powers, F. Aluin & Son. 5 Cockerels-H. ]Brook, J. Nokes. Agricultural-Broodmnare-W. F. Rick- Gamne Bantams-T. Bottreli & Son al ard, A. A. Gibson, W. A. Adams. 2-yr. prizes. old Filly or Gelding-G. Leask, J. Strong, Cochin Santams-Black cock-W. H. J. J. Abernethy. 1 Do-E. Vice, J. [Nicholis l'and 2. Hen-do 1, 2 and 3. .o rder. Sucking Foal W. F. Riekard, ocekerel & Pullet-T. Bottreil & Son. D. Souch, N. E. Wright. Span- A. O. V. Cock--W. H. Nicholîs 1. 2 and Sid Bond, J. Forder, A. Welsh. 3-yr. 8. Hen-do, T. Bottreil & Son. Cook- old Filly or Gelding-N, A. Downs, Jas. erel & Fllet-T. Bottreil & Son l and 2. Clark, G. S. Cochrane. R. C. Black Bantam-Cock-T. Bot- General Purpose-Single Horse-M. J. Itreli & Son, W. H. Nicholîs, Hen-W. Werry, J. H. Werry, M. J. Tamblyn. H. Nicholîs, T. Bottrell & Son. Al Span-J. H. Werry, AIf. Henry, M. J other prizes-T. Bottreli & Son. Tamblyn. Turkeys-Bronze cock ever 1 pear- Carriage-1-yr. old Flly--F. W. Tam-,Cawker & Jones. Hen, do-Do. A. O, V. blyn. 2 Do-J. D. Brown, F. W. Tam- Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Heu-A. Ayre. blyn. Span-W. B. Fergnson. Singe Geese-Male Grey over 1 yr.-F. M. Horse-T. W. Cawker, W. E. Lewis, G.lCryderman. Pemale Do-Cawker & Mitchell.1 Jones, F. M. Cryderman. Maie, rinder Roadster-Broodmaa're-H-. Ashton, W. i yr.-Cawker & Joues 1 and 2. Fem- J. Strutt, M. Griffin. 2-yr-. oid-J. D. aie Do-Do 1 aud 2. White Maie, over 1 Brown, John Stroug. 1 Do-A. Morgan. r-F. W. Tamblyn, F. M. Crydierman. Foal-W. J. Strutt, Hl. Ashton, M. Gri- Female, Do-C. A Chapmau, F. W. fin. Span-G. Joues. C. F. Beatty. W. Tamblyn. Maie under 1 r-F. W. Tam- Boyd. Single Horse-W. Boyd, J. J.lblyn ,C. A. Chapman. Female, Do-C. Orriston, A. P. Pollard. CombinationA Chapman, F. W. Tamblyn. Class-W. E. Lewis, E. M., McLaughlin,j Ducks-Rouen-C. A. Chapman al T. W, Cawker. Saddle Horse-W. E. prizes. Pekie ' Dake-F. W.' TambAyu, Lewis, T. W. Cawker. Lady Driver, L. H. Pearn. Duck-L. H. Pearn, P. Amateur-MI. E. Lewis, E. McLaugh-.W. Tamblyn. Drake under 1 yr.-F. lin. Lady Driver-Mrs. T. W. Cawker. W Tamblyn 1 and 2. Duck Do-Do, L. Lady Rider-Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Lady H. Pearu. Rider, Amateur-W. Cawker, W. E.1I Indian Runner-Drake-M. Lambourne. Lewis. Best' Turnut-W. L. Eddy, G.11uck-Do 1 and 2. Drake under 1 yr. McLaughlin. 2-yr. Old-M. J. Tam:-F. W. Tamblyn. Duck, Do-Do. blyn, G. Cochrane, J. Cý Mailey. Stylel Collectio n Pigeons-T. Bottreil & Son and Speed-J. J. Ormiston, G. McIÂaugh.. land 2. lin. W. Bopd.1 Motted Canary-J. Nokes. Ponies-Single Pony-Conlilin and , Canary Singer-J. Nokes. Stainton, Hl. Siemon. Span-Do. Pony i Dalry and Apairy Produce lu Saddle Do, W. J. Challis. JCrock Butter, 10 lbs.-L. Skinner & Son, O. Brook, M. J. Elliott, Do 5 lbs.- Cattie Do, M. J. Eliott. Butter, 1 Obs Rolîs ,ln Print-L. Skinner & Sou, O, Brook, Shorth-orn-Bull, 3 years-J. F. Os-'r B. Lovekin. Do, 5 lbs.-Do, Do, Do. borne, Allun Bros. Bull, 2 years-S. C. r' ttr, 3 lbs bp girl under 16-Mrs. W. Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Ernest Ellis, New Yerk, and Dr. Rallia A. Dick- son, Toronto, were week-end guests of Dr. Walton Bail at Harris Lodge. Mr. John Armstrong, Cherrywood, is spending bis annual fortnightly vacation from the signal station at the home of Mr. Geo. Singer. Mrs. Charles Rogerson and son Charlie are aise guests of Miss Janie Singer. W. 0.- C. entertained the teachiag staff cf the school and pupils of the higli schooi on the beach last Friday night. Some cf the many f estures were a corn boil, a cern pop, a pea- aut huat, a pumpkin pie festival and a marshmellow roast, games and a goed feed of delicicus Bartlett peais. Rev. Dr. Hartwell, pieýneer mission- ary cf the Methodist Churcli cf Canada te China, will preach twice in Newcastle Methodist Church next Suaday. This is a rare epportunity te hear Dr. Hartwell who is new berne on furleugh and Newcastle people are especially favored in be- iag effered the services of such a noble outstainding missionary fromn the fereign field as Dr. Hartwell. Mr. R. L. Wright, "Broadlawn", entertained a number cf prominent business and prefessienal men from Torento on Saturday night. Shades cf Arthur and bis knights ef tbe Round Table! Ye neyer equalled i't! Twelve good men and true! There was a seund cf revelry - by- night! MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, ali*. of Royal College Physicians, Edîn- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Offce-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univeisity, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and FelIow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs, McNaughton's Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m,, 1 to 3 D. m., and by appointment. J. W. Bradley Newcastle General Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Divisiôn Court, Cern- imissioner, etc. A DEGREE IS WORTH THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 'CROPS NEWCASTLE EDUCATION. BEHIND ITj Harvestiiug iýs ever except in a Mrs. Sam Bonathan was in Toron- Editor Statesmnan, and News-Sir, f ew districts in Nerthern Ontarie. te on Monday. -1 nctied lu your paper ef Septem- Thresbing ts 75% cempleted, and Mr. Bob Crewthers is speadiag bis1 ber l4tb an extract from the ,Op-. yield ef grains is reperted abeve vacation in Teronto. tometrical News" which shows a Te- average. Corn crep is heavy and grettable- lack cf kaowledge as to cfgoed quality. Cutting is in pro- Mr. Bob Waltoa had business in medical degrees in Canada. gress in seme quarters and will be Toronto on Saturday. I an sreit s et ourdeiretegeneral in few days. Reet crcp ex- Mr. Artbur Gray was home from I a sue i isnotyou deiretocellent, with a heavy Yield cf peta-!-Osbawa for the week-end. publish anything misleading if pou tees expected. Heavy crop cf peacli- M.Vle cr a oef kno ittobe e.es, pears and plums assured; ether Toronto for the week-end. The article as you can see infers fruits average crop with exception M akSibsettewe-n that M. B. is an inferior medical de- cf winter apples, which are reported MrJakSihsethewk-n gree. Witb the facts before us it light crop. Recent heavy ram lias with friends in Toronto. is easy eneugli te decide. improved grass pasture and softenedj Mrs. E. Brittain, Tcronto, is a A degree is worth the education soil which is new in good conditien'guest at Mrs. John Douglas'. bebind it. F. S. Sc., wbich means for fali plougbing and seeding.-I Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. Gray visited4 "Fellow cf the Scciety cf Science, Bank cf Mentreal Report Septem- friends la Whitby last week.1 Arts and Letters" is rather bigb ber i4tb. Miss Bessie Gibson bas been visit- ý sounding, but when one kncws that ________ ing with relatives in Grimsby.t the only qualification- or education FN- -N isSlm oadhsrtre requred s te su' o abot $.00 N te hier schcol duties in Toronto. for which is supplied a baadsome di- 1Weet ut ibadPd r.Caec li iie red ploma tbe bubble bursts! "hr oHnFs n a- M.Caec livstdfins M. B. is a degree 110w used la die in the Now North" is tbe title in Lindsay over the week-end. t Eaglaad and adopted by University cf a new publication de aling Zith ter- Mrs. E. J. McLean, Port Hope, was cf Toronto focr, as it is not so high ritory along the Transcontinental a recent visitor at "The Towers." E sounding tbe î"Diploma Fac toies" Line cf the Canadian National Mr.HryLmdn Bufli1 dc not make use cf it. M. B. le Railways iu Ncrtbern Ontario and' .HryLmdn ufli so ellknea i mdicl crcls tatQu.ebec. -Full information is con- spending a week's bolidays in tewn. it conveys tbe idea cf qualification tained therein relative te where 1 F. F. Morris Ce. Furniture Sale wbere a MeGilI graduate writes M. game may be fcuad, guides, camp ends Saturday-buy now and save. D. C. M. (MoGili), be shows that be equ-pmeat, etc., and in addition a Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lovekin spent got bis M. D. C. M.. from a first-class series cf comprehensive rnaps. This the week-end witb fri.ends in Bright- p1~, Owing to the strike it in impossible to get immediate - - - - - - - - - -- - - .. .. --- -r ------ k~~. -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .- Ltt. ........~. - -k k . ~ 0 . -~ 4 - k - ~~~~~ -- - - - --__ _ _ _ _ _ - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - k- --k~-k-k-k*kk .-k.-.k--k,4k- .-4.-.- .k-k. 4k k-~ k-k-k-k kk.k- ,rk-kk~ *k~-kk~k-. k-k--k -k -k ~ ~ - ~ -k-~-..-.-,= fr-~k4-k- k - k~-k- k - - -kk-k-kk~-k~-kk-kkkk-tk-~k~ -kk k~-k~kk-k-k~~k ~ ... 4~.-.-,. kkk-S~ ~ k-k-k kkkk -kk-.tkkkkk. -..4-..kkktk. k-,---..4k- - -.- -..- - - - - ..k -k-k -k k~ - k k-.k--k-k-k k-k- -k~ -t k--k -k k--k-k -k 4 k - k- -k-.. - ~ -k .~k -.C.,k.. k~- k--kk-4kk--k4k-kk ~ ~~--k~-k- 'r-k ~ k 4 4- ..,k - .~ -k k-kk ~ - ~k-k .~~--~-k - ---.----.--- -4 ________________________________________ --- -- ---- -k---.~~~ ... ......_ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -~ - ~-r;~--r.. . -....-. ~r4z.... -, . ___ ------k~--~ ____ -'-k -k - ~ ~ --~ ~ _________________ _____________---- -..----___________ --k ~ - ____ - ~ __ - - - -~ -.- - e-k - -~-~ - - -k - -k~ke- -k-k - ~-k ~-kk- tk k t C '~X- ,. k - - - - k-kk -k- k Ck - _______-- - - -- - _______----- - - - ---- ~ k ~~k-k ____ ______ ~ ~ -~-kk=~ COAL