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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1922, p. 6

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TREASURER'S TAX SALE 0F LANDS A Sale of Lands for Arrmais of Taxes will be held in The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday,' December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- Moon. A list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been pie- pared, and copies thereof may be had in my office, and that the list les be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Sixteenth and Twenty-third days of September, 1922, and that in default of payment of the taxes and costs, the'lande will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, Auguet 2th, 1922. 35-13 the Stomach The Great Engish Preparatin.«. .~Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system. niakes ne'w nlood in old Veins. Used for Nervous "Dsn Debilty, Mental an.d Braie Worry the Hnert, ù>sof En e, ~Palpitation oJ teH ar,ï-iling Memor)y. rice $2 per box. 3 j Sfr 59 Soid by aldruggists, or mailed in plain lpkg. on receipt of pricc. New pamphWt mnaul<d frre.itU WOOD MEDICINÉ COJTOIRONTONT. Cook's- VOtton Ruût compoiia .m'~edicnc. Sold in thiree de - 1reeS Of strengh-No. 1, SI: No, . S,3No. 3, 85 per box. .- old by al druggists, or sent V epaidponprecept of prire.. .s.) me ahlet. Address: THE COOK MEICIME CO., TIR ED AND RNDOWN LydiàaF. Pinam's Vege- table Compound Helped Where Other Medi- cines Failed Vanoeuver B.-C'* took Lydia E. .Pinhams1leetable Comnpaund be- 'Cause I was tired and rua down. I hlld heada.ches and no appetïte and vas troubled foi tva years witb siceplessness. I trled many medi- clise but nathing dld me any meal good. Whlle I w«s living Ia Waeh- -ington I was recornmended by a friend to takle the Vegetable Com- pound. I amn stronger and feel fine slace thon and amn ablle ta do my housewotrk. I amn vllllng for you ta use these facto as a testimonial"- MMs. J. C. GMI&VEE, 771 Halrnby St, Vancouver, Brtish Columbia. Many womea keep about thel r worlb when It ls a great effort because the work must be donte. Lydla E. Pink- har's Vegetable Cmjaound * bas brought relief ta thousands of tlred hioueewivesl by removlng the troub)les which cause aninoylng symptoms. If you are suffering fron nervous- ness, headache and hackache, pains ln right or left aide, tired and run- down feelings, take Lydia E. lnk- ham's Vegetable Comnpound. -Just bear la mind this medlcine has been used by women for nearly fift.y years. That la a long record of serv- ice, and stands won, the foundation of met What Men Admire Most in' Wvomen is Perfect Healtli -the Sigu of Stre ngth Barrie, Ont.-'I vas sufferIng from a rundown S sYstem somte time ago, was unfit ta perform my dally duties, and was advised ta try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I tried It, took two bottles, and was restored ta my ntural strength. I cannot pralse Dr. Plorce'e medicine too highly and willI be willllng ta write ta any one Illeading a stamped envelape."-Mrs. Â. H. Bihp, R. R. Na. 1. MothrsAd vice for London, Ont.-"I wish 1 could tel ail the womea ln the world who suf- fer with womtan's trouble, what a vonderful medicine Dr. Pierce's Fa- varite Prescription je. My eariiest experience with it was during rny flret expectancy., I became dropsical and my people were quite alarmed about my condition, The doctor's meicine did not seem ta reach my trouble at all so my husband urged me ta try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, and ta please him I did. Before I had finished the second bot- tle the distress and dropsy left me and I f elt in absolutely perfect health. 1 had no further trouble from that Urne an. I afterwards taok Favorite Prescription wbenever la a nervous iundowa condition and it always trengthened and built me up."I-Mre. Lily Stoddart, 438 Ontario St. At ail drug stores, or send 10e te Dr, Plerce's Laboratory, in Bridge. burg Ont., for trial pkg. tablets. Nervous Breakdown The extrerne depreuion and discouragement which camnes over one at times is the most alarining syrnptom of nervous exhaustion. This letter is a message of hope ta, ail who find therneelves in thie unfortunate condition, Mrs. Ceo. T. Tingley, Albert N.B., wrtes-- "For years 1 wau in a very nervous, run-down condition, was much depress- cd in spirits and suffered a great deal at times. The eas noise would irri- tate me and ai timns"I'fet as though 1 certarnly would go <rrazy. 1 con- sulted different doctors ta no eilect. "A friend advised the use of Dr. Chas Nerve Food and 1 can truly testify y oday ta tha great benefits' re- ceived. There wa uaken ha before' I had Lsnshed the second box ad 'when 1 bcd used a dozen boxas my nerves wera thoroughly resored and 1 was entirely relieved of thase terrible feelings .1 wed ta have. I shall evar ha ready ta îestify to the benefits of "bi wonderfssi madicine, feeling sure that il will give ta others tha quick and permanent relief ilmha given nie." Dr. Çhase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & C4., LtcL. Toronto. SUMMER COâLOS usually leave a treffl of weaknes. Build up on Scott's EmulsionI It prmptly, pleasantly and ef ectually adds strugt to the. body. !t bu"ldsUP resitanoel Stt& cswnelto*,ont. f~'4 j Iv tet and 0or 9.,g Have 'jClan, He lhy EyesAa I they Tire FOR Itcb, Smart Or Burn. if Sore, Initated, In-~ I S-aed orGranulated, useMurine often. Soothes, Refreshe. Safefar Infant ai Adult,.>At aIl Druggists. Write IorFreeEyeflok. MusimEygemediC..Chicffl THE "LIFTUPP" (Patented) The "Llftup" a 'Patented In- vention with non-slip elastie Inside belt, gently supports the abdomen and is very beneficial for use after an peatin involvlng an ab- omnlIncision. Most ef- fective in relieving those Physical aliments f r o n which rnany women suffer. Write for the name of ae Bias Corsetîere near Voa. DIAS CORSETS, LIMITED 41 Britain Street, Toronto FILLED CORSETS Do not allow worms to sap, the vitality of your children. If not attended to, worms may work irre- parable baîm to the constitution of the infant. Tbe littie sufferers can- not voice their ailment, but there are many signe by which mothers aie made awaîe that a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is necessary. These powÏders act quickly and will expel woîms from the system witbout an: inconvenience to the cbild, BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 12th, 1922. ORONO (From The News.) Mi. Perey Winter is holi.daying at home. Miss Helen Armtrong is home, from Toronto. Mr. Thos. Cowan bas purchased a handeome new car, Mr. Philip Bigelow, Kirby, ise at- tending Normal School at Ottawa. Mis. G. H. Linton, Toronto, visite~d ber father, Mi. Thos. Doncaster. Harvest Thanksgiving services were held Sunday at St. iSaviour's Chuich. Mr. Milton Staples bas îesumed bis studies at the O. A. ýCoilege, Guelph. Mis, Robt. Foster. attended tbe wedding of ber son, Mr. L. T. Fos- ter in Toronto. Mr. G. H. Linton of Toronto, formeîly of tbe Orono Foundîy at- tended the Fair. Mr. and Mis. A. Townley and fam- ily of Fenelon Falls, îecently visit- ed at Mr. A. A . Rolpb's. Messrs. Milton Tucker and Floyd Cuttell, Royal Dental College, Tor-1 onto, weîe borne îecently. Mi. Jas. Linton and son Arthur of Toronto, attended tbe fai. It je 15 years since Mi. Linton's last visit. Mi. John Lewis of Biooklin, re- newed old fiiendsbips. Mi. Lewis was a resident of Leskard over 40 years ago, Mr. and Mis. Howard Glenney en- joyed a visit Sunday fîom their aid neigbbors from Janetville, Mi. and Mis. Savanie. Mis. Alex Rae, Port Hope, and son Malcolm of Columbia University, New York, were guests of Mr. F. W. Williamson. Many bave been relieved of coins by Holloway's Coin Remover. It bas a power of ite own tbat will be found effective. Miss Ruth Hathway of Toronto, and Mis. Jas. Allen, son and daugbt- er and gian.ddaugbter, visited at W. R. AlIen's Sunday week. Mis. A. R. Gamsby is visiting Millbîook, while Mis. Mulligan visits friends at Weston, ýOmernee and at ber faim at Staîkville. Mr. W. S. 'Roy bas accepted the position of mechanical foreman at the brick factory at Cooksville and is leaving shoîtly with bis family. Mi. Haiiy ThoîInton and bride of Victoria, spent paît 'of their boney- moon with bis cousins bere, Mrs. A. Someiville and Mrs. Gordon Powers. Mis. M. L. Tiavelle îeturned borne last week from Ward's Island wbere ebe spent the summer. Mis. Thos. jVinson accomipanied ber down foi a visit. Mi. Frank Batten, Toronto, wbo' came ta attend tbe fair was called borne by telepbone, bis son Orville, aged 14, baving been serlously in- jured in an accident that moîning. 1 $40.71 was collected bere on Sept. 29 for the Widows and Orphans of the Navy League of Canada Fundl asaresuit of the tag. Rev, C.- Adamnswishes to tbank all wbo kind- ly contîibuted. Worms in cildren, if they be flot attended to, cause convulsions, andý often death. Mother Graves' Worm Exteiminator will protect the cbild- ren from these distressing afflictions. Mis. Gordon Holden of Toronto visited ber parents, Mi. and Mis. W. R. Allen accompanied by ber cousins, Mi. and Mis. Merrili Dens- more, daughtei of Mms.McKeen, Lemberg, Sask. Rev. J. A. Elliott, Rector of St. John's Cbuîcb, and Mi. and Mis. J. E. Snaît and son Stewart motorec up from Port Hope on Tuesday, guests of Mis. W. E. Beamisb and Mrs. A. J. Staples. Mis. Soutb and f amily have mover into the Mis. Cuttell residence on Princess Street; and Mi. Fred Wood is moving ta tbe dwelling recently bougbt by bim, formerly the late Tbos. Jaynes bomestead. Miss Gladys Cruse, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Cruse'of Carnpbellcroft, Miss Webster of Cannington, Miss Pitt of Millbrook, Mi. Willie Howden, Mi. and Mis. Robt. Howden of Cavan, visited îecently at Mi. Robt. Fow- ler's. Mi. Harold Rickaby was home over Sunday on bis retuin fîom tbe North country wbere be spent the summer. Harold made 300 miles of the retuin trip by Hydroplane, traveising the air at an altitude of 3000 ft. and covering the distance in tab et.san - u- lwikeidj or' Pure Green Tea- is guaranteed the finest when it bears the naine BLACKSTOCK SCHOOL FAIR WHITBY PRESBYTERIAL Marquis Wheat-Harold Swaln. Executive of Whitby Preebyterial Wheat, Sheaf-Harolo. Swain, .Etdwardimti rayeinCucs saa Williams. mti rsyeia hrh saa Oats-Wil'tred Ricl*ardson. Tuesday and diecussed matters of Oats, Shef-Wilfred Richardson. gyreat inteîest and importance, and Barley-Donald Thompson, Lawrence, - Mounjoy Peey Hmilotoformulate plans ,f or greater ad- BarleY, Sheaf-Donald Thompson. vancemen nmsi'aywr.Ti Ensilage Cor-Eari Bmadburn, Harold Pîesbyterial aime at an increase of Nesitt, Oliver Smith. '$,0,i h ersgvnsi r Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam-Merle $,0,i h eregvnei r Thompona. Mabel Argue, Olive VanCamp der ta belp meet the deficit. A Field Peas-Peari Bell, Cecil Hamilton.,rnembeîsbip campaiga wbicb was Garden Peas-Rae Bradhurn, Alta Ly- i annd for at an earlier meeting wood. p Potatoes, Green Mountain-Hazel, resulted in materially, increasing the Mountjoy, Evelyn Cowling, Norman Lit-, membeîsbip. Special empbasis was tleproud, Murray Byers, Norma Arm- laid an the wark of the Young Wam- strong, Gilbert Fowler. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler-Ruth Me- en's Societies and Mission Bande. Quade, Gladys Savinac, Muriel Everett, ýMeetings wbich were well attend- Lorne Bradhurn, Della Lathangue. weepeie've yMe Rv Mangels-Italph VanCamp, Wiilie Owr rsddoe yMs Rv Blrown. E. Turkington, Preebyterial Presi- Turnips-Lewis Watson, William Gor-' dent, and were an inspiration ta al don, Marwood Dickey.1 rVlodtate . Beets-May Savinac, Marlon Argue,pivegdtatn, Joseph Bradburn, Eva Ashton, Margaret __________________ Prout, Evelyn Sanderson. Carrots-Irene 'Graham, Tom Ashton, Hughes, HenryicRilda1Notice To CreditoIrs Parsnips-Donald Emerson, Susan. VanCamp, Laura Bailey, Douglas Tay-____ lor, Faye Henry, Frank Sobansks. Asters-Genevieve Beacock, Rena Hughes, Iva Williams. Harry Johnston, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that al Alice Johnston, Delta Lathangue. creditors and others having dlaims Phiox-Rilda Hughes, Georgna i'ow- against the estate of Jeremiah Maguire, 1er, Laura Bailey, Eiva Dickey, Marion late of the Township of Manvers in the .ohnston. Helen Edwards. County of Durham, blacksmith, who died Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock- on or about the twenty-third day cf Dori Wiliam, Jck VnCap, GaceJuly, 1922, are required to send on or be- DrforWlimJckVnap rc fore the twenty-first day of October, Craword.1922, to the undersigned solicitors for the Puliet-Jack VanCamp, Grace Craw- executors thicr names and full partîculars ford, Doris Williams. of their cdaims and that aftcr such last Pen-Jack VanCamp, Doris Williams, men tioned date the executors will pro- Grace Crawford. ,ceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled there- Caf Beef-Lawrence Mountioy. to having regard only to the creditors of Market Lamnb-Lawrence Mountjoy, AI- which they have then received notice. vin Boyd. 'McLauçlhlin, Futon, Stinson & Anderson, Bacon Hlogs-Joien Venning, Lawrence Dominion Bank Buildings, Mountjoy. Lindsay, Ontario. Spy Apples-Iva Williams, Mabel Ar- Solicitors for Executors. gue, Ceciu Hamilton, Norma Armstrong, Dated at Lindsay this lSth day of John Venning, Harold Nesbitt. September, 1922 3e-3 Snow Apples-Marlow Thompson, John- Venning. Ross Philp, Cecil Hamilton, Perey Williamson. King Apples-Ralph Emerson, Mar- C liiropractic guerite Armstrong. Collection Apples-Cecil Harnilton, Ed- (Spinal Adjustmnents) ward Williams, Oliver Smith, John yen- ning, James Gordon, Doris Williams. Remave thse Cause af Diseame e Pears-Merle Thompson, Harold Nes- without Medîin s or Knif e. Chiii- bitt. Iva Williams, Norma Armstrong. orcoshv eakbesc White Bread-Della Lathangue, Rilda oicoahv eakbesc Hughes, Marjorie Nesbitt, Marion John- ce" na xirenaving tise cause of son. Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthmea, Tea Biscuits-Jean Bycrs. Mamie Rheumatlarn Ltimbago, Lame Brown, Marlow Thompson, Alta Mc- Back, Constpatior, Piles, F'emaie Lean, Marguerite 'Armstrong. Diseas, Stomacis and Kidney Plain Cookies-Jean E, ý rs, May Sav- mnac, Viola Mahaffy, EBuuly Wiîîiamson, Troubles. Nervou.nesa in many Viola MeLean, Riva Dicky. forme îespand readily ta, Chfro, Chocolate Cake With Icing-Erma Dractic. Bruce, Sosie Flett, Hazel Mountjoy, Myrtie Weatherilt, Marjorie Nesbitt, Examinatian Office. Chrystal Fallis. Apple Pie-Emily Williamson, MarJor DR. S. M. JOINES. le Nesbitt. Leona Weatherilt, E ýva Dick- ey. Marlow Thompson, Verna White. -6 Simnco. St. N. Oshawa School Lunch-Elva Dickey, Emlily Phoe 224, Williamson, Marjorie Nesbht, iarguer -__________________ ite Armstrong, Leslie Taylor, Hazel Mountjoy. Fudge-Doris Marlovw, Marjorie Nes- hitt. Gladys Savinac. Kitchen Apron-Hazel Mountjoy, Clara Crawford, Muriel McKee, May Savinac. Guest Towel-Clara Crawford, May Savinac, Laura Bailey, Lila Mountjoy,., Eiva Dickey, Hazel Mountjoy. Doilie. Bmbroidered-Susie Flett, May TRAI NI NG l fiieo Slaic oisWliasLuaBaly boy or girl. Shaw Schools in Toronto Riva Dckey.hold the premier position. Thirty Patching-Josephine Hooey, Hilda yeams record. Over 25,000 students Fallas, Marjorie 'Nesbitt, Della Lathan- (and their pa rents) testify to the *gue, May Savinac, Emma Bruce. careful individual instruction give'.n. Damming-Muriel Everett, Gladys Sav- ELIVEN'Sehools in the best _ 1e mnac. tions of the city. Stan w at y finie. *Pair of Knitted Socks-May Savinac Hnbo ett nyn nreet Feed Hopper for Chickens--4Verne P cnoh he rnia Trewin, Jim Philp, Douglas Tyo UIfSCIO. Wooden Stirringý Spoon-John Venn ing Wooden Mallt-XVilfred Richardson, O O Brown, Donald Tlhompson, Murary Bruce.Pi t Collection of Noxious Weeds-Hazel Mountjoy. Map of Durham County-Wilfred -Richardson, Susan VasîCaenp, Helen' Fowler, Georgina Fowler.j*. u * Sehool Parade-Cadmus, Devtt s , CSsarea. Gie L ailuea Physical Culture-Cadmus, Mahoods, I WHy età facir PlQW o r Boys' Driving Contest-Orr Venning, ZUTOO Tablet,th# r.mdymoge0 rua John Venning, Harold Nesbitt, LaWrence l)y used for adhe a fair ada iqumr Mountjoy. trali? sestothe Worth of the" " 0 CANADIAN PACIFIC han ouaou, try~ theu _ _ ruth. Exclusive A plate -of powerfiil heat I ~ M eCLARYrS Protected Element la jYoyur Electrie Range Io simply a plate of tougis, fiieproaf, hest- coenducting parcelain lni wbieh the. colla MA ae embedded close ta tise muft MeClaîy's Proteeted Element becomes, a plate ofpowefulheat, as youdUfrO Merysrdetry vison the current lu turned mn It lu OlWCIOd ~ absohtteiy trouble-pnooi--notilng taxi lx- O~"~'~ ~Jure tise hlgis-reastaxiee eol-thf7 de their work upeedily and efficelty. Don't buy an Ifeetrie 'Eang'. uiâout aMcCiaWys Protected EluMOnt. Makersof £Iectric RangEe London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouve, St. John, N.. Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton. HORSE AILMENTS of maany kinde quickly remedîed with DOUGLAS' EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PItEVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURES THRUSH, FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRIJISES. The bet ail around Liniment for the stable as well as for household use. KEE I hRANDY., 1 At al Deaiers and Druggista. Maslufactu,.ed hy DOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, ont., ............... ...................... . ..... .................. .......... .......... ...... .... ............. ................................. .............. ............................. ............. .......... .. ................ .............. ........... Famnous for its Flavor-ust try a samnple. EKOREENt II HAIR RESTORER FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES e. s e e e9 f n CI e s y e e sý e .1f Change in Departure Time, "Tihe Canadian" to Chicago. "The Canadian" naw leaves Bow-t manville Dttpot daily 4.33 p. mn. for Taronto, London, Detroit. Toronto 6.10 p. m. Chicago 8.00 a. m. Car- îies parloir car ta Taranto, observat- ion sîceper, Standard leeperdie and firet class coaches. For Tickets and reservations cee any Canadian Pacific, Agent, C. B. Kent, Town Agent. 40-4' RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE Grand Trunk Railway. Coing East Coing West Express 8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.88 a. m. d Express 5.46 a. m. daily except Monday Passenger 1.23 p. m. Paes'ngr .09 p. m. Pags'ngi 8.42 amr Pass'ngr 2.02 p. Mn. Local 7.19 p. m. Pass'ngî 7.13 p. m. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.rn Express 12.29 a. m. d Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Coing West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a.,mn Pass'ngr 2.45 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m* Express 10.08 p. mn.* Epress 4.33 p n Express 12.20 a. m. Local 7.42 p m* *Da iiy except Sunday. C. B.,Kent, Tovn Agent. Canadien N^tionaIl Raiiway. West Bound East Bound Tyrona Station Pass'ngi 8.15 a, m. Pass'ngr 6.34 p. n

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