NESTLETON Ail who missed meeting with the Women's Institute at the delightful home of Mrs. W. Samelîs this week missed a treat. Good cheer was the general feeling ail round. An excellent paper was given by Mrs. R. Suggitt on "The Sunny Side of Life". Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Suggitt were appointed delegates to convention te be held in Toronto ia November. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Samelis assisted by Miss Rilda Sam- ls.Two new memibers added. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 12th, 1922. Orono School Fair PRIZES AWARDED Class 1-Wheat. Marquis, 1 qt- George Henderson, S. S. 14. Class 2-Wheat, Marquis, sheaf 3 inches in diameter-Wilfred Sherwin S. S. 12; George Henderson, S. S. 14. Class 3 - Oats, 0. A. C. 72, 1 qt. -Laverne Stone S. S. 10; Charlie adni or NeïtM eethoe aIltt 1U( 1 . lil ilI l H i i l à±ïi S 150.l NEWTON VILLE The October meeting of Newton- ville W. M. S. was held at "Hlome-1 wood Place" the home of Mrs. T. A.9 Reid. After the business meeting an interesting address was given by Mrs. Sterling of Cedar Spring; musi- cal numbers were contributed by Mrs. W. C. Lane and Mrs. G. Camp- bell. A dainty luncheon was serv- ed and a social hour spent. mWen, you are invited te inspect our new display of f ail suite and overcoats in aewest materials and latest styles. Couch, Johnston & Oryderman. PAI NTI NG Have your hause palnted now, moud post card ta J. Berennan, painter, paper hanger and grainer. Ialsamfning and tinting, Ternms reasonable. Addreon J. Brennan, Elgin St., BawInanvlUe.- 2114m* OBITIUARIES -_____ -. ~1~* -~ ______________________________ ~. t ~ Kn.ew ail ianip that give 11.10,u-t luT!i11-U M - ~ ~ ACorret~,r ofiu'imonary I *rm . 7747,alz =77-1 I ~ ~ ~ i]17-- 1". - - -__- - -- ~ - - - -tt~--- - - iJCtWCC14-----j~ Wyiiy IYtJJST n- WWfi-.A-.141V-.WIZ ~!- -I ~ -~ - .t~e h-te ii}h~tnce 1- zzzzzL 4i~ttI1zzz~# 'i~~~srzzi~L ~Y-~~t~4efl44 -~ ~ 1~: _____ U~nex elle ___ 'T il -utrntM--a-n-y--O-U S 1-fl-6-SS k -,-g.-.j- ~ ~ .-ts. ~ sS. 1~. t- t. Lkilower r1-.-- ~t0- _ I2~ kW~it~c MMEi -~ -t,- -1 fytYIili I1: £D~-~tJ ~ liii iiri '" I J - - - - - - -4-- --ýnm skets of fruit --z--4ý4- q q ir, Pý-k . ýq q 1A 1 LL 94-/,,,Il N! - Mm.- Mary--Iý.- I;andier- - iee--a=e