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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 1

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Vol LXVIII. M. A, JAMS & SONS, Publishers.. BOWMANVJLLE, THURSDAY, OCTIOBER 19tb', 122. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.4 THE STORE 0F QUALITY many DlghflFrocks J ~Suits and Coats Here are myriads of dellightfuil Frocks, Suits and Coats-one is actually bewildered by their varied charm. Artistie draping-luxurious fabrics-distinctive garnitures al combine to make this showing one of the most interesting ever presented. You'Il l Ike the new fashions, and particularly the modeis you' Il flnd here! !'New Clothes for Men and Boys Step out with the new season; breathe the-cooler air of fail, but enjoy it most by dressing correctly. That feeling is best assured by making your selection fromn our new stock-just ar- rived from the leading makers of the country. Regard this as a personal invitation to visit our Men's Department. uouc!?e,ihstn ieÎ "4rY derme, ri Royal Th ýatrf% BOWMANVILLE4 WEEK OCTOBER 23-28 Monday-Tuesday "THE SHEIK" Aduits 25c, Children 15e Wednesday Gladys Walton "THE WISE KID" Chapter six of "Robinson Crusoe" Thursday Conway Tearle "A WIDE OPEN TOWN" Buster Keaton in "«THE PLAY HOUSEII The Play bouse is 100% Laugbs Friday-Saturday Wm. DeMili Production "MISS LULU BETT" CHRISTIE COMEDY "PURE AND SIMPLE$' COMING NOVEMBER 6-71 with Rudolpli Valentino and Alice Terry ROYAL THEATRE MONDAY-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23-24 CÂPTURED AND CARRIED AWAY That's whiat happens to ail the countiese thousands who are rcading this startling book. A story of stolen love, that bas sent a new thrilP through the English-speaking world, Filmed in a blaze of l'arbarce spiendor and sweeping through unforgettable e-vents. STRONG PLAYERS IN CAST In the camt of "The Sheik" there are several players of repu- tation. Supporting Agnes Ayres and Rudolph Valentino, Dile featured players are Adolphe Meni ou, who played a heavy role in "The Faitb H-eaier", who ie seen as the French noveliet in this production. Lucien Littlefield, famous character and mnake-up artist, is Gustor, valet to the Sheik. George Wagrr-r does a work of art as Youssef, the Sheik's first lieutenant and faithful aide. Ruth M'Iller, famous dancer and actress, je a slave girl; Walter Long, the heaviest of them ail, is the grizzly old Ar;abian bandit and F. R. Buter is the English girl's brother, THRIFTY STAINTON FAMILY EDUCATION IN CANADA MAPLE GROVE CHURCH From An Address by Mr. C 1H Criticism cf the educational sys. -Golden Jubilee Celebration 1872- "Stainton at the Golden Wedding tem cf Canada bas been made by 1922. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stainton, Miss Irene Geach, an Englieli educa -____ Oshawa. tionist, who made an 18 menthe' tour Truly red letter days were Sunda In o abut he ear185, ad Iof the echools cf the Dominion and and Monday, Oct. 15 and 16 in th In o abut he ear 855 an Iof the United States, under the history cf Mapie Grove Methodis ýthink the month cof May, a party, of teachers' exchange system, organized Church, it being the 5Otb annivei five or seven (I arn not sure whieh) by the League cf the Empire. cr ftebidn ftepee young men of at least two families ediy fic ebidigoehepee icft their homes in one cf the north- "Education in Canada is toc om- basc during which time the chure' co-bsaccomplished much good, a lar erm counties in England-Westmore- mercial in lits outlook", Miss Geach r lan, pononee bynatives "Wes- said. "The whole tendency here je number cf-people having been raise morland"; their homes were about towPtVd conimercialîsmn, more than nti omuiyadhv o five miles from the town cf "Kendal", aestheticism, witb the recuit that the out in different walks cf life, ani (alo clle Kiby-endl,)andad-imaginative and artistic development different parts cf the country, wh joining the emaîl village cf Braithe- Of~ the child je apt to be droppcd f or the i permanenthomhae mfeel ve waite Green-also abbreviated in the the sake of the more material side.terpmanth e elv: pronounciation te "Bethe Green".- Literature is net a broad subject in grateful to those who have carnie on the work cf the church from tim, The property on which tbey iived, as Cariadian scbools and nature study to time because cf the spiritual in weli as the surrounding country,' be- is net taught to anything like the fluncithdvetem longed te the Estate cf Lady Howard. extent it sbould be, Schools alec ec i a ve hm My father told me they left home suifer here from overeupervision. Not De.votional s>ervices afternoon an( witb the intention cf going te Aus- enough is left to the îndividuality cf evernng were conducted by the pres tralia, but when they got te Liverpool the teacher and the teachers are turn- ent pastor, Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B tbey bad decided te cerne to Canada cd eut on a machine-made plan. The A., B. D., in a very efficient manne 'inetead-but why they came te Tor- period cf training alec is much toc Rev. J.- J. Liddy, M. A., Toronto ente I am not able te eay. short, a former popular paster cf some 31 years- ago preached two vemy stroný Those were the days wben travel '"Things to be admired are the impressive gospel sermons whicb hel( acrose the Oc!ean was not on the fine school buildings to be found hie vast and appreciative audienceý luxurieus scale that it now is, and throughout the country and the ex- in rapt attention. those young men had to provide their cellent equipment for whicb meney AtteftronsvieM..C own provision~s fortepsaetei rccly f ortbcoming. Canada can Ranton, Brantford, one cf the lead length cf wbich no man could tell as alec give Great Britain points in the ing Sunday School men cf the Pro that was altogether determined by matter cf email classes", vince to-day, spoke cf hie hoyboo( the weather-it migbt be three or dy n h nlec xre fou wek, r prbpeasmany Commenting on the above, the the Sunday School and Church ii months. However, tbeir voyage occu- Winnipeg Free Press enys that per- this community in bis and other lives pied only about three weeks, whicb hape Miss Geacb je rigbt. An edu- Iwas a rcmarkably quick passage as cational system necessary to the The music at botb services was oi I 'have known cf seme people who practical is rather to be expected in high order the choir members un-dei were fully three menthe-se it was a land where there are several square the leadership cf Mr. A .Laird witl rather a formidable journey to face. miles cf territory te each individual Mr- C. H. Snowden at the organ werE The f oed used thefe ait that time and wbere the main job is the devel- ahl in fine fettle and the two solo consisted very lorgely cf oatmcal epment cf natural resources. It is a "He will net let 'me Faîl" and "HE made into various dishes, botb boiled higbly matcrialistic job that Cana- careth for the Sparrows" by Mme. J and baked, and so our travellers pro- dians bave beeh' engaged in for the J. Liddy was truiy a great priviiegE vided themeelves witb oatmeal cakes past hundred ycars and this no deubt and deligbt for ail who heard. Misý -I think it was cither tbree or four accounts for us running to pige, pick- L. Osborne, Ebenezer, accompanieé barrels full-nll packed and bended axes and the practicai rather than te tbe ecloiet. up, and they would kcep gecd a vcry poctry. Maybe when we get eut cf Monday fnom about 4.30 p. m. ai long time I bave understood, and i fbe woods we shahl do better. But excellent cbhicken pie supper waE one barrel head wns put on hinges at any rate, frank criticism now and served by the Maple Grove ladieý and providýed witb a padlckan then can do us nohrm whicb won extraordinary praisE they, agreed te appoint a Cpan____________________ from the liargeet number cf peopiE and-tc bind themselves te live under that ever tcok supper at MaplE Marine rules and their meals were quite numerous--they are te be found Grove. deait out te them came as the sbip's in a great mnny places, in both Can- An excellent entemtainmient wit]. crew as they had te anticipate àaaa and the U. S.-some famalies are. Rev. R. A, Delve, ýSmithficld,a long voyage, and many atime they at Little Rock, Arkansas, many more' former bighly esteemed pastor, mak. fnirly begged for a few more cakes, in Michigan, Lowell, Mass. Alleghany ing a capital chairman, was given bý but could neyer get more than their City, near Pittsburg, Petersburg in the f ollcwing artsits, cvery num- allowance, as their Captain cculd net Nebraska, and an unicle cf mine who ber being well received by the large -be moved, and the Captain they ap- was living in Montana, wben at about audience and was acredit te the per- pinted was none otl'er than the.,.75 years cf age, 1 understood, had formers: Bragg Quartet, Bowman- father cf our Host- -J&esgtn ogne te South America, and that is ville; Soloiets Miss Mabel Depew, -knwn to tbem as "ýCaptain Jim".' a sample cf the energy wýhicb meet cf Toronto; and Mise Bernice Webster, TÉçjir ship was a f our-master, buiit them can bie credited with, Cambray; readings Miss Imene Wint- rather narrcw but long, net quite Ante on cthwieita rs, Osbawa;'Miss Annie Ccx, Bow- lieorlake schooners. nteponwrhwil ,tb, manville. Mies Leta Bragg and. Mis lîk ou Ineyer knew cf a drunkard in any Margaret Abemnethy ncted as ac- Nothing eut cf the ordinary bnp- cf the families and a great many cempaniets te the satisfaction cf alI. pened on the voyage, se they amused bave made their mark in if e. There themeelves ns beet they could. Was an outetanding figure in the fam- A splendidiy interesting reminis- Among the paseengers were an Irish- ily-he was at the time cf the Civil cent addrcss was given by the Rev. Iman and bis son, an innocent big fel- War, Secrctnry cf the State wben H. W. Fcley, B. A., B. D., cf Salem low, not quite grown up, and- they Lincoln was President, and wbihe I Circuit, Coîborne, who was hemn and werEï out on deck enrly one merning neyer snw him, I amn quite confident brought up here.* wlîcn the sailers were washing down hie wns cf the blood, as I saw a About 100 invitations were sent the ýdecks, ns was donc every mcmn- number cf bis pîctures at the time te fermer residents and pastors,a ing, with a large bose supplied by a cf the American War, and be was a large number cf wbcm werc present hnd power pump, which took four complete duplicate cf my fathen. Hie for the occasion, but the foilewîng men te operate, when the sailer s as was said te be the only man in the sent greetinge wbicb were rend by n joke tunned the strcnm on te "Pat, U .S. at that tîme wbo weuld bave Mn. Howard Folcy as follows. Mr. the eIder" and cf course it bowled any influence with President Lincoln. Eber G. Folcy, Calgary, Alta; 'Rev. him over and rclled himalngth1 C. H. Simpson, Brampton; Rev. anc deck and gave him sucb h abn I mny constantly find more cf Mrs. W. C. Frank, Victoria, B. C; (perbaps tbey tbought bie needed tit) 1 them in Ontario, as wcll ns Manitoba, Mr. D. H. Contes, B. A., and Mme. that hie cculd net immediately geti 'Sa skatchewan and British Columbia. Coateý. Brantford; Rev. J. S. I. Wil- on foot agnin, and 'his son bnwled son, B. A., B3. D., Cobourg; Rev. like a big boy and got down beid The Stainton fnmily also compare Jos. A. Bannes, B. A., Milford; Mn. bis father, and said "O Faither, very favorabiy in the ordinary waiks Thos. Yeihowieee, Toronto; Lady Faithen arc yc kilt, sure Faither if of life, where they are alwnys to be Hughes, Lindsay; Mr. Ed. Hill, Michi- ye arc kilt wby don't ye spake"l and ound welh up in the activities cf life gan and othene, cf course that wae ail very ' .* not in Positions under nny other amsing ý pensen's management, but at some- An hietorical survey cf the churcn for ahi except the victime. And Pntiwsie yoeo h letmm neyer beard the end cf it during the th ing for themeelves where energ bers, Me b n. eof o ead ft em journcy. and abiîity br'ing their own reward singîngthr. e Natoal, andm Re The Stainton fnmihy is a very chd And I aise have never known anyi J. Liddy pronounced the benediction one-I have no iden cf thein enrgin, heredýitary diseases-dunkeness..1nnd tbis very succeseful anniversary but it is supposed to be "Saxon" with or even cf a wcak mind-but are nîl i, passed into bistory. Prcceeds about a mixture cf "Norman" shown in al- sane-incarcerated for any crime, $400. most every famihy in one cf the mcm- reasenablv long lived, in fact, they bers hnving more chearly outliaed juet live till they die. AID FOR FIRE SUFFERERS features and black hair where ahl others have brown bain and fair com- Another thing about our farnilies plexion. But they werc carly settîcre i their public and private standard To Teachers of Inspectorate No. 1 inWeetmerehand, ne my father said cf morns-they are aiwnys found, Nrhmeln n ubm tbey bad cheared up the nîcers and on the side cf Justice-freedcm andý erected the buildings, mostly cf cquity in the national and private Miss F. M. Galbraith, President of stone, and they wcre ail in a cen- hife, I can trutbfulhy say that tbey the Teachers Institute cf Inspecter- .tinucus rew, bouse and cutbuildings, pnetty well live up te the tnite old ate No 1, neceived a communication ae the farmens in the North cf Eng- saying: late hast weck £rom Mn. Chas, G. land were quite like the Scotch fori Fraser cf Toronto, asking for con- geed stock. The village cburch ad- I 'hl not willingly oiffend-nor be tributions from the member;s cf the jeiedmy rndfahe's oue nd1 easihy off ended;- profession, to assist in the relief cf they could hean the service without What's amiss-Ihl strive te mend; thoir suifering fellow teachens in the gcing into the church (Church cf And endure whnt can't be mended". fine swept district cf the North. Englnnd, it was cf course) and this IAdwiew r e h nes The ccmmittee decided that the 1 An whle w ar no allangls-sum cf one dollar frem eacb teacher church was like most Ehglish, chur- just bumnn-I think I arn safe in would net be bundensome and at the ches, a very interesting place as it saying that our families possess more samne time be an expression cf their was the regîstry for the inhabitante, than the average virtue cf life and sympntby for those wbose homes lie and n young Stainton new living in are well below the average in ite in ashes. North Toronto, visited the place after vices-but I know that one cf their As the letter from Mn. Firaser leanvihg the wan three years age, eutstanding characteristics is Intcg- came toc late te be presented at the hooked over the register and hebcrity-a Stainton wilh neyer betray Institute meeting, it wns feit that tnaced it back to the ti-me cf "King ycu, and I bave known a great many the beet way te reacb the teachers Charles First", who reigned from of tbem even an extended period. wne threugh the press. 1625 te 1649, when bie lost hie headItihpe althtacrs il on January 2Oth and there wae quite Many cff them thaýT I Iavebee Icoplywh he lrteuetand sendl he ist r- int eh ge Le ne je ry ed ne .n- B. ;0 Ig d G. d- )y in er th re s le ee s es se le T 1-amena- ~i~a--op~iiiigs-- -424w- MINISTERS AND CHURCHES The Salvation Army will hold a speciai meeting in the S. A. Rail on Monday, Oct. 23 at 8 p. m., te be ad- rdressed by Mayor and Mrs, Ellis from England. Church of Christ-Rev, L. E. Zavitz, pastor, will preach at both services. Sunday at il a .m.- kLord's Supper. 2.30 p. m.-Sun- day School. 4 to 5 p. m.-Mens Bible Class ýSt. John's Church, Rector, Rev. C. P. Muirhead. Organist, Mrs. John A. Gunn. l9th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a. m.-Holy Communion, il a. m. -Morning Prayer. 2.30 1P.m. ýSunday Sehool. 7 p. m.-Evening Song. Preacher, The Rector. ,Methodist Church, Sunday services, Rev. (Capt.) W. G. Clarke, B. A., Trenton, a former esteemed pastor will preach at both services in ex-. change with Pastor Moore wbo wilI preach anniversary sermons on hie f ormer charge. Be sure to heait Capt. Clarke. Rev. H. C. Rice, B. A., Chairman of Chatham District, New Bruns-, wick Conference, son of Rev. S. H. RAce, formeriy of Hampton Ci cuit, preached to a large congregation in the Methodist Church on Suriday evening with great acceptance. Hie decply thoughtful discourýse from the text "That they without us should flot be made perfect"-Heb. il, 40, was hîghly instructivre and inspiring and made strong appeal to hie hear- ers for whole-hearted service. Mr. W. B. Tapson and Mr. T. W. Stan- ley sarg a duet most acceptably. ST. PAUL'S W. M. S. Mrs. <Rev.) 'Geo. F. Mason, late cf SQnya now of Bowmanville, ad- dressed the mîssîonnry thank-oifer- ing meeting of St. Paul's Preebyter- ian Church, Tuesday afternoon. Her theme was based on "Behind, every deed is the doer, behind the doer je the dream or vision", and begin- ning with the days when the mis- sionary enterprise was only the vis- ion or dream of a handful of errnse- cratcd women she led hier hearers through the growth of this, "Thé most wenderful part cf the Wcrld's Work" up te the present -da., By the use of the, special missioïiary charte Mrs. Mason 'gave a mnost im- pressive resume cf the work ' its' en- couragements and responsibiiities. There wy~ a good attendance and the offering amounted to $135.00. LOCAL AND OTHERWlSE Mrs. E. Irwin, Morrish, near Port Hope, and Mr. and Mre. A. Tait have returned from n vcry plensant visit ,te Pontiac, Mich., where tbey were gueste cf their cousin, Mr. Luther itMcNall, a Mrs. James Fisbleigh and son, Mn. it Delýbert Fishleigb cf Osaca, were ln 9town Friday calling on their cousins, Y Mme, H. A. Fletcher and Mm. N. S. rPhummer, Seme 30 yenrs ago Mn. 7. n nd Mrs. James Fishleigb lived ia dlI Bowmanville wben hie was an active 1;member cf Lcdge Wellington Ne. 19, Sons cf England. He died a few menýthe ago. tMrs. Alex. Honcyman, Cubitt's yLane, ba -s presented te Bowmanville i- Lawn Bowling Club a picture cf "The Armada In Sîght" from a fam- e us painting by Seymour Lucas. It wns on July 19, 1588, when Sir Francis Drake and other bigh offi- cials cf the Fleet wene playing a ngame cf bowle on the Green on Ply- ymciuth Roc when a Spanisb armcd tvessel was seen entering the barber. Sir Francis snid tbey wouhd finish the game and attend to the enemy after- wands wbich they did. English hie- tory gives the stcny cf the battle that ensued. Mn. Edwnrd Dawson, Redonde Beach, Calf., bas been guest cf Mn. fand Mrs. Thomas Brown, Centre-st. ,Mn. Dawson ie a Durham Old Boy nbaving been hemn in New Park sec- tion where Mn. Robent Miller le i"King cf the Country". He visited e binitbplace wbîcb will in future ne- fmain n green spot in bis memry-a eluxunicus field of alfaîf a being the only thing found there. Mr. Daw- eson lived for severni yenme at Kin- rcandine befoci- taking residence in eCalifomnin and was n well-known rspeaker on teînperance. He is an eactive memben cf the M. E. Church in wbich lie je a local prenchen. 't MAPLE GROVE ýs Reeve H. A. Bedal nd Mme. Bedal, [j Brighton, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve, dSmithfield, were recent gueste cf Mr. Sam Snowden for the jubilee ýser- vices. .Amng others attending jubilce services wene: Mn. and Mme. and Mme. L. M. Courtice, Ebenezem* Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Morecembe and Mre. W. Oke, Wbitby; Mn. and Mme. Walter Wintem, Mn. John Crumb, Mme. Anchie McDonald, Mm. and Mme, Rd. Snowden, Oshawa; Mme. Themp- son, Mn. and Mms. J. C. TrulI, Toron- to; Rev. H. W. Foey, Coîborne. EHADDY_& CO. Winter MiIýnery Announcemnent. Our. epening display of the Win- ter Seaeen'e Model Millinery wil be held on Friday aad Saturday, Octo-__ ~ J, W <-t

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