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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 2

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We Make It Hot For You t . . . . r. . . ...i ~ Wi.-Ai. iîndc iibel .O 'dl Tinand Asbestos .nne, CainS Nii A'Is Lor Ep .. i-nand Con itrato P. eîPan h E- ne. - . I* ,i, Ast P C.. i A .5 P't E,,li,,m O- Dacton' That's o7ir business-installing furnaces that have stood the test of timel and give best satis- faction. Don't Dut it off any longer-corne in to-day and talk over your heating problems with our ex- perts. We represent largest manufacturers of furn- aces and stoves in British Empire. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmnanville FPor Attention of Puùblic School Trustees One only, wainut, piano case organ, cele- brated Dominion make, slightly used but has had all worn parts replaced. Much BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 19th., 1922. WILL REMAIN IN ENGLAND The many friends of Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Neale will be interested in a message rec.eived by The Statesman froni them in which he says: .Dear Mr-. James-My wif e and 1 both feel that we owe an apology for our silence, but since coming over here our holiday seemed to have suddenly changed into a more or less business visit. Shortly after arriving in England I received the offer to take over the Business Man- agement of an Electrical concern, which, after -due deliberation 1 de- cided to accept. The initial stages of the work, and the changing of our plans entailed a great deal of work on my part, which has kept me fully occupied for the last two months. We fully intended returning to Bow- manville and had in fact secured aur return berths, but the offer was too good a one to miss. We regret very much having to leave s0 many friends in Bowmanville whose kind- ness and hospitality we sa much ap- preciated. You will be interested to know that my wife has had sever- ai singing'engagements i11 London at which she met with great success. In additions tQ concerts, she has sung solos in several West End Churches. We wel.come The Statesman- which arrives regularly and hope y'ou will notify me when it is time ta renew. 1 expect to come ta 4owmanville for a short tume in the Spring. St. Paul's Vicarage. Goswell Road, London, E. C. I., Sept. 25, 1922. CENTRAL ONT. POWER SYSTEM Letter Prom R. R. Hall, Pefeirboro Upon the suggestion of Sir-Adam Beclk, sixty-four municipalities ýn Central Ontario are being asked to form a partnership to take over the assets and assume the habilites of the Ontario Government in connec- tion with the Central Ontario Power System. ReW*seritatives of gome of these Municipalities recently met at Port Hope and it appears that sev- eral of' them 'were ready to adopt the policy of "lshut your eyes", open your mouthand swallow Sir Adam's Hlydro and you will ail enjoy the electrie charge the same as West- ern Ontario". It becomes import- ant ta consider this proposed part- nership. In 1916 the Ontario Government bought out the assets of the Electric Power Company which operated this system for $8,350,000 and later ap- pointed the Hydro Electric Power Commission its manager. Since then the liabilities of this system have increased to $11,273,712.78 and its asset.s principally consist of power developinents hydraulic rights, trans- former stations, transmission lines, local utilities, such as Street Rail- ways. Gas Plants, Water Works, etc., Pulp Mîlîs and Pulp Wood areas, etc., and the enterprise shows a loss of $168,930.15. These Central OntarioloMunicipali- ties are to be shared by each, nar what real interest each will have in the assets of the System. The l4th Annual Report of the Hydro -Commis- sion at page 172 gives a slight hint how the scheme will start but not how~ it will finish. 866.02 of the liabilities making her S. H. REYNOLDS PRESENTED Relatives and friends of Mr. S. H. Reynolds in Bowmanville and vicinity will be greatly interested in the following from the Bothwell Tmes: A number of the members of the Chamber of Commerce and a few citizens convened in Vincent's hall an Friday evening, September 29, ta bîd farewell ta Mr. S. H. Reynolds, wha has exchanged the splendid f anm known as "Fnirview" for a large apartment residence in Detroit, valued at $200,000. For -seventeen years Mr. Reynolds has been a resi- dent of Bothwell, 'having been act- ively engaged in farming and- the buying and shipping of stock, and although his pathway has nat been aîl sunshine hie weathered the storm of ill-fortune and affliction with can- siclerable success, and bis many fniends here wish him success in De- trait. Theref are in heu of Ihis active if e here and undaunted courage bis friends could not let bum go without showing in some way that they regarded him highly not anly as a co-warker in the Chamber of Commerce but as one who always stood for the betterinent and ad- vancement of the town, religiously, socially and commercially. Mr. Reynolds was presented with a costly Club Bag by Mr. W. S. Beamish, and an address was read by Mr. J. J. Vincent. At the conclusion of a neat reply by Mr. Reynolds, MVr. Fraser, his successar at "Fairview" was intraduced, and short enlogits were delivered by W. S. Beamish, John C. Dent and Mr. Fraser, and sangs were sung by Mr. Thos. Boon and Mr. Fraser with guitar accom- paniment, A deligbtful time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Beatrice will be greatly missed in this cammunity and what is Bothwell's loss will be Windsar's gain. in which city they will resîde. The follawing address was read: Bothwell, On t., Sept. 29, 1922. Mr. S. H. Reynolds, "Fairview" Farm Dear Friend-We have met ta- gether to-nigbt on the eve of yaur departure from amangst us, and ta wish you and yaurs many good wish- es in yaur new location. You have shared aur joys and sympathized with us in aur sarrow for many years. You have been ca-aperative witb the puli-ta-gether spirit. You have stood shoulder ta shoulder and bat- tled for business. You have played~ your part well, and you will he great- ly misse.d in this community. We cannot let you go without un some measure showïng our apdrediation of your cheerful company, and ask vou ta accept this Club Bag, flot for its mercenary -Value, but just ta be remembered. Signed, W. S. Beanidsh, represe'ting the tawn; Thos. Dark. representing the country; Thos. Boan,-representing the Cham- ber 6f Connerce. DADDIES 1 would rather be the daddy 0f a romnping, roguish crew 0f a bright-eyed, chubhy laddie -- nd -a,- ittie girrl or -tw9o' Than the monarch of a nation, NEWSPAPER BORROWERS UNPOPULAR Some siTscribers inforni us that they axe bothered by neighbors bort rowing their copy of the The States- man, and the habit in some cases bas become a nuisance. The States- man costs less than f our cents a week-less than the price of an ice cream cone-there is no reason why those who are borrowing froni their neighbors couldn't afford theniselves to subscribe for the paper. Our list is growing bigger. but we can handle a few more subscriptions. Just for- ward two dollars and you won't need ta bother your neighbor for a whole year. PAINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC AlI orders for painting, decorating, kalsoming, etc., will receive prompt and careful attention. Before dec- orating see my samples of artistic wall paper and get my prices. Phone 363J. Jas. H. Abernethy, Odell-st., Bowmanville. 87-tf LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money ta boan on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville , Ontario. Phones: Office 102, 366J -music T. W. STANLEY (London Colle ge of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared ta take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For termas phone 12, "Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coilege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Chirch-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9 a. nm. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. - Huse phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Uriversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King- st., Bowmmanville.1 Office phone 40. House phone 22, To Investors f'f~fif~I l~\k~.~Ijj D O you appreciate the advisability of having your banker serve you in matters pertaining to Investments. The Bank 18 always in direct and constant touch with the investment markets and is welI equipped to secure sound and attractive securities or to place any bonds you may wish ta dispose of. At any branch of the Standard you can obtain information lirespect ta investments. STýý HE STADARD 'BANK or CANAD& TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, - - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . . E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Eat More 1Meat With the cold weather you feel the need of more méat to strengthen the body and provide the necessary heat. You can't do better than buy your meat from this store xvhere everything is fresh, dlean and our business s conducted under sanitary conditions. We Deliver The Goods Wilbert J. Dîudley Horsey Block Phone 225, Huse 272 Bowmanville Tod's, reaed MADE IN BOWMANVILLE 15 8c Loaf AT TUIE STORE OR 9c LOAF *FROM THE WAGON a ~ lâ-- - -- - , ',

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