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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 4

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Solid Leather Farm Boots Made By WilliamsShoe Co. Are Best By Test Men's Plain Toe Brown Mennonite Leather at $5.00 pair Men's Plain Toe Black Mennonite Leather at $5,00 pair Meii's Double Toe Cap, Brown Grain Blucher at $4.50 pair Men's Plain Toe Cap, Black Grain Blucher at .$4.50 *pair BOYS' BOOTS Brown Calf bal, size 1 to 512 at Black Cai bal, size 1 to 51/2 at Plain TcCeýBrown Mennonite at YOUNG GIRLS Box Caîf, lucher cut, 212 to 6 at Grain bluchers at $4.50 $4.50 $4.00 .......5.00 $3.50 pair pair pair pair pair W. CLAUDE IVES Bowmanvîlle Cash Shoe Store QUALITY FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING THE PUR- CHASE 0F AN EASY CHAIR THIS FALL If so, we have some splendid new lines now in. They are the very latest in appearance and comfort and? our prices are very low. Corne in and see these. SPLENDID VALUES IN REED CHAIRS We are showing some splendid values and designs in Reed Chairs in fumed or enamel finish- es, with upholstering on backs and seats. ATTRACTIVE CHESTERFIELDS Our Chesterfields are the very latest in both style and coverings. See these. F, F MORRIS CO, Orono Bowmanville Mi. Leon Dumas, Oshawa, spent Mr. Gordon Farrell, Glidden, Sask.,l BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 191 the week-end at home. Who is visiting relatives at Tyione, Mr. Jack Gilbert, Toronto, spent Iiayd on, Hampton and other placesHMPO the week-end with Mi. and Mis. T. i n Ontario, gave us a fîiendly caîl onHAPO C. Bragg. Fîiday. Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, has had Mr. and Mis. Cobuin of BURKETON inearly 30 years' experience as suc- and Mi. and Mis. A. J. Wý cessful auctioneer. He conducts and Oswald, Newtonville, v: Last Sunday Rev. H. Wilkinson, a l kinids of sales. Local represent- and Mis. C. F. Corden. Pontypool, preached a good ser- ative, Tom Percy. 40-t Attend J. H. Weriy's (E mon on "Forgiveness . There is Auction SaleFîiday, Oetc room for ail to practise it .... Next S.DFAM S'CU Sunday S. S5. at 10.15 ; Chuîch at S. _.______' LU il a. m. .League Thursday even-ý South Darlington Faime rs' Club TYRONE ing at 7.30. It is social night. Missi t oda pea etig nM'l Susî CuranPreide t te chair, Grove Hall on Monday evening, Oct. Rev. and Mis. R. Patî in tbe absence of oui social vic- 21 t8p . icsino Fo Fraserville, accompanied pC.esidenT.AIl are wlcome... The Values" to be led by Mri. R.R James Rowan, Master Art C.G.1.T.Cas wllmetnext Sees ragmnswî be daugbter Annie, weîe gues Thursday evening at the home of madvensforrndngemenpto h fu and Mis. A. W. Annis over Mis. McCutcheon .... Woodbees are zne.forvenyong elptendre end. nuneros. Wineîis omng ndC. M. Penfound, Tru Power, Attend J. H. Werry's, (1 there is nothing like being ready. President. Secretary. Auction Sale Fîiday, Octo ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mis. Stewart Hall and baby, Mi. and Mis. W. J. Hall and gianddaughter VeIna, Little Brit- tain. visited over the week-end at Mi. Frank Oîchard's. Mrs. W. J. Hall will remain for a visit. Attend J. H. Werry's (Betbesda), Auction Sale Friday, Otober 2th. ENFIELD Ladies' Aid will meet on Wednes- day, Oct. 25, at the home of Mis. Bert Ferguson. Every member urgently requested to attend. Rol Caîl to be answered by bible verse containing the word "Love".. Reserve Tuesday, Oct. 3lst for the masquerade anid basket social to be given in the hall. Be in the grand prade and win a prize for the best th., 1922.' f Toronto, Tagg, Bob visited Mr. Bethesda), >ber 20th. terson of by Mrs. ýhur and ,ts of Mr. the week- Bethesda), ,beî 20th.1 costume. IXX lose nUtin csru ...iI MLMNS cCrck ow be fined an entrance fee of 15c. ML ENS eCrikMw Good program. Ladies bring bas- er, Massey-Har'-is Binider, neaîly kets.. new, MeCormick Hay Tedder, Mas- Atted J.H. errys (etheda)sey-Hairis Seed Drill, 13 'boe, Deer-' Attend J.lH. Wiy's (tBertha)ing Cultivator, King Cultivatai, Me-t Aucton aleFiiay, ctoer 0t~Cormick Steel Roler, Set Diamond Harîows, Set Duck Foot Harrows, Hoise Rake, John Deere Manure MAPLE GROVE Spîeader, 2 Single Plows, Frost &I IWood Double Plow, 3 Gang Plos Miss Bernice Webster bas return- Turnip Drill, Heavy Wagon, Box>ansd ed ta ber home in Cambîay after ai Springs Complete, Wr-,in and Racki pleasant visit with her cousin, Mis. Complete. Set Knee 'ob Sleigbs,' J. D. Stevens .... Mr. and Mis. Than Wagon, Set Sleighs, Set Pleasure Smith, Wilîow Dale, are visiting ber Sleighs, Set Scaies, 2000 Ibs., Baini brother, Mi. Chas. Axford and other Buggy, MeLaughlin Bug--,, Jump relatives. .. .Mr. and Mrg. Joe Bol- Seat Buggy, Cutter, Fanring Mill, Ions and two ,children and Missesl Massey-Harris Double Scuf er, Ver- .-aoîAnu~~y ('_ .jýI1DpntewoToroto.,i+_Uri, 1 1 1OW were guests of Mis. C. H. Snowden while attending the church jubilee.. 4 . Mrs. R. Tîawin, Edmonton, Ata., is visiting ber parents, Mi. and Mis.0 D. E. Rutley...Miss L. Lowry spent the week-end ln Osawa.... Miss Ima Power, Peter'boro Normal, spent Sunday at home ... . Miss Leta Turner and Miss Mary Cole, town, spent Sunday with Miss Reta Power .... Mi. W., G. Ranton, Brantford, spent the week-end with bis sister, Mis. Chester Power. Attend J. H-. Weiiy's (Bethesda), Auction Sale Friday, October 2tb. HAYDON 3 Visitors: Mi. and Mis. R. Gilbert, Enniskiilen, visited at Mi. Miltont Slemon's; Mr. and Mis. C. Avery, 1Mr. and Mis. S. Trewin and Mi. Ceeul Semon visited friends at Lit-i tie Brittain and attenýded the Plow- ing Match at Lindsay; Mi. and~ Mis. Theron Mountjoy, Mr. and Mis. Elgin Mountjoy also attended the Plowing Match and visited friends wbile there; Oui S. S. was favored by a visit îecentfly from the District Executive and splendid ideas were imparted to the scbool from the diff erent members which we much appieciated .... League service Sun-' day evening was opened with Mi. C. Avery in the chair wbo conducted the devotional exercises. Bible Les- son was read by Mi. Gordon Beecb. The topic on "Trust" was spiendidly1 given by Mrs. H. Ashton and Mis. A. Beech. Reading was aiso given by Mi. Cecil Slemon. Mis. R. Crossman presided over the piogram. Meeting was dismissed by Mizpah, Benediction. Attend J. H. Werry's (Bethesda) ,1 Auction Sale Friday, October 2tb.1 BETHESDA Miss Berta Cole is taking music1 fîom Miss Reta Cole, Bownianville1 ... Mi. Norman Rundle is spending1 a few days witb bis aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mus. J. H. Wery .. Messrs. Eveîett and. - Harold Hoar1 made a business trip ta Toronto ne- cently. .. Mi. W. J. Dudley bas re-( sumed bis former congenial occupa-1 tion-apple picking.. . Misses Odie1 and Ethel Cale and Mn. 'E. B. Cale were recent guests of Mi. and Mis. T.1 Tod, Bownianville. . . . Mis.f Mabood,1 Cadmus, is visiting ber son, Mr. Gar-1 net Mahood. . Mi. and Mis. Will Rob- ins and Jean, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mi. and Mis. Heîb.1 Scott. . .. Mi. Russel White matored from Elizabethville and visited bis brother Eveiton .... Mi. and Mus. Foster Snowden, Oshawa, weîe Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mis. Everett Ho....... AIl nigbt long the smoke from the noithein fieës was notice- able teliing of the loss; "but joy cometh in ýthe marning" when a mes- sage came ta Councillor A. H. Brent fioni bis sister, Mis. Wilson, who lives in Haileybury, that Mi. Wilson, Miss Eleanor, Master Brent and ber- self were ail saf e in Sudbury., Let- ters since state that sbe is busy at relief work; bas opened ber home for homeless friends. Cburch ser- vice'was held on Sahbath maiiiing and a post office bas been opened. "The spirit of the people is wondeî- ful-Éa tears and na cowards"l.. Miss Ettie Scott read an instructive and inspîing paper on Missions last Sunday. There was appropriate music by school... Mi. and Mis. Eveîett Hoar motored ta Zian and visited Mi. and Mis. J. G. Langmaid and daug&hter. Mus. Foster Snowden. -Reformer Cor. Announcenient was made ut the General Conference ,by Rev. Dr. Chown, General Superintendent, that abequest of $150,000 bad been made toward a Methodist Hosital. Name of generaus douer i wthed Pulpýer. Grindstone, 1 Coal OU Stove,. 4 burner, new, Whifflet,e- hoes, forks, bags, chaîns and numerous other articles will be sold, 1 Good Collie Dog. POULTRY-4 Breeding Geese. TERMS-CASH. SOLINA Visitors: Mi. Hydeof' Oshawa, visited at Mr.- Walter Vice's; Mrs. Geo. Cornish and Miss Leta, Salemj visited Mrs. N. E. Wright; Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Hlooper, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey, Orono, celebrated with Mr. and Mrs. W.- N. Pascoe the lat- ter's 74th birthday at his sister's,l Mrs, J. T. Rundie; Mr. Cecil Pascoe spent Sunday i Toronto; Mrs. M. A. James, Bowmanville, Mrs. James A. Phillips and son John Hickman, ,.Njew York' Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James, T.own, at Mr. S. Edgar Wer- ry's; Miss Ellen J. James with numerous Columbus relatives; Mr. and Mr. H. F. Werîy and Miss Wil- mna, Kedron, at Mi. S. E. Werry's; Mr. and Mis. Nelson Reynolds, Toi- onto, at Mr. John Reynolds'ýç Mis. Penfiound, Toronto. at Mi. W. T. Baker's, and Mr. J. T. Rundle'srM. and Mis. Albert Wright, Blackýstok, and daughteî at Mr. N. E. Wright's; Miss Emma Hogarth, Exeter, Mr. andi Mrs. L. T. Pasce and Miss Edith, Mis. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Mar- garet, Hampton, with fîiends; Mis. R. B. Mitchell with Mis. Edith Or- miston, Enniskillen; Miss Irene Ar- gue, Toronto, at home; Mis. J. A. McClellan. Bowmanville, and son Mr. Guîasey M.cClellan at Reeve Bakeî's; Mis. J. N. McDougall and Miss Challis, Bowmanville, at Mr. Frank Hockaday's; Mi. Frank and Miss Illa Tremeer, Mariposa, with relatives; Mis. Dobson bas gone to her home at Oakwood. . Mr. Goldie McNeil of Mariposa, is helping Mi. Isaac Hlardy... .Mr. and Mis. A. J. Reynolds visited at Erin and attend- ed the Fair .... Mis. R. Somerville and young daughteî have returned home to Cheiiywood...Seve.ral froin here attended the tiactor dem- onstiation and- ploughing match -at Lindsay .... Mis. John Reynolds bas been quite ili and Mis. W. H. Haîf- acre, Tyrone, and Miss Bessie Rey- nolds, Toronto. have been attending her needs. ... Quite a number from here attended the Golden Jubilee celebration at Maple Grave and were delighted to~ see and hear.Rev. and Mis J. J. Liddy. Attend J. H. Weiry's (Bethesda), Auction Sale Friday, October 2Oth. When Kiddifes Nieed a Laxative ,Und Grown-ups Too Nyal Figsen will please, Tasty as a bon bon, 'Not at aIl like medicine, Gentie in action- But prompt and suie. Two Sizes 25c and 50e at Kersiake's Dirug Store Phone 49 Bowmanville If your Eyes trouble you consuit I. Kersiake AUCTION SALES 1v. 978.W. W. Wilis. Toronto,iîs Friday, October 20,-Mi. J. H. Wm. McReynolds. Werry, lot 6, con. 5, Darlington,ý (Bethesda) will selil by public auction Mrs. Geo. Dilling and son Rance1 ail of bis faim stock, implementa spent the week-end at ber father's, etc. Sale at 12.30 o'clock. The 1Mi. Jos. Rolson, Oshawa. M. slemon, Aàuctioneer. Bowmanville bakers have dîopped Wednsda, Otobr 2-Mi s 1 the price of bread to 8e. ln Co- Bond, Lots 1 and 2, Con. 6, East! bourg the price is stili l0c. In the Whity, te ol GifordHome- village of Baltimore, we understand, Whity, te aI Gifordbîead manufactured by a well known stead, will seil by public auction local firm is retailing at two loaves ail of bis faim stock, implements, for 17c, while here it àis1lOe straight. etc. Sale at 12 sharp. See pot -Cobourg Post. ers,. Geo. & Ted Jackson, Auc- tioneers. 42-1w*' Aucton Sale Farm Stock and Implements Geo. and Ted Jackson, kuction- eeîs, h&vee eceived instructions from the Executors of the estate of the late FRED GRIFFIN Lot 26, Con. 9, Darlington to seli by public auction on the pîem-1 ises on.i FR1DAY, OCTOBER 27th Commencing at 12.30 o'clock the f ollowing: HORSES-i Bey Horse, 4 yeaus old, H. D., 1 Black Hloîse, 6 yeaus, H. D., 1 Grey Mare,. aged, Percheron, iGîey Mare, aged, Percheron, 1 Bay boise, driver, 5 years old, 1 Year- ing Colt, H. D, CATTLE-1 Red Cow, 7 years old, 1 Red Cow, 7 yeaîs, 1 Grey Cow, S years, 1 Roan Cow, 4 yeaîs, 1 Red and White Cow, 10 years, 1 Red Cow, 7 yeaîs, 4 Heifers, 3 years, 2 Steers, 2 yeaîs, 2 beifers, 2 years, 4 Heif- ers, 1 yeaî, 1 Steeî, 1 yeau, 4 Spring Calves. SHEEP-13 Leicester Ewes. PIGS-1 Sow, bred August 26tb, 7 Shoats. HARNESS-Heavy Set Team Harness, new, Set Team Harness, Setl Piow barness, Set Single Harness, Set Double Light Harness.i FEED-About 250 bus. Marquisý Wbeat, About 800 bus. Mixed Grain,i 4 Acres Cob Corn, 1 acre Potatoes, 2 Acres Turnips, 8 Loads Mixed Hay, 7 loads Timnothy bey. Miss Edith Macklin bas gone 'toý Sweetsburg, Quebec, where she. has- taken a position upon the staff of the Girls' Cottage In-dustrialScol which bas been recently establisi. d in that pretty town.-Cobourg Wýor. d Alex. McCullough, who operated the stili on the Nicholson faim near Ballyduif, Manvers Township, Was- fined $300 and costs and one mo6nth iin the County goal and was taken to, 5Cobourg this week. Mecullough- made bis get-away when the officers- raided the stili. Pri'ces Demonstrate How You Save, oney XVe are makihg these crisp fali days real economy events for shoppers who are doing their buying at the West End Flouse. It is a long time since we have been able to off ersuch real dependable goods and of a high grade quality at such low prices. Nothing is being spared to give our customers the best service andi valujes obtainable. We are not afraid to ouote prices and invite comparisons, as wc are, continually demonstrating that "y ou save by buying at MeMurtry's Big Departrnental Store." Specials for Friday i,& Saturdayj, Octoberz20-21 "You Save by Buyi*ng at McMurtry's"ý We have received a shipment of New Overcoats for the coming season and in 'order to introduce these coats we are putting them on at very reduced prices. -10 only MVe n's Ulster Style Coats, sizes 35 to 42, a fine coat for ail round service, Friday and Saturday Special $17.95 5 only Young Men's Coats, also conser- vative styles, these coats are made of heavy Blanket Cloth with heavy check- backs, these are worth seeing at $27.50 Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats in ail shade combinations and- sizes, prices ranging from90c to $6,50 Men's Hleavy Work Shirts m ade - of o meyrilitary fiannel and guaranteed to give satisf actory wear at $2.25 pYu Save by Buying at McMurtry's". 14 inch Cream Madras in very hand- sorne patterns, Special at 65c yd Colored Madras in Tan, Rose and Green, reg. $2,25, Sale Price $1.69 12 quarter Flannelette Blankets in whiteë and grey, While They Last $3.25 a pair i1 qua rter Flannelette Blankets, Very Special at $2.49 pair Lqdîes-' White Fiannelette Night Gow-ns, Very Special $1.39, $1.59, $1.69 40 inchiail wool Navy Serge, regular ý.00,O Sale Price. 75e yard Cornforters in ail shades and quialities, at Very Special Prices Ladies' Eall and Winter Gloves at Very Special Prices, Large size Cotton Bats for Comfort- ers $1.00 each. 36 inch Plaids, suitable for school dresses and skirts, Very Special,59c yd 44 inch by 22 inch Heavy Bleached Bath Towels with colored borders, 1Very Special at 75c each "You Save by Buying at McMurtry's"y 12 lbs, Granulated Sugar St. Lawrence for $1.00 Todhunters Pure Cocoa, 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 35e Fresh Hampton Creamery Butter, 40e per lb LIpton's Tea in pkg. 55c lb. Lyon Brand Maccaroni, 2 pkgs. 25c Maple Leaf Baking Powder, lb tin 25c Buelkwheat Flour for Pancakes, 4 Ibs. for 25e Muskoka Syrup in qt. bottles for pan- cakes .* 49c each Cranberries, rs and nice, 5 lbs .$1. Tip Top Salmon, tall tins, 2 for 35c Jet Enamel for Stove Pipe Varnish, 12c a bottle Taylor, Borax and Pearl White Laund- r-y Soap 7 Bars for 48c English Lavender Toilet Soap, 7 Cakes for 29c Large YeIlow or Red Onions, il qt. basket, While They Last 50c ea Fine Cooking -Apples, large basket 35c each See our window display for Camping Specials, everything you need., Mc--Murtrry &oLd C) GilsWanted To l'par-n hosiery business, smart young girls 1and wornen ýor ail departments. Pesatur roundirgs, steady work, good pay while learn- ing, incrasing with experience. Diurham Hlosiery Milis Ltd. Friday, October 27-Executors of the estate of late Fîed Grîffin, will seli by public auction oni lot 26, con.' 9, Darîingtan, live stock, impiements, grain, etc. Watcb f or complete list in this paper ion October l9tb on see bis. Sle et 12.30 P. M. Teims: Caas. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. Saturday, October 28-Mi. John f Lyle, Queen-st., will seli by auction a lot ofhousehoid furniture andl furnishings including a piano !i good condition, crockery,, gaîden1 tools and numerous other articles.1 Sale at 1 p. m. James Bishop,1 Auctioneer. 42-2w' Frïday, November 3-Milton J. Werîy, Tyrone. willi seil by public auction, ail of bis valuable stock,1 implements, etc. See buis and1 compiete iist i this paper next1 week. Sale at 12.30 p. ni. Theo1 M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Mr George Jamieson, Newcastle,i will bold an auction sale in the er future and any person baving ar- ticles of furniture, implements or live stock to dispose of can make ar- rangements with bim during the nx few days.' He bas alîeady listed some farim implenients and someî boises, cattle, pigs and poultry. 1 Pleasant sur- Bowmanville Ontario BOWMANVILLE PHONE83

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