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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 5

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I The- Why of " Gifts That -Last" A prize wasi offered to readers of a jewellevy publication for the best letter telling why jewellery is called "The Gift That Lasts"ý. The winnerwas a lady from Texas and thîs is what she wrote - Yen, have secu brides-sbowered with lovely gifts and had you been permitted te f ollow their lives througb, a generation or two, ycu wouid flnd that the only gift that lived and lasted througb the years and is stili beautiful as the day it was given, is jewellevy. l' NI Hfer lovely bats and gowns lived but their brief. Her band- some brie ,- br- vs soon passe. Her furniture had its period and was out cf style. Her home was outgrown'or abandoned, but boy jewellery, even thougb eut of date, becomes prîceless from its antiquity. A plain gold band on ber aging finger is an cloquert and mute affirmation of this truth. Thieves rnay break la and steal gifts that come fvom jewel- lers, but moths do net corrupt them. Jewellery is the gift j supreme te every woman. It may ho a bauble or it may ho a tiara, but its po2sessiionmakes it a part of one's life, and theve- f ore a thing to be cared for. Its fraility makes it a tbing that lasts, because it io protocted. Vaults and safes are built for its protpction, an.d even in humble homes there is always a place for its ý-af e keeping, Jexvellery is the gift that last even longer than 1f e itself, for a grent part cf it is banded clown througb generations and becomes a priceloas heirlocm. Then it is doubly dear on ac- count cf pnst associations of loved cnes who ownedit Sentiment makes jewellery a gift that lasts. Back of every gifi: of jewellery is a heart. Jeweltery and romance are ever linked together. Pride cof ownevsbip, unselfisbness, the desive to givu. those wbo are te come treasures cf a bygone day makes jewellery a "Gift That Lasts". B4JY "GIFTS THAT EASTS" from ALEXOELO Jeweler What! --l Burning Coal Already? It's'costly and quite unnecessary electricity in your home. Here are Electric Heaters that give tremendous heat, one of which wilI make a room quite com- fortabile untîl the very cold weath- er arrives. AI! Heaters guaranteed. to suit every person. Engraver Bowmanville if you.have Heaters and prices Single Unit Majestic.... $10.oo Double Unit Majesti ..... $15.00 Buy Your Electrical Goods At Our Electric Shop THE HYDROSuP Phone 192 Bowinanville a 1 cently becameé f iancially itnse iu the Canada Golf BaIl Company Ltd-the only one in Cauada-wbicb receutly started a factony at 211 Prescott Ave., Toronto., and bas been1 elected Presideut of the Company. We are pleased te note Mr. Herbert Fowler, son cf Mrs. Fowler, Bow- manville, is the Secretary-Treasurer cf the Company. I Can It Be >Measured? The actla admitted that "'jFoôd Music does develop the bést in human nature". But ean you measure the bene- fit it does have? This we believe is unmeasur- able. Then if beyond measure, it surely is -of great importance and of most wonderful value. But you do not have to spend a large amount of money to have the very finest music iu your home. The 'Gerhard Heintzman Phonograpli' is within reach of every home in this community. Then every home can have perfect music for this Phonograph is tvuly a "Musical Instrument"I, not a mere machine. It plays ail makes cf records and plays8 tbem so as to reproduce exactly what the artists put into them. Hear them yourself and you will' then know. x, Demonstrations daiIy at Kearsi.ake 'sL Drug Stoyre Phone 49 Bowmanille BOWMANVILLE, OCT. l9th., 1922. WEDDING Evans-Jones c lA quiet wedding was solemnized ithe Methodist Cburch on Satur- day, October 14, when Mr, E. 0 Evans cf Bowmanville was unitedlu marringe witb Miss Emily Jones cf LLaufyllin, Wales, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor cf the churcli officiating. The bride wae attended by Miss Jean Evans, sister of the groom, wbile Mv. Jack Rowlands cf Toron- to, acted as bost man. The happy couple were the recip- ients cf ever sixty valuable and use- fui presents amoag them boing a beautiful set of Rogers Flat Silver- warc from the staff and employees cf'the Bowmanville Foundry Ce. wbere Mr. Evans is ompioyed. After the cevemcny the happy couple ieft. te spend a short boneymoon in Tor- onto. On their retun Monday evening a veception was given ln their honor by Mr. and Mrs. R. Tudor, Liberty- st., South, when about W0 friends assembled to welcome the young couple. A vory enjoyable evening was ,spont. CHIROPRACTIC Durwin E. Steckley, D. C., bonor graduateocf Toropto Colloge cf Chiv- opractic, wises to announce that lie lias taken over the pructice cf Dr. Souci and bas opened bis office on Temperance-st., Bowmanville, oppos- ite Opera House. Consultation free. A free clinie will ho open for ehildron 10 years and under, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- ternoons. Cbildren must ho ac- companied by parent. Office bours: 2-5 and 7 to 9 p. m., and by appoint- mont. Phones. Office 141J, Rosi- idouce 141W. B EN NETTS THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA CARO 0F THANKS Open for engagements. Real snappy Richard Ridge, one of the oldest resi-msc pl o 37 oravle dents of Pontypool, passed away at hise __________________ late residence in Pontypool ýon Sept 23, Mrs. R. Ridge and sons desire te thank TO LET their many friends and neiglibors for their kindness and sympathy during hie TO RENT-Garage to rent cbeap. AI)- illiness, and for the many flowers sent.1 ply to Mrs. John Curtis, flext door east of Methodist Church, Bowmanville 40-s" -LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Weldon spent Sunday with frîends in Oshawa. Companicus cf Forest are hold- ing a Bazaar on Thuvsday, Oct. 26.j Miss Mildred Lawrie, Toronto Nor-- mal Schooi, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. A. Jacois 'and babe, Port Hope, is visiting Mrs. Pbillips, Wash- ington Place. St. John's W. A. will hold a Rum- mage Sale on Friday, October 20 at 3 P. M. Tea 15c. Mv. W. Proweï, Bank cf Montreal,î Brantford, is holidaying here with bis mother and sister. Mr. Willard Taylor. Dental Col- lege, Toronto, spent Sunday witb bis cousin, Mrs. C. H. Mason. Messrs. R. S. McLaugblin and W. Hl. Moyse of the General Moters, Oshawa, have sailed for England. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Milligan, Wooier, bave been speadiag their bonoymoon at Mr. John Hllyar's. Rev. and Mrî. J. J. Liddy, Toron- to, were guests of Mrs. R. E. Os- borne, Ebenezer, over the week-end. Mrs. Strowger, mother cf Mrs. J. L. Howard, who lias been visiting la Brantford for the summer bas re- Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown have re- turned from a three montbs' trip to the West. They have had a vor enjoyable vîsit.Cet-s, Mr. James G. Rickard, Cnr-t, wbo lias been very citically iii for two weeks is veported by bis phy- sician to ho sligbtly better as wo go te, press. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sully, Liberty St., who have sold thoir lovely rosi- douce te Mr. Richard Souc'b, Provi- dence, loft on Tuosday for Toronto,ý their future vesidence. Companions cf tue rorest Bazaar on Thursday, October 26 iu Forest-I ors' Hall over McMurtry's Store.1 Home-made cooking, candy and ai varioty cf fancy and useful articles. Dr. Mabol V. Bray cf the medical staff cf the Mountain Sanitarium, Hamilton, and Miss Grace Tremeer of McLean Publishing -Ce., Toronto, were week-end guests at Norweo d Place. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Carruthers,I Blackstock, Rev. W. T. Wickett, Tyl rone. and Rev. W. W. Jones, Hamp-1 ton, enjoyed several sessions cf the~ Methodist Geneval Conference in Toronto. Mr. Norman S. B. James, Mrs I M . A. James and Mrs. James A. Pbillips and son John motored t Toronto on Wednesday and wereI guests cf Dr. James Bray and Miss Helen Bray. -Miss E. E. Haycraft, editress of this great family journal, visited Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, Brooklin, over the week-end. - Mrs. Haycvaft bas just returned from a pleasant visit with ber brothers and familles in Mani- toulin Island. Thursday, Octoher 26-Bazaa- Foresters' Hall. Don't miss it. Mr. and Mrs. John Wonnacott, Enniskîllen, Ontario, announce the engagement cf their second daugliter, MarjoryA.. te Mr. David G. Johns, son cf tbe late Mr. R. S. Jobns and Mrs. Johns, Nestleton, Ontarie.- The marriage te take place quietly early in November. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Nov- woed Place, were gueslts of bis brother-in-law, Dr. James Bray, 2881 Gerrard-st., Toronto, a couple cf days last week, having motoved-,both ways witb Rov. and Mrs. A. H. Fos- ter, Napanee. Progressive Euchve, second of ser- les. will lie beld under auspices cf Beaver Lodge, L. T. B. on Friday, October 27 in the A. O. F. Hall over McMurGry's Store. Good prizes. Refreshments. Admission 25C. Everybody welcome. 1 42-2w -Mr. W. H. Bcyd. a government detective, brother cf Mr. C. W. Bo yd cf the Dominion Store in Bow- manvlle, bas sent home some excel- lent views of the ruins wvoughts" the Haileybuvy fire whicb we "have 1been permitted te see. Tbey pre- sent a sorry pictuve cf a large area of a once beautiful town. Mv. S. S. Edsall received word last week tint bis younger son, John H. Edsall who is manager of Royal Bank Branch at Halifax. N. S., is ln a lies- pital iYi tiat city witb a broken arm. The accident happened while Jack was playlng baseball. The fracture lias affected the nerves causing par- alysis. Rev. S. C. Moore occupied bis own pulpit Suuday mevning baving re- turned from General Conference on Friday eveuing. Messrs. John A. Holgate and M. A. James returne ,d erler ln the week. Conference LOCAL AND OT'hERWISE Rummage Sale, October 20'àt St. John's Parisb Hall. Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, spent the week-end ut home. Misses Bessie and Ella Jollow spent the week-end with Toronto friends. Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone was la Toronto Monday attendiag the Win- ter Millinoery Openings. When requirîng an experienced auctioneer secure Jas. Bishop, Osh- awa. Phone 287. 40-t Mr. Le on St.Clair and Mrs. H. M. Luaney cf the Goodyear ilotel, mot- orpl to Cleveland. Ohio, last week. Mrs. N. W. Pope, Newcastle, bas been visting ber sisters, Mrs. W. H. Osborne and Mrs. Richard Osborne. Mr. 1H. W. Lapp, Manager cf the Standard Bank, and Mrs. Lapp visit- cd ber brother at Wbitby on Sunday. You are invited te the Bazaar in Foresters' Hball on Thursday, Oct. 26. Great vnriety cf articles for sale. Mr. llawkins and daugbter Jessie,« Port Hope, visîted the Misses Step- liens. O'dell-st., and with other friends. 1.Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold a birthday party on Friday, October 27, at the home cf Mrs. W. L. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. James Hastings,ý Midland, are guests of their nephew, Rev., S. C. Moore, at the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. E. W. Rundle and claughters Doris and Wilma, Oshawa, spent the week-end at ber father's, Mr. J. T. Bragg, Prospect-st. Mv. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and son William, spent the week-end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Woods, Owea Sound. Miss C. M. Patterson (nurse), Brie- side Lodge Sanatarium, Preston, was guest cf Rev. E. A. Tonkin and berI friead, Miss Lizzie Cann. Don't miss the lecture by Rev. Archer Wallace. the musical pro- gram and refveshments next Tuesday evening in 1. O. O. F. Hall. Admis- sion 35c. Remember the Bazaar and Supper in the Methodist Church on Tuesday, November 7th whon there will be Home-Made Cookiag, Candy, fancy and useful articles for sale. Mr. Thos, Mcuntjoy, Haydon, an- nounces the engagement cf lis eldest daughtev, Vera Irene, and Mv. Chas. L. Garrard, Haydon, the marriage to take place quietly the inter partl cf October. Mrs. Eugeae Dopp and babe ve.. turned home to Toronto on Saturday.j Her sister, Miss Nellie Bottrell, and, nepbew Mr. Basil Tucker, Oshawa,I accompanied her and spent the week-( end ifr-Toronto. The Womea's Hospital Auxiliary bogs te ýacknowledge the sum of neariy $800 talent muaey and wisb te thank ail those who so willingly gave cf their time and ability to make this amount possible. Mr. and Mrs., D. W. Heaslip, Janet- ville, announce the engagement cf their daughter Clara te Mv. Waliae Marlcw, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jamesi Marlow, Blackstock, the' mavriage tei take plaýce the latter part cf October.1 Mr. W. Meritt, King-st. East, and Mr. Noble Metcnîf, 114 Elgin-st. E., Oshawa, have excbanged places and bave moved te their new places cf vesidence. We were pleased te receive a friendly caîl on Monday from Mr. W. G. Ranton of BraWtfovd. He wasj here attending 'the jubilee sérvi*cesl -of Maple Grove Churcli and visit-I :ing bis sister, Mrs. Chester Power.1 in ail the new furs for this season's wear, can1 you cail? When DEATHS _1 RAY-At Port Hope, Oct. 12, James Ray, aged 85 years. BREEN-In East Whitby, Oct. l6th, Michael Breen, aged 61 years. CRANDELL-In Port Ferry, Oct. 7, Reuben Crandeli, aged 90 years. BEATTY-At Port Hope, October lSth, Margaret Ann Beatty, aged 69 years. SPOONER-At Port H-ope, Oct. 11, la her 8lst year, Mrs. Alonzo W. Spooner. DARKE-At Toronto, Oct. 13, Eliza- beth Ham, beloved wif e cf John Darke, la her 71st year. NEAL-In Clarke, Oct. 12, Sarah Neal, aged 83 years. Interred in burial ground, Cartwright. JAMIESON-At Port Hope, Oct. 1Oth., Jane Crane, widow of the late Andrew Jamieson, aged 84 yearc. SMITH-At Port H-ope, Oct. 12, Seth Soper Smith, Barrister, son of the late Elias Peter Smith, la bis 80th year. PRESTON-At Port Hope, Friday, Oct. 12th, Elizabeth Kaight, belo-ved wife of Byron Preston, formerly of Toronto. BOGART-At her home 'Fairview", Richmond, Oct. 8, Emma Susan Huffman, beloved wif e of Ms'. M. C. Bogart, Nap- anee. BARRETT-At Western Sanitarium, Oct. 12, Arthur, beloved hushand of Ruby Lynch, and son of Mr. W. H. Barrett, Orono. COON E-At Grace H-ospital, Oct. 16th, Margaret Jane Conway, widow of the late George W. Coone, Manilla, la her 59th year., POWERS-On October 11th, at New York, Martin 0. ±'owers, youagest son of the late Edward A. Powers of Port H1ope. Interment at Rigefield, Cona, 1U. S. A. ANDERSON-At the residence cf ber brother, Mr. David -Anderson, Saintaluta, Sask., on Octoher 12, Miss Annie J. An- derson, only daughter of Mr. JJames Heeves Anderson, formerly of Kendall, and niece cf Mrs. W. Hl. Williams, Lib- -rty-st., Bowmanvile. Interred at Manor, Sask. F RPROPERTI FOR SALE~ FRSALE-Brick cottage contalnlnig 6 rooms, furnace and electrie lights. Hard and soft water la house, good garden and fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowman'ville. 12-tf FOR SA LE-Two lots on Liberty street and one on Brown St. Champion Kit.. chen Range and Pearl Oak Heater, hurns either wood or coaI. Apply te Mrs. Johin Curtis or C. M. Cawker, Bow- manville. 40-3w* FOR SALE-12 roomn solid brick bouse, formerly known as Arlingtoa Hotel, Duke 9t., G. P. R. Station, and % acre lo$800 cash, balance $2500. Apply to D. R orsn omnilPoe28 R. orrson Bomanill, Pone278. FOR SALE-Lot about flfty feet fot age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets, containlng good barn, easily con- vertible Into bouse. .Apply Bruce Hon. eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens far located at Tyrone, Ont., containlng one hundred and flfty-four acres,.about 2 acres orchard, fine bearing. Ploughlng possession ibis Faîl. Apply Bruce Honey- well, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tele-1 »phone 194-2. Bowmanvllle. 52-tfi 'Em Early WHILE THEY'RE CHEAP POTATOES Green Mountain, variety, grown in the sand hills of Manvers, smooth, solid through and meaily, guaranteed first class. 75a ag,, 90 pounds to bag, cash with order., Prospects are they'11 not be any lower in price than this. It wili pay you to get your winter supply of potatoos in this week. PR E ELIVR C. M. Cawker & Son Butchers and Qrocers Bowmanvîlle I BIRTHS BIRD-Ia Bowmaaville 17esl5ïtal, Oct. l4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird, a son.. COLVI LLE-At Bowmanville Hospital, Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Colin Coivillo, a son. WARNICA-At Callender, Ontario, on Tbursday. Octeber 12, te Mr. and Mrs. Roy Washingtoa Warnica, a son. MARRIAGES EVANS-JON ES-At the Methodist Church. Bcwmaaville, on Saturday, Oct. 14, by Rer. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Mr .Evaa C. Evans, and Miss Emily Joncs, both cf Cadwallader, Wales, Eng- land LAPP-WARD-On Friday, October 13th, at the borne cf the brides mother, 187 Indian Rcad, Toronto, by Rer. S. T. Bartlett, Edna (4eorgina. Ward, <aîghter cf Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, to Dr. Victor R. Lapp, cf Hamilton, son cf Mrs. Willis Lapp, cf Cobourg. JUNKER-WILLIAMSON-At the res- idence cf the bride's father, Orono, Oct, 11, by lier. J. W. Rae, Mary Winnifrcd Cutteli, eldest daughter cf Mr. F. W. Williamsoa. and the late Jessie A. Cut- tell Williamson, to Mr. Henry Junker, son cf Mr. and Mrs. H. Junker, East Zora. BOARD AND ROOM Accommodation for two lady boarders. Apply Mrs. R. Geode, Liberty-st., Bow-1 manvîlle. 40-tf GIRLS WANTED To leara hcsiery business, smart young girls and women for ail departments. Pleasant surroundings, steady work, gocd pay while learning increasing with exporience. Durham Hosîery Mlîs,l Limlited, Bcwmanville, Ont, 41-1w TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112 acres goe land and balldings, immediate possessien Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf TO LET-Two large newly decorated rooms tc lot on Duke-st., next door te Mrs. WzaiX Richards. Suitable for light bousekeeping. Apply to Mrs. E. Loucks, Bowmanville. 42-2w* WÀNTED WANTED-Men toeuct and baul cerd- wood and posts, Late this fali. Con- tracts let. For particulars apply te Arthur Belîman, R. R. .4, Bwcmanrille. Phono 139-12 29-tf WANTED-We waat young mon la evory township la Ontario te demoastrate our machines. Some experionco la farm- ing nocossary. Gcod salary $100 per montb. Apply by mail. Baker Petter. soe Potato MachInery, 435 George St., Peterbore, One. 42-4w WANTED-Goed salesman with con- voyance to seli farmers at their homes this Fail and Wînter. Salary $8.00 per day and bcnus. State age, selllng ex- perience and former occupation when ap- plying. Write R. S. Hamilton, Graphic Arts Bldg., Toronto. 42-1w ARTICLeS FOR SALE HEINTZMAN PIANO-Nearly now. For particulars apply tc F. L. Smith, R. R. 1, Eaniskillert. 41-tf FOR SALE-Pure Bred Jersey Bull, 6 menths old, Pride's Baron Hugo. Apply te C. Wîson, Newcastle. 41-tf 1* FOR SALE-Quantity cf Talman Swoet apples. Apply tc J. E. Aliln, Box 142, Bowmanville. Phono 183-22.- 42-tf FOR SALE-Wilton Rug, 7x6ft 91n, nearly new. Apl:)y to Mrs. E. L. Woodliey corner Duke and Argyle Sts., Bowman- ville. 42-tf AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first chiss mechanical shape, appearanco good.Apply te J., Hateîy, Central Garage, Bowmanville. 37-tf. CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlin .1D17, $300; Chevrolot 1920, $371; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply to A. W. Pickard, Phone 185, Bewmanville. HONEY FGR ZALE-Good quality dlorer extra boney, can bo secured at village stores la Darllngton or at Apaîry. R. J .Smith, Enniskillen, phono 211r24. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-"Bxcel- sior Twin'. Guranteed te be la good runnlng- order. Prico $85.00 for qulck sale. Apply to R. Morris, 86 Ontarie-st., Bowmianville. 42-1w5 FOR SALE-About 2 acres of Swede turnips. Will be sold tc suit purchasers, either by row or by the bushel. Apply to Richard Souch, lot 2, cen 2, Darling- ton or R1- R. 4 Bowmanville. 42-tf EVERY DETAIL tlhat help to make a man's appearance. a success lis give-n ruch thought in our selection of upto date MEN'S FURNISHINGS We can satisfy young men who wanit.the very latest as well as men of conservatîve tastes. AGENT FOR ART CLOTHES Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery[ -~ and Fur Shop. Watchmaker Phone 20'7 h 1 Tihe Shop That Leadsi Get We Invite You to corne in and see our newest off ering in Furs. This season's models are more than usually at- tractive ard becoming and We feel sure you wil like a coinfortahle and stylish STOLE, SCARF OR COAT

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