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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 6

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TREASURER'S TAX. SALE 0F LANDS A Sale af Lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held in The Caunties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, an Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- moan. A list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, and eopies thareaf may be had iu mi' office, and that the lîst is be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Sixteenth and Twenty-third days af September, 1922, and that in ýdefauît af payment of the taxes and casts, the lands will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNacëhtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, August 28th, 1922. 35-13 New Eyes But Yeu eu Promelo a SReÈSUne M.ine Eye Reedy -Night and Mvoming." Keep YourEyeselean, Clear and Rsaithy. Write for Free EveCare Book. urïncyryeedy C0-,LIEast ±â( .Srect.iriab~c ODs PHOSPHODINE.ý The Great English Preparation. STones and invigorates the whole nervous system. m'akes new Blood in ci Veina. Used for Nervous DiDebility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Loss of Enery Palpitation of the Heart, Paume nMemori.7,Prive $2 pet box, 3 4 for $5.*SoId by alldruggists, or mailed in plain ljplg. on receipt of prive. NeW pampklit mailed frmeltU Wio MEDICINE CO..TORONTOONT. A café, iýcliable repulat int; mnedicine. Sold ln threc de- - grees of strength-No. 1, Si; N.2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Bodby ail druggists, or sent ppad on receipt of pries. Fepai pamphlet. Address THE! COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. OnT.IF.,.,. SA. DO WOMEN WORK AS HAROm AS 'MEN? Y... And They Muet Keep Weil and Strong Two Interesting Letters Toronto Ontatîor--"When my hus- band was' called' baýk te England In »14 1 took Lydtl. F,. Plnkharin's Vege- table Compound te strengthen me so l, could work. I had a trouble that 'sed te make me weak, but I arn able to do my work now and arn pDerfectly satlsfled wltb your medi- éltue. I stili get It at the chernist's rnd I strongly recomrnend It ta any- body 1 hear of suif ering as I did. Teu rnay publiaIt thia If yen wish." -MBs. E. HoasNx.wz, 809 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. 1 Did Not Feel Like Working *1'iwas In a general run-down con- dItion Nith a wýeàk back a.nd a tlred feeling se that I dId noît feel like working. My mother was taking Lydia E. Plnkharn's Vegetable Cern- pound and recommended It te me, so 1 have taken It and rny back Is better and I arn now able to do rny work. I recernrend the Vegetable Compound te rny neighbors and you rnay pub- lish rny letter."-Miis. Jo§EpnAT A. GRENiuR. Box 47, Carben, Alberta. Lydia E. ?lnkbam'a Vegetable Corn- pound should be taken when you fIrst sotice such symptome as nervousness, backache, weakness and Irregularity. It will help yeu and prevent more serious trouble. Give It a fair trial.. RHEUMATISM? Il" f. the Most Valuable Aseet LYeu Have. You cannot Afford to Negiect It Orofton, B.C-I was troubled fer soim swith lnflarnmatory rheurnatism and rheumatic fever. 1 trIed sev eral cures f or irheumatism, 'but dld net receive any benefit from any of tbem. 1 had been ln the ho0s pit al1 for m iontha, being un- able to walk. A fiend advsed me to tri' Dr. Pieroe's Anurie Tablets. After takIng the first bottle I began to Improve, and after taking six bottles I had no more rheumatlsm. 1 thlnk Dr. Pierce's Anurie la the most wonderful niedicine that any one can take for rheurnatlsrn. I have recomrnended these tablets ta L everal of mi' friends and they, too, bave all been benefited by them'- Melville Collinson. People are reallzing that the kid- Ueys, just as do the boweis, need ta ba flushed occasionally. The kid- neys are an elirinative organ and are constantly working, separatlng thre poisons froni the blood. Urie aold backs up into the systern, caus- frrg rheumatisrn, neuralgia, dnopsy and mani' othen serious disturbances. This can be avoided by stimulatlng the kdneys to increased action, and because ef Its tonie effeet on these organe any ene would do well ta get Dr. Pierce's Anurie Tablets which are ta be. had nowadays at airnost any drug store or send 10e ta Dr. Pieroe'u Laboratory ln Bidgeburg, Ont., far trial package and write for free, ona- Idential medical advice. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? i BOWMANVILLE, OCT. l9th., 1922. A -BOOK ALL MAY R EAD 0ORONOi By E. R. Waite, Sec'Y. Shawnee, Hutchinion's Stirring New Novell (Prom the Îe". Okla.homa, Board of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL BERMUDA "This Freedom", Sets Eveirybody Miss. Lillian Cuttell, Toranto, vis. of1 THIAT a town that gets advertis- By John D. Keachie, Toronto. a n F .Wilaso0. u ing grows. AD VERTI SE I Until less than a year aga the, Orangemen of Clarke District will fine THT dvrtsiga aw i abui Having jnst returned front a vis- name of A. S. M. Hutchinson was rally in the hall here on Fniday, 20th nev ness, flot ehild's play. AD VER- it to Bermuda it occnrred ta me that known ta a limited circle of same- ns.tcr TISE!1 a short description from me in re- what discriminating readers.' He Mn. Kenneth Hall, Peterboro Nor- h THA peplewil gomils t ge togar tothi beutiul lac mihthad praduced three navels which the mal Sehool spent the week-end at ate THT eolewil o ils a ettagad a hi bauifl lae igtcrities recognized as unusual in home.1 l a goad lîve town ta trade. not bo amiss in giving your readers quality and power, but which did flot ýMomorial Tablot at the Cemetory'~ TADVEyoRTISoErt ! linr ei (among whonri I count mani' friends) atatapr!uani iefedo Gates will be unvoiled on Armistice tbe THaTur prop tetsi inroas i a short description of the Islands. noaders. The arnazing succesofi Day, November îlth. tha vale be te otsde wold Bermuda is at once a Paads IF WINTER COMES bas made it knows youn town is wida-awake. for man or boast. wbere the aradrs o iia even ta those wbo scarcoîy ,Mn. Bert Huntter, of New York, N. ne- AVRiSE1greeted in constant view with opal evrraYbos.ndnwcm s~isspondinga fewdays at bis fath- dab THAT people front neighboring tinted waters; gorgeons flowers; soft its successor, a novel whieb wil, er',M.JreHut. towns and villages will corne w*ene summer skies; lovely sunsets; beauti- prove a greater stirnulatan ta tbougbt iCapt. A. Staiker spent a week with the there is somtbing doing. fui sunises; grand moonlights; anîd bo more provocative of discus- his nieces, Misses Bella and Flona to ADVERTISE! ~~whore snow and ice are unknown andsonGabitBw nvl. THAT the town wbich does not seek the prive of coal is nover considiered C an a woman have a career and' The genial township Clerk,' Mn. hai sometbing betten than it ngw lbas, as no fires are noquired only for a profession and at the- sanie tima do Jna Riekaby visited members of bis hol is gaing ta lose -ot. AU'VERTISE! cooking. hien duti' ta ber f ami'? Tbat, 'in famili' at Toronto, Hlemilton and f a' . bief. is the theme of the stry. other points. thi THAT now is the time yanr town The beautiful opal tinted son is Rosalie, the beoine, is the daugbter Miss Elsie Rowe won the pnize don- la' and business need advertising more nover ont of sight in any part of the of a Suffolk nectar. 'Front ber ean- atod by Mrs. Leigh for the best bed s than ever beo re. ADVERTISE! Islands and it is a veitable paradise îiest recollection she sees mon look- of annuals in the Horticultunal Soc- g THAT if you don't get ont and go for water craft of ahl types. The ed upon ns lards of creation. The iety competition.I after the ontside trade. somte sheltened barbons, bays and splendid male members' of their own bouse- D.J .V hse n rd nfixi neighborng tawn will. ADVER-I pink tinted sandy beaches afford tbe hold are waited upon bnnd nnd foot hnb-ideon wi TISE!- bathor everi' faciliti' for swimmilg1 by aIl the fernale membes-motben, tnp spet teweked thn fro ath hne -mo t h THAT if they do ,hey will get the and bathing, and is warm and k~ind sist ans, servants. ti pn h ekeda irft-th( business yon shauld Éat1' yail the year round for the Gulf Rosalie determines that she wiîî er's, Mr. T. Smith. tE ADVERTIgo Stream washes its shores and tinet- capture for benself the priviloges en- Mn. and Mrs. James E. MeGaboy, ADVRTSEiues its waters witb phosphorons, joyed by tha male-she will become son Ross and daughten Flossie of Warn bealing force and to bathe in a business waman, and she does. She Lindsay, visited thein aunt, Mrs. W. the sea bene bas a w onderfnl effeet lbas an extaordinary financial gift R. Allen recently. upon the norvous or tired out-the which finalli' brings bier a partner- Mrs. John Babcock of Toronto, is giving .mentaliti' and physical ship in a London bank. For a long spending a afew days at Mr. T. H. phosphorus of its waters and surf time she kept ont of bier thought the Powers'. Mrs. Babcock is recover- strengtb to one's anatomi'. idea of marniage. Men, except as ing froni a broken anm. Onli' 666 nautîcal, miles sepanate pensons to do business witb had noa Mn. Poney Ross and Miss Kate Wil- Bermuda front New York and the place in ber sebeme of life. Thon lianison wore down f on Toronto at- voyage of the splendidly equipped witb the dramatie suddanness of bier tending the Junker-Williamson nup- steamers plying between these ports woman's nature bnnsts all bonds and UnIas; alsa Mrs. Alex Rao of Port occupies just 48 bours. It is 720 she'is o'jerwhelmed hi' an overpower- Hope. miles front Halifax, N. S. ta Bermuda ing flood of love. Leaskard Annniversary Sundai' and front Cape Hatteras it is only But ardently and intenseli' as she an1odi coor2t n 0h 568 miles. Bermuda Isles raak as loves the isiag young barnister Harn- R ov.G.R.ane, Pbrsidet ofai' of I. Britain's oldest coloni' ahd 'thoeni' Occlevo, she clings to hon idea QievG .Cnfronc wl reî ento ayon people are intenseli nts nsnti- of a careor and of indepondence. Sunday. Fowl suppen on Mondai'. mont and loyalty ta the Union Jack She will marry, but she wiIl continue - - and British institutions. - t odbrbsns oiin h Word cones fnom Mn. Lâvonne The land consists of about 150 and ber husbnnd hecome partners in Cooper, Mn. Mac Canleton and other -isles and strange ns it mai' appear ta the upkeop of a home. The comn- former Ononoites at Hailei'buri' thati us is 19 and a tbind square miles ing of cbildren onu' tempoarili' in- tbey and properti' are safe, but we, but these islands are so distributed tenfenes with honr work as a business undorstand that Howard MeGilI had' that visitons find it diffienît ta con- woman. She becomes quite an his buildings bnrned. ceive this f act. The largest ef authority on finance Hon famili' Mn. T. A. Best picked enough In oo L fethese islands are onli' inhabited and grows up-thei' begir to live their green pans a few days ago for bis In o r L l fte ihteexceptiono w lie-dhr cnste a n famuli', also a largo basket for ona are cannected bi' bridges comn- gurnent" of the stori'. What will his nephew, Mn. Herbent Best. These Spending more time incinrs pleting a comprehiensive rond system bo the lives of childnen 'vho have pans seoded thenisolvas froni the reg- makes women fan more subject ta of oven Oaa bundred miles; roands lacked the mnotben's homo '-ifuonce? ular crop cnt in Juli'. consipaion hanmm.white like its boaches srnooth and It is a powenfnl stori' and anaernay -Mrs. Androw McCallurn of. King- contiatin h5l ~hard for theyarean built of solid rock agree or disagnea with the autbor's ston, eldost dangbtez, of tbe late The liver becomes sluggish and and coral; wbicb nover get muddy, I conclusions as sbown hi' t!- wonk- Duncan MeConnachie is spending a torid th bwel cnstpaed nd and after a down-poun of nain you ing ont of bis stori' but oro cannot few days with friands borean guest torpd. he bwel costiptedindight sit down and ot yonn f ood read, this book witout beirg corn- of bier cousin, Mns. Isabella Wad- thre systemt poisoned by impuritiesm roiM t t sdoutu fthr n elled to think ver' serioushi' of the doîl. She visited- the old home, If you weuld get away from more perfect ronds in ani' country' demands of the chiidnen and the "Glenelg Fanm" and othor places of tire yriaa of Us ~than is passessed hi' Bermuda.are omore upon the parents; and of the interest of hon childhood dai's. themyradsof llswhih rsul Inmani' casas wbeeo buis ae nesponsîbîlîties of parents t thein Mn. and Mrs. Charles MePhenson fromt constipation, it is <>ili' neces- countoned and gnading bad ta be offspring. of Orillin, spent a f ew dai's bore ne- sari' ta use Dr. Chase's Kidney- done these splendid ronds hava been Pubîished hi' McCllland & Stew- centhi'. Sorne f onty yeans ago Char- Liven Pils. eut tbrougb the hilîs formng mini- art Limited, Toronto. Pnico $2.00. lev owned the farrn now the property ture canyons whose sides disciose To have the children sound and of Charley Awde, ho also at one tume The benefits frarn their use are the poculiar strata wbicb the drifting1 haaltby isthe first cane of a mother. run the lumbor milîs at botb Kendal as Iastiag as they are prompt and sands prQduces wben the lnnd wns Thai' cannot be henîthi' if tnoubîed and Leskand. Mn. and Mrs. MePhan- certin.moulded and solidified bi' the wind witb worms. Use Mothen Graves' son have been living in Orillia for cerai. ges ago; for ail of theso hilîs are Worm Extorminator. Tears and own one of the finest Mrs John Barri', 18 SL jnst hugo snnd dunes comented and _____________homos in that town. Amabl Stret. Qebec (Ž~ hardened hi' action of the nain watenl Amale tret Qebe, Qe.. upon the lime hi' the aven busi' canal-' rost and nestfulness. A visit to wites: builders. This is whnt is ,known! this chime is 'pnrticuîarli' beneficial Chir actic "This i6 to certify that 1 wua trouhled aroggooitsa'noij to ani'wb ai' be overstnained phi'- foryera it costpatonandtred In mani' parts, especialli' on tihe sicali' or suffoing nervously. The (Spinal Adjuatmenta) frailna mcns with ntptonnt rieAd sonth shore, thora are bold cliffs eut henlthfulness of the islands is ha- :alks fm hssansgeste tht lif.A into huge forms and grotesque im- yond question and the~y have ben Remove the Causa of Disease latmyhsaa ugeste hhi'ty agsb the action of wind nnd wave, immune from fini' plague or epidomie îouMdcisorniaCh- Dr. Chas s Ksdny-Lsvcrfuli of nugged boulders at their base of disease of ani' sort. Sanitation prcosav re nkbeu- so, and must aay that they have given and long beautiful stretebes of pink is rigidli' enforced bi' the Govera- -eca la removing tbe causa of me more relief than ail the medicine I and conal straad to wbich the surf nient and the ponous conal strata of Appendicitis. Deafnaus. Anthma. have taken during the lest fifteen years. pays'- its tribute on oncb necoding its rock and son locked land affords Rbeumatiam. Ltumbage, Lame 1 mai' also add that 1 have used Dr. tide-beautiful seaweed and daintihi' perfect drainage and fortifias itsalf Back, Constipatior, Piles, Female Chase's Ointment for piles with excel- eoiored shelîs so exquisitehlr cbisseled ns an undoubted natural protection Diseases, Stomach and Kidniey lent results." hi' natures rolling tide and aven toss- of much value. Troubles. Nervouonasa in many Dr. Chae' Kine-Lier ing son. Wben nîl the Nonth Amenican con- forms respond neacili ta China, Dr. Chne' Kine-Lier Thora is a remankable varieti' of tinent is dormant of vagetation wben Dractic. Pilla, one pil1 a dose, 25c a box, vogetation in Bermuda. Sida bi' gray' skias prodorinate and winten Examination Fre,. at Office. al deniers or Edmanson, Bates& sida ona mai' see trees fromt the has cone upon us Bermuda rajoices Co., Ltd., Toronto. tropie and temperate zones, the in its own balmi' sereniti' of cim- DR. S. M. JONES. climata being so favourabie tu the ata. No frost, snow or f og on ice ____________________ propogation of ani'tbing of luxur- laden winds are known, the land is tý 6Simc~oe St. N. Oshawa -- ant growtb or profuse fiowering. filled withbrbilliant suashine, beauti- Pbie 22'.ý c'tJY!'~D wI Here Mai' ha sean the oleandar witb fui fiowens and its trees ablaze witb -- - r.L,"JILDl.1XLENL its grant masses of pink, white and luxuriant f oliage and pralifie vegeta- Ired flowars and wbosa lenves and, tion. Between its shores andth Irequire vitamàflebeatinfl10<1 sbub bprdans aven' rond for miles mainiand the Gulf Streamn witb its in aludance tP and spreads aven the bilîsidas acting. baît of warm watan flows and its ' asý wndbreak for the cnops. influence is fait upon its climate and pwagad lin *en&i ; ie gnws oteets it fnorn iow winter tamponn- !er and's m lcn attheog nas entiful s es thnough this fan alfoce and TRAINI NC 2 hap aiie ag ffoa oos thetoiso sufer excessiva heat, boy or girl. Shaw Sehools In Toronto b" 0p te W ad fo the semi-tropical position of the hold the premier positon. Thirty streugthens the bones. clusters of ripe and i'eilow fruit; the a mdspaldstapsiiii (and their parents) testify te the It ceutains elemets tliat royal poînciana witb its orange and of ani' abnonmal 'on sudden change careful individual inatruction given. scahetfioers an r~ckoed irein temperature and makes these is- ELBVENth5ehoo1a in the beat sec- fi ar VCSmne. lhbqueen of sbrubs; poinsettia, fiddho- hdaveagei' meuiorte Handb<ok sent to anvoneen reesat. I wood. cofee, banana, sugar applei'ear is 7 dfoe. InSr teP. Mdititz, Chief Priw4paî p Sec & nome, Tsoa~.0.1.sword trea. tamarnd, aoaopenn, l 7t 3 I umr7 a I$SOI _______________________ cochineal, pamogranate, oambooa 6Autma73.taIn9. Wier 6 to2 *Do) not sufferayai, gru-gmu, date pnlms, the palm- ovIuAW3To 9. Wîner63Tre anothrd elt etto wbicb gives the native Ber 70. It is, therefore, an ideal sum- % N Itcl igSIOdmudian bis bat, the junipen, wbich !niandwntrestisnubs ing, r Jfr eylS aIl t.he cedan.' its climate-is one af perpetuni spring * lg Piles. tanhotot hcodra ay c u VIE SRoses bloam aven during thea wi- nd thnt heeod awdas f u Dr.Chse'sotnaen ti n tan monthsannd in sping fields of nnhr pig rpr o uiesCre'B deatr- or.d _-rsn-1.te - - . atr arwî nsumrth endinfoga Thiessell-Known ceased among the parties entitled thora- 'Sleeping cars on -ight trains ad oas in Bermuda-windows nnd doons ta having regard onu' te the creditors of S ai-Ion cars on the prn,-icipal day trains aa neyer sbut-and thora is fia sus- whjch they have theil teceived notice. Ful inoratin .'rm ny rad pcio o maara i te cloy.'heDominion Bank Buildings, !ruak Ticket Agent on C. E. Horniag soft saIt air admixed wîth the sun gTH Lindsay, Ontario. r uitrit Pauenger Agent, Toonto. and the cbnrrnful neposeful invigon- Solicitors for Executors., J. HF. H. JUZY, Agguît ment of its enviroment lead an im- Dated at Lindsay this 19th day of *bon* 78 BowmaasviL4 mediante panacea toa ah Who seek, Septamber, 1922 39-31 GOOD MNAGER I Mr. L. . Nichols and Mastr Douga ae returned £rorn Napanee ýStrange that people neyer think where they attended the funeral of that cracked grate in the furnacé her grandfather, Mr. Jacob H. Smikh. itii the day they want to light the c. Queer, too, that they should Dr. D. E. Steckley, Stouffville, iîýa aver have noticed the hole in the takenl over the practîce of Dr. G. P. ivepipe big enough to throw a cat Souch and is located in the office ough. until it was time to oper- f ormerly occupied by Dr. Boyle on ;the heating plant. Temperance-st., opposite Town «Hll. It's flot time to put on the storrn Dr. Steckley is a graduate of Tor-~ ndows and doors yet, s0 dnt onto College of Chiropractie, having >rry about them. You know obtained first class honors. iere are two or three panes of glass ýCan you get better value-quality, iat will have to be replaced, but price and service considered-from' ever mîmd, there's apt to be a few the catalogue houses than you get ays or so of warrn weather, and frorn, your local merchant? You iere will be plenty of time to fix cannot. Show yourself to be a loyal -e broken windows when yuu decide citizen by spending your rnoney at put them on, horne and when you do, spend it with You haven't mueh coal, but you the merchants who invite your pat- ave not ordered any wood yet to ronage. You will find their names elp you out. The weather hbas been in the advertising colurnns.-Col- avorable, and so we just let the tlîng-wood Bulletin. ing slide. And you remember that overcoat_________________ st wînter. You were going to 7ar it a littie longer, but it must cracks and *arps as _y~ng n the 'to the tailor shop to be lined and branch of the apple tree in the back- xed up a bit. Well, wait until the yard, and the lawn mower is just xst cold day and then rush down where you left it ten days ago. The lien every person else is urging rake, the spade and the hoe are- he tailor to save a life by having weii, don't know, but we won't need .e whter coat in shape. thýem until the spring, so why worry Meantirne the old garden hase about thern now? Quality and Charm Distinguish «'The most Delicious Tea you can buys" No- matter wha± you buy in kitchen utensils, de- mand that each article carry the SMP trade-mark shown beh>w. SMP Euameled Ware la saf e to use; acids or aiktaia Îffi not affet tI; It cannot absorb odors; dleans lke china; wears tor Tu the storekeeper you want elther Diamnd Ware 19 a three-coated enmeled stel sky blue and whlte outalde wlth a onowy whtte Oin- Ing. Pearl Ware lse euaeledý steel wIth two oats et peari grey emaiel insidêa ad out. PRODUCTS Co Lflz 7I'e M Cernordinery _____ Preod xosed _ EIkment Eien..@td When Y OU See a Leader Ahead'of a Crowd yau usually assume that he possesses qualities and menit above others. You are generally right. McClary's Electric Range embo dies two, features of such unusual menit as to set it ahead of ail others. 1. Thre Protected Elemen t-a smooth disk of tough poncelain that nothing, can injure-no diii can get .into it to damage the coils. 2. Thre Seamiesa Oven-round-cornered-welded -porcelâin enameled-easily kept clean and sanitary and most economical. Makers of McCary Ietc ng SLondon , U-lTor TiutMotreal, Winnipeg, VantoouvW, St. John, N.B., Hlamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon .1's.CteunWS~"and Edmonton -&~SMEtUT METAL IiotTRIAL TORONTO EDMON*TON VAftCOi>/!

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