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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1922, p. 8

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Should'you wear glasses ? Classes are worn for three jreasons. They help the wearer to see comfortably and well, they1 preserve the sight, and by re- moving ail strain from the eyes they improve the general health. Try to grasp the full meaning of this, Think what it means to havýe your sight preserved., That is ,what glasses do for those who need them. You know how much your eyes are worth to you, but you don't know whether you need glasses or Inet. You cannot tell the exact condition of your eyes, but if you1 consuit our qualified Optometrist, R. M., Mitchell, he can tell you. Hie knows. "Have Your Eyes Examîned" R.N'. Mitchell & Co. Druggists Optomnetrists Phone 92 Bowmanville Agent Wanted Waated a live.prog*essive Store- keeper as Agent for Browns,' 100% Pure Wholewheat Conimunity Bread We advertise this unique pro- duct under the Agents name, furnish window advertising mat- ter, circularize the Medical pro- fession. and furnish advertising matter on the value of this wholesome, hatural 'food. BROWNSe-BREAD LTD. Toronto Ont. New WaIl Papers Just received a large shipment of Eall papers suitable for any room. Very reasonable in price, from 15e per roll upward.- Very choice designs and colors. Tlu% Allen C'Big 20" Bookstore1 Bownianville JABEZ WASHINGTON MET TRAGIC D Burned inl Fire That Destroy Son's Barn. A shocking tragedy occur the home of Mr. John Wasl' "Castagner Farm" aine mileý Swift Current, whereby bis Mv. Jabez Washington of Swii reat, f ormeriy of Daringte: was so, badly burned that his took place the foliowing meri Mv. Washington. sr., had bi sisting bis son by bauing gi market witb the -truck ,which( urday he bad taken back to th for the week-end, fis son had sent a car to bring hlm1 Swift Current and the auto1 rived just before the tragi curred. The bava centained 110 tons of oat sheaves anda tity of tbreshed eat stvaw. tracter ouffit was set at worl ly bcfoie smoke was sea coming freai the ventilators . neath the shingies. The ori the fire is a aiystery. If -W kaown that Mv. Washington,s in the bava, antil he wass emerge freai the door a m Rlames.- With presence of rm rolled ever on the groundt hiaiseif. If is supposed be the mow and bad difficulty la his way eut la the dense smcl outside ciotbing -was burat( Medicai attendance was at ci rured but be was se severeiy Lbat he died the fol'lowing ný Mv. Wasbington is survived wife, before hier mavriage E Luxon of Bruce County, and sons, John and Arthur. Rtl Washington of Stouffvîile isa er. fie was 64 years of age. Notice To Creditî IN THE MATTEEt of the est William Cana. late of the towa manville in the Couaty ef Dur retired mierchant, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN persons haviag aay daims or' against the late William Caaa, w oa or about the fifth day of Sep 1922. at the said town 'of Rownr are required te sead by post pre te deliver te the uadersigaed ag Catherine Colville and Bertha A. the executrices under the wil said William Caaù, their namnese dresses and full particulars ta ef their dlaims and statemeatsc accounts and the nature of their ties, if any, heid by theai. AND TARE NOTICE that aft eleventh day of November, 1922,t executrices wili preceed te distril assets of the said deceased arne persoas eatitled thereto, having only te the claims of which the then have had notice, and that t executrices wîll net be hiable fort jassets. or aay part thereof, te ai son ef whese claim they shail r have recetved notice. Dated at Bowmaavhie the sever of Oober, 1922. EDITH V. SCOBEýLL, Bowmar Agent for Catherine Colville aad A. Cana, executrices as aforesa APPLE:S WA NTEI Apples suitable eVaporating purpose jwhich highest prices be paid. Delivered at our ei orator-corner Queer Division-Sts. Phone 153 Bowman- REIWANTED RLABLE SALESAGI For this district to sell ou: Frut and1 Ornamental Tre FlwrgShrubs, etc. Exclusive Territory GOOD PAY Our agency is Valuable.: Tht Stock we seli is grown in ou: own Nurseries. Our list Varieties is the best. Foy partic.,Iais write Pelham Nursery Co., Established 40 years -600 A.,. LOOK PRETTY NICE IN ANY HOME We ave sbowing this week a beautîful Dining-Room Su finished in Wainnt, newest design, 9 pieces, standard price wbîch is $225.00, yen car buy if Friday or Saturday for $1 We ealy have the one suite at this pnce-it means a dlean sav, of $45.00. IVORY BEDJ ROOM SUITE This is a very attractive suite that aay woman wauld pleased te bave la ber home. We expeet te seil this suite bef Satuvday nigbt as it is priced rigbt. Watch oui' advt next week for clean out of Big Uphoisterei Chairs WiLLI AMS "&'nqC"ANNI* Undertaker & Embainmer Bowmanvil, Furnitur, Don Ont& DEATH C n ALFRED FRCME.LC. M.I H~ h eN vvc a~ leI rdepen e itGraduate of Trinity University, aise I iof Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. SecialtyDisease ofJwoe rred aten and children. Office-Parker'a red t THURSDAY, OCTOBER l9th, 1922BlkNwate s from _______________________________________ J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. father, 'Honor graduate of Trinity University, ift Cur- NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE OBITUARIES FllowofTrni%.edca Caige ýn Tp.,1 Licentiate of the State University of is death Mrs. B. Moise is visiting friends in Harvest Thanksgiving services in John Brewer, Oshawa ning. Toronto. St. George's Oihurch on Sunday, Oct,. rJh BeNon f, ew York, Matriculate of the Post- Mr.Joh Brwer on ofOshawa's Graduate Medical School and fias- een as- Rev. S. Hioward went to Toronto 15, were largely attended and mark- oldest citizens and an ex-business, pital of New York and Fellow of the ramn toi on Tuesday. ed by a spirit of thankfulness and man of the town, passed away at'Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office Ihaealmtd sp y on St- v. CcîlSaunersbas etuneddevotion. Effective decoratÎins Of1 his home, 124 Ontario St., Saturday! Mrs. McNaughton's Rosidence, Ihaealmtd up y one fa-Mrom eolToron. ha etre fruit, flowers and f oliage, brightened morniag, October 7, at the advanced !Newcastle. Hours-8 te 10 a. m, 1- h Arburh R.Gibon Toronto,a hm the interior of the church, and the age of 82 years. Hie came to this'ta 3 D. rm., and by appointaient. of go pea coal. bAckte Mr. R isn ootwshm musical portion of the service under town sixty years ago f'rom England'go had ar- over the week-end. the direction of Mrs. Faracomb was and hiad lived here all that time. For-- edy oc- Mr. Nelles of Grimsby is guest at weil rendered, The choir sang the maay years he conducted a success- ad about Mr. D. J. Gibson's, anthem "Ye shall dwell ia the Land", fui waii paper and decorating busi- J .B a l a quan- Mrs. E. Bonathan is visîting with the solo parts being taken by Mrs. ness. He has aîways enjoyed good J. .B a ly G eo0. Jam iesonL A gas friends in Newmarket. F. Branton and Mr.,J. Territt. Rev. health up te the iast few months and Newcastle ~ sor- MssGlaysJacso ishoe fomJ. A. Elliott of St. John's Church, had reaily only 'been iii and confined General Insurance Agent te beho rot o fors Gad f ewJasn. oef Port Hope, preached. In the even- te bis bed for less than two weeks. Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Com- Newcastle aob foot frafe as ing hie spoke from Jer. 8, 20. The Deceased was an active member Of missioner, etc. and be- Dr. Walten Bail, Toronto, motered aeed of a national spirit of thanks- the 1. O. F. and an adherent of Sim -__________________________________ rigin of down for the week-end. giving for this most bounteous har- cee St. Methodist Church. fie is was net sr., was Miss Gladys Matchett is visîing vest was flrst brought eut. The survived ýby one daughter, Mrs. D. seen te wîtb friends in Torento. speaker reminded bis hearers that ai- M. Tod, Siaicoe St. North, one Mass of Miss Edyth Abar, (Jaapbellford, teriiations of shade and suashine, brother James, and a sister Mrs.à nind hie visited Miss Janie Singer. cold and warmth, go te produce the George BTent. The funeral service ripened product-theds ae the Monday afternoon a bis late resi- w ae Maissest of M Rochsrt. ..,resui-t ofunbrokea suashine. Se, la deace was conducted by bis pastor, fad in gusofMs ckat the human if e ,alternations of JOY Rev. J. fi. MeBain. Lke filsin Mrs. Frank Johns, Orono, is vis- and sorrow, -prosperity and adversity, A very large number of beautiful ~dk off. iting at Mr. John Scott's, accepted ia the right spirit work for floral tributes from neighbors and e se-. Ex.-Warden A. A. Coiwill is ser- the aioulding of character. This 15 friends testified of the high regard A 'fTI~f~ A~ bnced osse- it numn~ our salvation-the spirit that co- in which Mr. Brewer was held. TheYL J1 .- j ii ,i' .3iL r norning. Dr. Walton Bail, Toronto, Sunday- workg with God thankful for JOY bearers were Messrs. Wi. McAddie, by bis ed at Newcastie-on-the-Lake. and ýorrow, pientifulaess and dearth, L. ATgali, R. fi. James, J. A. Thomp- ~laritt vs Jon s f e and death. The evening's ad- son, A. J. Stalter and Mr. Tuttle.- Will be a far greater success if it is adequateiy advertised. by twetj visitin ohit MeKeever, Verona, d ress was based'on James 1, 12, Telegraai. v. Geo. btigwihler people bere. wherein the "Iaw of compulsion"~ is It is a gre'at mistake te stint meney on advertîing such sales. eV broh- Mfro Frances Gibson was home contrasted with the "law of liber- Thomas Brisbin, Manvers $25 -,pent i advertising is iikely te return fourfoid. On large aroh rmObawa for 'the week-end. ty". the latter being deflned by the The late Thomas Brisbia, wbo died sle, t S h sa a e spent te danae M rs. Frank Bennett, Bewnianviile, speaker as that iaward training and at his home on September l7th., wasi aetýc esmcnavnae visited bere over the week-end. ' knowledge wbicb causes a man te bora la Darlington la 1853, aad bas It wili pay net only te get pienty of bis, but te, take gener- ICongratulations to Mr., and Mrs, choose to do the rig-ht witbout the spent the hast tbirty-flve years in usacinteper1 Nwppr dvtsngge m h Lorne Cobbledick oa the birtb of a. aecessity of 'a iaw of compulsion. Manvers, where lbe was mterested laeunsande--mortheran.dspau eonsadveris.nggiespmoch ~~rs son. ~~~~~On evening a bountiful sup-aacieyadmiwok fibawie n moe erin isiutnthnbs. Ltppe iper was eerved in the Sunday Schoolj been a very respected citizen, and know what you bave te sell. They wiii ceaie from long Miss Gladys Matcbett entertaia- Hall, the large crowd present testifY- hehd la the bigbest esteem by a wide distanc, ermedtgti. stae f d a few friends on Saturday eveli- iag te the excellence of the good circ1e of friends. Rev. J. E.ccetriedegtit of ]BOw- îng. tbîngs provided for the inner man,l Beckel officiated at bis funeral. Pall- If you ave goîng te bave a sale tell the readers of The James irham, a Miss Violet Deyman of Toronto, and tbe musical programn provided bearers were-Messrs. O. Kincade, Papers al ebout it througb our advertising coluains. ýpent the week-end witb Miss Gladys for bis edification Inter. Amongst R. Kerr, Thos. Argue, Harry Argue, that ail Matcbett. tbose takiag part in the progam Wai. Fînnie and Wi. Fowiev. demands Mrs. Garnet Ryan, Toronto, is vis- were Mr. R. Foster and Miss Foster The syaipatbhy of the entire cein- who died ptember, iting bier parents, Mv. and Mvs. W. and Mrs. Colvihie, ail of Orono and muaity gees out te the widow in bier _________________________________ rnnvnlle, F. Thomas. . Mrs. Branten. Newcastle, a short ad- bereavement. Also te the son, Ar- eat fer Mr, and Mrs. H. Gîbson, Belle- dvess was aise givea by Rev. E. B. thur, and a daugbter, Mrs. W. fiod- gen faaoir e eewekedgessa v Cook, pastor of 'the Methodist Cburcb gins, botb of Lindsay. Ia addition t le W..Me'sweken. .tsa M.there are five sisters, Mrs. T. Gardia- aad ad- er, Mrs. W. fi. Hicks, Mrs. Pollard writing Mr. Eiroy Gibson, Preston, is vis- OIUR n r.LtlTrnadMs of their iting bis father and mother at New- OBTURYad Mrs. LittiTro and Mvs.ot- T OE r s - ur- cstl-o-th-Lae.Wiifred George Hoy, Oshawa ers, Turner and Joseph Brisbin of ter the Mrs. H. fi and daugbter ,King-' The deatb occurred on ýSaturday, IBurnt River. the said ston, visited at Mrs. J. Robinsoa's Oct. l4th, in Oshawa Hiospital of~ Many floral tributes were sent is what you want now that cold weather is onte the Misshewkesnmod are a e George Hoy, son of Mr. and frorn Buffalo, Terento, ' Peterborol Omng eregard MissDumnar spending a fis enry Hoy, Kendai, Ont. De-, indsay, Tyrone and other places,in o ng tey shah f ew days witb Rev. and Mvs. S. G. ceased was 22 years of age and a; cludiag one freai Kawatba Lodge No. the said Ireturaed soldier. ýSiace his retura 75 Rebekab Sisters, Lindsay, and a th îadMCrhcMdc from overseas be bas been eaiployed wet froai the Brotbevhood of Le- ebv alrg vreta V yLo Pics îoy pe- Robert Walton and Miss Janie asa elegraph operator while on re-1 comotive Engineers of Lindsay. to hnS n otored to Cobourg and spent ief work in North Bay lbe was f veatM,.ib iWe aveadlage arity ahVeyeLodPrces ath day Sunday witb friends there. cd te go te the Hiospital ewing te prcae the kindaessaofdthei Mr.le a nd~'~ Mrs, Rex Wynn of Niag- effects of gas received when on act-ý egbr n rinsdrn h ;ae4ha Mv. and Mrs. D. J. Galbraitb. to Oshawa Hospitali-wbere be was io1ved one. I A 41-Sw Gleaners Sunday ýSchooi Class conflned about tbree weeks. Prier Interment was in Riversîde. Ceie- W M . J 4.U were entertained on Saturday aftev- to going overseas he was employed tery, Lindsay. - noon by Miss Duareatb Dudley. j in the. office of Fittings Limited. fie' ad aeSorecsl Mrs. Ernest Rinch was "at home" is survved by bis parents, three Mrs. E. H. MeLean, Picton H rw r tr ecsh Iat tbe tea bour to a large nuaiber brothers, James, Lavergne and Ahex Margaret Elizabeth Overead Rog- of lady friends Monday afternoon. and one sister,, Mrs. M. Patterson, ers McLean died at the faaihy home - I Mrs. (Dr.) Failis, Sheibourne, and North Oshawa. The funerai was ia Picton on October 5, 1922. She-- Mrs. C. W. Baker, Montreal, are Vis behd Monday afternoon fvom the was bora in Ashburnbam, (Peter- ~_________________________ iigtheir ohr Mrs. Jas. Rwai faaiuiy residence in Kendai, inter- borougb) May 12, 1881, and was the itig mthr, wa ment taking place la Orono Ceaie- danghter of Mrs. C. Rogers of Tor- or Miss Janie Singer cntertained a' tevy. onto and the hate George C, Rogers fr number of friends on Tbursday even- îng. A aiost enjoyable time was of Ashburnhaai. The Rogers' were orspent.OTROCO EOT12 of U. E. Loyaiist stock and ECIA THIMWEE Will Mrs NomanPinle nd augher NTAIO ROPREPRT 922 Lean's great grandfatbev was the or- wil rs Nrmn lgi ad auhtriginal settier of Ashburnaaa.A - W AE Betty, Bowmanvýlle, speat Sunday j Th~e yieîds o grain show an estiai- Mrs. MeLean was educated at A I' %N dlG R O C R wi eth ber parents,Mran Mrs. Rob-,ae increase o 43%o over iast year, Bisbop Stracban's Schooi, Toronto, 1LLI V1 ert Gay. 1FallWbeat is cstimated at 8,250,000 and Bishop Bethune Coliege, Oshawa. va- Mv. and Mrs. AslyPrice bses hsoef 36000.Sra On September seventb, 1907, she oiN. Y., are visiting friends jWbeat, 2,200,000 busheis, hast yeav was marvied to Judge Evan H'amil-' akgsLx............5 arouad Newcastle, Starkville and1 1,0"',000. Bariey and Rye 16,875,- ton McLean. then a practising barris- Port Hope.1 000 busheis, iast year 11,825,000. ter at Newcastle and inter at Bow- Brooms ...... . ........................... 45c 'and 65c Mv.-J. R. Fisher is conteaipiatiag jOats 122,150,000 busheis, last yeav manvilie. sarting a general store, cash and 72,575,000. Peas 2,165,000 busheIs, 0Of this mavriage came two cbiid- PotTate ,.,.,.....,.......c.packag Son1 cearry la the ohd stand, on or befove hast year 1,450,000. Hay andjrea wvho survive her, nameiy, Evan PotTaie ...........10 pckg December 1sf.j Clover 5,670.000 tons, hast year 3,- Hamilton and Birford Miles. Mvs. 950,000. -Corn avevages 10 tons McLean is aiso survived by 'ler ville Mrs. E. Papineau was cailed unex-, pcv acre, samne as hast yer'P-lth'ars oeradiwlîses pectedly te Osbawa on Satuvday 0ow tatees average 150 bushegis c acre, 1Mvs. William H-ieklil of Toronto and R ing to the suddea death of bier iittiej iast year average 100 busbehs. Other Mrs. Arthur Kiibom of Groteon, grandaugter.roots about saine perceatage of in-1 Mass., U. S. A. crease. Fruit crop aiucb beavierl The funerai service took place on GrQcer 'Newcastle Misses Lillie and Victoria Vincent than iast year with exception of Win-l Saturday, October 7tb at St. Mary _________________________________ of Crookstoa, aiso Mv. aad Mrs. ter Appies, wbicb average only 8 Magdaiene' s Churcb, Rev. F. L. Bar -_______________________________ L. Gouid of Napance, were guests! per cent of normal, cvep. Pasture ber officîating. The pali-bearevs ENT at Mrs. O'Neii's iast week. in excellent condition 1al the season. were fI. B. Bristol, Dr. C. A. Pubiow, __________________________________ urTe"iha"Dp.hv agDr. G. J. White, Jas. E. Carter, D. N. -______________________________ ir Te "Hgbwy" Dpt. avea gag Hoover and J. DeC Hepburn. Inter- s, 'of mca and machines grading King- OFFICERS BY ACCLAMATION ment la Ghenwood Cemetery. st., preparatory to the laying of sew-____ crs and putting of- a permanent top Departmentai Officiais EdcteB on the street early next summer.- MethodistGenerai Conference. WELL KNOWN METHODIST ciyevv dy witb a single exceptioil' officers of - qf Neilie Gavrod was rua over by an the Metbodist General Cdnference Mv. M. C. Bogart, Napance, wcii auto on Tuesday afteraoon. Ia weve re-eiected by acclamation as knowa tbroughout the Bay of Quinte Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered crossîng the street she passed bcbind 1f oiow-s: Conference as the capable and popu-1 Ont. awgn directiy'in front of fiavryl Genevai Superitendcnt-Rcv. S., mv Secvetavy of the Laymen's A Jose.'s carnd1 befov e l oupid slto, i Dwigbt Cbewn, D. D. LL. D. sociation, bas thec sympathy of bisi fresh daily the car and held it treai goîng cei-j husband extensivciy in f oreiga i- ands. Au iu iih 25 pietely over into about 12 feet of The rpost dangereus curve on the She was a prominent member of the .e e waer Hry erero Oon wsProvincial fighway betwveen bere Daug-ters of the Empire, an active Aluminum Finish wîth eAs sent for and succeeded la vescaing and Toronto is the one at Tooiey's worker in the Methodist Church, and Toaster $4.50 the auto. ittie worse for its tumbie Miii, Towniie, between Dariington a Teady and generous supporter of1 lmnmOe 55 and the party were able te resume and East Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. every patriotie and philanthropie lmn Oe ealor their heaieward jouraey about 2.*00 O'ReiiMy Peterboro, bad a close eaul movement. fier loss wili be keenlyl a. ai.. and thé generai opinion is there Mgondav aiorning when their feit by the differènt organizations th ongmnwilb al oicrstukth telriin n -wn ithw I jews ni."-1m. "gseymore" ciearly when next he' over the bank landing on ifs side. The nected, and more particuiariy by alH takes his lady friends for; a joy car was badiy daaiaged but the oc- host of friend.s who sincerely moura ride. cupanits escaped injury. ler sudden death. i r r

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