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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1922, p. 5

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SThe Shop That Leadsl Behi*nd Misfit Clothing? A Man's Personal Appear- ance can be his Greatest Asset! The neat appear- in, well-dressed man commands at- tention. He is re- spected, he can se- cure a hearing wherever hie goes- note the personal appearance of most successful men- see how discrimina ating they are in se- lecting their cloth- es. Are you satis- I fied with your own, wearing apparel? ~RT V THU~ Don't bide yourself behind something that is just clothes-that fit where they touch, that wear shabby in ashort time-true -economy in buying clothes is the length of service they give. ART CLOTHES Made to your individual measure by skilled workrnen frorn material selected by yourself froni our wonderfull range-will give y ou that comfort- able feeling of being well dressed-they represent the last word in distinctive well-made clothes, Your ART CLOTHES- will be 'made right, look right and STAY RIGHT. Let us show you our Fail sampiles anl latest styles-you will be în- terested. G. N.0 THiLURSTON Bowmanvilles Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. OPPOTUrùN ITYe Finest Security in the Woy1d $500,OOO Canadian Government Bonds 51/% due 1932 PRICE For delivery, on or before Oct. 27'th $100.15 flat For delivery, on or before Nov. Tht. $100.25 fiat (orders filled as recelved) For Sale, -first class 7%7 mortgage $2350 Prin. payable every three months. IArthur N. McMillan &Co Investment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. WILLIAMS &'CANN Uudertakr & Embalmser Bowmanville Furnitur, Dealer. Ontario BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 26th., 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The concert and social at'the Odd- fsllow's Hall was a great treat. Bazaar and supper Tuesday, Nov. 7, Methodiat Churcit at 3 and 5 p. m. Buy winter needs bef ors prices advancs. Ses McMurtry & Co's ad. Misa Eva Moore, Toronto, is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. E. RutLIedge, Salem. Secure your Christmas presents at Methodist Bazaar, Tuesday, Nov- ember 7th. Misa Isobel Pye ,Wallaceburg, vis- ited Miss Dorothy Jehnston and other frienda here last week. Ses the array of fancy and use- fui articles at Methodiat Bazaar, Tuesday, November 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher, Oshawa, were guests cf Mrs. A. E. Wrenn for the week-end. Keep up with the Joneses-solid fumed oak buffet, reg. $50, titis week $39. Williams & Cann. Mr. Chas. A. Grant, wife and daughter, Toronto, recently called on their uncle, Mr. W. A. Grant. Rev. W. G. Clarke, Trenton , was guesat of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- atone, Cedar Clifi', while in town. A young folks concert will be held in the Lecture Room of St. Paul's Church, Friday evsnîng, November 3rd. 43-t] Mrs. M. A. Wright, Liberty-st., is selling her household eff ects big auction Wednesday, Nov. lat at 1.30 p. M. Bowmanvills Women's Institute will hold a birthday party on Friday, October 27, at the home of Mrs. W. L. Keys. Miss C. E. Warnica, Brightton, and Mr. Frank George of Smithfield,] visited at Rev. W. C. Washington's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. IV>Nall Irwin,: Charlecote, have been speènding their honeymoon with his aunt, Mrs.~ Archie Tait. /Mrs. A. E. Wrenn entsrtained Mr. and Mrs. N. Barton and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. Heigitton on the occasion of her bîrthday. Miss Helen C. A. Bray of Toronto spent the week-end guest of her unçle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Norwood Place, How Mr. Rockefeller keeps alive and well. See Sunday's Herald and Examiner, Chicago's Beat Newspaper. Buy it to-day ýfrom A. L. Nicholls. Free pants with every suit, made- to-measure $24 te $35, at J. T. MoH-oa's, Bowmanville, Nov. 1 and 2. Sed special announcement next week. Companions of the Forest Bazaar on Thursday, October 26 in Forest- ers' Hall over MeMurtry's Store. Home-made cooking, candy and a varîety of fancy and useful articles. Mr. G. 0. Paterson has the dis- tinction of purchasing the first new superior Chevrolet Car in Bowman- ville-a 5 passenger Touring Coups. Luke, Boys Limitsd put through -the sale. Stop! Look! Listeni Don't fr get the second Euchre in the series Foresters' Hall on Friday, Ot. 27, at 8 p. m., under auspices Loyal Truc Blues. Excellent prizes and refresit- ments. Admission 25c. Citizens having houaehold furnisit- ings and eff ects te ssii may have them sold by auction at Mrs. Wright's (Liberty St.) Sale on Wednssdây Nov. lst., by phoning Thee. M. Siemon, auctioneer, 197r3. Mrs. James A. Phillips and son JohnIHickman, lef t for New York on Saturday alter spending a montit with her Canadien frienda and rela- tives. Mr. Geo. W. James accom- panied them to Toronto. Thursday, October 26-Bazar- Foresters', Hall. Don't miss it. Messrs.- Frank Williams, Thos, Annison, D. Aidread, Jas. Gilu, E. Brookham and Rev. W. H. Spargo represented Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M. ,No. 31, at a Mazenie Lodge of Instruction.held in Cobourg Wednes- day last. The' merriage of Kate Marie Percy, daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. John Percy, Bowmanville, to Harry E. Cauffield, M. D., of Dayt;on, Ohio, will take place in the- Methodist Churcit, Bowmanville, on Saturday, October 28th. Looking for' good coek stove or heater? Then, attend Mrs. M. A. Wright's Sale, Liberty-at., Nov. 1, and buy one at your own prîce. The Hallowe'en Masquerade dis- ,play in McMurtry & Co's window la certainly a acream. Don't feul to ses it next time yen are down town. Andy (Mick) Dilling hae developed and The News 'go into Most of the homes in town and country hereabeut and are read thoroughly, not scanned Theo. M. Sîsmon wielded the hem-i mer et the above sale and realized some record pricea. You are invited to 'the Bazaar in Forestera' Hall on Thuraday, Oct. 26. Great variety of articles for sale. 1BIRTHS_ F0 UN D-At Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea. on Wednesday, October 20, to Dr. and Mrs. Norman Found (nee Helen Casa) a son (Norman Paul). Both doing Weil. MARRI AGE S CROSSLEY-IRWIN - At Welcome, Ont., on Oct. 19th, by Rev%. J. F. Mears, Hazel Lorene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Crosslsy of Zion, to Mr. H. L. McNall Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Irwin, Charlecote. JACKMAN-COLE--At Methodist Par-1 sonage, Bowmanville, Oct. 25, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Miss Lita C. Cote, daught- er of the late W. R. and Mrs. Cote, and Mr. S. Rtoy Jackman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jackman, al of Bowman- ville DEATHS Ri CKARD-In i3owmanville, on Wed- nesday, October 25, James G. Rickard, in bis 76th year. Funeral service will be hetd on Friday, 27th jnst. Service at 2.30 in the MSetho- dist Church, Bowmanville. Cortege to leave at 3 o'clock for the cemetery. CARTER-In Bowmanville, October 22, Robert Smith Carter, ag'ed 45 years. ROBERTS-At Port Hope, on October 19th. Etien Stephens, reliet of the late Samuel Roberts, in her 93rd year. COLE-At Red Deer, Aberta, October 16, 1922, Joseph Cols, aged 76 years, 10 months, brother of Miss Louisa Cols, Bowmanvitle. HALL-On Oct. 21, at 26 Geneva Ave., Toronto, James H. Hall, deariy beloved husband of Agnes Whitelaw, and son of the late Sarah and John Hait, -Wbitby, in his 55th year. MARTIN-At the residence cf-her son- in-law, Mr. Fred T. Ashton, Enfield, Darlington, Oct. 21, Rebecca Wbitlock, beloved wif e cf Mr. George Martin, ln ber 79th year. Interred at Pins Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. IN MEMORIAM RU ITER-In loving msmery cf Mary Halt, heloved wif e of Mr. George Ruiter, wbo disci Nov. 7th, 1921. The shocis was great, the blow severe, We littîs thought her death so nsar, But only those who love can tell, Tbe pain of, not saying a last farewell Sadly missed by Daughter Martha and Cran dch i dren. In tovtng msmory of William B. Jeweti, whe passsd away on Oct. 25, 1920. In our hearts your msmory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear father, That we do net thlnk of yen. Wife and Famliy. BIEN NET'TS THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA~ Open for engagements. Real snappy1 music. Apply box 327, Bowmanvilie. ,41-tf TO LET TO RENT-Garage to rent chsap. Âp- ply te Mrs, John Curtis, next door eat of Methodist Church, Bowmanvillls 40-3' FARM FOR RENT-112 acres goamo land and balldings, ïmmediate possession Apply J. C. Montgomnery, Oshawa. 15-tf WANTED WANTED-By young business lady,I furnished bed sitting room, with or with- out board. Apply "M. T."1 Statesmnan Office, Bowmanville, 43-1* WýANTED-Caretak0r for the Presby- terian Cburcb, Newcastle. Apply to Thos. Moffatt, Esq., Beaver-st,,, Newcastlet, 43-2 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROO-M-Aceommodation for fourý school girls or lady boarders. Apply Mma. Roy Hooper, 22 Carliste Ave., Bowmanvills. 43-2e TO LET-Two large newly decorated rooms te let on Duke-st., nsxt deor to Mrs. Wni. Richards. Suitabîs for light housekesptng. Apply te Mra. E. Loucks, Bowmanvflls. 42-2w' LIvE STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-Pure Brsd Yorkshire sow and 9 pigs, 3 weeks old. Apply W. -T. Tayior, lot 23, con 7, Darllngton, Ennis- kilen P. O., Phone 211-r2. 43-1 CATTLE FOR SALE-Registersd Bull Hostein-Frestan, 2 years, 5 months old; oe Grade Durham cew. renewed Oct. 21, ristng four years and oe Jersey cew, te, freshen in Nevember, rislng 4 ysars. F. B. Rundie, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, Phone 172-21. 43-2w POULTRY FOR SALE-2 Barred Rock Cock birds, bred te lay strain, $8 each; white Leghorn cockerels, Ferris and Clarke strain; Rose 00mb Brown Leg- hora cockerels, heavy laytng strain. Chance for farmers to improve stock. R. H. DIIIIng, Phone 186, BewmanvilleL 43-3'I ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Quantlty of Talman Sweet appîes. Apply te J. E. Aliin, Bex 142, Bewmanýrllle. Phone 183-22. 42-tf FOR SALE-A quantity of good Swede Turnips. Apply Rev. Gao. Mason, High St., pbone 231r3, Bowmanville. 43-t ORGAN FOR SALE-Oak Piano Case, Cheap for quick sale. Mrs. F. Coimer, Wellington-st., Bowmanvtlts. 43-1w* AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Appty te J. Hateiy, Central Garage, Bowmanville. 37-tf. CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlin 1917 $300; Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland e5-4, $450. Apply to A.ý W. Pickard. Phone 185,,Bowmanvtlle. HONEV FOR ZALE--Good quality clover extra honey, can be secured at village stores ln Darllngton or at Apairy. R. J .Smlth, Enniskillen, phone 211r24. CSF0OR SALE-Two Cows-a Dur- bran ersey-bot reb.dy te freshen- are offered at a bargain for quick sale. Mma. W. J. Smala, Hampton, 43-2w' FOR SALE-Happy Thought Cook Steve, 6 lido, burns ceai or wood, In geod condition. Bargain for qutck sale. Ap- ply Wm. Quick. Elgin St., Bowmanvtlle. 43-tf MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-"Excsl- sior Twin'. Guranteed te be in good running order. Price $8500 for quick sale. Apply te R. Morris, 86 Ontario-st., Bowmanville. -42-1w' FOR SALE-About 2 acres of Swede turnips, Witl be sold te suit purchasers, sither hy rew or by the bushel. Apply te Richard Souch, lot 3, con 2, Darling- ton or R. R. 4 Bowmanvtlle. 42-tf FURNîTURE FOR SALE-Offered by private sale on and, after October 30, oe Walnut Bsdroemn Suite, and several other articles of household furniture, carpets, ltnoleum,' curtains, etc., R. R. Hoskin, corner Centre and Concession streets, Bowmanvllle. 43-2w FOR SALE-One platform Spring Dray, 2 horse, 1%~ ton capacity, in firetclass condition, at haîf price; one Gray Top Buggy, auto 'seat, like new; one Gray buggy, piano box, ahl renovated over and painted; one %. road wagon, ligbt and fancy. John Perey, Bowmanvit.4N PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalnlng 6 reems. furnace and lectric llghts. liard and softwater la bouse, goed garden and fruit trees.' Âpply to J. Westaway, Qusen Street, Bewmanvltle. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lot about ftfty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets. containlng good barn, easlly con- vertible Into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eyweil, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farmà tocated at Tyrone, Ont., contaînlng one hundred and flfty-four- acres, about 20 acres orchard. fine bearlng. Ploughlng possession thls raIl. Apply Bruce Money. wel, 60 Duke Street, ýToronto, or tels- phone 194-2. Bowsnanville. - 5-ti Announci& a Complote Lino of~ The New SupQrior CH EVROLET NEW SPEi (2< PASS.) ROADSTER-$695 CHEVROLET has answered the ever increasing de- mand for quality cars at rock bottom prices with the an- nouncement of the new NEW SUPMER( 2 PASS ILUTLITYCIoUPa-$9lO SUPERIOR Models. Sensational 'values are represented by this new line, at. h e eue prices. Improved quality, artistic design, added equipment and increased economy combine to emphasize Chevrotet's admitted leadership as producer of the world's Iowest priced quality auto- 7WSUPERIOR (5 PASS.4 SEUDAN $1125 mobile. -See the new SUPERIOR Chevrolet. Ride in it. Study the specifications. Prices F. O. B. Oshawa Government Taxes Extra CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., 0F CANADA, Limnited' G.ý .see - or q '!C..'td, Linud ý rOSHAWA WINNIPEG NEW SUPERIOR (5 PASS.> TOURING COUPE- $1115 j ~ Sor Features Dealers and Z ea ,'nrod Serice Stations -.d,.,,m fed .wanted in a" dre.r ga. ,e errit.ries nMt ear..,type I,,a ,ndt. - rP"*e ec Dealer aboutIÏ\îIt, m, .aeau our deferretiidl4aQ.I lkt, T.onro oavoent--plan. Cop.,jp~ by p-ces. NIEW SUPERIOR 15 PASSJ TOURING-$710 SoId By LUIEd E YaLmit edc BOWMAN VILLE OSHAWA SALES & SERVICE -LIMITED, OSHAWA W. DAVEY, ORONO TlHE "qNEW WORLD BEGUN!. -~ "illions now livingy will neyer de j. F. tGratteau . .. .. . . .Travelling Represenftative, of the International Bible Students Association TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Suniday, Oct. 29 AT 2.30 P. M. SEAI1S FREF NO COLLE.CT4IQL lu

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