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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1922, p. 8

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Ladies! Buy the New Tea with the New Fla-vor We want you to know where you can buy this supreme Tea, consequently in the next issue of the Bowmanville Statesman we will.publish the 'narnes of the grocers who handie it in Bowmanville Newcastle Onono Hampton Enniskillen Blackstock Courtice Newtonville Solina Cadmýus Lotus Pontypool Tyrone Cosarea Kendal Taunton Leskard Kirby Burketon Nestieton Port Grunby Purple Hill Cedardale I 1 -WATCH'FèOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT-j Should'you wear glasses? Gasses are worn for three reasons. They help the wearer te see comfortably and well. they preserve the sight, and by re- moving ail strain from theeyes thiey improve the general health. Try te grasp the full meaning 9pf this, Think what it means to have your sight preserved. That is -what glasses do for those who .«med them. You know ,how mnuch your eyes, are worth te you, but you don't kPxow whethei you need g lasses or net. Yeu cannot tell the exact edtinof ,ýYaur eyes, but if you cnsult our qualified Optometrist, R.M. Mitchell, he can tell you. He knows. "-Have Your Eyes Examined" R.M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville1 AUCTION SALES Friday, October 27-Executors of the estate of late Fred Griffin, wilI seIl by public auction on lot 26, con. 9, Darlington, live stock, implements, grain, etc. Watch for complete list in this paper on Octoben 19th or see bills. Sale at 12.30 p. m. Terms: Cash. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. Saturday, October 28-Mn. John Lyle, Queen-st., will seIl by auction a lot of househlod -furniture and furnishings including a piano in good condition, crockeny,, ganden tools and numerous other articles. Sale at 1 p. m. James Bishop, Auctioneer. 42-2w Saturday, November 4-Miss Maggie McLauglhin will sell' on lot 13, con. 9, DEarlington, about 6 acres of standing mixed timben in 1/4 acre lots, some suitable for hum- ber. To Apnil 1924 te nemove timber. After the wood sale thene will be sold on lot 12, con. 9, two cows, two heifers, two calves, 1 steen and 30 liens. Sale at 1 P. M. For terms and par- ticulars see bills. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. 43-2w Mn. George Jamieson, Newcastle, will hold an auction sale in the nean future and any penson having ar- ticles of furniture, implements on live stock te dispose of can make ar- rangements witli him during the next few days. He has already listed some farm implernentis and some herses, cattle, pigg nnd poultry. When requiring an experiencedj auctioneer secune Jas. Bisliop, Oshi- awa. Phone 287. 40-t QUAALITY FURNITURE FOR -EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING THE PUR- CHASE 0F AN EASY CHAIR THIS FALL If so, we -have some splendid new uînes now in. They -are the, very latest in appearance and cornfort and our prices are very low. Corne in and see these. SPLENDID VALUES IN -REED CHAIRS We are showing sorne splendid values and, tdesigns-in Reed Chairs in furned or enamel finish-, es, with upholstering on backs and seats. ATTRACTIVE CHESTERFIELDS Our Chesterfields are the very latest in both style and covcrings. See these. F.F. MOà%TRIS %C0. Orono Bownianville. The NeýwcaeLt1e Iridependfent- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1922 SOLD ONLY IN SEALED PACKAGES. NEVER IN BULK NEWCASTLE UNVEILING CEREMONIES 1 AT NEWCASTLE Miss Lee ls indspesed ______ Mrâ. Metealte is visitîng friends in An unusualiy large and keenly inter- Toronto. ested cengregatien assombold in the Mrs. Jeun Stapleton is visiting friends Metbedist Churcb on Sunday merning te in Orene. witneas the unveiling ceremenies ef the Mr. Norman Toms, Oshawa, wýas home bronze tabiet erected by the ladies et for tbe week-ond[. the church te the memory et the yeuug Trnomenot the church who served overseas. Mrs. S. Benathan visited Tont Many ex-service mon and membèrs ot friends tbf s week. their families tremn Clarke Township, Dr. Balil mtored down from Toronto 'Bowmanviile, Darlinigton Townsbip, as for the week-end. weli as Newcastie's own contingent, were Miss Fern Brown is visiting witb present. Dr. James L, Hughes, Tor- triends in Toronto. ente, who was the Hon. Colonel et the 136tb officiated. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., was in the the pastor, was accompanied te the plat- village on Tuesday. term by Dr. H{ughes and before tbe ser- Mr. Wes. Branten, Oshawa, visited vice cemmenced, Major-Gen. John hero over the week-end. Hugbes, Colonel Lerne McLaughlin, Miss Amy Hunter, Toronto, spent the Major R. J. Gi and Major H. W. Dud- week-end witb bier mother. ley were invitefi te the piatterm. These Mr. enr RaenToretespet Sn- fficers and Captain Staîker whose ab- day.atenry. obn, oDous'. sen- 0ce was regretted, were .present by day t M. Jhn Dugls'.invitation et the ladies te wbese zoalous J. Anderson Smith made a business andi untirilg efforts the prucuri,îg and trip te Toronto on Tuesday. erection of the tablet is due, Mrs. A;. Mitchell, Newtouville, is vis- The usuel Sunday merning service et iting witb Mrs. J. R. Fisher. -- worshf p was foliewed, tbeflymos, pray- Miss Wehber, Winnfpeg, 15 visiting ers, bible reading andi anthems having witb ber aunt, Mrs. Wmn. Lake. been selected with regard te 'the speceialý mnemerial charactor ef the service. The Miss L. Bonathan Bewmanviile, apent -opening bymn was No.' 13, 'Autherotf the week-end at Mr. Sam Benatban's. Faitb, Eternal Word", tben earnest aornd Mýrs. Howard Bowen wbo bas been in appropriate prayer by the paster. Thej Teronte returned home on Sunday. choir et twonty veices sang "Blossod is Mi'. and, Mrs. Thos. .Bragg, Bewmau- the nation wbose God is the Lord", atter ville, spent Sunday at Mr. Ed. Hoar's. wbicb the whole congregatien stoed and Mrs. Garnet Ryan is visitiug with bier read àlternately the 62 Psalmý parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas. Atter making seme announcements and Mrs. P. O'Neil came dewn trom Port voicing the pleasure et himself and the Union and spont Monday with friends. cengregatien for being favored witb tbe presence et Dr. Hughes ou tbis occa- Mr. Luther Argail and daughter, Osh- sien, ReVi:' Mr. Qeeke spoke et the awa, spont iSunday witli irlentls in tewn. namne and the tame et, the Hughes' It Don't forget the Masquerado in Alex- wes a name net ouly well and tavorabiy andra Hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. knowu i uCanada and the tUited States lst. but ail over the world, lu iterary, educa- Miss Jessie Hawkins, Port Hope, was tional, miitary, business and social cir- a gestetMrs Stpls eer hewee- los. The'second hymu "0, Wership end.Salsoete ekget r. the King ail glorieus Above" like the 1 others was suug with true heared de- Miss Elaine Bridges wbo bas;been vis- voti on aud eutbusfasmn by ail present, itiug the Misses Wilmet bas returned te and during the lifting et the effering Ottawa. the choir sang "Rest ye Warriors, the Miss J. E. Hawkins bas returned te Couflict is O'er", aud at this service ber home lu Port Hope atter visitiug there couid have been uothiug more witb Mrs. Staples. appropriately or ho ter suug, Miss Hat- Mrs. (Dr.) Hunter, Toronto, returnefi tie Mason takiug sole parts with swee-, home Mouday atter a visit witb bier sis- iuteusity et feeling. ter, Mrs. Leckbart. Dr. Hughes erter a few words et Mrs. Ragen and two children, Toron- greetiug, opened bis address witb two 1te, are visiting -vith ber parents, Mr. leading questions, wbich hoe auswered andi Mrs. J. Douglas. tmest decisiveIy and lu the course et bis speaking illumiuated and enlargefi Mr. and Mrs. A. Lockhart, Toronto, upon theso replies: "Wes it right for spent the week-end witb bis mether, Canadians te take part lun the Great Mrs. W. T. Lockhart. War"? -Yes". "Dfd the tact et the MErs. F. L. Culoey au ddaughter Betty, Great War prove that Christianity was PToronto, visited bier parents, Mr. and a failure"? "No". Germauy, thre rMrs. Frank Bennett. jgoueratiens ago was a leading Christian Miss Cera Butler bas returnefi home nation but in the last two gonorations, atter a pleasaut visit witb friends in sho had turned hier back on the doctrine Hamilton and, Toronto. et- Christ, substituted the teaching et 1 Dr. James L. Hughes, Teronte was hate and especially for Euglaud, fer love; gues ofMr. nd rs. . F Ricarddishonor for houer; cruelty for kindness; guet e Mr en Mr. W F.Rioardvengeance for mercy. Notwitbstanding during bis stay in town. ber civilizatfon she had become a pagan Foroman Arthur Bevis is lunreeipt et nation and perpotrated crimes andi acar et cut stoe and anether et siate cru elties lu Beigium andi France sur- roofing for our Commnnity Hall passiug lu magnitude and atrocity these Mr. and Mrs. Polkingborueae - r--of auy savagos lu history. Our beys in turned te Ottawa atter a pleasaut visit holding and driviug back the Germer4 tith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. armios woro fighting fer home and lovefi Reeve H. Bedal and Mrs. Bedai,' eues, fer truth and rigbteousuess as op- Brighton, andi Bey. and Mrs. R. A. posed te faisity and migbt and for the Doive, Smitbfieid, visited at Mr. W. N., houer et Christian people. rBuckley's. Dr. Hughes know the man and bad Geneal ohnHughs, r.ýJohn Mc- seen bis facein a city lu British Coum- aGlnrand Jon Hugh. es, Mr. andbia where hoie ived-the man who hedi Lauhli an Co. L T.McLughin udbeen appoiuted by theo German Goveru- Mrd. Mebourne Wight lwere Sunday meut te ho geveruer et Canada wheui guests at Mr. Frank Rickard's. the German armies were victerieus andi Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry andi family Grmnany had attained bier ends.' and Mr. and Mrs. S. Heney, Bowmanville D.Hge pk f'i obso ettended the unveiling ceromony and Dri uhsspkntto obse spen th da xxih M. ad Mr. Ge. auy deveut people regarding the spir- spen thedaywithMr. nd rs. eo.itual, weitare eudeterual biesseduess et Houey., meuy et the ýgaleunt boys who fought Latest reports fremn the bedsido of Ex-J and died everseas and compared their Werden A. A. Colwill gives bis condition actions and manuer of lite te Christ's. as impreving. Aibert's numerons triends Ho left bis home for the sake et human- ail wisb him a speedy and complote re- ity ,so did they; Ho sufforofi agony et covery. heart and seul in Gethsemane, se did Iu response te the appeel for help trom they; He suffered many physical bard- the tire suf erers et the uortb, the Womn- ships, se di d tbey lu extrome moasure: ans Auxiiary et St. Gerges Church Ho paid the groat sacrifice witb his lite's sent four large bales andi the Ladies' Aid biood and se did they. It was assurediy eight bales et cltbing. well with their seuls. Mr. John Henderson, the now tenant Dr. Hughes aise speke et the spien- et Hilcrest Farm, bas movofi bis eftocts did work the ladies had done during the fremn Providence and is now settled lu bis war and cougratulated the ladies et the new homne. Newcastle citizeus welceme church on their oroctien et the memer- Mr. Honderson and tamily te eut village. i tahiet te the memor'y et those who §erved; te these who wout and Mr. Goo. Jamieson uuloaded a car et came back as weii as te those wbe nover ceailest week and another this woek. returned. lis only sou gave bis lite for Our itizons are beginning te realize the treedom lun the war and bis body lies sorieusness et the fuel situation and ovi-ý buried in toreigu soul andfieh honered dently-are net geîng te ho caught nap- him for taking a mans part in a way ping. ho nover could bave if a mether's on- On Thursday evening, Novcîîber 2, treeties bad prevailed an ie head stay- a mniscelleneous showor will be givon i e t home. for the cemiug Ladies' Aid Bezaer it At the concusion et bis eddress the the home et Mrs. W. T. Jacksoni. A docter walked down the centre isie ot the musical evenin g is beine pianued. An1 churcb te where the tablet hangs ho- invitation is extended te the gentlemen tw een the two outrance doors andfinl te ho preseut. 43-11 carneat toues. et respect andi roverence, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Tor- rlied bac> the fiage, the grand o'àd' ente, Miss Wilima Leech, Hampton, Mr. Union Jack with which the tabiet basi and Mrs. W. Edger, Bowmanville. Mr.1 been coveredfi fr the last three weeks John Phare, Miss Roma and Mr. Lance sînco it was piaced lu the cburch. Thej Phare, Tyrone, Mr. Melbourne Wight whole assembly rose and taced towi'rd and mothor, Mrs. Joseph W\ight, Provi- the tahlet lu the rear while it was beiugI douce, were Sunday visitors et Mt. Goo. unveiied.I Joll's.Major Gen. John Hughes, as senior Jolis.militery officer prosont, was caliefi upeni Theoruror is current on the streets te say e tew werds. The Generai spoke thet Mr. George Eilbeck hes soid bis et bis many years et lite spent wîtbiu fine proporty on Kiug-st. togethor witb Oive miles et Newcat1p, fIrst east, thon is stock and Unde'rtaking equipmount uo'th, then wist and ut bis tri endly re- and wili retire freim business. This meaus iations -,,t!thfts citizens.- Hoeceuimen- the passine et oeeoe the oidest estab - ded the bodies et their successtul carry- lisbed businesses lu the village, and whie ing out et a- noble purpese lu erectlng the whole commuity regret the closing in their cburch a lasting memorial t et this popular business, they al l oin those wbo weut te fight for home a dl lu wishing Mr. and Mrg. Eilbeck much country and treedom, te ibose whe came bappiness and comtort lu this well ear- beck as well as te those wbo neyer re- ned holiday atter a long and honorable turnefi. Ou behait et bis brother offi- business cereer lu Newcastle. We un-, cors present ho thaukefi the ladies for dersteud the business will ho enlerged their kind invitation te lm andi 'hem and carried ou by the new ewner. te be present, the acception et wbicb hed iudeed been a pleasure te them. Springs will be very low the coin- The service losed witb the hymu ing winter unless heavy rainfalis 'God bicas ont native Land"' and the corne s0on. benediction by Dr. Hughes. The bronze memoriai tablet lu cast For Rent.-Applicatîons will be with a decoratien et Mapie Leaves. on the central largo leat et the top are the considered from anyone desiring lI'V- words, 'Semper Paratus', and the tab- ing apartments for the rooms over lot is worded: Anderson' s and Jamieson's stores, 1914-1918 hs Newcstle Appicatons euldalso nu onor and loving memory eotf s Newcstl. Aplictios wold lsowho died, andi in gratetul tribute te be considered from Lodges or fromi these wbo dariug te fdic survivedý. MEDICAL ALFRED ýFARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Univeruity, almo of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children.- Office-Parker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiatë of the State University of New York, Matriculat'e of the Poat- Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'â Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 u. m., and by appointment, '14. W. Bradley Newcastle General Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Coin- missioner, etc. mMre M or I have a limited supply of good pea coal, Geo, Jamnieson Newcastle STARKVILLE Several from here at.ended Kendal United Churcb on Sunday te hear Mad- ame Lillian Hawkins Jones ,a colored singer frem Toronto, who sang gospel songs. Her singing was highly appre- clated. ..The~ Try liard C'lub ef Stark- ville School entertained the B. K. T. Club of the Sixth Line Sehool at a beech nutting par-y in Mr. S. H1alleweil's weeds recently. Ail reported an en- joyable afternoon .... Major E. E. Snider visited eur scheel on Friday last.. Lleweilyn Hallewell has returned from 2 months' stay in North West .... Master Tom McLeed bas ceme te live with bis uncle Mr. S. G. Hallewell . ... Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Peowers of Oroue, spent Sun- day at Mr. W. C. Rutbven's.... .W. M. S. are sending a bale of cletbing te North- ern Ontarie tire sutterers. Everybody help as you eau. Need is urgent.... Decided imprevement in bealtb Mrs. Richard Hallewell and Mr. S. G. Halle- well. .... Miss Edua Stutt et Oreno recent- ly visited bier friend Miss Beatrice Souch. NEWTONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown have returned here after spending several months in the West. . .. Miss Mabel Haskill spent the week-end at home accompanied by Miss Sadie Robin- son of Newcaste .... Miss Clara Cas- well entertained pleasantly a number of young people at hier home on Frn- day evening.. Miss Charlotte Ovens is visiting Miss Eva Beatty, Eliza- bethville ...Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith entertained Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Lane recently .... Misses Marjorie and Ruby Payne, Messrs. Allin and Hughson of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Payne.. .Mr. Samuel Jones, Jr., spent an enjoyable visit with Omemee friends recently. PONTYPOOL Merchants are buying carloads of potatoes but price, is rather low.. - We are pleased te see Mrs. W. H1. Heeper berne again frem lher trip to the Coast much impreved in health' . ... Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henry and little daughter, Orono, visited at Mr. L. Williarsn's.... Glad te have Our former pastor, Rev. A. McLauchlin, wife and family caîllen us recently new stationed at Keene.... .Mr. Jehn Kellet, Peterbore, visite7d his parents here ever the week-end.... Quite a number frem here attended Anniver- sary services at Letus on Sund-ay. The Rev. H. Wilkinson preaching at both services. Mr. S. Nicholsen teok the service here. The Sunday Scheel chîldren furnished music .. We extend heartfelt symipathy to Mrs. Sarah Ridge in.the loss ef lier husband the late Richard Ridge who had been in peor health fer a leng tim... .. Our genial docter: is kept quite busy busy these days-many are iii . ... Methodist Cheir are loek- ing for a new leader. We miss Nerton's smili'ng face. Glad to stili have with us Mr. -Brown- our hust- ling C. P. R. Agent who is always on the jo... . Hurrah for McCrea's Fowl Supper on Nov. 6th.... .WedL. ding befll are ringing .... Mr. W. Glenney îs talkng of taking a trip West. Tuesday, October 31, has - been set a part as National Fish Day for ah i Canadians. Since the first national 1 fish day wa.s conceived six years ago1 the per capita consumption of fish' has increased to about twenty poundsj per year. England uses fifty-six' pounds per year, European countries genenally thirty-five, to forty, while in Japan the consumption is 200! pounds each year. The Department11 of Marine and Fisheries says Cana-, dians shiould use fish at least once every day. VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1922, Municipality of theVilageof Newcastle, County theVilageof Durham. Netice is hereby given that I bave,: trausmitted or deliverod te the persens mentioed in Section 9 efthte Ontario Voters' Lis' s Act the copies required by, said section te be se transmitted or de- iivered et the List, made putsuant te said Act, et ail persens appeariug by the last revised Assessmeut Roîllet said Municipality te be entitlod te vote in the said Municipality at electieus for memb'trs et the Legisiative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that the said List was first pested up at rny office at Newcastle, on the tourth day et Octeber, 1922, and remains there for inspection. And I 'hereby caîl upon ail voters to take immediate procoedings te bave any errers or omissiens corrected accerding to law. Dt'aLeu 'tohut., 0 q9L. corning. Wre bave a large variety at Very Low Prices. Cali and see W M. J AM I ESOý %N Hardware Store Newcastle SPECI2%w""4AL THIS WEEK AT WALTON'S GROCERY 3 packages Lux .................. .......35c Brooms................................... 45c and 65c Post Toasties ........................1c package R. WALTON Grocer _Newcastle Britton's 'Bread Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H, S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electric Toaster Stove Just the thing forlight cooking or heating purposes. WiH toast and bake at the samne time. Element is made of very best resistance wire ob- tainable and is guaranteed for one year. Not expensive elther: Blue Steel Finish Aluminum Finish Altuminum Finish with Toaster Aluminum Oven $2.00 $2.50 $4.50 $5.50 H. C. BONATHAN NO WASTE POTATOES 75c a Bag. These potatees were gnown and are smooth, mealy and solid classý-ro waste or rot te these. in the sand bis .of Marnoans niglit through, guarantee'd firet Just 100 bags left. WE, have cheaper ones, but don't recommend them like the good old Manvers 'taters. WE DELIVER T14EM TOO C.m.CAWKER & SON,&" weather':i H. G. ONATHAN, Clerk, Village et Newcastle. 43-2 TOWNSHIP 0F DARLJNGTON Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Votera' List, 1922, Municipality of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham Notice is heroby givon, that 1 bave transmnitted or delivered te tbe porsons mentloned lu section 9 et The Ontarlo Veters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections te ho se trausmitted or delivored et the List, made pursuant te, said Act, et ail persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll et the said Muuicipality te be outitled te voeoil the said Municipality at oloctions fer members et the Legisiative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and thet the said List was first posted up at my office at Hampton ou the eighteeuth day et Octobor, 1922, and romnains there fer in- spection. And I hereby cali upon ail voters te take immodiate procoodings te bave auy orrers 'or omissions corrected ±ccordlng te law. Datefi this 2Oth day et October, 1922. W. R. ALLIN, Clerk et Darllngton Township.' 43-2 1 'i is-,what you want now that cold 'k. 1 1 1

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