Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 3

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Give us a .trial-you'I1 get better meats and better service at the right price. Our pricps are reasonable and the cuts so tender and fuil of flavor. Phone your order in afternoon and it will be delivered by 8.30 next morning. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville Now on Sale "lis Master's VoieWidgfor Recordis for November DANCE RECORDS No.E Af fer a While-5-Fb Trot Ail Star Trio and Thier rhsw l'e n m bbFo T o n ta r io ad errhestr,18928 Zenda-Fox Trot Zez Confrey and Bis orchestre 18940 CGhicago-Fox Trot Paul Whitma~n and Hia Orchestra e E-ariy linrthe Morning Biue-Fox Trot The Virinl m Suez-Fox Trot Cly&De or and Hie Orchestra 1 Wlah I Kuew-Fox Trot Cyde Doerr aud Hie Orch. Stu tterlng-Fox Trot, fThe BeSuo rchestra of Cbica Thosme Longing for You Blue-Fox Trot Beansn or. of Chicago184 l'Il Build a Stafrway to Paradise-Fox Trot wle~ and Or.18 You RemndMeof MyMother-Poz Trot Whle>ns amd lemh 1 Found a Four Leaf Clove-For Trot P. whitemnan and Orcti. Two Lttle Ruby Ring&-Fux Trot P. Whltemanansd lRis Orch. 18M5 POPULAR SONGS Uife's Raiiway tu Heaven Charles Hafrrison-Clifford CaiU92 The Harbor Bell Charles Harrison-Clifford Calrns Awapy Down Soirth Peerlee 'Way Down Yoeder fa New Orleans re 8 Ail Over Nothlng at Ail Aleen StnlBilliy ' ios l'Il Stand Beneth Your Wtndow To-nigltSt ley Murray For the Sake of Aild Lang SyneLes James ueffl Call Me Rack, Pal o' Mine Charles Hrio VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Rosal' Double Shuffie 'Black Face- Eddie Ross Rosl' Juba 'Black Face" Eddie R=o f18926 Lilly Dale Olive line and Criterlon Qartetl The Gypsy's Warnlug Elsie Baker d5 Don Juan-Part I<Strauss) Symphony Orchestra under Direc-} 5x7 Don Juan-Part IlI (Strauss) tion of Albert Coates 517 Don Juan-Part 111 (Strauss) Symphony Orchestra under Direc- 57 Don Juan-Part IV (Strauss) of Albert Coates} RED) SEAL RECORDS Iomeb.dy Loves Me! (Contralto) Sophie Brslau 66084 The Singer (Soprano) Frances Aida 66093 Waiting for Your Return (Baritone) Emùio de Gogorza 66094 Pagliacci-Vesti la glubba (Tenor) (n Italiean) fleunino Gigli 66095 Oh Sleep! Why Dost Thou Leave Ma? (Tenor) John McCorxnack 6606 Zapateado (The Cobbler) (Violin) Jascba Heifetz 66097 Moment Musical (Schubert) Philadelphie Orchetra 66098 Quartet la G Maur-Fàe (Mozart) Flonzaley Quartet 74693 Fiying Dutchman-Traf t ihr des Sebiff Maria Jeritza 74776 The Maiden's Wish (Chant polonais> (Piano) L Paderewski 74777 Cosi fan Tutti-In uomîil, lu soldatt Lucrezia Bon 587346 Si mes vers avalent des ailes (Soprano) Geraldine Farrar 87348 Serenade (Violin and 'Cello) Fritz Kreiser-Hugo Kreisler $7579 Boris Godounow-Fareweil of Boris (Bass) Feodor Chaliapfin 88661 10 S .73 30 M 30 2 10 M5 10 lm8 10 $1.5 10 1.50 10 1.5 10.15 10 .5 10 1.5 12 2.00 12 2.00 10 1.50 10 1.50 10 1.0 12 2.25 Asie to hear thne new selections piay.d on te V*1c troJl%1a at any "lHis Madter's Voice " dealers M.aid ~u a Dea.t r Gu-o-phne Co., Umit.d, MoUr.t j BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 2.d, 1922.1 bue Loyal To, YourOwn ConmuiityI No need of buying bread made out of town when you can get good nourishing and whole- some hread such as we make for 8c A LOAF CHRISTIE'S BAKERY IAl orders for painting, decomating, Ikalsoming, etc., will ,eceivo prompt and careful attention. Before dec. Iorating see my samples of. artistie, Iwall paper and get my prices. Phone Bowmanville. 187-ti The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowmanville Phone 97 Men, you 'are invtod to inspect An order has been sent out from our new display of fali suit% and the Postmaster-General's Depart- overcoats in newest matorials and latest styles. Couch, Johnston & ment at Ottawa to evory postmaster Cryderman. la the Dontinion informing thein that from now on they must not Mr. Geo. Rice, one of the oldest accopt f oreign ntonoy when selling resîdents of Oshawa, vas stricken stamps or îssuing money orders or with paralysis while attending the1 postal notes. Canadian currency plowing match at Lindsay and îs at alone will ýbe regarded as legal ten- present at the residence of bis son-de. t sndroothsaem in-law, Dep.-Reeve Wilkinson. dappl is o terCstoms thsier JAS. BISHOP, AUCM ONEER Ail kinds of sales attended to in- cluding farms, farm stock and in- plements, real estate and furniture. Nearly 30 years' experience as suc- cessful auctioneer. All sales at- tended to promptly., No, extra charge for distance. Apply to Jas. Bishop, phono 287, Oshawa P. O. or Tom, Percy, Bow- manville. 40-t- LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE' Gather in the remaining garde: stuff-woather cannot be depende upon hereafter. Special assortment of hand draw: voile blouses for suits now on dis play at Couch, Johnston & Crydez eman's Ltd. Messrs. Thos. Bottrell & Son wer large prize winners in poultrya Port Hope Faîl Fair last month. We bave received several new sul scriptîons of late and appreciate thi good words of many friends tha have lately reached us, too. Commit to memory boys and girls Both Minds and Fountain Pens wil work when willed; But Minds liki Fountain Pens must first be filled Tbe Mystery of Pretty Celestine' Empty Grave. In next Sunday' I-erald and Examiner, Chicago' Best Newspaper. Buy it from A L. Nichoils. Mrs. Dorothy Griffin, born 91 years ago near Millbrook, Cavai township, Durham Co., held a birth day celebration with bier family an( relatives about her.- Her father, K Cutbbert Ricbardson, 'was one of thi early settiers in Cavan. After bei marriage to Arthur Griffun 64 year: ago she lived in Hope Township, a£ terwards in Cavan, moving to Bramp ton eigbt years ago. She reads an( threads hier needie without glasses. Port Hope Hospital bas 307 pat ients and 48 births last year $10,000 was received from estate o7 Ax. MeMann for a new laundr buldng wbich cost $12,260. Sov Ieral more liberal donations were me coived. A new $35,000 wing is pro posed for which the Board bas $10,, 000. Port Hope gave a grant ol $1,000 towards maintenance ané $10,896.69 was r.eceived from pati. ents. Fuel cost $1626. Salariei and wages $6151.52. It is a remarkable 'thing thal among our subscrîbers are threE classes in respect to the yearly pay. ment of two dollars. There are ai- ways those wbo make a practice ol paying at the beginning of the year Lady, subscrib rs belong to this class Then there aïe hundrede who comE in during the year, whenever the op. portunity avails to -settle for thE paper. It will soon be the turn ol the thlird class to visit us and makE one grand rush before January lst We are always ready to receive sub. scriptions in arrears. Rev. William IR. Taunton, the nem minister at Janetvil'le. who came tc the Bay of Quinte Conference lasi July fromn North Battleford, Sask at chewan,- gave a masterful addresi at Lindsay Rotary Club's luncheon tolling of the different activities thai the western club had undertaken and the splendid resuits it had ac. complIished in belping the develop. ment of that city on better lines ,Mr. Taunton had been honored bý bis Club by being olected to ateon4 the International Convention, wbicl. was held at Edinburgh, Scotland where be had received great inspir. ation and knowledge as to Rotariansý activities in different parts of thE world-Post. HELP THE WEEKLY PAPER During a recent conference of the newspapor womon of Ontario, Miss Laura Allen, who knows a great deal about the insîde of the weekly news- paper, said a few things which made some of her bearers realize that there are manywysi which we can help téweeklyppr performn its great task. Prefacing her remarks witl the -tatement that the weekly is thu best beloved of ail papers. Miss Allen went on to enumerate the var- ious tbings that the home paper tries to do, often without the active sup- port of its readers. She instanced the scbool system, and the need for its modification to-day; the needà foi closer co-operation with teachers and the need for backing up the paper in its effort to convince the rate- payer that money spent for educa- tion is not -wasted. Miss Allen ther went on to say: "Are there, any foreigners in our cofistituency? Whal is the attitude towards them? Do they meet with British fair play or evemy hand? Do aIl the Barnado boys get a chance? Lot us help the local paper to holp the foreigner to get his boaings, and to devebop into a tmue citizan of bis adopted country, pmoud to be called Cana- dian and British"l.' A plea was ai. so made for backing up the local paper when it stands behind the Boards of Healtb in their prevontive campaign. "The spiieme of the On. tario woekly is the wide, wide world" concluded Miss Allen, leaving bier lit. OBITUAIRY Mrs. Robert Keeler, Oshawa. Mrs. R~obert Keeler' passed awayl a t the Oshawa Hospital Thfursday 1morlling at the advance.d age of '76 years. Mrs. Keeler's maiden namie îwas Elizabeth Ann Tucker. She was born at Elizabethvllle and had been a resident of Oshawa for quarter of a century. About three years ago she suffered a paralytie stroke. She had been' in hospital for the past twelve months. lVrs. Keeler was a highly esteemed member of King Street Methodist Cburch. She is survived by bier husban.d, eight sons and three daughters, viz-John, Swift Current, Sask.; James, Van- couver, B. C.; William, Grafton, Ont.; Harry, Port Hope; Samuel and Stanley, Milwaukee, Wis.; Thomas, Cobourg; and Leo, Tyrone. Three daugbters, Mrs. T. F. Nelson, Gar- den Hll; Mrs. J. V. Johnson, Osh-j awa; Mrs. W. Clatworthy, St. Cath-1 arines. The funeral Saturday af-1 ternoon was conducted by Rev. A. M. Irwin. FORMER DARLINGTON MAN DIES AT MOORFIELD Mr. Alexander M. Fowler Once Manager of Darlington Union Cheese Factory. Our older readers will be likely to remember when, tbe Darlington Union Cheese Factory, near Court- ice, was operated by Alexander M. Fowler, possibly for some seven seasons, about 1882 to 1889 when Mr. and Mrs. Fowler moved to Moorfield, Wellington County to en- gage in farming. .For several years Mr. Fowler has4 suffered greatly tili death came to bis relief on Tuesday, October 17, when hie passed to rest four days after completing his tbree score and ten years. In 1886 Mr. Fowler married Eliza- beth Everson, daughter of the late' Robert Everson, Esq., of Ebenezer community, and sister of Mrs, James Courtice of Bowmanville, Mrs. Geo. Harris and Mrs. Eleanor Bale, Osb- awa, and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, New- castle. Mr. and Mre. T. H. Ever- son, 109 Collier St., Toronto, and Mrs. Sarah Harris, Oshawa, attend- ed their brother-in-law's funeral on the 2th inst. which was conducted under auspices of the Independent Order of Foresters. The sorrowing widow and five children survive. The children are Maud, Mrs. H. McKay, Moorfield; Jennie, Mrs. Harr Rob- inson, Saskatoon, Sask.; Elsie Mrs. IDeWitt Pearce, Detroit, Micb.; Miss Olive and Robert at home. Four brothers also survive: Dr. William Fowler of Detroit, was the only one preeent at the funeral, the other three being resident in the Nortb W est. -The Methodist and Presbyterian minîsters of Moorfield officiated at the services, a, very large concourse of citizens and country people be- ing present to pay their respects to deceased and his family. The vil- were closed and the whole country- side seemed to be in attendance, s0 universal was tbe sympatby and re- spect. Mr. Fowler was a good man and wortby citizen. T HE COUNTIES JAIL This report of persons committed to the jaîl of these unîted counties contains much of general interest. For instance, only one commitinent for '"drunk and disorderly" which bof ore prohibition or local option came into force was one 61f the largest counts. Robbery 18 and theft 29-The command "Thou shaît flot steal" is the one most vio- lated. Wonder if ministers are preaching sermons on this text as often as they should? Here is the report-study it well: The annual report shows 89 males and 5 female8 were commîtted foi' the year; 66 of the males and the 5 females being comiitted for the first time; il of them could neither read nor write. The offences for which prisoners were committed to jail were: assanît 3, attempted suicide 1, biganiy 3, drunk and disorderly 1, frau.d 6, horse or cattie stealing 2, house- brealcing and robbery 18, theft 29, perjury 1, rape, 1, receiving stolen goods 3. seduction 1, B. 0. T. A. 3, vagrancy 15 and other offences 5. The occupations of prisoners committed to jail were: agents or commercial traveliers 2'. blacksmiths 1, shoemakers 1, clerks 2, constables 1 ,engineers and machinists 12, farm- ors 5. hotelmen 1- laboreýrs 50, mas- Rîch and Flavory It RealIy Satisfies No Hot Drink is finernor so richly flaVorect as our LUXURA Package Tea. Palatable'and delicicîus, it should be served three tirnes every day, and wheneverMy Hostess serves Her Friends. It is with great pride thie following Grocers seil and recomrnend LUXURA Package Tea: BOWMANVILLE ................C. M. Cawker & Son NEWCASTLE .................................W. R. Walton ORONO.....4................................ C. G. Arnistrong ORONO.......................................... J. R. Cooper HAMPTON ..................................... W. W. Horn ENNISKILLEN .....................Siemon & Herring BLACKSTOCK .... ................. A. G. Marlow & Son BLACKSTOCK .... ........................ N. S. McNalIy, COURTICE ........................... .....A. F. Rundle COURTICE ........................................ J. WýàIter NE WTON VILLE ...............................W. C. Lape CADMUS....................................... H. E. Trewin PONTYPOOI ...................................W. Catlder TYRONE .......................................F. L. Byam KENDAL..........................................J. D. Fallis LESKARD .................................Bý J. Caracadden BURKETON ................................ H. 'McLaughlini NESTLETON.........................C. H. !Porteous 1: n Ir 'I MEN 1 The Greatest Clothes-Buying Opportunity- Yod' ve Had This Year! Wednesday and Thursday November I & 2 The Makers of "Clothes of Quality» WiIl Give Free Pants With Every Suit Ordered, Y This is a special TWO-DAY offer to introdue our new Eall materials to the men of Bowman- ville. Corne in Wednesday or Thursday, men!t Choose your new Faîl and Winter Suit or Over- il coat and get an extra pair of trousers (that means double wear for your suit) at no extra clîarge. Made=to=Measure=$24to $35 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY, BACK J. T.MOLLON, Tailor King Street East Bowmanvilîe i ;m' I h a H. C. Durgin Bandinaster Ohamber Commerce Band SoInvigorating For These Cooler Days,

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