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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 7

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= fruit,& Ornamenti Shrubs, Perennials, Smal Order Now For Fali Plan Send For Price Lis' Brookdale Nurs, Phone No. 7 DOBLGCEAREDV WINDI& Cream Wai Prices of Cream are'hi We pay Good Prices for Good We Want Yc If we f ail to cali on you w, appreciate a phone eall or wi Orono Creamer, ORONO DIGNITY Is the visible evidence or expres- sion 'of intrinsic worth and value, It is a refiection of accomplishment of the consejousnese3 of High Stand- ards that Quality, of being that insensibly commands respect and distinguishes itself by its individual- ity., A sense of dignity can only be imparted by true worthiness and the possession of qualities that are ý,i- herent and so marked as to inspire repect and confidence. (Near G. T. R. Depot ________ __________ ________- ~ -Su -tht -en-d, s s- the~r -s~e4 ] -~ ~ - j] uacnt~ Ho-arn -6u7 -~RovuLEiuik--~ldg4 r-, BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 2nd, 1922. WHAT GIRLS CAN DO An,011 without* Alcohol.-Some No one need endure the agony of ___________________________oiîs and many medicines have alcohol corna with Holloway's Corn Remov- At the opening session of the On- as a prominent ingredient. A judic- er at hand to remove them. HABIT'0F BEING ON TIME tario Religious Education Council iu jous mîngling of six essential oiîs _________________si Massey Hall on Monday evening a compose, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, il______________ These remarks are not intended Girls' Choir of 160, dressed in con- and there le no alcohol in it, so thato al T1rees for any Bowmanville person or group ventional blue skirts and white mid- its effects are lasting. of persons but are the resuit of ob- dies adopted by the Canadian Girls _________________ WANTED servation on various occasions. I in Training, delighted the large audi- RELIABLE SALESAGENT d Fruits is a most undesirable habit to be un- ence with their singing. Lantern TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON jt punctual any place or any tiMe. Be sldes were given illustrative of the For ibis district to seil our p on'e mensudeavoaim an obect Clerk's Notice of First Fruit and Ornemental Trees, Th'se wievr.bsse ovradoemovemeflt, summarized under four ofV tr'L tExlsv Teroyr ît The riter as see, overand ovr heade: «Cherish health, seek truth, Posting fV tr'1Ls xlsv ertr -again, the. tÎme of busy men wasted knwGdadsreohr" h GOOD PAY wbile waiting for the tardy ones to ko Gdad eveohrs. T e rLs,12,Mncpltof Oraey Vube.To appear to make aý quorum for the girls were directed by Miss Emily Voea u,192 uiiait f Oraenyj aub e Tedd. the Township of Darlington, Stock weseil je grown ini our e> ie transaction of business, in lodge, i w Nreie.Or ito >eries ~council. in school board, even in Miss Margaret Slattery delivered County of Durham Vreisi h et church. Some pastors gîve way to a splendid inspirational address. "If Notice ts hereby given, that I have V r paties a7s t be the weakness, and do not ascend the there had been no dreamers", she transmitted or delivered te the persons Toronto, pulpit until the choir la ready; while said, "there would have been no pro- mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario NreyC. Bowmanvi1Ie the choir is waiting for thus one wbo grecs, but the fate of the dreamers Voters' Lists Act, the copies rcciired Establislied 40vears - 600 Ares bas a solo, or for that one who le is to see visions which they will bysald sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to the only one of the part, and when neyer seein reality.. My dream i5 said Act, of ail pJersons appearing by the she arrives bier hair bas to be prinked, to see a world in which aIl men shall last revised Assessment Roll of the said __________________and the glass visîted for a laet be like brothers, and where love will Municipality to be entitled to vote in at br pinkng;ailthe imerein spree, bt Isha neer ivethe said Municipality a. elections for glilupse a irpikn;altetm emnspee u hl ee i e imbers of the Legisiative Assembly and the audience above le wondering if to eee my drearn fulfiljed". The at Municipal Elections; and that- the eomebody is ick, of if there is any speaker told the girls of her exper- said List was first posted Up at my office o real of eln ontim anway ieceswit gils n "-"'at Hamponon the eighteenth day of reluse oa epasotor wbo ba ie tes terribl cotions ande, and October, 1922, andremains there for in- iunLr Then comes atrwobsdfe-tetril dtos under which spection. F r it r ae ent ideas, and goes into the pulpit some of them liveti, and appealed to And 1 hereby cail upon ail voters to J and opens the service at the announ- them to work to make the world bet- take, immediate proceedings to arevbeing te. "t ntmte htrcerrors oromsin orce codna eb i g I r C . choir as are on handi, the tardies- be- or color or land you belong to, she Dated this 2th day of October, 1922. n r a e u W -UN ng surprîseti at firet, then improviflg saiti. "It le what you are and what W. R. ALLUN,in ea e M their habit, and finding that it le you do and how you live that mar~ks Clerk of DarlingtonTonhp lu11 just as easy, after aIl, to be on time you as worthy or unworthy. We 43-2 y Long Distance IIJ4i4~J as to be late. Many a town council have handeti to you a world war -_________________ meeting, many a board o trade tomn and curseti, anti it is for you Sm uttosfonrcn ___________ VA meeting, many an important lodge to work 'and uplift it, and you will VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE e pqots:fo rcn meeting ,has been the scene of im- make my dream corne true". patient waiting, the leader not hav-Clr'Noie fFrt "Some of our Commission %rd work cou ing the chance the preacher has of _______Noticef____ ttra-vellers have matie as npn wtr ystarting away, for bie bas to wait for Posting of Voters' List high as $20.00 a day by tevaluable al obusiness. And unpunctu UT -___O_____ NTYü-*gth elponwih Li 8W:thnlga qormforor ecase- UTTAK F POTU YVotera' List, 1922, Municipality of ur 1 ephnw ng and arvest.alt ree s ho cnclude ta theye Our girl readers are becorniig the Village of Newcastle, County otlaigtercar. kg the free wind aiebthase weîîbe ong somehathing quite in love with dear old Auntie. çDrm.Weesodteeylt Double Geered else while waiting for the pokeyc Th i weedsheellethercorn erting- Ntc shrbygvta ae ter of enquiry xith a tele- "TOONT* nd husth dieas sreas. uttransmitted or delivered to the persons phone caîl, 'as it enables TROT"it is onîy a habit, like $orne other dis- 1y. rnindi eto fthe Qtaro eases, and would give way to the In our mmndc, she snys, we con- Voters' Lis's Act the copies requied by us ta close a deal, give Winmils reamen o wil owe. Wy ot llsidr Opotuntya goriusthig.Said section to he so transmitted or de- ativice or seoure informa- Wjdnlmare teteto ilpwr WyntalsdrOprunt lrostîg ivered of the List, made pursu5flt to machines that attend to the duties we have as- We look toward it as if it were a satid Act, of ail persons appearing by the tion imrnediately." kinds of wjnds sumed in a businese-like way, do the thing at a distance-in fact, always last revised Assessment Roll of said complete and business. get homne, and let others at a distance-surrounided with Municipality to be entitied to vote in "L D. is an essential part 7e. ~~~~get home. It is always safe to re- chances ail of wihch would bring the saiSof-MunicipalativelAetions forstm fr ot member that the other fellow niay us fortune if we coulti only grasp it. and at Municipal Élections and 'Lhat buying anti selling. Alrnost esHng booklets have a right to be considered. His But somehow it eluties us, slips away the saiS List was first posteS up at my it"TORONTO" tinte may be valuable, anti we have juet as we seem about to take holti office at Newcastle. on the fourth daiy of as gooti as a persanal fa towasteit au own abit aîls way t a .October, 1922, and remains there for cott. Windmjlla and n rigbtt t t by uowhai of itflsaayt distance agaîn inspection. otc. LmpS. Write Me of unpunctuality. anti there it stays glittering witb AnS 1 herehy Cati upon ali voters to "We1 use L. D. to , make copiea-mailed I hopes part, or to corne. For mort take immediate proceedings to have any often 'Opeorti1nity le dnly recogi errors or omissions corrected according collections." ~STINGSPROTECTING FRUIT TREES nitiwe taspseatio we to law. look iz hck into be past witandmoans Dated Octoher 10, 1922. "Mu'sli of our furniture is mkrW T.M ouDmno'Horti- anti regrets. Mayfuskeor H. C. BONATHAN, hought by Long Distance." nakeran W.fT.sacounkDomiion IClerk, Village of Newcastle. Ont culturist writes The James Papers to gaze fixeti on thece lost opportuni- 43-2 We con tell vou how Io say that wbile the depredations tic folti our bande ant i gve up. apply Long Distance to fom miceanti rabbits in winter vary, That is a cati pity, for shoulti an- lotaybsns from one year to another, tiepending other opporti4nity corne we coulti GET READY FOR THE CHASE am.toybsns on the scarcity or abundance of foodi, not takeit, we shoulti have lost the ~QJthe number of mice which are in the power, our mintie woulti have become Specîal Train For Hunters R. C. DOUGLAS 000viinity and the character of the so blunteti anti dulleti that we coulti winter. the injury ie always greatest flot cee it. Opportunities are of no The open season for hunting deerMage when the orchard is in coti, anti when use unless we have thie ability ta anti moose in Nortiiern Ontario leiînae there is rubbish lying about, hence make use of them, recognize them rapidly aproaching. South of the the latter choulti be removed before when tbey corne to us, anti catch French anti Mattawa rivera Novem- the wlnter sets in. In most cases it holti of them quickly. In case others ber 5tb ta November 2th inclusive; is not necessary.nor advisable ta have are dependent upon yau that is nat- north and west of these rivers, Oct. the orcharti in sati, particularly when urally a check ta yout mavernents; 25th to Nov. 30th inclusive. North the trees are young, altbough.-l it is and ttQ neglect others ta whorn you of the Transcontinental Raîlway higbly important ta bave a, caver are esseutial ta gratif y your ambi- Line the seacon is from SePt. i Sth CASP~ crap, whicb also may sarnetimes be- tion iË. like pushing others untier ta Nov. lStb inclusive. 1E,'ery BellTelepho-ne, corne a harbour for mice. As mice water that yau may swimý, chancing The Canadian National Railways Long Disfa-,e Sfatioý, j g may be expected in greater or less whetber yau gain land anti ca help traverse the fineet bunting territory ~ numbere every winter, young trees tbem. If you try antisceit mare in thie country. This fact witb their ~'* shoulti be regularly protecteti against in this îigbt yau will flot begrudge ta special anti regular train service their ravages. Mice',usually- begîn others wbat they can abtain, for, makes "The National Way" the working an the graunti untier the with a clear conscience, you coulti premier hune for the bunter. The enaw, and when they came to a tree nat.- Sucb opportunities as these bunting groundis are so vast there la they will begin ta gnaw it if it is not ve eau let slip by without campunc- game for everyone. pratecteti. A emaîl mouud of soil tian, anti witb aur mintis still alert The celection of grounds is a mort T e t Y u fraom eight ta twelve inches in height watch out for others. There are important matter anti one wbicb re- aîseti abaut the base of the tree will many tbat came close at hand but quires careful study. The territory A disordere< âgh. often prevent their injuring the tree, perhaps seem to maîl ta be of any hunes nlorth of Parry Soundtisl already Heinsyte wroný adeven snaw trampeti about the value-oppartunities ta develap your reacheti by the Canadian National 1y1e ýd Cream. tree bas been quite effective, but the own mind reading good books or a favorite one, but tbe new country yeealy cheapeet anti eurest practi e is ta stutiy, or îistening to athers' talk; east anti west of Capreol ls as yet o rgnrly wrap the tree witb ordinaryîbuilding oftea by belping athers you can help comparatively little known ta the iver rectiy on ti p4per, the price of which lis merely yourself tawards impravement. Hunter anti shoulti, therefore, be nominal. Tam paper le also effect- Neyer neglect cuch chances. highly attractive ta the f ollower of act strengthen tl 1. urs ual, but trees have been injureti by the deer anti moose. bowels, rem( using it, anti it is well ta guard a- _______________ The Canadian National Raihways n lt + gaînst thîs wben building paper wîll are providfing speciai train, service, rg t 'h sy ema do as well. Ater the paper ie wrap. which with regular trains will ineet Y ucn" ve would peti araunti the tree anti tieti, a little al ead. Seiltaiswl e1v a avý earth shoulti bc put about the lawer . operated as follows: Leave Toronto nervous syst( rite us. end to prevent the inice fmom begin- Union Station 11.15 p. m. Oct. 31st T ake complexion i- ning ta wark there, as if they get a for Capreol anti intermediate pointe, start' the paper will not stand in t anti 11.15 p. m. Nov. 2nd, 3rd anti their way. It may be stateti, how- - 4th for Key Jct. anti intermediate ever, that among several thousanti points. The usual ample accommo- ay Goa B eecio fseeigcas agaecr "Young trees which have been wrap- dto fsepn crbgaecr peti with building paper for years at anti coacbes will be provitiet, the Experirnental Farm, Ottawa, The Annual Hunter's Leafiet le- there have been practically no iu- cueti by the Canadian National Rail- stances where the mice have gnawed ways le now ready for distribution, Sold througb the paper to get at the tree. anti may be obtaineti on application eeyhr The use of a wire pratector, or onýe, - > , ayaet of the Compaey, or * THE MOST COMPORTABLE PAIR regardlees of the style are uuually the ones that you wear out lirst. Someone has said that we ean neither be good nor good-natur- ed in Shoes that hurt. OUR SHOE REPAIRING keeps ail the comfort, restores the style and good, looks and lengthens the 11f e of your shoes.' Try us. G. W. Humpag The Repair Mau King-st. E. Bowmauville Liver FaîrIy r Id liver throws the whole ig and'affects the health Beecham's Pulls act di- the liver, cleanse and he stomacli, regulate the iove Ail impurities fromn and make you fit and well, re a heallthy body, strong ,em, bright eyes andl clear if you ham ys APPLES WANTED Apples suitabile for evaporating purpose for which highest prices wilI be paid. Delivered at our ýevap- orator-corner Queen & Division-sts. Johnl A. Holgate & Son Phone 153 Bowmanvllle

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