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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 8

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SPINSTERS' CONVENTION Tyrone, Saturday, November 4th Attend the Spinsters' Convention ~at Tyrone on Saturday evening, No- -vember 4th., and see ail the (>Id maids ground up, remodelled and niade into blooming-young maiden6 of sixteen. Corne and enjoy the biggest laugh you ever had in your ]if e. Admission 20e aqfd 40c. Concert begins at 8 o'ciock. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday, Jr., Mr. Elgin and Miss Greta Munday and MiUss Marjory Stevens spent Sunday with friends in Peterboro ...Mr. aid AMrs. Nellis, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- lop, Brantford, spent the week-end at Mr. L. C. Snowden's .... Mrs. D. H. Cotes, Dr. Llyn Coates, Brant- ford, motored down on Saturday and spent Sunday with relatives .... Miss Tille Trenouth returned home after, ;a pleasant visit with her niece, Mrs. R. D. Trimble ... . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trhnble sjient Sunday at her aunt's, IMrs. A. Trenouth, Hampton ... . Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin and daughter Eileen :spent Sunday with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. *Roy Metcalf, MaseLine .... .Rev. E. B. Cook oc- cupied the pulpit most acceptably here Sunday, the Pastor being at Clarke preaching anniversary ser- mons .. .. Mr. and Mrs. James Burn- ett, Toronto, spent Sunday with her aister, Mrs. F. Swallow. HAYDON MVr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited relatives at Salemi Miss Dora Mountjoy, Oshawa, aund Mrs. Lambkin of Nestieton, at Mr. Thos, Mountjoy's; Mr. H. Ashton, Mrs. L. Graham and Mrs. J, Wright attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Robt. Smith Carter which took place from the residence of Mr. John Westlake, Bowinanville. H1e was -a former resi- dent of this place and was very highly' respeted .... .Stýnday after- noon at 2.30 p. m. Mr. John A. Hl- gate, Bowmanville, wili occupy the pulpit here. Special Thanksgîving service. . League on Sunday even-. ing at 7.30 p. .m. Program will be in charge of the First Vice-President, Mr. C. Avery._ Everyone cordialiy învited. Our annual League "At Home" will be held here on Monday evening November 6, when a choice program will be given, consisting of choruses, dialogues, solos, and literary num- bers by local and outside talent. Re- freshments willalso be served to ail1. Admission 25c and 15e. NESTLETON Mr. WilliamArsrn having rented his farm to-Mr. A. S. Staples will move to Howmanville where he lias purchased a house, he and Mrs. Armstrong wiil be missed in church, choir and social ircles ... . Mr. J. : .Emerson has returned from a vis- -twith bis daughter, Mrs. Wilton Bread. Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Cread and son accompanied hlm om.... Mr. and Mis, Joseph Sut- ton Who have been visiting her llmetler, Mr. John W. Emerson, havzt returned to their home in MViailtoba. We are glad to report Mr. John W. Emerson so much im- proved in health as to be able to len)joy a drive out occasionally. Tutlie will continue ta improve. . -iand Mrs. Botwright, Sonya, vis- edMis. J.' W. Emeron... .Mr. Ainbrose J. Veale, Windsor, rècent- ly visited his father, Mr. John Veale ...Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright and daugliter and Mr. W. Woods, Osh- awa, Sundayed under the parental roof. ... Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright have returned from a four weeks qisit with friends in Toronto, Water- lord, Windsor, Amhurstburg .and St. Catharines and sight seeing in De- troit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Walker- ville, Ford City and other places, having had a very enjoyable time they report. ENFIELD) Special service will be held her'e on- Sunday,, November 5 at 7 p. m., when Rev. Herbert J. Latimer of Columbus will preach. Good mus- le wiil be provided and a liberai collection- requested. Monday, Nov. 6 a chieken pie supper and concert wili be given. Tea seived from 5î té S. Afteî which a fiist-class con- cert wiii be given by Mis. Ros C. Pearce, Elocutionist; Miss Alma Weîîy, Soloist, Enniskillen; Bow- manville Methodfst Quartet and the Pontypool Orchestra. Admission: Aduits, tea and concert 50c; tea 35c, concert only 25c; childien 5 ta 10 years 20e; 10 ta 14 years 35c. 44-1w Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, bas had neaîly 30 years' experience as suc- eessfui auctioneer. He conduets ail kinds of sales. Local represent- ative, Tom Perey. 40-t PRESENTATION AT BETHESDA Two very pleasing and important happenings are ta be recorded from this centre of intelligence and pro- gress ta The James Papers thîs week. Those who attended the Masquer.- ade and presentation in Bethesda Sunday Sehool rooms on Friday evening were warm -in praise of or- iginality of characters. Miss Fer- guson and Mi. W. G. Rundie were chosený Judges .nd ad no amal difficuity la choosing arnong the eilidren. Masters Tom and Alden Hoar as Gold Dust Twins were awarded first prize. Master Dudley Bradd as "Indian flhief" and Tom Hbar as "Old Dutcb Cleanser" tied for 2n.d prize. 'Mrs. Wickett as "Coilege Girl" carried off the prîze among the Ladies. Mi. Floyd Dud- ley'as "Spanish Cavaliei won the men 's -prize. The sehool rooms were appîopîiately decorated by junior girls. A central f eature was an addîess and preseatation. This address read by Miss Berta Cale ta Miss Florence Werry wil explain itsef. Dear Miss Werry,-As the timei of your sojoura amang us grows shorter, wre your -neighbars and friends, have gatheîed ta express oui appreciation and -gratitude for yaur years ofunselfish service in the variaus activities la the community. Community life does cansist of many actîvities, and in ahl of these yau have generously taken. your funl part. It is witb sincere regret that the members of the Bible Class leain of the necessity of loosing you as a teacher. You have proved yourself a true follower of Christ and your teachings fîom week ta week have rung true. We cannot tell you bow munch we shahl miss you, for your departure will be a distinct loss ta the whole community. It is always bard ta part with those we love., We feit that we could not ailow the occasion ta pass witbout sbawing in some tangible faim this appre- ciation and personal regard. Ac- cordIngly, we ask you ta accept this gift as an outwaîd sign of aur inmost feeling which cannot be ex-. pressed in words. Wbile oui gift does, not begin to commensutate with your unselfish service, we hope yau will accept it as a token of oui gratitude, and4 an expression of aur good wiil. - We extend ta you our veîy best wishes for your .f utdre and pîay that a kînd Providence may guard and guide yau. Alsa that we may have the renewed pleasure of meet- ing, you often. Kindiy believe, that wheîeveî yau go ln the years ta came, the good wishes of yaur fîiends of Bethesda f ollow yau. Signed1 Elsie E. Wi"hite, Ethel Coucb, Luta N. boni, Ethel M. Cle, Everton White, Floyd Dudley Miss Giadys Collacott made the p resentation, Bethesda, October 27, 1922. Announcement To The Residen ts o'f Newcastle and Cia rke*-TownshiP Having bouglit out the business- as carried on by Mr'. Geo. Eilbeck, toget- lier with the store and property at New- castie, it is our intention to carry onthe Furnture and Funeral Directing Busi- ness togother with sucli other lines as we may decide on, and in the samne store. However, until such times as some chank-es are made and a new stock lias beeni placed, we as k Sou to bear with us t7rroiigh any inconvenence As Soon as we are installed into Our NewcastLe1 Store we shall endeavor to menit yo-ur custom and patronage by seling goodcs as low as the lowest pos- sible uriccýs, and by giving prompt and efficient service to ail. F or the present Mr. Eilbeck will be p1eased to take care of any orders for us, xvhich Pmav, be sent to him, or telephoine direct to Bowmanville and 'we wilL at- tendqicl to any business entrusted to U'S. F. F. MOR )ARI1S. CO.0 Newcastl e Orono Bowmanville 'TheNecs1Irdpdrt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1922 NEWCASTLE The Misses Dîummond are visiting friends in Oshawa. We regret ta repaît the continued illaess of Mis. F. Butler. Asa Martin, Toronto, spent a few days with friends ini twn. Dr. and Mis. ]Ernest Allia ac- companied Mr. F. Allia ta Toron- ta. Mis. W. J. Moore and son Lyle spent the week-end with relatives la Brighton. Remeniber the miscellaneýous shower at the home of Mis. W. T. Jackson Thursday evening. 44-1 SMi. and Mis. W. Deline and fam- ily matored ta Napanee ta spend Sunday with Mi. Deline's parents. Mis. (Rev.) Campbell, Tdronto, is visiting bier daugbter, Mis. G. Honey wbo is confined ta bier home through illness. Say friend, is your namne written there "on the Voters List". Ta- day is the last day ta enter comn- plaints at tbe Clerk's Office. Dr. Walton Balil speat bis October holidays at barris Lodge and gave a biitb'day dinner ta a number of fîiends on Wednesday last. Dr. Herbert Caiveth and family, Taronto, spent the week-end at the brick cottage, summer home of bis brother, Dr. Gea, Carvetb. Recent vistais at Mi. and Mis, W., b. Pearce's were Mi, and Mis. Gea. A. Pearce and Miss Fein Oke, Darlîn#ton; Mi. Raymond McLeod and Miss Edna Hall, Mi. Roy and lady fîiend of Toronto; Misses Mai- ion and Helen Edmison of Toronto. The young people eajoyed them- selves at a very largely attended masquerade dance in Alexandra Hall on WednesdRy evening. A number of very pretty and original costumes were on display, and the evening was a decided success as viewed from every angle. Among recent guests at Harris Lodge were Mi. Choate, Part Hlope, Mi. and Mis. Albert Baîl and Mr.. Ernest Bail of Reveistoke Manor, Miss Treleaven and Miss Charlotte Rose and Messrs. Graînger of Toi- onto, who spent a short time at the lodge enraute ta, Rice Lake for a duck shoot. Mi. /A. A. Clwill's friends and neigbbors made a bee last week and hauled bis entire apple crap ta the Fruit bouse, something over eleven hundred barrels. This surely is theý proper spirit for neigbbors ta cher-, isb, and is but another example of the kiad of people that dwell la and around Newcastle. For Rent-Applications wiil be considered from anyone desirilng liv- ing apartients for thc roomus over Andeîson's and Jamieson's stores, Newcastle. Applications wouid aiso be considered from Lodges or from parties desiring offices. Owner wili, remodel ta suit any of the above. Apply ta "D. L.," Drawer B., Bow- manville. 43-2 Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, Courtice, wba conducted anniveîsary services at Carke Churdli Sunday afternoon and ýevening, preacbed la the Meth- odist Cb'ureb on Sunday morning, and deliveîed a mast interesting and eaiightening sermon on the inspira- tion of the Holy Seripture and of their profitable use for doctrine for reproof, for correction, for instruc- tion in -righteousness. One of tbe iargest audiences that ever gathered in the Methodîst Sua- dy Sehool Assembly rooms iistened with enger attention and keen la-1 terest ta Di, James L. Hughes' lect-I ure on 'Robeit Burns' last Mondayi aiglit. The Dr. spoke of Burs-thel man, paet, patriot, religlous and so- I cial reformer and best exponent iný Scotland of the teaehings of Christi on brotherhood and demacîacy. The Dr. also exhibited on the sereeni some 75 splendid views of persans, i places and scenes connected witb the life of Burns or mentîoned la bis writings. A good deai of work is gaîng for- waîd at NeweiaÉtle 4n-the-Lake In preparatian for the 1923 vacation1 seasan. Mi. Herb. Dickson bas eieared the grbund jnd ;laid thée. foundations for bis prospective up- to-date bungalow; Mi. Wm. Hen- nings, oui local caîpenter, is busy at1 work remodelliag and renovating Mi. Gea. Bull's bouse; Mi. Stanicy'l Milis of Port Hope, is building a new ice bouse and double garage on the grounds of barris Ladge and Dr. Cea. Carvetb is baving materila hauled for improvement ta some of bis properties. Teacbersýý and pupils of the 111gb Sebool beid a masquerade party at t.he sebool on Friday nig-ht. It was CHANGE 0F BUSINESS Having sold out my store -and business, I take this oppaîtunity ta sineerely tbank my many customers and fîiends for the many years bus- iness which they bave favored, me with. Mis. Eilbeck and myseif will be very sory ta forgo the privilege of meeting daiiy witb oui maay neighboîs and fîiends la the store, but, believing it better for oui own inteiests that we may live la a more quiet way, we bave soid oui busi- ness ta F. F. Marris Ca., for whom we would b1,peak the same court- eous and geiferos treatmeat which bas alwaysbeen extended ta us. Until such ýtime as we are moved into oui new home and until Mi. Morris accupiess the store I shall be glad ta take care of any business for hlm which may be left with me. Yours sinceîely, Geo. Eilbeck. Newcastle, Nov. 1, 1922. NEWCASTLE Art Gray was home f rom Oshawa f or the week-end. Miss Bessie Gibson is visiting with fîiends in Brighton. Miss Naomi Horrocks, Toronto, is visiting friends here. Art Toms returncd home fîom Kingston on Saturday. Miss Frances Gibson, Oshawa, spent the week-end at home. Mis. Brent, Buffalo, is visi'ting with Misses Lee and Dewar. Mr, b. Gibson of Belleville, was a week-end visitai at W. J. Moore's. Miss Pheobe Lake spent a few days witb friends in Bowmnville. .Mis. Wade and daugbter Ethel are visiting witb friends in Toronta. Conratlatonsta Mi. and Mis. ,W. G. Hay on the biith of a daugît- er. Mis. Tozier and famiiy, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mis. J.> E. Mat- cbett's. Miss Jean Matchett entertained a number of, ber friends on Tuesday evening. - Mis. b.d. boar bas been visitîng bel' mother, Mrs. S. S. Bragg, Pro- vidence.. 11 Messrs. Fred Lake, Jim Smith and Bob Waltani motored ta Toronto on Tuesday. Mi. and Mis. L. Parnell and fam- ily spent Sunday witb friends la Port Hope. Miss Edizabeth and Ruth Bina- cock visited fîiends la Clarke over the week-end." Miss Helen Tuif, Toronto, spent the week-end witb bier aunt, Mis. Frank Branton. Butcher White bas been confined to bis 'bcd for the past week but is now on the mead. 1Mi. and Mis. Wmn. Finley and Mi. Cliffia, Port Hoýpe, spent Sunday at Mi. Gea. Jamleson's. Miss Gladys.Matchett bas retuîned home fTom Toronta after a pleasant two weeks' visit wîtb frieads. <Mi. and Mis. Jack Hislop and Mr. and Mis. Fred Lynd, Whitby, spent Tuesday at Mis. Robert Gray's. Councillor Wmn. Buckley will soon bave bis fine new brick residence on King-st. West, ready for a tenant. 'Mi., and Mis. C. Papineau and son, Q sbawn, spent the week-end wîtb bis parents, Mi. and Mis. Ed. Papineau. Mis. J. C. banca'ck, Miss Ida ban-, cock, Mis. Fred Lovekin and Mis. J. Robinson visited la Newtonville on Friday. Mr. and Mis. Rayaci and daught- cie, Grimsby, are visiting ber par- ents, Mi, and Mis, D. J. Gibsan, bazel Dcli, Miss Rena Thomas entertainea a number of ber friends on Monday evening and a' most enjoyable ýtime wai spent by ail present. Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson bas moved ber household effects fîom the Par- nell residence, Beaver-st,, ta the Jamieson -Block on King-st. West, Mis. Gea. Honey had thie misfqor- tune ta fali down celiar receiving serigus internai ,injuries. ber nurnerous friinds wish ber a speedy ieceovery. Farenian Bevis is rushing wark on oui Community bal la inoder to beat Jack Frost. 11e expeets ta have the roof on within the next f ew weeks. 1The J. Anderson Smith Co. is compelled ýta work overtime la an effort ta keep up with its rush of orders and Manager Smith is look- ing far extra help., ,Latest reports fîom the bedside of Ex.-Warden A. A. Colwiil are more encauraging, bis condition be- ing considerabiy impîoved during thc past day 'ai twa. Thc stork paid a visit ta theý home af Mi. Asa Clarke and left n pair of twins-a boy and a girl, but we are sorry ta repart ýthat the lit- elc boy bas since passed away. Mi. and Mis. W. J. Peara went up ta Part Union last week ta be pies- cnt at n social evening given, by Mi. and Mis. P. O'Neii. A largenum- ber of guests wee present £rom different parts of the Pravince and a very en3oyable time wns-spent la dancing, games, musice'and singing. Quite a large number framf here attended the anniveîsary services at Clarke Sunday also the splendid f owl super on Manday nigît. We uniderstand the Clarke ladies fnmed for many yenrs for their excellent supper,. surpnssed ail previous efforts la catering ta, the wants of the in- ner man. I. METHODIST ANNIVERSARY Ninety-Eighth Anniversary of the Planting of Mthodiam in Newcastle. Rev. Samuel W. Fallis, D. D., Tor- onto, Book Steward of the Methodist Church of Canada, willconduet an- niversary and thank-offering ser- vices in the Met'hodist Church on Sunday, November 5th. Dr. Fallils will, preach at il a. m. and 7 p .m. Special music by the choir at bath services. Offering and subseriptions in interet of local church funds. 44-1 JOINT RECITAL AT NEWCASTLE A concert of exceptional interest ta music loyers will be the attraction at Alexandra Hall, Newcastle, Nov. 8 at 8 p. m., when Miss Jocelyn Clarke, mezzo-soprano, and Mr. Leslie Holmes, Bass, will give a joint recital. Miss Clarke is a pupil of blie Hope Morgan Sscool of Singing in Toronto and bas aiso studied with Olga Lyme, the famous operatie singer and teacher, London, Eng- land. During the war and since, ffhe bas sung regulariy' at hospitais for the benefit of wounded soldiers, as weil as on the concert platform, and for the star radio concerts. She is soloîst at St. Augustine's Church under Canon F. T. Plummer. Miss Clarke is a granddaughter of the late Mr. James K. Allen of New- castle. Mr. Leslie Holmes is a pup- il of Dr. Ham, the weil known sing- ing master and organistof St. James Cathedral, Toronto, H1e is also ane of the star radio artists and bas given mucb time ta singing 'f or soidiers in bospitals. H1e is bass soioist at St. Augustine's Churcb. A mosý delightful program is being ai- ranged by these two artists, and a very, great musical treat will be afforded those who are present on thîs occasion. The accompanist 'will be Mis. Charles Clarke, whose interest in her former town and Parish Church of St. George's had led ta arrange- ments being made for this recital in aid of organ fund for the restoration of tbe organ in St. George's Churdli. WEDDINGS Garrard-Mountjoy -A quiet wed-ding took place on Saturday, October 28 at tbe home of Mi. Thos. Mountjoy, Haydon, when bis eldest daughter, Vera Ir- ene, was united in marriage with Mr. Chas. L. Garrard of Haydon. The bride who was givea in maîriage by hier father 'was prettiiy attired n navy bine silk canton crepe and carried a bouquet of Sunburst Roses. Rev. J, E. Beekel, Betbany, officiated. The wedding march was piayed by Miss Rose Mountjoy of Nestieton, cousin of the bride. After the ceremony ail repaired ta the dining- room where a dainty luncheon was served. The, bride and groom left later on evening train amid- show- ers of confetti for Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in suit of bine velour witb Beaverine collai and hat of.sand velvet. On their return they wîll reside near Haydon. CHIROPRACTIC Your Nervous Force is the Best Tonic No matter what youî ailment is, do not think your case is hapeless until you have tried Chiropractie Spinal Adjuistments. What it bas done for others it wiil do for you. The chief contention of Chiroprac- tic is that disease is caused ay pres- sure upon neivous tissue and that when the pressure is relieved funet- ion is re-established. 1Nature woîking through a normal- ly adjusted body wiil speedily bring it back ta the standard whicb she bas set for it. Free clinie for childien ten yeaîs and under Tuesday ,Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Consultation free at office. Dr. D. E. Steckley, Temperance JointM 9e cit a WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8 in AirLEXAwNDRA HALLi Street, opposite Opera House, Bow- manville. Phones. Office 141J, Residence.141W.- Hours 2-5 Tues. Thurs. and Sat. 7-9 every evening except Sunday. Visiting Hampton, Enniskilien and Burketon Tues. Thurs. and Sat. forenoons. New- castle and Orono Monday, Wednes- day and Friday afternoons. Shouild you wear glasses? Glasses are worn for three reasons. They help thie wearer to see comfortabiy and well. they preserve the sight, and by r- moving ail strain fîom the eyea they improve the generai health. Try to grasp the fuil meaning of this. Think what it means to have your sight preserved. That is what giasses do for those who need them. You know how much your eyes are worth to you, but you don't know whether you need glasses or not. You cannot tell the exact condition of your eyes, but if you consuit oui qualified 0O'ptometrist, R. M. Mitchell, he can tell you. He knows. "Have Your Eyes Examined" R.NI. Mitchell &k CO. Druggists Optometrîsts Phonè 92 Bowmanville 1MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity ýUni'versity, ai.. of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Dîseases of woai- en and children. Office--Parkeros. Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M Hlonor graduate of Trinity Univeraity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Coilege, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Pont- Gradidate Medicai Sehool and Hos-. pital of New York and Feliow of the. Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'e RoBidence, Newcastle. Hours-8S to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 1). m., and by appointment. J. W. Bradley Newcastle Generai, Insurance Agent Cierk of 2nd Division Court, Com- missioner, etc. ORDER .. CO0A L NOW I expect another car of that good ýCoal (Domestie Size) this week followed by a car of higli grade stove, next week. Geo. Jamlieson Newcaistle STOVES is what you' want flow that cold weather is' coming. We bave'a large variety at Very Low Prices. Cali and see WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle SPECIAL THIS WEEK, AT WALTON'S GROCERY 8 pacekagses Lux ...........35C Broom's..................................... 45c and 65-c Post Toasties ............................... 0 package R. WALTON Grocer NewcoLst1e Britton' s B re adC Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H.S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electrie Toaster Stove Just the thing for light cooking or heating purposes. Will toast and bake at the same time. Element is made of very best resistance wire ob- tainabile and is guaranteed for one year. Not expensive either: Blue Steel Finish $2.00 Aluminum Finish $2.50 Aluminum Finish with Toaster $4.w0 Altuminum Oven $5.!;o H. C. BOUNATlHAN »

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