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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1922, p. 1

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tlie Vol LXVII. M. A. JAMES &.SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. THE STORE 0F QUALITY Many Delightful 1Frocks Suits'and Coats Here are myriads of delightful Frocks, Suits and Coats-one is actually bewildered by their varied charm. Artistie draping-luxurious fabrics-distinctive garnitures ail combine to make this showing one of the most interesting ever presented. You'11 like thenew fashionsand particularly the models you'1l find here! New Clothes For Men and Boys Etep out with the new season; breathe the cooler air of fali, but enjoy it most by dressing correctly. TPhat feeling is best assured by making your selection from our new stock-just ar- rived from the leading -makers of the country. Regard this as a personal invitation to visit our Men's Department. C ouch, Johnston & rydermpan. Bowmnanville 'Phone 104 Limitea Ro-,yal ,Thý.:atre BOWMANVILLE Thursday NOVEMBER 9th Gladys Walton - In 1 "THE GUTTERSNIPE19 Buster Keaton é"HIS WIFE'S RELATIONS" Friday-Saturday "THE DUST FLOWER"t Monday-Tuesda.y Lady Diana Manners In "The Glaoos Adycturl" Brownie The Dog In "4TIN CANS" Wednesday Miss du Pont In 44THE GOLDEN GALLOWS" Chapter aine of "ROBINSON CRUSOE'9 ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE Mý,ONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOV. 13-14 The Glorjous Adventure THE BEAST AND BEAUTY WIIY should the most beautiful woman of a whole continent, arid of ancient noble lineage, wed a condemned felon at midnight at the door of his clli? WIY shoul-1 Fate step in and hy the strangest freak cheat the gallows of its intended victim and set him free to dlaim hie bride? WHY should Destiny again intercede to cave the titled beauty for the mnan who ail the time has heid her heart? Admission: Aduits 25, Children 15c THE EDITOR TALKS. We shall be sorry if a.ny young person who reads this family journal this week should f ail, to read the article on "Lloyd George's Deposi- tion" by Mr. Charles M.1_ Bice, B. A., LL. B., of Denver, Colorado, on an inner page. It will be fouad vcry interesting and informative on the present political situation in Eng- land. Another article on sgme page-' See your Doctor About It] is also well worth a thoughtful read- ing. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honor Roîl For October CENTRAL SCHOOL J. H. Johacton, Principal. Sr. IVGls-oga Carruth- ers, Marion Roach, Grpgory Colmer, Anale Taylor, Annie Cartwright, El- sie Yeo, Greta Pollard, John M. James, Marjorie Freemnan, Doreen Battle. J. H. Johnstan, teacher. Jr. IV Ciase-Irene Bateman, John Alexander,.Helen Darch Lela j McMann, Montague Allen, Bern ce Bagndil, Flora Alcuniblrack, Ken-j neth Luxton, Vera Wood, Nelson Jackman. Miss M. M. Jenaings, teacher. Sr. Ill Class-Marjorie Moore, Greta Munday and Marion Hamil- ton equal, Nellie Kirkton, Frank Jamieson. Novelda Berry, Kitty Knowles, Harold Williams, Byron Cryderman, Florence Oliver. 1Miss Helen G. Morrie, teacher. Jr. III Clas-Morley Vanstone, Horace Hobbs, Leola Miller, Dor- othy Canning, Ruth Allun, Marlon Hamley, Margaret Oiliver, Bert Wyatt, Phyllis Darch, Olive Joncs. Miss G. M. Wicicett, teacher. Jr. III, Class-Geoffrey Terrett, Duaine Thickson,. David Tordiff, Stanton Caverly. Sr- II Clas-Marion Leggott, Bruce Cameron, Roy Lunney, Don- ald Campbell, George Ives, Billie Gray. Miss E. M. Blackburn, teacher. Sr. II Class-Evelyn Drew, Edgar Tomlanson, Joseph Barton, Marlon Allia, Geraldine Williams. Jr. II Class-Sarah Bassinger, Newton Hackncy, Jack, Hall, .EdcI- ward Richards, Lawsoni Kirkton. Miss G. M. Amtog teacher. Se! - II Class-Evelyn Goddard, Marioni Lyle, Alan Maclean, Alice Jackman. Jr. II Clas--Phyllis Challis and Caroline Hamilton, equal, Ruby Thomas, Stanley Dunn, Joseph Alex- ander, Marion Battle. Miss L. L. Bragg, teacher. Sr. I Clas-Ivan Hobbs, and Bob Raffatif equal, Yvonne Tighe, Ruth Tuerk, Kathleen Westnutt, Edward Bagnell, Walter Chenery, Marguer- ite Burden, Harold Gibbs, Charlie Cawker and Kathleen Thurston equal. Miss M. A. Wilson, teacher. Jr I1 Class-Jack Martyn, Byron Vanstone, Greta Pierce an.d Jack Lunney equal, Muriel Taylor, Russel Smith and Mary Thompson equal. Sr. Primer-Bill Jollow, Rowan Byers, Mary Switzer. Miss Gertrude C. Hamley, teacher. Primer B-Sidney Dillick, Dor- othy Mewhinney, Mary Maclean, Lorraine Pickard, Flossie Yeo, Christina Crombie, Edith Morris, Ruth Hamm, Dorothy Wilson, Doris Hall. Miss Nellie E. Montgomery, teacher. SOUTH WARD Primer Class-Bertrand Jackson, Ceeil Jackman, Arthur Humpage, Creswell Bassinger, Bernard Dilling, James'Callan, Louise Cole, Patsy Conolly, Willic Phillips, Jack Roach, Howard Steiaburg, Anna Barrett. Miss Flo M. Galbraith, teacher. Jr. II Class-Dorothy Marsh, Evelyn Flaxman, Maud Wyatt, Gor- don Flaxman, Edward Flaxman. 1 Clas-June Loughman, Lila Brown Leonard Wilson, John Blunt, Ruth É'urdy. Miss Mildred F. Cale, teacher. Attend the 'Home-makers festival' and supper, St. Paul's lecture roomn, Friday, November 17 from 3.30 to 8 P. M. The bazaar and supper under aus- pices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid on Tuesday passed off very success- fully.' The schooi-room was gaily decorated la Hailowe'en coloreaad the ibooths were very attractive. The various goods for mile included sorne vcry useful and pretty articles. A splendid supper was served by the ladies which was well patronized. Dr .-And Mr CC. HatmanA FORMER, BOWMANVILLE CITIZEN PÂSSED TO REST John H. Mayse, Rochester, N. Y. The remains of the late John H. Moyse who died on Wednesday, Nov. lst at the residence of his son in Ro- chester, N. Y., were brought here Friday nig4ht. The funeral took place, on Saturday from the resi- dence of his nephew, Mr. Herbert Moyse, Queen4t., service being con- ducted by Bey. W. H. Spargo. The bearers wcre hie four sons and two nephews, Mr. Norman Moyse, Toronto, and Mr. Herbert Moyse of thîs town. Deceased was'bora in Cornwall, England, and aftcr coming to Can- ada lived in Tyrone and later in B owmanviile, removing to Rochester about thirty years ago. Hie was 111 for about three weeks previous to his death and passc.d away at the ripe old age of 85 ycars. Mrs. Moysc died while they resided la Tyrone. Surviving are four sons aad one daughter-Messrs. John H. and George Moyse of Newv York City, Richard and Charles Moyse of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. P. Clark, (Ada) of Albany, N. Y., ail of whom wcre present at the funeral. The interment took place beside those of hic wif e in Bowmanvillc Cemctery. A GOOD WOMAN PASSES Mrs. Daniel Houci<, Espanola. Numerous relatives and fricnds living la Bowmanviiie an.d vicinity and others attcaded the funeral on Wednesday, Noýember lst, of' Mrs. Danel Houck of Espanola, Ontario, sister of the late Mrs. Thomas Power, Base Line, Darlingtoa, aad Mrs. Ed- ward J. Power, Orono. Bey. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., officiated. Mary Matilda James, bcloved wife of the late Daniel Houck and daught- er of the late William James of Cam- bray, was bora in Mariposa and died in Espanola, Ontario, on October 30th la her 72nd year and was inter- rcd in Bowmanville Ccmetery on November let. Mrs. Houck has been a iife-long member of the Methodict Church and she with ber husband and family have been active workers and stauach supporters. fier 11f e wýas filled with thoughtfulness for others and a host of friende mourn the lose of a kind and truc friand and neighbor. Through al'l her long tedîous illness prior to her -de- mise her bright hopeful disposition, has been an inspiration to ahl who came within the circle of her In-1 fluence. Sh*e le survived by three sons, Edgar of Calgary, Alta.; Mil- ton of Napinka, Man.; and Lorne of Espanola; and thrae daughters: Mrs. H. C. Bowerman, Burford, Ont.; MIre. A. E. Storie, Sudbury; and Miss Mande at home; also three brothers: J. W James, Calgary, Alta; N. W. James, Kansas, U. S. A.; A. M. James, Detroit, Mich.; and one sister,, Mrs. E. J. Power, Orono. Oaa sister and ona brother-Mrs. Thos. Power, Bowmaavllle, and W. H. James, Bolton, Ont., predeceased her. Those attending the funerai from a distance were-Mr. 'and Mrs. Lorne Houck, Espanola;_Mrs. H. C. Bowcrman and daughtcr Bosaliad, Burford; Mr. Harold Power, Conis- ton, Ont.; Miss Mande Power, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Storie, Oshawa. The paîl-bearers were Messrs. F. N. Stevens, H. J. Souch, J. D. Storie,) Chester Power, E. J. P. Power aad J. H. Power ST. PAUL'S YOUNG FOLKS Friday evcning the newly decora-I ted School-room of -St. Paul's Church was filaed with an- intercstcd audi- ence when the young people put on a good progiýam. Bey, D. W. Best, B. A., the minister, presided and preseatcd the prorgram in his own usual witty manner. The opening nuumber was a quartet by Messrs. Howard Hailman, Alex, Me- Gregor, Tuerk and Carruthers; piano solos-Miss Margaret Aber- nethy; vocal trio-Mn, Howard and Misses Ruby and Irene Hailmaa; ne- citations-Miss Margretta Adams; vocal solos-Miss Jean Ramsay, Miss Majorie Bounsali and Mise Helen Yellowlees; Ukelele duets by Miss Lepha Doncaster and Miss Ruby Sewell; a medley orchestra selection lyy Miss Leone Wallace's c'lass and selections by the boys' quartat. The pnogram coacluded by an operetta "The Girton Girl and the Milkmaid", the: chorus bcing taken by membans of Mrs. Best~s Class, the part of Minerva, the college graduate, was well persoaated by Miss Jeosie MU- Dougaîl and Phoebe, the milkmaid, WIN PRIZES IN ENGLAND Durham County Orchardias Wi Two Prizes at Imperial Fruit Show in London. Canadian exhibitors in the ap pie section at the Imperial Fruit Show now bcing hcld la the Crystal Pal- ace, London, England, made a grand dlean up in thc awards accordiag to a cable received by Fruit Commis- sioner at Ottawa. Ontario l.eads with il firsts, 9 seconds, 1 third, and 2 specials. British Columbia won 4 firsts, 2 thirds and 2 specials. Nova Scotia securcd 2 firsts, 3 seconds, 5 thirds and 3 specials and Quebec 1 second and 'i third prize. Durham County orchardists were conspicuous amoag the list of prize winners. Mr. W. H. Gibson won firet prize on a six-box exhibit of Starks and Mr. J. F. Osborne also carried off the blue ribbon on a six- box exhibit of Golden Bussats. Wc coagratulate these gentlemen on the honor and glory they have brought to themeelves and their native coua- ty of Durham. MIDLAND COUNTIES EDITORS Semi-Annual Convention at Part Hope. The semi-annual meeting of, the Midland Couaties Press Association, was held in the Council Chamber, Port Hope, on Fniday aftcrnoon, November 3rd. Mn. Geo. W. James, Bowmanville, President, was la the chair and Mr. Gordon Lapp, Bright- on, the Secretary was on duty. Aftcr routine business was disposed of a round table confercace which took up most of the time and which pro- voked much healthy and heipful dis- cussion was indulgcd la by most of the members precent. Mr .A. R. Ailoway, rcceatly of the Oshawa Re- former, who has been visiting many of the countny offices la the Province, gave a very practical addness on "le a Country Newspaper Business, Worth While"? Hic observations led him to suggest some thinge in i the line of improvemient and helpful ý features such as btetter local newsi service, illustrations, more editoriali opinions on ýlocal matters, home pnint, better iaake-up, catchy head- ings, change in size of columas,goodj presses, dlean pninting, aeatly fold- cd papers aiways maiied on time, correct spellhagof names with pro-t per initiais,, dean offices and if pos- j cible owniag the building. The ad-, drees was very attentîvely heard and' approved. The presence of Mr. E. Boy Sayles ,Toronto, Manager Can- adian Wcekly Newspapers Associa- tion added very materiaiiy to the ~discussions and suggestions to the meeting. Among others present ware: Mr. Cao. Wilson, Lindsay Post; Mr. D. D. C, Dawe, Peterboro Examiner; Mn. C. W. Richards, Millbrook Mirror; Mn. J. C. Rocs and Mr. J. Ewart Mackay, Oshawa Re- former; Mn. O. RB Alger, Oshawa Telegram; Mn. B. C. Colpus, Osh- awa; Mn. M. A. James and Mr. N. S. B. James, Bowmanviile Statesman; Mr. Graydoa M. Goodfeliow, Whit- by Gazette; Mr. John Mnrker, Pick- ering News; Mr, F. W. Wilson, Port Hope Guide. ORANGEMEN'S BIG NIGHT Bowmanville Citizen' Makes Present- ation ta Lincl*ay Orangemen, Considerabla local interast was attached to the big Orange Lodgel function at Lindsay on Friday even-_ ing when over 100 membens of lm- pariai Lodgc, No. 2767, Toronto, paid their brethren of Lindsay a fraternal visit. Dýuring the course of the evening Major F. H. Bounsaîl, Bowmanville, madea veny acceptable presentation to the iodge which The Daily Post reports as follows: >The prçsentation'of three chairs and padee'tials to the Building comn- mittea was made by Major Bounsal of Bowmanyille. The chairs were those for the Master, Deputy Master1 and Past Master, and la makiag the presentation, the Major referne d toi the lata Sir Sam Hughes in the Master's chair, and to the late Dr. Wood in connection with the Deputy Master'e chair. Pedasbals ware giv- an with the chairs. On bebaif of the building committea and on ha- haif of aîl the Onangeman of the town thase gifte were rcaived by W. Bro. E. W. Moore, who made a neat 'speech in reply. The chairs and pedestais are beautiful places of furniture and are deepiy appraciat- led by the local Onder. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Bey. Gco'. Macon preached splen- did sermons la St. Paul's Preebyter- ian Church on Sunday, Bey. D. W. Beet, B. A., the minîster, officiating at Newtonviile Preebytenian anni- vcnsary services. St. John's Church, Rector, Bey. C. P. Muirhead; Onganiet, Mre. Jrio. A. Guan. 22nd Suaday after Tria- ity November l2th. 8 a. m.-Holy Communion, il a. m.- Morniag Prayer. 2.30 P. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Evening Song. Preacher, The Rector of Miilbrook, Rev. C. R. Spencer. Methodiet Churcb-Rav. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Pastor la charge of both services. 10.30 a. m.-Ciass meeting and Moraing fours, il a. m. -Bey. C. L. Irwvin, D. D., Pastor of Grace Mcthodist Church, Win- nipeg, will preach. 2.30 p. m.- Suaday School and Bible Classes. 7 _. m.-Sunday School delegates will brng messages from the necent On- tario Religious Couacil Convention in Maesey Hall, Toonto. Bey, S. C. Moore pneached a good sermon and dispeneed the sacrament to a large number of communicante in the Methodiet Church Sunday. Hie address on Thaaksgiving con- tnined some veny practical suggest- ions, He was assisted by Beys. E. A. Tonkin and W. H. Spargo. The evaning service was taken by Bey. fi. A. Buat, B. A., of Canton, who gave a splendid Thanksgiving ser- mon from Pma. 103, 1-5. Mr. Bunt le oaa of the younger men of Co- bourg District,.fie possesses a good, voice and the coagnegation was de- iighted with hie manner and hie message,, and will be glad to hear hlm again. Mrc. B. Thompson sang "The Gift of Beet" and the choir sang two fine aatheme. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS WANTED To Join Junior Clasis of Bandsmen Somcbody bas said that a town without a band le ýlike a church with- out an ongan-and there's a lot of tnuth in the rcmark.' A gooC. liveq up-to-date band le also..ona of the habst advertiscmente a town enca pos- sese. Bowmanville got hback on the musical map this summer with the, popular weekly baad concerte fur- nishad by the Chamber Qf Com- merce Band which were well attend- cd and appreciate-d by both towa and country eltizeas. The band is to be commended for the step it is aow takiag in starting a junior cans of bandeman for young men and boys wishiag to leann to play aay band instrument. LeEsoae are frac and instruments wil be furaishad to a limited number. Practices wiil be held once a w eek. If you ana înterested la this nove- ment communicate at once with B. L. Berry, Secretany, Bowmaniilie, C. of C. Band. YOUNG FOLK DEBATE The debate under the auspices of the Mission Cincie was givea in the Methodiet Sehool Boom, Wednesday evening, November 1, wlth Mns. J. L. Brooks, Vice-Presi.dent, la the chair. 'Subjeet of debate: "BRe- solved that Foreign Missions are more deserving of our support than Home Missions". The affirmative was supported by Mises Anale Cox and Buth Grigg, and the negative by Misses Manguenetta A.dams and Leone Wallace. The arguments on both sides were wcil suetained and the young ladies deserve praise for the excell ent material which thay pnesented. The judgee decided lu favor of the negative. Judges being Mrs. (Bey.) Moore, Mre. F. R. Eoley and Mns.,J. E. L. Cole. Vocal solos were given byMiss Reta C oie, Mrs. B. Thompeon and Miss Leone Quinn; piano duets by Misses Tone Quinn and Grace Caverly, Misses Mabel Couch and Mildned Cola. WHO DOES THE BUYING FOR YOUR FAMILY? The statement bas often been made that woman do over 75% of the buying for the ordinary famiiy and wa hava, no reason to doubt this as- sertion. If such is the case thare le going to ha a lot of inteneet takan by the ladies of Durham Couaty la the spaciai buying'event announced by MeMurtry & Co. Limitad of Bowmanvilie on page 4 of this issue. The mild open weathen this fal has not been condueive to early buy- iag in heavy and wanm materiais for winter. Thesa conditions have nffccted maay lines of business. Me- No. 45 Il

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